K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLanguage of Evidence



Yes but to translate it is there a list of approved translators by them or can any translator affix a translation?

SV350zNot Telling02013-09-05 22:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLanguage of Evidence

Update: I have read through every document and forum required for the K1 and nothing mentions if the information used as evidence should be translated to English and if it has to be translated at a specific location.

SV350zNot Telling02013-09-05 18:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLanguage of Evidence

Hello All,


I am just putting the last touches on my K1 packet and I have a question, I notice that secondary evidence of the relationship can be helpful as well as including ongoing evidence of the relationship to help future steps.


I have plenty in the form of Skype convos, Facebook chat convos, etc.  However, we speak in Spanish --- because he speaks spanish and I speak spanish as a secondary language very fluently. 


Do we need to have these things translated to english to use them as evidence?  I also have many passport stamps, residency in his country, a business in his country with him, we rent a place together half the year when I am there and a ton of boarding passes, so I dont think I am missing good evidence but the other stuff I want to include.


I also have 7 reference letters from family, friends, even his ex boss stating they can both confirm our relationship and several the ongoing intent of our relationship however they are in spanish.  Shall I get them translated and if-so do I need to find a special translator approved by the embassy in El Salvador (the country where he is from?)


Thank you

SV350zNot Telling02013-09-05 03:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about state laws

susysteele - I feel the same.  I don't anticipate or see why there would be an issues for us now that DOMA is gone but I still will sleep better once the actual Visa lands in someones hand the first time.  I know a same-gender couple has an interview thursday (tomorrow) so that is what I am waiting for.


The truth of the matter is that I am worried about the embassy in the foreign country, although many VJ members have assured me there is no reason to be.  I have dealt with them many times as I have lived overseas with my fiancee but they are nuts and weird.  Hopefully they will move things along well, hopefully we can get some good news from other filers soon on their journey.


VJ rocks - everyone. So thank you.

SV350zNot Telling02013-09-25 21:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about state laws

lost_at_sea - thank you I did not find the FAQ on my own, the other thread I do follow.


Harpa - thanks! I outlined it to them, we have solid plans and I meet all the other requirements fine.

SV350zNot Telling02013-09-25 18:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about state laws

susysteele - thank you.  Huge relief.


kmiami15 - Gracias.  I will add you as a friend and follow.


We are going to follow today, we are going to need someone to watch over us because his interview will be at the El Salvador embassy which has a reputation to be veryyyyyy slow.

SV350zNot Telling02013-09-25 18:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about state laws

Hi everyone,


I am mailing my K1 packet out today, we have a strong case, detailed information etc.  I am a bit worried on one thing though: We are same sex.  That is not what worries me but to be more precise, I recently read that two individuals got a refusal letter because the petitioner lived in Texas and it is illegal for first cousins to marry there and they are first cousins.


As many of you know, VA is not a gay marriage friendly state.  I lived in Virgina for 6 years, before that I was born and raise in NJ.  I moved and lived in Central America for 5 years where I met my partner and lived with him.


This year I listed my address as USA again because I have not remained in El Salvador the whole year, only 7 months, so filing my address would be VA as residence.  I am worried they might deny our petition because in the state of VA it is not permitted that we marry, we have NO INTENTION (at all) of living in Virginia, we actually plan to reside in NJ which recognizes but does not marry same-sex yet, however, we would get married in a much more romantic place anyway.  I like Mass and would plan to take him there, we would get married, and start our life in NJ together.


I wrote all of that in my I219 Supplement detailing those plans, but I just want to be sure, it would really suck for all of our hard work to be denied just because my residence is listed in VA.


Can anybody shed some light on this? I know it's a weird topic at VJ and same-sex isn't your main audience, so thanks for any support.

SV350zNot Telling02013-09-25 17:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew Journey Begins (we are same-sex)

Thank you all!  I am going to specifically mention my intent to goto Massachusetts and also mention where and how I have planned this.


Thank you all for the input, I am very worried about the embassy here but you all have cleared that up - as long as they will treat us with some dignity that will be fine.  I just want the same opportunity to atleast apply that everyone else has.


@Harpa Timesh - I heard 6 to 7 months, the embassy here is slow but I have a few hetero couples who are friends and have had about 6-8 months for the full process.  I am in no hurry though, thankfully I am able to live over here with my other-half until the process gets done, I hope that helps us that I live with him most of the year, have a business with him in El Salvador and have held temporary residency in his country - hoping that helps to show our relationship is legit, because it's been a lot of work and battle to make this possible.

SV350zNot Telling02013-09-05 18:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew Journey Begins (we are same-sex)

Thank you both! We are going to apply and hope for the best.


I notice for the procedure i need proof of a job.  I do not have paystubs because my job is online and does direct deposit.


would printing 2 years bank statements and highlighting the direct deposit with company name work?



SV350zNot Telling02013-08-27 15:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew Journey Begins (we are same-sex)

Hi Everyone,


Note: To anybody who is offended by me or my story I am sorry if you disagree with my preferences.  I am just here to start my journey, we have suffered just like everyone else and can finally apply.


Just want to introduce myself!  This community has been outstanding for information and I just wanted to join in.  I plan to list my journey here to help others and maybe I can also get some feedback, either way, I just want to throw my story out there.


I have been traveling to and from El Salvador about 4 years, I own a business down there and always visited.  One day I met my spouse, he was at work (a local restaurant/bar) and it kinda just went from there.  We have been together 8 months and we are engaged and very in love.  Our relationship is stable, I currently live in El Salvador with a temporary status (3 month temporary residency, its' a pain).  I can't get any other status due to the fact that El Salvador does not recognize same-sex anything, period.


We have 3 businesses together, lots of photos (starting from day 2 of our relationship), lots of witnesses, emails, facebook stuff (does that count? It should.... ), I have atleast 15 passport stamps to El Salvador over the last year.


I know that DOMA is gone and we now are able to apply for a K1, but, I wasn't ready to jump.  However, the K1 Visa page on the .gov website now says that same-sex couples get the same rights immediately and we can apply just like anyone else.  I know everything I need, we meet all the requirements.  My own parents and family can attest to my relationship, etc.


I meet the income requirements in the USA and have a US full time job plus our businesses.  


Now my paranoia:  It seems that a lot of this process hinges on the interview at the US Embassy in El Salvador.  I have personally dealt with them many times, they are pleasant but slow.  El Salvador is a very open minded country with an insane gay side to the city, despite rumors that it's closed minded.  HOWEVER, the officials and government are pretty negative.  No harassment in the street, etc but they are not overjoyed to help gay people either.  Not a place where I'd go and say, hey, this is my fiancee.  In fact, I fear for the health of our relationship in the long term since in El Salvador we cannot PROPERLY marry, get joint accounts, etc.  I am worried that we could be denied at the Embassy because an officer might say that our relationship is not valid because we are same-sex or that its not tangible or stable because according to many peoples gay couples are less faithful (who knows, but we are faithful and happy and honestly good people).


I figure I will need to mention specifically that we plan to goto Boston to Marry since we plan to live in New Jersey which does not have gay marriage although it does recognize unions.  I have planned this out, saved the money, invested my heart and time and am ready to risk it.  I have struggled so long in El Salvador, I have been in violent and bad situations due to the poor conditions in El Salvador, and I have feared for my safety and business many times, I am ready to just come home to the USA and bring him with me.  I am a US Citizen too and I deserve to be happy too....... it is hard enough to survive these days much less in Central America.  Sheesh!  But I've done it to be with him, and I like it, but it's not the same and it's not safe.


Does anybody have any tips on what he might experience at the embassy?  How can we avoid discrimination?  We plan to get married days after he gets here, I meet all the requirements for the K1 and he has never even attempted to enter the USA, no prior issues, etc.


He has a basic English level, I have him going to the best English school and he has a motivation to learn, I know that's not required but if he is going to come to the USA he is going to speak English, I live there and speak fluent Spanish.  I taught him the basics of the USA too and the names of the states and presidents.  


Our goal is to be in the USA on or before August 2014.


I plan to file within the next 2 months, calculating 6-7 months time for approval puts us in May or June of 2014. 


Comments? Tips? Thanks VJ people, I know you see alot of threads, hope mine isn't too repetitive.

SV350zNot Telling02013-08-26 02:34:00