I know it's only the NOA1 and that we have a ways to go, but I am so excited that we are at this point and that it's in their hands.... if my roommate wasn't home right now I'd probably be screaming just cause i'm that excited :)

Good luck to everyone here, may our trips go quickly and smoothly.... and thanks for all the assistance I've gotten so far and for the assistance I'm sure I'll get in the new few months <3 to you all
Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2012-06-06 20:11:00
CanadaTN Visa- Any experiences?

Hi there, not sure if this is the right subforum for this, but don't flame me too hard if it's not!! :) Basically I was wondering if anyone had any experiences with having or trying to get a TN visa to work in the U.S. I'm a Canadian citizen thinking of moving to the U.S. for a while and I just finished a degree in a field that qualifies for a TN visa under NAFTA. I'm a little confused because the site I was looking at, this one about the visa states "Canadian citizens usually do not need a visa as a NAFTA Professional, although a visa can be issued to qualified TN visa applicants upon request. A Canadian citizen without a TN visa can apply at a U.S. port of entry" and the link it provides about this doesn't give any further information.

So... Any experiences anyone would like to share?


I have some knowledge regarding a TN as my profession is on the list. There are requirements though.... I may be wrong and I don't know what you program you graduated from, but when looking the list of accepted fields, it requires a degree/diploma plus at least 3 years work experience in your field. It's not as easy as just going to the border and saying hey, I want to move and work in the US.... you have to have a job lined up which includes a letter from the employer, you need letters from your previous employers stating that you have the experience and a TN is temporary... not permanent...

as for what that site says (I didn't read it) but a Canadian MUST have a visa in order to work in the US...

here is a link from the USCIS that will have the appropriate information .... link

and this is the profession list with what is required for diploma/degree and experience if needed. link

Edited by Jen and Mikey, 14 June 2012 - 11:29 PM.

Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2012-06-14 23:19:00
CanadaConfused about Required Vaccinations
I was curious about the same thing and called the Dr. in toronto and was told that all I needed was a tetanus and flu... I'm 35 and hadn't had some of the ones on the list, but because we're older, we don't need them for example the Meningococcal and the Hep B...

here is a list of vaccines that are required from their site list of vaccines

basically you'll just need to make sure you've had the 2 MMR shots, recent tetanus, flu shot and then if you've had chickenpox you can just tell them you have or you'll need that shot too (or proof that you've had the shot).

Edited by Jen and Mikey, 22 June 2012 - 04:55 PM.

Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2012-06-22 16:53:00
CanadaNew Bridge in Windsor Ontario
I also lived there. I think it's great that they are doing this bridge. Huron church is way too crowded with transports and it'd be nice to not have to fight with them from the 401 to the bridge.

I refuse to use the tunnel and from what I recall, that's more frequented by people going to and from work.

Don't know if I'd use the new one ( for some reason I thought it would be more for the transport traffic) I love what they've done with putting the exit for 75 right out of the toll booth at ambassador
Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2012-06-29 17:53:00
CanadaK1 visa then what?

Hello everyone, Hope VJers can help me answer some of my questions.

We applied our K1 visa last feb 2012. And we dont have any idea how this K1 visa process. We thought that after 5 months i can move to US then get married.So thats not gonna happen soon.
My questions are.

1. When the K1 is approved and move to US then get married, can I find a job after ? or do i need to apply for work Visa or something.?
2. From K1 then what?, what? before i can get my green card.

thanks in advance for the help.

there is a guide tab at the top of the page..... read it! it will inform you of all you have to do.... and on the main page of the Canada forum there is a topic for either the Montreal or Vancouver and that will give you all the info you need for after the initial application is approved.

It's not just an apply in the states and you go..... there are steps that the beneficiary has to take too.... good luck

Edited by Jen and Mikey, 05 July 2012 - 10:29 AM.

Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2012-07-05 10:22:00
CanadaPolice Clearance

Here is what is provided on Montreal's website:
Police certificates from each country in which the applicant has resided for one year or longer. The
certificate(s) must be issued within one year of the date of the visa appointment. NOTE: An applicant
must present a police certificate from his/her country of current residence and country of nationality, if
residence in such country exceeds 6 months

I would recommend you apply when you get closer to your estimated NOA.

lol do you have that on permanent copy and paste ;)
Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2012-07-09 09:40:00
CanadaAny VJers from South Western Ontario?

Kitchener, ON eventually going to Clarksville, TN if hubby re-enlissts, or wheremever we find ourselves. Hoping for Florida.

I've been to Clarksville several times.... my parents live in Hopkinsville... a stones throw away and was just there for memorial weekend :)
Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2012-05-29 11:51:00
CanadaAny VJers from South Western Ontario?

I moved from Chatham to Georgia on a k-1 visa in 2004 :)

wonder if we knew one another. Probably friends of friends hahaha
Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2012-05-09 20:50:00
CanadaAny VJers from South Western Ontario?

My husband is from Windsor, ON and will be going all the way through the tunnel to Michigan. All of this for a few miles. Jeeeez.

hahahaha.... I used to live in Windsor. Went to school there.

I'm surprised there aren't a ton from Windsor on here. ;)
Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2012-05-09 20:47:00
CanadaAny VJers from South Western Ontario?
Just curious if there are any "neighbors" out there going through this and where you're headed in the US.

I'm from Chatham, but living in London... going to KY :D
Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2012-05-09 14:05:00
CanadaPassport with Visa in my hand!
Congratulations :)
Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2012-10-11 18:33:00
CanadaGetting ready for pkg 3
Thanks for the info. I figured it was what you both said. Just wanted to make sure :)
Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2012-11-17 12:21:00
CanadaGetting ready for pkg 3
Hello All,

We are currently waiting for our initial I-129 approval, hopefully any day now and I've started re-going over things that I need for my end of this process.

When looking at the pkg 3 doc on the montreal website, it has the list of forms I need to fill out, as of right now I have no questions about those, but when it gets to the check list, that's where the questions begin.

The check list is basically a notification to them that I have our stuff ready to show them at the interview right?

And the one question I have regarding the check list is where it mentions wedding/divorce certificates.... I've never been married, but he has.... Am I to show his marriage certificate? We have the divorce cert, but that's all...

It also has the courier service ref number..... i thought we needed to register for that just before the interview...... and is DHL the ONLY courier we can use?

Thank you guys in advance, I keep trying to read everything over and over again, but nothing is sinking in.... I think my nerves are getting the best of me......
Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2012-11-15 16:48:00
Canadapacket 3 forms
I was just curious if I was able to fill out the forms now before I even get the i129 approval (should be any day now)....

Some of the forms as you know are done on their website... they don't get forwarded to them automatically do they?
Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2012-11-19 01:18:00

Talking to the beneficiary during i130 is not normal. You can try but no guarantee as the petition is not yours.

we didn't submit an i130.... we submitted for the K1 visa which is i129f
Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2012-12-07 21:11:00

As the beneficiary, you can also call. Why wouldn't they speak to you?

Everyone in this process has gone through the "I can't wait anymore feeling". My husband and I were just there. It was not easy. But, as I'm sure you know, it's well worth the wait.

Sending lots of patience to ya :)

Thanks :)

I'm doing my best.... I know it's coming any day now, just want it yesterday ;)

I'm not to sure why he wouldn't talk to me, he said that only the petitioner could call..... maybe I'll try again, because I thought that odd.. but then at the end of the day they're just gonna tell me what they tell everyone.... "Ya just gotta wait"..... that's why i'm not pushing my fiance to call....

anywho... thanks again to all for you encouraging words <3

Edited by Jen and Mikey, 07 December 2012 - 11:48 AM.

Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2012-12-07 11:48:00
i just need to sigh and remember to be patient, but it's killing me seeing all these people get approved who submitted after us. :( I'm happy for them, but c'mon I want mine too.

My fiance (petitioner) is too busy with work right now to even contemplate calling them so I tried, but they wouldn't come close to even consider talking to me....

so sighhhhhhhhh. I know it's coming, but these last few days and couple weeks are doing me in.... the light is there.... I can see it but it's just too far away to reach...

Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2012-12-06 13:25:00
CanadaAffidavit of Support
nevermind.... i didn't scroll through the entire document and I see that it's different for K1's...

my bad

Edited by Jen and Mikey, 13 December 2012 - 03:36 PM.

Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2012-12-13 15:29:00
CanadaAffidavit of Support
Was just looking through and double checking that I do have all the info for Package 3 whenever I can finally do it and it says on the check list form i-134 for affidavit of support, but then when you look at package 4 and what it's telling you to bring to the interview is i-864....

which one will I be bringing to the interview?

thanks in advance
Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2012-12-13 15:26:00
CanadaPerfect way to enter 2013
NOA2. Over 7 month wait is a cause for excitement.
Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2013-01-03 00:56:00
CanadaPerfect way to enter 2013
Thanks all :)
Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2013-01-02 00:52:00
CanadaPerfect way to enter 2013
Was a complete surprise, our approval finally came today... YAY!

That light at the end of the tunnel is completely bright and within reach...

Happy New Year everyone, may your next year be big and bright
Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2012-12-31 23:36:00
CanadaFor K visa applicants, a letter of intent to marry signed by the petitioner within 30 days of interview date
I am in the process of doing my package 3 as well.... no where does it say that I need to have a letter of intent submitted when mailing 3 in.... just that I will have one for the interview....

so what is it? most of you are saying yes, but i have the pkg3 pages open and it doesn't say anything about it....

anyone submit your pkg 3 without sending a letter of intent? if so was there an issue?
Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2013-01-11 15:45:00
Canada1040 plus W2? or tax transcripts? for K1 visa interview
I also have a question related to this....

My fiance has ordered his 2010 and 2011 transcripts from the irs and we're hoping that 2012 will be done before my interview.... What I'm curious about, if by chance his 2012 isn't completed by the time I go for my interview, can we just use a copy of this years w2?
Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2013-01-24 00:57:00
CanadaInterview is now scheduled :D

Can you do me a favour? Let me know if when you POE if you can import your car on a K1 visa. I am down here already and when I asked, they said I needed employment authorization first. I'm not sure if they are confused or if it's just because I didn't do it at the same time as POE.

will do :)

I"m still not 100% sure on the process. I was under the assumption that I had to take it to the Kentucky DMV and they just registered it there.... maybe i'm way off?

Edited by Jen and Mikey, 24 January 2013 - 10:51 PM.

Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2013-01-24 22:50:00
CanadaInterview is now scheduled :D
What a busy month.

NOA2 - December 31

PKG3 - January 18

PKG4 - January 24

and now I've scheduled my interview - April 16.

For all those wondering about dates available in MTL... I took the earliest. There were quite a few left for the month of April and May was pretty much wide open.

Hopefully I can reschedule for something a little sooner, but I'm still happy.

OH and after all that, I also got my compliance letter from Toyota today and my car is good to go....

Time to step back and take a breath, my head is literally spinning a million miles a minute.

I'm sure I will have more questions as I go this last leg of this part of the journey :)
Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2013-01-24 14:34:00
CanadaAOS approved!

Had my AOS interview yesterday and I was "recommended" for approval and told to expect my green card in 3-4 weeks! Yahoo! The interview was a breeze, even faster and easier than the one in Montreal. My review is here: http://www.visajourn...php?entry=11348

Thanks to everyone on VJ for their help. I couldn't have done it without you <3

Congratulations :)
Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2013-01-24 15:26:00
CanadaQuestions... need clarification...
Thank you all for your advice and input... I really appreciate it... :)
Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2013-01-31 00:35:00
CanadaQuestions... need clarification...

We are moving from Canada to KY this weekend via a uhaul. We're not bringing a car but when we were considering it, all I could find was the letter of compliance you mentioned, that its free with a K-1 visa, and they performed the import during your POE. I was looking mostly at the Detroit POE reviews.

As for the SSN, check back with us in a few weeks as we hope to have everything completed by then so we can give you an idea on what we went through.

that would be so awesome!!!! Thank you so much!!!

Where abouts in KY are you going? I'll be heading to Somerset
Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2013-01-30 18:14:00
CanadaQuestions... need clarification...

I don't know all the answers or any really but thought I'd chime in to help with what I experienced. Importing the car is tricky and boy have I struggled with that one. Long story short, in my situation Toyota was refusing compliance letters so when I POEd I didn't import my car at POE and am driving around on 'Code Z' driver's insurance from BC and my BC license. Now that Toyota is issuing the letters again I have requested one from them. I phoned a service port of entry and was told I could import it there (for me that is Seattle, but there are many ports of entry around the country that aren't at a border aka near airports and water ports) once I had my EAD.

Since then, I've been told I don't need EAD to import and that the officer was wrong- I've also not received the compliance letter via email like Toyota said I should within 3-4 business days unlike others on this forum. SIGH. So I need to phone Toyota today and figure out why they are screwing me over yet again. :angry:

As far as the SSN goes, I got it after 2 weeks in my maiden name, got married, and am planning to go back to change SSN to my married name. I filed for AOS in my married name and read on these forums that was the thing to do so hopefully it works out!

Not sure if that's any help and I can't help with the other questions (no idea plus I went through Vancouver), but good luck to you!

Thanks VeeNDee.... I hope that your toyota situation gets fixed sooner than later...
Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2013-01-30 11:58:00
CanadaQuestions... need clarification...

2. Please check whether this website would be helpful.

3. Please check this

5. Wait a few more days, then call them. It is probably already on the way.

thanks, those links don't answer what i'm asking......but thanks anyway
Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2013-01-30 10:57:00
CanadaQuestions... need clarification...
Hello all... I have been continually reading up on all that is needed for my next steps and some of those things have me a little confused. Instead of creating numerous posts, thought I'd keep contained in one :)

All feedback would be greatly appreciated especially those who moved to KY as that's where I'm heading.

1. So I registered on the CSC website, picked the Loomis here in London and and continued onto scheduling my interview..... The confusing part is the Loomis portion. Is that all I had to do for registering with them? Just tell them that that's where I want it sent and then once my interview is complete I get a waybill?

2. Importing my car. I have tried to read the ####### out of info on this.... I thought it was something that i did in the State I was moving to, but I'm now thinking that it's at the border? Is that right? I have my compliance letter already and I'm ready to do it whenever, I just wanted to make sure that it's at the POE.

3. SSN. There are so many threads on the topic and they all say 2 different things. My plan was to go down, get married ASAP and then go and register for my SSN (after the 10 day mark) and do it in my married name.... Some seem to say NO and others say it's not a problem doing it in your married name. I plan on taking all the info stated in the guide portion to help any uneducated on the topic reps that I may encounter. Though the one link that says to print a notice is now dead.

4. I-134 Affidavit of Support.... my fiance received his tax transcripts from 2010 and 2011... the only thing is that he did those taxes with his ex-wife and they don't show his income separately... Will that be an issue? He is hoping to have his 2012 done and back before my interview, so i'm thinking the others won't matter...

5. I still haven't received any letters from Montreal regarding pkg 4 and the Dr requires it..... I am hoping that it comes soon, but what happens if I don't get it.... will the email they sent suffice?

I think that's it for now.... thank you all again for helping me keep my sanity during this process. :)
Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2013-01-29 23:56:00
CanadaTim Horton’s Roll Up the Rim
HAHAHAHA that's awesome
Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2013-03-01 12:40:00
Canadarescheduled my april interview for march today :)

Can someone please help give me some context for what the "normal" approach is to scheduling an interview in Montreal?

As I understand it, CR1 applicants receive an interview date from the NVC. However, it seems like sometimes applicants can have their interviews rescheduled to an earlier date. Does everyone call to make this request? Or am I being unreasonable and I should just stick with the date I was given? If it is normal to call, how frequently do you call to ask for an earlier date?

I don't want to cheat the system by asking for an earlier time than I deserve, but if rescheduling is the norm, I don't want to be left out either. Any advice would be appreciated.

As far as I know CR1's get scheduled..... K1's are different... we do the scheduling ourselves. We do it through the csc website and have the option to check dates and if something is sooner, we take it.... Sorry I don't know anything else about the CR1... I don't know if you can call and change or if you're stuck with what they give you.
Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2013-03-04 21:44:00
Canadarescheduled my april interview for march today :)
Looks like Montreal has opened up a couple dates in March or had some cancellations.

When I first looked March 14 was available, but didn't want to take it without talking to my fiance. When refreshed that was taken, but March 19th was then available.

I took that date and it looks like there are more available for the same day...

So if you're looking for a march date, act fast. Don't know how long it'll last.


Edited by Jen and Mikey, 05 February 2013 - 11:43 AM.

Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2013-02-05 11:40:00
CanadaDo you think....

Montreal never notified me that it was shipped. I just logged into Loomis repeatedly until the reference number showed up with an item as "Undeliverable". I also logged into the CSC site and found that the tracking number had been added when I logged in. ALSO, when I logged into the https://ceac.state.g...AKjMWCuebHqOw== CEAC page it showed "Issued" instead of "Ready" for interview. THAT was very exciting!

EEEEEKKKKKKK you're making me so super excited. I can't believe it's finally here... I can finally say my interview is next week... All the anxiety and nerves and frustration of waiting seem to be a distant memory now :)

I will be stalking the living ####### out of those sites haha
Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2013-03-10 21:31:00
CanadaDo you think....

It's generally best not to make hard and fast plans before the visa's in your hand. You could be placed in AP, the visa could spell your name wrong, or DHL could damage the envelope that comes with the visa (which means waiting for Montreal to re-pack it for you). Though many Canadian VJers receive their visa quickly after the interview without issue, many of them also face delays such as the ones listed here.

that's exactly why I said tentatively planning :)
Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2013-03-09 16:02:00
CanadaDo you think....

I included my info on the poll. If you look at Timelines from recent applications you can see when they had their visas in-hand since that's one of the dates we put in our timelines as we move along here.

I know you saw my post in the poll but I'll add it here for others.

Wednesday 6th: Interview
Thursday 7th: Visa Sent out by Consulate vis Loomis
Friday 8th: Visa picked up from local Loomis location


*edit I went and looked at the recent interviewees and there were no updates hahaha I will keep going further back

Edited by Jen and Mikey, 09 March 2013 - 09:47 AM.

Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2013-03-09 09:42:00
CanadaDo you think....
Hello all,

My interview is on March 19 and I am tentatively planning on moving March 30... and I'm curious to know if you guys think that the time that i'm roughly allotting to get my pkg back is doable?

I've seen the poll thread, but really it's old and who knows how updated it is....

thanks in advance
Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2013-03-08 22:02:00
CanadaMontreal Approved YAAAAAY
Thanks all :)

I will get to review when I get back home. Didn't bring my laptop with me :)
Jen and MikeyFemaleCanada2013-03-19 15:36:00