USCIS Service CentersCongressional Contacts
bingowashisnameohMalePhilippines2013-04-12 21:39:00
USCIS Service CentersCongressional Contacts

Good compilation. Thanks for putting it together.

you bet..just hope it helps some people out.
bingowashisnameohMalePhilippines2013-04-12 18:32:00
USCIS Service CentersCongressional Contacts
All right it goes. I believe there has some Congressional dialogue going on with CSC today. The video that was posted last night along with some information i passed on to the following people. Keep in mind it is Friday. We don't want this to go cold Monday. I went through the Congressional Directory and tried to reach to Congressional Members whom i thought could be effective to help us. Please note you CANNOT notify these people on their Congressional websites if you do not live in their districts. However, all have interactive Facebook pages and Twitter accounts and these are the names...titles and how to contact them.

I would reach out and share your story. But I would also remind you we are all in this together. Therefore, just my opinion..I think it is important we are all speaking with the same voice...if that makes any sense? So obviously help yourself but keep in mind we are all in a position right now to make a good change for other people, specifically those who file petitions behind us. So here you are....

House of Representatives

I. Committee of House Judiciary
A. Chairman: Bob Goodlatte, https://www.facebook...odlatte?fref=ts
B. Chairman for subcommittee on immigration and border security, Trey Gowdy, Twitter: @TGowdySC
II. House Committee on Appropriations
A. Chairman: Hal Rogers, twitter, @RepHalRogers
B. Subcommittee Chair on Homeland Security: John R. Carter, twitter @RepJohnCarter
III. House Committee on Ethics
A. Chairman: Mike Conaway, twitter @ConawayTX11
IV. House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
A. Chairman: Darrell Issa, https://www.facebook...ellissa?fref=ts
B. Subcommittee Chairman on Government Operations: John L. Mica, https://www.facebook...ohnMica?fref=ts
V. House Committee on Homeland Security
A. Chairman: Michael McCaul, https://www.facebook...tmccaul?fref=ts
B. Subcommittee Chairman on Oversight and Management Efficiency: Jeff Duncan, https://www.facebook...fDuncan?fref=ts
VI. House Committee on Ways and Means
A. Chairman: Dave Camp, twitter, @RepDaveCamp
B. Subcommittee Chairman on Oversight: Charles W. Boustang, https://www.facebook...ustany?fref=tsA
C. Subcommittee Chairman on Select Revenue Measures: Patrick J. Tiberi, https://www.facebook...ongress?fref=ts


I. Senate Committee on Ethics
A. Chairman: Barbara Boxer, https://www.facebook...raboxer?fref=ts
II. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs
A. Chairman: Tom Carper, https://www.facebook...mcarper?fref=ts
B. Subcommittee Chairman on Efficiency and Effectiveness of Federal Programs and Federal Work Force: John Tester,
C. Subcommitte chairman on Investigations: Carl Levin, https://www.facebook...?ref=ts&fref=ts
III. Senate Committee on the Judiciary
A. Chairman: Patrick Leahy, https://www.facebook...ckLeahy?fref=ts
B. Subcommittee Chairman of the Judiciary for Immigration, Refugees and Border Security: Chuck Schumar, https://www.facebook...?ref=ts&fref=ts
IV. Senate Committe on Appropriations
A. Chairman: Barbara Mikulski, https://www.facebook...?ref=ts&fref=ts
B. Subcommittee Chairman on Homeland Security: Mary Landrieu, https://www.facebook...?ref=ts&fref=ts

*** you go. the contacts you need in addition to your local elective representatives. I hope this helps some people out.
bingowashisnameohMalePhilippines2013-04-12 17:59:00
USCIS Service CentersLegal action against USCIS - possible in this country?

I'm an early August filer

Called today to hear that they processing JUL 18 cases
The same answer I've been getting from them for more then 4 months, since December 2012
And they cannot open "service request" because its "within normal processing time"

Imagine the situation:
3 years from now,.. they still processing.. JUL 18, which is quite the possibility, considering number of Dream_Act/IllegalChildren applications they giving the priority in the comming months/years

would it be possible to start a legal action against them? When? After 1 year of waiting? 3 years? 5 years?

Any lawyers out there? Just curious

you can put it before a Federal Court and see if it asks a question if you as an American have had your rights violated in any way....but it would have to go through a Federal Court. You might want to examine the law a little closer on how long legally they are allowed to take..i think 8 months is the you may have something longer than that; but Federal Court would be the way to go with the rights question.
bingowashisnameohMalePhilippines2013-04-12 03:42:00
USCIS Service CentersVideo is complete! - Start Sharing!!!



Congressional Directory Link.........congressional committees

actual link....

Edited by bingowashisnameoh, 11 April 2013 - 04:12 PM.

bingowashisnameohMalePhilippines2013-04-11 16:11:00
USCIS Service CentersI Cannot Believe It!!

Stop the nonsense and start preparing for your fiancee to arrive. You have a lot to do.

The process is not broken, the process is not designed to answer the anxious questions of every petitioner. So stop it. You will only become more frustrated and accomplish nothing to help your fiancee.

You will get a notification in the mail when the petition is approved.

allow me to help you redefine nonsense: (as per Mr. Webster) foolish or meaningless words or actions....(kind of like your post) or the current perception of efficiency in government.

Edited by bingowashisnameoh, 13 April 2013 - 11:25 PM.

bingowashisnameohMalePhilippines2013-04-13 23:15:00
USCIS Service CentersNew info regarding CSC

Has anyone else tried contacting their senators about this? How does one go about doing that?

use this link....

Edited by bingowashisnameoh, 17 April 2013 - 01:35 PM.

bingowashisnameohMalePhilippines2013-04-17 13:34:00
USCIS Service CentersNew info regarding CSC

Yeah, I keep telling my fiancée " service for most things in the US is usually pretty good...except all the things we have to deal with to get you here". And she's like "ok, yeah, sure" :rolleyes:

you literally made me just laugh out loud...hahhahahhahahah!!!!! same here...
bingowashisnameohMalePhilippines2013-04-16 16:51:00
USCIS Service CentersNew info regarding CSC
all I see in that response is another excuse...'we did not have enough trained people' which can now be added to the growing list of excuses. Who are these people??? These are the people representing the first American organization people seeking visas see and experience. They are the first impression of our government and our country. I am so embarrassed. What an EPIC FAILURE!!!

thanks for the update though...we will see i guess...

Edited by bingowashisnameoh, 16 April 2013 - 04:18 PM.

bingowashisnameohMalePhilippines2013-04-16 16:14:00
USCIS Service Centers2nd Quick Response from Ombudsman


I emailed the Ombudsman office again, this time inquiring why November/December petitions at CSC are being processed ahead of August.

Here is my response:
"We were able to locate the issue that may have caused a few days’ worth of cases to be worked out of order. This was a result of the flood at the CSC a few weeks back. The cases in their file room were wet, and the whole file room was relocated. As a result, they didn’t have access to every case during that time. They believe they have now resolved that issue and are back on track starting today."

You know though I find this very good question is this....Why did they NOT put out a mass email or press alert and tell people what was going on??? Why put people who are counting on them to act responsibly and do their jobs through so much stress by NOT being direct??? This is the BIG issue I have. It is the lack of transparency. Otherwise, it looks like they are hiding something. However, I think people would have been pretty forgiving and accepting if they would have just simply said this is what happened. This is how we are resolving it....give us a timeline, apologize for the inconvenience and move hard is that? DACA petitions, plumbing problems and not enough trained has been one comedy of errors after another.
bingowashisnameohMalePhilippines2013-04-16 23:41:00
USCIS Service Centers15 approved petition everyday?

There were around 15 approvals for VSC for the WHOLE week last week.  There are roughly 200 unapproved petitions on VJ for Oct and Nov for VSC.  It does not take much to realize at around 60 approvals a month, VSC will not get to December filers for another 3.3 months.  That makes it August for December 2012 filers approvals at this rate (which has been going on for more than one week for VSC).  Now, CSC will be working on January Filers very soon if you look at their numbers, after all, they have approved a large number of November and December and they will clear this lot within a few weeks.  Well within the five month wait if you agree with the "zero" first month.


Before people attack me for comparing the two centers, take a look at some old threads that are titled "CSC vs VSC" or somewhere along those lines when CSC had their temporary slowdown.  My point is we have to be able to use another center's numbers as a measuring stick, if it is possible to churn out 20-30+ a day, then why not churn out 1/2 or even a third of this for the other center? 2-5 or even "zero" approvals for the day is just creating a backlog that is growing fast for VSC. 


We have been told at VSC that we can expect a five month wait...but the math argues otherwise.  I count a roughly 9 month wait for VSC filers at their current wait time, and as I said, this slowdown, "crawl" has been current for more than just a week or two. 

first you have very legitimate concerns. Second, nobody should be attacking you whatsoever for questioning the efficiency of any government agency. My suggestion would be to keep monitoring as you are and I would also encourage you and everyone else for that matter being processed through VSC to call and call and call and write your congressional keep the heat on them. Otherwise, for sure they will no doubt slip back into sleep mode; which is always unacceptable....collect data...monitor data, report data and keep them honest. It's the only way the system will ever improve. 

bingowashisnameohMalePhilippines2013-04-28 11:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMaybe the Demand on CSC Needs to Be Transparency
they need to meet their commitments and do what they are leading people to believe they will do and stop making excuses. I know my tax bill is due on the 15th...and if i dont send it in and tell them i had a plumbing problem and it got wet, we all know that won't fly...or if the return is out of order and does not make sense or if i am not transparent with my income...i am very aware what the governments response is going to be to that too. some may argue it's not the same thing...but it is definitely the same thing.
bingowashisnameohMalePhilippines2013-04-10 22:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMaybe the Demand on CSC Needs to Be Transparency
it's beyond ridiculous and you are correct, the military has much more transparency than immigration. I find it all beyond insulting. I can't help but think as I saw the protesters in Washington on the news today if maybe..we...our government sometimes invites illegal immigration with such a ####### system filled with people working that simply do not seem to care. Maybe the answer instead of passing more legislation is reforming the ####### system they have now to make it more user friendly, efficient and most importantly more transparent.
bingowashisnameohMalePhilippines2013-04-10 22:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMaybe the Demand on CSC Needs to Be Transparency
First time post here. Since October and even before I have sat and watched this board. And I must confess I am absolutely appalled and even a little insulted....not at the VJ community, I think it's awesome, but at the entire immigration and visa system in the US. As a person who is a veteran and who pays his taxes, I am absolutely disgusted. Whoever came up with the VisaJourney concept is brilliant because there is obviously a need. It's somewhat unfortunate because government should be transparent to begin with. However, I have read repeatedly about inquiries made to the service centers and congressional reps and there seems to be a disturbing pattern of wanting to know from the callers where they are getting their information; as to use that response as some sort of rebuttal that since the information is not coming from them that it is suddenly questionable. I find that very insulting and would encourage everyone in the future, when calling they make that point very clearly and very loudly. I don't think anyone here is asking to be moved to the front of the line but it certainly should not be treated as being out of line to demand transparency. The recent non sense with CSC goes way beyond the line of acceptable behavior from any organization funded by public tax money. I would ask anyone who cares to join me to please even after your petition is approved to stay in this fight for the people in line behind us. As a USC and petitioner this really sickens me to no end. Someone somewhere started the VJ website because the government did not. They developed it to establish some sort of clarity and transparency for anyone seeking a US Visa...and they did it for free...because the US Government did not, but should have. All of the stress I see caused from mostly simply not knowing what is going on is extremely offensive when you think of the cause. Asking for transparency in government in order to eliminate unnecessary stress and concern should not be this difficult. My suggestion to any of you the next time you call to follow up on your case and are asked where you got the information...I would suggest your response be 'I got it from a website that maintains more transparency for immigration than you can obviously maintain for yourselves; so therefore that should not concern you.'
But as far as me remaining quiet..I am done. I am a person who prides myself on patience. However, no one on this board should be questioning themselves on whether maybe or not they are being patient enough. What is happening here is WRONG..WRONG...WRONG.
bingowashisnameohMalePhilippines2013-04-10 21:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSC approval after just 4 months!

Congrats... That's wonderful news. You have nothing to be panicked about or feel like you are cutting the line... You likely frontloaded your petition extensively and received no RFEs. If you look through the timelines of those approved quickly, like yourself, none of them received RFEs and those from July, August that are just now getting NOA2s, almost All of them had a RFE along the way... Therefore, it appears that they are putting through cases that have no issues regardless of dates and it's taking longer for those which likely need more review. Be happy, you have received your NOA2 with lightening speed. I frontloaded ours as well so, I hope to have no RFE and be put through quickly although, ours is at VSC. Good luck to you and Congrats again. You are on your way. This is a time to rejoice. God Bless.

and exactly how do you know this???? or are we simply guessing??? I prepared our packet and I am VERY CERTAIN everything was put in there and it was put in outline form with a table of contents as suggested...therefore I apologize in advance for seeming a little skeptical. Just seems to me to be in poor taste considering we actually talking about peoples lives here; to openly suggest that if you are not absolutely certain that is a fact.
bingowashisnameohMalePhilippines2013-04-11 10:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHaving a VOICE

I'm sorry, all of the super sleuths on this website are working on rumor and paranoia. Plenty of others have argues against DACA slowing things down (because their notice says they will hire more people), or have argued that influx of applications happens from time to time, or have tried to explain how the centers readjust their workload, but some people in these progress report subforums just want to blame it on someone. Two years ago everyone was blaming Haitians for having an earthquake and messing up their immigration. Before that it was someone else, and before that, someone else.

If you can't understand how a self-reporting website can be prone to error and mob mentality, then I don't know what to say.

and if you don't understand how paying to submit a petition to a government entity (an organization funded with taxpayers money) that is supposed to represent and work for its people; or understand that simply demanding efficiency and consistency is absolutely within reason...then i have nothing to say to you either. To even suggest that people should tolerate this level of incompetence and what appears to be an arrogant and 'we don't care' attitude is absolutely absurd. I can't believe i had to actually explain this to someone..unbelievable... I have a suggestion for USCIS.....start doing their job and try to do it well, be transparent and communicate and it will be amazing how quickly these annoying little complaints that cause them to 'have a rough day' will subside. It's peoples lives they are handling...if the employees don't like their jobs or if it's too much for them to they can at least hire someone who actually does care and has compassion for the people they really are working for...The American People.
bingowashisnameohMalePhilippines2013-04-11 13:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHelp with info for Senator
I would also mention the 450000 DACA petitions that caused the backlog to begin with...and also mention the plumbing issue as well....maybe put it in a timeline format so its easier for them to understand and follow...
bingowashisnameohMalePhilippines2013-04-16 00:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWell, well, well
bingowashisnameohMalePhilippines2013-04-20 10:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportssomeone please enlighted me for I129F

So I filed a I129F petition October of last year. I am still waiting for the news from USCIS but everything seems slow.
It's going to be 7 months of waiting now this coming May. The online status says INTITIAL REVIEW and it hasn't change yet. Every time I call them they are very short with answers. So I have no idea what's going on with my papers. Anyone filed around Oct 2012 here? or Filed it in Texas Center? Can you tell me if this is still normal?

I am an October filer too...and some have started coming through already for early October...yours as well as mine is coming. Please be patient. We have all done everything we can do to this point with Congressional contacts and organizing data. They got the message and are responding. That is very clear at this point. Seems a little ridiculous to be saying that now. However, my point all along was for them to be direct....and try to be as transparent as the system will allow. The data made everything transparent and our congressional representatives have obviously delivered the message because they have responded processing petitions regardless of past the past now...nothing we can do now besides continue to monitor their progress...and as much as i hate to say it...wait...because now as opposed to the last few months, they are working on them which is all anyone ever was really asking of them.
bingowashisnameohMalePhilippines2013-04-24 18:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHoly Bureaucratic Government Batman...We finally got our our NOA2!!!!!

Thank You everyone for the warm wishes...still some steps ahead of us but this is good....we wish all the best to those still awaiting their noa2 and beyond...collect data...share data...keep your elected reps in the loop about your case whether they are helping expedite or not...and communicate...its the only way the system will get better...thank you everyone :) 

bingowashisnameohMalePhilippines2013-05-01 22:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHoly Bureaucratic Government Batman...We finally got our our NOA2!!!!!




Same thing happened to us today!  We were on Skype! Congratulations!



Thank You Very Much and Congratulations to you and yours as well  :)   


bingowashisnameohMalePhilippines2013-05-01 22:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHoly Bureaucratic Government Batman...We finally got our our NOA2!!!!!

Congratulations! We're still waiting on ours. Wish us good luck.



thank you and best of luck to you as well. 

bingowashisnameohMalePhilippines2013-05-01 00:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHoly Bureaucratic Government Batman...We finally got our our NOA2!!!!!

chatting with Nanette tonight..interrupted by 'OMG love!!!! We just got approved!!!' On to the next step...finally :) 

bingowashisnameohMalePhilippines2013-04-30 23:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhen to submit a service request

Hi Everyone ! Like all who have seemed to fall into the abyss from July through October, I am wondering what is the correct time that a service request is accepted and what type of action does that trigger? Also, is this the same thing my Congress person's office would do? It may be a good idea for everyone who is out of the range of when they should have been processed to put in a request. Maybe the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

try this of luck. http://www.visajourn..._1#entry6147803
bingowashisnameohMalePhilippines2013-04-13 13:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCheap flight
try might have to play with the dates or accept a long layover...but the prices seem really good if you can find the right flight.
bingowashisnameohMalePhilippines2013-04-17 15:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk-1 big stress!



OMG! its crazy, i've been looking at price tickets and its ridiculous, i don't know if its because american airline made that merger the prices r ski high.....I really wanna go see my baby its been 5 month since we saw each other.


try i would encourage you to stay away from the major airline websites....unless it's a steal of a deal. 

bingowashisnameohMalePhilippines2013-05-02 15:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 fiance visa.....petitioner died

very sorry for your loss....this is the second K1 visa petitioner loss i have heard of in as many days. :( peace be with you. best wishes obtaining a tourist visa so you can say farewell and get closure; praying that compassion wins the day. 

bingowashisnameohMalePhilippines2013-05-01 15:06:00