United Kingdom$1.92 to the £1

It's a great offer especially as it cost me about £45 to send itcash via Western Union when I sent £400 earlier this year. LLoyds bank were going to charge even more than that.

So the fact it's such a good exchange rate, no charge for sending it and they have no minimum amount I think it's a real winner

It does sound good, I'm tempted myself. But there is that part of me that thinks "but what's in it for them?" and "if it seems too good to be true it probably is!".

Get my point? How do they get paid for transferring this money over?

It works in the same way as when you pay for securing a good interest rate when selecting a mortgage. The bank 'buys' money at a prevailing rate and they cream of the top and charge you a slightly higher rate than they paid thats where they make their money.

That said, I have been looking for a cheaper way to send cash to the states and this seems by far the most cost effective way to do it - Thanks for the tip Missy!!! ;)
TexHertsNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-12-02 13:45:00
United KingdomGot my visa :)

I got approved on Tuesday so congrats to me and you :dance:

FeatherB - I am supposed to give 3 MONTHS NOTICE!! My resignation letter to my boss said i wanted to be released from duty in 4-5 weeks as I will be leaving for the USA first week in May..

Its sods law - when you WANT to be made redundant it never happens. Book your ticket and start your new life abroad !!

I have just "reserved" my ticket out of here on the 5th May - so scary !!

And Congrats to you as well - so glad to see people are managing to make their new starts now!!

As I said - jump - forget the jobs, money and careers should come second, family is what matters!!
TexHertsNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-03-22 09:32:00
United KingdomGot my visa :)

... the courier brought it this morning!! And very pretty it is too - like a kid has been given free rein with the colouring pencils. :lol:

Now, if only I had the faintest clue when exactly I'd be using it, I'd be *much* more excited. Will avoid boring anyone rigid with details, but... if I resign from my job, I'm supposed to give two months (ugh!!) notice - but I'm waiting to see if they're going to make me (voluntarily) redundant first. It should have been happening as of April 1st (perfect!) but it's all been held up... so now I don't know what to do - how long I should wait before just going 'buggger it!' and handing in my notice. The two month notice period doesn't appeal when they might well just pay me to leave (woohoo!) and let me go at much shorter notice... if I resigned and then a week later all my also-hoping-to-leave colleagues got their redundancies... that would be fairly, um, annoying! :unsure:

I would sooooooooo love to just get on a plane ASAP and get over there. The Boy keeps telling me not to be hasty and to be patient and to wait and see what happens. Bah. I am sick of being patient, I've had it up to here with being patient!

*stamps foot*

Um, anyway. That is all. The mini-vent felt good, though. Damn it, I've got my visa - now I want to be counting down to the day I can actually make use of it!

Right, back to eBaying my entire life away... people really will buy anything on there... :blink:

Congrats from another Brit!!

I've already decided my way round that should that happen - jump on the first plane off this rock!!! :blink:
TexHertsNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-03-22 09:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHot Topic... I know!

There is always a risk of being turned away when non-residents attempt to enter the U.S as a tourist. :(

It is good news to hear that it doesn't matter where you stand in the K1 process when visiting as a tourist. His country is part of the visa waiver program so perhaps that will help. Do you think it is worth it to pay an extra $800 bucks to enter a small airport like Cincinnati rather than somewhere like NYC or Chicago?? We are thinking it could potentially help...hoping that it could make things easier.


No, I don't think so. What could help, though, is going through the POE in Dublin, so if your fiance is turned away, he won't have traveled all the way to the States...

Sorry for the slight O/T here.... Dublin?? POE for the US??
TexHertsNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-03-22 09:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe are about sending our i-129f this week,any advice?

We finally mailed out our forms yestrday.
is there any thing to do while they are proccesing or we should just RELAX?

Hmmm, I'd definately say RELAX!!!!!

I guess that you have both gone through a lot getting this far, now, please try to relax as at this point worrying about something that may or may not happen is not beneficial to you both.

I sincerely wish you both a pleasant journey :thumbs:
TexHertsNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-06-23 06:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFree to marry??
I have a small question here regarding the 'free to marry' aspect of the visa.

Both of us are in the process of divorces and we have a question.

As she is in Texas she believes that once divorced that she has to wait 90 days from the date of her final decree before she is able to re-marry.

Does this law still exist? (her parents had to do this 20+ years ago)

Does it mean that if it still exists, that she cannot actually apply for my visa until her 90 days is up?

TexHertsNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-04-06 10:12:00