I just got back from 3 weeks, TET was interesting and fun. I plan to file again for I-129 soon
It was nice to be with the relatives, but the best of all was to hold my lady in my arms again.
chippoMaleVietnam2011-02-14 20:34:00
VietnamHow do you guys deal with it?

Hi Guys.

I haven't see my wife since Nov and right now it's killing me each day. I miss her a lot and we dont' have much time talking.
How do you guys deal with this?
I am not able to eat and sleep for a few weeks.

Need some nice advise or words of wisdome. :-)

I hate the waiting game....
I was fine for two years till we get married...

I say good morning and good night,,, each day,,,twice
hang in there,,,,,,,,,,,,,me,, Dieu is my future
I just talked to her not even 2 hours ago but after reading your post and thinking about her. can say a tear did wet my cheek [sorry for being sappy, guys]
remember good always concurs evil,,,,,and my love is big as a Cadillac however long it takes ,,,to be with the one you really love and can not do without ,,hang in there
some days are tough some are joy but always remember her gentle touch, the smile , the feeling in your heart
and then say how can i not wait for her
chippoMaleVietnam2011-02-22 21:52:00
Vietnamjoint affidavit or support in Viet Nam
can you use a joint affidavit of support in Viet Nam, for K-1
chippoMaleVietnam2011-02-25 18:21:00
Vietnamk-1 Single Status - Lay off

My fiance just came over on a K-1 Visa. I used my sister as my co-sponsor and they accepted it. I guess it all depends on who you get at the interview.

Conrats, I know you are happy . And I wish you a long happy life together.
thank you. I still want a job and want to work, so any job is a job, and i can always get a better job later. It is difficult ,,,,following rules, knowing that when written instructions say one thing, and knowing the umpire makes and changes the regulations when and how they want,,,,,,but all we can do is jump through every hoop offered
chippoMaleVietnam2011-03-03 18:45:00
Vietnamk-1 Single Status - Lay off

Thank you everyone for advices.

yes indeed,,,,thank you all. Still any more info or thoughts on financial or support, would be appreciated.
just knowing there is someone in the same row boat as you makes it easier, despite where your row boat is.
chippoMaleVietnam2011-03-02 12:29:00
Vietnamk-1 Single Status - Lay off

So I need min. 55,000 in assets? I can't believe I got lay off at this time.

Is confusedaheck right about no co-sponsor in HCMC?


that is what i hear, or it is a very rare event, ( from the stories I hear , they make their own rules in HCM ) I wish you luck, and i think you will find work soon, it may not be the glamor job you want or are use to, but it will fill the void,and make the ends meet. Dont give up ,keep the faith, remember she is worth it, and that my friend is why we are all on here
chippoMaleVietnam2011-03-02 00:25:00
Vietnamk-1 Single Status - Lay off


does anyone know if we need to obtain proof of single status for k-1 interview? if we do how do we get it?

I just got lay off yesterday, if I have 40,000 in asset would that be enough for k-1 visa?

Thank you

I am also interested in this,,,,, I had a failed K-1from2009-2010, I went to Viet Nam [2nd trip],,,,I have some red flags to fix and her English has improved. But, I also lost my job before I went. I had fun and enjoyed being with my lady. So now I look for work, very actively. My trade is water and sewer utility work, average yearly income for these skills in North Carolina is $28,000 to $35,000
I have a house on a30 acre farm with a tax value of just over $200,000 and also some stock maybe $30,000. I own the farm ,it has been paid off, there is no mortgage.
My parent has offered to help as co sponsor. During my time off of work, I have been assisting them, as they are both in their mid 80's
I have not started my paperwork , as I wanted to have at least 4months of paychecks to show
thanks again I respect and value your opinions
chippoMaleVietnam2011-03-01 16:34:00
Vietnamconnection flights to VN via Japan airlines

I was just wondering if anyone lately has used any airline carriers stopping in Japan to go to VN. One of my relative had already previously booked a flight to VN with JAL. He was able to cancel it with no charge due to his son who is only 3 years old of fears he could get sick.

hey now
i traveled united (plane caught fire in san frasico) and continetal (not impressed at all)
ANA----all nipolean airlines
brother thats just first class travel,,,,check it out
also i went through shanghi,,it is in china and will miss all the japan worries,,,,safe travels
chippoMaleVietnam2011-03-22 17:12:00
Vietnamone more i-134 question...potential red flag?

long story short last time i worked was in 2006. i got laid off, planned to take a few months off to travel and met my now fiancee in vietnam late '06. then i decided to take an extended time off, went back to school a bit and lived off my savings.

anyways realizing i need an actual income to sponsor my fiancee and infant son i took a job this past august. i'm making over 26k/year starting out. the problem is since i only worked for 4 months i can only show about 9k in salary through tax in 2010. i plan on submitting a letter from my employer showing i'm in good standing and it's a permanent position. i also plan on showing pay stubs through march/april of 2011. is this enough or will i need to do something else to show i can support 2 people (need 100% of 18k+ for a household of 3). i don't have tax returns for '08 or '09. i still have about 20k in assets that needs to be verified but in researching this won't make a difference as assets should be 18k*3=54k.

any knowledge or info into this matter will be greatly appreciated. thanks.

hey now,
there are very knowledgeable folks that are on here,,,think you may be ok, but they will give you the heads up
me still jobless,,,a little side work construction-under table,,,i have applications in,,,,you shake enough trees ,something will fall out of them
best of luck
chippoMaleVietnam2011-03-22 17:38:00
VietnamMarried in Vietnam

Is it aways about money? You wife will want you to be there, especially for the first few years when she will struggle adapting to a complete different culture and being away from her family. She would rather have you poor and flipping burgers as long as you are THERE with her. Your a guy and thinking about your family which is commendable and a normal guy thing, but sometimes we have to think about the female perspective as she will be equally effected by your decision.

I am just trying to save you the heartbreak that happened to me. I was in a similar situation with my first wife; career military, married in Europe, DCF, and then being deployed shortly after arriving in the US. I thought I was doing a good thing, making extra pay to send home and convinced myself that she would be 'fine'. Well. in reality she had trouble adapting, was homesick, and felt abandoned to some degree (and with justification). Keep in mind she was from Western Europe in which the culture is not all that different. Asian, and particularly Vietnamese are EXTREMLY family centric, and their culture is radically different from the West as I'm sure you are aware. Unless you plan on living in Westminster, Ca or Sugarland, Tx your wife is going to feel like she landed on Mars and will NEED you THERE to provide that love and support for a few years until she can adapt.

Yes, maybe I am sounding like your dad, but your situation rang a familiar bell and brought back some circumstances I don't plan on repeating this time. I apologize if I sounded blunt, but am trying to prevent you from following in my old and mistaken path.

all valid points, and yes I am thinking like a guy, and I should now and always remember why I am doing this, and that she is the most important thing in my life, that thought itself drives me to do all that I can, but if I am not there I am really not doing all that I can. The time period I was considering being absent was for 6 months, and I should be working during the petition process, and was concerned of overlaps of time working and her coming to the US. Like yourself I just dont want to mess up the best thing in my life. I have not been married before, but waited, and now that I have my expectations over filled, I just wanted the best for her and our future family. but I am also tring to buy a house here in VN, for our retirement and also for her mom to live in now, currently their house is smaller and in a village, as I wanted something larger and nicer, near the market so Ma can have a business, there at the house. That is also in my mindset to try to have extra money. But her by my side, is the most important thing
thank you for reminding me of her perspective,

chippoMaleVietnam2012-02-24 07:43:00
VietnamMarried in Vietnam

I spoke with thw officer yesterday, and she said if I was a perminate resident in Vietnam, and she said I could hand the petiton in at their office, wheater or not it was callled a DCF I do not know

good advise, Is he in HCM, thanks ..I have been in Vietnam since Dec, HCM is only 2 hours from us in Tay Ninh,

chippoMaleVietnam2012-02-22 04:04:00
VietnamMarried in Vietnam

Now your main job is to get the visa first. So, I agree with Jim va Phuong that you should talk to Marc Ellis.

When you get the visa, please pay attention on this part:

"3. what if my visa is approved and I get another high paying contractor job out of the US, can she stay with my elderly parents in the US while I work in another country"

I think that it may be "Yes" if you got married and applied for marriage visa. Then, you don't need to worry for the 2 yrs green card.

However, I don't know whether your wife like or not to live in the US alone a long time without her husband helping for the daily activities such as driving, studying, shopping, ... It is not good at all.

thank you I will research Marc Ellis, did you use his sevice, I have seen his name much on this site. And working abroad will be a difficult choice to make. I want to provide and have a small financial comfort level,

chippoMaleVietnam2012-02-22 03:55:00
VietnamMarried in Vietnam

4. what if she gets pregnant and we have a bay before she comes to US

Is this the current reason for your hurry? Contraception is available in Viet Nam.

4 NO And HURRY? I attempted a visa in 2009. I wanted to get married, and I did.
DUDE,,,,,YOU ARE NOT MY DAD,,,,, contraception is available
I do not plan to have a child before she comes to the US,,,,,but I want to educate myself and understand what could happen, no one has control of life..EVEN YOU

3. what if my visa is approved and I get another high paying contractor job out of the US, can she stay with my elderly parents in the US while I work in another country

Your not going to stay married long if that is your plan, just my opinion.

i AM THINKING OF MY FUTURE. In a year IF i CAN MAKE 3 TIMES WHAT I USE TO MAKE, AND TAX FREE. IT MAY BE A GOOD THING. I want to be able to provide for my wife and family. money earned oversea is banked as their is not many places to spend money in a war zone.

chippoMaleVietnam2012-02-22 03:44:00
VietnamMarried in Vietnam
thank you and I will try to use an attorney, as I do want everything to go right. they gave me a list of attorneys in HCM that I will research
chippoMaleVietnam2012-02-22 03:29:00
VietnamMarried in Vietnam
I spoke with thw officer yesterday, and she said if I was a perminate resident in Vietnam, and she said I could hand the petiton in at their office, wheater or not it was callled a DCF I do not know


I agree with Aaron except on one point:

2. DCF is no longer possible except in countries that have a USCIS field office. They closed the USCIS field office in Vietnam more than a year ago. Nobody can file DCF in Vietnam anymore - not even if they've been living there more than six months.

Chippo, after having failed once at the consulate in HCMC, and since you're going to be in Vietnam soon, it wouldn't hurt for you to at least have a consultation with Marc Ellis. You don't have to hire him for the petition or visa application, but at least a conversation with him can be very enlightening. He's dealt with hundreds of cases at the consulate in HCMC. If there's any specific evidence that could be front loaded with your next petition to improve your chances of success then he'll know what it is.

chippoMaleVietnam2012-02-22 03:25:00
VietnamMarried in Vietnam
Hey Now,

Howdy everyone, I got my marriage paperwork done and go to HCM tomorrow to have it recognized by the US. My engagement party was on July 27 2009. Our fiance visa was shot down after a long wait. Since then I had a visit for 3 weeks for last Tet 2011. Like a lot of people i struggled after losing my job, but just barely made the required amount for support status, however I got on as a government contractor in Iraq and worked for 5 months, good pay. I then came to Vietnam in December and started marriage paperwork. The process was lengthy, even with required bribes for every stamp on every paper. It was either pay extra and have it done or it might be approved in a week or two, maybe.
also the interview was costly behind closed doors. There is an age difference, I am 49 and she is 27, but we don't feel or recognize a difference it instead feel right and good and brings us and our families happiness. those that do not approve, sorry but this is my future, and we are happy. I have been here since December on my 3rd visit .
I will get our marriage paper recognized by the US and I hope to get a chance to talk to the consular staff concerning our future paperwork. For any response on my multiple questions.....THANK YOU

1. what marriage visa is the most efficient , fastest, and successful?

2. can I do a DCF in HCM

3. what if my visa is approved and I get another high paying contractor job out of the US, can she stay with my elderly parents in the US while I work in another country

4. what if she gets pregnant and we have a bay before she comes to US

5. do I need an attorney, {still gun shy after failed fiance visa} I dont want any problems, and want this to work

ps our fiance visa said not enough evidence and not a bonna fide relationship,,,sham and try to go around immigration laws ...ect

thanks Chippo and Dieu
chippoMaleVietnam2012-02-20 05:45:00
Vietnamjust got the call
WAY TO GO,,,,BLESS YOU BROTHER you made a tear roll from my eye, I cant wait for our turn I put my papers in the mail in less than 2 weeks I leave Vietnam after 7 months,
chippoMaleVietnam2012-07-03 10:13:00
VietnamMissing Document at Interview
coffee money gets things done , but do it as soon as possible it may still take more than a week, which may be a silent request that you did not offer enough coffee money
also you may need a police report for each place she lived or worked her entire life? best of luck
chippoMaleVietnam2012-09-22 12:29:00
VietnamMissing Document at Interview

Hello Everyone,

Thuy and I are excited to have our interview date on October 11th and found out late that she needs one additional piece of documentation.
The police report caught us by surprise. She has ordered one already but we've been told it will take 20 days to receive.

Does anyone know what could be expected if we attended the interview one document short? Our lawyers seems to think we could submit it after the interview with little complication.
That just doesn't seem accurate to me...

Any info would be greatly appreciated.

We are of course going to do all we can to obtain that report earlier then the stated 20 days.

chippoMaleVietnam2012-09-22 12:26:00
Vietnamaffidavit of support

Was 2009 for the same person? I'm confused because you said wife and the visa type on your profile says K-1....

yes it was for the same lady, my wife now, and Marc Ellis had addressed the past in his cover letter. I just am very eager to have her here, sorry i need to update my profile
if you did not address the issue that caused denial before that will be the hurdle you need to worry about... what happened when they returned the file to USCIS?

chippoMaleVietnam2012-12-16 20:44:00
Vietnamaffidavit of support

if you are over the minimum that is all that is needed... no need to go above and beyond if the requirement is met.

after an unsuccessful fiance visa in 2009, I dont want tot leave anything to go wrong, the process is so long, I am ready to have my wife beside me
chippoMaleVietnam2012-12-16 11:18:00
Vietnamaffidavit of support
130 this time, I had a fiancee visa turned down in 2009
chippoMaleVietnam2012-12-15 20:07:00
Vietnamaffidavit of support
I need some help. My wife is in Vietnam. I currently have a visa attempt in USCIS, I want to be prepared and complete my affidavit of support form, my income is OK, but close to borderline and I do not want to risk it. My parents will be a co-sponsor. We do not live together, separate residences. What form do I fill out, and what form do each of my parents fill out?
chippoMaleVietnam2012-12-15 16:47:00
VietnamWhat are the exact fees for visas into Vietnam.

If there is a Vietnamese neighborhood/shopping center in NYC there is likely a travel agent that can get the visa for you without any hassles.

many travel agencies use the visa on arrival, but they want a cut alsolook on web or other forums, and i would defeintly call an travel adjent, I just thought the visa on arrival woould save you time and money, it did me, also i could not mail my passport and expect to get it back, being in iraq and i was not sure on the dat i would leave untill 2 weeks before

chippoMaleVietnam2013-01-10 21:33:00
VietnamWhat are the exact fees for visas into Vietnam.

sorry my bad, it is called a visa on arrival,,,,, first 2 links when i googled it



there are pros and cons, but i had to wait an extra 10 min at airport to be called i did this last december2011, i was working in iraq, no way i am sending my paasport through the mail while i am in iraq
you send the company 20 bucks and they get a your name along with 10 or 20 people approved for visa on arrival, approved by vietnam consellate. Actually it is just a letter approved by vietnam cosselate with a bunc of names on it, including your own, then at airport you persent your letter at window, wait 5 to 20 min, they call your name you give them 10 bucks and they stamp your visa in passport
it is some kind of connection between vietnam conselate and the internet company,,,just coffee money somewhere

Posted Image

Attached Files

chippoMaleVietnam2013-01-07 20:34:00
VietnamWhat are the exact fees for visas into Vietnam.

I'm not sure I follow. What do you mean $ internet letter? How do you get a walkin visa at the airport? I thought you couldn't even board a plane here in the U.S. bound for Saigon without the visa in the passport.

sorry my bad, it is called a visa on arrival,,,,, first 2 links when i googled it



there are pros and cons, but i had to wait an extra 10 min at airport to be called i did this last december2011, i was working in iraq, no way i am sending my paasport through the mail while i am in iraq
you send the company 20 bucks and they get a your name along with 10 or 20 people approved for visa on arrival, approved by vietnam consellate. Actually it is just a letter approved by vietnam cosselate with a bunc of names on it, including your own, then at airport you persent your letter at window, wait 5 to 20 min, they call your name you give them 10 bucks and they stamp your visa in passport

chippoMaleVietnam2013-01-07 20:30:00
VietnamWhat are the exact fees for visas into Vietnam.
i got a visa letter form the internet $20, then did a walk in visa at HCM airport$10 or 15, i am there for 3 month, went to the visa local office to extend $10 for 3 months, I also had marriage papers and letter from local police
just giving you an option
chippoMaleVietnam2013-01-07 18:53:00
VietnamEmployment Letter Question...

Should be fine. Just make sure that it is on official company letterhead.

also ask to speak with the director or head of HR, that lady was not doing her job. Your request is not out of the way

chippoMaleVietnam2013-01-28 21:52:00
VietnamEmployment Letter Question...

So I talked to my employer. They said they couldn't write me a letter. Instead forwarded me to a 3rd party Employee Verification website.

Pretty much this just says that you work from when till when, and where you are employed at. Not a actual letter from the employer. My question is, has anyone dealt with this before? And does the Letter of Employment have to be in a form of a letter?

I tried pulling up my records but it didn't work. What a hassle! Gonna have to make a phone call Monday.

Thanks Guys..

1st stop is the HR office, 2nd stop, direct supervisor, 3rd stop department head or owner.
These with your current 3rd party paper work should be ok. Also deposit slips from pay and maybe a letter from the bank if you have a contact that knows you, stating information about your employment deposits, weekly or monthly

chippoMaleVietnam2013-01-27 19:33:00
VietnamCase complete at NVC

good luck , our packages are at NVC June 12th, keep us posted

chippoMaleVietnam2013-06-25 21:47:00
VietnamInterview on July 11th-advice

PEOPLE,,,, great stuff. our package is at NVC, trying to put and keep the ducks in a row

the wait is just part of the rest of my life, I am a lucky man


chippoMaleVietnam2013-06-26 19:14:00

Congratulation and good luck to both of you! My case for my wife complete at NVC on July 16, 2013 and I'm still waiting for schedule interview.


it  will be soon, let us know, my wife had her medical yesterday, and she picks up her eneveolpe today,,,all is well and 1 step closer

chippoMaleVietnam2013-07-30 19:50:00

I could not find any way to create a post other than going through introductions? some one suggested I turn off the phone and turn on the pc, but I only have pc for internet, what is OP, sorry its late now?  this site is wonderful and was so helpful to realize your not alone against the system and others are in your shoes, so other than reading others post, able to reply some times but not always , could never figure out how to drive this critter, so I lucked out after several attempts, and got a post up

thanks chippo

chippoMaleVietnam2013-07-26 01:06:00

my wife has an interview in Ho Chi Minh,  Vietnam on Aug 16

It has been a long road, and in sight is The beginning of A new wonderful world



chippoMaleVietnam2013-07-25 19:27:00
VietnamHome Preps to ease Cultural Differences

we have talked over and have somewhat of a plan, the community college near by has English as  a 2nd Language classes, she can speak and write but is eager to improve, which will help her in her future as well as in bushiness. Then she must get her GED, there is a Christian GED on line program , my friend have taken it, form S Carolina or Georgia?, they send you 3 tests, and write an  essay on Jesus, and then you get a GED, I plan to help her greatly with this. (Not to cheat but to help her speed up the process for her next step. later if she wants to go to real GED and college classes , great, no problem)  then she is now able to go to for cosmetology school to get her certification, which is required In North Carolina.  She his very skilled and enjoys working in  hair styling, make up, and photography. I built her a shop when i lived there in 2012 for 8 months, she has been to school and apprenticed also.. as well as having her own shop with students at age 19.

Regardless of what she wants to do or achive, she has the love and support of me and my family to help her achieve her goals. 


chippoMaleVietnam2013-06-26 15:17:00
VietnamHome Preps to ease Cultural Differences

we will have a place for her alter for her father, so she can pray, she is cao di, I am christian, non denominational,  (mostly just spiritual) but she will have freedom to practice as she wants.  I feel a need to respect her traditions, and we hope to be able to pass them on to the next generation, if we are to be that blessed.


chippoMaleVietnam2013-06-26 11:11:00
VietnamHome Preps to ease Cultural Differences

GREAT QUESTION, our packages are at the NVC, and should have an interview date soon. The transition will be important, I think she will like reorganizing the house, and what ever her choices of styles or colors or moving furniture I will support, it is her house as well as mine. It will be fun to work together to get the house and yard and garden to her liking, no longer is it me or I , it is us and we. It also is the best part of my life, and also my future. I AM A LUCKY MAN


chippoMaleVietnam2013-06-25 21:31:00
USCIS Service CentersIs this Fraud by definition

The fraud is against the paying customer by the agent who knowingly gave false information. If the agent did not know the correct answer, they should refer the petitioner to a higher level staff member of the Service Center. He chose to give an answer that he knew was false. False statements by federal agents are illegal. People are put into rooms where thick metal bars prevent them from leaving in such cases. Go ahead and make a false statement that gains you a favorable outcome on your petition. See what happens to you when USCIS discover this. I am a federal government employee and at a minimum, my employment would be terminated if I conducted myself in such a manner.

why is it my paperwork , from HCM, has the same persons signature, on several papers ,,,,,,and they look as though different people wrote it?
chippoMaleVietnam2011-03-01 17:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsgive up

love is strong, think of the strength of 2 hearts that beat as 1, We had a failed fiance visa, and the interview for spouse visa in a few weeks, give it a chance, it is your future your happyness and your heart and also your partners chance to have that, maybe your kids will read these post one day, and they can see how much love mom and dad had and have

chippoMaleVietnam2013-07-26 01:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsanniversary # 4

She has medical this week, interview August 16 th, and hope she is here for my birthday in September.

Our actual official paper marriage was February 2012, but I put the ring on 4 years ago July 27. We will have a church or outside wedding when she gets here as my Mom is not able to travel.

Our first attempt was a fiance visa, it was turned down, but our future is for the long haul , it is for life, after she is here, all the waiting, all the worrying, all the time, all the wondering, all the hoops we had to jump through, it is all part of it, these difficulties have been eased by the great, knowledgeable and kind people on this site

thank you one and all

and good luck to one and all

chip and dieu

chippoMaleVietnam2013-07-27 21:25:00