Australia and New ZealandQuestions (probably silly) re. DS 230 part 2 and petition revalidation
Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, I read your replies and forgot to say thank you! So thank you all haha (: Love how quickly you get responses on here, I am bound to ask several more questions in the near future, have seen potential things that look confusing but I will wait till I get to that point to worry about them haha. Thanks again all!
mixxerr0seFemaleNew Zealand2012-02-01 04:43:00
Australia and New ZealandQuestions (probably silly) re. DS 230 part 2 and petition revalidation
I'd imagine ours would be pretty similar, thank you! It said on the instructions 'Part 1', so I guess I should just take it at face value, it just threw me when Part 2 was attached to it and listed as pages 3 and 4 of 4, you know?

Emailing them is a good idea too, thank you! I would just go ahead and do it (apply for an extension) but I don't know how much extra time it gives you, or if you need to be within 'x' days of it expiring or anything. Which I guess I could ask through email also haha but I am just worried they will ask for the reasons (ie, not really any, at least not good ones).
mixxerr0seFemaleNew Zealand2012-01-25 05:34:00
Australia and New ZealandQuestions (probably silly) re. DS 230 part 2 and petition revalidation
Hey guys.

Ok so first off I am going to admit that I have been really really slack with this part of our application. In my defence I have a mental disorder that does contribute: " The DSM III-R's pervasive focus relates to the person's inability to attain completion of tasks due to the inordinately high standards, which are placed on almost all aspects of living." but really I just haven't been trying hard enough. I get overwhelmed to the point I shut off, and just literally can't face things, especially something as important and meaningful to me as this process. Anyway, I'm not trying to create a pity party, it is what it is - the result of this being that it has been almost 3 months since our petition was approved, with me having basically done next to nothing (apart from planning - I am always planning but never actually doing much) of this part of the process. I am aware we have 4 months before this will expire. As of today I am going all out with everything, forms and what not, and I am trying so so hard and not giving up, tonight I am staying up all night to get as much done as I possibly can. On my instruction form it says "If it is due to expire, please ensure your United States citizen fiance sends this office a signed request to have the petition revalidated, before your interview." So, judging that I only have about a month left before it expires, should we do this? I am assuming we should, but how long before it expires do we do this? I saw a sample letter / "signed request" on the example forms page, do we have to state reasons? It didn't seem to in there, and I know my 'reasons' sound pathetic, and I don't want them to think it means I don't love him enough or anything like that, because that is absolutely not the case and it really hurts me that I have been so useless at the one thing that I need more than anything. Anyway - sorry for all the rambling, I guess my question is should we do this, and at what point should we do this? ASAP or closer to it expiring? It sounds like as long as you are still willing / free / able / etc to marry then it is pretty much ok to get it extended and won't reflect badly on you, would you say this is the case?

My next little question is about the DS-230 form - more specifically 'Part 2'. I have looked around for a definitive answer to this but can't seem to quite figure it out. I know at the very least you DO NOT SIGN PART 2 at this point, I think that is done at the interview? But on the form I have downloaded (through the official link in my instructions letter) it has Part 2 attached - so the pdf document in the bottom right corner says page 1 of 4 etc, has 4 pages, - so do I only send in the first two pages (Part 1), and fill out Part 2 but not sign it, and bring it with me to the interview? Or do I fill it all out, but not sign part 2, and send all 4 pages in and it will be brought out by the people at the interview? Or do I just ignore Part 2 completely and they will supply me with one later? Ahhh so confused and probably overthinking things but yeah, definitive answer on that please?

Thanks so much guys, so sorry for my long windedness. Any help would be much appreciated (:

EDIT: Also, wow, it's annoying that some of these forms cannot save data entered so you basically have to do them all in one go? Is there any way around that? I would have for my computer to freeze or whatever as it often does and to lose it all!

Edited by mixxerr0se, 25 January 2012 - 05:15 AM.

mixxerr0seFemaleNew Zealand2012-01-25 05:13:00
Australia and New ZealandQuestions re. DS-156
Lainie B
1. Thanks so much! I know I over think haha, the fact it would go on a barcode just threw me (:
2. AH, that explains a lot! I didn't even give that any thought! I see. So if I have any intention at all to work or study, even if it is vague, would you suggest putting 'yes'? And then I will just follow it up with some statement in the "address" box.

Travis and Meghan
Thank you! I actually already look at the example forms - they are soooo useful haha I would be asking even MORE questions without them. But yeah with this one I really wanted to be sure - I thought stating the wrong thing on something like working or studying could be seen as some sort of deception so just wanted some extra opinions / personal experiences (:
mixxerr0seFemaleNew Zealand2012-02-06 03:11:00
Australia and New ZealandQuestions re. DS-156
You know, I probably should have just called this topic "Mixx's Topic of Never Ending Questions" and just added to it as I'm sure I will have many more - mods etc, if you would prefer me to do this instead of a new topic for each question / set of questions relating to one form etc please just let me know (:

Please note these questions refer to the "DS-156" form.

Question One: It says "Other Surnames Used (Maiden, Religious, Professional, Aliases" and "Other First and Middle Names Used". I legally changed my name a couple of years ago. While I no longer use my old name at all, to be safe and avoid any issues, on forms so far (including on the petition etc which is now approved) I listed my previous name (as I'm not sure if the question means other names used as in names I currently use, or names I have used in the past, you know?) usually with a "(previously)" or something after it, to indicate it is no longer in use, or legal, but just to ensure it does not look like I am trying to hide anything. My question is: Should I do this on this form too? The reason I would consider possibly not with this one is that it is the first one I have come across that generates a barcode. And judging by some info on a sample DS-156 form I have downloaded, the "other names" field is one that is like, scanned into the barcode if you know what I mean - so therefore I don't think I should have anything extra in that field such as "(previously)" or similar in case they automatically do searches for other names or anything from scanning the barcode and then it doesn't find them since I wrote something that isn't just a name in there ie "(previously)" etc. But I don't JUST want to put my old name, as then it will appear to be one I am still using if I give no explanation with it, which is not the case.

Wow, that was long winded, I also hope it made even the tiniest bit of sense. I am probably worrying far too much about one little field in one form I guess but it's just what I do. And there's still another question yet too!

Question Two: This relates to question 32 and 33 - "Do you intend to work / study in the US?". I do intend to work in the US (once we have done the things we need to do to make it legal, obviously), but it says "(If YES, give the name and complete address of U.S. employer.)". My intention to work is just general, and may take awhile to find something as I have been out of work for awhile, I may even volunteer, not sure what industry, etc etc. So is the "YES" option just for if you have something specific lined up already? Similar thing for the study question. I do want to study at some point in the future in the US, but that will probably not be for at least maybe a couple of years. And am not sure specifically what I want to do yet, etc etc. And once again it states "(If YES, give the name and complete address of the school.)". So basically the same question - since it is very vague atm and I cannot give the details it asks for, do I simply chose no? Choosing no for either seems deceitful, but what is required by the follow up questions makes me think that is what it means I should do? That yes is only for if you have set plans already?

Ok, wow. This is so so long, I'm sorry. Please just tell me if I am over thinking things way too much. I was going to have this form filled out by tonight but it's already 11.30 and I should probably wait for answers before going ahead haha so I guess that won't be happening. Thank so much in advance to anyone who bothers to plow their way through this! Please just ask for clarification if I made no sense!
mixxerr0seFemaleNew Zealand2012-02-05 05:37:00
Australia and New ZealandPacket 3 - confusion about sending vs. taking to interview
OH I just figured it out I think. Since you don't fill out / sign the bottom bit of 156-k until the interview (at which point obviously everything - forms, evidence, etc will have either been sent in or brought in on your person), that is when you can sign obviously because all those things are there and then THEY will put it together properly. Since you are not signing saying all the bits are there at the point you send it in, you are not going against what it says. That explains why it is in the first section to be sent immediately despite saying things that supposedly aren't needed until interview must be attached - it will all be there by the time it is signed etc. Have I solved my own mystery? Sorry for mucking you all around if so - I can be a bit slow sometimes lmao.
mixxerr0seFemaleNew Zealand2012-02-11 07:08:00
Australia and New ZealandPacket 3 - confusion about sending vs. taking to interview
Sorry, me again.

Ok so this is where the confusion sets in. On my instructions letter with packet 3 (K1 visa) it says:

"FIRST: Complete and return immediately the forms listed below."
and these (in shortened form without the details, and only those that apply to me) are:
-Police cert
-DS-230 Part 1
-2x additional passport photos
-photocopy of passport

then it says
"SECOND: Obtain the following documents on this checklist that pertain to you. When you have gathered ALL personal documents please SEND them to this office for review (EXCEPT your passport AND fee) PRIOR to visa interview, together with one photocopy of each."
-birth cert. (orig and one copy)
-police cert. from places lived
-medical exam
-Proof of your own funds, bank account, CV/Resume
-Evidence of a fiance relationship (DO NOT MAIL THIS IN, BRING IT TO YOUR INTERVIEW)
-Fee (to be paid at interview)
-Self-addressed envelope to return things
-Then sign saying you have it all and send this second part

Which in and of itself sounds simple enough. Send the "FIRST" section, then send what is applicable along with the signed thing from the "SECOND" section. But in the DS-156k (which they say to "complete and return immediately" as part of the "FIRST" section) it says that certain documents must be attached to that form - some of which are documents that the letter lists as to be sent in separately in the "SECOND" section or not to be sent in at all (brought to the interview) such as evidence of financial support (second section), "evidence of engagement to your fiance/e" (supposed to bring TO interview - or is this different again to the "evidence of a fiance relationship" listed?), etc.

Should I just send it all in in one go, the things from the "first" and "second" section? It's just that the "first" sections says to returnt those ones immediately, and if I send in the second section at the same time you have to sign to say you have everything ready, which I don't yet, I am still waiting on the I-134 from fiance, we are still piecing together the evidence of fiance relationship, etc. But it sounds like these things need to be sent with the DS-156k - which is in the first section. SO VERY CONFUSED. I have looked at other posts on here but everything seems to give a slightly different order. Do I basically just send things in as I have them done and not worry too much about the order as long as I make sure I don't send in the form saying I have everything ready until the last lot of things I send perhaps??

Thanks again everyone for putting up with me. It's just so confusing ugh.
mixxerr0seFemaleNew Zealand2012-02-11 06:45:00
Australia and New ZealandThe big move - is it really going to be worth it????
It's a bit ironic really, I love the heat, so probably the wrong place to go, but I love the feel of the place and it's so interesting so I can deal with the cold / rain. It's just so much more 'me' than NZ in so many ways. No need to be jealous if you will be heading that way soon too!
mixxerr0seFemaleNew Zealand2012-02-14 19:30:00
Australia and New ZealandThe big move - is it really going to be worth it????
Ok so I'm from NZ not Aus, but YES IT IS SO WORTH IT! I am so excited, I've never been a huge fan of NZ anyway, it's just boring to me. I can't WAIT to move to and explore the States. I guess it's made easier by the fact that I don't really have an official 'profession' - I'm only 23 and have been doing odd jobs so far in my life, whereas fiance has a good stable job there. He would be more than willing to move here, but I went and visited him there (Seattle) and honestly I would much rather go there than him come here. I am so grateful to have fallen in love with the most amazing man in the world, and even though the process of being able to be together is long and hard, I am almost grateful that it worked out the way it did as it allows me to expand my horizons like I had always wanted to do but had never really done anything about. I am beyond excited and think it will be SO worth it!!
mixxerr0seFemaleNew Zealand2012-02-14 17:06:00
Australia and New ZealandApproved!!!
Congrats guys!! Must be such a relief, almost at that stage now (although different visa)!
mixxerr0seFemaleNew Zealand2012-04-11 20:55:00
Australia and New ZealandDS-156
Delayed post and you've obvs. already figured it out haha but I had so much grief with that one too! Didn't work on Chrome, tried copying it all out in Firefox, still didn't work, so ended up having to install IE just for that, in the meantime the installation shutting down the other browsers so I couldn't even copy it out from the other one. Oh well, got there in the end (:
mixxerr0seFemaleNew Zealand2012-04-11 20:58:00
Australia and New ZealandInterview coming up - short on evidence
I have my interview (in Auckland) tomorrow, and here are some of the things I am using as evidence:
A few cards and letters we have sent to each other. Some packing slips from packages sent to each other, or receipts from the postage for them. Receipts from engagement ring. Chat logs / emails. Receipts / confirmations from fiance sending my mother flowers, or sending things to me that my friends have ordered from the States but cannot get shipped to NZ (on Amazon etc). Screenshots from Facebook showing photos I have uploaded of things he has sent me (did them from FB so that it was clear we are very obviously / publicy in a relationship). We have been apart the whole time we have been doing this process so we have no "ongoing" relationship photos of us together. Also some MS Paint drawings (silly things) we have done for each other. Um. Screenshot of my timeline on FB showing various things relating to us - the start of relationship, my trip to Seattle to first meet him, the engagement. I know this was all before we were separated so not really "ongoing" but the fact that it is all public I am hoping shows that we are still very much together and in a relationship etc. I showed the date in the bottom of my computer screen to show when they were taken. Also screenshots of both of our pages where it shows "Engaged to:" with the date also. Other screenshots from various places we have interacted around the internet. Some phone logs from fiance with his calls to me highlighted. That's about it, I know a lot of these won't be applicable to you since as you said most of your interactions are hard to track, being video calls and all haha, but I actually thought the same would be true of us, we are mostly in touch that way too, but I still managed to find quite a few things. Hopefully you can adapt some of those ideas to suit you! When is your interview?? I am so nervous / excited for mine tomorrow! After tomorrow if you need any help with anything re. the interview just send me a message, as I will have gone through it! (:
mixxerr0seFemaleNew Zealand2012-04-17 21:49:00
Australia and New ZealandInterview! Eeeek!
Thank you all so much for the kind words and celebratory smilies! Haha (: xx
mixxerr0seFemaleNew Zealand2012-04-24 05:16:00
Australia and New ZealandInterview! Eeeek!

Ahem. Yes. Approved. Happyy girl is happy. And relieved. Haha.
mixxerr0seFemaleNew Zealand2012-04-19 00:05:00
Australia and New ZealandInterview! Eeeek!
Thank you for the well-wishes you lovely people! I'm in Auckland now, at a net cafe atm, printed out a couple of things I had forgotten (not part of the evidence as such, but my little lists I made for myself for each section haha so I would remember what was in each). I'm pretty sure I have far more evidence than I will need so I'm pretty sorted but of course there are still the nerves! Interview tomorrow at 10am, eeeeeeeeeeeeeek! So excited and nervous. Won't leave for the US for a while after I get visa, as need to sell some of my things and just kind of tidy up my life here, but at least we will be ALLOWED to get married haha, and we can book flights and actually set dates and eeeee. So excited argh I better get it.
mixxerr0seFemaleNew Zealand2012-04-17 21:34:00
Australia and New ZealandInterview! Eeeek!
Thank you Andie, that's very kind! I think I am actually ok with finding places and getting there and you know, all that stuff at the moment though, but thank you! And yup I went to good old Warehouse Stationery and there were absolutely heaps of choices, found a smaller concertina file thing that is light-weight and perfect (:

Leaving for Auckland tomorrow, so excited and nervous right now putting the final things together argh! Not looking forward to the 8 hour bus trip each way though aha.
mixxerr0seFemaleNew Zealand2012-04-15 19:06:00
Australia and New ZealandInterview! Eeeek!
The sealed lip balm is a great idea, thank you! I mean I could deal without one if I had to but I'd rather have one less thing to be anxious about haha.

Yes I actually think I read kiwiana's medical review before my medical if I remember correctly!

Oh wow, it's interesting your sister picks too. The lipstick idea is good at the time, except is it dries / wears off during the day and I put more on etc it mucks my lips up even more and I am far more likely to pick again / worse later. Often lipstick just looks horrible anyway because of the damage I have done, it sucks. I love it but it's rare I get to wear it :( Thanks for the idea though!

Oh well, no drama about the bathroom, I am sure I can make it through like an hour or whatever it is haha. Coffee doesn't hit me straight away is all so I bet I won't need to go after drinking it and it will hit all of a sudden while I am sitting waiting at the consulate or something but never mind, I'm a big girl, I can hold it :P

The accordion file thing sounds good organisation-wise, I have one at home I use to help keep organised but I've already scribbled over all the tabs, plus it might be a bit big/bulky to carry one similar to the interview etc, especially since I am getting the bus to Auckland. Or are there like smaller versions I wonder? The one I am thinking of / that I have is quite a big thing, made of hard cardboard with a plastic handle and stuff. I wonder if you can buy one that like zips up or something and you unzip it and it expands. Or even still clips into place but isn't made of that rigid box-like cardboard mine is, so that it is less big and bulky. I'll go to a book shop tomorrow and see what is around anyway.

Slowly making it through all the stuff to sort, I almost hope they ask for some of it now as I think I thought of some quite good/clever things to include so I kind of WANT to explain them now, instead of letting all my hard work go to waste. I'll be all like "HERE TAKE IT TAKE IT ALL!". But they'd probably ask for specific / obvious things if anything, like you know, emails or phone logs or whatever, instead of all my awesome things I thought of, oh well.

I'm actually more excited than nervous I think. Looking forward to my few days in Auckland, I've never stayed in a hotel all by myself before, always with a friend or with fiance or whatever, don't think my best friend who lives there will be able to meet up with me, which is sad, but I am kind of seeing it as a little adventure, time to just chill by myself and wander round and eat out and laze in the hotel and well do whatever I want without feeling pressured to do other things, you know? Very excited (:
mixxerr0seFemaleNew Zealand2012-04-13 04:53:00
Australia and New ZealandInterview! Eeeek!
Thank you so much cdneh! That detailed account you linked me to was awesome, and rather reassuring, thank you for hunting that down. You must have been feeling just like I did at the point that was written (as I see you were saying you had yours shortly after). This sounds like a really stupid thing, but they take your handbag off you - would I be allowed to just take a lip balm in with me, like just in my pocket or something? I have dermatillomania (compulsive skin picking, I know it sounds gross but it's a legit thing) focused on my lips, and I freak out if I don't have a lip balm on me at all times, especially if there will be a bit of waiting round and am scared I will start picking if I don't have one. I'm sure if I just take it out of my bag and ask can I take this in that will be fine yes? Also is there a bathroom you can use while waiting? I will probably have a coffee beforehand, that plus nerves plus potential waiting... haha. I suppose they probably think it's a security risk to let people go or something though.

I know vaguely where the building is - my hotel is not far from it which is good. Looked it up on Google maps - even though I lived in Auckland for a few years I never remember which streets are actually called what. But will look in more detail on street view etc closer to the time, and I am going a day earlier than I need to, so the day before my interview I will go for a wander and make sure I can find it to avoid any issues on the day, I am HORRIBLE with my sense of direction etc but I will make sure I find it beforehand.

Good to know the dress code isn't too formal. I will probably buy at least something new anyway haha just because I want an excuse and I will be in central freaking Auckland - I usually shop in HASTINGS -dies- so well why not haha, I have a full day before the interview!

Anyway, I am sitting on my floor right now with evidence surrounding me. Keep writing lists and scribbling them out and starting new ones re. how to organise it. I have kept tons of things since we have been apart, but now it is trying to piece them all together - for example a photo I took of things he sent me + the packing slip from the sending + the card that went with it - they are all part of the same package haha but hard to tell sometimes. And figuring out what dates things were from. I didn't keep things very organised in the year + we have been apart haha. Oh well, I know it will all come together, I trust it will be fine, slowly making progress.

Oh also in the account kiwiana gave she (she?) mentioned bringing some things to the interview that I already sent in (with the interview request form) - I assume since they were only sent like 2 weeks before my interview date I won't have to bring them with me to? Like the I-134 + evidence and things like that (which we JUST sent in, along with employer letters, pay slips, bank stuff etc). I am guessing the instructions were slightly different since it was a few years ago. I will bring originals of any kind of ID either of us have sent in at any point during the process (right back to the petition - fiance's original birth cert. etc etc), and copies of his forms from it, copy of our approval notice from it, copy of his extension request on it (which essentially acts as an updated letter of intent for us both, as it was stated not long ago we were both still fully invested in the process and what not and it was um, notarised I think the word is) and the approval email from that, and well basically copies / originals of anything I can think of that we have sent in so far (bar the last few things sent less than 2 weeks prior unless originals needed, but I sent in originals). This all on top of the 'evidence' stuff. So I'm pretty sure I am actually prepared, probably over prepared from accounts I have read, it's just organising it all in to a usable state haha.

So sorry to ramble, not really even a question, I think it just helps to get my thoughts out actually :P
mixxerr0seFemaleNew Zealand2012-04-12 04:04:00
Australia and New ZealandInterview! Eeeek!
Hello all! I finally have my interview in Auckland for my K1 visa! A week today! Only got the letter a couple days ago due to a long weekend here so pretty short notice, rushing around trying to book transport and hotels and what not. I have all my evidence together, but I am just trying to figure out how to present it if that makes sense. Like, during the interview do you give it all to them and do they keep it? So therefore should I organise it in to sections, maybe with a kind of cover page, and notes describing what they represent etc? Or do I just present it at the interview, like talk about it there, then end up going home with it again? How I will put it all together kind of depends on that.

Also, what on EARTH did you all wear to your interview? I'm guessing it should be kind of formal. (I'm female if that helps.) I think I will go to Auckland a full day early so that I can have a look around the shops. If I even had ONE of the following I'm sure I could make something decent from the clothes I have - a nice simple pair of heels, a decent formal-ish skirt, or maybe like a fitted blazer or something. But I don't have any of them, I think shopping may be in order.

Eeeek I'm so excited but freaking out all at once. Any last minute words of wisdom? Or anyone interviewed at the Auckland consulate who has any little tips they noticed or anything? I mean I'm pretty sure I'm prepared but you know how it is. Wish fiance could come with me, but you know, being on the other side of the world that's not really plausible.
mixxerr0seFemaleNew Zealand2012-04-11 20:45:00
Australia and New ZealandOh my gosh!
asdfghjkl so exciting! Best of luck and hope it all goes smoothly!
mixxerr0seFemaleNew Zealand2012-05-06 00:59:00
Australia and New Zealandi-130 Approved.. questions for you
Congrats again hehe (:

Ummm now obviously I'm talking about the K1 here so this could be completely off but for mine I had my medical significantly before I got my interview date... but like I said different processes so yeah that's probably no help at all. If I had had to wait until getting an interview date it would have been SO rushed. But yeah, this probably has NO relevance aha.
mixxerr0seFemaleNew Zealand2012-05-06 00:54:00
Australia and New ZealandMy K-1 interview. Approved! May 1, 2012
Awesome, so happy for you! Ours was not long approved too so the feeling is very much still fresh!
mixxerr0seFemaleNew Zealand2012-05-06 01:02:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!

CONGRATS! YAY! Now you gotta tell me all about the interview haha :) My fiance is going for his interview next tuesday, i wanted to go with him, but on such short notice cant get down there now :( Any tips appreciated! I know ive read the interview stories from other kiwis, but a recent one would be great!

Welcome to the group! (im not a kiwi myself, just a kiwi lover lol)

I assume by next Tuesday you mean today haha, if so looking forward to hearing how it went for him! Let us know (:
mixxerr0seFemaleNew Zealand2012-04-30 00:33:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!

Thank you for the review of the interview!! It brought back memories for me :yes: It will be most helpful for future kiwis going through the process! :thumbs:

Thank you! I hope so!

R.O.C. interview

Today was my interview for R.O.C.... We got to the local office around 7.15am. I thought we would have to wait for it to open but it was already open with the security guards by the front doors etc... It was the same place we went to for AOS interview and we went up to the first floor. I was shocked when we went to walk into the office and saw ALL the people sitting there waiting to be interviewed!! At that time of the morning?? Made me wonder what time does the uscis office open??

Anyway, i slid the interview letter under the tray by the window at the front desk and we sat down and waited.. I noticed that above the main window, it said AOS and Naturalization.. I panicked for like a minute, wondering if we were in the right place but a woman came and picked up the interview letter from the tray and didn't say anything.

We waited for maybe 15 minutes, then our names were called, which surprised me as last time we had to wait almost 2 and a half hours for the interview.. The man led us out of the main waiting room and on a tiki tour through corridors and rooms etc (in the opposite direction of where we went for the AOS interview). We had to remain standing and put up our right hands and swear to an oath to tell the truth etc.

We had to produce our drivers licence and i had to give him my expired green card. He opened our file and i noticed how thick it was :) He generally went over the I-751 form and asked me the questions that were on it.. He asked us where we got married and when. Asked us how we met. Where we worked. My children's names. I had to show recent bank statements, tax returns, car insurance and photos. He then asked us if we had any credit cards (we don't)

He left the office and photocopied our drivers licence and then said we were approved and should get the new GC in a few weeks. He also said i could apply for citizenship in the future. He said that it is 3 years from when we got married to apply AND three years from the initial date on the greencard. I asked/said to him that you can apply 90 days before the date on the greencard? and he said that it is best to apply for it more closer to the date on the GC or you will lose the $680 filing fee and have the form sent back to you.. so now i am not sure if you can apply safely 90 days before the initial date on your greencard was issued? Anyone know for sure?

So that was that. I am soo glad that it is over. But i still don't know why we got called in for an interview for both AOS and ROC.

Cdneh: I hope you hear something very soon about your ROC!!

Congrats, that is awesome! I can't wait until we have made it that far haha. Seems so overwhelming and far away. I'm stressed because on top of what everyone else has to do which is plenty!, ie planning a wedding, getting married, and doing all the AOS stuff in 3 months, we are also moving house - our lease at fiance's current place will end JUST after our 3 months expires (give or take, depending on when I actually get my a into g and get sorted and get over there) so we will also be house-hunting and packing things up and arranging a move in those 3 months too, argh - I don't deal well with overwhelm, I tend to shut down so a bit scared about all that.

Congrats two both of you, Very awesome, Just got email that my husbands green card was mailed yesterday, so my sister and brother -n-law, ( they co sponsored) and my self are going to wrap up the Green card letter, My sister is going to make him a cake with both flags on it, and we are going to celebrate. So happy, Thanks Jaime for the welcome to the group :D

Thank you tons! It's a relief, but also stressful as we now have to actually move forward but at least we CAN now! Congrats on the green card!! The cake is such a cute idea (:
mixxerr0seFemaleNew Zealand2012-04-30 00:31:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
Thank you all so much! It's so nice having the support from people going through the same thing! Right now I am trying really hard to focus on just getting out of the country - selling my stuff, etc etc right now instead of looking up all the AOS stuff and getting overwhelmed. We don't even have any of the wedding details set at this point, even though it's gonna be really simple / a 'quickie' you know there is still a lot to think about - we don't have a location set at this point, I don't have a dress nor him a suit, nothing haha. But have to just focus on GETTING there then we can worry about all that!

Anyway, here is my 'story' Jamie! And for anyone else it may help in the future, although I don't really know if there's much to it that would help people but I know that most things were quite on point with what others had said about the interview/consulate/etc, and that did make me feel much more in control when I was there!

So. My interview was at 10am. I had been planning to leave ridiculous amounts of time to get ready and what not just in case, but had been very short of sleep recently and SLEPT THROUGH MY FREAKIN' ALARM! Luckily I woke up and thought it was a bit lighter than it should have been so checked the time, it was 50 minutes later than I wanted to wake up so I had a bit of a freakout but considering how much time I had left to get ready I still actually had plenty of time as my hotel was all of a like, 10 minute if that walk from the consulate. Although I did have to allow a bit of extra time for the walk down the 14 flights of stairs in wedges - yes, BOTH elevators at the hotel were broken. I was also going to have coffee and stuff before the interview, so luckily the time I'd allowed for that made up for how late I woke up! Anyway, ended up leaving the hotel around 9.15 I think? As I said, much later than I would have liked, but I knew exactly where I had to go and how far away I was so I wasn't too worried - just meant I had to forgo the coffee. Wasn't sure if I should wait until closer to 10 to enter, or if you were supposed to be through security and the first window and all that by that point - in the end entered the building at 9.45. The best way I can describe to find the building is if you are on Queen St. heading towards the water, Customs St. East (I think that was the one aha not West) is on your right (that part I am sure of) just before you hit the busses and stuff at Britomart. Then it's on the right hand side of that street, right next to an Esquires coffee, before you hit any intersections or anything, like really not far up that road at all. It's pretty hard to miss and as someone else mentioned (kiwana I think) there is a US flag outside out.

Anyway, went up on the elevator, and as people have said you come straight out at security. There was a security guard standing behind a desky thing, and I wasn't sure whether I went straight up to him or to this bit that said "Please queue here" or something, and then he would come over to me? So I awkwardly (I am great at being awkward) asked him if I lined up there or not and he asked what time my appt. was and I told him and he like radioed through that I was there. Then he asked if I had a cellphone and I said I did and he asked me to turn it off and I did and I put it back in my handbag and then he asked me to put my handbag on the conveyor belt thing and it went through that and he locked it away and gave me a number to pick it up later. Then he asked if he could look at my folder (that had my evidence etc in it) and I was like sure but he just stood there and I realised he wanted me to open it myself aha. So I did and held it open and he was satisfied and then asked me to leave everything on the counter and walk through the security thing which I did. Then I picked it up again (my folder) and he said to go through the door up to Window 'something' (I forgot the number, but it was the one straight ahead from the door I went through and the only one that says immigrant visas) and press the button so I did.

It took about two minutes before a nice older lady with shortish dark hair came to the window and started talking to me. Basically she just looked through my papers to make sure everything was there and took my passport and said this was the first part and then I'd have an interview with a consular officer. And she just asked a few things that I think she must have had to ask like "Are you planning to get married in the United States" and asked if my fiance worked there (yes) and stuff, like really simple things, that's about all I can remember. And she explained the process of what happened afterwards - like showed me a sample envelope that I take through customs etc when I get there and that I would be taken aside at POE and interviewed a bit or w/e and to allow a butt-ton of time if I had a connecting flight just in case, and a basic overview of the AOS and that sort of thing, although she said that they'd send me info on all that anyway so not to worry too much. And gave me a CD which I assume was my xray since it had their logo all over it aha. And a photocopy of the vaccination record (DS-3025? Too lazy to look it up right now) saying it was very important I hold on to it as I would need it for AOS. I told her I already had it, that the doctors had sent me a pdf copy, and she said that they were SUPPOSED to but only like 1 out of 10 times they actually did or something. Oh and yes I forgot to mention since I assume everyone's read other reports - yes there was glass between us haha and I was standing and you slipped papers under a little hole in the bottom of the window. Anyway that was about all at that window and then she gave me a slip of paper with the new payment info on it (it had just changed to more than $100 less than the old price a matter of days before my interview, pretty sweet!) and told me to go to the next window (payment window) and buzz.

Here almost instantly an Asian lady came and I paid her and that was all very straight forward. She told me to take a seat and I'd be called for my interview. So I did and that was when I actually stopped to look around. Basically the bit where all this happens is almost like a big corridor with the windows (like the interview windows, payment window etc) running the length of it. At the other end by the 'Staff only' or something door there was a very small tv playing American news. There were flags and stuff in a few places and posters about voting on the walls. Overall it was pretty sparse - lots of chairs to wait on, just simple fold-up type ones. I saw that there were two interview windows, but when I sat down there was no one at either. I waited awkwardly, obvs. no magazines to read or anything at a place like this and everything has been taken off you (phones, mp3 players etc) so not much to do. I was the only one in there bar a few people coming in and out of the employee door. A very American sounding man and a Kiwi girl (Maori I think?) came through while I was waiting and talked to the lady I had already talked to. They had got married here by the sounds of it and were starting whatever the process was of immigrating to the States. I wasn't trying to eavesdrop but you can just hear everything haha. They were there pretty quick then left again, just went to that one window, I think they were more after information than anything else. I'd been waiting about 10 mins I'd guess (although felt like more) when a man came up to the interview window, but he didn't call me. Then another couple came in and went up to the US Citizens window (right at the end after the interview windows) and buzzed and then appeared to get frustrated at the fact that no one came up to the window straight away and started yelling "Hello?" etc. Which for some reason annoyed me, I mean calm down, you buzz to let them know you're there, that doesn't mean they have to come right away! Besides I'd been waiting way longer than then. Anyway finally they sat down and waited.

About 10 mins after the man appeared on the other side of the interview window he called my name, so I went up. He was quite nice too, like serious I guess but not intimidating. Basically he did the same thing as the lady, just went through all my forms and stuff, said everything seemed in order. He had to get one of my fingerprints again at that window as one hadn't turned out right or whatever. Asked a few questions, like how did we meet (which I said when and how) then he prompted for more details of how it progressed (since we met online I mentioned how we talked on there then emailed then IMed then started using webcam and swapped numbers and how it became more frequent and progressed and all that stuff). He asked what Adam (fiance) did, which I explained the best I could - I said at the end "I don't quite understand it haha" to which he grinned. He asked where we were planning to get married (which I said we were still deciding between a couple of places) which lead him to ask if that (Seattle) was where he lived, which I said yes it was. He asked when I was planning to leave the country, and I said that had depended on when this happened etc but when (/if, didn't know whether saying 'when' would sound too presumptuous haha) this came through we would probably book flights pretty soon for about a month or so out. But yeah all these questions were pretty casual and stuff. He said we were going to take an oath now and to raise my hand like he showed me and I can't even remember what the oath was now lmao, I guess just that everything I had said / on the forms etc was true. And yeah, then he handed me the part of the form that you're not meant to sign until the interview (the one with a part 1 and a part 2 - DS156 maybe? - too lazy to remember the names while typing this, will edit later with them lol) and I signed it then he signed his part saying he witnessed it etc. Then he started talking about how it would take a few days to process and then my passport would be returned to me in the mail etc. And then there was kind of silence and I realised it was like, finished aha. And I awkwardly asked like, if this processing time was when the decision was made, or...? Type thing... and he was like "Oh no no, it's all approved haha, this is just processing time." And I was thinking OMG you could have told me that! Hahaha but yeah I double-checked that he didn't need any evidence and I can't remember exactly what he said but basically he didn't lol. SO I SPENT FOREVER ORGANISING THAT WHOLE BIG FOLDER OF STUFF FOR NOTHING OMG! Still hahahaha it was approved I didn't really care, whatever! Anyway I thanked him profusely and sat back on a seat for a moment to put the extra stuff he had given me that they no longer needed back in my folder etc and the 'US Citizen' people were like "Oh I bet HE can help us" and started harassing him at the interview window lmao poor guy, I mean it's not even the right window! They hadn't been waiting long at all, like my entire interview probably only took like 5 mins, or 10 tops.

Anyway, went back out through security, got my bag back, went down the lift, turned my phone back on. Went outside the building but still sort of in it's entranceway so I wasn't standing in the middle of the footpath and called Adam. He'd very sweetly worked from home that day so that if I had to call him for anything (like if he needed to email something over or whatever) he'd be easier to reach. Anyway I called him with teary eyes and told him "We are allowed to get married!" and I think honestly - it was relief as much as happiness haha. But I was like swirling round on the phone to him all teary eyed, the people passing must have been like ####### but I didn't care. Eventually he said he better call his mum & sister haha, who were very happy, and I went and sat on the bus stop seat there and had a cigarette (no lectures lol) and texted my parents - my mum proceeded to ring me haha saying congrats and stuff. Then I went to the coffee place next door and got coffee and a muffin and got harrassed by a bird (INSIDE MIGHT I ADD) and wanted to like, tell people or something, you know? But that would just be weird and creepy so I kept it to myself and had coffee/muffin and well yeah, that's basically the end of the story :P

So yeah the interview was on Thursday, it's Tuesday now and no sign of visa yet but not worried yet! I went in at around 9.45 or a bit after, and checked the time when I was out AFTER a 10 min or so phone call to Adam, at 10.40. So around 50 minutes, with at least 20 mins of that just waiting. So I prob only had about 30 mins or so in contact with people, including security, the first window, the cashier window, and the interview itself! Just as some sort of idea of time frames!

Anything else anyone wants to know feel free to ask, hope this rambling helps at least someone some! Even if not it feels quite good to talk about it haha. Best of luck to your fiance for the interview Jamie! It's really not that scary at all, I promise, but even though I'd been told that by others I was still scared haha :P But yeah, pretty unjustified (:
mixxerr0seFemaleNew Zealand2012-04-24 04:01:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
Visa visa vi-SA! -to the tune of the conga-
Hehehe just had to celebrate in ALL the threads ^-^ So happy.
mixxerr0seFemaleNew Zealand2012-04-19 00:23:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
Hi Jamie! I sent my packet 3 in on the 2nd of this month, it was received at the consulate on the 4th, my interview appointment letter was also dated the 4th but I didn't receive it until the 10th (Easter weekend messed with the post I guess), and my interview is this coming Thursday (the 19th) - I was quite shocked at how close it was! But I guess I did receive the letter a bit late. Appears to be a pretty short turn around time anyhow at the moment just going from what happened with ours, hope that helps!

Edit: 'Packet 4' was only a letter stating my interview time. I guess because the previous instructions list covered everything to bring etc (:

Edited by mixxerr0se, 13 April 2012 - 12:16 AM.

mixxerr0seFemaleNew Zealand2012-04-13 00:15:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
Congratulations rubyred!! That must be such a relief to be allowed to just 'be'! I am so happy for you!

I just booked my medical for a week today in Wellington. Apparently the x-ray place (at which I had to make a separate appointment) is just across the road, so hoping it should all go smoothly. We also got our request for an extension approved. I am very excited, I finally feel like we're getting close! I have my first lot of forms all packaged up ready to go - were going to be sent yesterday but I got to the Post Shop too late but they will be sent later today - then it's really only those last few little bits and pieces before I can sign saying I would like an interview date please! I know there's still a bit to do yet but it finally feels like things are starting to come together and I am feeling more positive and excited rather than stressed now (:
mixxerr0seFemaleNew Zealand2012-02-14 16:57:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
Oh and yes I will be going to the Auckland embassy for my interview Kiwiana. I thought that was the only one you could go to for interview actually but maybe I got the wrong end of the stick there, but even if there are options yes, that is still where I will go (: Just to confirm, what is 'Packet 3'? Is that what I'm working on right now, the letter-thing they sent me when they received the approved petition that lists the first lot of forms etc to send in, and then the second section that you send things in with and prepare all your evidence etc and then sign and send in for an interview date? Haha I thought I was so on to it and organised and I do kind of know the process in my head, but I don't understand the whole package 'x' thing and nothing I have ever received seems to have directly said about that on it? So I don't need any kind of confirmation etc that the first lot of forms etc (DS-230, DS-156/156k, police check etc) got through before booking the medical, as far as you know? It seems that this 'first' section is more to get processing on the way rather than a set order type thing, so I think I will go ahead and try and book it (the medical) pretty soon just in case there IS a wait - and if there isn't I will just book it in the future a bit to make sure things are done first etc. No downsides to doing that? Also, I haven't even looked on here for any info regarding this yet so don't get mad haha I'm sure it's here somewhere but this just popped into my head - what on earth do I even ask for when booking? A full medical including 'x, y, etc' for the K1 visa? I suppose they must get a lot of people through for it since there aren't many options of places to get it done so they must kind of be used to people asking for it I guess.

And thank you so much for making me feel at home / saying to ask anything - I sureeeee am haha. I overthink so damn much that I will probably be asking things every two seconds, sooo sorry. When I am all done with this I will come back and answer other people's questions who are as ####### as I am and think to ask them too, promise :P
mixxerr0seFemaleNew Zealand2012-02-06 02:55:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
The thing is though, I'm NOT actively looking for work right now, I have two main disorders that make it quite hard. I worked a part time job etc all through school, worked constantly for about 3 1/2 years after leaving school, often minimums of 80 hour weeks, then took about 6 months off when it all got a bit hard, then got a temp job that were happy to keep me on for longer than they said, but I gave my end date as when I thought I would go to the States (the first time, to meet my now-fiance for the first time) but everything took longer than I planned so was also unemployed for about another 5ish months after that (no point looking for anything as kept thinking I would be leaving very soon but it kept taking longer than I thought haha), then 3 months in the US, and haven't been working since either and it has been almost a year since I got back. During any of these times though I have only been on any sort of benefit for about 6 weeks, and most of this time was without my current fiance in my life (or anyone who is willing to support me) so I should hope that would prove to some extent that I will not become a "burden on society" if even without the support of fiance (for most of that time) I never took any benefits etc. I think I am ready to get into work again once in the US, maybe just part time or even volunteer if need be. But yes, all the time off makes my CV etc quite patchy so that won't work in my favour. But surely it will be enough that I have next to never relied 'on the system' before and that fiance is willing and able to support me? He is so amazing and says that as long as I am happy he doesn't care if I never work again, either if I can't or simply don't want to, as long as I am using my mind in some way (as he appreciates it and constantly tells me so, it makes me feel so amazing), as long as I keep seeing beauty the way I do, etc etc.He is so amazing to me and he just wants me to be happy and no matter what he will support me - emotionally and financially, and there are no issues at all re. that. I mean I do want to work and WILL look once settled in the US(and you know, eventually want to study too), sorry for the semi life story here haha but I just feel like I need to justify myself and my choices, even though I shouldn't. But yeah moral of the story - I don't look overly employable. I don't have funds put away that aren't his. I know I will be able to get 'something', I always do, but it doesn't look that great with all the on/offs. I am hoping the fact that I have his full support (both with 'proof' with the I-134 and stories of what he has said / done so far etc) will be enough considering this isn't a work-based or anything visa, it is relationship based. That said though I suppose they have to also take into consideration if something were to happen like if he got sick or something and couldn't work to support us etc so I understand that. I don't know, I'm rambling, I'm so sorry. It's just so nice to have a place to get all the thoughts and worries out that are swirling in the back of my mind re. this whole long process (: Thank you for listening, even if you don't have any actual advice I just appreciate being able to type all this out haha.
mixxerr0seFemaleNew Zealand2012-02-06 02:39:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
Wow Kiwiana, that post about your medical experiences is so detailed and useful, thank you so much! I think I will save that somewhere for future reference haha (: Probably going to Wellington for mine though but maybe I should just go to Auckland since I know it a bit better and you said your doctors etc were all nice. Not that I know Remuera at all either, hmm. Also, is there much waiting time for booking those medicals? Like on the letter I got I am still up to sending in the first lot of forms but won't be much longer (the DS-230, DS-156, DS-156k, police cert form, passport pics / photocopies etc etc), will be done with them all and send them in in a day or two - do you have to wait for some sort of letter or confirmation of them being received before you book the medical, or would it be wise to get in and do that now?

Also this bit: "The embassy in Auckland seemed to be more concerned with how much the beneficiary had in funds to be able to support themselves when they arrived in USA, more so then what the petitioner earned on the 1-134 form ( i think its called 1-134 lol!)"

scares me a bit. While combined my fiance and I have plenty of funds to support me, most of them (well, all to be honest) are his as I'm unemployed atm. In the "SECOND" part of things to do / send in on my letter it says the form I-134 obviously but also "proof of your own funds, bank account, CV/Resume" - for that part he will probably just send me money. But in the interview etc will they question me on that do you think/mean? He earns / has put away plenty to support me/us so that is no problem - but if they ask where the funds in my own account are from and I say they are from him, are you saying that that may reflect badly on me?

Sorry for all the questions and it getting so long haha, it just seems like everything you posted was quite relevant to me / where I am at now / soon. Wow, it appears I like slashes >.>
mixxerr0seFemaleNew Zealand2012-02-05 05:09:00
Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
Just thought I would pop on and say hi on the Kiwi thread! My name's Mixx and my US citizen fiance and I are currently working on the k1 visa. Sadly we are doing so while apart, we have spent far too much time apart, but I know it's going to be worth it and now that we are finally making progress the excitement is finally starting to outweigh the stress! Anyone else from Hawkes Bay going through the same process by chance? Just out of interest. Or if those sort of questions are too personal my apologies! Jamie, I will also being going through the 'process in Auckland' but haven't as of yet so not much advice either sorry!
mixxerr0seFemaleNew Zealand2012-02-01 05:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A questions - clarification please!
Oh wow, super fast answers!

Ryan H - Thank you so much!!

JoannaV - Thank you! That's good to know I don't have to be too pedantic with all the addresses! That's interesting, I thought I would def. have to list the boy's address to show we had met within two years or whatever that rule is. But then again I guess this is just an info form more than a proof one and like you said will obviously come up elsewhere later anyway.

Still haven't decided whether to list my "out of home" addresses or not... perhaps just the ones I stayed at for any length of time. I think I should at least list those, since most of the jobs I will list will have been in another city - therefore not stacking up with the 'home' addresses you know? My only worry with only listing the places I had been at any decent length of time is that it is essentially lying about how long I had stayed at the places I DO list, you know what I mean? Like in order to cover the places I only stayed at a little while, I will essentially be 'fudging' the dates of the ones I do list, ie extending the months I was there... what if they check that out somehow? Then again, some of the places I can't even remember the address of anyway haha, or the exact dates I was in each, will be a bit of guesswork anyway, so I guess missing out places I was for less than a few months or something and have no record of wouldn't matter too much.

Thank you for your kinship in longwindedness haha (:

lovers2010 - Thank you! I guess with that last question the main thing is that the boy & I makes sure whatever we do specify under "other" matches each others. I'll double check what he put, he sent me his I-129F to check over for consistency but not the G-325A, but yes, something along the lines of "Form I-129F" or "I-129F petition" etc sounds like the best plan.

My employment history is longish too haha. There are also a few gaps of unemployment. I know I have to put that regardless, but do they judge you badly for having unemployed periods &/or quite a few employers? In my case it was nothing bad, just in the process of figuring out my direction etc (plus I moved round a lot) so never stuck with anything for that long.

Thank you again all! Can not wait to just be back in his arms.
mixxerr0seFemaleNew Zealand2011-04-04 03:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A questions - clarification please!
Hi all! First post here, so I apologise if I am asking dumb questions, using the wrong terms, or over-thinking my answers to the form haha.

Quick background: I am from (and currently residing in) NZ and engaged to a US man. We are applying for a K-1 visa. He is currently working on the I-129f for us, and I am working on my parts to send to him to include when he sends it in, such as my copy of the G-325A etc. I have a few questions about that form, which probably arise from me over-thinking it haha, but please humour me (:

Firstly - the previous addresses section. Over the last 5 years I've had LOTS of addresses. Being 22, near the start of those 5 years I lived at home with my parents. Then I moved out for some time, spanning lots of addresses (flatting etc). Then returned home to the original address. Moved WITH the family to a new address. Went to the US for 3 months to meet my then-boyfriend (now fiancee). We met online, and had been together for approx 18 months prior to this first meeting. During this time (my time with him in the US) he proposed. I have now returned home to the same address in NZ as before I left to file all this stuff.

My questions:

1. For those addresses that I have returned to more than once - do I list them more than once? I'm assuming yes, as the other option (listing from when I FIRST lived there to LAST left, assuming it would be obvious by the other dates where I lived before returning there) could get muddly. Pretty sure relisting them would be the best option, but just wanted to check. Plus I have lots of addresses, def. going to have to continue on a another sheet.

2. On that note - when continuing on another sheet, what exact words do I write to indicate this? Something like "Continued, see attached." ? Also, where do I write this? In the last available line of the addresses chart, forgoing using that for one of the addresses? Or should I hand-write this underneath the little chart after I have printed it?

3. On the attached continuation page, it won't (obviously) have the little table they give you. Should I just leave gaps to simulate the format of the table? (Like between street number, city, date, etc?) Or should I try to make my own little table like the form has on Word or something? Or just handwrite them? (I know, I totally worry too much...)

4. What exactly do I put for 'country' when I was with my man? I figured 'United States of America' but that doesn't fit... ok to just put USA? In general (in case I come across this again), is it acceptable to shorten to abbreviations (in situations where it would be obvious what they mean) where they would not fit otherwise?

5. Lucky last haha, in regards to the "this form is submitted in connection with an application for:"
Do I put "other", and specify K1 Visa? Since that is the current process? Or "permanent resident", since eventually I will end up being one?

PHEW. Sorry for the long-windedness. Any clarification would be greatly appreciated. Let me know if you need me to explain anything better.

mixxerr0seFemaleNew Zealand2011-04-04 00:50:00