PhilippinesBuying a laptop in the philippines
I would purchase the laptop in the US, and either ship it or bring it next time you visit. Laptops here in the US are much cheaper. Its been recommend to me to purchase either IBM laptops (made in china) or Japanese laptops (Toshiba, Sony etc) as you will an easier time with parts and service. You can find plug converters on amazon for 7 or 8 dollars, or most any magazine shop in an airport. As others have pointed out, Don't worry about voltage conversion, all new and newish laptops will convert just about anything to the required voltage. When I visited Korea, I brough along a small power strip w/surge protection and the hotel provided the voltage conversion for what items that needed it. I assume that's the same as in RP . .or even easier!

The Poodle Guy
Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2011-02-27 18:31:00
PhilippinesMarriage Fraud, Divorce and a life on hold . . .
If she's a scammer, which she very could be - she failed. If she's not, then there is still very little I can do other than offer moral support, a shoulder to cry on, and perhaps names of people that can help. In order for her regain any self-respect, she must lift herself out of this mess. She has resources to pull it off . . . We'll see what she does with what she has.

The Poodle Guy
Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2011-02-27 21:57:00
PhilippinesMarriage Fraud, Divorce and a life on hold . . .

When someone is coming off a two-year foreign marriage scam I don't have a lot of sympathy with the poverty argument. I understand that they don't want to sell the karaoke machine and all the other little treasures. They don't want to work until they have to. I understand it, but am not granting empathy to it.

He's going to see for himself, and that's a very good idea. On a video chat you can put on an act easier than you can in-person for days on end.

But thanks mjaye65 yea, divorce is more difficult there. Domestic especially.

According to Jane, this was a 'set' marriage If I understand the term correctly. In order to be in Japan, she married a Japanese citizen and paid him 50,000 Y per/month (~400.00 US?) for this 'privilege'. She stated she did this so she could help get her sister out of possible run-in with Japanese immigration. I won't go into details, but it seemed on the face of it to be credible. She also sent a good bit of it home as well. She stated that her father had just passed away; this mess and 4 1/2 years of chemical engineering education up on smoke - she had one more semester to complete her studies. She has a number of siblings that are foreign countries that are work as engineers in a variety of specialties. She also stated that except for her sister and mother, the rest of the family and friends are clueless. She is suspected of being lesbian, and even some of her posted Facebook images has references to that in a joking sort of way. I remember on where she is dressed up as a bridesmaid with the caption "Brides Maid Forever?". These of course, could be fabricated for appearance sake for an interested guy . . . . It would be a rather elaborate ruse . . .but possible. The marriage fraud was not perpetrated in the manner of classic 'honey pot' faux marriage. If she is truthful, then I think that both her sister and her and the Japanese 'husband' got the better end of this deal. Her impulsive responsive of 'sure I'll help sis' lead to another couple of missteps (non-illegal) that have really turned her life upside down.

The Poodle Guy
Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2011-02-27 18:21:00
PhilippinesMarriage Fraud, Divorce and a life on hold . . .
Thanks for the help . . . . I might be reading too much into this . . . but it seems that if she got the K1, and left to go to a country on a vacation that doesn't require an RP Visa, she could then jump on a airplane from that country and enter the US with her K1 visa -right? I'm assuming that a K1 Visa holder is it is not required to go directly to the US, but can do a vacation . . .but once in the US - they must marry, or leave, or file for an extension of some kind. If that's the case, then as a Plan B, option 1 does have some merit - no?
The Poodle Guy

Since everyone else has addressed other parts of your post I'll address this.
You're right & wrong on this scenario.

The US Embassy will accept her Japanese divorce (regardless of who initiated it or if it's been filed with the Philippines courts for recognition in the Philippines). This means that she could get a K-1 Visa issued. That's the YES part.

Here's the NO part: To leave the Philippines with a US K-1 Visa in her passport she will need a CFO Certificate and sticker clearing her to leave the country. CFO will not issue her the certificate & sticker because in order to get it she must prove that she is free to marry but by Philippine Law she isn't.

So, while she may get the K-1 issued she will not be able to use it.

Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2011-02-26 01:49:00
PhilippinesMarriage Fraud, Divorce and a life on hold . . .
Ouch - I'm glad that you are are able to see things with such great clarity . . . that's sometimes a challenge for me. To be clear here, Jane did not have friends who did this, but my friends wife did. She decided not to do this - good for her. Jane however, made the wrong decision. I've made wrong decisions too. I do know that in some cultures shame and family obligations are powerful motivators. The need to help family members in times of crisis will often drive people to do things that they normally would not do. She did this 10 years ago as a young woman barely out of her teens. I personally see no reason for her to suffer a life of loss and despair for a mistake done years ago.
She has, to her credit, not blamed anyone except herself for what she did. She has accepted responsibility unconditionally. She hasn't asked me for a dime over the 5 months we've chatted and emailed. No dying relatives, cancer, broken pipes, dental work - nothing. She's spoken of sacrafice, service, family and loss. Either she is an excellent actress, or she feels a deep shame at the mistake that she made - and I've seen the look on her face during our webcam chats while we've spoken about it. I've met a couple of scammers online and I'm fortunate to have not lost anything to them. If Jane is a scammer, she is either the most patient and crafty scammer around or really bad at it! It is very easy to see the world in terms of black and white - good and bad. We all screw up, some worse than others. I've done my fair share of screwing up too. I'm glad that there are people in this world that have lived spotless lives, it gives us all something to aspire to.

Warm Regards,
The Poodle Guy

Hi Poodle Guy

"Intelligent" enough to pull marriage fraud on a Japanese victim.

Not intelligent enough or without sufficient drive to fix the problem she caused for herself in five to six years, or even to find out what she needed to have the next guy pay for.

It is her responsibility to know what to do, not to drop it in the lap of someone else.

Sounds like she runs with some really nice people.

Her dreams did come true - regarding fraud - it's just that those dreams are very short-sighted, irresponsible, and cruel.

There are plenty of Filipinas. Since this one has yet to start her life in the right direction on her own volition, I'd say she isn't so beautiful.

Beauty is as beauty does.

Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2011-02-26 01:39:00
PhilippinesMarriage Fraud, Divorce and a life on hold . . .
All -
Thanks for the kind words, you've really made my day. It would be a really nice addition to this site to have a list of Philippino Family Attorneys' listed by region. Any more opinions or advice is greatly appreciated . . . . wish me luck!

The Poodle Guy
Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2011-02-26 00:29:00
PhilippinesMarriage Fraud, Divorce and a life on hold . . .
This is my first time posting, I've lurked and looked for some time . . . My questions is about a woman that I met on the net who lives in the Philippines. She seems like a fine, upstanding and honest woman who made a mistake about 10 years ago. I'll call her 'Jane' for now . ... .She's the youngest in a family of 9 sibiings, with 6 of them being step sisters and brothers. Unable to secure a position using her math degree, Jane become involved in a marriage to a Japanese fellow. They were married in the Philppines. He initiated the divorce after 2 years in Japan, 3 years after that she was laid off when economy started to sour. She was doing some kind of QA in a LCD factory . . .. She now believes that she is not divorced, and is unable to remarry without an anullment. She was not arrested, deported or caught up in a sting. She has been living in limbo for 5 or 6 years, unable to move forward because of her current marital status. An american friend of mine who lives in the philippines said his fillipino wife is 100% sure she must get her marriage annulled because Japan and the Philippino Goverment exchange update each other on marriage statuses or something to that effect. Some of her friends who did this had to get annullment. From reading this forum (thanks!) and others, it appears that are at least two ways out of this mess - with the first being the most likely:

1) Jane was married in the Philippines, and divorced in Japan. Her husband initiated the divorce, the english translation of the divorce says he initiated it. There is a section in the Family code that says that if this is the case, she is free to remarry. I've read here that there is a necessary court document that must be file that essentially demands the NSO to issue a CENOMAR - or something to that effect.

2) Since the US recognizes Philippine Marriage AND Japanese divorce, a K1 fiance visa can be issued to her. The K3 visa cannot be issued, because obviously she can't get remarried in the RP if #1 is not true. No CENOMAR issued or needed. I've read mixed results on this tact, and it appears to be heavily dependent on the 'luck of the draw' as to how the issue handled at the embassy.

How will the interview process proceed around this issue, what disclosures are required?
Does anyone have the number of a good family attorney in manilla that we could seek some advice on this matter?

Even if we don't hit it off, which I hope we will . . . she is very ashamed of what she did . . . . I'd hate to see this stunningly beautiful and intelligent woman not accomplish what she dreams of. I'd love to just get her started in the right direction, and find some kind of relief her situation . . . .
I'm visiting the Philippines in a week, and visiting her and others as well . . . I'd sure like to give her some good news . . . but she seems to be prepared for the worst . . .

Any ideas? Suggestions? Contacts? Send me a private message if you feel that's the best way.

Thanks for this great forum and for your help and consideration in this matter . . . .

The Poodle Guy
Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2011-02-25 22:17:00
PhilippinesClosest 2GO location to Airport
Hi . . . although I'm just beginning my research, I did learn a couple of things about residences in Iloilo City for younger women. Commonly they stay in 'boarding houses', which I guess is the American equivilient to an Efficiency with a shared kitchen and bathroom . . kind of like a dorm room. Fortunately I've a friend I can send packages to for the woman that I'm courting as I've been advised that no valuables should be sent to that 'residence' because it's difficult to know actually received it. Visa/Passport documents are probably not high on the theft list . . . but I certainly wouldn't take a chance. If you don't have a friend there, and she can't accept packages at work . . . something like 2GO seems like a reasonable option.

The Poodle Guy!

Sounds like a clusterpluck in the makings. You know how difficult it is in Philippines to deal with business cuz they seem to text and everything is manual versus computer. Going outside the normal business loop seems to always create problems.

I would let them deliver to her address, Labor is dirt cheap in Philippines, if they miss her I am sure they can re deliver

If you have to try to send it to a location next to the airport I hope it works for you....

Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2011-03-23 09:26:00
PhilippinesKorean Airlines
I've been lost and nearly missed flights in LAX . . . ICN is very easy to get around in . . . everyone speaks enough English to make it work . . .I've never had a problem knowing where and when I needed to be to catch a connecting flight in ICN . . . great airport . .

The Poodle Guy!
Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2011-03-21 18:37:00
PhilippinesKorean Airlines
No worries . . . I've flown Korean Air for a number years to visit OEMs for my previous employer. They are very competent, food is good, roomy and comfortable for Economy class . . . They did have some training issues a while back where they managed to fly a couple of Airbus A3XX airplanes into the ground (controlled flight into terrain is the terminology I believe is used). Those class of aircraft require a more in-depth pilot training than they were giving at the time. Some of the China airlines were doing this as well . . .they are now much more commited to providing proper pilot training for these aircraft. Since the A3XX aircraft are fly by wire, and have automated systems to manage the aircraft in case of unusual attitudes or pilot incapacity, they are managed quite differently let say from a standard 747 or 737 aircraft . . . I would not hesitate to fly them again . . . . I flew ANA recently, another good airline that is now code shared with Continental - my 'home' airline. Unfortunately, Korea Air stopped their participation w/Continental code share about a year ago or so . . .

Fly them . . .they are fine!

The Poodle Guy!
Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2011-03-21 13:26:00
PhilippinesInfo On US CENOMAR Equivilent

Don't bring her in, she's not needed for it and they can refuse to let her in as she doesn't have business inside the Embassy.

Thanks . . . doesn't sound like a good idea . . to invite her along!

Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2011-07-13 21:11:00
PhilippinesInfo On US CENOMAR Equivilent
It seems like that on the Consulate website, that there are two different and almost conflicting statements about bringing your fiance with your when you get the 'Texas CENOMAR'. One statement says something to the effect that it is not necessary to bring your fiance when you pick up this certificate. The statement before it stated that there isn't enough room to accommodate guests, SO's, or whomever - don't bring them. Since she'll eventually be going there for an interview, and most likely without me, I'd sure like for her to at least have one pass through the place to help her feel a little more comfortable. What do you think? Anyone been through the US Embassy Manila recently on such a quest? Did you bring your fiance?

Should this be a new topic? I'll repost it if so . . .


Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2011-07-13 16:14:00
PhilippinesInfo On US CENOMAR Equivilent

Make sure you make your apointment online and make print out your apointment and do it early in the morning if you are going to do your marriage license in Manila.

Thanks - we will probably be applying for the marriage license in Iloilo city. I'll get my 'CENOMAR' first thing in the morning so we can have the rest of the day to ourselves . . . Thanks!
Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2011-07-13 16:07:00
PhilippinesInfo On US CENOMAR Equivilent

For the Divorce Decree what you need is the Final order signed by the judge and it must have the endorsement (or seal) of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, it can't just be a copy. A Notary can't do anything for you with this, IT MUST BE ENDORSED BY THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT WITH THEIR SEAL.

When you get the copy for the US Embassy I would strongly suggest getting an extra copy or 2, for us the USEM didn't want to keep one but the Local Civil Registry did and it's a lot easier to pay for an extra or two than it is to be short one and on the other side of the world explaining to her family why you can't get married as planned.

We basically had no less than 3 originals (5 of most) of any document required for the entire process (marriage & immigration)...

Thats great advice, I'll follow it . . ..I have 1 copy w/the embossed seal on it. I'll get 2 more before I leave . . . thanks!

Edited by ThePoodleGuy, 13 July 2011 - 04:06 PM.

Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2011-07-13 16:05:00
PhilippinesInfo On US CENOMAR Equivilent

First time posting here in a while . . . I am due to soon go to the Philippines, and would like to know the procedure to apply for the US equivalent of the CENOMAR ... Any help in that direction would be greatly appreciated! Oh . . . and wish me luck . . . expect an exciting (for her and I at least!) announcement very soon . . .



Hello All!
It seemed that with a bit more searching, I found the answer to my question: http://manila.usemba...v/marriage.html

Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2011-07-13 12:51:00
PhilippinesInfo On US CENOMAR Equivilent
First time posting here in a while . . . I am due to soon go to the Philippines, and would like to know the procedure to apply for the US equivalent of the CENOMAR (for the purpose of marriage in the Philippines) for me. Do need to bring the original, certified copy of the divorce certificate? Would a full copy do just as well? What is the phone number or web page that is used to schedule this appointment. From what I picked in conversation with a friend, the Manila embassy requires an appointment, but the Cebu embassy allows walk-ins. Any help in that direction would be greatly appreciated! Oh . . . and wish me luck . . . expect an exciting (for her and I at least!) announcement very soon . . .



Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2011-07-13 12:38:00
PhilippinesWants to give up and Return to Philippines?
My wife is member of Facebook group that has expats and fiances that are trying to get or have received their visas. Its a support group full of good folks. Search for Rassel Sanderson on Facebook, request her as a friend have your fiance explain to her in the initial message she'd like to be member of that group. Its full of good people that have experience. Also I would recommend finding a mental health specialist that specializes in immigration related stress - yes they do exist. You will probably have to work to find such a person - and it might be a day trip to Cleveland. Pre-marital counseling would help . . . Move to a place like Houston, TX that has a lots of jobs, large # of Filipinos, Filipino Asian Foods (Yes you can get Balut in Houston!), They have a filipino baptist church, filipino tagalog catholic services and etc . . . Houston is going to be much warmer than Ohio, and will be closer Filipino climate that she is already used to. My wife and I were married in the Philippines, and we are planning her first days/weeks when she gets here. Since she will have a 'Green Card' (or its equiv) upon arrival - we are apply for the CR1 - she can work right away. So She will be:
1) Getting a drivers license
2) Getting a job - just a part-time one at first at a fashion, clothing or photography store . . . something that will keep her close to her interests. Help keep her occupied, we'll be starting a family and she'll busy enough when that comes along . . . but until then
3) Get her school records transferred here and take some college credit courses . . . .
4) Get a pilots license - I have one, and we flew to Boracay from Cataclan for our Honeymoon . . . . She loved every bit of it! It doesn't cost much to have her study for ground school . . . hahaha!
5) Make sure that she is able to stay in touch with family and friends using skype or facebook. Insist that she start using social media for just this purpose . . . Buy her a camera and have start to document her new life and write about it to friends . . . Maybe an iPad or something like that would do the same thing . . .
6) Worship the ground she walks on - she is your wife (or will be soon you hope) treat her that way! Some flowers and random calls to her during the day would probably do wonders . . . . surprise with a random flower delivery by or whatever . . .
7) Make life an adventure - on Sundays ( or whenever you are off ) Have her stretch her arm out and point with her arm parallel to the ground . .. have her close her eyes and spin her around . . .hahah . . .wherever she stops is the direction you'll go that day and explorer with her in your car. Stop and eat lunch and dinner at random places . . .
8) buy a motorcycle, buy her and you a helmet and go riding on the weekends . . .
9) you get the idea . .. mix things up!

There are many things for her to do . . . . this is the USA!

Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2011-12-05 23:55:00
PhilippinesAll Nippon Airlines
I agree with the previous posters . . . I think its a great airline that is not for the 'super sized' crowd. Very good service, excellent food, and fairly comfortable eco class. - Mark
Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2011-12-03 03:48:00
PhilippinesOops - wrong birthplace on Marriage Certificate!
Thanks for your response! We thought that this might be the case . . . the longer we put it off the more trouble it is the correct it in the future. Do you know if this is a function of City Hall or NBI? I'm assuming City Hall at this time . .

Thanks again!
Mark and Rassel

Mark and rasse,

I think u have to fix that information on that certificate,go to the office where u obtained marriage license and talk to somebody how to fix it before proceed to another step,I did the same mistake can't fix it myself I need to go to court to change the info in my marriage cert..geeezzz.

Usembassy is very strict when ut comes to paper work,fix it now before u start the visa process

Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2011-12-13 04:43:00
PhilippinesOops - wrong birthplace on Marriage Certificate!
We were married on November 28th 2011 . . . the best thing I ever did! So now I'm going over the paperwork to make it happen - and her Birthplace is wrong on the completed and filed marriage certificate! We haven't recieved the official certified copy as of yet. My understanding is that from the perspective of Philippino law - there's no problem. The marriage is legal, valid and etc. The issue is that now that Rassels birth certificate and marriage license are now out of sync. We were married in La Paz, Iloilo City . . . . how do we go about making the changes to the marriage certificate? I'm sure it will be problem during the interview . . . Should I go ahead with my I-130 with the hope that straigtening it out on her end will be sufficient? Is there a way to 'update' an application in progress with 'corrected' documentation? Shoujld I hold off on the I-130?

Thanks in advance for any help/advice rendered . . . .

Mark and Rassel
Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2011-12-12 17:08:00
PhilippinesDual Citizenship, marriage and baby ^_^

My husband came to the Philippines when he was just 5 months old, and visited the US only once when he was around 5. So, most of his life he has stayed in the Philippines. I hope that won't be an issue! We're having our interview in two weeks.

I'd call the U.S. Embassy and schedule an appointment ASAP or talk to someone over the telephone (get their name or id number for future reference). My guess is that he can apply for and receive a passport, that should solve any potential problems with him re-entering the U.S. Last time I paid for a passport it was about 80.00 US . . .

Good Luck!


Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2012-06-27 09:23:00
PhilippinesDual Citizenship, marriage and baby ^_^


I was on the same boat as you do way back in 07. I had to get the "Legal Capacity to Marry" from USEM. I put "American" for the marriage application so I won't have problems in the future. Now I want to file for DCF and CRBA here in USEM.

I do not want to create another thread but to all who's reading this, I haven't been back to the US since 2004 due to school, marriage and a kid. I am now decided to go back to the US but with my family. I don't know if the USEM Consul may give me a hard time due to my long stay here in the Philippines. Has any body experienced the same?

Good luck to both of us Bitsu. We can do this. Cheers!

U.S. Citizenship does not have a time limit. You are one for life unless you voluntarily give it up or it is legally removed by a U.S. federal court of law. You'll just get a 'welcome home' and thats about it! Remember, US passports are good for only 10 years. You can re-enter the U.S. with one day left on it with no hassle. After the ten years . . . you'll probably have to renew. I believe that departing the U.S. Requires at least 6 months left on the passport you're traveling on. I'd certainly talk to your friendly neighborhood embassy there in Manila for details about how that works . . ..

Good Luck and Welcome Home!

Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2012-06-27 09:19:00
PhilippinesDual Citizenship, marriage and baby ^_^

:D :D :D Thanks so much for replying!! As for me entering the Philippines, I know before I went here I was already dual citizen in the US. My father file for it before i came back here, but when i travel to go to Philippines I remember i used my U.S passport ( does that mean i enter the Philippines as a US citizen?)

Another question: What would constitute parental advice? The US embassy requires people up to age 24 to have parental advice prior to marrying? Does it mean I have to present an evidence to prove that I received parental advice like a written consent? Thank you.

You are welcome! Oh, and congrats on the little one! Dad must be excited! Initially, we supplied her parents with a parental advice form from Iloilo City and they filled it out for us. When we took this form to the city to get our pre-marital certificate - they refused it! They did so on the grounds that that her parents local gov't entity must be the one that issues the form! Sheesh! Well we got the local BRGY/City version in her hometown of the form and had them re-fill it out and gave it to the Iloilo City as requested and then received our pre-marital certificate - wahoo! So make sure your fiancé's parents are the ones that get the form from their local BRGY/city government office and have them fill that one out. If I remember correctly, this form was also stamped by the BRGY/city government after they filled it out. This is, I suppose, a way to minimize fraud? Not sure.

Look at your US passport. Does it have an inbound stamp from the RP? If not, get one by traveling out and back in. As someone else stated earlier, since you are an American Citizen of adult age (more than 17 years of age) you do not require a parental advice form. If your fiancé is of sufficiently advanced age, neither does he (is that 25? not sure - I'd check to make sure) Just one less thing to do during a stress period of your life . . . .

Her's a few links:
How to get the "American CENOMAR"
Travel Advisory for U.S. Citizens
Laws and Requirements for Marriage in the Philippines I really like site . . . great info for non-natives and RP citizens alike . . .

Good Luck!


Edited by Mark and Rassel, 25 June 2012 - 09:20 AM.

Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2012-06-25 09:12:00
PhilippinesDual Citizenship, marriage and baby ^_^
When you get your 'CENOMAR' you go to the US Embassy in Manila and swear an oath and get a certificate.

^^^ I don't understand what you are saying. Why would Bitsu need a CENOMAR? Why would Bitsu then need to go to the Embassy and swear an oath? An oath to what? What certificate are you referring to? Are you referring to the "Affidavit in Lieu of Legal Capacity to Marry?"

>>>> Technically, it is not a CENOMAR that I received. As I'm sure you are aware, each state in the U.S. is responsible for administering its own marriage laws. No U.S. equivalent of a CENOMAR exists. The legally acceptable solution is to get a document that the RP accepts as its equivalent (its official name escapes me, but I called it a CENOMAR when I was there). She would go to the U.S. embassy for the same reason I did, because Philippine law required me to do so. RP law requires that I have the legal capacity to marry - there's no way around it. The process for me was very simple. I went to the embassy with my divorce papers, passport and other ID and swore an oath that i was telling the truth and then I received the U.S. equivalent of a CENOMAR. This then allowed my fiancé and I to be issued a pre-marriage certificate. Did you enter the Philippines as a US citizen? If not, leave and re-enter the country before you start your marriage process and re-enter as a U.S. citizen.

^^^ Why are you recommending that Bitsu reenter the Philippines on her U.S. passport? What difference would it make?

>>>> Perhaps none at all. To be absolutely sure that she can receive the benefits of a U.S. citizen she should present herself as one. The way to present herself as one is to travel as one. She would receive the various stamps and etc from the RP customs showing that she traveled as a U.S. Citizen and therefore she could repeat the same successes I did. If she travels as an RP citizen, her road to success would be different from mine. An easy and relatively expensive insurance; just pick the cheapest international destination she can find and book a round trip, spend the night and return. Get the in-bound stamps on her passport and she's good to go.

I'd certainly get an appointment with the US embassy in Manila and talk to your fellow countrymen about what you are doing and its possible citizenship ramifications.

^^^ Unnecessary. Bitsu's citizenship is not going to be affected by getting married in the Philippines.
>>>> Perhaps you are right. Can you share your direct experience in this matter or the basis for which you formulate this as fact? My expertise is in a different field, and I can only relate my experiences as an American Citizen. The various nuances that might (or might not) be present seem to demand the opinion of an expert. As a U.S. citizen, she would be able to avail herself of this expertise via phone call or in-person consultation. I would most certainly talk to them, it costs nothing and she'd have nothing to lose.

The only rule change that I can think of is that (god forbid), your marriage fails. Then you'd have to renounce your Philippine Citizenship in the US and file for divorce in the US in order to finalize it . . . even that I'm not sure of though . . .

^^^ Nonsense!
>>>> Yeah, divorce sucks for sure. Nothing I'd recommend. The legal nuances of marriage and dual citizenship is something that I'm not familiar with. I would certainly find out my options if such a thing were to occur. What is your experience in this matter?

You seem quite knowledgeable about these matters, can you share your direct experiences? I'm sure you would have much to contribute to this conversation in a positive way, I'm anxious to read what you've done.

Warm Regards,
Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2012-06-25 08:53:00
PhilippinesDual Citizenship, marriage and baby ^_^
The only difference between your US citizenship (naturalized) and mine (Texan) is that technically I can be the president of the US (unlikely) and you cannot - period. There are no other differences, you are treated, by law, in exactly the same way. So, if you want to be married in New Jersey or Manila, from the US gov'ts perspective it makes no difference. When you get your pre-marital certificate, get it as a US citizen. When you get your 'CENOMAR' you go to the US Embassy in Manila and swear an oath and get a certificate. Do everything, including travel, as a US citizen. There are no laws of the Philippines that I'm aware of that forces you to be married as a Philippine citizen if you are also a US citizen. Don't renounce either, just be married as a US citizen. You still must follow all requirements of Philippine law if you get married in the RP as I did. Did you enter the Philippines as a US citizen? If not, leave and re-enter the country before you start your marriage process and re-enter as a U.S. citizen. I'd certainly get an appointment with the US embassy in Manila and talk to your fellow countrymen about what you are doing and its possible citizenship ramifications. The only rule change that I can think of is that (god forbid), your marriage fails. Then you'd have to renounce your Philippine Citizenship in the US and file for divorce in the US in order to finalize it . . . even that I'm not sure of though . . .

Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2012-06-24 12:40:00
PhilippinesRejoice!! Glory is ours - NOA2 Notification!!!
Now on to the next step . . .contacting NVC, St Luke's, Interview and homeward bound! I am so excited there's no sleeping for a while . . . she was on a flight from Manila to home when I received the notification . . . finally she gets online while I'm desperately sending out IM's, SMS, FB, email , , , and the cheer when she gets the news!! Fantastic! We are both on cloud 9!! Anyway, back to reality-land . . . A couple of questions for those in the know:

1) She just got her CFO, we received the NOA2 in a little over 90 days - wow! We are behind the 8 ball, she still has only her passport w/her maiden name. Can she go on her embassy interview w/out the passport in her married name? We expect wait a month for the new passport, may be sooner if we order the 'stat' option? Not sure. Any advice here?

2) I believe that once I get the MNL # she can download and fill out the needed forms . . . and I'll send over my tax returns and the needed forms to prove income. How soon should I call the NVC to get our MNL #? Perhaps in 3 or 4 days? We'd like to set appointments ASAP and the forms filled out and etc . . . Any advice here on the optimal route?

Thanks for any help you can render - and thank you VJ people! NOA2, w/no RFE's no BS . . . just plain old NOA2!!!!

Warm Regards,
Mark and Rassel!!!
Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2012-07-03 01:25:00
PhilippinesQuestion # 3 on ds 175

Thank you much.

I believe that the Philippines has two official languages . . . Tagalog and English . . . either of those should do I would think . . .

mark and rassel

Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2012-07-13 19:45:00
PhilippinesHave you sampled Balut (philippines delicacy duck embryo

Has any American spouse sampled Balut (philippines delicacy duck embryo)? If so what was your impression?

Yup, my first time there to visit. I ate one, and then spent part of that night kneeling before the ceramic throne Posted Image!! love most other Philippine dishes, but this one I can't stomach. I've become addicted to garlic rice, love Mang Inisal BBQ (sp?), but no more balut - ever! When Rassel gets here, I'm sure she'd like some from time to time . . . I'm assuming some Asian markets in Houston would have some . . . not sure . . .

Mark and Rassel (who loves it!!)
Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2012-07-18 00:59:00
Philippinestraveling with greencard to philippines
Like everyone said before and also:
1) Count the number of luggage pieces plus her purse that she'll be carrying (include computer bags, backpacks and etc in this count)
2) Get as many sets of photocopies of those documents (for her passport, just the basic info pages are needed for this) as in #1
3) Get as many security envelopes are in number one and stuff each document set into a single envelope
4) If feasible, put a 50.00 US bill or amex check in each envelope as well (emergency funds, good for phone calls, food and a hotel room)
4) Put one envelope in each piece of luggage and one in her purse in some out of the way place - even inside of a zippered liner

This makes sure that no matter, what - she'll will have a copy of her primary documents and will be able to get back into the U.S. This might sound a bit extreme, but I travel confident that there is possibility approaching zero that I won't have ID or money on the other end . . .

Just a thought . . ..

Mark and Rassel!
Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2012-08-09 10:09:00
PhilippinesWahoo - we have an appointment!

even if the clinic is open they wont have enough time to forward the results to the embassy just in time for your interview. i suggest that u do it a little early. maybe 2 weeks before ur interview. Congrats btw :) :thumbs:

Good points all - thanks guys - I'll fly her to Manila and let her do it . . . I was wondering about the 'forwarding the results' remark . . . I was under the impression that on the second day, the SLEC will hand her the results in a -sealed- envelope. She will then hand that to the folks at the embassy. Has something changed, or was perhaps I'm confused in all my excitement!Posted Image

Thanks Again!

Mark and RasselPosted Image

Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2012-10-04 14:35:00
PhilippinesWahoo - we have an appointment!
My wife's interview @ the American Embassy Manila is November 5th. Finally - it feels like the end is neigh! As far as her medical is concerned, is St. Luke's Extension Clinic open on All Saints/Souls Day November 1st and 2nd?Posted Image I was that we could do her medical exam then . . . If not then earlier in the week perhaps . . .

Thanks - Mark and Rassel!!Posted Image
Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2012-10-04 01:04:00
PhilippinesWe are approved!
It is done! The wait is over and coming to take her away! (Hee Hee Ha Ha Ho Ho!) Life has been a whirlwind recently so time to post and bask in the glory of our success . . . After so many trials and tribulations, it is finally done. I arrived in Manila November 1st so we'd have time to organize ( no need, Rassel had it all done ), to role play and . . . well . . . umm . . . get 're-aquainted' with my wife who I've not seen in-person for nearly a year. We showed up early @ the American Embassy at about 5:15AM for the 6:15AM appointment. I'm not sure who was more nervous - her or I!. A Filipina security lady claimed that I could not attend my wife's hearing while we were going through the security scan. I just shook my head 'yes' and smiled at her. We sat in line and waited, stressed and waited . . . she upset at the apparent random ordering of called numbers. When our turn was up for her to get sworn in and 'Biometricized' (finger print scan) we both went up there . . . .Then more waiting . . . Then the Phlippines interview . . . . more waiting . . . finally the American Interview . . . 'Approved!!!!' filled out the form for the 2Go delivery and went our merry way . . . We had our paperwork together, and every piece of documentation you could imagine - and then some! I left on the 7th . . . and her visa arrived in SM iloilo city on the 9th!!

I'm glad this is over with! I'll post more detail info as I get time . . . thanks again VJ'ers! I appreciate the help that everyone has offered . . it has made a BIG difference.

Warm Regards,
Mark and Rassel!
Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2012-11-18 15:25:00
PhilippinesAnyone else feel ill after vaccinations at St. Lukes?
I'm not an MD - and don't play one on TV . . . but I do know that vaccines 'fool' the immune system into believing that it is being 'attacked'. Unfortunately, this game of charades makes a person feel bad for a short period of time . . . even the flue shot will do it . . . go to a medical pro if you feel that not all is well . . . Visiting a MD in the RP is not expensive . . . probably not a bad thing to do - a post checkup checkup!

Mark and Rassel!

My Fiancee had her vaccinations at St. Lukes yesterday and now she is not feeling well. I think this may be a bit common after some vaccines.

She had vaccines for Tetanus, Hep B, and MMR (measels mumps rubella).

Has anyone else felt ill after these vaccines, and if you did, how bad was it and how long did it last?

Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2012-12-13 17:44:00
Philippines7 days to go

So I am flying out of DFW on the 22nd to Zamboanga City. I know there is a enter the country tax, will I be able to do a currency exchange while at the airport before or after I pay the tax?


There's no entry fee - but there is an exit fee. The exit fee is (I believe)850PHP, or about 20.00 USD. You can pay that exit fee with a U.S. credit card if you wish. If you are bringing your wife/fiance with you for the first time she will have to pay that fee as a well as a departure tax as well . . . . I believe that is about 1500PHP(?) or so . . .
I would recommend waiting until you are in the Philippines until you do a currency exchange. I've looked at the rates in SFO, LAX and HOU and they are always 20% lower than the going exchange rate w/an additional 7.00 fee . . . not a good deal. Posted Image

Good Luck!

Mark and Rassel
Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2012-12-13 18:12:00
PhilippinesOne way to Philippines One way back?

I plan on picking up my fiancee to bring her to the USA she doesn't have much flying experience so I told her I would go with her

I know you need a return trip required by Philippines and I seem to be having trouble finding a travel agent that can book me round trip and then add her to my return flight

The easiest way I can find is to go online and go there one way and then book another one way back with her added.

What I want to know is will this be an issue I will have a print out of my one way there and one way back with her added I would think this would not cause an issue if I took receipt of my one way ticket back

Let me know your thoughts


I'm not exactly sure what question you are asking . . . but other than finding and booking the flight online there were no issues. I'm a Silver member on United/Continental and used my mileage to bring my bride back to the U.S. I had to make sure that each leg on her one-way flight matched each leg on my return flight to San Antonio, TX. I also managed to sit next to her on each flight leg. I did that by explaining to the United folks that she's going to the U.S. for the first time - they were very helpful. A bit of a pain, but it worked out. Good for you that you are going there to pick her up in person!
We had a going away dinner for close friends and family in Iloilo City and then left for the US. It gave everyone an opportunity to say goodbye, and I think her parents were less upset about her leaving than if she just jumped into an airplane and left. It's more $, but respect gained by her family goes a long way in my opinion. The only thing I'd change is that I would of stayed after the Embassy interview and took her home sooner. Posted Image I had no idea that the 2Go folks had a 4 day turn around - Posted Image!!

Good Luck!

Mark and Rassel
Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2012-12-27 12:05:00
PhilippinesIs it easy to get into a CFO seminar (manila)
I would say that its possible, but not desirable. If something goes wrong . . . let say that the person in charge of doing one job or another is absent and did not designate a replacement - then you don't have the stamp or signature. Some similar happened to us on a local level when we were recovering from an administrative error on our marriage license. You would be, in my opinion, cutting it way too close. Without that stamp/signature in her passport - game over you lose! You will watch your flight take off and there is nothing you can do about it.Posted Image If you do decide to do it this way, just make sure that there are no holidays or religious festivals scheduled for that day. I would recommend just flying her up to Manila/Cebu early in the morning, have her get it done, and fly her back that evening. Thats what I did, it worked like a charm. Rescheduling a local airline trip to Manila is MUCH cheaper than missing 2 flights . . . Just my opinion . . .

Warm Regards,
Mark and Rassel!
Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2013-01-17 14:09:00
PhilippinesMailing to the Philippines

What about using USPS Express Mail ( Flat Rate ), as per their site, it takes 3-5 business days.

My understanding is that USPS partners with the Philippine Mail Service . . . I would not want to rely on that organization for my valuables . . .

Mark and Rassel
Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2013-01-28 22:20:00
PhilippinesMailing to the Philippines

What the best way to mail to the Philippines ? Fedex costs a lot and I want to send an entire I129F copy to my girlfriend . I have shipped with UMAC , but that was a box and was over 2 months . My girlfriend sent me forms with LBC and it was delivered by DHL to me witin 3 days ! Would DHL be a good way back to the Philippines ? I heard USPS takes quite a while also and is not so reliable . Any help would be great thanks..

If its just a copy . . . then consider purchasing a scanner . . . when I send via DHL and/or Fedex it has cost me upwards of $50.00 each time. Unless you need a signature, just scan and send a PDF file . . . Just a thought!

Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2013-01-28 21:55:00
PhilippinesAC converter that will work in the Phils?

We (me, wife and daughter) are going to visit family in April. Can anyone suggest an AC converter that they have actually used in the Philippines?

Can you charge your phone using the USB connector to a PC the same as in the US?


Drop by MOA or SM Manila and find the Ace Hardware store . . .they'll have inexpensive converters that handle a variety of power loads . . .
Mark and Rassel

Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2013-01-30 19:10:00
PhilippinesAny tips on Credit?

Wondering if anyone has any good tips or helpful advice for getting fast- good credit for my wife?

I don't know if this the 'standard' approach, but she has one of each of my credit cards in her name. She's also on the rental agreement and is on one of my bank accounts as well . . . that has caused her to show up on the reporting agencies even before she had a SS # assigned! I wouldn't do anything special, just share what you have.

Mark and RasselPosted Image
Mark and RasselMalePhilippines2013-01-30 19:16:00