Middle East and North AfricaPrayers need
(L) Assalaamu alaikum everyone!!! (F)

Thank you so very much from all my heart for your thoughts and prayers.
Alhamdulillah I am feeling MUCH better :dance:

May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala bless each and every one of you for your
dedication to me and my Kabir and always praying for us & for me to recover.
Alhamdulillah we have wonderful loving brothers and sisters here that we
can depend on!! (L)

Insha'Allah my Kabir will be here on May 26 WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO
I just cant wait for my kind loving husband to arrive HOME!!!!! :dancing:

All of you will be in my thoughts and prayers always. Insha'Allah you all
will be reunited with the loves of your lives soon!!

ASsalaamu alaikum
Allah Hafiz

Sister Eva - Nadia
EvaAhmedNot TellingBangladesh2006-05-06 16:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaSocial Security Card
Assalaamu alaikum MK

Thank you, alhamdulillah it is so nice to finally be with my husband after 2 and a half years seperation

Thank you for your information...I couldnt remember if he marked on the DS-230 but we checked and he did alhamdulillah.

Insha'Allah his social security card gets here soon.

Allah Hafiz
Sis Nadia

Wa alaikum assalam Nadia

Congratulations on your recent reunion with your husband !

If your husband checked the box on his DS-230 (as Meauxna mentioned,) then wait 3 or 4 weeks for it to arrive in the mail. If still nothing, then you can go down to your nearest Social Security office and apply for it there... his paperwork from POE should be "in the system" by then.


EvaAhmedNot TellingBangladesh2006-06-23 06:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaSocial Security Card
Assalaamu alaikum

Insha'Allah everyone is healthy and being patient in their long wait!! Insha'Allah you will be re united with your loved one!!

My husband arrived June 11 on a CR-1 visa alhamdulillah!! I am needing to know something reguarding his social security card. Does anyone know if his social security card will come automatically or do we need to go apply for one?

Thanks to all
Allah Hafiz
EvaAhmedNot TellingBangladesh2006-06-22 09:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaEmployment
Assalaamu alaikum everyone!!

Insha'Allah everyone is well and closer to the end of their seperation!! (F)
I have a question for anyone that has already arrived in USA....
My husband has been here in USA since June 11...he is haveing a really
hard time finding a job!!! :help:

He is an upper level Executive Assistant, he is told he is "over qualified"
for the positions he has applied for. We even toned down his resume
but it didnt do much good in helping him get a job.

Soooo can anyone tell me if it is normal that it takes a long time for
the new Immigrant to get a job??? :reading:
We are living in Clearwater Florida...anyone else here in Florida????
My husband is ready to give up and move back to Bangladesh!! :help:

Of course I would go with him :D but insha'Allah something happens
soon for my husband in getting a job!! He has applied with all the
Employment Agencies in the Tampa Bay area and has sent out ohhhhh
seems like hundreds of resumes for jobs...does any one have any
suggestions for me and my husband???

Please pray for my husband Kabir, that he finds a job soon....

Allah Hafiz
Sis Eva Nadia
EvaAhmedNot TellingBangladesh2006-08-03 11:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaAlhamdulillah Rabbil Alamin
Assalaamu alaikum

Alhamdulillah, We will finally be able to start our special life together :dance: !! This has certainly been a very longgggggg 2 years :clock: ...the long wait has been well worth it!! (L) Thanks to all of you for ur prayers and support!!

I didnt post much here, but be assured that I have prayed for all of you and will continue to pray for your visas to be approved insha'Allah.

My hubby BRR will be in my arms insha'Allah om Mwy 26th...OHHHHHHH :D i can hardly wait!! :dance: We can now finish our honeymoon!!!

Again thanks to all for ur support!!

Assalaam Alaikum
Allah Hafiz
EvaAhmedNot TellingBangladesh2006-04-25 05:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGreen Card/Social Security Card

You were married more than 2 years at the time of approval, he should be getting the 10 year card. As you can see by others timelines, the card should be arriving soon!

There is nothing else to do now but enjoy being together. He can apply for citizenship in 3 years. Other than that, you are DONE! It is a great feeling.


Thanks for ur reply.
Could you kindly tell me which visa (K-3/CR-1/IR-1) issued by embassy for your husband?
EvaAhmedNot TellingBangladesh2006-06-17 08:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGreen Card/Social Security Card
My husband arrived home on 11th June 2006 thru CR-1 visa.
We got marriage on 10th February 2004.
It will takes how long to get his Green Card, Social Security Card and other papers???
His Green Card will be for 2 years conditional or 10 years permanent???
Is there any papers work I need to do now???
Please let me know/help

EvaAhmedNot TellingBangladesh2006-06-17 07:34:00