VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

Go West, Northwest, city name: Seattle.

Last year or the year before, a huge ring of marriage fraud was bursted by the FBI and USCIS. Look for guys with last name: NGUYEN, TRAN, LE, PHAM, HUYNH, LY etc. Over 101 couples who married for the sake of getting around $40-$50K to bring a man/woman to America. I hope you find them and choke them to death man...

It's a joke and disgrace what some people would do to get here. I know you mad, but how do they know your marriage is real when 99% of them are fakes, therefore the whole Admin Rev is taking place to filter out the bad seeds.

Can you be more specific, is there a huge age difference between you and her? Were you and her coming from the same town? Same last name? Can you say your case is straight forward, no complications? Neer married, no children, same job, stable incomes, no criminal records etc... No to all? If you say yes to any of these, it is expected to be delayed. But either way, if there is any hope in this, I've never seen any case was denied flat out. All VJ members who was on this board, telling horrible stories about HCMC, their treatments etc.... in the end, all got through and came to the US.

So... hang in then man... i know it sux and easy for me to say, but we've all been through HCMC... WE KNOW HOW YOU FEEL....

Ok, here is more information about our case. By the way I also heard about a bunch of people busted in Los Angeles recently (big surprise, based on how many Vietnamse are there,) I think the numbers were just over a hundred people. I also went so far as to report a doctor here in HCMC who was extorting money from visa applicants and yes, if I EVER know of visa fraud I will PROUDLY report it (that is if I don't kill them myself first.)

Let me first say that it would not be worth 40 or 50k to me to fake two years of non-stop REAL relationship.. We have a boatload of evidence that supports our genuinity. When I mailed the I-129F I included everything they were going to ask for, about 2" of emails, several pictures, ticket stubs from 4 trips to see her for about a month each time.. letter from my mother, taxes, divorce decrees for international use, her police report, single status... ETC! It was about 4" thick and costed me about $20 just to send it to them. I was hoping they would instantly see we were not joking around and push us through.. boy was I ever wrong.

Now for the stuff you asked. We have a 12 year age difference. I look younger...but so does she. I am from Utah and white guy, no affiliations with any Vietnamese people whatsoever, her name is not any of those names you mentioned. I have some minor criminal stuff in my past, including using a counterfeit ski pass I bought for twenty bucks.. that might be what caused it because when I confessed in court they did fingerprint me. I've been married two times. The second time was to a Mexican girl who I did file an I-130 for but a month later broke it off with her after I caught her trying to siphon money from my credit card! This could have been the big red flag but at any rate she never got her visa and never even got close to it. Neither of us has children. I own my own business and have been (proudly I might add) fired from maybe 20 jobs in maybe 5 states over the past ten years (they wanted me to actually show up - go figure!) I have moved around a LOT, maybe 15 or 20 times over the past 15 years. Last year when I filed my taxes the governement tried to tell me that I didn't exist. Probably because I had ordered a replacement social security card. My income is moderately stable but it is not up to par either. Luckily I have a great co-sponsor and evidence showing that my family will never let either of us be what you'd call poor. Even though I don't make a lot, I don't spend a lot either and I keep myself alive without help.

Now some of those are indeed negatives or red flags but on the other side.. How many people do you know who visited 5 times now and finally moved to be with her because we couldn't bear to be apart anymore. I wasn't getting anything done at home anyway because I spent all my time missing her, chatting, and writing to her so finally I decided I would be just as well of to move here. When she went to the interview she took a suitcase full of stuff. She messed up when they asked about my Feb 2004 visit and answered as if they had asked about my 2005 visit then didn't correct herself (mistake.) Then she also saw on my divorce decree I had divorced in "AK" and she thought it was for "Arizona," the state I was born in... Two doozies but still she had hundreds of pictures and mountains of emails too. She has a credit card in her name that is on my account, but they don't know that. I have written to them and told them just to come over to our house and see us together personally but of course they haven't done that either.

Well, I appreciate what you wrote. Sometimes it's good just to come on here and vent a little and share in the frustration. I get pretty bored here in old Saigon and nothing much to do so if anyone has any jobs for me that they need done here let me know. Private investigations of your sweeties? Manufacturing connections? Let me know everyone, I really need something to keep myself occupied while we wait and this wait is taking a lot longer than I had hoped.

You could try writing a K- Visa do it yourself guide book.
Keep plugging away... it will happen sooner or later...
Good luck! :yes:
nodownguyNot Telling02006-02-03 12:43:00
Asia: East and Pacific30 days to see a DOCTOR
So I thought I would post here....
Miss Hue is now in America and is actually my Mrs. now!!!... We could'nt be happier....
My wife was told she had to schedule an appointment with a Dr. by Feb. 27th (she interviewed Jan. 24 and just arrived Feb 9th), but she was not told where or with whom or what for. She just received a little slip from the IOM, written in VN. Is this for an update on immunizations? We have not even sent the I-485 yet (waiting for certified copies of the marriage cert).
Thanks for any help you can give... yes.gif
nodownguyNot Telling02006-02-20 12:03:00
Asia: East and PacificHCMC Interview - How do they ask for evidence?

OK, I searched and found some stuff: I just found the statement for my first flight back in October.

I also found the statement that has to ticket purchase I made for Anh for her flight back to Veitnam after Christmas. So I can show that I paid for one of her tickets out my own pocket. I assume that's good?

Now, I have a photocopy of the statement that shows the purchase of a ticket to Europe for December that I ended up NOT using. I traded it in for a voucher and that voucher will be used for my ticket to Vietnam this May. That ticket cost about $75 more, which is on my credit card for this month. So will I be able to show them this and will they understand and believe it?

I wouldn't worry too much Matt... I only had 1 part of my ticket, and the lost baggage notice to give my wife for her interview... The tickets were purchased by her cousin when they bought tickets to visit last year, and I paid them back later. They didn't ask for cc receipts or anything. I believe they are mostly interested in your relationship PRIOR to having traveled to VietNam so try to have as much of that as possible...
Good Luck! :yes:
nodownguyNot Telling02006-03-06 10:57:00
Asia: East and PacificK1 or K3

HI! My girlfriend is Vietnamese, while I live in the US. She told me the other day, very passionalty I might add, that the US government increased the restrictions on K1 visas for Vietnamese. SHe said if could take up to 1-1.5 years (!!) for her to be able to come to the US. I'd like to know if anyone else heard of this or could help me in any way. This a great website...and I hope to learn from everyone experiences!


Hello- My fiance just passed her interview last week and it took us almost 10 months from day of receipt to interview. They were most interested in our relationship PRIOR to my visit to Viet Nam, so make sure you have plenty of strong evidence for that time frame. Although she didnt have any problems, Miss Hue said many many people failed that day, so you can assume they are very thorough.

The US government only allows so many visas per year, period ( I forget the term they use). If your case is received AFTER the last cutoff time, then you are included in the next cycle. Any way, its about a 9-12 month process at this time.
Good luck you both! :yes:
nodownguyNot Telling02006-02-03 12:59:00
Asia: East and PacificCalling Vietnam - How do you do it?

I have Verizen for my cell. Cannot change as I am under contract for another year. I'll have to ask Anh about her cell plan. Good tip, scy. Thanks.

Have you asked Verizon if they've changed your features? They may now charge extra for international/SMS messaging. Also, I noticed we can not call cellphones in Vietnam with certain phone cards.
Good luck! :yes:
nodownguyNot Telling02006-03-08 13:23:00
Asia: East and Pacificmarriage in vietnam
We didn't use a lawyer and we had no problems. Just follow the guides here on VJ and ask any questions here on this forum and you will be fine. k-1 appears to be quicker than K-3, and I think the most important is evidence of relationship prior to the application( it was for us, anyway). Took us about 10 mos total. Miss Hue is now adapting fine to the capitalist society(she has become quite the expert on consumerism, really) and sends our thanks and gratitude to everyone here for their help. She wants me to upload some pics (because she thinks I am dep trai boco), but all the ones we have are too large and I dont know how to make them smaller... oh well, you've been spared....
Good luck! :yes:
nodownguyNot Telling02006-06-04 11:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionaffidavite of support need help


True, but I suspect from the way he described his situation that in Danoco's case the gross income on 1040 is inadequate. It's his gross income, not his business' gross income that goes on 1040, and it's 1040 Line 22 that is the figure of interest. (Supposed to be, anyway - maybe you got lucky if your Line 22 was inadequate.)


I was kinda worried just for that fact since I'm set up in LLC's, but I think they looked at the schedule C, Profit or loss, and schedule E, supplemental income and loss ( rental income),on my 1040 because I did not have any w-2's, so they had to actually look at the numbers on those schedules to see where my figure on line 22 came from. This might be proof they will look at the whole return and not just w-2 income. I guess it depends on how Daneco filed... Hope they get straightened out though...

P.S. Just kidding on the used car salesman comment... :innocent:
nodownguyNot Telling02006-02-07 01:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionaffidavite of support need help
They will look at your "gross" income on your 1040. Does not matter how much is "reinvested" or paid out or owed, only the gross income...
I had over 100k of gross sales in 2004, but like any good taxpayer, my adjusted gross income was only 15k. My fiance just passed her interview in one of the toughest embassys and they only looked at the gross income.
Of course, they may have a problem with used car salesmen in general....
good luck!
nodownguyNot Telling02006-02-04 12:54:00