Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Need Help from Spaniards!

Im afraid i cannot help, since i filed in the emabssy in london. however, why don't you just get as many documents prepared as possible. Fe de vida is for free.
Also, if you are missing some documents, they will tell you the day of the interview, and then you only have to post them to them, dnt need to interview again...

Perdona, no había visto tu pregunta!!! Es por el pueblo en la Costa Brava :luv:
SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2012-04-05 10:24:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Need Help from Spaniards!

Hello everybody. I have been reading the forum for a while. I need specific information regarding DS230 packages sent as a Spaniard Beneficiary. I read all the general requirements but found out that a Civil Status Document "certificado de fe de vida y estado" appears as a required document after the list of country reciprocity for Spain.

I need to know if this is a document required from all spanish beneficiaries or just a document that is included when the marriage took place in Spain. We got married in the US a few months ago and, as of yet, I haven't inscribed our marriage in the civil register. To obtain this Fe de Vida y Estado certificate, according to the ministry hotline in Spain I would have to go through a process that could take months to first apply for an appointment and then register my marriage. This would delay my case indefenetely and I would not only be separated from my wife even longer, but also possibly lose a scholarship and school admission I have been working towards for the past two years.

I am in desperate need to find somebody from Spain that can tell me what exactly they included in the DS230 package to make sure I don't screw up and delay this even more.

The document I am talking about isn't listed in the main list of documents that must be presented

The thing is that I am very meticulous and wanting to make sure I wasn't misunderstanding the Police Certificate requirements I decided to click on the reciprocity by country link.

Under the list that link leads to is were this surprise was waiting for me on the website:

Civil Status Certificates

Available only to persons who are registered in a census (empadronamiento)." Certificado de Fe de Vida y Estado" is requested from the Registro Civil of the applicant's domicile.

At first I thought this was the simple "certificado de empadronamiento" issued at your local district. Now it seems it's not.

I also assume that if this was so important they would have pointed it out earlier in the instructions and not hide it behind a link originally related to Police Certificate issuance depending on country.

So far my package, which is ready to be sent except for that curse of a document includes:

• Bar coded cover letter
• Two passport photographs of beneficiary (NVC Case Number, beneficiary’s full name and date of birth are written on back of both)
• DS-230 Part I completed and signed by beneficiary
• DS-230 Part II completed by beneficiary – unsigned per instructions
• Copy of biographic data page(s) of beneficiary’s passport
• Literal birth certificate “certificado de nacimiento” of beneficiary (with enclosed photocopy)
• Original american marriage certificate (with enclosed photocopy)
• Original police certificate “certificado de antecedentes penales” of beneficiary (with enclosed photocopy)

Thanks you all kindly for your help in advance!

It's for persons who are not married, your marriage certificate is enough and the only document required by NVC to testify married status:

"El certificado de fe de vida y estado es el documento que acredita que una persona está viva, así como su estado civil...estado de soltero, viudo o divorciado. (notice "casado" does not appear as an option).
Para probar el vínculo matrimonial será suficiente el certificado de matrimonio por lo que no se expedirá la "Fe de casado"."

SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2012-03-24 08:45:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)INTERVIEW QUESTIONS

muchisimas gracias! suerte a vosotros.

De nada! No te preocupes, seguro que os va a ir muy bien!! Mucha suerte y ánimos que ya estáis en la recta final!!! :thumbs:
SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2012-05-13 05:49:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)INTERVIEW QUESTIONS

posted this before to no avail...hopefully someone can help

"hello everyone, we are not in the step yet, but i hear they ask the beneficiary where they will live once arriving in the us. i am currently a graduate student and will finish school next may. my husband got into a very prestigious graduate program, but it is not in my city, his program begins this fall. once i graduate i will move there to be with him and look for a job. when they ask in the interview, 'where will you live' initially he will stay with me for the rest of the summer, but then he will go to school, just like i'm in school. Do you think this will pose a problem? should he just explain that he will live with me in my city and go to school? does it have to be so detailed? and going to school in the same city is not possible since we both have full scholarships to our universities that will not transfer to another :-/ we are trying to build a successful future so i'm hoping we can convey that in the interview. any thoughts? "

how intricate are the questions they ask at the interview...i heard its through a plate glass window and lasts 5 minutes. he's bringing wedding album and other proof of our long relationship and bonafide marriage.


With all due respect, the question of where will you live is just that, providing in initial domicile. Keep your answers simple.

I really don't think they care about your intention of building a successful future but of staying together as a married couple. You can just say that you will be living together as soon as you arrive, as this is the truth. If they ask about jobs or studies, then he can just explain the career he's pursuing and the graduate program he will be doing. If they inquire about residence during his graduate program, then explain to them what you described here.

My husband and I will be finishing our PhDs in the US, but I will only provide information about what is being specifically asked, as they advice you to answer the question and not provide unnecessary details.

You should be fine. Keep in mind that some wedding albums do not fit through the slot of the glass windows, eventhough you may show the album pages through the glass.

Good luck.

Edited by SantFeliuGuixols, 12 May 2012 - 03:30 AM.

SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2012-05-12 03:22:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Madrid Embassy IR1 Interview experiences

Hola a tod@s, soy nueva aquí. :) Con todo lo que está cayendo, mi marido e yo estamos pensando en ir a los EEUU. Soy estadounidense (de New Hampshire) y el es de aquí. Estamos en "the beginning stages" de todo este proceso y estoy investigando opciones.

Aproximadamente cuanto tiempo ha durado el proceso, de empiezo al final, para todos uds.?

Suerte a todos, y gracias por sus consejos :)

Un saludo.

Hola Elenetxu bienvenida.

Yo soy también soy estadounidense y mi marido es de aquí. De momento, llevamos 5 meses. Estamos en el NVC stage esperando para el "case complete" y que nos asignen ya una fecha de entrevista. Tuvimos un par de atrasos, uno intencionado y el otro por un checklist que recibimos del NVC. Ante cualquier duda, no repares en preguntar, asi nos ayudamos entre todos!

Un saludo y mucha suerte.
SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2012-04-21 01:18:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Madrid Embassy IR1 Interview experiences

Hola Daniela,

Hoy por la mañana la embajada envio un email y dijo que nos ha enviado hoy "The appointment letter" gracias a Dios!

Muchas Gracias por las informaciones!!



Que bien!! Me alegro que se haya podido aclarar esa duda. Ahora yo también sabré que esperar cuando llegue el momento (espero que no tarden mucho, ya que no me esperaba ese checklist que nos enviaron):crying:

Un saludo guapa y mucha suerte!! :)
SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2012-04-11 14:22:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Madrid Embassy IR1 Interview experiences
Hola Andressa,

Por lo que has puesto, yo entiendo que ese es un primer aviso de la entrevista. Por prevenir y quedarte tranquila, tienes dos opciones:

Tal y cómo tu dices, esperarte unos días a ver si recibes una carta oficial por correo postal (es cierto que estos días el correo portal va más lento por las fiestas).
Si deseas salir de dudas y quedarte más tranquila, también tienes la opción de llamar directamente a la embajada (o escribirles un email), pidiendo que te confirmen si te envían una carta por correo postal o si es suficiente con imprimir el email.

Estoy segura que esto lo podrás saber pronto sin ningún tipo de inconveniente, ya que es el procedimiento habitual para todos.

Disfruta de estos días de fiesta y mucha suerte.

Un saludo,
SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2012-04-09 08:21:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Madrid Embassy IR1 Interview experiences

Entonces Madrid no mandara una lista de la documentacion? Yo pensaba que llegaria un paquete como en las entrevistas de outros paises, donde la embajada envia un sobre con lo que tienes que aportar en la entrevista...

Si, en función de lo que vi de otros países, yo también pensaba que la embajada enviaría un paquete. De cualquier manera, tal y cómo te aconsejaron, no viene de más llevar la documentación aportada al USCIS y al NVC, es lo que haremos nosotros. En este aspecto, prefiero prevenir e ir sobrepreparada y no necesitarlo, que no viceversa.

Ánimo Andressa que dentro de poco ya habréis acabado!!

Algunas partes de este proceso han costado un poco, otras no, lo bueno es que siga adelante y se mantenga en movimiento.

Un saludo.
SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2012-04-07 05:22:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Madrid Embassy IR1 Interview experiences
Ryan and Pamela,

Muchas felicidades por superar la entrevista y por haber finalizado este proceso. :dance:

Agradezco que pongas tu experiencia, ya que nos ayuda a tener una idea de lo que podemos llegar a esperar de la experiencia. También va bien para apoyarnos y darnos ánimos!! :luv: :luv: :luv:

Enhorabuena y mucha suerte con el resto de vuestra trayectoria!!! :star:
SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2012-04-05 10:40:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Received My Case Number..but I have a question

The attorney will likely be primary to get everything, keep on the firm for your updates. Also emails don't come some times, my TXT did.

My attorney is away until Feb. 1, I was wandering if I could go ahead and get the IIN anyways by calling NVC since everyone else seems to be doing it.

SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2012-01-19 10:12:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Received My Case Number..but I have a question

We received our case number yesterday (yeyyyyy!!!!), I found out when I called today. I called the operator at NVC to give them our emails, however, I didn't receive an IIN, should I specifically ask for it or will they send it to our emails along with the AOS Fee (not receiving DS2030 b/c we're doing it with a lawyer).

I appreciate your input!! :)
SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2012-01-19 08:37:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)IV and AOS Bill
We received the IV and AOS fee bills combined. :blink:

From what I understand, the Immigrant Visa Processing Fee is the amount which used to be paid directly at the consular interview for DCF (visa issuance fee)? Is this one of the modifications that have been implemented since the DCF change as of August 15th? I just want to anticipate or rule out any additional fees the day of the interview. :unsure:
SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2012-01-21 05:39:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)E-Mail address NVC

I was searching for the e-mail address to contact NVC and I found one in a post from 2006. Just want to make sure, if this is the right e-mail address!?

I already know, that NVC got my case. Now, I would like to find out, if they already sent it to the embassy. If I write them an e-mail, I put in: petitioner name and DOB, beneficiary name and DOB, case number from NOA1....that's it!??

How long will it usually take for them to respond to an e-mail??

Thanks for your answers :)

The email address you provided is correct.

Write the USCIS number in the subject line (if you don't have an NVC case number)
Provide the petitoner and beneficiary information you mentioned.

I can't tell you how long they will respond to your e-mail as I have received responses the next day and others after two days. A more experienced VJ member may be able to help you with this.

You might get a quicker response calling NVC at 603-334-0700 and speaking directly to an operator (Mon-Friday)
Good luck.
SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2012-01-22 04:19:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)OMG, finally CASE CLOSED

OMG, just called the NVC and our case is CLOSED :luv: WOOOOOHOOOO
I have faith in God that everything will be just fine.... :dance:

That's great!! :thumbs:

Good luck on the rest of your journey!! :)
SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2012-01-21 05:44:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)CASE COMPLETE
Congratulations!! :dance:

I look forward to being where you are right now!! :yes:
SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2012-01-15 07:16:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)AOS - USC and Joint - mailed together?

Can the USC overseas and joint sponsor mail the AOS in to NVC seperatley or does the joint sponsor need to mail the originals to the USC overseas first and then I add them to my AOS and mail them together to the NVC?

Thank you in advance for your help!

I am in the same situation as you and we mailed both mine and joint sponsor's AOS together to NVC.

Hope this helps and good luck.
SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2012-04-26 06:42:00
CanadaCan i bring the petioner to montreal,canada at the interview date?
This depends on each country, some embassies allow the petitioner to be present and others don't. Check the country's portal and interview reviews for more information regarding this. Other members interviewed at Montreal might be able to give you a more educated answer.

You can also call the embassy directly and inquire.

Good luck.
SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2012-03-06 07:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2012

APPROVED!!!!! We way over-thought the process, depending on where you are having your interview, if it is anything like Spain, be calm and relaxed, it's a piece of cake. Basically my husband went in, overflowing with pictures and documents. They only care about the tax reports (i sent originally the 2010 because it was before April 17th) if you did the same, make sure that you bring updated tax transcripts. I would bring them anyway, since it seems that is all they care about. They asked him what he will do, he said study, when he told them that we are studying in two different cities until i receive my MBA the guy could care less, he just said that's great, good luck, APPROVED! My husband was in shock, he asked if the guy wanted photos, letters anything, and the guy said no. They did leave him a room for about an hour while they went to get lunch, so that was nerve-wrecking.

Just know this, make sure your file is absolutely complete before it is sent to the embassy and you will have nothing to worry about!!!!


CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad everything worked out for you guys!!! Best of luck with everything else!!!
SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2012-05-18 03:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

I woke up this morning to some good news. I had an email from in reply to an email I sent them last week about divorce certificates in Chile. I sent them a scanned copy of the divorce decree I sent to the NVC to confirm that it was the correct document. The NVC rejected the document last week and issued a checklist for the IV packet. Here is what the email said:

Mr. Rogers:

Thank you for your email. You are right. The divorce decree you are sending is ok. This is how divorce decrees looks like in Chile. It is very strange as the NVC is familiar with the certificates.

We will contact the NVC to confirm that the certificate you are sending is correct.


Immigrant visa unit
Santiago, Chile

Hoping to get case closed for my wife today so she and my step-daughter can get their interviews scheduled in the next few days.

That is great news. I can imagine that it's also a relief to know they will be contacting NVC directly to confirm the validity of the certificate.

Hopefully, upon receiving this confirmation you'll have your case complete in no time!! :yes:
SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2012-04-09 09:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

I just called NVC, and was informed our case closed today!

03.12.2012-NVC received file
03.23.2012 -get case number and IIN, give email addresses over
03.26.2012 -email the DS-3032
03.26.2012- pay the AOS bill, once it's invoiced (In Process)
03.26.2012-Documents delivered to attorney
03.28.2012-DS3032 Accepted by NVC
03.28.2012- the bill appears as PAID,
03.29.2012- pay the IV bill, once it's invoiced
03.30.2012- once the bill appears as PAID
04.03.2012- mailed the IV package and the AOS package
04.05.2012-IV and AOS Package received by NVC

04.09.2012- get case complete
- get interview date scheduled

Yeyyyy!!! Congratulations!!!! :dance:

It's so nice to see your cases getting complete and interviews being assigned! :thumbs:
SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2012-04-09 08:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Yes I sent 2009, 10, 11


I sent the transcripts for the same years to the NVC, still I ordered online a set of new transcripts (for the same years) that I will be taking to the interview with me just in case. In theory, it shouldn't be necessary, but as I have seen these docs requested again as part of financial evidence in some interviews, it won't hurt to take them with me again. Maybe I won't even need them, but it doesn't cost me anything to take them (except the space of the paper bulge).

SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2012-04-09 08:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2012

i am refering to the bold requirement above, we got married in Miami so we have an american certificate. my husband is freaking out because it still says single for the empadromiento and he says he cannot get the fe de vida without my being there with him to swear in the marriage. but he hasn't checked. i assume our marriage certificate is enough proof no?

I repeat what I told you in another thread, you do not need this document, only the marriage certificate. The other one is for couples who are not married yet, and are following another procedure.

Good luck.
SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2012-03-24 08:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2012

with regards to registering our marriage in spain. we got married one year ago, and currently in the process of brining my husband to the us. we never registered our marriage in this a problem? the civil documents are required by the nvc so i'm not sure how he can get a copy of his civil documents that still say he's single, or if he can change that to being married with our marriage certificate and my not being there...any help would be wonderful. thank you!

I'm sorry I think I misinterpreted your post. If you have the marriage certificate already, then that's all the NVC needs. However, if you want to be more prepared, it wouldn't hurt for him to register his marriage in Spain just in case this comes up in the interview (I doubt it). The empadronamiento does require proof of your marriage if he wants to obtain the certificate de fe y estado. However, NVC doesn't require this document.
SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2012-03-24 04:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2012

I'm gonna post here since Spain's presence is almost non-existent, and I'm googled out and tired. So if anyone has any idea, please let me know...

with regards to registering our marriage in spain. we got married one year ago, and currently in the process of brining my husband to the us. we never registered our marriage in this a problem? the civil documents are required by the nvc so i'm not sure how he can get a copy of his civil documents that still say he's single, or if he can change that to being married with our marriage certificate and my not being there...any help would be wonderful. thank you!

I cannot find this information ANYWHERE, :unsure: :unsure: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :hehe: :bonk:
And I quote...

"Civil Status Certificates

Available only to persons who are registered in a census (empadronamiento)." Certificado de Fe de Vida y Estado" is requested from the Registro Civil of the applicant's domicile."


Where and how did you get married?. If you performed your civil marriage in Spain, this had to be done in the Registro Civil, and as part of the process they register your marriage there the same day.

You mention you have a marriage certificate, where was this issued?

If you provide this information, I might be able to help you more.

If he has to be registered in the census in order to obtain his Certificado de Fe de Vida y Estado, he can register in the empadronamiento of his locality the same day, and ask for the certificate. However, NVC requires Marriage Certificate. I doubt they will accept the Certificado de Fe de Vida y Estado, as this does not conform the required document. I suggest he goes personally to the Registro Civil and ask what they need to register your marriage, so that they may issue the corresponding Marriage Certificate.

Edited by SantFeliuGuixols, 24 March 2012 - 04:38 AM.

SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2012-03-24 04:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2012

First off, do you know HOW the lawyer sent the packages (overnight, express, regular, etc)? Most members here send their packages overnight or express so NVC gets it either the next day, or within a day or two. Perhaps your lawyer got the cheapest shipping ever where it takes like a week or so. Cause then it MIGHT be possible that they haven't gotten to your packages yet. But if the lawyer sent it by overnight/express, then, yes, it should have gotten to an officer by now (unless they've slowed on this as well) as it's been taking a week or two.

I'll inquire about this. The truth is that I don't know. She told me she mailed with priority mail, but it could have used the cheapest shipping available through this.

I would grill your lawyer. Ask for a receipt from DHL/UPS/USPS (whomever she mailed the packages through) showing you she sent a package on so-and-so date. You can try calling the mailing company up and asking if they can verify somehow (not sure if this is possible without a tracking number). Otherwise, you can try asking a supervisor about this; they might be able to find out. If they can't find it, then it might be possible your lawyer really hasn't mailed them out yet. I've seen this happen in a few cases where the lawyer would lie and say they mailed the packages out when they really didn't.

I'll go ahead and ask for the receipt.

Thank you Saylin for all the helpful tips. I'll explore and apply these options as I see how the process evolves.
SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2012-03-20 10:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2012

Dump her. What kind of lawyer sends original documents as important as marriage certificates and police records without a secured tracking system???

That's exactly what I thought, it's common sense. But as they say, it seems that with some people common sense is the least common of the senses.

You may try to speak to a supervisor at the NVC but I'm really not sure if they can check that your packages were received. As you already know, the system won't show them until the review has started, so they would have to make a special research for you. If I were you, I would try, if only for peace of mind.

Yes, I think I'll keep calling about the packages until the end of this week. Then, I'll ask to speak to a supervisor and inquire about the possibility of searching for the package, even if that means waiting for them to do it after the "official 20 days" waiting period.

Thank you for your advice Laure.
SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2012-03-20 09:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2012

Ask your lawyer if he did include the bar-coded coversheet on top of the package.
If he really sent them on March 5th, you should know by now. They should be in review or already accepted, since it's been 2 weeks. Grill your lawyer.

Hi Laure,

Yes, she included the bar-coded coversheets.

I sent her several emails inquiring about the package and the waiting period, and she keeps telling me the same answer as the operators: "you have to wait up to 20 days for processing to begin." I also told her that I was very surprised she had not sent the package with a tracking number, to which she responded that this would have cost me an additional fee. I could give a rat's *** about the fee, I just can't believe she didn't give me the option of deciding, since I would have obviously preferred to track the documents.

This is quite frustrating, since right now I can't guarantee that the package has arrived at all, and I keep getting the same lovely answer by all the operators at NVC.

SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2012-03-20 07:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2012
Dear Saylin:

I apologize for being persistent on this topic, and I really do appreciate all the feedback and helpful hints you've been giving us on these threads.

My case is the following:

My lawyer sent the AOS and IV packages to NVC on March 5th. As of yesterday, the packages are not in the system yet, so the review has not been initiated. The operators tell me that I have to wait 20 days after the packages have been sent. By other peoples' timelines, I'm observing that AOS and IV packages sent and delivered after us have started to be reviewed. I am aware that this is not an exact science and processing times do vary according to each case and different circumstances.

Unfortunataley, the problem is that my lawyer sent the package with priority mail but no tracking number. So I have no way of knowing if and when the packages were delivered. My question is whether once the 20 days waiting period has passed, if NVC can somehow confirm to us if the package is in the builing or not. Should I speak to a supervisor passed this waiting period if they keep telling us that it's not in the system?

I thank you in advance for any guidance you may offer me.
SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2012-03-20 05:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2012

there is an update with my wife pregnancy, she gonna change the doctor and get another one.

I'm glad to hear this, I think it was a wise decision. From what you explained, I really doubt about the previous doctor's ethical standards. Hopefully, the new doctor will result more helpful for you and will provide you with the necessary letter.

Good luck.
SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2012-03-12 09:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2012

Keep in mind, an operator won't know your packages are in the building until they're being reviewed. It'll probably be reviewed this week if they were sent March 5th. Do you know when they arrived from your postal carrier's delivery confirmation?

Just keep calling once a day. That's sufficient.

Thank you Saylin for the answer. I'm attempting to acquire the tracking number from my lawyer, since she's the one who sent the documents. As soon as I get this information, I'll have a better estimate of when the review should begin.

I'll keep calling once or twice every day anyhow.

:dance: :dance: CASE COMPLETED!!! :dance: :dance:

The operator confirmed what I heard previously from a CO here. Asuncion assigns their own interviews and then contacts the beneficiary. Hopefully we'll find out something soon!

That's great!!!! Congratulations :dance: :dance: :dance:
SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2012-03-12 08:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2012

Our AOS and IV packages were sent to NVC on March 5th (from within US), I called today to check if they had been received/reviewed, and the operator told me nothing is showing up on the computer indicating that the packages were received (then the "allow 20 business days for mail to arrive" answer, as if mail was being sent on horse).

Seeing the speedy arrival of the packages to NVC by postal mail, question is, should I be calling more or is this normal??? I'm starting to get to the point where I find it difficult to discern between "hysterical with a reason" or "unnecessary hysterism" on my part). Ufffff.... :wacko:

Thank you as always for your help and advice!!!


Edited by SantFeliuGuixols, 12 March 2012 - 08:29 AM.

SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2012-03-12 08:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsBest Christmas Gift!!!! Interview Approved!

It's a wonderful way to finish this year and start the new one :star:
SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2011-12-16 05:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOriginal or photocopied affidavits with I-130?
Since they were signed, we filed the original third party affidavits just in case.
If necessary, we will also take originals once again for the interview.
SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2011-12-12 08:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC Has anyone been approve lately???

Your answer covers a lot but it was likely none of that. It probably all came down to one of three things: 1) Pure luck. Instead of filing your petition for later processing like they should have done they processed it right then for some reason. 2) Your beneficiary is coming from a "lucky" country. or 3) You, the USC, are living in Spain and they processed it either as a DCF or with DCF priority (for lack of better words).

Beyond trying to expedite there is no known method to make the process take anything less than forever. Some people just are very lucky.

I'm sorry, what's DCF? :unsure:
SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2011-12-27 04:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC Has anyone been approve lately???

Your answer covers a lot but it was likely none of that. It probably all came down to one of three things: 1) Pure luck. Instead of filing your petition for later processing like they should have done they processed it right then for some reason. 2) Your beneficiary is coming from a "lucky" country. or 3) You, the USC, are living in Spain and they processed it either as a DCF or with DCF priority (for lack of better words).

Beyond trying to expedite there is no known method to make the process take anything less than forever. Some people just are very lucky.

Just as I mentioned previously, I have no idea what criteria they used. It's probably due to one or more the reasons you mentioned above. As far as I'm concerned, I also think there's no known method which determines the speed of the process, eventhough there are circumstances for each case that may influence. Thank you for the information, I wasn't aware of those factors. :unsure:

Let me guess: are you, I mean the US citizen, residing in Spain at the moment?

Prepare for an extended waiting line at NVC door... Almost a month after NoA2, I'm still waiting for a case number to be assigned there before anything can start moving.

Fortunately, we won't be able to travel before summer of 2012, so if this is the case, then I really don't mind. I hope you get your case number soon :)

My bad forgot another question (sorry to obsess) but hopefully others besides me will be helped.

Okay you say transparent pocket holders was that used for each table of content item inside of paper clipping them?
Or did u still paperclip pages together than put in transparent folder?

I asked because I have 25 items of evidence aside from the required to show the bona fide stuff. And well all are a few pages to the largest 43 pages long (go old email logs).
Just want it all neat. Be nice if tt
hey just made it easy and let us put in a binder. Good grief. Well thanks for listening to my rants.

I think whether you put a paper clip or not is personal, if you prefer to do so and you think it facilitates going through all the paperwork, then go ahead! :)
SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2011-12-27 04:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC Has anyone been approve lately???
Besides sending the required civil documents and forms, as part of the bona fide package I sent:

- Color printed photographs (on normal paper, about 4 per page) taken since we met (lots of pictures from before and after marriage).
- Several bank account receipts showing joint account and transactions since account was opened.
- A letter from bank confirming active account and both of us as account holders.
- Letters from three friends and one from family explaining how they met us, activities and events shared together, confirming bona fide marriage.
- Wedding reservation receipt.
- Wedding rings purchase receipt.
- Copy of airplane tickets from trips made together.

Besides the main cover letter, I divided each section into different categories, inside transparent pocket folders. Within each folder I included another cover letter with the contents. Such as: This section includes photographs dating back to... and copy of airplane tickets, This section includes joint bank account receipts and letter from bank confirming active account..., This section includes etc...

I made it as neat and easy to follow as possible. Maybe some of the proof we sent was unecessary, but I preferred send extra material than risking more delays. Everything was also rigorously translated, even to the last detail (including seals, etc.), I spent months with all the translations.

Now, this doesn't mean that the speed of our approval was due to the above mentioned documents and methodology, but maybe it helped. I still don't know what criteria influence the duration of the process.

Hope this helped. Best of luck and don't give up hope, it's the only thing that keeps us moving ahead!!!
SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2011-12-26 08:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC Has anyone been approve lately???
I cheched my status yesterday morning on USCIS and was surprised to learn that the I-130 petition was approved by CSC on December 21st, 7 days after receiving the NAO1 notice. I was very surprised, since I was more than prepared to wait for the 5 months period. I really do not know how this works, there are so many factors that influence the processing time. I think it's a good idea to be patient, hope for the best, and keep a positive outlook, eventhough the waiting period can be quite frustrating, especially when you've done your part.
SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2011-12-25 13:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview coming up

We have my husband's interview a week from Wednesday in Ciudad Juarez. Does anyone have any last minute advice for us? Does anyone know where I can find a check list of things/papers I should bring?


I'm pretty nervous but staying positive.

You may find some helpful information in the following guide: http://www.visajourn...tent/i130guide1

You may want to look into the Mexico portal for information regarding the interview at your specific consulate.

Good luck!!!! :thumbs:
SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2011-12-27 04:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCertified Translator
This information is taken from § Sec. 103.2 Applications, petitions, and other documents. Found at the USCIS 11.3 Foreign Language Documents and Translations section:

"(3) Translations . Any document containing foreign language submitted to USCIS shall be accompanied by a full English language translation which the translator has certified as complete and accurate, and by the translator's certification that he or she is competent to translate from the foreign language into English."

There are two requirements, the translator certifies document is complete and accurate and that the translator is competent to translate. The statement which you posted is just an example which contains these two prerequisites.

From my perspective, these two statements are implicit in the translator's official stamp stating that they are sworn certified translators. However, I don't know if sworn translators are also required to specify this information, in addition to their official seal.
SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2011-12-27 05:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUrgent Help

Are you sure of this? Remember he will be put in AP...

What's AP?
SantFeliuGuixolsFemaleSpain2012-01-03 12:24:00