Middle East and North Africacalling everyone who will have the interview in December 2008
:thumbs: This post was most helpful thanks sooo much for the details of you case because my fiances is just so worried agout this whole thing and we read such sad post on how people from morocco get denied and the CO's just say what ever they like and there is nothing that can be done about it!

i went with my mother to casablanca Dec 22nd in the morning then we took Ibis hotel, we woke up next day at 5:30 am, there was so much traffic no taxi wants to stop to get us!! finally we found one so we were in front of the consulate at 7:45 am, i left my mother at a cafe across the street and i was in the middle of the queu for security check, most of the applicants was students visa and business visa and lottery but when i got in, the waiting room was full and i found like 10 k1 visa applicants,i paid visa fee 1245 dh after that i had a seat where i was talking to the k1 applicants they all were wondering about the big folders i brought with me and we were exchanging informations...then a moroccan consluar officer called my name at 10 am for guichet number 2 , he wanted the forms i handed it to him then asked me to have a seat until they call me again, he called me at 11:30 am at the guichet number 7 he asked me alot of questions that i found easy and expected, the interview was in english, he told me u got everything huh! i said of course he said very good! then he told me have a american consular officer will call me again for more questions i said ok thank you. the consular officer called me at 1:30 pm i had a headache and hungry, but i said hello goodafternoon how are you? she said i am good thank you she smiled then asked me to verify my finger prints then she started asking me , how did u met ? why you put ur profile in the marriage website ? she said your english is way too good have u ever been to the us? said never she said where did u learn american language? you speak very well!!! i said i learned some in the school and the rest because i talk everyday to my fiance and that helped me to improve it!! she said do u have a degree i said yes and i told her i have two baccalaureat and i m computer technicien and i am business management specialized technicien, then she said you r very educated madam and your english going to help u in the US then she started asking me again, when did you met? when he came to morocco? did he come again? how do u communicate? for how long then she looked at my folders that was on top of the guichet and said the fact that you carry big folders showed that you guys talk daily! i said yes and i gave her the big plastic folder which contains phone calls and text messages folders, i wanted to hand her the other biggest folder but the guichet was way too small then she told me "u can give it to me through the door" i said its ok i am going to hand u one by one underneath the guichet she took yahoo (two folders) skype (two folders) msn (i gave her just one i forgot to give her the other one :wacko: , emails, mail and western union! she put everything behind her on the ground then said one second! she took everything to another office,when she came she was asking me if i know about my fiances criminal background i said yes i have a copy then she said she must go through every charge i said ok ! then i explained to her every charge and i said i am totally ok with that i know he has made some mistakes in the past and was involved with some bad friends but now he is really good man and he doesnt have those friends anymore and he is good worker he is a surperviser at the company he works for then she said i just wanna make sure for the second time your not making wrong decision to marry him and do u feel safe to marry him i said absolutely yes i love him very much and he is good man! then said Ok with big smile then typed somthing on the computer then handed me my passport and a paper telling me your case requires additional administrative processing we will contact you when we are able to proceed with your case then she said everything looks ok they going to call me withing two weeks for visa then i said thank you very much madam, happy holidays and merry christmas! she said thanks alot! then i left happy very happy!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
today my fiance called there to make sure when they are going to give me the visa,a moroccan guy there answered the phone and said they want more evidence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my fiance said we brought everything you guys need!!! we brought the biggest folders ever as the consular officer said to me!!! then the guy asked my sweetheart to wait a sec ...after he checked my application he said oooooooooook they just going to review your communication they r going to call you next week!!
my fiance said i think this guy doesnt know anything about my application!! my stomack hurts i don't know what does that means?????????????? help!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wacko:
the paper they gave me says
- further consideration will be given to your visa application after you obtain and present the documents listed above and/ or the following : *your case requires additional administrative processing we will call you when we are able to proceed with your case.
WOOOOHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOO my fiance just called me he said just called the consluate again and he talked to a moroccan lady who said i am approved and its normal this waiting time!!!!! they reviewed my communications and everything looks perfect !! OHHHHH MYYYYYYYYYY GODDDDDD i was really worriedddd i thought there is something wrong!!!!!!!!!!!
Alhamdulillah :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
thanks everyone for the support :luv: (F) (L)

PS : she never asked me for photos or affidavit of support!!!

wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-03-11 22:35:00
Middle East and North Africacalling everyone who will have the interview in December 2008
:thumbs: Thanks for this infomation we are just not sure about how all this will work out with the consulate in Casa, Moroc

Hi all;
i want tell you that the medical exams are not A LOT A LOT as our friend mentioned;i went to the doctor Zirari; the only place u'll need to go to, is the laboraatory for ur chest Xrays;bllod test are done just upstaires; the pharmacy to get ur vaccins is just close to the doctor right on the corner;and nothing is difficult with having ur medical tests done the only thing that need a bit of time is the chest xrays caus it takes time to get the results and bring it back to the doctor.good luck for evrybody.

wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-03-11 22:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaI have received my interview date!
Thanks so much and best wishes to you and yours...
wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-03-13 21:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaI have received my interview date!
Hi Zaytoona ..i send my I-129f Same Date You send Yours But Im Stil Waithing The NOA2 ..

But ithink California Service Center is so faster then Vermont Service Center..?? :huh:
wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-03-13 06:15:00
Middle East and North Africadid somebody from North africa waiting for NOA2
Thanks egypt lover fror the replay
wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-03-12 20:43:00
Middle East and North Africadid somebody from North africa waiting for NOA2
its been 92 days and i havent gotten my NOA2 YET! and it seems like everyone is getting them in 70-80 days....

and did somebody have same date sending to I-129F NOA1 : 2009-12-11

wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-03-12 08:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaSending mail from Morocco to the US

CORRECTION: on my post about UPS ...I was thinking they were asking for USA not Morocco but the company Chronopost is a good company to use and here is web site link: Hope this will help all who need to send items in future ...Best Wishes to All...

Posted Image

Posted Image

Edited by wantknow, 13 March 2010 - 08:59 PM.

wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-03-13 20:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaSending mail from Morocco to the US
ithink he need to pay for the documents in the ups company Posted Image
wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-03-13 07:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasablanca Interview in 1 week
Hi guys we will be going down that road soon, can you please post all your details so we can have an idea of what is going to happen when it's our turn at consulate...Best wished and all be well with you!!! :thumbs:
wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-03-25 21:29:00
Middle East and North Africaquestions about the affidavit of support
Thanks alot :thumbs: I have another question: I claimed my grand daughter on my 2009 tax but she no longer lives with me. Do I need to list her on the affidavit of support? :unsure:
wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-03-30 19:44:00
Middle East and North Africaquestions about the affidavit of support

Thoroughly answered, the W2s which are optional if submitting trancripts can show ENTIRE income earned will be good to add as Employment letter, also optional, may only show earned income by hours, as previously said... Better to include W2s
Assets only needed to meet poverty line- not necessary if sponsor makes above requirement

I just need to know on the affidavit of support question #11 which should be checked? Do I state my intent of support in detail or not? I not sure which one to check here. :unsure: Thanks for any insight you can share on this part of the form :)
wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-03-27 22:08:00
Middle East and North Africaonly one visit to morocco

Hello "Lover89" and "Wantknow",

Ma I ask when your interview dates are? I am curious to know and I am sure others are as well. Please Update your timeline. :)

Thank you!

Thanks for you answer, I don't have interview date yet we are still waiting to hear from VSC :unsure: everyones time seems to go fast when it comes to this part so i'm wonder whats going on with our case??? :unsure:
wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-03-30 20:55:00
Middle East and North Africaonly one visit to morocco

The joys of the decision being in other peoples hands :) All we can do is everything we possibly can & hope for the best. One thing just to bring up to others that haven't spent much face to face time with your SOs...its a good idea to talk as much about the little things that you don't think about in the will your kids be raised (including how will you handle punishing them)...this is a big one for us, because my daughter (4 yrs old) & I have been here for about a month & I have learned that using belts, sticks, etc is considered an ok form of punishment for kids here...but is a HUGE no no in my book....make sure the things they are set on NOT changing are things that you aren't set against...don't be afraid to bring up a subject just because u are afraid to "rock the boat"...better to do it now then later :) And I also think its good to know how your SO will react when they are truely mad...something very important, especially if kids are in the future plans. I'm really glad that I was lucky enough to come here for a long period of time before he comes to the US, because there are a lot of little things that would have caused huge problems that I never even thought about discussing, plus the MAJOR culture shock they will be going through when they get to the US. I know every situation is different...just wanted to throw my point of view out there to everyone...since we are all watching the days slowly tick by Best of luck to everybody on the lovely visajourney :)


Can you tell me in detail how the VSC pat of the process works? Do they send a notice to me? Do I need to call them? it seems like your case went fast after it left USCIS.
wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-03-30 20:50:00
Middle East and North Africaonly one visit to morocco
Thanks Deb,
Because I was kinda worried about this also due to the fact my fiance(e) has only been to Morocco once and has to wait for vacation time from her employer.
wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-03-28 22:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaShould I contact my congresswoman?

The NVC is the one who schedules the interviews for Casablanca. Once your case is complete with the NVC they send your entire petition to the embassy and once it's there they check the availability with the embassy and then schedule you. It is not up to you.

Thank you :thumbs:
wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-04-02 20:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaShould I contact my congresswoman?

Hi Everyone,

I hope all is well. I have read many MENA posts in the past about contacting one's congressman/woman when a case has been denied but how about before an interview? My fiance's interview date is scheduled for April 13th and I want to make sure I have all my bases covered. If it is indeed helpful to contact my congresswoman prior to the interview, what is the best way of doing so? Should I send over an email or should I call? Most importantly, what do I say?

Thank you for your time!


Zaytoona question for you: Did you chose interview date or did consulate?
wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-04-01 19:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaShould I contact my congresswoman?

There are many people who have contacted their senate or congressional rep before the interview takes place. This is clearly a personal choice, and it has worked in the favor for a couple of members I know of.

They contacted their rep to let them know their case was up for interview, provided some details regarding the case, completed and submitted the required Immigration Privacy Release Form before-hand in the event a congressional inquiry was necessary after the interview.

Honestly, it cannot hurt you if you do this, it can save you time in the event you need them to make an official inquiry on your behalf regarding your case.

The best way of contacting your senate or congressional rep is to visit their web site and either locate a telephone number to call, or use the contact form directly on the site. You will need to know the name of the person who handles all immigration matters, every senate/congressional rep has one, this is the person you want to be in contact with. Signing the release form is first on the list, they cannot do anything on your behalf until you provide this completed form, many have this form available for download directly from their web site.

If you do not know who your congressman/senator is, use the following links to find out who represents your area:

US Congressional Representatives (By State)
US Senators (By State)

Good luck!

Posted Image~kiyah~Posted Image

Thanks for this information it's very helpful .... Iposted the form that you talked about in your post maybe this too can be a helpful tool in their Visa Journey! ;)
wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-04-01 19:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaShould I contact my congresswoman?
Immigration Privacy Release Form - Hi, this is the link to the form hope this will help everyone! Best Wishes!

My link
wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-04-01 19:02:00
Middle East and North Africado i need tcourt record certificate/Segel Adli For K-1
Salam Wa3alikoum.

i have one question... The NVC The Send my case to CasaBlanca Consulate .
Im stil not Get the Packet From CasaBlanca Consulate Yet... I do translations for That paiper Here.

-police certificate
-birth certificate
-Judicial papers and Certificaste of Never being married (city of where im now).

But my Question Is Do I need (court record certificate/Segel Adli )(obtained from town/city of birth)??

Thank You...
wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-04-13 11:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaLet's give a round of applause for Casablanca!

Well, my night was obviously restless and my heart was beating fast non-stop for the past 24 hours. I will admit that I was incredibly nervous, even though I knew that our case did not have any red flags.

My darling gave me the phone call at 4:59am PST and of course I was already awake. At first, there was doubt in his voice and I swear you could have cut the suspense with a knife! He then shouted...


Yes, he got his K-1 Visa approved! He said that he got a young blonde gal and she was extremely sweet to him. She was smiling and in good spirits throughout the entire interview. She asked him around 20 questions and when my fiance ask her if she would like to see our evidence she respectful declined and admitted "No, I believe you!"

My fiance was very confident and he told me that he feels that he had the best interview today. My phone conversation with him was brief, so we didn't go over the entire interview experience. Later today I will try to get more information out of him! Oh, and for those of you who are wondering, they took his passport and they informed him that his visa will be ready in about 5 days. They said that he will be receiving a call on his mobile when the visa is ready.

I don't want to get too much in detail about ourselves but I can give you some information that may have made our case very "believable".

I am 7 years younger than my fiance and he is in his early thirties. We have both never been married and we do not have children. Although he is 7 years older than me, we look the same age. We are even the same height! Oh, we share the same birthday as well. We met online 2 years ago and I have been to Morocco twice. We are both Muslim (I converted 5 years ago)and I speak conversational Arabic. I am pretty much wrapped up in anything that is "MENA". My fiance comes from a upper middle class, educated family and his English is very good.

I hope this helps!

Now, time for some much-needed rest!


Congrats to you and yours :dance: :dance: :dance: My fiance will go for his interview May 19th ...and I'm hoping we have good news also :whistle:
wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-04-14 17:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaAPPROVED!
:dance: :dance: Congratulations :dance: :dance:
wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-04-20 22:24:00
Middle East and North Africahelp with DS 230
It says only :thumbs: to do part 1 not part 2 for K-1 visa
wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-04-23 15:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaFriday
It's nice and sunny here in Florida... B-) All have a Great Day and enjoy your weekend!!!! :yes:
wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-04-23 15:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaVisa In Hand
Congrats & Best Wishes!!!!
wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-04-28 16:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaK1 REFUSED.... What can/ should we do now???
Please give better detail on what happen at the interview, tell every thing that happen. What this CO looks like and what questions did she ask? How long was the interview? This will help others to advise you on how to proceed next. I my self have sent my senator of my state all my information about my case in advance so if this happens to us they can look into the case and make sure that we are being treated fair. we will give all detail on our interview in hopes to help others. Because this is a high fraud country and I know thier jobs are not easy but they can be fair and respectful. Get all your information together in details before you do any thing else and I'm sure you will receive good advice from the members here in VJ they have a lot of knowledge. Good Luck!!! :thumbs:
wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-05-04 18:39:00
Middle East and North Africai get visaaaaaaaaa
wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-05-16 18:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday ... Happy Day
wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-05-21 09:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaA & S Interview Story

I am sorry to read about this.
My husband was first applying for a K1. His interview didn't go well either and it was returned to USCIS in Sept.
I went to Jordan and married him in October.
Now we are waiting our CR1 interview date. And I WILL go with him this time!

Thank you and wish you all the best on your journey!
wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-05-28 17:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaA & S Interview Story

Sorry for the skipped letters and spacing on the original posting. I should have proof-read.

I have a question? People get denied for K-1 Fiancee visa and then they go to Morocco to marry and file a CR-1...but its same people interviewing...same guarantees you will be approved just because you went and married. I would be afraid of getting rejected and having to be forced to marry knowing it was rejected and then if you are not willing and have children, then what? You are forced to move to Morocco? Do you get divorced if denied the second time? Or do you travel and see your spouse once or twice a year?? Im hoping our case does not leave us with these hard questions to have to answer.

Correct me if I am wrong please...being married to a Moroccan DOES NOT guarantee you a visa to USA? I ask these questions, only because I have a 13 and 15 year old I solely provide for and I get no support from their biological father and they have let me know in advance, they would never move to Morocco. I have promised my husband that one day if he wishes when we are older and children are on their own, I would agree to move to Morocco if it is his wish...but only because I think it's selfish for me not to share in locations since he has gave up half his life to leave his family. So I want to be fair but he says we will see the situation if the time ever arouses. I am curious of others input and what will A&S or we do if this happens? What are our options, since obviously A&S and all of us loves our spouses???

Thanks, Zaytoona but as Lisa stated here it's still no guarantee that it will be approved after we are married if they believe it's not a legitmate relationship but we will not give up. I feel like they have to put you throught all kinds of trials to see if you and your mate will endure to the end. Like Lisa stated before why is it they can interview one person in 10 mins. and don't even look at thier proof and approve them and then it takes 3 hours for you to denie another. No logic what so ever :unsure:
wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-05-22 12:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaA & S Interview Story

My fiancé arrive at consulate at 7:45am and at 8:00am the SO come and check everyone's appointment papers and start 2 lines, one for marriage & fiancé visa & one line for visitor visa, they let them enter consulate and sit down and wait for 30 minutes. Then the CO's start to call for visitor visa 1st. and then they start calling for K1, K3s visas. After 1 hour of waiting my fiancé was called to the window by a lady to pay the fee were she took his passport & photos and told him to wait until they call him. This lady was very nice and helpful. The CO finally calls my fiancé to the window he was the last one to interview and this is how it went. A man calls him to the window and started the interview. He asked about 100 or more questions but it was like we were friends just having a conversation. This CO was joined by another CO, A lady and as he asked the questions and my fiancé answered he would close the microphone so my fiancé could not hear what they were saying and then he would type something into the computer. But he could hear some things that they said and he thinks they were trying to finds some reason to deny him. The CO asked questions like:
Were did you meet your fiancée?
Were did she go to elementary school?
Were did she go to middle school?
Were did she attend collage?
What is her father's name?
Does she live with him?
Were does she live?
How many children does she have?
Do they live with her?
Do you know how old she is?
Has she been here to Morocco to visit you?
How long did she stay?
Why doesn't she move here to Morocco to live?
What kind of work will you do if you get a visa to USA?
Do you know of any company's you can work for?
Were do she work?
What kind of work does she do?
Has your fiancée ever been arrested?
What is her ex-husbands name?
How long she has been divorced?
Don't you think your fiancée is too old for you?
How long have you known her?
Were will you get married?
The questions went on like this over and over; the CO would keep stopping and talking with the other CO and then type in the computer and then ask another question, My fiancé asked if the CO would like to see our proof and he said "No I have every thing right here". Finally the CO said "Let me see what you have to show me and he looked at the photos we have and the CO asked about 1 photo of me, my fiancé and his brother in law. The CO asked "who is the other guy in the photo?" My fiancé told him it was his brother in law. Then the CO asked " were does he live?" My fiancé answered "My sister & brother in law live in Germany". The CO replied "auhh"
The CO finally said to the other CO "okay let's finish this and told my fiancé that he would not be getting a visa today and gave him a letter of denial. The interview lasted about 3 hours long. They kept all papers sent in packet 3 & gave all translation papers back, never looked at any of the other documents or proof not even the I-134 with the proof.
My fiancé also notice that the CO had wrote 3 things down on a paper and put an X in red by these 3 things. The CO put everything in a red file.
One last note on this: I did email my congressman's office before this interview to give information about the case and today I called to talk with a representative. I'm not sure if this will help or not but we have to try! Hope this will help someone else going through this process.

VJ Family I'm sorry I had to make corrections on this post: passport was not stamped was just given green ticket with number on it with passport at 1st window, also medical papers were taken and x-rays, translation papers were given back to him. Everyone else that was there at that time was approved but him and one other person that was there for visitor visa. Thanks again for your support S & A
wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-05-21 10:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaA & S Interview Story
My fiancé arrive at consulate at 7:45am and at 8:00am the SO come and check everyone's appointment papers and start 2 lines, one for marriage & fiancé visa & one line for visitor visa, they let them enter consulate and sit down and wait for 30 minutes. Then the CO's start to call for visitor visa 1st. and then they start calling for K1, K3s visas. After 1 hour of waiting my fiancé was called to the window by a lady to pay the fee were she took his passport & photos and told him to wait until they call him. This lady was very nice and helpful. The CO finally calls my fiancé to the window he was the last one to interview and this is how it went. A man calls him to the window and started the interview. He asked about 100 or more questions but it was like we were friends just having a conversation. This CO was joined by another CO, A lady and as he asked the questions and my fiancé answered he would close the microphone so my fiancé could not hear what they were saying and then he would type something into the computer. But he could hear some things that they said and he thinks they were trying to finds some reason to deny him. The CO asked questions like:
Were did you meet your fiancée?
Were did she go to elementary school?
Were did she go to middle school?
Were did she attend collage?
What is her father's name?
Does she live with him?
Were does she live?
How many children does she have?
Do they live with her?
Do you know how old she is?
Has she been here to Morocco to visit you?
How long did she stay?
Why doesn't she move here to Morocco to live?
What kind of work will you do if you get a visa to USA?
Do you know of any company's you can work for?
Were do she work?
What kind of work does she do?
Has your fiancée ever been arrested?
What is her ex-husbands name?
How long she has been divorced?
Don't you think your fiancée is too old for you?
How long have you known her?
Were will you get married?
The questions went on like this over and over; the CO would keep stopping and talking with the other CO and then type in the computer and then ask another question, My fiancé asked if the CO would like to see our proof and he said "No I have every thing right here". Finally the CO said "Let me see what you have to show me and he looked at the photos we have and the CO asked about 1 photo of me, my fiancé and his brother in law. The CO asked "who is the other guy in the photo?" My fiancé told him it was his brother in law. Then the CO asked " were does he live?" My fiancé answered "My sister & brother in law live in Germany". The CO replied "auhh"
The CO finally said to the other CO "okay let's finish this and told my fiancé that he would not be getting a visa today and gave him a letter of denial. The interview lasted about 3 hours long. They kept all papers sent in packet 3 & all translation papers, stamped my passport and never looked at any of the other documents or proof not even the I-134 with the proof.
My fiancé also notice that the CO had wrote 3 things down on a paper and put an X in red by these 3 things. The CO put everything in a red file.
One last note on this: I did email my congressman's office before this interview to give information about the case and today I called to talk with a representative. I'm not sure if this will help or not but we have to try! Hope this will help someone else going through this process.
wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-05-20 16:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow many people had interview with 2 CO in casa?

I'm not sure if it was a 2nd CO, but I know Hicham mentioned several times that there was a woman behind his interviewer that kept nodding her head to his answers....not sure what that was about. But he was also the last one interviewed u're idea could be right...the joys of everything being 2nd hand information :)

Monica :)

Maybe your right not sure but it just seem odd to me
wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-05-31 18:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow many people had interview with 2 CO in casa?
Hi Mena family my fiance and I were talking and wondering how many people had an interview with 2 CO's at the time of their interview and is this common for them to do at the consulate in casa? Was it because they saved his interview for the last of the day and the other CO had time on her hands?
wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-05-29 21:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's Saturday !!
Thanks to all my florida peeps for the shout out!!! Tracy have a safe and wonderful trip :dance: Keep us posted on your journey!! We all wish you much success!!!
wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-05-29 19:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's Saturday !!
Good Morning MENA family It's a beautiful day here in South Florida wishing everyone a Great Day!!
wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-05-29 08:07:00
Middle East and North Africashipping to morocco

that to link

wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-05-29 09:09:00
Middle East and North Africashipping to morocco

Try here:My link

Sorry tried to send link but not sure if I did it right :bonk:

Edited by wantknow, 29 May 2010 - 08:25 AM.

wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-05-29 08:23:00
Middle East and North Africashipping to morocco
Try here:My link

Edited by wantknow, 29 May 2010 - 08:18 AM.

wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-05-29 08:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaAP at Casa
Hi HichaMonica

They not denied Your Visa They return your application and petition to the USCIS The AP Take 5 TO 14 Month Good Luck..
wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-06-08 17:40:00
Middle East and North Africa2nd interview in Casa??
Wishing you guys the best!!!!
wantknowFemaleMorocco2010-06-11 19:03:00