Asia: East and PacificHow does the embassy contact you in Aus?
thanks for your reply - you made me miss Adelaide!! Am over in the States still but returning home in a week - looks like your process is nearly over so tremendously jealous! We have filed for the IR1/CR1 but intend to file for the K3 as soon as we get a number...we figure with the amount they are changing immigration laws at present we might be best covering both options. Cant believe Im going to be waiting in Adelaide so long - Im glad we decided on getting married here to give us 3 months head start rather than waiting till the June wedding we had planned (and are still having!) in Adelaide!
Do i read right from your reply that the first time I should here from the consulate in Sydney is for the DS 2032 or is that something for the US spouse and the first time we hear from them is the Packet 3? Man...this is all so confusing!

Mel and JamesFemaleAustralia2007-03-21 16:36:00
Asia: East and PacificHow does the embassy contact you in Aus?
Hi All,

Im very new to the process - we filed our I-130 in the US this week after getting married in Texas. Im headed back to Aus shortly but was wondering if any of you could help me out on how the embassy gets in touch with on the Aus side..and how long before they will first try and get in touch. Im preparing myself for the worst....Im sure it will be many months!! I am contemplating taking my long service leave and coming back over to the US for a while (if they let me in again!) but am worried I might need to be in Aus to be contactable. Any thoughts?


Edited by Mel and James, 15 March 2007 - 06:19 PM.

Mel and JamesFemaleAustralia2007-03-15 18:17:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi Everyone,
Just thought I would say hi seeing as I have been browsing the Aus site for a few weeks now. I was planning to marry my US other half in beautiful Adelaide in June but we decided to revisit plans after DCF was cancelled. I was over in Texas visiting at the time we found out so we made the logical decision to marry in the US straight away (a courtroom with a judge!) so that we could get the immigration underway given it is going to take so long. We are still having the Adelaide wedding with family and friends as planned- but having it made official 3 months early gave us a better headstart on the process - Patricia - just read your story and thought it might be worth considering - if you wait till late 2008 for the wedding and then your other half has to go back to the US and file it might be the end of 2009 before you can move. Having a registry marriage earlier will allow you to file..and then you can always have a wedding service with family and friends on the date that you originally planned..I know its not ideal - I certainly struggled a bit with the decision..but when logic came in to it - we knew it was worth it.
Anyway - am loving seeing all the aussies on the site and reading all your stories - it certainly makes it easier to deal with the frustration when you see so many other people going through the same issues!
Mel and JamesFemaleAustralia2007-03-27 18:45:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

Hi everyone

I have been lurking around VJ for a couple of weeks and officially introduced myself in the intro section last week but only found the Aussie thread now :) This seems to be the best place to be! Though I doubt if I can read through all 114 pages right now just to catch up on everybody's situtation, though I'm sure it'll become evident very soon as we all go through "the journey".

Before anything, I guess an intro of the situation that my American fiance & I are currently facing: we met back in 2003 at University. He was doing his first year in Honours in Nanotechnology and I was doing my first year of my Masters. Since 2003 he has spent of his time here in Adelaide with me only going home during his summer holidays from Uni (Christmas time) or when having to attend his best friend's wedding. In the nearly 4 years we've been together I am very ashamed to say that I haven't been to the US (Missouri, to be exact). It just worked out that his parents would always come down every year and work wasn't really keen on letting me go for an extended period so taking a holiday to the US never came about.

Now it's March 2007 and we're now taking the steps for me to move from little ol' Adelaide to Missouri (Columbia, MO to be exact) as soon as the US Government can allow me to :) I have to admit that I never would have realised the whole DCF process if it wasn't for VJ only to realise that even though Zach had been living (as an International Student) here in Adelaide for 3 1/2 years, we wouldn't be able to take this route. This is crushing since DCF seems to be the quickest method of petitioning somebody.

As for our immediate future, he's currently back in Missouri (since his student visa has expired) and will be back here in June 1 (our 4 Year Annivesary, how appropriate) and I guess we start planning our wedding so that we can speed things up. At the earliest we're looking at a November/December wedding as he needs to be back in Missouri to start his PhD by mid-January 2008. Originally we were looking at a November 2008 wedding but we figured that the quicker we make our union "official" in the eyes of the Govt, the quicker we can start our permanent future together. It might sound like it's taking the romance out of the wedding, but we don't necessarily look at it that way.

Hmm...this has become somewhat of an essay. Sorry! I guess now we've got to either just face the fact that we can't go for a DCF or try to either a) convince the Consulate that "we're a special circumstance" or B) have Zach move here as a "resident" (as classified by the US Govt) from June-Dec (that's 6 months!) and then we can go for DCF. Or am I kidding myself?

Alright, enough from me. It's just good to talk about these type of things with people who have/or are going through this at the same time. It is definitely comforting to know that I am not alone and that others have gone through the journey and the end result of this whole thing is one of eternal happiness. I know this is all worth it.

Mel and JamesFemaleAustralia2007-03-27 18:34:00