K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Congrats! I have a feeling I will feel the same way Happy but a little bitter... I have to think of a unique way to tell my fiance too... yours was pretty good :lol: My Face book background a banner ... "WE ARE APPROVED" with fireworks ballons etc :lol:

Thanks everyone btw! I'm so glad I had this site and everyone on it when I felt I was just not able to cope anymore! And, that sounds really cute. :) I totally announced it on FB before I even told Nick, I was so excited! (However, he doesn't have FB so it was okay! Heh) And yeah, just a smidge of bitter still. I feel like he SHOULD be coming next month had everything gone smoothly, but I'm guessing it will be more like January now. At least we can have our first real Valentine's Day together! (L)
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-19 10:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

England should be fine with it.

You can read more here:

Thank you! :energy:
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-19 10:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

I have a questions..I read some threads here on VJ that some countries do not accept co sponsor for K1 visa? Have you guys heard about this? How true is it? I'm so worried because we using a co sponsor.. :(

I just read this yesterday and it had me sort of freaked out. My Dad is going to be sponsoring Nick because I've been in school and not working full time. I hope England is okay with that...
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-19 10:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

YAYYYYYY!!!! Thank goodness you are approved!!!! What a great way to tell him. You must let us know how it goes!
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Thanks everyone! :)

It went... fantastic. Pretty much how I thought, "What's that say?" And I turned around so he could read it... stunned silence for a moment, then a smile, and then (though being quite the man's man he wouldn't maybe like me to say, hah) there was some moisture in the eye department. Needless to say, he was REALLY happy. He said something I think probably some people can relate to, "You have to train yourself not to feel, and then one day you can feel again and it's so strange. It's almost overwhelming."

Hopefully we can get those last few visas pushed out. I'm not sure what did it for us, but it came just 2-3 days after our senator wrote in.

Edited by Nick + Elizabeth, 18 October 2012 - 12:22 PM.

Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-18 12:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
Hey guys... so I had to stay away for a few days. Coming on here was starting to get not so good for my head and every time I ventured onto the site I ended up in tears. However, I'm back now and with some good news. Last night at 8:47pm I got 'The text' and we are FINALLY approved! I'm not really sure how I feel! I'm happy and excited, but it still sorta stings having to have waited so damn long. I haven't even told Nick yet, because he's at work. I'm going to make him put up the webcam so I can see his face when I tell him. Yes, I already have it planned out. I pinned a little note to the back of my sweater that says 'we are approved!' in huge letters. I'm going to ask him to turn the camera on to see my new dress and do a little spin for him so when he sees the note he'll be all "What's on your sweater?" and I can be all, "What are you talking about?" turn, turn, turn, hehe... till he figures it out. After all this time I did not feel a phone call would suffice, though it was really hard not to tell him this morning! I guess we're ready for the next step!
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-18 11:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

I thought a lot about you in particular this weekend. People can poke fun at me, but I'm a very spiritual person and think if we can all focus on your approval, perhaps we can help it.

I called the congress lady today who has been helping us. She said USCIS has 6 days to reply to her inquiry and that they 'have' to reply in the next six days. I asked her what penalty there was for them if they didn't reply and she said none. So, I asked her what insures then that they will do it at all? She says they will, but if they reply that the case is still being processed that they will send another inquiry. This makes very little sense to me. She said, usually they will eventually just process the case so they don't have to reply to the inquiries anymore. What?! So, the way congress works with USCIS is to simply pester them to death? No repercussions. Just bothering them until they do something. Somehow I felt they had more power than that...

As far as being spiritual goes, there have been times in my life that I have been. As of late I'm afraid my faith in much of anything is lacking. But... who knows?

I'm going to message you the phone # of the assistant to the director of USCIS. Try and see if she can help.

Is this who you talked to? Were they nice? Do you think that really helped your case?
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-15 12:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
Well, another Monday... I don't post here on the weekends because my fiance is off from work so I like to spend every second I can with him and it keeps me from thinking about our visa. I feel physically ill when I think about it at this point, bleh. So, what happens now? What happens when you've sent in numerous congressional inquiries, service requests, etc... and they still don't tend to your case and let's say another two or three months go by (which at this point I am fully assuming they will never approve or look at our case again). Do we have to re-apply? Do we have to pay another $350-ish dollars? Will they expedite it at that point because they never delivered an NOA2 on our first case? What are the chances that this will happen again? I'm just wondering how many cases fall through the cracks... I've seen a few on visa journey and since this is only a small percentage of the cases handled I assume a lot fall through the cracks. I guess I'm just trying to anticipate our next step.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-15 09:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Question.... For those of us who haven't received our NOA2's, do you know if you've been "touched" recently? I have not... Last touch was 3/19....

Your mushroom looks so sad, but in a cute sorta way... And, I am under the impression that they don't touch your case until they are fixing to approve it. I was told it takes approximately 15 minutes to approve a case from the moment they open it (assuming there is no complicated whatnots going on with it) so... when they touch it again it will likely be to approve the case.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-12 18:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

For today's entertainment check out THE DREAM ACT forum. They are complaining about not being approved too at Vermont. HA HA HA. I am sure it is so hard on them to wait a WHOLE month and a half!!!!!

*groan!* I can hardly bear to look at that thread. Complaining about a month and a half?! I saw one on that thread where the date showed them being approved in like 3 days. UNFAIR! :ranting: :protest:
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-12 13:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Good Morning Everyone!

I am happy to see that some of the people going through VSC are finally getting their approvals! I thank my lucky stars everyday that I got sorted to the CSC, especially since I was fool enough to plan my wedding for December. At least I can offer encouragement that once you are in the hands of the State Department things go a lot faster, just don't dally on getting your information to the embassy!

In my personal story I have some updates. We got our packet 3 and I started working on getting together the information that has to come from me, unfortunately my fiance had some setbacks on getting the information that he needed, but finally got his medical scheduled. He went for the medical, everything seemed to go well, but the next day he got a call to come back for another appointment because they were "concerned" by something in the chest x-ray. He went back for the second x-ray and we got the all clear (the x-ray tech had rotated the film the first time). So we submitted our readiness form and waited, and waited, and called the embassy and waited.

Its important to note at this point that we were getting anxious at this point because of our wedding date in December and we were now in October with no word. We finally got our letter confirming our interview yesterday, but it was for November 19th. With the processing time after the interview, it was cutting it too close for comfort. My fiance called the embassy and was given and email address to request an earlier date, which we did.

Thankfully, the people at the embassy seem to be very reasonable and got back to us today with an earlier date, now November 1st.

The moral of this long story is: HAVE FAITH! Also, don't be afraid to stay on top of the people processing your information.

I hope you all have the same good luck that I have had through this process!

While I'm glad everything worked out so smoothly for you... It's easy to say 'have faith' when you only waited a mere four months for your NOA2 and will have your fiance in the country before Thanksgiving even. I'd think at this point it's pretty obvious most of the people in this thread are not having the same good luck as you. :(
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-12 08:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

You're correct. If your RFE was for something completely different, then you're good. It's just the slackness of the person who has your file sitting on their desk OR it being overlooked because you placed your photos on top of the blue sheet.

Dargh! The photos! maybe... though they were 4x6 and just up at the top corner so you could still see the blue sheet. I don't know. I feel like I'm going nuts here! :wacko: I'm going to go make some lunch and try to distract myself with something for a bit. Maybe a movie... :blush:

I don't think I could re-submit everything because it says you needed the ORIGINAL blue sheet. It made a big point about that. We will see. I'm going to let this service request time out and then get back on them next week. By next Friday I can start pestering them again :devil:
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-11 12:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Possibly. Back then did you check to ensure it was in fact change to a lower charge in the county's system?

Well, that was what my -very well paid- lawyer told me, who is now a judge. So, no, I haven't checked, but I trusted him to do it properly. I could see it not being done properly if he had been court assigned or something, but he wasn't... Though, if I got the RFE I would assume that everything is cleared BUT the evidence, yes?
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-11 12:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

That brings light to the case. I'll bet they had to make an inquiry to the local court to make sure the case was cleared, and that was the hold up?

If you called and talked to a Tier 2, that is an immigration officer. I would keep calling. You've nothing to lose and might get someone who will sympathize with you and dig a little deeper. I know that my congresswoman, after my third fax, sent a response that she had "notified the proper authorities at USCIS".. which was different than usual. Keep pestering them, too. No excuse, especially during election year!

It's hard to wrap my mind around the fact that this could be based on a traffic violation from 7 years ago... :unsure: But I can't figure any other reason. And, yes, we'll see what happens with our case next week. That's when our service request runs out anyhow so I will call them daily at that point. Relentlessly, over and over and over again! :wacko:
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-11 11:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Thanks! It's your turn now!!

Geeze, I really hope so! :unsure:

Good for you!! At least you are pushing back!!

Yes, I just now got off the phone with USCIS and talked to a supervisor whom said that they can't do anything for a few more days until my first service request times out. At that point I can call in and put in a follow up service request. I feel like I am just beating my head against a brick wall. Anyhow, she couldn't answer if my case was being held up for any specific reason. I thought supervisors could do that? Is that not correct? She didn't seem to know anymore than the girl who answered the phone at first. Do I need to ask to talk to an immigration officer next time I call or what?

So, here's a question. I'm not sure if I ever asked this before, everything is blurring together now... bear with me. About 7 years ago I got caught driving on a suspended license that I was actively in the process of getting taken care of with my lawyer. Still, I had to get about and made the stupid mistake of driving on it before my case was done with. It was suspended because I forgot to pay a ticket for speeding in a school zone (which I didn't realize was a school zone when I was driving through it at normal speed! Oops!) Anyways, it was all really embarrassing and I got arrested! I couldn't believe it! I've never been in trouble for anything else EVER. It was super scary. Anyways, my lawyer got it turned into a non-moving violation. What I was arrested for though was "Fugitive From Justice" which is because I had a bench warrant for the suspended license and not paying the ticket. However, like I said I was in the process of getting it fixed THAT WEEK with my lawyer. Bad timing. So, I was told that for something to hold up your case it has to be a criminal background. All I have is that driving thing, but is 'Fugitive From Justice' Criminally? It sounds so... criminal. I'm starting to worry that may have something to do with it. But then wouldn't they have mentioned that in the RFE? Or if they got to the RFE that should mean they are done with all the background checks and everything else besides that one little bit of missing evidence, right? Phew, long one! Sorry, I worry/stress!
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-11 11:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Dumb question....

What semi-active to active posters are remaining?

I see: (my apologies if I missed anyone)

nick+elizabeth 2/6
Kaaha 3/1
MY997TT, 03/05
anita , 03/07
Nargie 3/7
RongandDavid 3/12
Edwardclement 3/12
Galla 3/22
Miguel.angel 3/30

RES--- I can't remember the rest of his user name because it's digits! But he was a later February filer (I 'think' the 28th?), having issues with CSC and his military clearance.

As a side note, I got all the papers together for the senator today and faxed them over so hopefully they can do something. I explained we had tried to get help from Congress, but things seemed at a standstill. They said it would take about 5 days to hear back to them due to the volume of cases :wacko: I swear, one more day seems like too much at this point. I'm thinking 'IF' they help us that is five days to hear from them, a few days for them to do something about it, and however long it takes for USCIS to do something on their end. I still feel a long way off from that NOA2.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-11 10:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Good morning Marchies. I got the text this morning as I was walking in to work, then I rushed to log on to the USCIS site to check. Finally my petition is approved. Just like the sentiments of others, although this should be a very happy time to shout it from the mountain top, USCIS makes it a bit difficult because our fellow Marchies (and some February folks) are still waiting. I've bonded with many of you and I will not leave this thread until everyone on our active list is approved. (F) I'm also interested to hear about everyone's next steps (issues, questions, comments, advice, etc) up to POE, so I'll be here beyond USCIS approval. So come on VSC!! More approvals!!

Congrats! I hope the rest of your journey with USCIS goes more smoothly! :blush:
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-11 10:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

:dance: :dance:

That's it! Declare war and be relentless. It's your turn to get approved!!

On this senator website it says... his policy is to avoid working on cases that are currently being handled by other senators or house members. I'm not sure what to do about that...
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-11 07:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

It's time to move up the ladder and contact a senator. Explain to him/ her all about how USCIS is ignoring/lying to your congressman. Give all evidence you have. If you need "witnesses" of people who have been approved well after you, I will gladly write a supporting statement. It is wrong that you cannot be with the one you love. My heart hurts to hear it is affecting your relationship. Love should conquer all, not be killed by USCIS. I know you'll want to throw a pail of vomit at me for saying this, but please don't give up hope! You are THE most patient and deserving couple on VJ. You WILL make it! You won't be one of those abandoned accounts. You will be the model to never give up.

Thank you, Tigerflower. I truly appreciate that. :) And, I'm sure we won't ever give up on our process because I love Nick too much to ever be without him. It's just the day to day. He says there's nothing wrong with being grumpy if you have a real reason to be grumpy, but I hate it because I feel like it keeps me from really enjoying our talks and his company (so much as I can have it through the internet). I think we used to joke around more (a few months ago) and I was happier and more affectionate... now, I just feel like a total pill. I think I am really lucky to have him, even when I am a grump and feeling blue he's always there for me. It's just not fair really. I hate that it affects my mood so much and in turn affects the time we get together. That makes me sad. And, you know what... I'm going to start on the Senator right now!

They (Congressman/woman) are hopeless. I contacted my Senator last Friday, but haven't heard from them yet. I really think you need to WALK into your local Senate office (usually they have offices all over the state) and bring your laptop and log into them Igor's list and people's post bragging how they got approved in 3 months!

I'll have to see where the offices are. I'm sure there is at least one in D.C. And I suppose if I went there I could visit a USCIS agent as well... Ugh, it's mind boggling we are having to fight this hard.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-11 07:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
Well, tomorrow is Thursday so hopefully they will do some work. I feel like this is really starting to take a toll on my relationship with Nick. All the time now I'm just grumpy and upset. I hate it, but I can't seem to bring myself out of this funk. I really can not understand why our case hasn't been addressed. I am now nearly certain we are the longest waiting case on visa journey for a k-1 visa. I look at older cases on the timeline and the profiles haven't been logged into in ages, or appear to not be functional anymore. This whole thing is just so crazy. I got a letter from the congressman today saying they put in another inquiry asking if a decision had been made on our visa. Is that all Congress really asks? I mean I can tell the answer to that myself in 2 seconds. I thought their job was to urge them to tend to files that had been long over looked?
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-10 20:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Hmm... how about this: What do you think your fiance loves most about America (aside from you of course!).

My fiance loves cheeseburgers. Sometimes I joke that he's like Whimpy from Popeye ("I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a cheeseburger today!"). So, I would have to say what he loves most is the old retro diners we have here where you can get a cheeseburger, fries, and a fantastic milkshake (the milkshakes of England just can't compete). Oh, and Wendy's! Truly, much of what he loves is cheeseburger related. :D
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-10 10:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
Is it just me or has CSC not approved a case in 5 days? I mean I see one, but it's got some funky approval date that I assume is an error... and VSC it seems is putting out the quantity that CSC was putting out before? Maybe? Are we picking up steam?
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-10 10:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
Congrats to everyone who got approved today!

Mad is an understatement when you have bee waiting this long especially when you see people complaining at their four month mark. I just get infuriated when I see this and like you said no one seems to care or want to help. But I look at it this way I don't think you will get over 300 days so you should be very close. Most people I see waiting this long get approved around the 260-280 day mark. What makes me even more mad is that by time i see my fiance again its going to be a year and a half. Today's venting has been concluded :protest:

You know, I feel like that might have to do with RFEs timing out past the 60 day mark. It "seems" like once an RFE times out past the 60 day mark and a service request goes through they begrudgingly hoist themselves from their seats and drag their @sses to that stack of dismissed petitions collecting dust in their cubicle (or at least that's how I picture it). There was some discussion as to whether the three letters at the beginning of service request meant anything. Perhaps, they do and service requests aren't paid any attention until they are so far past processing dates that someone could get sued for pain and suffering or something, who knows.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-09 20:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
Almost as bad as marmite! Haha. Yeah, my curiosity got me to try a bite, but I had to try really hard NOT to think about what I was putting in my mouth. Surprisingly, it was not the most horrible thing I have ever eaten. The marmite was probably the most horrible! Heh.

@ Islandgal, I can't imagine what that could have been. Blood Pudding looks like a little black hockey puck almost :wacko: It sounds like what you had was decidedly more... bloody?

Edited by Nick + Elizabeth, 09 October 2012 - 01:11 PM.

Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-09 13:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Please stay with us... we are all here and talking about food!! :)

Food I can talk about! I already told Nicholas, when he gets here I think it would be nice to do one night a week where we cook a tradition English meal. :) Maybe a Sunday roast, or bangers and mash, a meat pie, bubble and squeak, etc. I really want him to feel at home here and I think some of that comes with having access to those comfort foods you grew up with. It should be a pretty interesting culinary adventure for me as well. I feel confident about the English roast, but not so confident about yorkshire pudding, pasties, and the like. I did tell him the one food he can flat out say goodbye to is Black Pudding because I don't think you will find pig's blood for sale at any American Butcher shop! Not to mention it sounds like it would be just horrible to cook it up (I've tried a bite, but I don't think I want it in my kitchen, haha).
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-09 11:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Thanks Tigerflower and I do agree you've been very kind throughout this difficult time. heart goes out to you. As soon as folks get their aprovals, I agree that suddenly the conversation changes and the rest of us are forgotten. For this reason, I decided I would just stay away until I can relate to the conversation, because I also understand their joy and cannot force anyone to understand my own personal pain. I don't plan on hanging out with April or May or June filers (if I'm still in limbo). I'll just disappear until some action is taken. Seeing posts about August CSC filers getting approvals by October hurts even more. Anyway, I wish you luck and like Tigerflower said, I think you really should bombard them because your file is sitting somewhere. RFE response really shouldn't take 2 months to be updated. I hope you get your approval very, very soon.

I agree. I wouldn't want to take anyone else's joy away or have people feel held back on my account. I'm sure when/if we get our approval I will want to shout it from the rooftops! However, I find it touching that the feelings of those still waiting were considered. I think part of the reason to moving along to another thread is that people seem to give great updated info as to what they find out is going on with VSC. Though it hasn't seemed help thus far, it's nice to be part of that collective working towards the same end. And, hey, misery loves company! I don't intend to abandon this thread for good though. Like Islandgal, I might just veer away for a bit until I get my approval. I really don't want to bring anyone down.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-09 11:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
Thanks everyone. I just had such a rough morning. I can't remember the time I cried so hard, but I know it's been years. It's comforting to be able to come here though and see the support when you are feeling so very low. I really do appreciate everyone in this thread. We may not all see eye to eye on every issue, but it's good that we are still there for each other. As angry and as bitter as I have felt your replies softened my heart this morning and I thank you for that. :blush:

You have every right to vent, scream, rage... my heart truly goes out to you. You have been utterly patient and such a positive person through this. I know people say to try to look on the bright side, but that does nothing to ease the fury you feel in your heart. The best thing I could suggest is to call their *sses every day. Each and every single day, even twice a day... call them and vent it on them. Declare war and push it every single time you call. What have you got to lose? Be THAT person nobody wants to be and avoids, because drastic times call for drastic measures. You deserve to be approved even more than I do, and I am so sorry it is the case. It is unfair. I don't want to see you move on.. stay with us as you're part of our 'family' now. (L)

Marchies... please if we can help it... if you have a question about NVC or medicals or interviews, for now please PM people or start a separate thread. Until ALL of us are approved, we should remain a haven where all are not reminded and approvals don't feel smeared in their faces. We all know what that agony of waiting is like. Let's try to make it easier on our friends by not reminding them they are STILL waiting. (F)

This is probably one of the kindest and most thoughtful things I have seen written. I'm sure the other February filers that came from that thread probably did so because it was just because too painful to watch everyone move onto the next process without them. Suddenly, the conversations were all about interviews and packets and posts from those of us still waiting seemed to be on occasion totally overlooked. I really appreciate the sentiment in that. Tigerflower, thank you for being so continually uplifting, empathetic, sympathizing, thoughtful, and genuinely kind. I'm really happy your visa was approved, because you do deserve it. :star:
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-09 09:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...


I got an RFE too and I feel you. In fact that are some days I feel exactly the same way. Its very unfair, but its no point dwelling on the unfairness off it all. It just makes the process go even slower. If finances are alright, why not make a short trip somewhere together for a while? Might ease the tension a little.

(((((( Hugsss))))))))

I haven't even managed to finish compiling the RFE, but everyday I force myself to think that I am almost there! And mentally shift my expectations to reaching the US in Feb 2013. Then perhaps, its not so annoying of a wait

(((Big hug))))))))

I'm afraid I felt a little more accepting of it all a month and a half ago when I got my RFE. I hope you don't have to wait so long, but at this point it is nearly impossible to think of anything else. It seems like everything in my life is a constant reminder of what's missing from it. I 'wish' we could afford to take a trip together or even just visit each other, but it's not in the cards. Neither of us can spare that kind of expensive at the moment. I know there's nothing we can do, that's what makes it worse. I just needed to get it off my chest.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-09 08:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
I just have to say... I am not in a very good place this morning. We're over 8 months now (247 days) and I have never been so ANGRY in my entire life over anything... ever. I feel like I could tear my house down brick by brick; that is just how mad I am. It is the helplessness, the futility of ANY action, the inability to get any assistance that actually is worth a damn from senate, congress, USCIS, VSC administrators... I am mad as hell today. I just really need to vent that somewhere. What is happening here is unfair. Unfair doesn't even begin to describe it. I mean, soon I'm going to have to start hanging out with the April filers because another month will have rolled past me! I feel completely out of options. I simply can't slap on a smile anymore and pretend this doesn't bother me. I am becoming bitter. A bitter ANGRY person. I can't even fully enjoy making wedding plans because everything is just a reminder that I am being totally screwed over by USCIS and dismissed as though my case/life was of no importance what so ever. I am really starting to loose it...
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-09 07:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
So there was an approval today? Does this mean that VSC is actually opened and working today? Somehow, I really didn't expect that they would be.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-08 14:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

I'm curious. The first service request I had, which timed out (they claimed they emailed me it was within normal limits) started with "T1B". The second one, which may have worked, started with "ECC". Does your start with that? What is your congressman saying/doing? I came home yesterday to find a letter from mine, and instead of the usual "we have contacted USCIS on your behalf", it said "We have notified the proper authorities at USCIS..." This was after I sent them yet another fax, with a letter and screen shots, links, etc. from VJ. I listed all the ones processed after my date. I pleaded with them to please help me and NOT accept the lies Vermont was spinning them. Don't know if it helped... who knows?

Well, ours starts with ETC. I'm not sure what the numbers at the front mean or if they really hold any bearing on how your request is handled. Trying to decipher that actions of USCIS is like trying to translate hieroglyphics. I sent our congressman another letter on Sunday alerting them that we are past the 30 day point since sending in our RFE and I have yet to hear so much as a reply stating that they have pursued any further action with VSC. Truly, all of this letter writing/service request sending feels like pointless spinning of wheels. It doesn't seem to get anywhere. I've been working with the Congressman for 3 months now to no avail. A congressional inquiry might have held water back in the day, but I think now it's not cause for any special attention to be given to a case. I think all any of us can do is just wait and hope that maybe whoever is assigned to our case will decide to return their attention to it and grant us an approval.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-05 10:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

You did get a service request put in, right? I think that will honestly help you!!

Yes, about two days ago I put one in. Honestly, I'm not sure if it will help. I've read about so many people having their service request time out. I've come to thinking that it really doesn't matter if you get a congressional inquiry, or a service request, or even an expedite... I think that petition will simply sit around until the UCSIC agent you have been assigned is ready to deal with it. No sooner, no later...
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-05 09:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Nick your about to hit 8 months already and I and right behind you. I wonder what the longest time someone has waited on here for their fiance visa. I havent seen anyone over 300 days so hopfully we are close to the end of this madness.

Heh, This is Elizabeth. However, Nick reads these forums too! I don't know what the longest someone has waited is, but I did see someone say their friend waited over 300 days. However, I have to assume (for my own sanity) that there must have been something really wrong with that petition for them to wait almost a full year to see an approval.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-05 08:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Folks, I just got approved. I'm so sorry, for I know you deserve to get it before I do. VSC has taken something that should be a celebration and made it very awkward. I'm sorry, my friends. I will NOT abandon you as you wait...we are in this together!

Congrats! Don't feel bad/awkward at all. It's not your fault they have bungled so many petitions!
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-04 14:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
Well, I guess there goes our chance to spend Christmas with our loved ones... :angry:
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-04 12:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

They are realy going all out with the RFE option. To me it looks like they are just buying time- send a couple of RFE-s so that he/she can deal with other petitions on her/his table.

We sent our RFE reply on Tuesday.. so when they get it I will see on the uscis page the change in the status from RFE to RFE response or something like that ??

I'm not sure what's going on. There is an interview with a former USCIS agent somewhere on this site that says it takes only 15 minutes from open to close to approval a petition. So, that said, it seems to me it would take more time to do an RFE because you will be seeing the same petition twice and have additional paperwork? However, it does appear there are a lot of RFE's being issued. Maybe the USCIS agents are in a bad mood from having to do 90,000 expedited Dream Act Petitions? Haha.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-04 05:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

okay... I'm out, until this duscussion ends... I don't think you would like to take a bullet to get your green card.. I'm glad that you serve your country by voting and paying taxes.. cause my fiance went to freaking war 2 times and wakes up every night because of nightmares... well... it's not even worth it.. ignorant and people who think taht have more rights that others are the issue here..

I don't see why it's so unbelievable that I should think that the US government should take care of their own citizens with some sense of priority. I'm not saying there aren't some special circumstances/cases, but as a general rule I believe the US government should not push the petitions of US citizens to the very back to rush through documents for illegal aliens so the president can get more votes. Sorry, I stand by what I said.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-03 15:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Upcoming Federal Holidays:

Oct. 8 - Columbus Day
Nov. 11 - Veteran's Day
Nov. 22 - Thanksgiving Day
Dec. 25 - Christmas

Other possible relax/no work days:

Nov. 6 - Election Day
Dec. 8 - Dec 16 - Hanukkah

We're in for deep doo if our cases aren't adjudicated soon.

99% sure they work through Hannukkah, and on election date. However, I wouldn't be surprised if they were off a day before and after Christmas or something like that. I don't 'think' they work on Christmas Eve at least.

As a side note... I FINALLY got to talk to a supervisor who put in a service request for me! There is a little smidge of hope on my horizon. Maybe, just maybe... that will do something for us?! I hope, hope, hope!
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-03 15:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

You cant generalize, i know MANY illegal immigrants that are paying taxes. It is possible to pay taxes as an illegal immigrant. I know many who are doing this for the reason that once they attempt to become legal with some kind of law, like this for example, they have proof of have been paying taxes. Dont generalize.

I am also upset as how we get pushed to the side but i cant generalize and hate on illegals for trying to put food on their table for their families. My family was once illegal and thanks to the opportunities they received, im here and now i have the possibility to bring my fiancee legally to the United States.

I never said I 'hate on illegal immigrants'. What I said was that their situation is unfortunate, and that it's not fair. However, that doesn't mean that USCs should be pushed to the back of the line to give priority to people whom are here illegally. That is flat out wrong. All done so that Obama can swing more votes. That's what 'I' have a serious problem with. United States Citizens should get some priority it when it comes to their own government.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-03 15:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

oh you are being so mean today :> What to do that the US is a country of opportunities? These people didn't come to the Stated for KFC or Chipotle.. Many of them have worked so hard to achieve something in life, and usually the did not have a chance to make their own decision... and the way of illegal immigration was probably the only choice they had... I am sorry that we have to wait because of the Dream Act.. well actually, we cannot be 100% sure that this is the direct cause of the delay. I am not happy with this waiting neither, believe me. Those people also pay taxes but they do not have returns as American citizens do. So let's just understand that for them, their cases are also extremely importnat. I don't want to offend anyone, I just try to understand other people..

Well, I don't know what illegals immigrants that you know, but I don't know any illegal immigrants that are paying taxes. In fact, most of them get paid under the table at or below minimum wage. That said, I certainly don't have any issue with people coming here to live when they go through the proper channels, and I certainly would not want to live in Mexico. I don't know what to say though except unfortunately in life we're not all dealt the same hand. It's not fair, but it's the way things are. So, as an actual United States citizen that DOES pay taxes to this country, does jury duty, votes in our elections, etc, etc... I fully expect my government to look after me before someone who has illegally snuck into the country just so our President can wrangle himself a little more of the Latino vote. If you want to call me having that expectation 'mean' then so be it.

So my fiance was right ... with the RFE we will not be married till after March 2013 :bonk:

I certainly hope not, but it seems the turn around time on these RFE's aren't as great as people have been touting. I've seen many people wait through the 60 day waiting period before the Service Request for RFEs can be put in. I'm afraid I just don't have much faith in USCIS...
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-03 15:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
Yeah, I don't know. If you get your NOA2 after an RFE in two weeks I think you are really lucky. I'm at 35 days and still no NOA2 after sending in my RFE. I feel confident that it will hit the 60 day mark at which point I will put in a service request... and really, who knows how many more days, weeks, or even months USCIS can drag it out after that. I've pretty much given up on the thought that we will be together by Christmas. I certainly haven't put a hold on our wedding venue for next spring because there's no telling if we will be here by then or not. But hey, thank god these illegal aliens are getting their visas so quickly! :bonk:
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-03 13:21:00