US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa Status after Interview at the Embassy

Visa arrived this early morning along with the sealed envelope. Taking the plane tomorrow, POE : JFK. Wedding on December 30th !

I'll enjoy my victory against this waiting time and will come back to you guys when filing for AOS, EAD and co.

Season's Greetings to everyone !


Stuart and GinitaMaleFrance2013-12-10 08:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa Status after Interview at the Embassy

My status finally changed to issued this morning !

Y a-t-il des français dans la place pour me dire s'il est possible de récupérer une enveloppe Chronopost à l'agence de tri local ? Au cas où mon petit paquet arriverait près de chez moi la veille de sa livraison à mon domicile.

Stuart and GinitaMaleFrance2013-12-09 06:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa Status after Interview at the Embassy

Thank you all for your supporting messages.

What annoys me the most in this process is that my fiancée and I have done everything fast, right and on our own, and then, when things go faster on their side (precipitated interview leading to an impossible medical appointment before hand) it's to finally add some waiting time at the end.

I know it's only a matter of days until I have my visa in hand, and that it represents almost nothing compared to the whole process or other people process, but still annoying.

@SoCalMark : the only thing a K1 Visa process can lead to is to learn the virtue of patience. The beginning of my new life will start once I'll move in with my other half, and it's demoralizing to have to go under such a process for this aimed beginning.

Stuart and GinitaMaleFrance2013-12-06 12:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa Status after Interview at the Embassy

Thank you, patience is the key since the beginning...

But my fiancée and I based our wedding date (30 Dec 2013) according to estimates to plan it early on and have a nice ceremony and reception. I know it was kind of risky but it could be worth it. My growing impatience mostly comes from this.

Stuart and GinitaMaleFrance2013-12-06 06:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa Status after Interview at the Embassy

Hi everyone,

I'm kind of new here, even though my K1 Visa process journey is leading to an end, I'm having some issues that I'll state here.

  • The 30th of October, I received a letter from the embassy (Paris) telling me my interview will take place the 7th of November. Problems started as none of the 2 doctors could receive me for a medical appointment before that date. After a few calls, I decided to go to my interview without this sealed envelope containing my medical file.


  • The 7th of November, I went to my interview, handed my documents in, I explained my situation and this was apparently not a problem as I could submit the concerned envelope later on. This was confirmed when I was called by the consular officer, who after our interview, verbally approved my visa and said I would receive it with my passport and other documents within 7 to 10 days. After noticing I had a missing file, she corrected herself, and said that I'll receive this packet within the same time frame once they'll receive the missing document.


  • The 14th of November, I went to my medical appointmenet, except the fact I was a little bit late, everything went well (meaning I was healthy enough to leave...) and the doctor handed me the documents. I sent these documents the week after (to avoid seeing them sent over the weekend) on monday, file was received by the embassy the day after (19th of November).


Now that you have a good timeline of what happened, here is my inquiry :



I haven't heard from the embassy from the date of my interview, despite emailing the Immigrant Visa Unit of the embassy. I had to go under my own researchs to find out, on the 3rd of December, about this site : https://ceac.state.g...AKjMWCuebHqOw==


Here is what it has been saying :


                    - Case Creation Date : 26-Nov-2013


                    - Status Updated Date :


                                              - 3-Dec-2013 : Administrative Process (AP)

                                              - 4-Dec-2013 : AP and then changed the same day to Ready.


                                              - 6-Dec-2013 : AP.

I know we're far from the 7 to 10 days "delivery" I was told, but I acknowledge the fact it was maybe supposed to take longer as I had to send back a document, but without any green slips nor 221g.

I just wanted to know if you guys already experienced a similar situation concerning these different Visa Status updates, what you think about it and when should I except my Visa to be delivered/issued.

Thank you !

Edited by Stuart and Ginita, 06 December 2013 - 06:21 AM.

Stuart and GinitaMaleFrance2013-12-06 06:18:00