USCIS Service CentersVSC processing 12-25-12
I know I'm a little late on this but...

I;ve called a few times in the last couple months to see what's up (for some reason my case information isn't available online so I need to keep calling)
But I keep getting different information.
I just wish they would give consistent information, so far, here is what I have specifically been told:

March 20th - "We are working on Jan 1, 2012, you should have an answer in 2-3 weeks." (I was soooo excited to hear this! And at the time VJ timeline said I could expect it between april 1-15 which was about 2-3 weeks from march 20th... the times were matching so I was relaly happy!)

April 18th (waited 4 weeks from first call)- "We are currently processing Dec 25, 2011, you should hear something by the last week in May."
(HUH??? in 4 weeks of working they went BACKWARDS 6 days.... is this a joke???)

May 1st- "VSC is currently processing Jan 16, 2012, you are now outside of the normal processing time. I will see what is going on"
(Out NOA1 is Jan 12, 2012... I'm getting VERY frustrated now...)

To me it's like... why didn't you "see what is going on" back when they went BACKWARDS 6 days in 4 weeks of time :unsure:

Anyway, as always.. I don't know how accurate the information is... but I can only hope they aren't giving me false hope AGAIN!
xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-02 10:00:00
USCIS Service CentersUSCIS updated the processing volumes and trend

the only holes that exist is the golf holes in their office.

Ugh.. True. They prob just don't even care to try hard anymore because it's a never ending flow of new cases, they likely are just messing around all day and playing solitare on the computer to pretend they are getting things done :(

I wish some of these workers could have SOME sympathy for us... or I wish like... Obama or someone "higher up" could go in for an "Undercover Boss" situation and find our why the hell these people are doing no work.

I'd also like someone else "higher up" to have to go through the separation and frustration of this process so that they can realize how flawed the system is and find a way to get things done in a more timely manner.

I can't stress enough how hard it is to be constantly asked about my husband and how he is and when i'll seem him. I literally well up and cry (or almost..) every time someone asks when i'll see him agian and when he will be here. It physically and emotionally breaks me down every day not knowing the answers to those things :(
xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-24 08:57:00
USCIS Service CentersUSCIS updated the processing volumes and trend
That chart makes my blood boil!

In april, may and june of last year they were cranking out over 6,000 completions each month... (even July and August were over 5,000)
now they have WAY MORE petitions recieved per month than they used to, yet now they are only able to process 3,000 per month?? something doesn't add up.

They better get their head on straight and start cranking out completed petitions or they are gonna be in a hole so deep that they will NEVER get back to a reasonable place...

This is sooo frustrating.
xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-24 08:41:00
USCIS Service CentersUSCIS updated the processing volumes and trend

They are currently working on petitions filled more or less on the 7th of Jan, yes.

I called and spoke with USCIS cust serv rep yesterday (5/1/2012).

My husband and I filed an I-130 for CR-1 visa on Jan 12, 2012. According to VSC, they claim to be processing apps from Jan 16, 2012.... But I haven't heard anything about ours yet.... and 2 weeks ago when I called, they claimed to be working on Dec 25,2011... but 6 weeks ago they said they were on Jan 1, 2012.

Honestly, I don't think anyone is giving accurate information.. I think they might be TRYING, but they are not helping with giving us dates further ahead than they are :(

Edited by xxJaym, 02 May 2012 - 10:13 AM.

xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-02 10:11:00
USCIS Service CentersVSC Processing

looks like vsc stopped at EAC1290269181. i am not sure how many they work on a day.

i doubt you need to check 400+ unless you have a macro that pulls the data instantly. i just do a margin of range +/-20 on my receipt number.

you can continue using the receipt number from above and follow how many will be completed this monday.

It seems the case numbers aren't completely in order.... we are Jan 12th and ours is EAC129019**** and we have had no activity. Some before and after us are around your date as well. I can't seem to figure out the rhyme or reason to these case numbers
(Or the way the work on anything at all to be honest... lol)
xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-04 11:06:00
USCIS Service CentersVSC Processing
someone got approved today from noa1 w/ jan24. mine is jan24 but still waiting =\

Oh man, I wish I hadn't read that... making me so depressed :(

I know it should be good that they are working on ones near ours but it makes me sad that the last two approved were a week or more after our date. Ugh, just gotta hope we are getting closer..
xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-29 13:58:00
USCIS Service Centers5 marks the spot

im afraid you have to suck it up... or you can go to another politician that is willing to help you. fyi, you have 2 senator and your current congressman to contact. therefore 3 politicians total.

i talked to a tier 2 and he said it takes 6 months process at uscis and 6 months at nvc - 1 year total.. is this guy misinformed?

Well it could be 6 months USCIS and 6 months NVC/Interview now...
When we applied it was about 3.5 months at VSC and 2-3 months at NVC then interview date (usually about 1 month later) totalling about 6-9 months.

Now we see that VSC is averaging more like 5-6 months and people are waiting a month or more in some cases for case numbers at NVC level. So it could be closer to 6 months at NVC instead of the 3-4ish (including interview) that it used to be.

I am going to contact my congressman in the next couple of days I think. I can't just sit around and wait anymore :( Esp past the 5 months.

Also I work for the government... and we just got a heads up that in the next 60 days there could be a significant amount of layoffs.

I don't understand how the gov't is laying anyone off when there is SOOOOO much work to be done that is backed up (my office included.. and OBV the service centers, etc.)
Instead of laying people off why don't they make people do the work in a timely manner, then it would be worth it to keep paying them since the work is getting done... light a fire or something so people start getting things done instead of just laying them off and causing the system to slow even more....
I just don't get it.

Edited by xxJaym, 12 June 2012 - 12:31 PM.

xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-12 12:29:00
USCIS Service Centers5 marks the spot
Today is 5 months for us. I wrote a letter to a senator a few weeks ago when we were (wrongly) told that we were "outside processing time". I followed up on Friday 6/8 and they said since we are still within the processing time they can't do anything about it and to wait and contact them in a month....
it was 4 days earlier than 5 months....

Now i don't know what to do. Should I just resend our info again in a few days to the same office? Or send the info to a diff congressman's office or just suck it up and wait a month and resend?

It makes me sick thinking about waiting ANOTHER month before even getting an answer for NOA2 and then waiting another 3 months or more in the NVC steps...

ugh... help!!!
xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-12 08:17:00
USCIS Service Centersany word on VSC

yali they update every 15 days so if they are in jan 1st depending how long ago they did the last update depends when will be the your NOA2 i will suggest love just to be patience eso ya casi viene

For the record... On March 19th they told me that VSC was processing Jan 1, 2012 cases.... sooooo what does that tell u? :/

They tell everyone something different all on the same day, I honestly don't think they even know. they just tll you something to get you to leave them alone for a few more days.

I m past 5 months and they wouldn't even do a service request :(

I hope you guys have better luck!
xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-19 21:16:00
USCIS Service CentersVermont Processing Dates
Has anyone called the VSC recently to get a date that they claim to be processing?

Not that I believe them, but I'm just wondering what they are telling other people....

They now just tell me "November 2011, like we told you in the e-mail" even though I know that isn't what they are telling people who call.. it's a date in late Jan, 2012 that most people are hearing.

I'm sure they are refusing to give me any more information becase they think I'm stupid and I'll just wait another 2-3 months just because they claim they are only to November, they just want me off their back...
Whatever, I'm just over 2 weeks away from 5 months and then I will have a congressman involved.

So yea, anyone have a "currently processing" date from the USCIS reps for VSC?
xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-24 09:17:00
USCIS Service CentersVermont Processing Dates

Something isn't right here because they can't submit a service request for Jan12 until Jun12. The 5 months processing time hasn't reach there yet. And there computer won't allow it to submit a service request until the 5 months is over.

I am just baffled how you got them to submit a service request through and how they did it.

It was actually a tier 1 who submitted the request... because they said that they were processing Jan 16th and since that date was later than my priority date he was able to sumbit a request:

U.S. Department of Homeland Security

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Monday, May 7, 2012


Dear ******:

On 05/01/2012 you, or the designated representative shown below, contacted us about your case. Some of the key information given to us at that time was the following:

Caller indicated they are:
-- Applicant or Petitioner

Attorney Name:
-- Information not available

Case type:
-- I130

Filing date:
-- 01/12/2012

Receipt #:
-- EAC-12-901-94***
Referral ID:
Beneficiary (if you filed for someone else):
-- ****, Andrew

Your USCIS Account Number (A-number):
-- Information not available

Type of service requested:
-- Outside Normal Processing Times

The status of this service request is:

Our review indicates that this case is actually within our current processing time. We are currently processing cases filed on behalf of an immediate relative of a U.S. Citizen filed in November 2011. We regret any misunderstanding caused by our posted processing time report. If you do not receive a decision or notice of other action within our current processing time, check our website for an update or call customer service at the number provided below.

If you have any further questions, please call the National Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-5283.

Please remember: By law, every person who is not a U.S. citizen and who is over the age of 14 must submit Form AR-11 AND notify this office of their change of address, within 10 days from when they move (persons in "A" or "G" nonimmigrant status are exempt from this requirement). To notify this office of a move, visit our website at: or call the National Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-5283. The Form AR-11 can be downloaded from our website or you can call the National Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-5283 and we can order one for you. Instructions for filing the Form AR-11, including mailing instructions, are included on the Form.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-18 09:11:00
USCIS Service CentersVermont Processing Dates

i got the same info today.

I was told on May 1st that VSC was processing Jan 16th, 2012 and that since my NOA1 is Jan 12th, 2012 they submitted a service request to find out what is going on.... I recieved an e-mail from the service request stating that they are "sorry about the misinformation causes by the posted times" but they are currently processing NOVEMBER 2011!

I am beyond frustrated with their system.
I've been told numerous different dates when I call and now their e-mail claims to be working on November (2 more months at least til they even get to Jan? How is that possible when they are telling every caller that they are half way into Jan?!?!)

Also--- there are a good amount of Dec and Jan cases already approved from VSC and even a handful of FEB and MARCH cases. They are so incredibly unorganized that it makes my blood boil because they tell people blatant lies.

I havent seen my husband in months, and 3 times they told us we were within a week of approval just to get knocked back down again. It just doesn't seem fair to build up false hope like that... I can't handle that emotionally when already in a long, stressful situation!

Edited by xxJaym, 17 May 2012 - 10:30 AM.

xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-17 10:28:00
United KingdomMedical Exam for CR-1 visa

I agree with Jayne D in everything except in the way you get your case number. As you are applying for an IR1/CR1 visa your case number (LND number) will be issued by NVC as soon as they have received your file from USCIS and logged it in their system. At that point you can book your medical.

As Jayne says you can usually get an appointment in the next week or two and the results are valid for 12 months. I recommend doing it as soon as you can in case there are any issues that need following up - rare I'm sure but it happened to me.

Definitely take Jayne's advice on the vaccinations too.

Thank you both so much! I figured we probably needed some type of case number in order to schedule it but I wasn't sure when.

Hopefully we will get our NOA2 soon and we'll be off to NVC :)
I'll tell my husband to find out about his vaccination history and stuff so that it's all set for when we get a case number with NVC we can get things going.
Thanks again!
xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-29 15:31:00
United KingdomMedical Exam for CR-1 visa
Hi VJ!

I am just writing this because I realized that we don't have any idea when to schedule the medical exam (or how to do it for that matter). I know it needs to be done before the interview, but how do you know when you should schedule it? Is is only valid for a certain period of time? Does it take months to get an appt? Etc.

I am the USC, my husband lives in the UK (England to be exact) in case that information is needed for an accurate answer :)
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!!

Edited by xxJaym, 29 May 2012 - 01:22 PM.

xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-29 13:21:00
CanadaMarrying in the US

If you enter the country with the intention of marrying and tell the border officer that you aren't that is fraud. I would say that if you are doing something that does not allow you to be perfectly honest in all questions that probably isn't the best idea.

^^ I also agree with this. You should not lie to anyone about your intent or it would be much worse. Tell them honestly that you are getting married but make sure to have more than enough proof of your return home as I stated before.

We did this and there were no issues, just be honest and have proof of your intentions.
xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-01 12:19:00
CanadaMarrying in the US
This is what we did... As long as you get married in the US and the not USC returns home after it is not a problem. You must then file for a CR-1 visa thought (spousal visa since you are already married).

If you claim to just be visiting... then get married.. then try to do an adjustment of status without returning home... THAT is where things become illegal. You cannot get married here in the US with the intent to remain here unless on a fiance visa.

Just be careful and prove at customs that you ARE returning home after the visit and wedding takes place. Proof would be a return ticket home, a note from school or work saying when you are expected back, a note from a landlord or something similar showing you are in a lease... anything that proves you will be going home and do not intend to overstay and/or sneakily adjust your status.

Good luck! Hope all goes well :)
xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-01 12:17:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionJoint Credit Card Statement
Also, as tolsab said.. I don't think that it will build any credit for your wife, but as far as "proof of joint accounts" it will most likely benefit you to have her added and get a confirmation letter proving it.
xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-18 09:52:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionJoint Credit Card Statement

So I was late to add my wife to my both Capital one & Citi credit card. Today I got the monthly statement for both credit card accounts but it shows only primary account holder (my self) name. I called both credit card & they say only primary account holder's name will appear in the monthly statements. And, this is the fact for not just me, every one who has joint credit card. Now, my question is how do you prove it to USCIS having joint credit account apart from the crappy letter & print out of both users card? I added my wife to my credit card assuming that her name will appear in the monthly statements also. I have come across so many posts in VJ people saying joint credit card issue. How do you get the statement with both names? Is there any specific bank or creditor who does it?

I called my credit card company and had them send me a letter "confirming" that my husband was a registered used on my card.
They sent a letter showing both names as users on the account on their letterhead and signed by a service rep. I sent a copy of that letter with my i130 petition. I haven't gotten my NOA2 yet, but I would think that letter should do!! :)
Good luck!
xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-18 09:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2012 I-130 filers?
Yea, thats what is bothering me too... Feb and March approvals yet theres tons of Jan filers still waiting... And a handful of Dec filers too!
xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-22 14:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2012 I-130 filers?

Have you tried calling your Congressman?

Contacted Senators office, they took all the information and then told me that I have to wait another 30 before doing anything... that was about 10 days ago or so, tomorrow I'm going to contact congressman with same information and see if that does us any good. I just dont want to do anything before tonight, can't afford to ruffle any feathers before my husband lands and gets through border patrol and all that. Once he's here with me for 2 weeks we can try to make some calls and see what we can do to find out what the heck is going on at VSC and why they think it is ok to completely neglect Jan and approve half of the Feb cases and some March cases already, ughh.

I just keep hoping, praying and crossing my fingers. there seems to be nothing else anyone is able to do for us right now.
xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-20 10:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2012 I-130 filers?
Yup, still waiting... Jan 12th.

In other news, my husband is coming to visit tomorrow for 2 weeks (well, hopefully lol, ive read some horror stories!!). We realllllyyyy need this after all the ####### that's been going on with us, the visa, work, health stuff, etc.

I hope that finally seeing him can at least ease some of it

And maybe for those 2 weeks I won't be sitting around wondering why we still havent gotten our NOA2 yet...

LOL, well.. i did say MAYBE ;) haha

Good luck Tamerlane and the rest of the Jan filers who are waiting with us!!
xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-19 20:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2012 I-130 filers?
I have a feeling that "no news is good news" is NOT true in this situation. haha

How is everyone, any more news?

I hope our time is coming soon...

Does anyone have any fun/new ideas of passing this time??
I hate spending so much time away from my husband... since we first met we've never been apart more than 8 weeks or so and right now we are at a little more than 14 weeks. It's crazy how much I miss him (as I'm sure everyone here knows the feeling!!).

We're just waiting here with our fingers crossed. Hopefully June brings a LOT more January approvals!
xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-30 12:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2012 I-130 filers?

We have BEEN APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!! 5/24... exactly 5 months.. I just called the day before to see what is going with the status! and next thing i know the next day is that we are approved.

Congrats!!! :dance: :star:

But for the record.. that was only 4 months, youu are one of the lucky ones ;)
Good luck in NVC stage, I hope to be joining you there soon!
xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-25 10:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2012 I-130 filers?

I would say that you are right and I am wrong.

sorry about that!

LOL yea you had me a little worried for a few minutes.. I was trying to think what could possibly be a red flag but I came up with nothing.
I hope more Jan filers are processed this week!!
xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-22 09:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2012 I-130 filers?

I disagree...correct me if I'm wrong but I only see 5 Jan Vermont approvals and 27 still waiting. I'm one of the ones still waiting. I called and they said it takes 5 months and to call back again after June 20

Yea ive been getting tons of mixed information from them... but i dont think theres any red flags, they just finally got backed up. They were kickin #### for a while.

Im giving it two more weeks then calling again. Im sick of hearing different info from them every time but at least in 2 weeks itll be close enough to the 5 month mark where i can hopefully get a congressman or someone involved. I also work for local government and so does my dad so he knows a lot of the higher ups that can hopefully get some answers. Fingers crossed!
xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-21 21:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2012 I-130 filers?
None of the vermont jan filers from the UK have been approved yet :/ one before me and two after me still got nothing.
There is nothing different or weird about our case though, no reason for a red flag that im aware of..
xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-21 21:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2012 I-130 filers?
Congrats to the Jan filers who are already approved.... Still hoping the rest of us will hear something soon!!

Any other good news from January people?? Keep us posted :)
xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-21 09:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2012 I-130 filers?

@jayme and dru... hi! may I know the vsc number youre calling..since I dont get to talk to a USCIS officer,, its always recorded message.. thanks! :)

You have to listen to the recording and press the buttons for case status/case updates (not sure what exactly it says)
you have to type in your case number and listen to them tell you what you already know
then press whatever button it is to "report a problem" with your case...
thats the only way to get someone on the phone... you can then ask them what date your service center is currently working on and approx how long it should take to get to your date

but honestly, i wouldnt waste your time cuz they will never give the right information and will give you false hope.... believe me, false hope is MUCH MORE heart breaking then just waiting it out and wishing for the best.
xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-07 10:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2012 I-130 filers?

The problem is not only with their posted processing times report. Even if you call them, even if you talk to a Tier 2 officer who is supposed to give you most updated information; that information is not correct. For some unknown reason, they never give correct information. You can call today and hear they are working on January, you call right next day and you will hear a completely different date.
It may be more than 5 months since your NOA1 date but if you call them and put in a service request, you may still hear "we are still in the given time frame as we are still processing petitions from xxx month" because their clock and dates are out of this world and do not tele with the normal calender.
No other choice but to wait 5 months from our NOA1 date and then contact Congressman / Senator if still no news.

Yes thats the problem. I never even looked at their posted times, I have only called and spoke to Tier 2 reps every time. I would assume the reps had more accurate information that whatever the time said online (again I've never even seen the online one)

But when the rep says to me "VSC is processing Jan 16th right now, since you are Jan 12th you are now outside of processing time... I will filed a request for more information" then to get a response like that sayd NOVEMBER? How is that even possible??? There are TONS of people form Dec, Jan, Feb and a handfull of March approvals already.

Im just beyond frustrated with this whoel experience. Like i said, if they just told me to wait till June or July to start with then it wouldnt have been a big deal but we were told on March 19th that we would know in 2 weeks or so... and the VJ timeline also said April 1-15th as an estimate. BOTH of them matched... naturally I thought it was safe to assume the information was accurate... Here we are a month later and being told we are still MONTHS away. :(

I know other people are having similar experiences with USCIS reps as well, I hope you guys all have better luck!!!
xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-07 10:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2012 I-130 filers?
Well yea, I've now officially given up on getting answers.
March 19th VSC claimed to be working on Jan 1, 2012 cases
April 18th VSC claimed to be working on Dec 25, 2011 cases (#######?)
May 1st VSC claimed to be working on Jan 16, 2012 (making mine now "outside of processing time" and the rep filed a request for information)

Here is what the e-mail said:

"Type of service requested:
-- Outside Normal Processing Times

The status of this service request is:

Our review indicates that this case is actually within our current processing time. We are currently processing cases filed on behalf of an immediate relative of a U.S. Citizen filed in November 2011. We regret any misunderstanding caused by our posted processing time report. If you do not receive a decision or notice of other action within our current processing time, check our website for an update or call customer service at the number provided below."

You kidding me??? Mat1st they are working on Jan 16th? May 7th they are now working on NOVEMBER 2011?? This whole thing is completely ridiculous. I don't care how long it's going to take as long as they stop giving me flase hope. If they told me flat out that it was going to take at least 5-7 months just for USCIS step at VSC that would have been fine... but they told me 3-5 months at VSC and then keep telling me "2 weeks you should hear something" and now to be told that they are still at least 2 months away from looking at it...

I get that no one can give a 100% accurate information but the fact that they have gone BACKWARDS by 2 months in the last 60 days is just ridiculous.

I hate missing my husband every day and being strung along by their false information just to get shot down again causing huge emotional issues in an already difficult situation. Ugh.

Edited by xxJaym, 07 May 2012 - 10:20 AM.

xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-07 10:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2012 I-130 filers?
Hi Fellow January 1-130-ers :)

How are things going for everyone? It been a realllllyyy tough time for me, I'm sure a lot of you feel the same way. Just really miss my husband a lot and I wish we could speed this all up but I know we can't.

How does everyone else pass the time or handle the distance? Does anyone have any fun little secrets to share of ideas to spend time with your loved one or games to play or fun little "dates" you can have via e-mail, text, phone calls, skype, video calls.. etc? I'd def love to hear some ideas. It's hard being this far apart and sometimes just adding something different to the mix might help with the boredom and frustration of waiting :(
xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-01 12:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2012 I-130 filers?
Well.. unfortunately they got my hopes up for no reason.

4 weeks ago (March 19th) they claimed they were working on NOA1 date of Jan 1, 2012...
Today... they claim they are working on December 25, 2011. #######?

How did they do negative 6 days worth of case in the last 4 weeks?
I just don't get how they can go backwards... even if the are backed up then they would have just not gotten very far lately, they wouldn't be going back in dates? I don't know, I'm just really pissed off with them right now.

I know I've not been waiting as long as most people, but the fact that they told me 4 weeks ago that I would have heard by April 10th (ish) then why are they now telling me "You are looking at the last week in May". That's very frustrating.

Anyway, thats the info I got.
Dec 25, 2011.
According to them Jan 12,2012 should have an answer by the last week in May.. maybe those dates can help gauge other VSC people?

Sorry for my frustration... Work is overwhelming and I miss my husband soooo much. I had hope that we could be done with this whole thing and finally together by June or July but now I don't see that happening :crying:
xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-18 15:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2012 I-130 filers?
When I spoke to USCIS about Vermont processing times on March 19th they said they were on Jan 1st (mine is Jan 12th NOA1) and to expect to hear something in 2-3 weeks... It's now been 4 weeks and still nothing. Calling today on my lunch break to see if there is any more news.
Fingers crossed!!
xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-18 11:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2012 I-130 filers?
Hey everyone... I dont wanna get my hopes up or anything, but our case wasnt available online before, i couldnt see anything about it. Basically said our case didnt exist and to call uscis. Ive been calling every couple weeks to check up on it. Today for no real reason i happend to check the uscis site again and try my case number... it was finally able to be seen online! Now i know that someone has finally looked at the case, so as long as no rfe then im thinking in the next week we will have a decision!

Our noa1 is jan 12 and we were sent to VSC. Anyone else in the first half of jan hear anything from VSC?
xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-03-29 13:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2012 I-130 filers?


I was just at the uscis website looking at case updates, and entering random numbers both below my case number and above. There have been quite a few I-130s and other forms that were received on January 13 like mine that have either been approved already or in RFE stage. Not sure if the folks at Vermont picked up random files or if those happened to be expedited cases (even though approval dates varied from 2/6/2012 to 2/20/2012 to a couple from the past 2 nights). There is some action though, and still hoping for the best.

I just did the same thing, I'm seeing a TON of i130's that have been sent RFE or have already been approved, most of them are after my case but my case hasn't even been looked at yet :/

I hope they don't just pick up random cases... I know there are still people from August waiting to hear something, those should be done first (although I do so badly wish we could jump the line and get ours done first.. lol) but it's not fair to everyone who has been waiting for a while that there are people already approved after only a few weeks. I wonder why so many after ours (mine -Jan 12 and vaggolena- jan 13) that have already gotten past the initial review when ours haven't even reached that stage yet.

very strange..

i guess all we can do though is cross our fingers and hope for the best!!!

good luck again to everyone, keep us all posted :)

(on another note.. i just went to England to visit my hubby from feb 10-20th. from england we flew to italy for a few days for vday.... i had no problems getting into the UK either time, both times i was honest and straight forward, told them i was there to visit my husband, told them he was living there and I was living in the US and we were currently in the visa process to bring him to the US... the first time all they wanted was proof of a return ticket, the second time coming from italy to the uk they just asked a few questions and sent me on my way -luckily because i wasn't thinking about having to get back into the UK from italy and forgot all my documents, i had a work letter saying when i would be back to work, copy of the noa-1, plane ticket info.. etc for landing in the UK from the US but forgot it when coming from Italy to the UK. lucky the guy asking questions was nice and understood our situation.)

has anyone had their non-usc spouse come to the US during this process yet? was it easy enough for them to prove their intent to return home? also, has anyone traveled thru ireland and done the us customs clearance there?? how was that experience??

i ask because my husband isn't working, he went back to school and has some time off coming up soon... i work full time though, its easier for him to come visit me here in the US on a school holiday than it is for me to take off a full week or 2 of work to go visit him there. any advice?? thanks!!
xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-03-01 09:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2012 I-130 filers?

I'm visiting my wife i'm the US in may on VWP. Hopefully around the same time as the NOA2.

Thats awesome!!!

I'm going next week to the UK to visit my hubby on the VWP for a few days, but not sure if I'll get there again after that... Hope you have a great trip :)
xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-02-04 12:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2012 I-130 filers?
Hey Jan Filers!

Everyone hangin in there? Anyone have any planned trips to see their spouses coming up soon?

Just wanted to stop in an say that it's Feb now so some of us are a couple weeks in now, still a long way to go but every new month is another great feat if you ask me :)

Edited by xxJaym, 03 February 2012 - 04:18 PM.

xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-02-03 16:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2012 I-130 filers?
hey fellow filers!!

I just spoke with someone at USCIS who was VERY helpful.

She informed me though that the VERMONT Service Center for I-130 filed by a U.S. Citizen where the spouse is NOT currently living in the U.S. is processing cases from Oct 31,2011.

Of couse if you are a LPR filing it would take much longer, if your spouse is IN the U.S. it would be different, if the U.S. citizen is living in the other country with their spouse it is going much faster, and if you are not at Vermont, I can't help. LOL.

But I am just updating people that are USC and their spouse has returned home. Oct. 31st is the date as of today.... So they are just about to hit November... Hopefully it won't be TOO long until they get to January cases :P
xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-31 19:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2012 I-130 filers?

Yea, that definitely does not sound normal to me, especially the hanging up part. Try calling again until you reach a person on the other end that actually has some decency to help.

I did finally get thru to an actual rep, they claim that its just a website error :unsure: which doesn't make sense since others can check their cases just fine... she assured me that ours was on track and is in the system as it should be and that i can write an email to the webmaster and ask them to fix it so our case would show up... i've written an email every day for the last 3 days and haven't heard back

something doesn't sit right with me though, i have a weird feeling they lost our case.

there doesn't seem like there is any other reason that it would be giving me errors saying "not in system" and that the "case does not exist".

ugh. I'm worried!

Okay, second attempt: I sent my I-130 application by itself on January 25th and USPS says it has been processed at their Chicago facility this morning. I have updated my timeline accordingly. Wish me luck people!

good luck!! glad you are back on track! hope all goes smooth with you :)
xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-27 10:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2012 I-130 filers?


I sent mine out on the 12th, and received the NOA1 by email and text on the 17th. Last night I received the hard copy (I-797) and it mentions priority date January 13,2012. I was able to view the case status online since the time I received the email/text. I am
surprised yours is not working. Did you paste your case number on the site or typed it? If the latter, make sure it is typed correctly.

I copy/pasted...Over and over, I tried typing too, I tried taking out the letters.. I tried calling just to get hung up on 3 times...

xxJaymFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-24 11:20:00