Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Anyone know how being classified as TB Class B2 affects the K1 visa process
Hi thanks for the replies, since posting Ive recieved my interview date later this month. to answer the first reply
No further tests were done during the panel medical , just a recommendation that the chest radiograph showed scarring that COULD be suggestive of TB non active , and possibly old, but on examination there were no collaborating symptoms to suggest TB , classification was based solely on the chest radiograph and the forms marked Class B2 non active tb with recommendation of future follow up to verify. Bit at the panel stage no further action was necessary. So no further tests wre done or askd for no skin test or anything else which would have proved futile anyway as Ive had a BCG in my youth so it would read positive anyways. So again thanks for replying and I'll find out what givs later on this month.
DD2004MaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-13 23:11:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Anyone know how being classified as TB Class B2 affects the K1 visa process
Hi all recently had my medical at London KB Dr's and a few scars showed up on the x-ray the quack in charge of the exam said it could be suggestive of inactive TB and as no symptoms of TB were present stated on the report form as Class B2 clinically inactive , with no further action necessary. What id like to know is just how this will affect my K1 visa application
as class B2 is non contagious and therefore won't render u ineligable for a visa or to travel to the USA.

But is a I-601 waiver still required ? The Medical took place Dec 13th and as yet there is still no word of an interview date.

Answers appreciated please.
DD2004MaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-07 19:27:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Hi all UK VJers just a quick update to my update LOL got tired of waiting so brought forward my flight by a week so will be setting off to Dublin tomorrow stopping in hotel overnight and flying out to Chicago O'Hare and on to Minneapolis at 10-35 am friday morning got to say really looking forward to it LOL so best wishes to all here and extra good luck to the forthcoming interviewees (especially you Debz hope all goes smooth and you get that well dserved APPROVAL you'll be in my prayers for sure )

DD2004MaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-30 22:18:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Visa delivered today YAAAAAH in my hot little hands at last defo fly out to USA on Feb 8th Dublin to Chicago then on to Minnesota been a loooooong journey but worth it

DD2004MaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-29 09:07:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Hi Debz reading your posts boy do you sound like me LOL right up until 9-30am 30 mins before the interview time i was like you convinced that i was gonna get denied in fact id prepared myself to expect the worst and you know what IT DIDNT HAPPEN, id never been arrested or convicted no hidden past but i did have medical issues that need resolved and i was convinced that they'd look at that and just plain deny me . But honestly there was no spanish inquisition no brutal interrogation nothing like the other post it was a bit of an anticlimax a nice and pleasant one i may add. So don't tear yourself up about it do as someone here told me be yourself and you'll be alright .

Derek DD2004
DD2004MaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-25 19:08:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Hi all had the dreaded interview this morning Glad to report APPROVED like the other posts no asking for evidence of any sort not even the letter of intent ? strange was there approx 3 hours for 5 mins interview time tops a whole lot less painful than i expected so one more approved to add to the list .


Edited by DD2004, 24 January 2008 - 01:59 PM.

DD2004MaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-24 13:59:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Hi all you UK VJ'ers just updating things here ,just getting ready to set off to catch a plane from Belfast to London for my interview at 10am tomorrow and its grey damp and miserable as usual LOL whats new there !!!
Last minute checks are all done and everything accounted for and marked present and correct though does not stop this Adult male from feeling like the proverbial shoolboy being sent to the headmasters office full of dread and anticipation even tho u know you've done nothing wrong LOL . Last minute jitters I suppose never was good at interviews nerves kick in and that childhood stammer i used to suffer so badly from kicks in and i become the jabbering idiot once more.
Funny how somethings never leave you no matter how old you are.
Well needless to say good thoughts and positive vibes from anybody will be appreciated very much LOL . I'll update how it all turns out after the event I dont post much here but this site has always been a great help over the last months and through reading the many posts I feel i've come to know a lot of you guys and shared the pain and the joy as it happened.

Well enough babble must go and get ready.
DD2004MaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-23 08:47:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Congrats to all the approved UK filers and good luck to those still waiting just wanted to say add my interview date to your ever growing list its Jan 24th at 10am getting closer all the time again best wishes to all.

Edited by DD2004, 18 January 2008 - 11:41 PM.

DD2004MaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-18 23:41:00
United KingdomBrits in the USA
You can add us to the Minnesota list

Dixie ( Elk River MN 35miles NW of Minneapolis ) Derek ( Ballymena Northern Ireland ) moving feb 8th all being well
DD2004MaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-27 14:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F June Filers
Hi All, Congrats to all the new interviewee's hope all gose well. I don't post much here but I read A LOT LOL, Like everyone on this thread Im an early June filer and its been a tough wait but I also got my interview Date today
Jan 24th at 10am after what seemed ages waiting for it after sending in paket 3 on dec 8th and doing medical on 13th which caused a stir as the xray showed up scars on my left lung which the dr diagnosed as suggstive of tb although i've never had it or ver been in contact with anyone who has, but it got me classified as class 2b not clinically active so dont know how thats gonna affect things so i'll prob find out at the interview one way or another aw well we can but live in hope eh lol. just for those who are interested in timelines ours was as follows

Filed Jun 15th
recievd no noa1
no touches nothing till
Noa2 Oct 24th
recieved pkt 3 Dec 6th
returned to Embassy Dec 8th
Medical Dec 13th
Interview Jan 24th

So again congrats to all who recieved good news and hope the rest still waiting get some really soon.
DD2004MaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-08 18:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHi All been Browsing ages just had to join in
Hi everybody been browsing the forum for a long time now always enjoyed reading how others cope with this hell we call a K1 process short and user friendly it sure isn't . A quick outline of our journey through it
Left my SO a year ago last december (dec 3rd to be exact) had a divorce to sort out back here in UK that took till May 2007 to clear up. Filed K1 with CSC June 14th neard nothing at all no NOA1 ever appeared no touches no RFE's nothing Got NOA2 Oct 25th 2007 sent to NVC took 4 weeks to get there thenon to London embassy got Pkt 3 on Dec 8th returned on 10th to london Did medical in London on Dec 14th and to date still waiting on an intrview date. So all in all it's been nearly 13 months since I left the one I care about more than anything in the world.
Like everyone else here we have good days and bad ( Though gotta say more bad than good LOL) we all knew when we started this process it wasn't gonna be easy but how many of us really realised just how inhumane it really is. How stressed we'd become how much we'd miss our SO's how badly our general health and well being would suffer to say the system is flawed and incompetent would in my opinion be a great understatement and saying it sucks is putting it very mildly LOL ( there's a lot of other words I could Use LOL) But anyways all I gotta say to those waiting and hoping is you gotta hang in there the END justifies the means. That in no way makes it any easier but knowing your not alone in the struggle does help a little. By profession I'm a singer / songwriter and sitting here tonight at 4-07 AM sleepless again I thought I'd share a song I wrote just for people like us , the one's going crazy jumping hoops at the whim of USCIS & Company it's called " What We Do For Love " I think it kinda says it all LOL apoligies to anyone who don't like Country Music (Sorry)

What We Do For Love
© Derek McCorkell 12-18 -2007

Verse 1
Say I left my honey bout a year ago
Didn't want leave her but I had to go
And for 12 long months I been kinda going outta my mind
See people don't know People don't care
But it's a great big lonely world out there
When the one you love is left oh so far behind .

Verse 2
The months go by and time passes so slow
You think about her and it hurts you so
All the lonely nights when you just wanna hold her tight
It's the hardest that my life has ever been
Just making conversation with a computer screen
But at the end of the day you know it's gonna be alright .

What we do for love will drive a man insane
Answer all the questions and play their game
Jumping though hoops to close the miles that keep you apart
They treat you like a kid , treat you like a fool
Do they ever realise that they're being so cruel
Messing with your mind and tearing great big holes in your heart.
When I get back to my honey's side
I'm gonna shout it out I ain't never gonna hide
That I love her so and it's been so worth all the pain
I'm gonna squeeze her tight, gonna love her so fine
There'll be no mistakin that she's mine all mine
And I'll swear I'm never gonna leave her side again


What we do for love will drive a man insane
Answer all the questions and play their game
But the time's gonna come when they just can't keep us apart
Then I#ll squeeze her tight, love her so fine
There'll be no mistakin that she's mine all mine
And I'll swear I'm never gonna leave her side again

If you wanna hear it being sung by (yours truly LOL) go here


Anhow glad to be a part of this site and struggling just like all the rest here to be with the ones we Love.
DD2004MaleUnited Kingdom2007-12-21 23:14:00