Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPetition sent to Moscow

Thank you, but I think our NOA-2 wait will be over sometime in April. At least VSC is looking that way now.

I will pray for you guys!

Is there a US Visa God? There should be. All the mysteries, conflicting stories and info, unexplained and illogical decisions that surround the VJ at every step can only be unexplained by a presence of a force above. One should not try to explain the Lord's timeline and decisions. Just believe and pray!

Is it a ground to set up a new religion? US Visa Witnesses ? At least our huge donations to the Office will be tax deductible :)
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-03-09 20:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPetition sent to Moscow

That and Voodoo... I'm a make a VSC doll and start sticking needles in it after we pass 100 days I swear :D

I hope they crank your approval this week. VSC slowed down, but you filed before that. So you should get your NOA2 very soon. Than Kiev is faster than Moscow in interview appointments. So, your wait will be over sometime in April.
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-03-09 17:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPetition sent to Moscow

Normally it takes less than 4 weeks from NVC to Moscow. The DHL trick doesn't always work, so don't base any hopes on that. Also remember that even if DHL does show arrival in Moscow, it can take up to a week or so for them to process it into their system. So while it's sitting in Moscow's mailroom, it hasn't been "received" yet. Judging by your timeline I'd say you should expect it to show up very soon, probably within a week to 10 days.

A week to process ??? After March 8 celebration??? You are kidding. It will probably take them a week just to recall that they have a mailroom and another week to locate it in the building. Processing something with a hangover is a whole new chapter.
I am loosing my hope to get thru before May 1. May 1, 2 and 9 are the official Russian holidays again. Most people take vacation for about 10 days. There will be another hangover. And spring will be outside the window. Your own love, not somebody's else. Then summer. Who wants to work in the summer ?
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-03-09 16:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPetition sent to Moscow
That is long trip from Chelyabinsk to Moscow and back! Just for the interview. She can consider transferring the interview to July, wait for her visa in Moscow (couple of days) and fly to AK right out of Moscow.

DOS said our case has not reached Moscow yet and it takes months! Last time they said days.
I got a hard copy dated 3/5/2010 that our case was sent to Moscow. Does it really means we were under AP?
When I put EXP 04 MAR ... I see a 16 lbs package was delivered to Moscow on 3/9/2010. The next one EXP 05 is picked up only on 3/8/2010. If it really takes months I guess they hired the slowest ship to cross the Atlantic. Maybe our case is really heavy and can not be airlifted!
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-03-09 15:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPetition sent to Moscow

The feelings are mutual my friend. And I didn't a speed bump to add months to this, just a little hick-up. :D
She has a time frame when she'll be ready to come here, around the end of July.

There is a train from Moscow to Vladivostok. Ask her to take that route than fly out from Vladivostok to AK. This will add about 2 weeks :) Is she from Moscow?
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-03-08 22:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPetition sent to Moscow

I take it all back. It's now more like, "This Dude is Toast!!!"

You are just now realizing that she is really going to be coming over forever along with her 220 VAC waffle maker to bang you on the head whenever she feels like.

You are so Toast!

(How's that Slim for getting a thread back on track?!!)

Do not worry. 220 VAC waffle maker only gets slightly warm if plugged in 115 VAC outlet.
A gas powered chain saw is an international tool of choice in family arguments.
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-03-08 19:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPetition sent to Moscow

A little tiny speed bump wouldn't be bad.

Do not tell that to her! She is probably dying to see you ... and freezing in Moscow cold ... soon to be drowning when all that extra snow melts.
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-03-08 19:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPetition sent to Moscow

The visa application is complete already. Moscow doesn't require a package 3/4 like some other embassies do so it's not like she has stuff to fill out and send back. However, you do have to get your financial documentation (I-134, paycheck stubs, bank letter, tax info, etc.) in order and send it to her and she has to get her police record and a medical check plus any other supporting documentation and "proof" of your relationship.

Pretty simple, really, just follow the guides section and stop listening to those in K-1 forum because from this point on, you're Moscow specific.

OK. We are in the same boat now I hope. DOS told our papers were mailed to Moscow on 3/4/2010. Not that I believe that info after all I've heard from them. Anyway, the police record is obtained last month and she passed medical in Moscow just before the new year. Sure we want to have her interview ASAP.

What is next for us? Should she file K156 right now? Or embassy should send her something with the date of the interview?

I want to get her out of St.-Petersburg before all that snow melts and her house is flooded! There is a record snow fall there this year. There is a seaport though. The hope is there in case no plane would be able to land to pick her up.
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-03-08 19:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHappy International Women's Day Ladies!!!
We can't live with women, we can't live without them. Dear ladies - be happy!!!
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-03-08 19:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhat to do

The relationship is over with and yes I had talked to them about the issue, and his mother comes up with the excuses that he is so busy he has no time to clean. I just really was checking into if I had to notify anyone and I have found out on here.

I second that you just need to send a brief letter to USCIS stating that you no longer intend to marry her. Add that she did hide few important things from you and that led to change in relationship. This might help you in the future and maybe others. See the bright side - usually green card hunters are smarter and coming into US first.
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-03-17 18:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIs it possible to transfer K1 interview closer due to medical reasons?

Medem is very, very good. I would go there, personally, if I needed any kind of surgery.

Thanks for the advise. We found ties in Otto. They specialize in obstetrician for God's know how long. Generations on my relatives were born there :)
Well, the fact is that she is scared and was crying for days. She is better now cause she is strong. I am just going insane slowly but surely.
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-03-26 21:48:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIs it possible to transfer K1 interview closer due to medical reasons?

I asked for and received a delay on my original interview, and it was approved with no questions asked. That was different of course, but I don't see why they'd think it was suspicious if you just told them that your fiancee is pregnant and requires a minor surgery, could they please find it in their hearts to maybe move the interview closer so that she could have the surgery in the US? I really don't think you need to go into any detail, just the major facts and the request to move it up. Give a specific date that you'd like (or at least a "week of" date) and who knows, you might get lucky. :)

From what I read, it is much easier to delay the interview than to speed it up. She wants to give it a try too. That by itself tells me how serious the situation is. Thanks for such a detailed advise.
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-03-26 18:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIs it possible to transfer K1 interview closer due to medical reasons?

I understand. What I mean is that the national health system in Russia leaves a lot to be desired, and so I too would be worried if my SO were to go under the knife in the normal healthcare system there. What I'm saying is that if she must have surgery in Russia, the best thing you can do is buy her a private healthcare policy in Russia. The private health clinics and medical centers in Russia are top notch, comparable to anything you'll find in Western Europe and even the US.

You've got nothing to lose emailing the consulate and trying to have the interview date moved up, but I have yet to see it happen. Llet us know what they say.

Thanks. We already planning the surgery at the top place in St.-Petersburg for such things. This is plan B ... or A.
I am worry if an email to the consulate asking to transfer the date might do any harm or look suspicious and trigger some additional review? After we got an AP at NVC out of nowhere I am afraid to inflict any more damage.
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-03-26 17:59:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIs it possible to transfer K1 interview closer due to medical reasons?

Your chances are almost non-existent to get it moved up closer, unfortunately. I've never seen them move up an appointment for anybody. You can try emailing the consulate, it can't hurt. But don't get your hopes up.

You might want to pay for a private healthcare policy for her while you are waiting. The price over there is a lot less than it is over here, and the private healthcare system in Russia is actually very good. Have her look into this and see what the cost is.

It is not the insurance issue. I mentioned insurance just to say that she will not become a public charge, because it might cause a visa denial. It is simply a matter of her health and saving the child! No matter how it is screwed up (do not start me on this) I trust the medical system in US more. Besides, she needs me to be next to her when she goes under surgery. And I can not travel to Russia right now, because I have an 8 year old child on hands and my work.
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-03-26 17:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIs it possible to transfer K1 interview closer due to medical reasons?
OK friends. Here we go. The reasons I am really nervous are the following:
- she is three month pregnant;
- she needs a surgery due to a cyst found during routine ultra-sound. The cyst is very big.

It is much better to have the surgery done in US.
She is covered by my health insurance in US, so won't become a public charge. Sure she will get all the papers if consulate asks about the proof.
The interview is set up on May 19. The sooner the surgery is done the better. What are our chances to get the interview closer? Any other thoughts?
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-03-26 17:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNOA-2

Got our NOA2 e-mail/text notice today.

After 100 long days.

So f*cking happy.... going to get sh!tfaced tonight for sure.

Thank you, everyone, for helping me keep my sanity over this period

Now I have to go get drunk and burn the house down.....or I can clean too, I guess

Finally!!! Congratulations!!! 100 days - I know, it feels like 100 years.

Do not clean the house while drunk. She will not like the result anyway :) Either drink and burn or stay sober and clean. The later is so boring though....
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-03-17 18:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWedding

Zhanna & I are getting married tomorrow on Folly beach in Charleston tomorrow. Wish me/us luck!:dance:

You still have the whole night to plan your escape brother :) If your plan fails I wish you the very best of luck!!! Congratulations !!! Be happy !!! You earned it !!!
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-03-26 20:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTime frame for Moscow to send out packets?

Ah yeah, they don't send it via DHL. Sorry if anyone here gave you that impression.

That was actually me who gave people that impression! I made a correlation "(yellow envelope) - (color envelopes in Russian post) - (other popular express couriers in Russia) == DHL". Well, "==" should be replaced with "~=" that is not the same :) So, that is me who should say sorry to people.

Well, our package was sent not earlier than March 22. So, about a week for delivery. But it is St.-Petersburg after all. Smaller cities far away can get a significant delay. There are also tigers in Siberia who just love postmen :) So, I would not count on the package 3 and 4 arrival at all.
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-04-01 13:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTime frame for Moscow to send out packets?
OK. She has got the package from the Moscow embassy. It was sent by a regular mail, not by the DHL as I thought. It took about a week for the package to arrive.
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-03-31 21:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTime frame for Moscow to send out packets?

As far as I know the packet is sent via Russian Post. When the visa is shipped, it is sent via DHL but she has to pay for it. Nobody's paying extra for the packet to be sent out and I don't really see Uncle Sugar footing the bill for that one either.

I'm not 100% though since I never received one, so correct me if I'm wrong.

Russian post can take several days even within the same city! A month for a long distance letter is usual when the system is functioning OK. Means not now. Why the envelope is yellow I do not understand than.
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-03-24 10:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTime frame for Moscow to send out packets?

That one I'm not sure about...

There is a talk about beneficiaries getting "yellow envelope" in the mail. There are no color envelopes used by Russian post as far as I know. DHL's envelope is yellow indeed. Normal delivery time for DHL should be few days within the country. Chelyabinsk is a big city. There is no customs on the way (one of the reasons mail is delayed in Russia if crossing the boarder).
Passports are delivered back by DHL. People say it usually takes two-three days. Maybe it is a different service.
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-03-23 15:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTime frame for Moscow to send out packets?

Seems like your time in AP added more days until your interview. Try to remain calm and use the extra time to make sure all is in order. Everything is moving forward, so try to look on the bright side. :)

Not only time in AP. The consulate usually gets the papers few days after the NVC sends it out. It took 19 days for us assuming they received the papers today. This is an additional two week delay out of nowhere!
Thanks. I will try to hold on. At least my daughter can start to cross days in the calendar :)
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-03-23 13:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTime frame for Moscow to send out packets?

No, still hasn't received it. She did tell me she saw something on the news recently stating that mail coming out of Moscow, any type of mail, has been taking 2-3 weeks to get to it's destination. Mail system there is in bad shape.

I thought they use DHL which is separate from Russian national mail system.
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-03-23 13:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTime frame for Moscow to send out packets?
DOS just told me interview is scheduled for May 19. This is much later than we could expect!
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-03-23 13:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTime frame for Moscow to send out packets?

AKguy and I are in the same boat.. just a few days apart with respect to initial filing date, NOA1, NOA2 and interview date.. My girl also has not gotten her package from embassy, and I have her interview date via email sent to me about four weeks ago.. So we just wait.. Interview April 28th..

Question----does this delay in sending out the package reflect on how long the embassy is going to take to put the visa in passport and have it sent to my girl's home city (assuming she is approved of course)...... I am hoping for no longer than a ten day delay between interview and her receiving the passport back in her home city.. any experience with this time frame would be helpful..

I think the visa delivery time depends on what city she live is. It should be much faster for few bigger cities. I've heard people are getting the visa two days after the interview. But I would not count on that. More than a week delay is not uncommon.

At least you can plan something. I got an email from embassy last Friday 3/19/2010 claiming they did not get out papers yet. NVC said it sent on 3/4/2010.
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-03-22 21:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTime frame for Moscow to send out packets?

I got an email from them yesterday after I asked if and when they sent the paperwork to Anna. They said they sent it out March 2nd.

Has she ever received the package?
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-03-22 21:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTime frame for Moscow to send out packets?

When did the interview date appear on the embassy website? Seems like it should have showed up quite a while ago. Best bet would be to postpone the interview date. Not a problem and others here have done it.

Probably never. The online schedule is down "temporarily" that means forever in Russia. I am surprised they answered somebody's phone calls and emails at all. They answered only one of my emails and the answer was useless. That was long time ago. Usually, you have to come and stay in line just to ask your question.
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-03-18 14:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTime frame for Moscow to send out packets?

she got one packet which listed the documents she needed and stated the interview date - two weeks away.

what would be interesting to know is if the embassy sent the packet that late, or dhl delayed. dos should know when the embassy touched your file and when they set up the interview date.
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-03-18 00:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTime frame for Moscow to send out packets?

she got one packet which listed the documents she needed and stated the interview date - two weeks away. She is going to call the embassy tomorrow and explain the situation to them and ask that they move the interview date out a few weeks. Her son needs to finish the school year anyway so it's not as if she'll be coming to me immediately after getting the visa. The plan is actually for her to come to me after spending a few weeks in June visiting with her parents in Tambov. So.... I just want this to be as low of a stressful event as possible and that's not how it's starting out.

I guess worst case is they have the interview, and she doesn't have the tajik portion of the police report and then sends it into the embassy later.

What's rediculous is that she moved from Tajikistan with her parents during her 16th year, so it really would only cover 9 month period when she was 16 and living in Tajikistan. It was over 20 years ago for chissake. Anyway, rules be rules....

If she can not come before June anyway, maybe she should try to transfer her interview so that she could fly out of Moscow right after the interview. She should try to email the embassy. Calling cost a lot of money and useless as some people reported. Email is a document you can send to US authorities if there will be problems.

If she lived in Tajikistan > 6 months AFTER she turned 16, than she does not need a police certificate from there. That how I understood that rule. But looks like you guys got unlucky. What a difference 3 months could do!!!
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-03-17 23:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTime frame for Moscow to send out packets?

Well the reason she'd go back the second time is that the embassy said not to worry if all the documents are not there (she's waiting for one from Tajikistan where she lived in the good ol USSR days) she can come in again to present them at a later date. The NVC sent the documents to moscow back at the end of January. We received notification from the embassy with the interview date yesterday.

Well Tajikistan makes her life much more difficult. Can she ask somebody there to get it for her? Not sure it is possible.... well, all is possible in FSU. When did she send a request to Tajikistan? She should call/send somebody local. Otherwise they might never move their a$$. Local police record can be obtained really fast in Russia.

So you waited about 2 months from NVC sent the papers to the interview. Did she get packet 3 and 4 in the mail together?
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-03-17 22:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTime frame for Moscow to send out packets?

my fiancee lives 800 miles from Moscow and for her and her son to make the trip 2x because they did not give enough time between the packet and the interview is crazy.

On the second thought, what difference it makes? She would have to come and stay few days anyway for medical and the interview?

This was exactly what I was afraid of when I didn't hear from the embassy for so long.

Do you know what day the NVC sent your documents to the embassy?
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-03-17 18:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTime frame for Moscow to send out packets?

Well this is just plain nutty. My fiancee received the packet from the moscow embassy yesterday stating that the interview is scheduled for April 1 - all of two weeks away. They say that if you do not have all the forms together you can schedule a second interview, but..... my fiancee lives 800 miles from Moscow and for her and her son to make the trip 2x because they did not give enough time between the packet and the interview is crazy. This was exactly what I was afraid of when I didn't hear from the embassy for so long.

Can she call to change the date by a couple of weeks? I would like to be in Moscow at the same time, but I also can't afford the less than two week airfare costs (I'm saving for a wedding you know).

Also, does anyone know of a reasonably good hotel near the embassy where I can book her and her son to stay?

Finally, With the medical exam, should that be scheduled the day before or two days before - I've read both, but this is the forum with the best answers.

If you cannot tell, I've just entered scramble mode

Well, we would love to have the interview April 1. By neither embassy no DOS confirmed that our papers were touched in Moscow yet.

As for your question, I've heard it is easier to transfer the interview to later date. I'd just send them email.

There are NO good hotels in downtown Moscow at reasonable price that I know of.

I forgot about medical. It might be possible to get the result the same day.
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-03-17 18:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTime frame for Moscow to send out packets?

Sometimes I think that we should not have to build the LHC. Black holes are all around us :) with highest density around government agencies. Our petitions fall into one of these black holes and it is total mystery what happens there because no information can get out. On the other hand, while some observers will see that the case fell thru the event horizon, for some, the case will approach the event horizon forever and will never fall thru it! A black hole in its pure definition. Just like in the center of our galaxy :)
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-03-15 19:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTime frame for Moscow to send out packets?

It took Moscow about a week to get back with me. Someone else with a similar timeline to my own got about the same turn around time from them as well.
I never contacted the DOS.
When did you email the Embassy?

Mid last week. Couple days after a package with reference number EXP MAR 04 2010A that I traced on DHL site was delivered. That package was delivered on Mar 9. What I'd be interested to know is the time from NVC claims it sent the package till somebody in Moscow touches it (DOS should see it in their system).
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-03-15 18:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTime frame for Moscow to send out packets?

Sent to Moscow on the 19th and it took me emailing Moscow to find out they got it.

Did you call DOS at all?
The embassy does not answer my emails and DOS says they do not see anyone to touch our case in Moscow still.
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-03-15 17:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTime frame for Moscow to send out packets?

How long did it take for Moscow to send out the packets to your SO's? I got an email from them a week ago saying they had our petition and have scheduled an interview, but we haven't seen the packet yet.

I second the opinion that no packet from embassy is needed. So, do not worry about it. They will have her name on the list at the interview date and that is all that needed for her to get in and have her visa interview.

How long did it get from NVC sending your package to the embassy (or DOS) confirming they got it? NVC claimes they sent our documents on 3/4/2010, but as of today DOS says that embassy did not get the papers yet. I start to worry again.
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-03-15 16:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusU.S. marriage recognized in Russia?
Yes, apostille should be recognized in Russia. It is not difficult to obtain in US. Many Russian clerks however will simply turn this document down stating they simply do not understand this paper and insist on getting a marriage certificate they can understand. It that sense, just get married again in Russia and have a real Russian wedding! Just do not try to out drink her Russian friends or you'll be sorry or worse :)
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-04-07 19:07:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInterview Approval
Congratulations guys! That was smooth and fast!!!
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-04-20 12:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWatch National Geographic
Religion is the biggest business in the world in terms of revenue
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-04-19 11:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisa Approved
So, her interview was on Wednesday, She got a call from DHL on Saturday about a package that had arrived. She picked up the visa on Sunday at the DHL office (she decided to have it delivered to the DHL office, not home).
This info for those who want to know about the visa delivery time. The CO officer told her at the interview that the visa is approved and she is passing it right to DHL. At least somebody there is doing what (s)he is suppose to!

As for the weird thing on the interview - I do not know. Maybe the CO trusted us when she learned that I am a doctor! Doctor's do not lie and they do not marry their own sister, are they? Even their half sister? My ex-wife was not my sister or a half sister. The statistical error on that information is +/- 1. On 10 ex-wives it would be about +/- 3. It is not a poisson distribution however! Your chances to meet your own sister and fall in love are higher. We need to add a systematic error to account for a bias. The systematic error is the most difficult part of any experiment! It is easier to trust your doctor :)

She is in panic mode now! Packing non-stop for several weeks :) Her plane is on Wednesday. She promised not to take her 220V waffle maker with her :) It looks like I can not avoid a good old cast iron frying pan. Otherwise I can not imagine what the hell is there to pack for so long!
Sveta and KoNot TellingRussia2010-05-24 22:31:00