K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril Filers - NVC to Interview
QUOTE (mwinburn @ Sep 6 2007, 07:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Cassandra+Yuibi @ Sep 5 2007, 12:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Seriously, how do these people get away with it? I am sure that if any of US her at VJ acted that way at our job we would be fired in an instant! It's so disgusted that day in and day out all of us VJers are doing things right and getting treated like the scum of the earth for it.

Did she have an hispanic accent? If so, I got the same lady, and she was rude to me too. She called me a liar also wink.gif As for how they keep their jobs, it's a government job. You can't get fired even if you lie under oath wink.gif

Yes she did. Sounded like she could hardly speak English too.
As for not being able to get fired- that's ridiculous. I think that government employees should be held more accountable than Johnny Nobody working in retail/fast food.
Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-09-08 10:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril Filers - NVC to Interview
QUOTE (roverdriver @ Sep 5 2007, 05:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Cassandra+Yuibi @ Sep 5 2007, 12:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
...she continued to YELL about how I was a liar (ya...) for saying that an officer told me it wasn't mailed.

...she started yelling "YOU'RE A LIAR. YOU'RE A LIAR".
How different than my experience ringing the NVC! I rang them up and of course had to try 4 times before I got put in the queue, rather than sent to the VRM. But when the woman came on she was very pleasant, asked for the case number, asked for my name and Laura's name...then asked for Laura's year of birth. OMG, my mind went blank! LMAO, I actually had to start doing math and subtract her age from mind was a complete I hmmm'd and haw'd then told her..she then asked for mine, which luckily I could remember, LOL, and she laughed and said, "Well, at least you know that one." Then she gave me the dates and very cheerfully said she hoped everything went well, before saying goodbye. It was the nicest phone call I've ever had with the government.

Of course soon as I hung up I got paranoid and imagined her quickly sending off an email to London, "FLASH! Petitioner doesn't know beneficiary's year of birth!"

No this was a person at the CSC.
With the exception of one person- I've gotten very friendly people at the NVC. The CSC people are generally rude though. You'd expect it to be the opposite though considering that NVC people have much more difficult work hours.
Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-09-05 23:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril Filers - NVC to Interview
Another update. I made the rounds and called NVC again today since my Congressman's rep told me that if it didnt arrive by today to call her back and they would do something. Well, as I expected- still not at the NVC. I called the CSC again to see if they had even mailed it. And I got a woman on the line who could barely speak English and actually had the gaul to yell at me (in the irate state that I'm permanently in from this process) for asking about my case. At first, after I ASKED her if it had been mailed to the NVC yet- she told me that my Approval Notice was mailed when I got approved. NO NO NO. That's not what I asked- but there was no convincing her that thats not what I asked so she continued to YELL about how I was a liar (ya...) for saying that an officer told me it wasn't mailed. huh.gif

Finally I got her to tell me it was still in the mailroom (now I'm even more angry). Then I asked her, why, oh why, am I still in the mailroom when I know that people her on VJ who were approved two weeks after myself have been mailed out, and even already had their things arrive at the embassy. Once again, like a two year old, she started yelling "YOU'RE A LIAR. YOU'RE A LIAR". blink.gif I am not kidding. So I just said, "No, you people are the ones who are lying and I'm tired of beingn treated like trash for being a law abiding citizen" and I hung up and called my congressman rep back and told them it hadn't arrived and how crazy the lady acted.

To my relief- the Rep was MAD about it, and told me that she was going to make some phone calls immediately. And added that "They won't yell at us". whistling.gif So I'm waiting for her to call me back now and hoping that something gets done. And maybe that someone loses their cushy government job.... (I can wish :]). Seriously, how do these people get away with it? I am sure that if any of US her at VJ acted that way at our job we would be fired in an instant! It's so disgusted that day in and day out all of us VJers are doing things right and getting treated like the scum of the earth for it.

Edited by Cassandra+Yuibi, 05 September 2007 - 11:15 AM.

Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-09-05 11:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril Filers - NVC to Interview
To give an update on our situation.

The morning after I went to my congressman's office the lady in charge of immigration issues called me back and said that she had talked to people at CSC and NVC and said that the people at NVC said that it was 'typical' for CSC to take so long. However, she also told me that since she talked to them they should sent it out immediately and if it is not received by Wednesday (a week from the day she talked to me) then I should call her again to get it taken care of.

I called on Friday and was told it still wasn't at the NVC. The waiting is killing me. Over a month and its still not received (or sent!)! It's absolutely outrageous! I can only pray that once it gets to the NVC everything goes quick and painlessly. We have really been hoping for a November wedding but with all of the things that have happened it seems bleaker and bleaker with every passing day. sad.gif
Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-09-02 20:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril Filers - NVC to Interview
I went to my Congressman's office this afternoon and told them about the situation (a petition in a mailroom is ridiculous) and they had me sign a permission slip to get information on my case and said they would find out and whats going on and do what they could then call me tomorrow. So hopefully I'll have some good news tomorrow. smile.gif
Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-08-28 18:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril Filers - NVC to Interview
QUOTE (Cassandra+Yuibi @ Aug 28 2007, 10:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rambaldi @ Aug 28 2007, 07:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
FINALLY!! My fiance just called NVC and after 5 tries, they told him that our case has been sent to the Singapore consulate yesterday!!! FINALLY!! YAY!! dancin5hr.gif jest.gif kicking.gif

Does that mean NVC has received our case last week? Oh well, my fiance, after getting the answer he wanted, didn't even bother to ask, and also didn't ask about our new embassy case number!!! gee... tongue.gif Will the new case number be on the hard copy of the NVC letter?

Nevertheless....I'm so happy right now!! biggrin.gif biggrin.gif GO APRIL FILERS GO!! dancin5hr.gif

Have they been telling him up til now that they hadn't received it? We were approved on the same day so I'd really like to believe our petitions were received at the same time and NVC is just lying to us about our cases not being there 8D If I can EVER get through (been trying for 30 minutes now) at NVC I'm hoping to get an answer.

I just called CSC and they STILL HAVEN'T MAILED OUT PETITION. mad.gif
Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-08-28 10:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril Filers - NVC to Interview
QUOTE (rambaldi @ Aug 28 2007, 07:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
FINALLY!! My fiance just called NVC and after 5 tries, they told him that our case has been sent to the Singapore consulate yesterday!!! FINALLY!! YAY!! dancin5hr.gif jest.gif kicking.gif

Does that mean NVC has received our case last week? Oh well, my fiance, after getting the answer he wanted, didn't even bother to ask, and also didn't ask about our new embassy case number!!! gee... tongue.gif Will the new case number be on the hard copy of the NVC letter?

Nevertheless....I'm so happy right now!! biggrin.gif biggrin.gif GO APRIL FILERS GO!! dancin5hr.gif

Have they been telling him up til now that they hadn't received it? We were approved on the same day so I'd really like to believe our petitions were received at the same time and NVC is just lying to us about our cases not being there 8D If I can EVER get through (been trying for 30 minutes now) at NVC I'm hoping to get an answer.
Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-08-28 10:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril Filers - NVC to Interview
Just called NVC and was told they still haven't received our case. crying.gif I guess I'll call CSC (with the RFE trick) tomorrow morning and hope I can get some answers. :/ If not I'll have to call my congressman because I think it's just disgusting that it takes CSC so long to approve us and THEN they shove all of our petition in a mailroom for a month and leave all of us in limbo. mad.gif
Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-08-27 22:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril Filers - NVC to Interview
QUOTE (etripke @ Aug 25 2007, 09:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (dkrivosheyev @ Aug 25 2007, 06:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I called NVC on 08/23 and they have not received out case yet although it was aproved on 08/03. I called CSC and spoke to a really nice lady who found out that our case was mailed to NVC on 08/22. Hopefully it will get there soon. Does anyone know how long it takes for a case to get to NVC and be entered into their system? The lady at CSC said they had a backlog in ther mailroom, that is why many cases were delayed going to NVC.

Like everything else it varies. I guess there is no way to predict, but one might assume that it takes them about 5-10 days to receive it, and depending on your luck just a few days processing at NVC and off to the Embassy. One thing you might be aware of as other Russia filers have learned is that NVC may hold your petition for some additional processing (Admin Review) for a short time once it arives there. Bluesfairy is wrapping up hers right now, and I have seen others who have had that happen in the Russia Regional Forum. It seems to be routine, and why they are doing it is beyond me.

Hang in there, check out the Russia Regional Forum you'll find more information there.

QUOTE (Cassandra+Yuibi @ Aug 24 2007, 10:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I called today and they said they still havent received it. sad.gif I don't understand how people who were approved after us are already received and taken care of yet our case is still in limbo. Ah this is so discouraging. I was seriously thinking that I could see my fiance again in September- but now that seems like a lost cause to hope for.

Call CSC I'd be willing to bet it was sent out and you should have a better idea of where it is.

Should I just use the RFE trick to talk to someone- or something else?
Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-08-25 13:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril Filers - NVC to Interview
I called today and they said they still havent received it. sad.gif I don't understand how people who were approved after us are already received and taken care of yet our case is still in limbo. Ah this is so discouraging. I was seriously thinking that I could see my fiance again in September- but now that seems like a lost cause to hope for.
Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-08-24 22:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril Filers - NVC to Interview
QUOTE (rambaldi @ Aug 22 2007, 11:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Cassandra+Yuibi @ Aug 22 2007, 10:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Who else has been waiting for more than 3 weeks for their petition to get to the NVC? I'm getting irritated. Called the NVC today and got a real @ss on the line who acted like I was an idiot. He answered and just said "Give me your case number" immediately, then when I told him, he said "We have no information, when did you get approved." and I told him July 31 then got...

"Well, what does it say on your NOTICE?" in a high and mighty tone. So I replied, "It says that we were APPROVED on JULY 31 and it was forwarded to NVC three weeks ago." mad.gif And then he gave a big sigh like he was too above me to talk to me, then said "well we haven't gotten it yet." and hung up on me. I am so mad- I wish he'd have given his name so I could get a supervisor. What the heck is someone like that doing working with PEOPLE? mad.gif

Count me in Cassandra, we got our NOA2 on the day, and we're still waiting for NVC........arrgh........mad.gif

Maybe we should follow in Deron's footsteps? Get your congressman involved? unsure.gif

I think that might be what has to happen. It's ridiculous after ALL the delays and everything we've been through that they approve us and then just toss our petition in a room for a month before they mail it to the next destination.

Just more support for my opinion that the government treats LEGAL immigrants like trash whistling.gif
Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-08-22 23:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril Filers - NVC to Interview
Who else has been waiting for more than 3 weeks for their petition to get to the NVC? I'm getting irritated. Called the NVC today and got a real @ss on the line who acted like I was an idiot. He answered and just said "Give me your case number" immediately, then when I told him, he said "We have no information, when did you get approved." and I told him July 31 then got...

"Well, what does it say on your NOTICE?" in a high and mighty tone. So I replied, "It says that we were APPROVED on JULY 31 and it was forwarded to NVC three weeks ago." mad.gif And then he gave a big sigh like he was too above me to talk to me, then said "well we haven't gotten it yet." and hung up on me. I am so mad- I wish he'd have given his name so I could get a supervisor. What the heck is someone like that doing working with PEOPLE? mad.gif
Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-08-22 22:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril Filers - NVC to Interview
22 days since my NOA2 and still nothing from NVC. This is getting discouraging all over again. sad.gif
Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-08-21 23:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril Filers - NVC to Interview
Our Noa2 was July 31 and still nothing from NVC. I've been calling everyday except yesterday (but they replied to my email yesterday after two weeks haha) and said that they still haven't received my case. I'm hoping that they are just ignorant of if my case has come and gone and I'll receive a notice in the mail soon- today?! whistling.gif Please NVC?!

I like how they tell us to call back in a month to check on our case. I'm sure all of us find that as dumb as I did. After all the delays the April filers had- as if we are all going to sit back and wait MORE without knowing anything about our case. mad.gif
Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-08-18 12:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL Filers!!
QUOTE (wioombeen @ Aug 23 2007, 09:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (er1c @ Aug 23 2007, 09:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes, what skyblue said. Ive also read that K!'s dont stay there long enough to get put into the system. To check the status you have to call and speak to someone.

Indeed the woman i talked to at the NVC told me herself that your case will never show up on the automated system. So you have to press 1 then 5 to talk to a real person. if its busy that day you will have a hard time getting though but if your persistent and call over and over you will finally prevail. GL


Whaaaaaaaat, I thought it was press 1 then 2?? That's what I've been doing. The menu said 2 is for K1 people. Is it more reliable to choose 5? wacko.gif I'm still being told our case hasn't been received and I'm at the point of tears. If our petition has been sitting in a mailroom for a month after waiting FOUR for it to be approved thats an outrage! mad.gif

I even spoke with someone (by pressing 1 then 2) yesterday and when I told him when we had been approved he started to say the "well it takes 2 to four weeks" and then faltered and said, "well, you should actually be here by now... but it could take 90 days..." he sounded kind of shocked that it was taking so long. crying.gif
Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-08-25 22:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL Filers!!
Firstly, congrats to everyone who's gotten approved! I've been MIA latley because of work issues. :angry:

I haven't called the NVC yet TODAY but they keep telling me they haven't recieved it. It's been more than two weeks! Is that REALLY normal?! Come on lazy postman ;_;
Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-08-17 10:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL Filers!!
I'm trying to contact NVC right now (on hold). As of Friday they said they hadn't received my petition yet. Tomorrow will be two weeks since my NOA2. This is discouraging if they really haven't even received my petition and it's been two weeks. :( Although on Friday the lady I spoke to said that they COULD have it but it wasn't in the computer yet. THEN gave me the same line of "call back in a month to check on it". Ya, I've been waiting nearly five months- like I'm going to wait another month without knowing ANYTHING about my case.
Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-08-13 18:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL Filers!!
HELP! :crying:
Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-08-11 14:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL Filers!!

Checked this morning, and I'm touched again. I'm hoping approval comes soon. :) Kits, I know it's tough and it's heartbreaking and the time apart is heart-wrenching and it feels like u can't do anything at all to make the other person feel better. I am guessing we have all been there at at least 1 point during this process and may be there again before it's over. Take faith in that u are taking the steps to say to your partner I am willing to go through this horribly, long, extended, stressful process for u and only u. I love u more than words can say, and I'm willing to go to whatever lengths to spend the rest of my life with you, because u are my soulmate, without whom my life would be incomplete, and I won't be whole until we are married and living together forever. It does look like there is a lot of action at the CSC these last couple of weeks, so take heart and keep courage. It's a long process, and ur screen name is appropriate, cause we all gotta have faith in God and his plans for us. He will lead us through the tunnel and through to the other side. Good luck to all who are still waiting!!! (I include myself until I hear of an approval for sure :wacko: )

Thanks a lot.. Faith is her name.. so she is MY FAITH.. she keeps me strong.. I know I couldn't not do this without her.. and I know without God I cannot do anything.. so thanks and let's continue to pray for each other and those who are still waiting for their approval.. God bless

Kits, I really know what you are going through. My fiance and I have been going through it OVER and OVER for the past 2 years. Seeing eachother for 2-3 months, then being seperated for 4 or more months until the next time we saw eachother. The waiting is excrutiating- and I can admit that when we're seperated like this, we're stressed and easily bicker even about the most ridiculous things because we are way to emotional from the seperation. Your NOA1 is after mine- and I just got my approval last week. Just hold in there. I know everyday seems like an eternity apart- but I can honestly say (that for me at least) having the approval will relieve a lot of the worry and stress. Please hold on (for yourself, your fiance, and for all of us here hoping for the best for you at VJ), because the odds are in your favor to hear about your case this week.

I spend a lot of time crying about how much the seperation hurts- but I also feel relief knowing that once this is over with- then we can (all!) be together with the person we love for the rest of our lives. And, I also like to think that perhaps the worst will be behind us after having to go through such an ordeal before even getting married. :P Don't blame yourself so much- I know that my fiance has no idea what to do when I'm upset- and I'm sure he feels just as bad as you (and he's not the USC!). You blame yourself because you love your SO and you don't want her to hurt- and that makes you a good person- the problem is not you- its the appauling way that our government deals with (legal) immigration.

You two will be together sooner than you think. :) And until then- you should both know that everyone here is praying for your approval!
Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-08-07 14:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL Filers!!
Congrats to all the new approvals!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
CSC is finally getting everyone approved and that makes me feel a lot of relief.

It is a little bit ridiculous though- that people who filed a week before me (and many others who still have yet to be approved) got approved a month or MORE before me. -_- I really hope that the new system they implement takes care of ridiculous delays like this so that future filers won't have to deal with the additional heartache that the delays cause.
Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-08-06 23:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL Filers!!

Thanks! I hope everyone gets smooth approvals and the rest of the journey!

Cassandra+Yuibi, would you mind if I ask for the name of the community on Mixi? I am new on Mixi, and couldn't find any communities about US visa....


Not at all. :thumbs: It's called "Darling wa America-jin Shorui-hen." Here's the link:
You'll need an approval(!) before being able to see it, though. But fear not! Unlike CSC, it only takes up to two days to get approved! :innocent:
Just type in such words as "konnyakusha (in kanji)" or "K1" in the search box to find out what other K-1 filers are up to.
Its sibling site, "Darling wa America-jin," covers more general topics ranging from cultural differences to which souvenirs to bring to the U.S., which I believe make the transition much easier. :dance:
I hope you'll find this helpful! :innocent:

Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-08-03 11:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL Filers!!
Congrats JapanGuest!! :) We're both with the same consulate and only a couple of days apart in approval! I hope that the rest of the journey is as swift as it's rumored to be with the Tokyo embassy for both of us.

My fiance has been reading communities on Mixi for people applying for Visa's to the USA and everyone has had really positive things to say about their experience with the interview, etc. :)
Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-08-02 20:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL Filers!!
Touched today! :dance:
Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-08-01 22:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL Filers!!


:dance: :dance: :dance: :jest: :jest: :jest:

No touches before, just one touch on the the 31st, and when I checked the status, it said Current Status: Approval notice sent. AWWWW SO HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!! FINALLY!!!!!!

All of you will be up next, don't worry!!! I :wub: all of you, April filers!! :D :)

Finally CSC is getting into gear! Hopefully ALL the April filers will be approved in the next couple of weeks :dance:
Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-07-31 23:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL Filers!!


I just called using the RFE trick and got an INCREDIBLY nice lady on the phone and she looked up all our info, verified address, and then told me we just got Approved! I'm luck she was nice because I started crying from relief when she said it and she was so very nice to me and just laughed and told me good luck.

My NOA1 was April 9, so hopefully those that are left with NoA1 the same or before mine will get it this week!!!

Congrats, Cassie ... and to ME! :thumbs: I've been checking our online status like crazy for the last couple of weeks, and WHAT A RELIEF! Coincidentally, I had a dream where my fiancee was shouting, telling me that we got approved, so when I woke up, I immediately logged on to the USCIS website, only to find the same old line, "Pending. blah blah blah" Then, I wondered how many guys had been approved this week, so I came to this website. That's when I saw my fiancee's post, which was a big surprise! :dance: It's weird that I found this out before she had a chance to tell me... In any event, I can't be happier now! :innocent: Hurray, I love you, CSC and!

Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-07-31 20:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL Filers!!


I just called using the RFE trick and got an INCREDIBLY nice lady on the phone and she looked up all our info, verified address, and then told me we just got Approved! I'm luck she was nice because I started crying from relief when she said it and she was so very nice to me and just laughed and told me good luck.

My NOA1 was April 9, so hopefully those that are left with NoA1 the same or before mine will get it this week!!!
Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-07-31 14:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL Filers!!
Where's our NOA2?!?!?! :crying:

If they assigned my case on the 19th shouldn't it be approved by now??? :wacko:

Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-07-28 19:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL Filers!!

I love how everytime I check my time line my date gets pushed back 3 days. Wonderful.

Anyone else feel like ####### after conversations like this:

Person X: "How much longer until your wife gets here"
Me: "Oh i still have a couple more weeks until i know shes approved. and then its about another 3 months until she comes over"
Person X:"hey you've been saying that for a couple months now!"
Me: :(

gah. love it.

I hate that. What's the worst part- is that the regular customers at my store know my situation- so EVERY TIME one of them comes in to shop they are like "So any news on the Visa?! :]" And I'm like "No... :crying: " Although, it does make me feel really happy when they start to complain about how ridiculous it is that people just walk in illegally and all of the "poor, innocent, and wonderful people" who want to do it the right way are put through the gauntlet.

Yes... I'm a wonderful person. Thank you :innocent:
Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-07-27 22:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL Filers!!

I can't beleive how crappy this week has been. Especially after last weeks phenomenal turn out. The only thing I can possibly say at this point is there has to be a huge torrent of approvals by next.

Providing I did my search correctly and that everyone who has been approved has updated their time line then only 23 out of 125 April filers have been approved so far.

I am still astounded that some people who have called the CSC have been told they are not allowed to call for another month. It's as if they are punishing us for complaining to them for their poor performance. It just seems that they should really be held accountable for how they perform. I wish i was able to run a business and give myself a 6 month escape clause on my performance HAHA.

Things are getting so crazy now and rightly so. There is nothing I or anyone can do at this point to ease your insanity. Only a NOA2 can do that hehe. One thing that I can tell you though is soon your waiting will be over, even though I am sure each day will feel like a million years. In the end when you look back on all this it will not seem so bad. I did my best to stay positive and so must you. I love the April filers and I watch this thread every day to see who will be next. The one thing aside from my SO that helped me get past the insanity of waiting is all of you. And all of us will be here together until we are all approved, until we all have our interviews, to congratulate each other on our weddings and possibly to give a BIG Congrats to those of us who spontaneously multiply (cause that's how babies are made right? haha)

So take some kind of solace in the fact that we are all in this together and we will see all of us make it though. And above all make sure you remember the face of the one your going though this for. I know when I was feeling stressed out all I had to do is reach out to my better half and she would somehow make it all better. Let's hope and pray all of us can have at least a surprise Christmas or a happy new years this year eh?

And to the CSC:


That was wonderful and I wholeheartedly agree with you. This entire process is stressful both mentally and emotionally- but the people on this site are really like a wonderful support group and it really does ease the process to have so many wonderful people who are going through the exact same thing to talk with at the end of the day.

As for the people who have been told not to call back. I would ask to speak with their supervisors. You are calling a CUSTOMER SERVICE center. If I was as rude to customers at my job as these people are being in theirs- I would be fired before I could bat an eyelash. Where are the friendly, competant people that USCIS needs?!

I called their support center months ago to find out which Affidavit of Support I needed- and the person I spoke to spit out a form number that DIDN'T EVEN EXIST. (And I've never fully recovered from the confusion... :blink: ) So I think this just goes to show that something is rotten in the USCIS.
Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-07-26 23:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL Filers!!
Another touch today! (Because of the phone call I made) Where's my NOA2?!?! :whistle:
Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-07-26 12:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL Filers!!

I can't believe we don't have our NOA2 yet... :( :cry:

We have the same timeline, our NOA1 was dated April 9th. And we haven't received our NOA2 yet either. I wonder if we are the only couples with the same timeline who haven't :crying:

Our NOA1 is the same, so is Eka & Pyrrhic's. None of us have them yet. But I was told my case was assigned on the 19th so hopefully all of us have at least been assigned by now.
Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-07-25 23:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL Filers!!
I just checked our online case status and the status was finally updated!!! Sort of. The Last Updated is now today! (even though the actual status hasn't changed)... So... touch?!?! :thumbs:

Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-07-25 20:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL Filers!!

When you guys are calling and actually getting to talk to a HUMAN what are you doing? Are you selecting the option (after you check your status via unhelpful automated message) that says that you believe you are out of the normal processing time?

I'm getting really anxious and I just want to make sure that I talk to the right people since I finally have a day off during their 'open' hours for calling so that I can sit down and speak with an actual human being.

This entire process is being exaccerbated by the fact that I can't really plan our wedding until I know when he will be here (at least within the month) which means I definately won't know until we get the NOA2. AND my fiance's family is egging on my anxiety by saying that we won't be approved until next year. :crying: Oh frustration.


Cassandra, use the RFE trick, my fiance called 2 weeks ago and he got a very nice guy who told him that our case was not assigned at that time yet.

THANK YOU SO MUCH. :dance: I called and a somewhat groggy and confused gentleman told me that my case was assigned on July 19. I could burst into tears I feel SO relieved! Now I'm just wondering- for those of you who know when you cases were assigned- how long did it take to get processed between that time and your NOA2?? :dance:
Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-07-25 13:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL Filers!!
When you guys are calling and actually getting to talk to a HUMAN what are you doing? Are you selecting the option (after you check your status via unhelpful automated message) that says that you believe you are out of the normal processing time?

I'm getting really anxious and I just want to make sure that I talk to the right people since I finally have a day off during their 'open' hours for calling so that I can sit down and speak with an actual human being.

This entire process is being exaccerbated by the fact that I can't really plan our wedding until I know when he will be here (at least within the month) which means I definately won't know until we get the NOA2. AND my fiance's family is egging on my anxiety by saying that we won't be approved until next year. :crying: Oh frustration.

Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-07-25 00:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL Filers!!

I just got a touch today. Sunday! Is that weird?

I'm jealous. I don't even get touches on normal business days :crying:
Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-07-22 19:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL Filers!!

That is not necessarily true since Isn't TSC transfered to CSC as well?

Yar, I think there is some misunderstanding too from people who list CSC instead of TSC in their time lines, knowing that their petition will be transferred. I was always under the impression that we're supposed to use NSC/TSC because cases are processed in the order they are received at their first stop, rather than at CSC. *boggle* Who knows though, there is so much misinformation floating around.

Anyways ... next week - many NOA2s! Have to make their quota for the month, right? :D

~ Eka

Yeah, I don't know about this either. Originally I had CSC listed on my profile, but i kept hearing people say that we should put the place we originally filed at, even tho they all get transferred to CSC. Then I noticed that my processing time was significantly lower when i used NSC as my filing location, so I left it cuz it made me feel better!

I put CSC because I knew our petition was transferred from TSC to CSC. Ive wondered for a while if all the TSC petitions are grouped together though. If anyone knows it would be of great help. :thumbs:
Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-07-22 14:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL Filers!!


WE GOT OUR NOA2 today everyone. Well it was actually approved yesterday while I was talking to that nice woman haha. Just wasn't updated until sometime last night. weeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!

So chalk one more up for last week. Which makes 4 approvals. :):):):):)


Congratulations! :thumbs: *crosses your name out*
Since you have the same NOA1 date, I HOPE they're now working on ours! :unsure:

Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-07-21 13:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL Filers!!

NOA2 CRIS Email!
We got our CRIS email today stated they put our NOA2 in the mail. How soon can I expect it and how soon can I expect NVC
to have it? Does anyone know the approximate wait time for the name check? Just so I know how it goes next, can anyone double check this so it looks like I understand it correctly.

Aw, that's great news! I'm so happy for you. :thumbs:
Hopefully, ours will follow suit. My fiancee is literally on the verge of desperation. :help:

Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-07-18 05:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL Filers!!

As the days pass, I grow more agitated. I feel like we are being penalized for doing things by the book. I'm Canadian. I could have gone to the US ages ago, visited my then boyfriend and married. By this point, we would be well into the adjustment of status process. Instead, we did things the "right" way and got stuck with absurd processing times and equally extreme AOS costs, in addition to the regular costs of filing the I-129F, traveling to the interview, medical, obtaining the visa, etc that would have been avoided by jumping ahead to AOS.

We chose to do things the right way because we are law-abiding citizens of our respective countries.

Oh Eka, you literally took all the words from my heart and said it all. I know, it seems really unfair, but spending these 3 months here in VJ, it doesn't seem to me that every K1 gets equal treatment from CSC. I know how each and every single one is different and all, but to me, it just seems like it's totally a game of luck. Whichever file gets picked first gets worked on first, and so on. Don't take me the wrong way, I'm really happy for people who have been approved in like 2!! :blink: or 7, 55, 68, or even 75 days, but as the days drag on, it just gets more and more difficult to put on a smile and press on.....when I've past my 90 day mark, and approaching my 100th....... :(

I second that. This entire process is just completely emotionally exhausting. I'll admit I'm paranoid at times. And not even being touched this entire time is driving my mind wild with all the negative possibilities. We did everything we should have, everything by the book; however, so many people are just walking in illegally and getting a pat on the back and told everything is ok. In the meantime- all of us who are waiting (im)patiently for our loved ones to join us are being scrutinized and seemingly punished for doing things the legal way.

I'm terrified of our petition being Denied. I'm very young, and I have a serious worry that we may be denied simply because of my age (I'm 20, which is perfectly acceptable an age to marry a citizen. But I worry that they may try to play some sort of ridiculous 'immaturity' card when evaluating our case). Maybe I worry too much. :crying: Has anyone ever heard of USCIS causing problems for people who are younger simply because of age?
Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-07-17 02:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL Filers!!
We mailed our petition on March 28. Received NOA1 on April 09. No touches, no RFE. :help:
Would it do any good at all for me to call the Customer Service center about my case? Or will they just tell me it's 'pending' and send me on my way?

At the least- if they sent a RFE we would have gotten it long before now, right? Right?! :wacko:
Cassandra+YuibiFemaleJapan2007-07-14 12:23:00