K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresbringing all 3 kids at the same time (k2)

thank u penguin ...i just havent heard of any cases like ours.. :( still worried

I got visas for 3 of my children! My eldest decided to stay in England but she still had a visa. I do not think there is a limit, like others have said as long as you are good financially. Stop worrying and best wishes to you all :)
Nearly DoneFemale02010-02-20 12:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed a GOOD immigration attorney
Anyone know of a GOOD attorney. We have been totally screwed by the USCIS and their promises have all been false!

We need to find a lawyer - quickly - who will help us. My son's I-485 application has been denied and, although VSC told us they could work round that by issuing him a GC due to him being linked to my I-751 application.

Basically, they told me that since he was on my I-751 and he met all the necessary requirements to adjust, but three years later they still haven't adjudicated his case, they could get his card issued and sent out. Now today they tell me they can't. Washington DC have declined him, but we haven't received the Denial Notice yet - we heard via our senator's office.

Please, if any of you know of anyone that can help - let me know.
Girona40FemaleEngland2006-01-31 17:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNow we're screwed - I guess!

email me, I will send you the name of a lawyer who does work in this area, but she doesn't work for free.


Thanks, we now have a lawyer who is going to act for us. We never expected anything for free - in fact we have spent thousands of dollars on this case already - literally thousands!

I do appreciate your response though.

Girona40FemaleEngland2006-02-01 11:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNow we're screwed - I guess!
As most of you know, we have been through hell for the last three years, trying to get the USCIS to adjust my son to LPR status. They said that he may have "aged-out" back in May of 2003 and recently Vermont requested the file and said that they were going to sort it out for us, that he wasn't an "age-out" according to the regulations.

They had the file - called me and said that he could be linked somehow to my I-751 and they could issue him a Green Card that way. Then we heard that the Washington DC office had DECLINED his I-485 application, on the 17th January 2006. We only found out via a letter to our senator - have still not received the official Denial Notice and, I understand, we only have 30 days from the denial to appeal. How can we appeal, when we don't have the Notice and don't know under what section of the INA they are declining him - and time is fast running out. We have to find an attorney who will act for us - not as easy as it sounds, since very few attorneys know much about K-2's adjustment and the requirements. It is not as clear-cut as many seem to think. There is no statute that says they have to adjust by the age of 21, only that they enter prior to the age of 21, legally, and that the K-1 marries within the 90 days and that they are under 21 when the APPLY to adjust. He met all this criteria.

Anyway, Vermont told me it was a "good thing" that DC declined him, that is what they requested the District Office do, so that they could issue him a GC via the I-751 route. We were all totally confused about this, but trusted that they knew what they were doing.

Today I get home and there is a message on the ansafone saying "Washington DC have requested your (my) file, we will be issuing your LPR card (having removed the conditions) and will send the file to DC. "They need it to RESOLVE the I-485 issue, I guess." is all she really said.

Now, I have no idea what the hell is going on - I have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that this is not good. No feedback we have had from the DC office, regarding my son's situation, has been good!

If they don't get the file for a couple of weeks, at least, and the 30 days will have run out by then for the appeal - what are we supposed to do. Are we now sitting, waiting, for the knock on the door, or what?

I don't understand how DC can "resolve" the I-485 situation, if they have already denied him. What on earth are they playing at?

Anyone have any ideas, or know of a GOOD immigration attorney we may seek help from?

I am just really sick of it now - I can't tell you how desperate this has made us all feel and how unfairly we have been treated by the USCIS. They could just have issued a nunc-pro-tunc approval of this case - bearing in mind he followed all the rules and the problem all arose because they took so darn long to process his application.

He has an approved I-130, but there is an 8 year wait for immigrant visa availability - I don't know where he stands with that, as far as removal from the US is concerned.

Myself and my daughter have both been granted LPR here. Do they seriously think that we are going to stay without my son. This family has been through so much together, we are not about to have it scattered to the four corners of the earth now.

I thought we could get through this, but I can't see how any more and am rapidly losing faith. God, I just want to throw up!
Girona40FemaleEngland2006-01-31 16:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere can I find.............
Thanks Tracy for looking. I am not a registered user of that site and don't want to pay to join and then search and find they don't have the form listed.

She said it was on "their" website, but I have searched the site and also the bit that is specific to Vermont, but can't find it.
Girona40FemaleEngland2006-02-01 12:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere can I find.............

What are you transfering? Your I-129F? Your AOS?

My A file and my son's AOS file, to the office with jurisdiction over my son's case, since we moved house. It's complicated - I just need to know where I can find the "self-referral" form VSC were talking about. I should have asked her when I spoke to her a moment ago, but didn't think it would be difficult to locate. She said it was on their website, but I'm blowed if I can find it!
Girona40FemaleEngland2006-02-01 12:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere can I find.............
We have been told by VSC that there is a form on-line that we can file to request our A file be transferred to another District Office. Can't find it anywhere! Do any of you know where I can locate this request form?

Girona40FemaleEngland2006-02-01 11:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSad Update
I have just read through this thread and am horrified that it turned into a foul-mouthed brawl. What on earth is this SMC thinking - there is obviously something seriously wrong with them. It amazes me how people can hide behind a computer screen and blast obscenities (as they have done in other threads), but meet them in person and they are usually pathetic wimps!

The OP was informing everyone here of the possibilities for any of us. Yes, it is a chance we all take, leaving our homes in another country to come here to the US. There are no guarantees, just the hope that the relationships we have will last a lifetime. I was very saddened to read of Fiona's experience, but we should all be thankful for the reminder.

As far as the personal dig at Tracy is concerned, that was totally uncalled for. Where does it say, anywhere, on this board that people have to be in the middle of the immigration process. In fact, I think Tracy is probably the most sensible one here - she is doing her research so that when she and Chas are able to apply for their visa she will be so well informed of the possible pitfalls it will be a breeze for them. Personally, I have found Tracy very supportive, informative, helpful and I sincerely hope that I can return all the help she has given me and many others. Tracy, don't you dare let this person stop you from posting here - your valued help and encouragement here would be sorely missed and this person really isn't worth it.

I sincerely hope that SMC has been banned from this board. There is never an excuse for such behaviour, or language, but like I said, this person is probably a total wimp hiding behind a screen-name.

Good luck Fiona in whatever your life brings in the future and, from what you have already written, you are obviously a good person and would not have deserved a life with such a person - you deserve better and I truly believe that you will find that person and, although you have been through such a painful time, in the future you will be relieved that things turned out as they did.
Girona40FemaleEngland2006-02-18 23:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 VISA
Yes, you need to apply for Advanced Parole in order to be allowed to re-enter the US, prior to the completion of the Adjustment of Status process. At the moment, it often takes a couple of months to get AP, sometimes a little longer. You should be okay to get it in time for the second wedding.

What a wonderful idea getting married in both countries so that all family members can attend.

Good Luck!
Girona40FemaleEngland2006-02-24 23:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about K2
The child may travel with (accompany) the K-1 parent/fiancé(e) or travel later (follow-to-join) within one year from the date of issuance of the K-1 visa to his/her parent.

My understanding is that the "child" must ENTER the US within 1 year of the original K-1 being issued.

My son "followed to join" and his K-2 visa expired the day before the issuance of my K-1, one year later. i.e. Date of K-1 was 12 July 02, expiration of son's K-2 was 11 July 03.

Hope this helps.
Girona40FemaleEngland2006-03-01 17:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresteenagers
No, she doesn't have to go. If she really was adamant that she didn't want to leave she could not be forced to leave. The Courts would look at her age and at 15 she would be considered old enough to make her own decision as to where she lived. They would not forceably remove a child from the jurisdiction of the court without her agreement. It can be hard - we think of them as children, a long way after reaching 15, but there are certain circumstances where the courts don't.

If she is absolutely destraught at the thought of coming to the US, could she not stay with her 19 year old brother? Not sure what the circumstances are, because you didn't put much informatin in your post, but is that a possibility.

My daughter was happy about coming to the US, she as 13 at the time, but she was worried sick about leaving her friends behind and how they were going to remain friends with such a distance between them. I told her that they could come visit her here, that we would pay for that. She would be visiting the UK several times a year, since her twin brother stayed there with his Dad, so she could see them then. She has been lucky and managed to keep 75% of her friendships alive - some promised to keep in touch and just didn't return e-mails, letters, etc. But her true friends have been just that 'true friends". I think you have to explain that true friends are just that, no matter where you live.

I was wondering, though, whether she will be finished with her GCSE's by the time you bring her to the US. I found that was the worst thing for my daughter, the transition from the English style of education to the American style of education. It was sooooo hard for her to adjust, but she did fine in the end. In hindsight, I feel that I shouldn't have moved her until she had completed her GCSE's at home.
Girona40FemaleEngland2006-03-03 17:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHad not wanted to say anything
I can totally relate to the stress you are under. We have suffered nothing but stress since this whole immigration journey began. (see "My story" under my profile, if you have time to read it).

Recently, I got to my breaking point and had to seek help from my doctor. My family has been dealing with the USCIS for four years now and every day has been an uphill struggle for us.

Don't let yourself get into the state I am in. Take a deep breath and listen to the good advice people here are giving you. It is frustrating when nobody will talk to you. We have gone to our District Office and been told they won't talk to us because there was congressional involvement. We didn't know where else to turn for answers. It didn't help.

I do know how you feel, believe me, but don't make yourself ill over this. It will all sort itself out in the end.
Girona40FemaleEngland2006-03-23 20:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdo i need a agreement from father of my kid,when i want to shift to usa on k1 visa?

I think you will find that the US requires full permission for the child to be given a visa. Also, the country of origin usually needs confirmation from the other parent that there is no objection to "removing the child from the jurisdiction of the court". I don't know about Switzerland, but that is the case in the UK.

My daughter's father would not agree - just out of spite - he had not seen my daughter for 2 years and lived just down the street. He claimed it would "damage their relationship" if I brought her to the US!!

I had to go through a long court battle, which cost tens of thousands of dollars - thankfully I won! Naturally, he hasn't been in touch with my daughter in forever! Yeah, it really damaged their relationship.....not!

I don't know that I would wait for a reply to a letter, I would phone or fax the consulate. I have written letters in the past and never received a reply - you may be lucky, but it would be better not to waste any time just in case you do have problems.

Removal of Children You may find this helpful - particularly question 4.

Good Luck.

Girona40FemaleEngland2006-03-06 08:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdo i need a agreement from father of my kid,when i want to shift to usa on k1 visa?
I think you will find that the US requires full permission for the child to be given a visa. Also, the country of origin usually needs confirmation from the other parent that there is no objection to "removing the child from the jurisdiction of the court". I don't know about Switzerland, but that is the case in the UK.

My daughter's father would not agree - just out of spite - he had not seen my daughter for 2 years and lived just down the street. He claimed it would "damage their relationship" if I brought her to the US!!

I had to go through a long court battle, which cost tens of thousands of dollars - thankfully I won! Naturally, he hasn't been in touch with my daughter in forever! Yeah, it really damaged their relationship.....not!

I don't know that I would wait for a reply to a letter, I would phone or fax the consulate. I have written letters in the past and never received a reply - you may be lucky, but it would be better not to waste any time just in case you do have problems.

Good Luck.
Girona40FemaleEngland2006-03-06 08:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureschange status after married

how long it will take to adjust my status?

what AOS mean?
And how's that mean?

In my 1-94 it tells that i should leave the US on 19th of April but it says in fiance('e) visa which is expires on July 2006. So what it means?

If you entered on a fiance visa - you are required to marry the original petitioner within 90 days of entry to the US and then you have to file an I-485 with the USCIS (and pay the fee) to adjust your status to become a "Legal Permanent Resident" so that you can stay.
Girona40FemaleEngland2006-03-30 13:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAOS interview
You are meant to submit an AR-11 whenever you change address. You also have to phone the information line and tell them. Well, we filed several AR-11's before they actually got the information on our file! It seemed that they lost every one we sent in and the information line didn't update anything relating to our change of address either. Only by making an INFOPASS appointment and taking the AR-11 to the District Office and insisting that they make the necessary changes on the computer, while we stood there, did our address actually get changed!!

I would submit an AR-11 now and put the correct dates you moved etc. They probably won't even question it.

Edited by Girona40, 31 March 2006 - 10:59 AM.

Girona40FemaleEngland2006-03-31 10:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-2 visa for dependents ( philippines )

Has anyone brought over the dependent child later with the K-2 visa ?????

Does the child need to be present with the parent at the initial interview or can another interview be set up with the parent and the child ???? What am I asking is will the K-1 visa be issued at the first interview to the finace and then the K-2 issued another time for the child ???

Good luck to all

No, the child does not need to be present at the K-1's interview. They do need to be listed on the I-129F as a child of the K-1 though. They also need to be issued their K-2 and enter the US within one year of the K-1 applicant being issued their visa.

The "follow to join" child will have a totally seperate application, although based on the K-1 petition from which they derive status.

So, yes, the K-1 would be issued for the parent and the K-2 could be applied and received later, so long as it is within a year of the K-1 getting theirs.
Girona40FemaleEngland2006-04-06 19:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduressecond chance
Have to agree with the others - contact your congressman's office and ask if their Immigration Liaison official can find out the status of your case.
Girona40FemaleEngland2006-04-27 21:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures4 touches and nothing yet :(

I'm getting incredibly anxious. I have an obsession of checking the status of my petition every hour, especially since I'm with my fiance on vacation and he is at work. I have been touched for the last 4 days, May 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. Yet nothing. :crying: It would be so great to get approved today because today is your 11 months of being together. Come on Vermont!!!!! I'm going to start ripping my hair out soon. :wacko: ahh, venting is good.

Seeing as you filed in February and have had four "touches" recently, I would guess you will receive something very soon. But, a word of advice, you are going to have plenty of waiting during this journey and you don't want to make yourself a total wreck over it. Take a chill-pill and enjoy your holiday!
Girona40FemaleEngland2006-05-04 09:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk-2 question please
Euro was right in her first reply on this thread.

The K-2 exercising "follow to join" benefits, will have the visa in their passport (with all necessary annotations relating to the original K-1) and the brown envelope.
Girona40FemaleEngland2006-05-14 21:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 after a divorce

My fiance and I have been together for a year and a half now. However, the biggest thorn in our side has been the fact that I've had a long unfortunate drawn out divorce proceeding (talking years here) that will finally be over and done with by August. While I do want to be able to be with my fiance ASAP, I'm wondering if there are any huge pitfalls to filing the I-129F within a month or so once my proceedings become final. I also have 2 children, will that complicate matters or extend the timeline? (im the foreign fiancee, he's the USC)

Thanks to anyone who might have some insight on our situation.

Yeah. My insight on your situation smells fishy.

Comments like this are really helpful...............not!

I can't see that the time you have between your divorce and your filing of the I-129F would have any bearing on how they adjudicate your case. So long as you can prove that you have met in person, that you are both free to marry etc. there should be no problem.

There are several people on these boards that are awaiting divorces before they can proceed - you are not alone in that situation.

Good luck with everything!
Girona40FemaleEngland2006-06-08 18:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures45 and been divorced 3 times already....could this be a problem filing a 1-129F for my Fiance?
'eclowjpd' post
And you will probably be denied the visa. You are so off the point of the fellow original question.

I have no idea what thread you are reading, but the OP asked:-
"do u think this might have a negative impact on filing the 1-129f for my fiance"
The answer to that is "No" - it should have no negative impact at all, so long as you have the divorce decrees and haven't made a habit of filing I-129F's for a variety of fiance's".

I was married three times before I married my husband and have NEVER been asked anything as to the reasons why. It is not any Immigration Officer's business and you are not bound to answer such a question. He only needs to know that the divorces were legal.

I was granted my visa, my AOS and my naturalisation - not being asked once about my three divorces.

So my advice to the OP is not to worry about being divorced more than once - you will be fine.

[quote name='Girona40' post='245308' date='Jun 11 2006, 02:39 PM']
Rebecca, we may have to agree to disagree on this one.

This is my opinion of what the bottom line is here....

The man with the gold makes the rules.
The Federal Government makes the rules.

It doesn't matter if you feel outraged, humiliated, embarrassed or whatever. The CO is the one asking the questions and making the decision.
The CO can make his decision and it can be referred to his supervisor or appealed if you feel it was not based on material fact, but rather his personal opinion.

Their job description doesn't contain do's and don'ts for polite societal niceties and boundaries about the propriety of questions.
Yes it does. They are required to be courteous and have due regard for the rights of the person being interviewed. They are not to cause duress to an interviewee.

I'm sure some are more tactful than others. Some probably have better ways of getting the information they are seeking rather than ask a flat-out rude question.
If an interviewer asked a "flat-out" rude question - you would be quite within your rights to ask them to re-phrase that question.

But....they aren't paid to be nice. They're paid to be thorough. And that's the bottom-line cold hard fact.

They are required to be courteous, polite and it is not their job to determine the "viability" of any marriage only the validity.

Take a look at The Adjudicator's Field Manual on correct and acceptable interviewing procedures.
Finally!!!!!!!!! someone gets it! We are all humans here and should be treated with respect and not like a criminal. Really, my fiance was made to feel so low, so much so that he wasnt even able to talk about some of the things that were said to him. All because im older than he is, and divorced, and thats just not the "norm " in India. It had nothing to do with the "rules" but what this evil female interviewer thought about our relationship!

Good job!


Edited by Girona40, 11 June 2006 - 06:02 PM.

Girona40FemaleEngland2006-06-11 18:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures45 and been divorced 3 times already....could this be a problem filing a 1-129F for my Fiance?
Rebecca, we may have to agree to disagree on this one.

This is my opinion of what the bottom line is here....

The man with the gold makes the rules.
The Federal Government makes the rules.

It doesn't matter if you feel outraged, humiliated, embarrassed or whatever. The CO is the one asking the questions and making the decision.
The CO can make his decision and it can be referred to his supervisor or appealed if you feel it was not based on material fact, but rather his personal opinion.

Their job description doesn't contain do's and don'ts for polite societal niceties and boundaries about the propriety of questions.
Yes it does. They are required to be courteous and have due regard for the rights of the person being interviewed. They are not to cause duress to an interviewee.

I'm sure some are more tactful than others. Some probably have better ways of getting the information they are seeking rather than ask a flat-out rude question.
If an interviewer asked a "flat-out" rude question - you would be quite within your rights to ask them to re-phrase that question.

But....they aren't paid to be nice. They're paid to be thorough. And that's the bottom-line cold hard fact.

They are required to be courteous, polite and it is not their job to determine the "viability" of any marriage only the validity.

Take a look at The Adjudicator's Field Manual on correct and acceptable interviewing procedures.

Edited by Girona40, 11 June 2006 - 02:41 PM.

Girona40FemaleEngland2006-06-11 14:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures45 and been divorced 3 times already....could this be a problem filing a 1-129F for my Fiance?

I don't get the the purpose of a couple of these posts that seem more about venting than helping jamrok with his/her question.

The common thread of posters that gave actual advice seems to be - jamrok be prepared to explain your situation.

Good luck!

I disagree - I don't think you should have to "explain" the reasons for your past marriages ending at all. It is nobody's business but your own. However, if you have married an immigrant in the past and it ended in divorce then, yes, they may have the right to delve a little deeper. But, if you have copies of all the documents needed and you meet the criteria to marry your fiance then it is totally irrelevent and appealable if they deny you on personal opinion.

In the case of the person that was denied based on age and religious differences - I am sure they could not have put that on the denial notice. If they did then it would certainly have been appealable, since it is not a requirement of statute that you be any age or have any religious affiliation at all.

It is not up to a caseworker or IO to deny your petition based on personal opinion of whether your marriage will last, or whether you will make a good spouse.
Girona40FemaleEngland2006-06-10 20:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures45 and been divorced 3 times already....could this be a problem filing a 1-129F for my Fiance?
I too was married three times before my then fiance filed the I-129F. Firstly, I would like to say that I was never asked ANYTHING about my previous marriages - I had to supply copies of the final divorce decrees and that was it.

I was certainly not asked for addresses and phone numbers of ex-spouses and would not have been able to provide them if I had.

Don't worry about the past number of marriages. As long as you can prove they were dissolved that's all they need to know. People are not always married two/three/four times due to any fault of theirs. Your fiance should know about it, obviously, it is important that they know why your marriages came to an end, but it is nobody elses business as far as I am concerned.

Good luck with the process.
Girona40FemaleEngland2006-06-10 06:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAccused of rape
False Accusations

For those of you that believe women DO NOT make false accusations of sexual misconduct, or believe that women are not capable of lying about such things, perhaps a little light reading will help you realise that is not always the case.

I hope it all goes well, Nat, and that you and your fiance are very happy.
Girona40FemaleEngland2006-06-17 08:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-2's and AAO's decision on Adjustment
I have posted this in both the AOS and Fiance forums because this is a HUGE issue that will effect them if the have teenagers, or older, children that are coming with them or "following to join".

I haven't posted on here for some time due to a disagreement with one of the other posters. However, I feel that the news we received this morning is of paramount importance for anyone bringing their sons or daughters into the US on a K-2 visa.

The USCIS took ten months to adjudicate our son's case, by which time he turned 21. In some District Offices this takes even longer. The USCIS sent our case to the Administrative Appeals Office for a "certified" decision. This is a decision that will be applied to ALL K-2's that find themselves in our situation, across the entire USA.

Their decision agreed with the District Office and they too feel that my son was not eligible for AOS because he was over the age of 21 when they got round to adjudicating his case. Bearing in mind the time it takes for background checks to be completed, if anyone has a K-2 son or daughter applying for AOS when they are anywhere near to 21 years old, they will now be denied.

My son is now faced with deportation proceedings, after living here in the USA for three and a half years, having given up everything in the UK. He is effectively being told "Yes, you were entitled to come here, you were entitled to apply for AOS, but you were not entitled to adjust because we took so long processing your paperwork. You are now required to return to your country of origin, the place where you now have nothing!"

Sorry to be the bearer of this news, but this family is devestated and I still can't believe this has happened.
Girona40FemaleEngland2006-10-28 10:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshas anyone done the K2 for younger kids

I too left my children behind but they were 19, 21, 27 & 29. If they had been your childrens ages, there is no way I could of done it. I would of expected my fiance to move to me and if not, regardless of how much I loved my now husband, I would of abandoned the relationship. I miss my grandchildren enough as it is :(

Good luck to you.


Reading through this thread, I almost fell off my chair when I read the ages of your children! You don't look old enough to have a 19 year old, let alone a 29 year old! All I can say is "whatever you're on, I need to get me some!" lol
Girona40FemaleEngland2006-11-20 10:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk-2 for unborn child
"The child will not have any father" Is that physically possible?

A visa cannot be issued for the child until after it is born.
Girona40FemaleEngland2006-11-23 10:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk2 visa for child
Permission would be required from the non-cusodial parent if the child is under 18.

I had a Court Order allowing me to bring my daughter with me, because her father would not agree, but the Court sided with me seeing as he hadn't had any contact with her for years. I think, though, that others were lucky enough to simply have a letter, signed by the non-custodial parent, giving their permission. I would imagine that this would have to be notarised or the signature witnessed.

Good Luck!
Girona40FemaleEngland2006-12-02 08:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow much is this all going to cost us?

Totally depends on how your case proceeds. Ours hasn't gone smoothly at all and with attorney fees, flights, filing fees, repeated EAD applications, etc. we have spent close to the tune of $75,000!

The answer to your question "how much is this going to cost" is like asking "how long is a piece of string".

That's a lot of flights.

More like that's a lot of attorney.

And a big family. :)

Hi There Mo!

We have had to employ the services of two attorneys, to date. The first one set us back several thousand dollars and did NOTHING! Most of his fees were for "research". We are a little more understanding of the INA etc now and realise that a lot of his "research" was totally off! So, we got rid of him. The new attorney is relatively inexpensive, as attorneys go, but it is still a lot of money we could have done without spending. If only the USCIS did their job properly in the first place, we wouldn't have had to spend anywhere near what we have done.

Our family totals 4, but the costs we have incurred have been over 4.5 years, and continue to grow.
Girona40FemaleEngland2006-12-06 08:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow much is this all going to cost us?

Totally depends on how your case proceeds. Ours hasn't gone smoothly at all and with attorney fees, flights, filing fees, repeated EAD applications, etc. we have spent close to the tune of $75,000!

The answer to your question "how much is this going to cost" is like asking "how long is a piece of string".

That's a lot of flights.

Actually, I have only been home once in four years! My daughter has been home three times and my son can't even leave the country at the moment, for fear of not being allowed back in.

Most of our costs arose from attorney fees. Six EAD's between us, cost of travel to the District Office - 10 hour round trip, God knows how many times.

When you take into account the time we have all had to take off work and the loss of income, the figure would be much higher.
Girona40FemaleEngland2006-12-05 16:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow much is this all going to cost us?
Totally depends on how your case proceeds. Ours hasn't gone smoothly at all and with attorney fees, flights, filing fees, repeated EAD applications, etc. we have spent close to the tune of $75,000!

The answer to your question "how much is this going to cost" is like asking "how long is a piece of string".
Girona40FemaleEngland2006-12-05 16:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Fiancee arrived ill what about extensions?
The phrase "walking pneumonia" refers to a group of pneumonias that, even if untreated, would not confine someone to a hospital, or even to a bed. They can, however, make someone feel miserable with a severe cough, fever, chills, headache, and abdominal pain. Dr. Green's Website

I don't see how this would stop someone getting to a Courthouse is you were head-over-heels in love with someone. The ceremony only takes 15 minutes and I know that I could have been dying and I would have made it to marry my husband.

It sounds to me that you two are just not ready for marriage. Your "courtship" was rushed, IMO, and unless she is a very religious person, then I don't see why you are not sharing a bedroom if your intention is to marry within the requried 90 days.

You also have the boy to think of. If his mother isn't happy, for whatever reason, and she is missing home, she will be passing that feeling on to her son. It is not fair on him to drag him through this - it just doesn't sound like a particularly happy scenario, from what you have said.

I wouldn't marry any time soon - I just don't think either of you are ready. I would send her home, when she is well enough to travel, and if you two are really meant to be things will work out fine.

Good luck!
Girona40FemaleEngland2006-12-10 09:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmotional roller coaster
Congratulations! How special a Christmas gift is that?
Girona40FemaleEngland2006-12-22 13:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIt took 11 months, but WE GOT OUR VISA!!!!!!!!
Excellent News! Congratulations!
Girona40FemaleEngland2006-12-21 10:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAge Out
Aaaaaaaaah, if only it were that simple!

Read "my story" under my profile. The USCIS feel that a K-2 applicant has right to a visa right up to the day of their 21st birthday, they will let you into the US and they say, the very next day, you become ineligible to adjust status and they're going to deport you!

Edited by Girona40, 31 December 2006 - 05:55 PM.

Girona40FemaleEngland2006-12-31 17:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes my fiance have to use his K-1 when he comes?

Technically, he can come over to the States without *activating* his K-1. He has until the exipration date on the visa to activate it.

That's what I was told by my consulate. But it might be different for the UK.

This is not the case if you enter on a K-1. Once you enter, the Officer at the POE will see the K-1 in your passport and it is "used" the minute you enter the US. There is no way of delaying it's use, by claiming you are entering on the VWP or on any other kind of visa (if you can get one). Once you enter, if you have a K-1 visa in your passport, you are entering as a K-1 visa holder.
Girona40FemaleEngland2007-01-05 17:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes my fiance have to use his K-1 when he comes?
"he had to mess up so close"

Maybe I am reading more into this than there is, but I sense that you are blaming him for something. Get over to the UK and talk face to face, is what I would suggest. Marriage is hard enough without starting out on the wrong foot. Get whatever it is "cleared up" before you go any further. Life is far too precious to feel you have to commit, by marriage, to someone just because the immigration process dictates the timeframe.

Hope everything works out for you both.

Girona40FemaleEngland2007-01-05 17:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFlight to the US

I agree it is definately cheaper to buy a return ticket and just not use it. You can call the airline after he arrives and tell them that he will not be on the flight going back

Ditto. Seems silly, but for some reason a return flight is usually cheaper.
Girona40FemaleEngland2007-01-11 00:21:00