Africa: Sub-SaharanK1 visa
QUOTE (TandK @ Jan 27 2009, 04:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi i need information on how to obtain a birth certificate. i recently got my approval and awaitin my packets 3&4. i dont want to get a sworn affidavit , i would like to knw if its possible for me to get a birth certificate here in lagos instead of an affidavit...Thanx

Hi,am also tryig to find out how to get a birth certificate too,not the oluwale stuff that they normally do in lagos.
If in case you have a brake through let me know,these are problems that are caused by our parents by not keepig records.
Wish you all the best.
edmondsonMaleNigeria2009-01-28 02:52:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanK1 visa
Hi every one,i am to begin the process of k1 visa soon my fiance is American and we have been together for 21/2yrs now and we are to begin this journey soo.She has been living with me here in Nigeria for 8months and we had already got engaged some time soon she will be going back to the US to file for me,My question is this_Am currently self emplpyed and have no proof that i am working to make a living,Do i need a proof of my occupation or
does it not matter?secondly my birth certificate has been missing for almost 10yrs now and what are the possibilities of a sworn affidavite,i would like a sincere person who has gone through the same process to give me a clue on how to go about things.
edmondsonMaleNigeria2009-01-26 11:40:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHotels or Rentals in and around Lagos - ideas?
QUOTE (Afrilaskan Queen @ Feb 10 2009, 08:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi All,

Am looking for information on an inexpensive and yet safe hotel, flat, or apartment, in and around Lagos. Where do you suggest looking? The Sheraton was $400 a night, that seems outrageous! Any info would be most appreciated!

Thanks unsure.gif

There are nice hotels in festac town in lagos with security,it all depends on what your plans are but in festac there are so many nice and cheap hotels.
I normally stay at the rock view hotel which cost 14thousand naira a night closely 100 dollars.i don"t stay in lagos so as to tell you more but that was a hotel that i was recomended to by some one to lodge in when my fiance visited from the states and there where many forigners that where lodging there too.
Make sure that you have means of transportation and dont go to hotels near to the airport,and make sure that you have in your company some body who knows lagos too well.forget also staying out late,am sure that you will find your trip very very intresting.Abuja is cool and nice,if your trip gets you any near to Abuja you can always count on being welcomed.
edmondsonMaleNigeria2009-02-11 03:39:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMarried to a Nigerian and still together?
QUOTE (Perseverance @ Feb 6 2009, 11:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (idocare @ Feb 5 2009, 11:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I hope you all read NigerLA post. I got two very important points out of it.
1) They are BOTH Professionals
2) They dated a while before becoming engaged; then waited another year to marry.

They didn't do the internet rush me into America thing.

It's always refreshing to hear of successful interminglings. Thanks for sharing. Over the years what I'm finding is that Aliens usually marry twice if not more. They marry the one that they scammed to get here; then they set out to either marry/ re-marry there
real pick.

Even some from other countries won't look in their own country for love for the fear of being scammed by their own. In any thought; we all just need to really get to know the person and their friends.

I hope to read more from people that Married years ago and are still together with their husband/wife.
I don't think any has posted, I could be wrong; I didn't read this entire thread.

We are here you dont have to look far. The reason you dont find many people posting is because people move on from VJ after thier SOs get here. However sometimes they come back for a quick shout out and to share some good news. There are plenty of couples with Nigerian roots that are still together. Conduct a member search for those whos SOs come from Nigeria and do the research you can find them, they are there, read thier stories. A few I can think of are Sweetee, WHAT DA??, felshen, MollyandStephen, alyce, and Boaz. Dont let the lack of response fool you. There are other couples around, just because they dont remain on VJ does not mean that they dont keep in touch with other members wink.gif

My husband and I have been together since 2004 and in no way rushed to get married. Our second anniversary is 2\16\09. I know there are plenty of others who have just passed or are also coming up on thier 2 year anniversary.

The truth is no one knows the real and truthful intimate details of relationships except the 2 who are in it. People can guess and speculate all they want but the reality is no one else will know the true details, only the 2 who are participating in the relationship. The bottom line is a healthy happy relationship does not just happen on its own, it takes work and nurturing and growth from both parties, no matter where either one of them are from.

This thread is getting redundant. Babynursetobe, I think that you have plenty of information here to make an adult decision about your relationship.

rose.gif P
I strongly agree with your points,the fact is that most people who come to vj some times are being scared away with some of the negative attackes that are being melted out by few vj members.
I think that this should be a forum that will uplift each one of us rather than tearing down,in life we can not be sure of every thing and if we have the ability to see the future then there will never be a problem in the world,as a nigerian i kind of understand the pains and stress that some vj members had gone through being dumped by thier partner once they arrive or once they get there green card.
I my self have been engaged with my fiance for 2 year+.and it has not been an easy ride it has been an avenue to knowing each other b4 we commit our selves to marriage,she is currently living with me in Nigeria and we are very happy together although am the only one working to provide except for the few times that her parents do send her money.We are taking it slow but steady,i don"t know what our relationship will be like if eventually we move to America,why am saying this is because she has seen this part of me but i have not seen the other side of her{America}.
We are determined to to work together for the benefit of us,bearing in mind that we only have ourselves to lose.I urge those in pain to try to move on there are better times ahead,dwelling on the past does not help the future,not that we have to ignore the past but it should be a guide to the future.

edmondsonMaleNigeria2009-02-07 02:15:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMarried to a Nigerian and still together?
QUOTE (NigerLA @ Feb 4 2009, 12:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Idocare thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences with everyone. Although, I rarely post in this forum, I love stopping by to read the comments.

Right now marriage statistics in the U.S say that one in every two marriages ends in divorce. So regardless of what nationality your spouse is from, those odds speak tell the story. Whether you are married to a Nigerian, American, Canadian or anyone else relationships are always built on trust.

As a Nigerian man, it breaks my heart to read about the acts of my fellow Nigerians. However, not all men act the same way or with similar intentions. “Love conquers all” and I would strongly suggest that you get to know your spouses or fiancé and his or her family very well before marriage. I wish I could list tell tale signs of fraud or other signs to tip you off, but I don’t know any.

The only advice I can give anyone here is getting your spouse connected to people outside the typical Nigerian network. My dad always says “Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are.” Which might be your most difficult task will help insulate him from bad advice from his so called friends.

Not to say my marriage is perfect, but I cannot imagine under any circumstance leaving my wife. My wife has not worked in over a year because she was studying for the bar examination here in New York. It has not been easy, but The Lord blessed me with a great job and I have been able to support her and encourage her throughout the process and passed the NYS bar exam in November. I have not pressured her to find a job, because in God’s time all these things work out. I still do the laundry, clean the house and do everything else without being told because that is what love does.

My wife has met several of my Nigerian friends, (I don’t have many) and they are all married to Americans. With beautiful kids and have great relationships with their in-laws. Not one of them is divorced and they are all successful professionals in their respective fields. I think taking time to know the person and individual before making these decisions is the most important thing. It took me sixteen months to propose to my wife and another year before the wedding. We both wanted to make sure that this person was the one, because you really only get one chance to get this right regardless of the person’s nationality.

I love this forum and please keep sharing your thoughts. God bless.

Preach it Bro,we as Nigerian's have been seen as the most corrupt nation on earth due to the behavior of few,but i am very delighted to read your sound and encouraging views of the reality.Keep up the good work and let those who want to continue to see the few bad ones continue to do so.
edmondsonMaleNigeria2009-02-05 08:06:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMarried to a Nigerian and still together?
QUOTE (babynursetobe @ Dec 28 2008, 04:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (boo boo @ Dec 28 2008, 03:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello babynursetobe,
I wish you the best of luck on your journey and you have come to the right place. There are alot of threads in this forum that could probably answer all of your questions and concerns about USC/Nigerian SO. If you have anyother questions, please let us know and I am positive that everyone would give you some good feedback.
My husband and I have been married for 2 yrs and our K1 visa was a very short journey, but my hubby had his interview in The Netherlands because he was going to school there, so I could not give you alot of info regarding having an interview in Lagos.
When my hubby arrived in the States...there were many cultural differences and to this day there is stilll some differences. For example, my husband had his 3 school backpacks next to his night stand (near bathroom door) and I was getting tired of seeing them and moving I put them in our closet for now, since we are on winterbreak. When he got home, he noticed the backpacks in the closet...and questioned me about it. He told me that in Nigeria a husband could "fire" his wife for moving his stuff. Is this true? I really do not know and did not want to make it a huge deal, so i said "Sweetheart, I was just trying to clean up alittle and since school is out right now, I thought you would not mind." He was understanding and did not say anything after that. I avoid conflicts at any expense and I respect what he thinks and feels...and he reciprocates from that.

Thanks for the reply. I am learning that I have to sacrifice alot being married to Ademola. Avoiding conflicts seems to be a common thing that one must do. The whole reason for the post is really just to learn as much as I can about what to expect. Things are wonderful between us when we are together, but then sometimes the seperation basically sucks and causes conflicts. I've just heard soooo many bad things about Nigeria and I want/need to hear some good things.

Am happy as Nigerian hearing you say good things about nigerians but the topic is quite disturbing,but i will advice you to hold your man tight and support him am sure he will give you the best of him self.i am currently with my fiance now for two and half years now and at first it was difficult but much easier now cause we have know and understood what make us happy and what makes us sad,keep loving your man and he will fullfil your heart desires.
For those that are lossing there man is a result of selfish intrest,thinking that they can go to a shop and buy a man,forgeting that when he realizes that he was bought with a price and been treated like a bought product he will get up and leave.
edmondsonMaleNigeria2009-01-26 12:06:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMarried to a Nigerian and still together?
QUOTE (totes @ Jan 15 2009, 09:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I see both sides.... I'm married to an amazing Nigerian man but I also have/am an advocate for women who have been scammed and have much experience with women who have been scammed and also with the scammer's themselves.

I've been married just a short time, 6 weeks to be exact but.... I knew my husband through and through before I embarked on this journey.

To the OP.... my husband is adjusting very well... the biggest problem thus far is the cold, lol. We live in Arkansas so it can get pretty cold, I think 15 is our temp tonight. Food, he loves everything American except for Pizza, lol. I don't get that! That's unAmerican! He's moving from Nigerian time (a snails pace) to our time (woooohooooo!). Reading everything he can and studying the driver's manual and checking into night classes with his time until EAD. He's anxious to go to work... it's not easy for these men! They are proud and as someone said.... the head of household so they want and NEED to provide for their family!

My advice to the OP is be supportive.... he has or will be leaving his family, friends and everything he knows.. if you think that's not difficult, give it a try... I sure have. He has/will have a language barrier, culture shock and will be totally dependent on you for support and guidance until he learns his way. At the same time... be real. You knew what you were getting into when you married him. It comes with some risks, no doubt but.... you obviously loved/love him enough to marry him and go thru this BS process so.... give it 200%. IF he's not in it for the right reasons, that's his cross to bare, not yours! Enjoy your happiness and love your husband!

Sure there are many men and women in and from third world countries who are looking to get out but..... to those who are in doubt.... I say.... follow your gut even if you don't want to!

Hi, am new to this forum and have been going through topics raised about nigerians and found your posting to be very very true.Am currently engaged,soory i must have to wish you all the best in your trip towards marriage.
My better half is American and we have been together for 2,1/2 years now,but the fact is that i never wanted to come to america at our first meeting due to the fact that she thought that i was a gold digger,but i love her so much that at a point we started talking about settling down together at a place.At the moment she has been living with me her in Nigeria going to 7 months and we are planning to file for the k 1 visa.but am scared of having to leave my entire life her in nigeria forAmerica and at the same time her carer is important too.
Some women feel that they can go to Africa on a shoping spree for men ,but at the end they get what they deserve by those men coming to America and dithching them.So in all we do lets make sure that we satisfy our consience and we will not regret any thing.

edmondsonMaleNigeria2009-01-22 03:26:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanK1 visa interview investigation
Hi every one,i have posted this topic on the general forum but felt like i will get a definite answer from this forum.My question is this on a k1 process,are there times when investigations are conducted on the the beneficiary or not or is it a normall process for a k1 applicants?I am a bit confused about the whole thing,your kindly input will be gladly welcomed.
edmondsonMaleNigeria2010-07-24 14:26:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNOA2 hard copy.
Hi every one,our case has been sent to lagos now and it has been almost a month.We have not recived the NOA2 yet in the mail yet,but we have our case number that was given to us at the NVC.What next do we do about the NOA2, its almost a month,do we still wait or call NVC?
edmondsonMaleNigeria2010-08-01 05:46:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWhat to do about the Medical test?

All your test and vaccinations will be carried out at kamorass clinic, you will have to wait for them to email you packet 3 before going to kamorras because your name have to be on their system, your package might be at the consulate but it has not been entered into the system yet hence their silence when you emailed them, i think they might have a backlog of visas to process since this is the summer period and some of their workers could be on vacation now. so be patient you will get a response from them and you can now go for your medical and vaccinations. Hope this works out for you.

So they will Email not posting the packets right?I had thought that the packets will be mailed to me.Thanks for the contribution!
edmondsonMaleNigeria2010-07-30 14:45:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWhat to do about the Medical test?

you need to wait for the embassy to get back to you.
at kamorass hospital there will you be taken the will have to be there early before for the x-ray and your blood sample for test the following day you will return to get your result and you will get the vaccination .

Does it mean that the kimoras clinc will be informed by the embassy that i will be coming for the test?
edmondsonMaleNigeria2010-07-30 14:42:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWhat to do about the Medical test?

You do not have to wait for the embassy to email you the packet. Download the packet at


The embassy only accepts the medical results of the Kamorass clinic.

Sorry am getting a bit scared with some of the answers am getting here,should i go ahead with the test @ kimoras with out the embassy's consent @ kimoras or should i wait till they give me a go ahead order to do so?Thanks
edmondsonMaleNigeria2010-07-30 14:40:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWhat to do about the Medical test?
Hi every one,for those who have gone through Lagos Nigeria,is it the test you do @ the kimoras clinic thatre are required for the K1 visa or are you required to do vacinations too,if yes what are the vacination types or places you can get the shots done? Secondly my packets are still @ the embassey now for almost a month now and i have Emailed them so many times but have not gotten any concrete answer just the automated reply each time i mail them.Do i wait for them to send me the package at home or should i go ahead and download the forms and get started with it?Thanks for any reasonable contribution.
edmondsonMaleNigeria2010-07-30 11:51:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPolice & Medical test

you need to go with your interview letter to komarass specilist and be there early in the morning,no need to book an appointment its walk-in,then for the police character you can only do it at alagbon close in ikoyi not ikeja.once you get to alagbon just ask for the forensic section.
good luck

Thaks for your quick response but,the forms are they to be filled in by me or will it be done when i get there @ komarass and @ alagbon as you said?
edmondsonMaleNigeria2010-08-02 14:53:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPolice & Medical test
Hi everyone out there,got my interview date but would love to get more info about police report and medical test.After downloading the forms do you have to write or fill any part or you just take them like that blank to kimoras and the police head quarters in Ikeja,Hoping to get some good answers soon.Thanks everyone.
edmondsonMaleNigeria2010-08-02 12:32:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanDoes Nigerian Embassy allow co sponsor for k1 yisa?????
I was reading some where in VJ about denial of a K1 visa due to the fact that the applicant could not meet up with his pay stub and got his father to co sponsor him and his application was denied,does that aply to Nigeria also?????
edmondsonMaleNigeria2010-08-12 15:25:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanlagos i-129 approvals

It used to be the embassy handed out one packet (3) early on and then when the person returned it they got another one (4) now days they bundle it all into the download and you get it that way *Nigeria never really had a packet 4 I think it was one sheet.

Hi,i finally got my interview date sent to my Email box some time last week and i am currently in lagos for the police certificate and the medicals,but i did get the police certificate which states that it expires in 3 months,when i told them that my interview will be after 3 months they said that i should not worry that they do accept the police certificate that way at the embassy,so am bit scared if i should go back some time and get a new one that will be valid within my interview period.
edmondsonMaleNigeria2010-08-07 05:41:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanlagos i-129 approvals

a few posts up there is a post I made with a link to the packet 3-4 forms

Should i then go ahead with the medicals and police report without the packet 3&4,thats all i wanted to find out since i've gotten my NOA2? Thanks for the help!
edmondsonMaleNigeria2010-07-07 02:12:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanlagos i-129 approvals

Edmonson, you can download the packet from their website at http://nigeria.usemb...visa_forms.html and also directly from the link that NigeriaorBust gave in her reply. Hope that helps.

Cece,plz what i am trying to find out is,should i download the forms and begin the medicals and the police certificate right away without waiting for the packets.Thanks for the response!
edmondsonMaleNigeria2010-07-07 02:07:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanlagos i-129 approvals

Hi Amaka, I got my NOA2 in June too :dance: . My fiance is waiting for the interview letter as well. In the meantime, just like NigeriaorBust said, he is getting his police report and medical report together.

From what I've seen, the interview dates are already in October at this time.


Hi Ce ce,I got my NOA2 last week and right now it is at the NVC,how do i go about the medicals & without packet 3&4?Love to get some insight plz.
edmondsonMaleNigeria2010-07-06 11:29:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanOk so how should we do this?

If I were you I would wait the police certificate is only valid for 3months so why go early and have to go back later anyway...Just a thought good luck :thumbs:

The police report is good for one year,i went earlier to do mine and i found out that on the police report it says that it is good for three months and my interview date is after the expiration so i Emailed the lagos embassy and they said i don't need to get a new one that the one i have is good for one year.
edmondsonMaleNigeria2010-10-06 17:19:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanBirth Certificate

@memecas73: Thank you for your response.

@edmondson: He mentioned something about court, but once he does that will this national population commission certify his birth certificate? Or does the court do that and the commission just records it? :blink:

Thank you both for your help. I will mention all of this to him, and he can check into it.

The point is that he must have to go to a FEDRAL court any where he is and swear the affidavit,he can get that done within 5 minutes,he can sign on behalf of his mother they don't actually care who signs or not just do the affidavit from the court and they will stamp and sign it,then ou will then take it to the national population comission and they will issue you the birth certificate.He should also take with him two passport photographs.I hope that helps.
edmondsonMaleNigeria2010-11-05 10:43:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanBirth Certificate

Hi all,

My first question for the NVC stage :blink:

Does anyone know where in Lagos, Nigeria my SO would get an original or certified original birth certificate???? He mentioned something about court? He was born in Edo State, so could he get one in Lagos or does he have to contact officials where he was born?

Thanks again in advance!

He just needs to go and swear an affidavit at any FEDRAL high court,and then take it to the national population commision in the state or area that he lives,they will issue him one.I hope this helps?
edmondsonMaleNigeria2010-11-04 23:28:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanLagos Interview Question

I was wondering if anybody has an idea of what kind of question they
will ask my mum in Lagos? Her interview is next month.

There is not much question for her just who filed,when he or she got married,when did he or she travell and how many kids he or she has,where he or she lives and what work does he or she do.They are really kind to old folks and won't deny them,if they can't speak English they will provide an interpreter to help translate.Hope this helps.
edmondsonMaleNigeria2010-12-10 12:20:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanK1 visa interview investigation
Do the embassey go to intending immigrants homes to do an investigation or not.I will like to know if there is any sort of home visits for K1 visa.thaks
edmondsonMaleNigeria2010-07-24 11:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK1

I was quoting a well respected Immigration Lawyer.

He charged a set fee, but not for Lagos.

Now i got a picture of what you are trying to say,sorry for my use of words.Hope we all get to the end of our journey meeting our loved ones without the embassy sitting as umpires in our journey.
edmondsonMaleNigeria2010-08-13 04:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK1

When it comes to fraud, there is low-medium-high-Lagos.

Are you out of your mind refering to Lagos? If you are not qualified to be issued a visa then thats it,it happens @ every embassy around the world.Try and change that idea of Lagos PLEASE!
edmondsonMaleNigeria2010-08-12 14:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMedical and police certificate in Lagos

Goodmorning everyone. I have a quick question for all nigerian VJ members.
Does anyone know how long the medical and police cerificate is valid for?
My sweetheart is planning to go for hers 3 months before the scheduled interview.
Any contribution from members will be highly appreciated.



The police report is good for three month and the medicals are good for one year,hope that helps.Just did mine and the wrote on it that it was only good for three months.
edmondsonMaleNigeria2010-08-12 08:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPOLICE REPORT-NIGERIAN CONSOLATE

Dont really have the answer to your question but please keep in mind that the police check is only valid for 3months so you might want to wait a little closer to the interview date to get that......Good Luck

I got my police report which expires 10 days before my interview and i mailed the lagos embassy asking them and they said it is good for one year.
edmondsonMaleNigeria2010-09-25 15:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAnother Asian Lady 221g

My financee just walked out of the Lagos embassy with disappointment written all over her face and told me she was interviewed by the Asian Lady. According to her, everything went fine and all questions answered until it got to the phone records. She produced all phone records I sent to her but the lady said that was nigerian phone records. This is not true because I have been using pingo and printed every record out showing my us numbers and destination numbers , time and the amount. Obviously she didn't take time to look at it but concluded it was nigerian phone records.

At this point what are my options?
1. I don't understand the administrative processing part of it. Is this the way they structure all 221g or is there soomething that is going on?
2. Do I send email to the embassy and explain that it was an oversight because she had more than 100 pages of pingo records. I can even give them my pingo accout information where they can log in and see that it really was a US phone records.
3. Do I go straight to my senator and register my disatisfaction and log into pingo and let them see that it was judgemental error?

Please I would appreciate if anyone has any suggestion. She had everything they are asking for now.

Below is the notice of the 221g she was given.
Name: -LGSxxxxx

Dear Visa Applicant

This office regrets to inform you that it is unable to issue a visa to you because you have been found ineligible
under section 221(g) of the law, which indicates that you have not provided sufficient documentation.


You may return at 1:00PM on the day that you are re-invited after the administrative processing is complete. When you return, please bring the following:

1. Your case requires additional administrative processing. We will notify you by e-mail or phone
as soon as th administrative processing is complete. Please do not return until we have contacted
you. If you have not heard from us within 60 days of your original interview date, please snd an
email to and request an update.
2. Proof of correspondence through the relationship. This can include letters, emails and US phone
records for the past 12 months, with all calls between the petitioner and the applicant highlighted,
including all calls made with calling cards. provide all available calling cards as well


Sorry for the denial by the Asian devil,i was at the embassy today for my interview which i was approved and saw the Asian devil when i was waiting for securty checks and started praying that i will not be on her counter and God answered my prayers.She never gave visa to any one today even those for diversity visa they were all denied and she has the loudest voice of all the CO's in the hall.I had a free ride at the interview showing that God answers prayers.Tons of mails and yahoo chat were not looked at just pictures and 4 questions and that was all,not even up to 3 minutes and i was aproved,thanks be to God. sincerely
American Consular Officer

edmondsonMaleNigeria2010-11-19 11:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to get my Fiance's belongings to America cheaply

For what it is worth Pushbrk is very experienced VJ member. While each couple's experience is different Lagos is considered the toughest (highest fraud) US consulate and the "tales of woe" regarding the K1 process there are plentiful. He is reflecting the aggregated VJ experience.

Regarding the shipping, slow boat style will be the most affordable, typically taking several weeks. The items in the travel luggage will need to last for a couple of months. Best bet is to pack 3 or 4 favorite pairs of shoes and ship the rest to save the weight.

Do some searching here on VJ and you can find multiple duscussions about shipping services.

Best of luck.

Pushbrk is not an immigration expert so does his views,he should get to treat the reason why the post was made rather than make comments that are not true.Go to consulate reviews for Lagos and see if any one has been denied for such reasons.Never ever!!!!
edmondsonMaleNigeria2010-08-09 17:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to get my Fiance's belongings to America cheaply

Expecting to obtain a fiance visa through Lagos without being there at least once during the process or at interview time is generally unrealistic. I would travel there with only a carry-on bag and then buy two additional suitcases to help bring his things to the USA when you travel together or separately. Otherwise, he should inquiry locally about economical and reliable overseas "shipping".

I think you need to read her story before writting your views about Lagos,she is here asking for how to help her hubby to be bring his things to America,and mind you that your perseption of her being there before or during the interview is very wrong,plz go to consulate reviews for Nigeria and read more.Hope this clears your curiosity!
edmondsonMaleNigeria2010-08-09 17:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFIANCEE DENIED K-1 IN LAGOS, NIGERIA

Sorry to hear that.

I disagree with JimVaPhuong. You were prepared but someone bailed out on you. Find someone you can trust and rely on to be your co-sponsor such as a family member. Honestly, I sent about 20 pics to my fiance, but it gas a variety of pics (ei. with family, friends, just the two of us). Hope it doesn't effect our decision. Do you have anymore pics to present? What form were you given? Looks like you are given a second chance. Wish you the best.

I wish to add this before you make some mistakes about Lagos,i had my interview on the 19th of november and was approved but my approval was easier because my fiance had loaded her petition with too much of facts and i too had been compailing lots of mails,photos,recipts,any thing you can imagine of that ties the both of together plus our families.It realy paid of because at the security check they had to check my bag twice because it was well loaded with evidence and they were laughing and i told them it was today or never.Most people that were denied were mostly people that were not prepared thinking that as long as they were filed by a US citizen that it was enough but i can remember one came with his husband"s American passport and was denied because she does not have call logs or mails showing means of communication,most were denied due to they were not prepared and i wished that they have found this site VJ.Thank GOD that my interview went so well did not even last up 3minutes.So my advice is to tell your person to start getting ready from now and you will have every thing ready and go through every thing on a daily basis and make sure dates of events are stuck on his or her brain because they might want to get you confused about dates of events.Good luck to your journey.
edmondsonMaleNigeria2010-11-21 04:02:00