IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD

Tara I am sorry to hear about this tough time u r facing , but this time will be over soon . and most of CR1 applicants from pakistan get their visas after the AP , that khalidandfatima's case is rare one.

INSHALLAH ur husband will get his visa soon and u both will be together and happy forever

U r in my Prayers
best of luck

yes.. but our case is a K3, not a CR1. thats what worries me.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2010-01-05 17:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
Congrats Feisal Bhai. I am glad for you that you are finally out of such a long long AP. We are still waiting now. We have passed the 2.5 month mark. If you count business/work weeks. Zaheer is getting nervous, as am I. Just nervous because as the due date draws nearer and nearer we are afraid what will happen. I don't want to have surgery all alone. I don't want to be sitting, alone in the hospital with my little baby without her daddy. We contacted the Embassy... they said AP. We contacted DOS and they said AP. We have the Congressman's office working on a case for us, and they said they have been waiting to hear back form Islamabad and have received no reply regarding our case. We have asked every question possible as to whether this or that could be holding up our case, and they always tell us that everything seems fine with our case and that it is just "internal" processing. Our K3 visa had a validity date on it of Aug 28th-Dec 28th. Well, its passed that now.. so what happens? We submitted the forms about 2.5 weeks ago to continue on the course with the I-130 (just in case). And haven't received anything back from them yet. Both Islamabad embassy and Dept of State have been telling us that they have had their computers down off and on for the last few days. So, I dunno if that will affect any case processing. I just can't figure out what is taking so long. Oh well... I guess this is just our luck. The congressman's office has a cse worker on our case and she said just to figure it this way, if there was going to be a reason for them to deny you, they would have found it by now. the fact that it is taking so long is a good sign. But then I told her about Khalidnfatima's case how they got sent back to USCIS after 5 months of AP without any word or anything. And I said "What if they make a mistake on our case like that?" and she said "But that RARELY happens". Still doesn't make me feel much better. It happened to Khalidnfatima. Anyhow. For those of you who have gotten visas... please just keep us posted. I am so glad for you guys and please please pray for us. I need my husband here for me during this time. My ex still isn't letting me see my daughter either. I have been back in my home city for 2-3 weeks now, and he hasn't let me see her, talk to her, or give her a birthday gift. She just turned 3 and I havent seen her in over a year. I called the court to ask what I can do if he wont let me have my visitation like he is supposed to, and they said to file a contempt of court form. Its so hard not to have my husband or my daughter here with me. My dad got laid off from his job so he spends all his time glued to the stock market websites and my mom is busy working. So..... I'm just sitting all alone here. Please wish us luck. Take care all of you.
Allah Hafiz.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2010-01-05 16:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
Wow Feisal Bhai. That's great Mash'Allah if it is true. I am praying for your case that it is true. I bet just hearing it at least gives you a little relief.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-12-30 10:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
Yeah, thats true. It is overly expensive depending on where you are calling from. Especially when they never answer right away. The last time Zaheer called, the girl was having computer problems and it took her forever to be able to say she couldnt pull up his file because of the computer problem. So he told her that he was willing to wait, but it would be next to impossible for him to try to call back since he was calling from work. So finally she just said that the case was still in AP. Bankermai's story gives us all hope, I'm sure. We all want to hear that we are in AP only to get our good news while least expecting it. Insha'Allah, they will start speeding up the process toward the new year. Good luck to you all and I will keep praying for you all as well. Take care. Happy New Year . Allah Hafiz
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-12-27 22:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
Ok.. replies replies. Anyhow. First off... we call the Embassy around 12:30p Pakistani Time Monday-Friday. That is about 2:30a EST USA. It is usually not too difficult to get through as long as you are persistent and patient enough to keep hearing "That number is busy, please try again later".
As far as being in USA goes, I am back in USA. I returned home last saturday, but got hung up in New York because of the snow storm and couldn't leave until Tuesday. No flights, barely any hotels... my dad was able to book me a hotel last minute so i at least had a place to stay while waiting for my rebooked flight. So now I am back in FL waiting for Zaheer.

Also, on the topic of visitor visa while he is in AP... we know people who have been approved for them based on emergent situations and other reasonings. Also, if he gives them a specific time limit that he intends to be there, it shouldn't be a problem. Dont forget, our visa IS a Non-Immigrant visa. Its a K3. So, a visitor visa should end up the same way. If his visa gets issued, he should be able to adjust status since all the paperwork is finished. I know plenty of people who entered on Business and student and visitor visas who got married and adjusted status in USA without having to return to their home country. Worst case scenario, he would have to return for any reason, then come right back. But his interview is finished, they returned all our original papers, we just have to wait for the call for the passport. So... anything is worth a try. I am not giving up any hope. We continued on with the CR-1 as well. See if he gets called about that one first... so we will have K3, CR1, and Visitor Visa all in play at once. Insha'Allah, something will bring him home for our baby's birth. Specifically, I dont wanna go through with another C-Sec without him being there. Major surgery without my husband by my side? No thanks.
Pray for us, people. Allah Hafiz.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-12-26 16:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
We are still waiting too. Always get the same answer from Embassy. We are considering applying for a visitor visa for Zaheer just to try to let him be here at least in time for the birth. What do you guys think?
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-12-25 06:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
Congrats HumTum. We are still waiting for Zaheer's too. We had our interview in Nov 2nd. It has been almost 8 work weeks since then. I know it is not much, but I am trying to keep my hopes up. I will leave for USA on saturday. it is very hard for me to leave my husband behind after being with him for almost 1.5 yrs here in Pakistan. But, I am worried about not being able to fly and any pregnancy complications that might arise. So, I am going to go home and finish all my medical paperwork and try to get our life started before Zaheer comes. I wish you all the best and hope that you all hear some good news soon as well. Insha'Allah.
Allah Hafiz.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-12-16 04:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
QUOTE (Hopeful786 @ Dec 12 2009, 09:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ZaheersShezadi @ Dec 12 2009, 08:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Hopeful786 @ Dec 10 2009, 09:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Zaheer, did you speak to them in English? ... I want to call Islamabad but I don't know urdu lol ... and I feel like I won't get any information if I don't know how to speak urdu. And that is really good that it is in the final stages!... my fiance's case got transferred to the non immigrant visa unit a month ago (actually im assuming), because they (non immigrant visa unit) had emailed me asking for information and then they said American express will contact you when the process is complete.

I have to say, K visas are pretty complicated and I think that is why it takes longer than CR-1 cases.

Yes, they speak english. I usually call right after they open in the morning/noon time. They open at 12:30p Pakistani time. So if you are in USA on east coast, it would be about 2:30am. But you can call around 5am too and still get to talk to someone. I call the 01192512082700 number and press 1 (for english), 2 for Immigrant visa, and 1 again for operator. If you push 2, 2, 1 it is Urdu. But yes they all speak english. even sometimes I get through on Urdu number, they will start speaking english, cuz my husband forgets sometimes to talk to them in Urdu and just automatically starts speaking english, and they return in english. So yes, you can speak to them in English. Good luck to you. I am hoping all goes well for you as well. I am praying for al you, like Abenitez, and Feisal Bhai. All of you are in my prayers and hopefully soon all this will be over. Zaheer called them friday and the girl who answered is never nice to us. She always says "pending AP" and he asked about anything he could and she just says "I cant tell you that, just pending ap we will call you when it is finished." and they seem to get annoyed that we call them like every 3 days or so because they are like "You ust called here the other day." (Duh! We are hoping you have had enough time to work).
But I must say, I keep reading posts from people saying they got an email about their case. But I have never gotten any emails. I wonder if I should email them and ask them? Did you email them first or they just automatically updated you? Strange. Well, keep me posted. I think I am going to head home next week. Wont be allowed to fly much longer and I might as well spend the holidays with my family. Haven't seen them in a yr. Take care all. Allah Hafiz.

Thank you Tara, I appreciate it... surprisingly they (non immigrant visa unit) emailed me requesting for my fiance's parents and siblings' information, and since then they just said this email...

This is to acknowledge receipt of the documents/ information you sent regarding a nonimmigrant visa.

Thank you for providing us with the information we requested in order to continue processing your case. When administrative processing is complete, our courier American Express will contact you.

and when I emailed them after a week or two from this response, this is the response I got

November 13, 2009

Dear Madam,

This is in response to your email concerning your fiance nonimmigrant visa application.

The application is undergoing necessary administrative processing as part of the visa issuance and printing process.

It is difficult to predict the amount of time that administrative processing process will take, but please rest assured that we are handling your case as expeditiously as possible. We recognize that this process can be frustrating for applicants, and regret any inconvenience. We are making several procedural changes in an attempt to make this process less onerous.

Once the administrative processing is complete, we will contact you.

We hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance. To serve you better, we suggest that you email further inquiries to us at


Nonimmigrant Visa Unit

November 13, 2009

Thus far, this is all I have... and I try to refrain myself from calling DOS. Sometimes I say, I know what I'm going to hear so why should I call. However, once it hits the 3 month mark that is when I'm going to bother DOS or Islamabad insha'Allah lol

Don't worry Tara, insha'Allah your husband will get his visa because if the lady said once it is finished we will call you so that is promising.

From my knowledge, I know immigrant visa unit processes the application and non immigrant visa unit runs it over one more time and issues the visa there. The immigrant visa unit puts the decision on it though.

Hope this helps, keep us in your prayers... insha'Allah you will get the visa soon before you have the baby

Thanks alot. I appreciate it so much. We have been so worried and trying to contact them and whenever we speak to the lady there, she is never very nice. I was confused that one guy I spoke to around Thanksgiving was able to tell me that everything is fine and "Hopefully after Eid all will be clear". The next time we called is when they told us that they got the docs back from DOS, then 2 days later, they said they got the docs back from Non Immigrant to Immigrant. So, now whenever we ask, they are like "I dont know why anyone of my colleagues would take the time to tell you about the departments transferring your documents. All we can say is that its administrative processing and we will call you when it is finished." My husband asked the lady the other day if she at least could think that it may be done within the week since I have to go home being pregnant and all.. and she was like "I cant tell you that". SO.. we are stuck.. Just waiting for good news. I hope you all get your good news soon as well. Take care all. Allah Hafiz.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-12-14 03:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
QUOTE (Hopeful786 @ Dec 10 2009, 09:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Zaheer, did you speak to them in English? ... I want to call Islamabad but I don't know urdu lol ... and I feel like I won't get any information if I don't know how to speak urdu. And that is really good that it is in the final stages!... my fiance's case got transferred to the non immigrant visa unit a month ago (actually im assuming), because they (non immigrant visa unit) had emailed me asking for information and then they said American express will contact you when the process is complete.

I have to say, K visas are pretty complicated and I think that is why it takes longer than CR-1 cases.

Yes, they speak english. I usually call right after they open in the morning/noon time. They open at 12:30p Pakistani time. So if you are in USA on east coast, it would be about 2:30am. But you can call around 5am too and still get to talk to someone. I call the 01192512082700 number and press 1 (for english), 2 for Immigrant visa, and 1 again for operator. If you push 2, 2, 1 it is Urdu. But yes they all speak english. even sometimes I get through on Urdu number, they will start speaking english, cuz my husband forgets sometimes to talk to them in Urdu and just automatically starts speaking english, and they return in english. So yes, you can speak to them in English. Good luck to you. I am hoping all goes well for you as well. I am praying for al you, like Abenitez, and Feisal Bhai. All of you are in my prayers and hopefully soon all this will be over. Zaheer called them friday and the girl who answered is never nice to us. She always says "pending AP" and he asked about anything he could and she just says "I cant tell you that, just pending ap we will call you when it is finished." and they seem to get annoyed that we call them like every 3 days or so because they are like "You ust called here the other day." (Duh! We are hoping you have had enough time to work).
But I must say, I keep reading posts from people saying they got an email about their case. But I have never gotten any emails. I wonder if I should email them and ask them? Did you email them first or they just automatically updated you? Strange. Well, keep me posted. I think I am going to head home next week. Wont be allowed to fly much longer and I might as well spend the holidays with my family. Haven't seen them in a yr. Take care all. Allah Hafiz.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-12-12 08:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
OK, here's the latest from us. Called the embassy again on Wednesday and they said that its still processing. So I asked what it had meant when they told us that the Non-immigrant Unit had transfered it to the Immigrant unit and that that office was now workign on it. the man started to explain that as a K3 visa, the visa will be issued by the Non-immigrant visa unit. So I asked "Ok, that makes sense, so why did Non-immigrant transfer it to Immigrant?" and he didnt say anything for a second and checked his records and then said "Um, ma'am, I have no idea why any of my colleagues would have taken the time to explain that process to you in the first place, but all I can say is that it is being processed now and in the final stages so then when it will be finsihed with the Administrative Review, then we will call the applicant. But it is still in Admin Processing". Truly very helpful, Islamabad, way to go..... now I am more confused than I was a week ago. And dept of state knows nothing, I stopped calling them cuz they just say "You already called the embassy, whatever they told you is the only info we have". Well.. so be it. Take care everyone and good luck. Hope you all get some good news soon. Insha'Allah.
Allah Hafiz.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-12-10 03:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
Hey.. what did I do? How come no one ever replies to any questions I ask? Everyone replies to just about any other question or response... but when I ask something, no one says a thing to me. What gives? Have I offended people or something... I pray for all you guys all the time to get your visas.. and no one even acknowledges me. Thanks for making me feel welcome in this forum guys...
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-12-04 05:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
OK.. so this is whats new with us. We called the embassy on wednesday last week and asked about case status. The guy asked "Did you send us any documents?" and I said "No, are they requesting any?" and he said "No not really. Your case is still in AP.. but Insha'Allah, all will be clear after Eid hopefully." So I said thanks you and Eid mubarak and I was so happy. And he was happy I said Eid Mubarak so he laughed and said it too. So we called them back today. They said "Ah ok, we received your documents on 1st December." And I said "What documents?" and he said "Your forms, we just got them." and I said "But they never asked for any, do they need anything from us?" and he said "No, we got them from the Dept of State." so I said "What forms are they?" and he said "Your husband's visa application forms." and I said "Oh, ok.. well what is the time limit I am looking at? Is everything fine?" and he said "Yes everything is fine, be sure we will call you when we are finished but at this time it is still needing some more process. But i do not know about the timeframe, I cannot tell you that." SO I said thank you and hung up. Then tonight we called DOS and they put me on hold forever and the lady was all having computer problems and stuff and kept like huffing into the phone and whispering "Oh god.. what did I do?" and stuff. Then finally she came back to me and asked my husbands name like 4 times then she repeated the wrong case number, I confirmed the right one, then she asked his name again, put me on hold, then came back and said "Yeah, its still pending." and I said "I know, but they said you guys sent them some forms, I just wanted to know about it." and she said "I dont know anything about any forms. All I know is its still pending." then I was like.. ok thanks then bye.

So.. what do you guys think of all this? Any ideas? Its been 4 weeks now since AP started for us. Anyone have similar exp or anything? Keep me posted. Take care.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-12-01 11:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
QUOTE (SSB @ Nov 24 2009, 08:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks everyone!!!

My husband got a call today to pick up his passport and visa. They had told him it would be 7 days but it's been 3 days!!! things are moving fast!!

Every one on Ap I will pray that it's over soon and you are reunited with your loved ones soon!! Good Luck.

Wow! Very very very congrats to you! Thats wonderful! Have a very happy Eid and Happy holidays. enjoy them with much more thanks to Allah and celebration.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-11-25 12:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
Congratulations to all of you and all your good news. Wow SSB thats great! Mash'Allah. We are still waiting here. Only been 3.5 weeks but still. Getting nervous. I think Zaheer and I have decided that if he doesn't get the visa by mid-december that I will go home to spend the holidays with my family. I will miss him terribly, but I am just too afraid of not being allowed to fly past a certain date or something happening with the baby.. etc. I have been in Pakistan for almost a year.. and missing USA.
Anyhow.. we called ISL on monday and all they said was "still in AP" we asked if it had moved at all and they said "I dont have that info, still AP". So we called DOS at night and spoke to Anna and she said "Pending AP." and I said "I know it is but just wondered if it had moved forward? when I called last week they said...." then she said "I don't know anything about moving forward, all I see here is that you called the embassy already today." and i said "Yes I did but they didnt have any updates or info." and she said "I have only as much info as they do, so all it says is still pending AP". SO.. its been a lot of crying and sadness especially when I think what happened to KhalidandFatima. I dont wanna have my baby without Zaheer being there. I am just so scared. PLease pray for us people. Please. I pray for you all constantly and wish you all the best. Happy Holidays and good luck to all of you.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-11-24 05:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
OK, so what do you guys think? We called ISL Embassy on Tuesday, i think it was, and the man we spoke to said that our case is "moving Forward" and that if we didnt hear anything to call back in "2-3 weeks to check status again". So, feelign happy, I called DOS that night too, and got the same lady, Dana, and she said "Yes, case is moving forward" so I said "Is that a good thing?" and she said "yes its a good thing, but it is still in AP". and I said "Ok thanks". So.. that;s all thats happened for us now. What do you guys think? Moving forward? You think this is good.. do they know something? The guy said call back in 2-3 weeks? I mean.. I am happy but I just cant help worrying because I got summonsed for Jury Duty. they sent me a letter to my dad's house. What will happen if I dont attend jury duty? Also, my Medicaid app was processed but now they want proof of citizenship and employment. since i dont work or anythign, what should I do? I am scared that if this takes too long I wont have any kind of insurance to have this baby. On top of that, when I have to Adjust Zaheer's status in USA, i need to submit our I-864 from me and the co-sponsor.. but, the guy at the embassy told me that if I had been in Pakistan for over a yr (which I havent, yet) consecutively, i lose Domicile. So, if he gets his visa after Jan 16th, which is the day I came here this yr, then i lose domicile? So, what does that say about his Adjust of status? Any suggestions? I dont wanna go home without him. He doesn't want me to, he also doesn't want to fly for the first time, all alone. So.. what do you guys think of all of this.. please suggest something. I have been so depressed lately and I just keep saying I wanna go home I wanna go home.... Please pray for me people. At least just so that it puts my mind at ease a little. Take care all.. and positive thoughts and well-wishes to all. good luck. All will be fine, Insha'Allah.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-11-20 02:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
QUOTE (ABENITEZ @ Nov 18 2009, 06:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Guys, I'm so confused, its off topic, but no where else to ask but here. I had planned on getting a POC card for foreign nationals while I am here in Pak, so I dont need to keep extending my visa, and so I can come whenever I want without getting a new visa each time. The problem is, now the office that deals with that is telling my husband they dont give POC cards to foreigners. So I guess I just need to extend my visa? What if I wanna stay here longer? Will they make me leave? Does anyone know of any other way for a foreigner to stay here for an extended period of time?

ABENITEZ - I took my visa to the foreign affairs office in Islamabad and applied for what they call a Family Visa. Its about 1yr in validity and is multiple entry. I applied for it in March but it took them a long time because they wanted a bribe at the Passport Office. So My visa expires in March even though they didn't physically give it to me until like May. But, I think this is the best way to do it.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-11-18 09:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
MUMTAZ - you dont need a transit visa for either you or hubby. You are not leaving the airport. If you plan to leave from your terminal where you will be waiting, then you would need one to pass through their immigration. For you, you can apply for them at the airport itself, but for him it would take time, and you really wouldnt have enough time to go out and explore if you only have a few hour layover. I checked Travelocity the other day and I was able to find lots of good flights to JFK from Lahore for about $650. With 2 stops of course, but still, it was a good price. But if you are looking to book in December, try to avoid weekend dates as they are more expensive, and if you check around from Orbitz, Travelocity, and Priceline, you may find a good price. I was seeing that one airline (I think Qatar Air) was offering $850 or so for flights to JFK from Lahore. Would arrive in the afternoon in JFK leaving Lahore at about 3am. Two stops. One in Qatar and one in France. There was another which was Bahrain and London. But, they are not very logn stops. I flew back to USA in Dec last yr and had only one stop in Manchester, and it was only 45 min. But the ticket cost me like 90,000 rs. Well, good luck to you and pray for me and Zaheer.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-11-15 05:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
QUOTE (MumtazG38 @ Nov 14 2009, 02:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG! Hubby just got a call on his cell from the speedex office and they're telling him to bring his ID and the sticker and pick it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OMG! This is wayyyy too unexpected! WOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG! Alhamdulillah! I been praying for you! yay! I am so freakin happy for you! I saw a car with your hubby's name on it this morning and thought of you! Good luck and wow! I am so so very happy for you, really!!!! Keep me posted please. Take care. Allah Hafiz.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-11-14 05:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
QUOTE (SSB @ Nov 10 2009, 11:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Can someone confirm for me if the embassy in Pak is open? I read on VJ that someone's wife interview date was nov 23 but embassy changed the interview date to dec 10 because of embassy being closed my husband's interview is nov 19 and no one has contacted us about change of date for the interview....

I haven't heard anything. But if I were you I would ask the embassy about it directly. Call them at 92-51-208-2700. That is the best thing. Yes.. I have heard that people who's interview date is the 23rd have been rescheduled. Maybe it has to do with Thanksgiving? Remember, they are closed on US and Pakistani holidays.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-11-11 05:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
Hey everyone. I called the DOS for the first time today. I spoke to a lady named Dana. She was very nice and everything I asked her she just kept saying "Sure, let me check. Sure let me check" And was very pleasant. Anyhow.. she said that the slips don't really matter and vary from case to case. She said there is nothing wrong with our case and that it is just pending Administrative Processing and that we should hear a call from the Embassy when visa is ready. I know its the same thing we already knew, but hearing it from her made it feel better. We called the embassy earlier today too, and they said yes our case is approved and that we don't need to have a blue, green, pink, or white colored slip. If they told us they would call, they will. So, he just said that we are in AP and expect it to be about 6-8wks. Thats better than nothing. Wish us luck people and pray for us. We went to Imam Sahib Darbar last night and asked for help with this. And also for the baby, of course. LoL. So.. good luck to you all and take care.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-11-10 08:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
QUOTE (Naz&Omi @ Nov 9 2009, 12:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (FEISAL @ Nov 6 2009, 09:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Monday is a Public Holiday in Pakistan - means embassy will be closed 2 sad.gif

Hey Feis, are you sure it's not Wednesday that's the holiday rather than Monday? Wednesday is Veteran's Day and it's listed on the ISL Embassy website as being an embassy holiday. That would really suck if there were TWO holidays this week!! blink.gif

Hmm wow. 2 holidays. But, the email I received from the embassy says that Administration Processing is done outside the Embassy in USA. So, any Pakistani holidays shouldn't affect it, right? Just Veteran's Day. I dunno. All I know is that if you submit an email to they send you a FAQ email that says if this doesnt answer your question, submit a query to or something like that. Anyhow.. under the admiistrative processing section it says that calling the embassy will not be able to give you any additional information regarding your case status as the cases are not processed by the Embassy nor in Pakistan but in the USA by DOS. So...... I am still so confused. The guy told us to call the embassy about updates and not the DOS. And if he said that our file has us listed in the computer as our visa being approved, that means there is no way they are gonna go back and deny it right? I am just scared that if when the time comes to give birth and I am still here, if Zaheer didnt get a visa yet (God Forbid), then I dont wanna go back to USA to give birth and not be able to come back to Pakistan for a long time (financially). Just let me know what you guys think.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-11-09 07:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
QUOTE (MARM @ Nov 6 2009, 02:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OK, so I made sure quite a few times before I decided to post the good news here (especially since last time it was a lie, so I didn't want to get my hopes up too soon):

My fiance received clearance from DOS today. He received an email from the London IV unit (the email address was not from, it was from saying that they received clearance today for him and that "we will issue your visa shortly and send it with the courier in the next few days". Now to confirm this, I called DOS in the morning (15 minute wait wacko.gif ) and the DOS rep told me "pending" and then I asked her whether the system shows anything about receiving a clearance from DOS for my fiance and I told her about the email he received, and she confirmed that yes it is INDEED TRUE yes.gif. And then again, (call it Obsessive-Compulsive if you want smile.gif ) I called DOS again just now (only 3 minute wait!) and the DOS rep told me that it is still pending and then I asked her again about whether the system shows up his clearance and I narrated the email to her and she also confirmed that yes that is correct, DOS gave clearance for him today. And then I decided to quiz her because I wanted to know why it showed pending when the London emailed me with their intention to issue the visa, she told me that DOS will continue to say "pending" until the visa is actually printed. So even if someone was approved at the interview and the embassy says (like in London's case) that they will send the visa within 5 working days, if you call DOS after your interview, they will say pending because as she told me "its not over until it is really over" meaning until it is physically in the passport, they cannot say issued. So this is the info she gave me and she also said the embassy knows first before DOS, even though DOS gave the clearance, but in the case of printing the visa, the embassy will make a note in the system and then she can say "visa issued". But yes, he has received clearance from DOS kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
We are hoping and holding our breaths until he actually receives the visa in hand. We hope it is the beginning of this coming week InshaAllah. Still praying and hoping....

Wowowowow! Deepest Deeepest Congratulations! I am so happy for you Marm! Good luck with that and hope you dont have to hold your breath too long! Wow. Mash'Allah!
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-11-07 03:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
Ok, now I have a question. When we called the day after our interview, we asked the officer at Islamabad what happens to our papers now? He said he cant tell us the process or procedure from here on as it is complicated. So I asked "Do I need to call the DOS in USA to get status....?" and he said "No, no, you call us directly." So I am confused. Why do some people call DOS? Why did he tell me not to? What does this mean for my case? They didn't give us any slip, no 221g, no forms.. just told us all our papers are in order and that the officer believes our intentions to return to usa re legitimate and for the best. Then he gave us back the passport, told us that we are in AP and there is no definite time, just avg 2-3 months could be shorter or longer. Gave us a list of approved courier agents and a sticker identical to the one on the back f our passport that he put, and then sent us home. So, what gives? Any ideas guys? When I asked about the sticker, he said we need it to pick up the passport again at AmEx office. So, if anyone has an idea please tell me. Thanks a bunch.
~Tara Ahmed
Allahu Akbar
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-11-06 01:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
QUOTE (MARM @ Nov 5 2009, 04:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Another question everyone...What is the best way to contact the embassy in Islamabad?
I want to contact them regarding asking them to accept my fiance's case transfer from London, what email address should I write to or should I just call them? Please let me know the email and phone, I have checked the website, but there are a couple of email addresses and phone #s listed there so I am confused.
Thanks in advance!

The best way to contact Islamabad is by phone or email. You can call them at 92-51-208-2700, that is the best way to contact them. I dont have the email memorized, but it would be PAKNIVINFO@ something or other. So check it out. Good luck with you, and yes, the American Express office in Karachi would send it directly to Islamabad for you, you dont even need the address. Ok, take care, Good Luck.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-11-06 01:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
QUOTE (MumtazG38 @ Nov 3 2009, 10:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
HUGE congrats Omar!!!!!!!!!!! About time too happy.gif!!!

And Tara....I guess it really doesn't make a difference how pregnant we are now does it. AP is a if's about it eh? Oh well.....inshallah AP will be over soon for the both of us! I'll be praying for the two of you. biggrin.gif

Thanks Amna. Yeah, I know. Totally doesn't matter how pregnant we are. It was funny though. There were all these Afghani girls in there sitting in front of us and Zaheer was getting uncomfortable because they kept looking at him and giggling. And he thought they are making fun of him or talking about him or something, then after like 15-20 min of this, finally one asked him "May I see your photo album please?" because he was holding our wedding album in his lap. So he said "Sure" and gave it to her and they all gathered around that one girl and started gushing over our pics. We felt relieved because we didn't know what was going on at first. So, it was cute. Anyhow.. I am praying constantly and Insha'Allah, Zaheer and I will go to Imam Sahib Darbar tonight to pray. Do you want to go with us? If you send me a PM or regular message I will give you my phone number. Wow! There is a mouse trying to steal my Oreos! Sorry, got a little startled, he is sitting on the mousepad trying to eat my Oreos. Little sneak. Anyhow, my email is Take care my friend, and good luck in this waiting game as well. And Good luck to all of you out there in AP-Land. Insha'Allah, we will soon be finished with all of this and can look back at it from our nice homes in USA and think... "Hmm.. remember that time when we were desperate about AP?" Ok, take care all.. breakfast time. Really missing IHOP right now. crying.gif PEACE
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-11-03 22:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
Om everyone. Zaheer had his interview on Nov 2nd. We were able to call and reschedule the rescheduled interview date. Thanks to Allah. Anyhow, we originally were scheduled for interview on Oct 26 but because of the closure of the Shuttle service and embassy, we were unable to do anything after driving from Sialkot to Islamabad and waiting. Even after all that, they rescheduled us for Nov 23rd. I was so worried because of being pregnant, so I waited a few days and called the embassy and asked them to please consider the situation and I have been in PK for almost a yr now. So the guy said "Ok, can you come Monday? The 2nd?" and i said "Yes definitely!" and he said "Ok, you guys are good to come Monday then." so We arrived at the shuttle service at 5 am, then slept a bit and then they let us in at 6am. Zaheer had a friend who works there so he was able to get us the very first token so we didn't have to wait in line and we were in some fancy little lounge area that I never saw before. Leather seats and free refreshments. Swanky stuff I guess. So, we went through the security and didnt even have to wait in the cold, we just went through indoor security and straight onto this little van type bus thingie. It had leather seats and heat and it was much better than that other shuttle we always go on. So, anyhow we arrived at the Embassy and they wouldnt let us off the bus yet because it was only 7:10am. They said we had to wait til 7:20. So we did then we were the first group of people in line. They let the Non-immigrant people go in first then they let us go through security. But, when we got there, the security guy wouldn't let Zaheer in because his letter said that his interview was for Oct 26th. But we tried to explain that we rescheduled it so he said that wait until 8am then you can go explain it to them and they can check it in the system. He made us sit on a bench in the cold. There were about 4 other ppl in the same situation that came from Afghanistan. They rescheduled too and had to wait. So, after about 10 min, I took my passport waved it at the guy and he let me in. I went in, through security and explained to the man in there that my husband was here for a rescheduled interview. He asked his name and I told him and he said "We will check it in the computer and they will let him in." So I went inside the embassy. I waited for a min, then realized that I could be waiting for a while. So I asked the guy at the door if he spoke English. The guard said no. So i did my best to ask him in Punjabi if he can answer a few questions. So he nodded. I asked him that if my husband had to reschedule his appointment, how will the officers know he is here? Will he automatically be in teh computer? Or how will they know to call him up to the window for interview? So he explained that first he will get fingerprinted and that will enter him in the system then they will have his file ready to interview him. I felt much better then I asked if I could go back outside to sit with him and he let me go. So I told Zaheer everything. Just about 5-10 min later another guard waved us in. Directed us to Fingerprints, then Zaheer came out and we went to sit in the ever filling room. Finally, the good part.

After like an hour of waiting, he was getting antsy as to why they hadn't even called him to the cashier yet. After the called the last of the Afghani rescheduled ppl, they called his name to pay his bill. The cashier didn't want to take his $1 bill because it had a black smudge on it from being in his leather wallet for over a year. Finally, he accepted it. Then we sat. After about 20-30 min, they called us to submit his medical. Then they asked us a couple questions. Mostly just curious about me being there. But everyone was real nice. Then he said to sit and we would get called shortly. After just about 10 min, they called Zaheer to the window for his interview. They took his oath. Zaheer had said he wanted to be interviewed in English, so we had a white guy. He was nice. He said hi to me too. Then he asked Zaheer "How did you two meet?" but he was looking at me. So I said "Oh, well..." then he pointed at Zaheer and laughed and said "No, him. Im sorry, I know I was looking at you." so he said "Oh, we met on Myspace but really our two friends were friends and they used to make us call each other to inform the other's spouse that they needed to talk" so he said "Didnt they have phones?" and he said "Yeah, but their families were against them." so he asked Zaheer "How long has your wife been here?" and he said "Since Aug 14, 2008" and they guy looked at him , shocked. Then looked at me and said "You've been here that long?" and I said "No, I went back in December for a few weeks and came back this January. I have been here since THEN." And he said "Oh ok. Still thats a long time." and Zaheer told him about how I am learning punjabi, and that I am pregnant, and gave him a list of our evidence in case he wanted something specific. He just asked us some normal questions which just felt like he was talking to us, not interviewing us. Then he said "Well, according to your papers, you meet all the requirements and all is good. I strongly believe your intentions to go to America are good and for the best. The only problem was that if you had been here since August, you wouldn't have been able to file for him because as the petitioner you have to prove domicile in the USA. And if you have been in PK for over a year, you lose that domicile and have to prove domicile by going to USA and stuff." then he said "Im gonna give you back some of your papers" (originals) and then he said "Here's your passport back, now, there is an automatic Administrative Processing, it;s Standard. There is no way for me to tell you how long it will be. Average time is about 2-3 months. It can be much shorter or much longer, no way to tell. But, when we call you, bring your Passport to this Speedex office in Sialkot (showed us paper), and send it to us. We will send yuo the passport back with the visa in it." So. Basically, that is what happened. He didn't give us any kind of green, pink, or white slip. He just gave us the passport with a purple sticker on the back, and another attached to the Approved Courier list. That's it. We called the embassy today just to make sure we didn't somehow get denied and just missed why we didnt get a slip. the guy said "No, your file says approved." So I asked why the guy behind us (Afghani guy) got a green slip stating that his Administrative Process would be 6wks to no max. And he said "It doesn't really matter who gets them and who doesn't. Its the same thing." So.. that was what happened. Any feedback would be appreciated. We are happy to finally get it behind us. Feisal bhai, please add us to the AP List. Take care all and pray for us and we will pray for you all to get yours soon. Allah Hafiz.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-11-03 08:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
Yeah, I am sure I could find something similar, and Chargha is NOTHING like Boston Market. My doc has advised me not to eat too much masalas because it is making me so sick. I am 5 months pregnant. We just found out the baby is a girl, Alhamdullilah. I really wish I could eat the stuff I want. It makes pregnancy so much easier. Less heartburn too. But, i thnk I will go to the local dept store and buy some stuff to make homemade chili. That is at least Mexican enough. The lack of actual cheese in Pakistan is real difficult. They have processed slices, but no actually cold-cut type deli cheese. Oh, and there is no broccoli. I love broccoli! I cant wait to take Zaheer to usa and cook him a real southern home-cooked meal. Hope he would like it. He likes hash browns when I make them. He loves pizza. Fried chicken. That sorta thing. I agree, mcdonalds is not the same, but its ok. I just cant really eat it with the way my digestion is in pregnancy. Subway has been ok, but they load my sub with mustard! I finally found Cheetos the other day! I ate like 2 bags (small ones) today already! LoL. I think I will go out for dinner tonight and try the fettuccini from this local restaurant. Fingers Crossed that it tastes somewhat american. I agree with Abenitez.. I totally miss just getting in the car and going out to run my own errands. Sometimes, when I need something, I ask hubby to do it, and he forgets. And it sucks because I am home all day and he is at work, then he comes home tired and I have to bug him all day to go do it for me. It is hard to depend on someone for entirely everything. And I miss just having snacks in the fridge like pickles or slices of cheese or something. there is never anything in our fridge except milk, bread, and yogurt. And sometimes left over curry. But, everything is just, buy as you go. And when you cant go out, you have no one to bring you food when you are hungry. I dont have a cell phone, so I cant even call him to ask him to bring me something, I have to wait til he calls the home phone. Its so rough. Anyhow. Like I said you guys, we should all totally get together soon. I am glad to have you all to talk to. I jsut wish we would be getting ready to head to USA instead of just typing about going. Anyhow, take care guys, and I wish all of you best of luck with processing and interviews. My prayers are for all of you. Someone will give us good news soon, Insha'Allah.
Allahu Akbar!
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-10-31 07:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
QUOTE (MumtazG38 @ Oct 28 2009, 11:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ZaheersShezadi @ Oct 28 2009, 11:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Haha. The turkey is fine, but the only place in Sialkot that has turkey is Subway and they just opened a month ago. Pizza hut is different. They use Mozzarella from Buffaloes not from Cows. It is yellow in color and it is very hard and sticky. Also they barely put any sauce on their pizza. Same as Frangoz, barely any sauce. Yes, the Chalupas from Taco Bell is what I miss. And I want some Boston Market. There are no Papa Johns or Dominoes in Sialkot. We just got a McDonalds and Subway this past yr. They have a KFC but they shut down the whole building and now they take orders out of a small trailer and it takes about 20 min for 1 order. I wish we had more time to visit around in places like Lahore and Islamabad, but we never do. All I know is that there is a McDonalds in Lahore. I know nothing else. I have been to the zoo there and the Data Sahib Darbar. I am not bothered by Pakistan itself. I like being here. I just don't like the medical situation, and I miss my country's food. That's it. If they had all the same food and products here as in USA, I would never leave. I would deal with the medical issues. But, I really need some US food. We try to get similar things, but it is not easy. I want some doritos. LoL

OMG!! I'm living in Sialkot to....and damn you just took the words right outta my mouth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's not paki that's the fact that I can't find decent u.s foods and products here...and trust me I've even tried lahore and islamabad....and nope, no decent spaghetti sauce even at Al Fateh! It simply sucks!!! I'm 6 1/2 months pregnant and desperately in need of the food I miss so much...little caesars pizza...or even dominos........and YESSSS DORITOS BABAYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;(

Hey I tried to email you from the email in your profile. If you are in Sialkot, we should totally meet up. I am so lonely here. What part are you in? We are just in front of the Cantt area in Hunter Pura. Thats cool that someone else is in Sialkot. Haha.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-10-31 07:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
QUOTE (ABENITEZ @ Oct 28 2009, 11:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ZaheersShezadi @ Oct 28 2009, 01:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ABENITEZ- yes, I get the warden notices too. But, unfortunately, the day of the interview, they had not mailed anyone. Our interview was on Monday the 26th and the Embassies were only informed late sunday evening that they had to close. So no one was available to email. It was around 9 am, 1 hr after our interview should have been that it made the news. We saw it from a restaurant somewhere near Rawalpindi. Anyhow. It was a long drive, to say the least, but I am trying to be positive about it. I really wanted to be home by the holidays. But, sadly, it doesn't appear to be in my fate. No I am American. Not Pakistani. I came to Pakistan back in August with my daughter to come meet the man that I was going to marry. I was going through a divorce with my daughter's father, and when the divorce hearing was set for January, I returned to USA, finished the papers, then returned to Pakistan Jan 16th, without my little girl. Now I have been here for nearly a yr consecutively, and missing my home terribly. My husband doesn't want me to leave. He is afraid that my ex husband will harass me or possibly stop my parents from seeing my daughter, and I dont want that. So, I just stay here, waiting for Zaheer to get his visa. I really get more and more worried as time goes on as to what will happen with the baby. I have to have a repeat C-Section and I definitely don't want any type of surgery in Pakistan. I hated every moment of the 4 days I spent in the Hospital for dehydration and Hyperemesis. I have had Dysentery since being here, constantly. I still get it from time to time. I have been really miserable while pregnant because there is no Tums or Rolaids, I have been taking Paracetemol for Headaches which the docs say is safe. But I get annoyed with the Pakistani doctors because there are literally like hundreds of women waiting for an appt and they will push you out of the way to get to the doctor and they only do like a 30 sec ultrasound because they gotta get to all the patients. no doctor wants to check the gender of the baby because they are afraid the parent would do an abortion if the baby isnt the gender preferred. I am just miserable. Loadshedding doesnt bother me, but our main mode of transport is a motorcycle, and on these roads, it is really rough sometimes. I really want Mexican food and I miss NORMAL pizza Hut. Pakistani Mozzarella cheese is not tasty. Anyhow..
As far as the embassy goes... We have put in a reschedule for Nov 23. Insha'Allah, nothing will happen before then with Islamabad. I am praying and hoping that because ours is a K3 visa and we will have to do another interview in USA, perhaps they will spare us a long AP. But that's wishful thinking. Zaheer works for the Government too, so hopefully that will be another plus. Anyhow, I pray for all of you all the time and wish speedy visas to you all. I wish some of you guys were closer by to Sialkot. I really need some friends and i havent seen another American in like a yr. My husband is the only one I have english conversations with, and it becomes tiresome. He is addicted to the Myspace games and barely talks to me when he is home. LoL. well, take care all.
~Tara Ahmed

Wow,, that is crazy. I feel sooo bad for you seriously. People don't understand when your from US and you come to live here, especially being a woman, its tooo difficult. And your pregnant. You must feel so awful for leaving your daughter behind. I don't know anything about your situation at home, but you should seriously consider going home soon. Your husband can just explain at the interview that you were here for his 1st interview, but it got rescheduled, he can easily show copies of your passport stamps to show that. You and your husband need to think about your health and the health of the baby before anything. I wish you luck, really but I think you n ur hubby need to talk abt the right thing to do now. Take care,, Allah Hafiz

Well, we had already agreed that if after the 6th month I am still stuck here, then I will be able to go back. Flying after the 2nd trimester is not a good idea. Especially international. I really dont have a place to go in USA. Not without Zaheer. My ex is living at my parents house off and on. Even though he got our house in the divorce, he decided to foreclose. But he still has it, no foreclosure went through. So, I am unable to go back to my parents' house. My little sis moved back in with my birth mom, so, I cant go there either, and my birth father is always moving around, so I wouldnt be able to keep up with him to have a stable home. I dont mind Pakistan at all, I am just terribly homesick after being here for over a year. I need some comfort food and I need to be with other americans. I have no friends. I cant just call someone to chit chat. Its hard. I really have nothing to do all day. But, the good news is that if we go back to USA I will import garments from here in Sialkot and sell them in USA. So I will have a home business. Looking forward to that. I think the fact that Zaheer works for the government may be a plus for us in his case whether AP will happen or not, but Insha'Allah.. only God knows. Just wish us luck. Take care. Allah Hafiz.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-10-28 23:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
QUOTE (Omark @ Oct 28 2009, 10:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (produke @ Oct 28 2009, 09:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi guys...sorry to go off topic, but does anyone know if one passes the interview, does the US consulate at ISL keep the Pakistani passport, or do they give it back to the spouse in the evening of the day of interview? My wife has an interview on Nev 3rd, and she wants to confirm a ticket using her Pak passport, but we want to wait till after the interview. Thanks and prayers for all!

If the visa is approved they obviously keep the passport to print visa in it and it takes approximately 2 weeks before they return it to the applicant thru Amex courier service.They kept my passport also eventho i was placed under adim processing...........In my opinion do not book any flight untill visa in hand.

Tara Ahmed : I am sorry to hear that you are going thru so much here in Pakistan. I can imagine the cultural shock you must be in but honestly Pakistan is not that bad its the state of mind you are in.I have lived in NYC for more than 6 years and had a totally different life style there but now that i m here in my beloved country i don’t find no issues living here yes i miss white castle and chalopas from taco bell( Tu kero taco bell)... lol but hey you can find a better alternate here in Pakistan ...but for that u have to be either in Karachi or Islamabad Lahore etc you can get Tums or Rolaids there even tylenol,advil,motrin u name it they have it at some stores. I love pizza and i didn’t find no difference between pizza hutt here or in the us since QLC cheese comes from the same commissary in the US smile.gif try domino's pizza or papa johns as well....did u know sialkot is well known for producing no1 sporting goods in the world? NBA ,NFL MLB products are made in Sialkot...... I am telling u all this so that u feel right at home and by the way there are more Pakistanis in NY than here so its all good.

So in ur case did K-3(i-129f) got approved before I-130? I heard both have the same processing time now. What I also noticed CR1's AP is shorter than K visas. I have been in AP for more than 90 days and i m hoping to hear something in the near future..................Happy Halloween, Trick or Treat devil.gif

P.S: Pakistani Turkey taste better than butterball Turkey good.gif

Haha. The turkey is fine, but the only place in Sialkot that has turkey is Subway and they just opened a month ago. Pizza hut is different. They use Mozzarella from Buffaloes not from Cows. It is yellow in color and it is very hard and sticky. Also they barely put any sauce on their pizza. Same as Frangoz, barely any sauce. Yes, the Chalupas from Taco Bell is what I miss. And I want some Boston Market. There are no Papa Johns or Dominoes in Sialkot. We just got a McDonalds and Subway this past yr. They have a KFC but they shut down the whole building and now they take orders out of a small trailer and it takes about 20 min for 1 order. I wish we had more time to visit around in places like Lahore and Islamabad, but we never do. All I know is that there is a McDonalds in Lahore. I know nothing else. I have been to the zoo there and the Data Sahib Darbar. I am not bothered by Pakistan itself. I like being here. I just don't like the medical situation, and I miss my country's food. That's it. If they had all the same food and products here as in USA, I would never leave. I would deal with the medical issues. But, I really need some US food. We try to get similar things, but it is not easy. I want some doritos. LoL
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-10-28 23:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
ABENITEZ- yes, I get the warden notices too. But, unfortunately, the day of the interview, they had not mailed anyone. Our interview was on Monday the 26th and the Embassies were only informed late sunday evening that they had to close. So no one was available to email. It was around 9 am, 1 hr after our interview should have been that it made the news. We saw it from a restaurant somewhere near Rawalpindi. Anyhow. It was a long drive, to say the least, but I am trying to be positive about it. I really wanted to be home by the holidays. But, sadly, it doesn't appear to be in my fate. No I am American. Not Pakistani. I came to Pakistan back in August with my daughter to come meet the man that I was going to marry. I was going through a divorce with my daughter's father, and when the divorce hearing was set for January, I returned to USA, finished the papers, then returned to Pakistan Jan 16th, without my little girl. Now I have been here for nearly a yr consecutively, and missing my home terribly. My husband doesn't want me to leave. He is afraid that my ex husband will harass me or possibly stop my parents from seeing my daughter, and I dont want that. So, I just stay here, waiting for Zaheer to get his visa. I really get more and more worried as time goes on as to what will happen with the baby. I have to have a repeat C-Section and I definitely don't want any type of surgery in Pakistan. I hated every moment of the 4 days I spent in the Hospital for dehydration and Hyperemesis. I have had Dysentery since being here, constantly. I still get it from time to time. I have been really miserable while pregnant because there is no Tums or Rolaids, I have been taking Paracetemol for Headaches which the docs say is safe. But I get annoyed with the Pakistani doctors because there are literally like hundreds of women waiting for an appt and they will push you out of the way to get to the doctor and they only do like a 30 sec ultrasound because they gotta get to all the patients. no doctor wants to check the gender of the baby because they are afraid the parent would do an abortion if the baby isnt the gender preferred. I am just miserable. Loadshedding doesnt bother me, but our main mode of transport is a motorcycle, and on these roads, it is really rough sometimes. I really want Mexican food and I miss NORMAL pizza Hut. Pakistani Mozzarella cheese is not tasty. Anyhow..
As far as the embassy goes... We have put in a reschedule for Nov 23. Insha'Allah, nothing will happen before then with Islamabad. I am praying and hoping that because ours is a K3 visa and we will have to do another interview in USA, perhaps they will spare us a long AP. But that's wishful thinking. Zaheer works for the Government too, so hopefully that will be another plus. Anyhow, I pray for all of you all the time and wish speedy visas to you all. I wish some of you guys were closer by to Sialkot. I really need some friends and i havent seen another American in like a yr. My husband is the only one I have english conversations with, and it becomes tiresome. He is addicted to the Myspace games and barely talks to me when he is home. LoL. well, take care all.
~Tara Ahmed
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-10-28 01:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
QUOTE (ABENITEZ @ Oct 26 2009, 09:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There has been alot of security problems in Isl lately so I'm sure thats why their closed. Just another bump in the road, Inshallah it will reopen next week and everything will be back to normal.

At least you guys got Warden Notices. We drove all night from Sialkot to Islamabad and slept in the car in the shuttle service parking lot for a couple hours before the security guard came. Apparently, its not the Embassy that closed. The shuttle Services were closed on Monday. But they said Embassy was closed. We called the embassy as soon as they opened and asked why they closed and there was nothing on their website or no notices for all the hundreds of people standing in the cold outside the gates waiting for their interviews (like us). They said it was not them, the Embassy was open, they just weren't letting people in from outside because the local police tightened security in that area. So, the police told them to close sunday night, so they had no time to give notices. All those poor people standing out there, some of them crying, some came from Afghanistan, some all the way from Karachi. We called AmEx office and asked can we reschedule (Thats what the shuttle services told us to do), the lady was nice and she forwarded our info to Embassy since their visa hours were not open yet, and then a man called back and spoke to my husband. He was nice and rescheduled us for Nov 23. He said "We have given you the earliest appointment available, everyone else is getting December 15th or 16th" because we called so soon. But now I see some of you guys got Nove 19th? Gosh, I hate being stuck here longer than I wanted to be. I havent been back to USA for a year. I haven't seen my kid for a year nor my family. By the time of the interview I am gonna be 6 and a half months pregnant, and it is so hard driving 6 hours to Islamabad and 6 hours back. Then, once you do get the visa, 16 hour flights.... I just get worried. I dont wanna have a C-sec in Pakistan, no way. I was already in the hospital for Hyperemesis and it was bad enough between the loadshedding and the fact that men aren't allowed in the women's wards even to visit. I just get scared. I want to go home, but I want to be here for Zaheer's interview. He will be devastated if I leave and he will be heartbroken if he didn't see the birth of his kid. Anyhow, about the Embassy closing. The shuttle service guys were telling all the people there to go to a local hotel, check in, and come back in the a.m. for their appointments. I feel bad if any of those people listened. The guy from Karachi was saying to Zaheer that if he doesn't get back to Karachi by tomorrow, he will lose his job. An Indian guy was trying to go through his embassy to get home, but he couldnt. Now he is stuck too. I know what will happen. If those poor people go to the hotel, then check in and return in the morning, they will have the same problem... and they will have to reschedule anyway. I am just glad that some of you got Notices from them instead of going through what we did. Just keep praying. Allah has given us this delay, or test, for a reason. So, we might as well make the best of it. So tell me, what kind of evidence did you all bring for your interviews, or intend to bring?
~Tara Ahmed
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-10-26 23:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
QUOTE (IT_1 @ Oct 23 2009, 09:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ZaheersShezadi @ Oct 22 2009, 12:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ABENITEZ @ Oct 20 2009, 09:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Guys, we had our interview today too, AP, plz put us on the Spreadsheet. She said 1-2 months, I laughed at that. She kept his passport. Asked the general questions, didnt look at any evidence.
Riz, you had to be the ppl in front of us... you were with ur wife n two kids? They called my husband, we didnt hear it n u told him where to go?? Anyways, congrats on the visa.

Now, did anyone else find that shuttle service to be unacceptable? Taking all those foreigners through a tiny, unsecure village like that in a rickety old bus? Anyone could go in there and anything could happen. I want to email the embassy, but I dont want to bring any bad attention to my name, so forget it. Maybe after he gets the visa I will lolzzz.

Anyways, duaas for all n plz pray for us. Allah Hafiz

Yeah that shuttle service is somethin else huh? Hey, with all you American Spouses all being here in PAK at the same time, we should all get together to celebrate our interviews. I havent seen another American in a year. It would be great to see some people going through the same thing as me. We are in Sialkot, where are you guys at?

I was with K3, and they put me on AP. My AP was very short, I think about 2 or 3 weeks. I think, since I start seeing this fourm, ppl reading and getting worry. COs are very COOL. My interview was with a lady, and she was very nice. If you have sold ties to show, then just a metter of time.

Good luck to everyone good.gif

Thanks IT. I appreciate it and I know it will calm Zaheer's nerves a little bit. We leave for Islamabad tonight. Its a long drive from Sialkot, and the Warden Notice I got in Email a few days ago says they have stepped up security checks in and around ISL, so, I know it will be a slower go than normal with roadblocks and such. We were thinking about going to Murree since they had the first snow the other day, but the baby has flipped himself over and is no breech giving me a lot of discomfort, so I think the sooner to return home, the better. ABENITEZ, we asked the embassy if he will need a newer PCC just in case this one will expire, and the man said "Did they ask you for it?" and Zaheer said no and he said "Then you don't need one unless they specifically ask for it." I wish you all the best of luck with your visas and I hope that you all get blessings from Allah soon. Keep praying and being thankful for even the strife you suffer, because, Insha'Allah, soon enough it will be in the past. Wish us luck at Interview tomorrow. Anyone else gonna be there? We packed up so much evidence. LoL. I dunno what they will ask for. We have our whole wedding album, our honeymoon pics, our regular everyday pics, our invitation cards from our wedding, a letter from the venue where the ceremony was held, cards we have given each other on holidays/birthdays and some my parents sent to him, stories we have written to entertain each other while I was back in USA for a month, doodles Zaheer drew with our names together, receipts from money he sent me in USA, my flight itinerary from when I returned to PK in January, affidavits of personal references to the wedding/relationship three ultrasounds with letters from Doc confirming pregnancy... etc. Plus I also made copies of every form we sent to them in I-130 pack, I-129f pack, Packet 3.5, Medical, etc... so, I hope this will be enough evidence. I hope we get to use it. This stuff is heavy to be carrying around. Please pray for us. I want to be able to get back to USA soon and set up for our baby. We dont even have clothes yet.... so, lots to do in 4 months. Take care all, Allah is with us. Allahu Akbar.
~Tara Ahmed
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-10-25 00:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
QUOTE (ZaheersShezadi @ Oct 22 2009, 12:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ABENITEZ @ Oct 20 2009, 09:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Guys, we had our interview today too, AP, plz put us on the Spreadsheet. She said 1-2 months, I laughed at that. She kept his passport. Asked the general questions, didnt look at any evidence.
Riz, you had to be the ppl in front of us... you were with ur wife n two kids? They called my husband, we didnt hear it n u told him where to go?? Anyways, congrats on the visa.

Now, did anyone else find that shuttle service to be unacceptable? Taking all those foreigners through a tiny, unsecure village like that in a rickety old bus? Anyone could go in there and anything could happen. I want to email the embassy, but I dont want to bring any bad attention to my name, so forget it. Maybe after he gets the visa I will lolzzz.

Anyways, duaas for all n plz pray for us. Allah Hafiz

Yeah that shuttle service is somethin else huh? Hey, with all you American Spouses all being here in PAK at the same time, we should all get together to celebrate our interviews. I havent seen another American in a year. It would be great to see some people going through the same thing as me. We are in Sialkot, where are you guys at?

Actually, I had another question. All of you guys in AP, who is going through K3 with me? I am still curious if it makes a slight bit of difference. Any ideas guys?
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-10-22 00:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
QUOTE (ABENITEZ @ Oct 20 2009, 09:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Guys, we had our interview today too, AP, plz put us on the Spreadsheet. She said 1-2 months, I laughed at that. She kept his passport. Asked the general questions, didnt look at any evidence.
Riz, you had to be the ppl in front of us... you were with ur wife n two kids? They called my husband, we didnt hear it n u told him where to go?? Anyways, congrats on the visa.

Now, did anyone else find that shuttle service to be unacceptable? Taking all those foreigners through a tiny, unsecure village like that in a rickety old bus? Anyone could go in there and anything could happen. I want to email the embassy, but I dont want to bring any bad attention to my name, so forget it. Maybe after he gets the visa I will lolzzz.

Anyways, duaas for all n plz pray for us. Allah Hafiz

Yeah that shuttle service is somethin else huh? Hey, with all you American Spouses all being here in PAK at the same time, we should all get together to celebrate our interviews. I havent seen another American in a year. It would be great to see some people going through the same thing as me. We are in Sialkot, where are you guys at?
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-10-21 23:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa issued on 17 December
Congratulations! I am glad someone has got some good news lately!
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-12-17 23:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiance got his passport with VISA today!!
Salaam and Congratulations. I am sorry about your loss especially during the holidays and when you are away from your love. You know she is smiling down on you both right now. I hope my hubby gets his visa in time to be here to meet my grandmother who is fairly ill as well. Plus, it wouldn't hurt if he were here for the birth of his daughter too. Good luck to you both and congrats again.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2010-01-21 18:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGod called him
Im so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine your pain and I won't say that I do. I just hope that as God had a plan for your SO, that He will also have a plan for you to stay strong. God never puts more on any one person than that which he/she can handle. Its all a test from Him. Please stay strong and don't lost hope. Our prayers are with you. Keep his memories alive and celebrate his life instead of mourning his death.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2010-02-12 23:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA CR1/K3/K1 visas PART2
Hi People. I know, I know, Pakistan isnt exactly Middle East, but just wanted to Join in. We had Zaheer's interview on Nov 2nd. It went smoothly enough since it had to be rescheduled due to Islamabad being closed on our original interview date. Anyhow, we were interviewed by an American man who was nice enough, he didnt ask for any evidence, Zaheer gave him a list, like a table of contents of all the evidence we brought. He just scanned over it and said "How did you meet?" then he explained.. yada yada, he barely asked any questions. Mostly it was just like normal convo like "Really, you been in PK that long?" (to me). He laughed when he said that alot of Floridians dont speak Punjabi and I said "Its ok, I understand some Urdu too". He asked if Zaheer was married before, he said no, then he asked me "You were married before, right?" and I said "yes" and he said "How many times" and I said "once" and then he moved on. He said that he believes our intentions to go to USA and live are for the best and that all our papers are in order and complete. So he gave us back our original documents and said there will be Administrative Processing and it is unknown how long it will be. Average is 2-3 months, he said but could be shorter or longer. He didnt give us any slips, all he did was hand us the passport with a purple sticker on the back, then said "When they call you, take your passport to AmEx office in Sialkot and submit it and we will return it to you with visa inside" then he handed us a paper with a listing of all approved AmEx offices in Pakistan, Sialkot was circled. There was an identical sticker stapled to the top of the sheet. And thats all that happened. We called the next day to confirm that all was ok. They told us teh visa was approved as per our case file and that we will eventually get a call. He said there is no difference whether they keep your passport or not and I asked if we should call DOS to check status and he said "No just call us at Embassy". So. thats it. It has only been a few days, I know. But, just wanted to tell you all that we are in AP too. We keep praying daily, so just keep your hopes up. My baby is due in March, so I am hoping Zaheer and I will be able to go back to USA before then. I really dont wanna deliver in PK. So, wish us luck at least for the baby's sake. Take care all, and Insha'Allah, we will all get good news soon. I been in Pakistan since January, and I miss my home.
~Tara Ahmed
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-11-06 02:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Baby Names
Hey people. I am 21 weeks pregnant with our first little girl together. Her name will most likely (Insha'Allah) be Stevie Zainab Ahmed. I always liked Stevie as a name and my husband liked it the moment I said it. It was always going to be Stevie because for a girl we couldn't decide anything else. His family will obviously call her Zainab, but we will call her Stevie. If it had been a boy we would have named him Zainul Abidin Ahmed or Zakir Ali Ahmed. My husband's name is Zaheer so we wanted to keep the Z names. But I have a daughter from a previous marriage. Her name is Maille (Molly) Nahar. I spelled her name in old Gaelic since my heritage is Irish/Scottish/Native American. I just couldn't see naming my kid Aisha or anything like that because there are like 100 Ayesha's in my husband's family alone. The one who lives in our house is the exact same age to the day as my daughter and she never stops screaming or crying and she is almost 3. It drives me nuts that her mom doesn't ever tell her no or stop her or even pay attention to her. The kid eats dirt and whitewash for God's sake. Anyhow.. the name Ayesha is supposed to symbolize peace and a calm nature. Not at all this kid. But, I saw that her father had written on a picture of her from when she was newborn "Aasiya Mehfooz" instead of Ayesha. And we believe that is part of the problem because it says in Islam that there are certain names you do not give your child and Aasiya is one of them. It means "Disobedient".
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-11-11 05:08:00