Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Congrats everyone! Looks like good news for so many ^^ That's wonderful!

My fiance now has his visa in possession ^^ He was asked 2 questions and out of the Consulate by 9.30 am. We've got a wedding date set and his tickets booked and we couldn't be happier :D
valkyriesheweeNot TellingAustralia2007-07-30 16:59:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Congrats on the wedding being so soon, Moonie!

Jezz, so glad you get to move over in a few short days :D That's amazing, exciting and I'm very happy for you all.

You know.. I didn't believe the wait for the interview would be the most stressful time.. but it is, lol.
valkyriesheweeNot TellingAustralia2007-07-09 08:20:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Thank you VERY much, rings! I do have a couple assets (Roth IRA, savings), a steady job, my W-2 from last year, social security report (I had to order it for a class... and I'm glad I have it ^^) and I've got a checking account deposit summary as well. I'll call my dad's office manager and ask if he can get a pay-stub for him, but I know he also has records here at the house of his employment and checking account deposit statements.

I feel MUCH better now. Interview wasn't able to be changed, but we sorted things out anyway. I think the waiting is just bringing out my doom and gloom/compulsive worry side, lol.

Congrats on the Green Card! That's fantastic! Long road and it's good you've finally got that ^^
valkyriesheweeNot TellingAustralia2007-07-06 07:59:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
On the interview date request for a chance- my fiance did request it only be changed if it was possible while I was there. He knew the conference was coming up and didn't want things pushed too far away.

Well, I'm listed as a dependent on my parent's taxes, and that's more of a relief for them than it would be for me, so I've never filed (and never been above the requirement or anywhere near it.) I've also been a student, so not had much income.

My fiance had questioned a former co-worker who moved here to marry a US citizen and he'd said he'd had a similar situation at the time with his fiancee and passed fine, so he turned in the I-184 since my parents' has been available. However, I'm getting worried since I don't know how much things may have changed since then.

Loke, thanks for the update! I'll make sure and notify my fiance that he needs to get his fingerprints taken.
valkyriesheweeNot TellingAustralia2007-07-05 19:04:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
I'm going crazy >.< Just got a response from the IRS that since I haven't filed taxes before there's nothing for them to give me, though I filed to recieve a tax transcript. Bloody institution!

My parents are co-sponsoring and my dad makes plenty on his salary, but I don't know if anyone else has had this problem before?

My fiance has a interview scheduled for the 18th, but he's trying to move it to the next week (I get there the 19th XD)

I'm so nervous now that I got that response *sighs*
valkyriesheweeNot TellingAustralia2007-07-05 11:42:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
I know I haven't been on much Kath - been working 3 jobs and taking a class on top of that, so life's been more than a bit insane lately! I'm hoping to get on here more thing though! Thanks for the help :D I'm definitely going to start getting everything gathered and put together so I can send it to him. We've got plenty of time to send in the return on packet 3 once he gets it - I'm going over to Oz for a visit and engagement party in July, so we're shooting for an interview date while I'm there :D

Thanks everyone for your congratulations! It's exciting since we're able to look at a possible wedding date now :D

Best of luck on your approval, Rings! It looks like you were recently touched, so here's hoping that's a good sign!

Also: Aussie chips are fantastic, as is the calimari ;) Couldn't get enough of either and I used to hate calimari, lol.
valkyriesheweeNot TellingAustralia2007-05-22 14:17:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
I was approved and I can't believe it!

I called my fiance a few minutes ago to share the good news :D

So it's on it's way to the NVC at the moment... anyone know some steps I could take (as far as the affidavit of support and interview material goes) to have things ready to send off to him?
valkyriesheweeNot TellingAustralia2007-05-21 19:02:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Sorry I've been absent a couple weeks! I just got hired for a substitute job last week and have been busy with that and my other jobs!

I recieved my packet on... the 1st, I think. I'd dated the check wrong, oops :whistle: But I sent it off that same day and the check was cashed on the 6th! Things are moving forward and he'll be here for a visit 3 weeks from yesterday. :dance:
valkyriesheweeNot TellingAustralia2007-03-09 08:58:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Welcome NYCAngel and Emerald! Glad to have you here and best of luck with your visas!

Kath, I know it was a bit odd for me to be able to recycle everything at first! We can only recycle paper and plastic in my state, but I picked up on the recycling quick. I really loved that about Oz and now find myself scolding my parents when they bin the newspaper!

Well, my packet was recieved at the NSC today and I'm hoping it will be sent off to the CSC before the weekend hits. I think it's terribly silly to have to send it there, only to be forwarded to another center, but it's governement so what can you do? I"m just grateful it got there in one piece!

Hampster, that's great you had such a nice time with your wife! That's fantastic that they've sent off the packet to Sydney. My fiance will be coming here at the end of March and I'm making him gather up everything humanly possible to show that he has ties to Oz so they'll let him in! Best of luck on getting a speedy interview date and a smooth visa acquisition!
valkyriesheweeNot TellingAustralia2007-02-21 12:54:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Thanks for the welcome, Kath!! I know I went into my timeline yesterday, but I may not have pressed submit, oops! IT's fixed now though :D

I'm in Utah, just north of Salt Lake City. My fiance had just mentioned the lightning strikes last night. I'm really hoping this means easy burn years for a while since so much has been burned and it should take longer to grow back with the drought.

My fiance is currently in Box Hill in an apartment, though once the lease is up he'll be moving back in with his parents who are in Donvale to save some money.

I'm actually grateful for the distance in ways because we talk a lot more than most couples do and appreciate the time we do get to spend with one another LOADS more. My fiance, Rob, is coming over at the end of March for a couple weeks, and I told him to make SURE that he had a copy of his lease and statement from his employer because I'd be absolutely crushed if he was turned back at the border! Last saw each other in December after living together for 5 months while I studied and it's harder to be apart now we've lived with each other but we've got to do this legally.

By the way... does anyone know if EAD and AOS approval is effected by the immigrant's country at all? That's one thing we're very concerned about since I haven't finished school yet and he does want to work here. I was wondering if there were countries that got EAD approvals more quickly than others (he's a dual Aussie/Brit citizenship)
valkyriesheweeNot TellingAustralia2007-02-17 14:10:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Oh I absolutely adored being in Melbourne! It was so easy to get around, not as humid as Sydney or Brisbane and I loved the Dandenongs and the CBD. I get to go visit again in July and I can hardly wait!

I sent off my I-129F packet - two days later than I'd planned, but it -should- get there by Tuesday and then the waiting game for NSC!

Btw, have the Vic bushfires gone out yet? They were burning before I left back and last I heard were still burning, but I haven't heard much for a while.
valkyriesheweeNot TellingAustralia2007-02-16 16:38:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Australian hospitatlity is fantastic as always! Thank you so much for your welcome! Rob currently lives in Box Hill (I spent 5 months with him there last year). I miss Melbourne! Such a lovely place and I loved being able to go anywhere and not having to worry about driving! The people were just wonderful as well and I can happily say that should we ever decide to move back to Melbourne, I'd be quite happy there.

I am currently waiting for a few forms and copies to arrive in the mail from Rob (my fiance) and next weekend we're planning on going through things and triple checking everything so I can send it off by Valentine's day to get the ball rolling. Patience DOES seem to be a needed value with processing times and the tedious work of filling out forms. I'm just grateful I ended up deciding to live with him as that will help our case for proof or relationship. I get to see him again in March, so we're fortunate to not have to go so long without seeing one another. Any more advice on filing for the K-1 is always welcomed!

Thanks again for the warm welcome!
valkyriesheweeNot TellingAustralia2007-02-03 22:25:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi everyone! Congrats on the couple that just got approved ^^ that's so wonderful to hear!

My name is Cherie and I'm currently engaged to an Aussie from Melbourne. We were going to do a DCF after a July wedding here in the states, but with the new policy we're going the route of the K-1 visa and getting things assembled so I can send everything off. Any advice you have as far as filing a K-1 would be helpful! I look forward to getting to know you :D
valkyriesheweeNot TellingAustralia2007-02-03 01:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussion28 hours 27 min until interview...
How exciting! (and nerve-wracking!)

I hope all goes well and that you can have this part of the journey happily completed soon!
valkyriesheweeNot TellingAustralia2007-02-21 13:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffidavit of support
Thank you everyone for your answers and help!

I've never filed before because I've been listed as a dependent on my parents' taxes since it's always been worth more for him to have me listed as that than for me to file since I've never worked full time and have not made enough money to be taxed (I've been a student, mostly). I attended school for 4 months last year and worked part time, then full time for 2 months before spending the next 5 over in Australia studying, so my income was very minimal ($3000 or so).

I'm actually going to the firm that does my parents' taxes next week to pick up a third copy of theirs, so I will set an appointment to see if I can file them at that time so I've got things in order for the AoS.

My fiance is from Australia, on the question from his country.

Congrats on the successful interview, hamburgapples!
valkyriesheweeNot TellingAustralia2007-07-05 18:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffidavit of support
I've never actually filed a tax-return. I've had W-2's from my work, but I never bothered to file. Will this impede the visa process?

Filing country is Australia, and my parents (the co-sponsors) make far and above the poverty line. Would me bringing in last year's W-2 help show that I've had a job, or will I even need that with my parent's sponsorship? The interview is coming up VERY soon and though I requested one 3 months ago, the IRS wouldn't send me a tax transcript showing that I've never filed taxes before >.<
valkyriesheweeNot TellingAustralia2007-07-05 11:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCase approved at CSC... now what do I need to gather?
Thank you, everyone for your help :D
valkyriesheweeNot TellingAustralia2007-05-30 11:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCase approved at CSC... now what do I need to gather?
I'm filing a co-sponsor with my parents and I was wondering what sort of forms are best to gather to go with the affidavit of support. Any help will be appreciated, thank you! :D
valkyriesheweeNot TellingAustralia2007-05-26 01:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMARCH FILERS!!!
Fiance has packet 3 and medical appointment next week :D Things are going so fast on our end! We're grateful for things since we've been worried about getting him over here early enough in the year so we have a chance of getting the bloody EAD before January. He just has to turn in one more form before he gets packet 4 and the interview date!
valkyriesheweeNot TellingAustralia2007-06-14 01:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMARCH FILERS!!!
I was really shocked to get it... I didn't expect it until at LEAST the middle of June!

I hope everyone else's (including February filers!) goes smoothly!
valkyriesheweeNot TellingAustralia2007-05-21 23:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMARCH FILERS!!!
I got approved on the 18th! I just recieved the e-mail today :D

I'm so happy and I can't believe it!

Now what to do next... lol!
valkyriesheweeNot TellingAustralia2007-05-21 18:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!
NSC recieved the packet today at 7.56 am! I'm so relieved to know it got there (not that I expected it to get lost in the mail, but when you put that much effort into something you worry!)

I can't wait until my fiance logs on to tell him :D
valkyriesheweeNot TellingAustralia2007-02-21 13:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!
I sent my packet off to the Nebraska SC today! :joy:
valkyriesheweeNot TellingAustralia2007-02-16 16:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!
Didn't quite have enough time to send it out today, but I'll hopefully be sending it out tomorrow! ^_^
valkyriesheweeNot TellingAustralia2007-02-14 18:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!
I'm looking to file by next week, so I'll be a February filer as well! We've been scrambling to get things togeter since we'd been planning on a DCF after a July wedding, but I've got the info from him and original signed forms that I need and just have to finish things up on my end.

Anyone have advice?

Good luck to you who have already sent them in! :D
valkyriesheweeNot TellingAustralia2007-02-08 01:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of Meeting in the past two years
Thank you so much for your help! :D I'll definitely get all that included and I dug up my notification that my student visa had been granted, so that's going in there too!

valkyriesheweeNot TellingAustralia2007-02-10 08:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of Meeting in the past two years
Thank you :)

I do have entry and exit dates that match the boarding passes, I even have a working permit under a student visa for working in Australia. Will that help as proof?
valkyriesheweeNot TellingAustralia2007-02-10 01:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of Meeting in the past two years
I was reading through the RFE tips thread and found a few things that have me worried as I'm gathering everything for the I-129F packet

One was proof of meeting in the past two years. We have pictures, airline ticket stubs and passport stamps to start with, but it says that since ticket stubs don't have the year they are not acceptable as primary evidence! We lived together for 5 months in Australia, though my name was never on the apartment lease, I do have envelopes addressed to me there with dated stamps and he has bills addressed to him at the same address with dates. Will this be good enough? If not, what else can be done to support the passport stamps and ticket stubs?

(Note: In my passport, I'm shown entry into Australia at Melbourne, which is also where he lives. Will this be helpful at all since the PoE is the also his place of residence?)

Edited by valkyrieshewee, 10 February 2007 - 01:39 AM.

valkyriesheweeNot TellingAustralia2007-02-10 01:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPacket Assembly

I think I read somewhere, no matter how you assemble it, they break it apart and arrange it they way they want it.

I'm sure they will! I just want to get thing organized in such a way that they can easily find what they need :)

Staples has a report notebook that clamps the edge of the papers into a group. A steel camlock, spring-loaded clamp and clear plastic cover. I made a contents index sheet.

Thanks for the tip! I saw it mentioned that a two-hole punch at the top is helpful for them... is that true?

One more question... did you use ziplock bags for your pictures or something else?
valkyriesheweeNot TellingAustralia2007-02-12 08:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPacket Assembly
So I'm getting near my filing date and I'm collecting more and more and more pages! I was wondering if any of you had advice on how to index the pages, add tabs, and keep the whole thing together (binders or such) I'm aiming to get everything as organized possible so I can see everything well before I send it off and they can find things easily when they get it. Thanks for your advice

PS: Did any of you get nervous and antsy in the days before you filed? I've had all these nervous habits lately since I'm so conerned about making it perfect, lol!
valkyriesheweeNot TellingAustralia2007-02-12 00:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee arrived
Congratulations! That's wonderfull! I hope all goes well with your marriage :joy:
valkyriesheweeNot TellingAustralia2007-02-12 08:25:00