United KingdomAPPROVED :)!!!

Interview was this morning and we got approved dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif


FINALLY!!! Longest process ever but you feel amazing once you get the approval!


I updated our timeline (very detailed) of the interview experience.


Grats mate! Hopefully I'll have good news next week too assuming they let me in without a letter lol :D

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-13 12:34:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy, mobile phones

I had my interview yesterday and I took a backpack and my fiance took a messenger bag. We both went in fine with our phones, chargers, my Kindle (a newer one without buttons), and his iPod. I think it's safe to say that they're not that picky anymore!

Nice, thanks for letting me know about the messenger bag. :)

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-14 07:27:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy, mobile phones


I took a handbag. Was a larger handbag which had space for a change of clothes, ipad, documents folder, a water bottle and travel-sized toiletries, but a handbag nonetheless tongue.png


Can't think whether I saw people with messenger type bags there on the day. Hopefully someone else can weigh in.


Sounds like a pretty large handbag tbh! Guess I'll leave it in the hotel and hide my envelope under my jacket if it starts raining. And now I can go back to worrying about if my interview letter is going to show up in time for my interview. With only 6 days between when they mailed it and my interview I'm not holding my breath...especially since i won't be home for the 5th and 6th day lol :(

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-13 15:09:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy, mobile phones

There have been lots of recent reviews, posts etc (mine included) which report mobiles being allowed in to the embassy. I had my ipad and ipod nano in my bag too. They were fine.


The only things they don't like are electronics with buttons, soooo the old-style kindles, laptops etc are no-nos.


When you say your bag do you mean a handbag? Or something more substantial? I was going to show up to the embassy with a messenger bag but not sure if that will be too large or not. Debating just leaving it at the hotel.

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-13 14:53:00
United KingdomQuestion

I have a very strange question, I did try and do a search on this but nothing came up, when I went to visit my fiancé in England this past September I took my hair straightener with me but I ended up frying it. I'm going back to England in May and I'm worried about taking another straightener with me only to have the same thing happen to it. Has anyone had any luck on which hair straighteners would work in England?


I was under the impression any electronics would work as long as you had a voltage converter since the UK and US use different voltages for their electronics. Can probably find something on ebay or amazon. Or a random electronics store when you're in the UK.

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-14 10:04:00
United KingdomDouble checking that I have all the required documents

Thanks for the input guys I feel a better more relaxed about it now. Well, as relaxed as I'm going to get in this situation. :) And yeah I figure I'll take some extra proof of relationship such as photos and plane tickets over christmas just in the unlikely chance that they request it.


Good luck on Wednesday, Broe!

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-15 12:09:00
United KingdomDouble checking that I have all the required documents

Looks good to me as well, I wasn't sure if I needed duplicates of all my documentation or not (i-134 etc, tax returns etc) I guess we don't which is just as well as im taking along my own financial information etc as I rent property in the UK so I can luckily support myself when abroad.  I wasn't looking forward to spending a couple of hours at a photocopier.


I hope it all goes well Tuesday.


I have copies of all the affidavit of support stuff too because we figured we would need the originals for adjustment of status... thinking back on that makes me think it was a dumb idea because it'll be a different tax year by the time we do that so we'll have to get new copies of that stuff haha.


I just feel weird having all this stuff organized now and ready for the interview because it feels like there's pretty much nothing there and i feel like there should be more to bring, but nope. That's all of it.

Figure I'll take some photos from my visit over Christmas just incase the subject comes up.


But thank you for the good wishes! I'm kind of terrified even though there's not really a reason to be haha. :)

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-15 11:53:00
United KingdomDouble checking that I have all the required documents

Oh, forgot updated letter of intent to marry as the NOA2 will expire before the interview.

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-14 16:26:00
United KingdomDouble checking that I have all the required documents
Passport ( Obviously )
Birth certificate + Copy
Police Certificate + Copy
Passport Photographs
Affidavit of support + Co-sponsor affidavit of support both with letters from bank, employers, wage slips, bank statements and taxes.
Visa fee and courier fee receipts
Instruction page printed off from as the page requests
Interview appointment letter
DS-160 confirmation print out
Am I missing anything or am I all set for Tuesday? :) Should I bring any photographs of me and the fianceé or plane tickets and the like? I'm assuming no but just making sure.
Hopefully the next post from me will be saying I'm approved!

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-14 16:02:00
United KingdomAdmittance to embassy?

Getting there for 7-7:30 is fine. The appointment time is, as you say, just to stagger the line somewhat but really it's first-come-first-served.


Ok, that's what I thought but the letter was making me second guess myself. Thanks for the reassurance. :)

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-14 11:36:00
United KingdomAdmittance to embassy?

Hm, this topic is still showing 0 views even though I've got people to look at it. How odd.

Edit: Working now, apparently it wasn't updating the view count on my end.

Edited by AlanT, 14 March 2014 - 11:32 AM.

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-14 11:31:00
United KingdomAdmittance to embassy?

So amazingly, my appointment letter arrived today. Much later than normal for my mail tbh, but it arrived that's what is important. I just read the letter it says:

"Please note that you will not be admitted more than 30 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time."


I was under the impression the appointment time is just to keep the queue staggered? I was planning on showing up to the embassy around 7:00 or so, even though my appointment is 9:30. Should I change my plans up a bit or disregard that little snippet on the letter and show up at 7am? Seems like a relatively stupid question but it's difference between getting in and out fast or having breakfast. Lol.

Edited by AlanT, 14 March 2014 - 09:55 AM.

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-14 09:54:00
United KingdomMedical test length validity

"Although the medical exam is valid for one year, x-rays and lab tests have limited validity. If your medical exam expires on or before your interview you must undergo a modified medical exam to update your results."


That is what it says on the pink page of my interview letter. So it leaves a lot to be desired about the x-ray and blood test part. this says you have 1 year to adjust your status from the date of your medical if you enter on a k1 visa. You may be able to e-mail the embassy or call Knightsbridge doctors and see what they have to say on the subject.

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-15 13:57:00
United KingdomKnightsbridge medical, documents needed to bring

do you need the actual ACPO certificate, or a color photocopy of it will suffice? 1 was only ordered for the IV packet (petitioning parents).


I brought the original just to be safe. They give you it back anyway. As far as I'm aware they just check it to see if you have any crimes that would make it look like you abuse drugs/alcohol/ or that you're violent, etc.

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-17 10:03:00
United KingdomApproved!

Status "Issued"... I'm so over the moon!


Congrats! Mine was issued on the 20th and I should have it on the 25th according to DX Secure. Not sure if they count Sunday or not as a day for delivery though. Leaving on Wednesday. :)

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-24 10:00:00
United KingdomApproved!

I'm getting a one way ticket with BA. I have enough avios points with them at this point that the price is similar to a return ticket if I spend them all. :) And hopefully I'll be leaving next friday. If by some miracle the visa arrives tomorrow (it won't) I would try to leave on Sunday. :)

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-21 07:49:00
United KingdomApproved!

Hi, thanks for this information. I've been a little worried about the interview. This has made me feel better since I have all of my documents in place.



No problem, I just felt the need to clarify to people that even from my perspective as someone who gets anxious about pretty much everything there really was nothing to worry about. I even woke up the morning before going to London worrying that I was missing some super important document I would need for the interview or be rejected. ( I wasn't missing anything and when I "woke up" I was still half asleep but panicking about this imaginary document. )


Congratulations on your approval!!! dancin5hr.gif  You must be over the moon!


My fiance's interview is TOMORROW - we're going through the whole nervous/anxiousness time right now and I'm trying so hard to be calm for him.


Reading that we'll be fine is reassuring! I'm like you...always worrying, and I think he's checked the documents over 6 times today!


Congrats again! smile.png


I'm sure he will be fine! Nothing wrong with double checking your documents if it relaxes you though that's how I kept reassuring myself I was ready. :)


Congrats!!! had mine this morning, really so long as you have your docs in order and nothing to hide then it really isnt the great big terror youve built it up to be in your mind.  


Just follow the guides and great advice on here and you should be good throughout this journey.


Grats on your approval Broe. :)

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-20 06:58:00
United KingdomApproved!

So happy, I went to the embassy worrying myself to death ( needlessly, may I add. ) and it turned out I had literally no reason to worry. Hardest part of the whole process was getting my fingerprints recorded as the skin was too dry apparently. Got to feel the wrath of the Asian lady getting annoyed during this part. :P Questions were as easy as can be.


TL;DR if you're a pessimist like me and actively look for stuff to worry about then take it from me: you'll be fine. Just check and double check your documents are all in order and the rest of it is a cakewalk.

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-19 11:12:00
United KingdomReceived interview date...but...

That is GREATTTTTTT NEWS!! Thanks for posting this!!!!!!   We are defo counting down the days!!! Best of luck and let us know how it goes.  My mind is a tad bit more at ease knowing I will at least be permitted to enter lol

Got their e-mail so I was worrying about nothing :D


Thank you for your email.


Embassy records show that the appointment for your visa interview is scheduled for March 18 at 9:30AM.  Written notification of the date and time of the interview was sent to you on March 12.  You need not be concerned that the letter has not arrived; you may bring a copy of this email for presentation to Embassy personnel.  Please visit our website at http://london.usemba..._documents.html for information on the documents you are required to present on the day of the interview.  


Please note: The address and location of the Embassy is available at http://london.usemba...v/ukembmap.html Electronic devices such as laptops are not allowed within the Embassy grounds.  For a list of prohibited items and storage facilities within the vicinity of the Embassy, please see our website at http://photos.state....eft_luggage.pdf Large bags, such as backpacks, suitcases or packages classed above cabin-size allowance are also not allowed within the Embassy grounds. Please see our website at http://photos.state...._items_2014.pdf for more information.


So yeah as long as you have your e-mail printed out you won't have any problems. Good luck!

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-14 07:19:00
United KingdomReceived interview date...but...

Just called them again and the woman contacted the people who deal with visas for me and they just said it doesn't matter if the letter isn't received because our names are on lists. Like you said we will just have to prove identities and stuff, yay. Roll on Tuesday.

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-14 03:56:00
United KingdomReceived interview date...but...

I emailed the embassy asking if I could bring a copy of the email confirming the date, but haven't heard back from them.  I did read on here where some people never got a letter.  My CEAC was last updated on Feb. 14th, I'm assuming that's when the embassy got the papers from my docs they requested after my medical d/t my diabetes.  I can't help but think that after we prove who we are, all they have to do is confirm with someone that we have an interview.

  I've read where its fairly common for London to not send letters, but I am still so nervous.  Best of luck....maybe soon we will be posting an approved status!!! yeeee hawwww!!!!  smile.png  My interview is Wednesday @ 9:00


I sincerely hope that is the case because I don't like the idea of going down to London from Glasgow just to get turned away because the time between my appointment being scheduled and my interview is only 6 days, with 2 of those days not being business days and obviously one of them I'll be in London so won't receive any e-mails or letters. Tried talking to them over the phone about it and they just regurgitated that I have to e-mail them even though they probably won't read it in time. Lol.


So good luck to us, hopefully we don't need any though!

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-14 03:41:00
United KingdomReceived interview date...but...

Ended up calling the embassy today and the woman I spoke to told me if they don't respond to my e-mail in time or I don't receive the letter on time I can just show up to the embassy and explain the situation. Kind of worried about that because I'm pretty sure I read about people being turned away without their appointment letters.

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-13 12:15:00
United KingdomReceived interview date...but...

My appointment is March 19, (found out by calling NVC ----also confirmed with email) and they said they sent the letter out feb. 21. Still don't have the letter......I'm taking a copy of the email confirming the appointment with me when I go.  Good luck to you..and wishing you a happy life together


Good luck to you too. :D


Honestly I'm surprised with my interview date being so soon as my medical was 26th of February. I had to get an additional MMR and then fax the records back to Knightsbridge which I did on March 6th. The embassy updated my case on the 10th and then again on the 12th and I figured it was just them updating the case or something... Fiancee ended up calling NVC to find out and they said the interview was in 6 days and we were both excited, but also freaking out over having to organize hotels and flights in such short notice lol. It's almost over though, woohoo!

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-13 04:18:00
United KingdomReceived interview date...but...

U will receive a letter by Friday if ya date was only confirmed today

Sounds like the case updated today when the letter was sent out


I hope you're right. :) Just worrying a lot over it because I didn't receive my packet 3 either. Had to e-mail them for that.

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-12 11:56:00
United KingdomReceived interview date...but...

It's in 6 days and I have no letter from them. We only found out when my case updated today and we called NVC. I e-mailed the embassy to get them to confirm the appointment date so I can print that off. Worried they won't get back to me in time and won't get into the embassy. sad.png Anyone else have experience in a similar situation?


Edit: is it possible to reschedule if required?

Edited by AlanT, 12 March 2014 - 11:54 AM.

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-12 11:53:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

I had the same vaccine. For me, they ticked that I had the TD vaccine (covering tetanus and diphtheria) and the IPV vaccine which covered the polio vaccine. This meant that each box had something ticked which seemed to satisfy them.

Nice! Guess I just need to get a flu shot and then I'm all good on vaccines. Thanks for sharing that information. :)

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-02-05 08:06:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Can't say without seeing the sheet and dates. You might say typhoid when they wrote something different. I wrote about the shot specifics in the K1 guide. Your shots are the same, but you must get finished by medical exam, where K1s can wait until AOS and pay a doctor in the US to fill out a new sheet.

See the first post here for the shot list and descriptions http://www.visajourn...complete-guide/

You didn't need Hep A unless you aren't 19 yet. And you don't need typhoid.


25/09/2013 MMR booster

16/05/2013 Hep A / Typhoid ( I know I don't need this, just listing it for completions sake.

16/05/2013 Low dose Diptheria, Tetanus and inactivated Polio vaccination.

Sometime soon I'll get a flu shot.

Had chicken pox as a child so I don't require Varicella.


The Diptheria, Tetanus and Polio vaccines is what I'm interested in. In your sticky you said "Td or Tdap - Tetanus/diptheria/pertussis or get DT, DTP or DtaP and it will be accepted for AOS also."


Now obviously the vaccine I received doesn't include pertussis it has polio instead. But it does have Diphtheria and Tetanus. So is this vaccine good enough or will I end up having to pay at the medical for the one that includes Pertussis? The nurse that did my shots seemed confused when I brought up Pertussis shots, apparently she's only gave it to pregnant women.


And at this point i should go to bed... 3:21am haha, night.

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-02-04 22:22:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors


Meant Tetanus. :D My bad, I got a bunch of them done because they lost my records. Typhoid was one of them. :) Just confused if I need TD and TDap or if I'm fine with what I have.

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-02-04 21:10:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors


If you are anxious, I know of this herb that might be able to help you relax..... (too soon?)


Definitely not too soon, made me and the fianceé laugh.


The appointment is gone at this point, the flight and medical have both been cancelled and rescheduled for the 26th. I'm fine with the medical stuff tbh it's just this stupid weed stuff that made me freak out and cancel it haha. Though since you brought it up I figure I'll probably require the 24 hour blood pressure test. When I switched to a new dentist they tried to take my blood pressure and it was sky high because I'm terrified of dentists. Didn't help that I was shaking like a leaf either because my adrenaline started going... sad part is it was just to get them scaled/polished lol.


Only real question I have about the medical at this point is I read the K1 London sticky and in the vaccine section it mentions to get TD or Tdap. When I was asking my nurse about the pertussis part of it she seemed really confused about it and just gave me MMR, Typhoid/Diphtheria/Polio, Hep A, Typhoid. I was going to get the flu vaccine at the medical tomorrow but since I'm not going now... Gonna start bugging my doctor for it since I have a few weeks to burn. Once I have that am I good on vaccines or do I have to find one with pertussis still?

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-02-04 20:22:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors


Blood Test is for syphilis. 


Although I would probably take a shower, and wear different clothes smile.png


Yeah, girlfriend wanted me to err on the side of caution though so it's already been cancelled and rescheduled.



The chances of anything showing up because of passive smoke is almost zero, anyway.  


There was a thread in one of the other sections a few weeks back of some guy failing his medical because of showing up positive for weed and he was adamant that it was because of passive smoking - he'd never do that etc. etc. "it was his friends smoking around him in a car, honest guv'nor" type stuff.  I did a bunch of reading that day of scientific papers on the topic and I'm pretty confident he was BSing everyone. smile.png



Yeah I figured as much but it's already been rescheduled. 2-3 more weeks of waiting isn't going to kill us I guess. We're both pretty pessimistic and I have some anxiety issues, so we decided it was better to be safe than take any chances, no matter how minute. I also felt like if by some miracle it did show up and I said "I didn't smoke it I swear!" would be kind of laughable, I'm sure they've heard that excuse a lot. Relegating myself to sitting in the house for 3 weeks!


Thanks for the responses though guys. :)

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-02-04 16:18:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

The blood test is for sexually transmitted diseases. They don't test for drugs unless you act high or smell of weed. Take a shower and wash your hair tongue.png

Haha, yeah I figured as much. Think the fiance wants me to reschedule just to be on the safe side. £95 to avoid a year ban is ok with me. Mad as hell right now though. Just want this stuff to be over. ClockWatch2.gif

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-02-04 10:30:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

So, some stupid ###### happened today. I was talking to the mother of my sisters boyfriend today in her home asking if she would want to buy my PC after I receive my visa and then her daughter walks in and starts smoking weed infront of us. The medical is tomorrow and I'm kind of freaking out incase it shows up in my blood test.


I have never done drugs and did a good job of avoiding them until this happened today. Should I just reschedule my medical?

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-02-04 10:05:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Hey guys, I filled in my questionnaire for the medical then realized today I didn't mention on it that I'm taking ointment for some mild eczema on my stomach and marked that I wasn't taking any medication. Will they actually care since it's for something so minor or should I print out a new copy of the forms and mention the ointment just to be on the safe side?


I must've brain farted and thought they would only care about serious medication... but better safe than sorry.

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-02-03 14:43:00

Well damn, reading this has me worried as back in 2003 I had an operation to remove a benign tumour from my knee. The paperwork detailing the operation itself seems to be missing according to my doctor so I just have paperwork leading up to the diagnosis and the date of the biopsy. Is this going to be a problem for me?

Edited by AlanT, 20 February 2014 - 09:07 PM.

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-02-20 21:06:00
United KingdomApproved!

I am a very pleased lady right now smile.png have written a review, hope it helps others!

Congrats! Hopefully not too far behind you, got my medical yesterday. Was stressing myself out over nothing lol :D

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-02-27 03:42:00
United KingdomPotentially stupid passport photo question

The photos for the interview will appear on your visa not your green card, you will need another bunch for filing AOS. I take it you have got the US size photos as they are a different size from the police cert ones.


Yes, I requested the photographer to take a batch of UK sized and US sized photos. Thinking I'll just get some new ones done so they look neater lol.

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-04 14:00:00
United KingdomPotentially stupid passport photo question

Hey guy, so initially I got my passport photos taken in January for the police certificate/medical/visa interview stages of the visa process. My hair was kinda shaggy at that point but during my medical the doctor brought up that I had cut my hair but he could tell that it was obviously me in the photographs. Do you think I should err on the side of caution and just get some new photos done for the interview or keep the ones from January where I have longer hair?

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-04 01:45:00
United KingdomAPPROVED :)!!!

Interview was this morning and we got approved dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif


FINALLY!!! Longest process ever but you feel amazing once you get the approval!


I updated our timeline (very detailed) of the interview experience.


Grats mate! Hopefully I'll have good news next week too assuming they let me in without a letter lol :D

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-13 12:34:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy, mobile phones

I had my interview yesterday and I took a backpack and my fiance took a messenger bag. We both went in fine with our phones, chargers, my Kindle (a newer one without buttons), and his iPod. I think it's safe to say that they're not that picky anymore!

Nice, thanks for letting me know about the messenger bag. :)

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-14 07:27:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy, mobile phones


I took a handbag. Was a larger handbag which had space for a change of clothes, ipad, documents folder, a water bottle and travel-sized toiletries, but a handbag nonetheless tongue.png


Can't think whether I saw people with messenger type bags there on the day. Hopefully someone else can weigh in.


Sounds like a pretty large handbag tbh! Guess I'll leave it in the hotel and hide my envelope under my jacket if it starts raining. And now I can go back to worrying about if my interview letter is going to show up in time for my interview. With only 6 days between when they mailed it and my interview I'm not holding my breath...especially since i won't be home for the 5th and 6th day lol :(

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-13 15:09:00