USCIS Service CentersUSCIS Website still not showing case

Hi, we got NOA1 7/5/14 and the case appeared on USCIS after 4 days. I was panicking too when it kept giving me errors so I just decided to wait it out.


Yeah, I never could see the case status, not once, until after it was done and processed, and approved, which it finally did on July 1st. I was at work at the time, and noticed it on the 3rd, finally after doing my routine weekly checks on it. Very much fell out of my chair, got up, and danced a jig. My co-workers were perplexed for a few moments, but then caught on quickly. :)

erenfroMaleJapan2013-07-09 18:46:00
USCIS Service CentersUSCIS Website still not showing case

I guess our hands are tied and we'll just have to keep waiting.  One thing this process will have taught us in patience, haha.


Heh, I learned that in the US Army! LOL



erenfroMaleJapan2013-05-22 11:50:00
USCIS Service CentersUSCIS Website still not showing case

Thats strange.  My petition was mailed to the VSC on Dec 2nd and I received my NAO1 on Dec 7th.  My case status has been available since the day of the receipt.  I hate excuses, seems like no matter what the issue is with USCIS it just gets brushed off.  I called them on May 8th, exactly 5 months, which is their timeline and was told to wait two more months.  My guess is sooner though.  good luck


Yeah, I know. Someone else I know has been able to see their case status online since weeks after their NOA1, yet I have never been able to, and they just keep claiming it's problems with their website. 


You're on VSC as well, so that no longer makes it isolated to them, and you started yours /after/ me, and still have at least information.


I wonder if anyone else is having this issue, or actually, more that aren't. I want to bring in definitive results to ask why they keep telling me one thing, but actual people involved, like me, aren't, so we can finally get that issue resolved. I can stand waiting, but when you're completely blind and you have to constantly talk to a Tier 1 agent to give them your case number specifically every time (can't input the case number via phone because that too isn't working), yet they claim they can look it up and see it just fine, every time, and do so to verify my identity details.


Thanks, Micah, too, BTW. And good luck to you as well. :)



erenfroMaleJapan2013-05-22 08:57:00
USCIS Service CentersUSCIS Website still not showing case

So, I filed my I-129F petition November 8th, 2012, got my NOA1 on November 14th via email, and not long after, via snail mail.


Ever since that time, I've checked at least multiple times to see my case status, but still it claims:

Your case can not be found at this time in My Case Status. Please check your receipt number and try again. If you need further assistance, please call the National Customer Service Center at 1.800.375.5283.


I have called and spoken to USCIS Tier 2 reps twice now, and this is basically what's been said.


2013-01-07: Agent said it will most likely be April until processing comes to a decision. Agent also said there are computer issues with regarding case status and is "not working".


2013-04-24: Started to escalate the case since it had been longer than 5 months but agent came back and said there are 39 days left to reach a decision. Asked why 39 days more after having been over 6 months and I was simply told "they had an exact time frame set out for it".  Also asked about website issues and was told they are still having troubles with their website regarding case tracking and status. 


So, not only is their supposed deadline been set for June 1st, 2013 (just over 7 months from the original NOA1), but their website has been malfunctioning for all that time, supposedly? 


I just don't get it. I hear other people having no issues, but my case is specifically? I don't get how this is possible (and I'm a Linux Systems Engineer!) I was basically just told to wait for June 1st, or rather, I was told to wait up to two weeks past June 1st for the documents to arrive in the mail for decision determining and all, before I can escalate as I'd started during the last call, and got told the 39 days (thus canceling the escalation).


Any thoughts, suggestions, etc on the issue? All I feel I can do presently, is just hurry up and wait more, and still cannot see what's what about the process because of their website being down supposedly. 




erenfroMaleJapan2013-05-21 07:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConcerns of job changes during processing -- Needing advice


From one engineer to another...


if(employed && making_enough && first_world_country_like_japan)


   return approval;



As long as you make enough money to support her, they will issue the visa.  Especially considering it is Japan, where the visa interviews are extremely easy and the fraud rates extremely low.  I wouldn't worry.



Heh, nice way to put it. But yeah, I was hoping that would be the case, because, yes... I do make well enough to support her and myself together, comfortably enough in the state I live in anyway. Florida's cost of living is not high, but wages are also less than that of the west coast or north along the east coast, but regardless.. Reasonably comfortable to be able to save money and not live strictly just paycheck to paycheck.


I'm in the US, she'll be coming from Japan, having currently even a job right now to this day while she continues to save money for her side of the process, to help insure coverage of finances for the government involvement. ;)


I was more worried about the start date of my new job may end up being less than a month once I change over since their due date for to "come to a decision" is supposed to be June 1st.. I may be at the new job by then, depending on how things continue to go as they are. I'm already getting screening paperwork, but no actual official offer of the job, just yet, let alone pay to determine if I'll even accept it or not. hehe


I'm sure they factor somewhat in longevity in the workplace, and I've worked where I am for 2 years now, before that I've held 2 1~1.5year jobs in a row with only a month lapse between.


That's why I was concerned, mostly.



erenfroMaleJapan2013-05-20 13:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConcerns of job changes during processing -- Needing advice

I'm into 6 months now waiting for USCIS to approve my petition to have my Japanese fiance come over on a K-1 Fiance Visa, and I'm wondering about a possible problem that may be caused, or if I shouldn't worry. 


Main thing is, I'm looking to change jobs from what I'm doing now which is a highly technical, a Linux Systems Engineer, to another job exactly identical without any down time, just the only difference is my start date will of course change. 


Does anyone think that this may become a problem for when processing continues on to the NVC, or should I be relatively safe in this regard?


The main reason I'm looking into this is because the company I work for kinda decided to stop supporting the main product I support, which means in about a year, or less, this job will be cut pretty extensively.. More so, Linux stuff will be cut extensively more leaning on Windows, which I don't care to professionally support, nor have the time to try to catch up with what they've done in the past 20 years. 


Any advice is appreciated.. If there's no concerns regarding the manner of this, it's also good to know. 




erenfroMaleJapan2013-05-20 12:56:00