United KingdomRidiculous objectification of our SOs thread

Kalmeer. Stap nu de keuken binnen en start koken. Naakt. :luv:

Siiiiigh,.....American women are SOOO difficult :bonk:
I'm glad,...I'm MAN enough to DEAL WITH IT! :P B-)

MarkTexasNot Telling02011-02-16 11:27:00
United KingdomRidiculous objectification of our SOs thread

Oooooo...can I join in?

My Dutch husband has much more to offer than the basic American type..
Sure, he has the tallness, blondness, education and temperament common to his Dutch breeding.....but he offers so much more than the American offerings here. I mean who would want to be stuck in with a fat, ugly, mysogenistic, bald American when there are tall, handsome, intelligent hotties that are self made men elsewhere.

By the way, I did read in some med journal somewhere that statistically American men are getting shorter.....Oh dear. Doesn't bode well for my intercontinental 6 inch heel stiletto wearing sisters, does it?


:o ####### ik wist niet dat jij mij alleen maar als een paarden hengst ("Ras") zag! :help: :angry:
MarkTexasNot Telling02011-02-16 00:32:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
An hello "YA'LL" from Texas, to all the newbies en regulars, good.gif

How are ya'll???

I Havent been able to sign in here in about 8 months. blush.gif wacko.gif
But just grabbing 5 seconds to jump in too let "Ya'll" know that my wife and I are doing absolutly brilliant. heart.gif rose.gif luv.gif heart.gif

Regards Mark. wink.gif smile.gif

MarkTexasNot Telling02007-09-26 15:41:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands

Where are the Dutch people from that are on this site? Just curious.
I was born in Zevenaar (near Arnhem)...

Marieke & Darkhorse .....Welkom in ons Hollandse hoekje @ VJ!

Hellaas heb ik niet zo heel veel tijd om aan de computerd te zitten i.v.m lange werkdagen.

Echter, om je vraag te beantwoorden;
Ik ben een geboren Tilburger (Brabander) en ik woon en werk nu in Texas, samen met MIJN family!

Mazzels Mark

MarkTexasNot Telling02007-04-18 20:37:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands

Hello everyone! :D

Mark & Michele,

Congrats on your GC! Two years USCIS Free??? Now that's grrrreat news! :thumbs:



Thanks voor de felicitaties!

Yup,....voorzover ik weet ben ik USCIS free voor twee jaar. :D :D :D

:dance: Joepiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :dance:

Na die twee jaar worden mijn "Tijdelijke (2-jarige) GreenCard condities" verwijderd en krijg je een GreenCard geldig voor 10 jaar!

Groetjes Mark & Michele.
MarkTexasNot Telling02007-03-19 17:51:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
----- Original Message -----
To: <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 9:30 AM
Subject: Case Status Information for Receipt Number: MSCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX


The last processing action taken on your case



Current Status: Card production ordered.

On March 13, 2007, we ordered production of your new card.
Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Wooooohoooooo I'm sooo happy happy happyyyyyyyy :D :dance: :D :dance: :D :dance: :D

Finally,.....two years free off immigrations!

Sorry,...just HAD to vent this ooooh sooo GOOD news!!!

My wife and me are wishing YOU ALL the best of luck through the oh so tough times of immigrations.
Hangon inthere guys, WILL COME, reeeally WILL! :thumbs: ;)

Regards M&M

MarkTexasNot Telling02007-03-14 11:55:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
:dance: :dance: :dance: I am APPROOOOOOVED! :dance: :dance: :dance:
My GreenCard is on the waaayyyyyy!!! wooooohoooooo!!!

----- Original Message -----
From: "CRIS" <>
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2007 1:01 PM
Subject: Case Status Information for Receipt Number: MSCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

The last processing action taken on your case


Current Status: Notice mailed welcoming the new permanent resident.

On March 8, 2007, we mailed you a notice that we had registered this customer's new permanent resident status. Please follow any instructions on the notice. Your new permanent resident card should be mailed within 60 days following this registration or after you complete any ADIT processing referred to in the welcome notice, whichever is later. If you move before you get your new card call customer service. You can also receive automatic e-mail updates as we process your case. Just follow the link below to register.

If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status results listed above, or if you have not received a decision from USCIS within the current processing time listed*, please contact USCIS Customer Service at (800) XXXXXXX.

*Current processing times can be found on the USCIS website at under Case Status & Processing Dates.
*** Please do not respond to this e-mail message.


The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)

Regards M&M :dance: :P :dance: :P :dance:
MarkTexasNot Telling02007-03-12 18:10:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
Hey Em,

Hoe is het Donderdag afgelopen met je interview??????????
Ben je aangenomen????????
Wat voor soort werk is het?????????

Groetjes M&M

MarkTexasNot Telling02007-03-01 11:09:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
WOOPS typo's :D sorry
MarkTexasNot Telling02007-03-01 11:05:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands

*hops around like a bunny on crack*

3 more days, 3 more days, 3 more days!

Hey Harry,....

Hatelijk Welkom in Amerika over 3 dagen. :thumbs:
MarkTexasNot Telling02007-03-01 11:00:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
Arazia, reeeeeeally,.....hmmmm???,.......GOOD LUCK WITH THAT :thumbs: ..... :whistle:

Edit; Get harry to re-read the instructions for the medical

Edited by MarkTexas, 22 January 2007 - 07:52 PM.

MarkTexasNot Telling02007-01-22 19:50:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
Hiya all, THANKS FOR ALL THE GOOD / WARM WISHES :thumbs: <<<(lots of capitals just for Arazia!!!) ;) :lol:

The AOS interview went smoooooooth! :yes:
They checked the whole packet, then they wanted the $325,- for the I-485 and $70,- for Biometrics which will be scheduled.

The questions they asked were pretty general like;
-Where / when & how did you two meet 1st time?
-How long did you know each other before you-(meaning me) asked her to marry you?
Ect, ect, ect,........basic / general questions dus.

We brought a ton of “Relationship-proof” with us,...but the officer that interviewed us hardly asked about it all, she only looked into a couple wedding pictures, and cards.

:dance: :P Apart from a “name check”,....we ARE APROOOOOVED!!!!!!!! wooooooooohooooooooo!!! :P :dance:

:dance: :P And,....oyeeeeah,....we did the biometrics for the EAD aswell,....woooooohoooooooooooooo!!! :P :dance:

PS;CONGRATS Edi & Pieter :star: :dance:

Regards Mark & Michele.

Edited by MarkTexas, 18 January 2007 - 07:35 PM.

MarkTexasNot Telling02007-01-18 19:30:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands

he mark, gratz on your visa. I am so joelous of you that your flying home within days already while i still have to wait till febr 8.
Were I have been? Ehhh packing, cleaning out my house and moving to my parents house ;-) Were I will stay till we move.


Thanks Jackybeertje,
Naaah don’t be jealous,…you’ll be flying soon very soon after me to be with your sweety! ;)
Just hang on inthere in these tough times Jackybeertje,….you can do it!
About the packing,….isn’t it AMAZING how MUCH stuff there is ya gather over the years?!?!?
It sure as hell took me by surprise!
As a matter of fact I’m still packing! :o :wacko:

Happy Thanksgiving to all !!! And congratz on all those with approvals, it makes it cloooooser to be with your other half :star: Have a good flight!

And for us that are still waiting , we are almost there! :yes: :thumbs:

And Mark, thanks for the link for the international packaging, that's going to be helpful since I am sure that Pieter is going to bring some if his things :thumbs: He's a packrat LOL :lol:

Have a great day!!!!

edi :energetic:

Your very welcome Edi!

and just a little update from this homefront... Tobe is bouncing off the walls with pride... we are having a son!! just what he wanted... my daughter is very upset as she wanted a girl, but she is slowly coming around... now we have been able to go ahead and start buying some cute little blue clothes, etc...

hope everyone had a good thanksgiving and wish everyone a wonderful holiday season!

Congratulations!!! Posted Image

Hi Michele :star: ..... I bet you are just counting down the days now eh :D

As for us.....we got an RFE in my AOS case. They ask for things that we already submitted, so I guess we just have to make copies once again and send it in.....sigh.

Take care all (F)

Hiya Em,

Michele and I are indeed counting down the days, hours, minutes and seconds woooooohoooooooo!
Were getting more and more exited the nearer time gets!!! Joepiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
As for your RFE on your AOS,…well just think to yourself “De Aanhouder Wint!” ;)
Everything will be allright eventually!

My internet connection is up till 30 November!
So maybe (if I have some spare time) I will come back here before it'S been cut off,…otherwise I’ll see ya’ll again from the Texan computer! (L) :P (F) :wub:

Regards Mark.

MarkTexasNot Telling02006-11-25 16:48:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
Hi Arazia & Ranmaru,

In the first place; I was NOT shouting OK?
If I was, my reply should have been COMPLETELY IN CAPITAL FONT!

Maybe I should have “formulated” my questions a bit different, I don’t know?!?!? :unsure:
What I DO know is; that there was no harm intended, just curiosity! ;)
We’re all here for support in these tough times, not to make everyone’s life miserable!

There are a couple things you have to consider when YOU post personal related info on a World Wide Website though!

(1) As soon as YOU post a message / personal related info on a PUBLIC website you open your self up for questions. Or in other words; don’t post if the replies are not what you WANT them to be!

(2) 100.000’s of people who read your posts are going to form an opinion about the posts YOU posted. Some people or replies will ask questions and others just don’t bother!

All I did with my previous post was; I formed an “opinion” and “questions” based on the info you yourself-Arazia provided to this website!
And BEFORE you say it“I know, I know, opinions are just like a$$holes everyone has got one”!

But all the info you yourself-Arazia provided on this website,…just didn’t make much sense to me, that is what my previous post was about; “clarification”! :yes:

My previous post was NOT intended to attack / to harm you and/or your boyfriend!!! :no:
It was intended for you to clarify your confusing posts, that’s all there is/was to it!

You and your boyfriend “Ranmaru” just clarified most of the “confusing” bits! Thank you for that!
Sorry that you are in THAT difficult situation Harry!
Hope everything will turn out perfectly OK for all of you guys! :thumbs:

And eh Ranmaru
Posted Image

Welcome to VJ!

Regards Mark.

I am NOT a “flamewar” person,…hell I’m hardly ever on here, but be warned there are some true “flamewar-experts” here on VJ!!! :o
Those "FlameWar-Expert Explanation-Clicky" can really “take you down” when you open yourself up for it!
Or in other words; Beware with what YOU post on here & be crystal clear plz! (it will prevent all of this!) ;) :thumbs:

Edited by MarkTexas, 25 November 2006 - 04:26 PM.

MarkTexasNot Telling02006-11-25 16:23:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
Incase anyone is looking for a funny avatar?!?

I’m clearing out my computer and I had these funny avatars!
Some of them are a bit bigger then others,…but the VJ website will RESIZE them automatically when ya copy and past the link,…and update your avatar!

Posted Image ROTFFLMAO

Posted Image LOL

Posted Image LOL

Posted Image ROTFFLMAO

Posted Image ROTFFLMAO

Posted Image

Posted Image Neat Trick! ROTFFLMAO

Posted Image ROTFFLMAO

End of part I

Regards Mark.


Posted Image ROTFFLMAO

http://img208.images...5/shutuplm9.gif LOL

http://img207.images...allsclipfx9.gif LOL

http://img207.images...sballoonbz9.gif ROTFFLMAO :lol: :lol:

http://img208.images...7648/wowik5.gif LOL

http://putstuff.putf...m/11543/6239369 ROTFFLMAO :thumbs:

end of part II

Ok gotta gogogoo now,…got still tons of stuff to do!
Catch ya’ll latersss

Regards Mark.
MarkTexasNot Telling02006-11-23 08:48:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
Posted Image

To Mel, Sol-de-Verano, and all other newbie’s I forgot to note! :thumbs:
And Welcome Back Jackybeertje! :thumbs:
Hello to everyone!

Sorry its been again 5 weeks orso since I’ve been here last!
I’ve just been tooooooooo busy - NO time left to get online,….with finishing stuff off permanently,…and I’m still not “done”!
Think you can visualize it best as (to put it in my wife’s words) “I’m running around like a headless chicken!” :wacko: :D
Thinking ya have “done a lot”,….but on the end of the day,………it seems like nothing happened?!? :huh: :blink:
I’ll get there though! :D

Right now there are 16 days to go for me,….before I flyyyyyyyyyyy,….and land in MY Posted Image Angels arms…..siiiiiiigh! (L) (F) (L)
Finally after all this time, and waiting & waiting & waiting,…I’m flying; “home sweet home”,..WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO!!! :P :D :wub:
As for all the wedding questions like;
-are you nervous? YES- but GOOD nerves!
-are you exited? YES-VERY
-are you stressed out a bit? A little!

Sorry to hear that you are home sick, wish I could zap it away for ya!
Guess that ALL immigrants will be home sick, one day or another!
Hope you have good people around / family in NL who can support ya over the phone or internet!
How is the house hunting going, any progress???

Long Time No See, where have you been???

Congratulations on the approval!!!!!
See;,……..“Patience rewards!”
As for package costs you can find more info here>>> http://www.tntpostpa...eneu/index.aspx
To change the Euro-Dollar-Euro rates I ALWAYS use this recommendable website>>>

I cant help BUT wonder “WHY” Harry hasn’t told his parents ANYTHING about YOU?!?!?
I mean, its usually hard to miss when someone is “IN-LOOOVE”,…especially parents will KNOW without saying one word about it to them!
What is Harry going to do, when the VISA finally comes through???
Is he just going to LEAVE without informing his parents???
Cuz THAT ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^could cause some serious problems-think about law enforcement & his parents!
Maybe he got bad parents, or he cant really get along with them,...which is OK,….everyone has probs with their parents every now and again.

But NO PARENT deserves to be left; “NOT KNOWING” anything, especially NOT when he’s LEAVING PERMANTLY!
They might think something BAD happened to him – like kidnapping for example!

Don’t you think YOU should start PUSHING Harry “alittle bit” in telling the STORY of both of you to his parents???
Or if Harry refuses to say anything to his parents,…then WHY don’t YOU TAKE CONTROL and CALL THEM UP???
His parents have the RIGHT to KNOW, what he’s about to do!
Have ya ever thought that his parents might WANT TO BE THERE when you and him get MARRIED???

Well,……don’t they DESERVE the RIGHT to KNOW then???

Lots and lots of questions,………….sorry about that!
The whole situation with Harry and his parents just DOESN’T seem right to me, at all!!

Posted Image

Next year I will celebrate ThanksGiving with MY COMPLETE FAMILY wooooohooooooo!!! :P :D (L) (F)

My internet connection will be disconnected very soon, which means that I will be OFF-line for sometime! (again)
I probably wont be online again before Christmas / next year,……my next post will be send from TX then! :D :D :D

In Advance; All the BEST WISHES & Christmas Wishes to everyone for all the Looove, health, luck & procedures in the up coming holidays & 2007-2008-2009-2010-2050-2100-forever........

Regards Mark.
MarkTexasNot Telling02006-11-23 07:36:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
Hiya everyone,

It’s been awhile I’ve been on here,…again,……..sorry about that – its kinda hectic with all the arranging and stuff!

The interview 10th October 2006 review;
Appointment was originally scheduled at 13:30PM!

Staying address to Embassy = 120 Kilometers

06:00AM rise_n_shine_n_shower

06:30AM Drive off to Amsterdam

10:15AM Arriving at MusuemPlein, parked my car at Museumplein (indoor)parking

10:15AM to 13:00PM hanging around the Museumplein

13:00PM to 13:30PM waiting infront of the Embassy’s gate where another 30 people had the same appointment!!!

13:30PM to 14:00PM waiting inline to check in

14:00PM to 15:55PM waiting inline to see the consular officer

15:55PM to 16:10PM “interview” with consular officer!

He asked a couple things as;

To swear with my right hand raised; that what “we” have written in all the forms and what I will answer to his questions is The TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH”

-How/where did you two meet first time?
-How many days/weeks/months did you actually spent together, before filling?
-Do you know what your fiancées occupation is?
-Do you know if your fiancée has any kids?
-Are you planning on going to work in the USA and if so when?
-Are you planning on doing the same the job as you do right now?
-Do you know the validation of this visa application?

After that my fingerprints were taken, he said quote;
“well by the looks of it all and the information we have about you two!
I have to congratulate you, and wish you a happy and joyful life with your new wife!
You got the VISA, sir!
We’ll send it up to you as soon as the visa has been made”

(L) :luv: (F) Shele My LOOOVE
–and- Texas here I come wooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooo (F) :luv: (L)

16:10PM to 18:30PM driving back!

When I’m gonna be IN the states?
I’m flying HOME SWEET HOME on December the 9th!!!! Woooooooohoooooooooooooooo

(F) (L) I Looooove YOU Shele, soon, very sooon, you and I will be together FOREVER woohooooo! (L) (F)
MarkTexasNot Telling02006-10-14 18:24:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
The Doctor I’m talking about up there ^^^^ is; "Dr. M. Schulte in Amsterdam!!!"

Edited by MarkTexas, 30 September 2006 - 08:00 AM.

MarkTexasNot Telling02006-09-30 07:57:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
September 27th 2006
Mark’s Medical LOG Amsterdam

Amsterdam is from my place about a 75-Mile drive, on a Sunday morning (with sticking to the driving speed-limits!) easily driven within 1 and 3 quarter hour!

Just to give you all an impression in the “time-schedule” here’s my “time-line” of traveling up and down there;

04:00AM Rise, Shine_n_Shower

04:30AM Getting in my car and drive off,

05:00AM to 08:45AM It took me FOUR HOURS and 15 MINUTES due traffic jams to get to the Medical Place!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! :( :angry:

08:50AM to 08:55AM Looking for a parking spot $2.50/ 2Euro’s per 10 minutes!!!

08:55AM to 09:00AM Walking too the Medical Center

09:00AM to 09:05AM Signing in and start waiting,….

09:05AM to 09:25AM Waiting some more,……..

09:30AM to 09:45AM X-ray being taken, cost $63.37/ €50,- Euro’s

09:45AM to 10:00AM Walking to the Doc’s office! (walking because finding a parking space at THAT hour in Amsterdam is virtually impossible, so it’s better to leave the car where it was!)

10:00AM to !0:30AM Signing in, fill in some more papers and pee in a cup!

10:30AM to 10:45AM Having blood taken by the Doc and Medical exam and pay $196.44/ €155,- Euro’s

10:50AM to 11:10AM Walking back to my car fast, because parking ticket was 20 minutes past “payed for” time!

11:10AM to 12:45PM Traveling/driving back home!

12:45PM Back home.

As YOU can see taking full DAY off work is VERY recommendable!!!!

With the “blood taking” I notched something weird though, as I’m unfortunately a DVT patient, I KNOW as no other HOW a blood taking procedure is done!
I never SAW him taking a NEW needle, so I ask about it!
With a bit of a surprised face, he stumbled and answered “ofcourse I did”,…….yet after he took MY blood, he NEVER DISPOSED the needle he used on me,….but instead REPLACED the “protection” cap?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? :no: :o :angry:

:angry: What The F#@$%*&@*&#%$CK?!?!?!?!?!? :angry:

So once again,…I said shouldn’t you dispose that “just-used” needle?
The Doc reacted a bit ticked and said that he will do that when I’m out of the office and before he receives the next person!
:o :angry:

I don’t KNOW about you guys,…….but THAT’S a VERY WEIRD “blood-taking-procedure”!!!!
Blood has been taken from me 1000'S of times by the hospitals checking my blood EVERY MONTH, the past years,.....but I NEVER SEEN A PROCEDURE LIKE THIS BEFORE!!!
I’ve been looking around in his “office” but I couldn’t find a “needle-disposal-bucket” anywhere!!!!
And to be honest,………..I DON’T TRUST THAT DOCTOR ONE LITTLE BIT!!!!

Soooo I hope I don’t hear anything from that Doc ( for the doc's sake), like “they found something”, or that MY hospital finds "something"………..cuz I highly suspect that DOC for USING the same needle over and over again,…which might of transferred something,….if they “find something”!!!!

Because I KNOW for a fact (right because I’m a DVT patient-which means I’m on regular blood control) that MY blood is as clean as clean can get!
So if “they” find something,….I’m going to KILL that DOCTOR!!!!!!! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Just a quick update...

We got our NOA1 or the K-1 Visa this past weekend. It's not much but it's something at least. I'm a little worried at the timing of things.
Harry is coming here from December 17-January 4th,

To Arazia,

I’m NOT an expert, but I don’t think it’s very smart for your Dutch partner to travel too the USA while a K1 procedure is running!
I mean,…..he might HAVE to turn around at the airport right because of the K1 procedure running!!!
Or did I misunderstand / miss-read something?!?!?!?!?

To everyone else;

Good to see/read everything is going "smooth" with everyone!!!

Keep posting on how things are going!!!

Regards Mark.

MarkTexasNot Telling02006-09-30 07:43:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
Hi all,

its about a month ago that i've been here,....busy, busy, busy, know the thing!

Good to see everything is going fairly smooth with everyone.
Congrads to you and your partner Em with you marriage!!!
MarkTexasNot Telling02006-09-13 14:40:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
Hiya everyone,

Packed 3 did NOT ARRIVE here to this day?!? :help: !?!? Sniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifffffffffffffffff :( :angry: :crying:

Ofcourse I’ve been trying to call the Embassy, but I think the Visa Information Service: 0900-872 8472 number is out of order or something, cuz no matter which time I try to call, its always “out of order”?!?!? :unsure: :huh:

Soooo im gonna try the other 2 numbers 2morrow – which I got since today!
So I’m gonna try these TWO 2morrow!
-020-575 5309 (€ 15,- / per call!)
-0900-872-8470 (€ 0.70 / minute)

And try to find out what the hell is going on!

I let you all know something,…as soon as WE know something!

How are things with you all?
Everything going as it’s supposed to be?

Regards Mark.

MarkTexasNot Telling02006-08-23 13:40:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
Hoi Em and everybody else,

Unfortunately, packed 3 DIDN’T arrive upto today?!?!?
I don’t know what the hell is taking them so damn long,…..I mean,..Amsterdam is not THAT far away from me.
Could easily pick it up myself,…but I don’t think they will “appreciate” that very much?!?!?

Soooooooo to kill time, I made this funny thing called;

“Starters Dutch for English people” :whistle: :lol: :innocent:

English: The man made his breakfast.
Dutch: De man maakte zijn broek vast.

English: He had a careful mother.
Dutch: Hij had een kar vol modder.

English: He was brave in the war.
Dutch: Hij was braaf in de war.

English: He had his troubles for his paines.
Dutch: Hij had druppels voor zijn pijn.

English: Do you need a ticket, Jack?
Dutch: Doe je niet een tikkie gek?

English: The girl with the soft eyes.
Dutch: De kerel met het softijs.

English: What do you mean?
Dutch: Wat doe je, Mien?

English: The play is not fair.
Dutch: De plee is niet ver.

English: No parking here.
Dutch: Niet het park in, heren.

English: She made the noise.
Dutch: Ze meed de neus.

English: It's a long way.
Dutch: Er is een long weg.

Ook al is packet 3 er dan nog niet, wat minder leuk is.
Dat wil nog niet zeggen dat we geen humor meer hebben natuurlijk :lol: ;) :whistle: ,…LMAO!!!

MarkTexasNot Telling02006-08-21 15:07:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands

Hey Mark,

One of the things you wil need is your ' internationale geboorteakte' (dus niet je geboorte-uittreksel!). It is mentioned on the checklist send to you with package 3. Police records will be taken care off by the Consulate. I don't know whether you were in the army, but if so I think you will need to get your military records. All that stuff you will have to hand over when you will have your interview.

By the way, sorry to hear that you haven't received you package 3 yet. I've also heard from someone who send in their checklist and after almost 2 weeks of waiting stil haven't received package 4 and their interview date. I don't know, maybe the long wait has got something to do with the 'vakantieperiode' in Holland?

Ah the phone and pc problems.....they suck big time (we've had them too). Well, not long now untill you don't have to get frustrated by that any longer! Just hang in there.....

Take care!

Hey Em,
Hmmmmm en waar kan je een "internationaal geboorteakte vandaan halen?:blush:
(in English; hmmmm and where do i get the "international birthcertificate" from? :blush: )

Ik zal waarschijnlijk wel een paar vrije dagen van m'n werk (werk 60-70U/week) moeten opnemen om het een en het ander te regelen niet?
(in English; I probably will need a couple days time off work (still working 60-70hrs/week)to take care of things right?)

Hoeveel vrije dagen zou ik nodig hebben om aan de gevraagde info in pakket 3 te voldoen?
(in English; how many days time off will i need to gain all the info requested in packed 3?)

I'm reeeally starting to get very exited here,..............woooooooooooooooohoooooooooo :D
Hangon inthere honey,................its not long NOW,............wooooooooooohooooooooooo :D

Many thx in advance!

Regards Mark.

MarkTexasNot Telling02006-08-19 04:35:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands

Michele and Mark,

We received packet 3 today. We are trying to send it back in the morning. Has Mark received it also? I hope so. Look forward from hearing from one of you. Em and Ed I'm glad to hear that things are moving smoothly for you here in the US. Where was your POE of entry? Did you receive the work authorization stamp? Just wondering because you said you had your social security card? Thanks and best wishes to everyone.


Hi Rhonda,
Congrats on the delivery of your packed 3!!! :dance: :thumbs: :dancing:

Unfortunately there is NO packed delivery here yet! :crying:
It could come 2morrow (Saturday 19th ),..if it doesn’t get delivered?!?!?
Then I HOPE its going to be delivered on Monday 21st if there is still no delivery then?!?
I’m definitely gonna call them,…till I get some answers. :angry:


I've been pointed over here by a couple of people. I don't speak Dutch so please be patient with me and if you respond to something I say, please try to do so in English. My fiancee' speaks fluent English so I've never had a problem, but it also means I never learned his language, either.

We're currently just getting together our information and forms for starting the K-1 Process. I'm waiting for him to send me his forms and picture and the proofs he has of our last visit and then I'll be getting everything together to send out. Probably not until next month or so, but I've already started looking through the forums and asking questions.

It's nice to know there are others like us going through this.

Hi Arazia,
Posted Image

And welcome to the Dutch thread ! :thumbs:
“you’ll never walk alone” dus ook niet met je “VisaJourney” ;)

Hi Ronda,

Good to hear that you guys finally received you package 3! Hopefully Michele and Mark have received theirs too!

My POE was Orlando. Things went pretty smoothly at immigration over there. I didn't recceive a work authorization stamp though. As fas as I know there aren't many POE's that do that. On my social security card it says..valid for work only with DHS authorization.. so I am not allowed to work until I get my EAD approved. I will try to get some sort of volunteer job though until that approval because if I have to sit at home all the time doing nothing I will go crazy :wacko:

Take care!

Hi Em,
Welcome back,
Good to see ya! :D
Good to know everything goes as planned over there!
And good luck with finding a volunteer job! :thumbs:

As for us,…..well as you can read upthere^^^^,… packed 3 for us yet,………..sniiiiiiiffffffff. :crying:
But,…I feel it coming,…must be any day NOW,…..I HOPE! :yes:

Michele’s ISP is unfortunately offline,…for the millionth time this year! :(
Damn; If it’s not my ISP who’s offline its hers,……grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!
ARGH; If its not a problem with the phoneline on her end, it’s a problem on this end,…grrrrrrrr

GOD, I’m going to be SOOOOOOOO delighted when all the “Electronic - gadgets” are not in OUR WAY
any more!!! (L) :wub:

PS; do you guys know what kinda info or records are requested next to filling it in before sending back the packed?
Are there any kind of “special” papers required? (for example; internationaal uitreksel?!?!?)

Many thx in advance!

Regards Mark. (F)
MarkTexasNot Telling02006-08-18 15:56:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands

Thanks for the quick responses. Yes, Michele I was thinking that we should have our interviews around the same time. I'm getting all the things I need to send ready this morning and plan on sending them to him today. I'm so nervous and excited to finally be at this point.


Hi Rhonda,

I'm Michele's Fiancé!

And as for nerve’s and excitement all at the same time,…I can reassure you, that we’re not the only one’s around here. ;)

Oh, and >>>>Posted Image :thumbs: ;)

Perhaps your fiancé and me have the interview at the same time!

Will you please keep us informed, about your case?


Regards Mark.

MarkTexasNot Telling02006-08-09 17:38:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands

Hoi Mark,

Heb je inmiddels al bericht gehad van het Consulaat? Vanaf nu gaat het snel hoor! (en da's maar goed ook ;) )

Ik heb gisteren mijn SSN aangevraagd en die ligt als het goed is over 10 werkdagen in de brievenbus.

In ieder geval veel succes alvast met het hele Consulaat gebeuren!


Heyyyy Emmmmm! :thumbs:

Welkom TERUG! :thumbs:

Wat goed dat je weer terug bent! :)
Bevalt ’t een beetje in je nieuwe “thuis”?

ONS NOA2 pakket is 13-07-06 afgeleverd in Amsterdam of wel 9 dagen geleden. :D
Echter heb ik tot op de dag van vandaag nog NIETS gehoord! :huh: :( :unsure:

Maar ik denk dat het lang verwachte pakketje deze week en anders volgende week wel binnen valt!
Tenminste dat HOOP IK!

Zo niet,…dan gaan we gewoon ff bellen! ;)

En Em,
Jij heel veel succes met je intergratie in je nieuwe thuis land.
En laat weer eens wat van je horen, wanneer je de computer weer aan zet! :yes:

Bedankt voor alle succes wensen,………….IK HEB ZE NODIG! :o
Begin nu echt een beetje nerveus te worden! :wacko:
De “GOEDE” nerve’s bedoel ik! :P
Ennuuh,………wellicht steken er nog wel meer vragen de kop op zodra HET pakket eindelijk binnen valt, maargoed dat hoor/lees je dan nog wel. :)
Plaats hier dan wel een berichtje!

M..v.g. Mark.

MarkTexasNot Telling02006-08-09 15:23:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
:devil: BUMP! :devil:

Ik begin steeds zenuwachtiger te worden nu de NOA2 EINDELIJK onderweg is! :dance:
Wooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :dance:
Kan niet wachten tot het eindelijk ONZE beurt is!!! (L)
MarkTexasNot Telling02006-08-04 16:44:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands

Hiya ya’ll,… :D

Keltic Congrats to you and your partner! :thumbs:

FINALLY after NO internet at all for almost one month, I’m BACK ONLINE! :D :P

My internet connection has been cut off for almost one MONTH due road workers, who ripped the cable apart, while digging a couple blocks away from me! :angry: :crying:

But I’m BACK online NOW! :D YAAAAAYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Write more later,……..
Gotta UPDATE our little BANNER with our APPROUVAL!!!!!! :D:D:D

Regards MarkTexas (F)
MarkTexasNot Telling02006-07-31 12:40:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
Heyyyy Em,

Zoals je ziet aan de kleine banner word onze K1 zaak de deze week wel erg veel getouched! :P :D
Zou er geld voor moeten chargen,…..dan leverd al dat “getouch” tenminste nog wat op :lol: :lol: :lol:
Dus,…Michele en ik hebben zo het vermoeden, dat er eerdaags wel een pakketje binnen komt vallen,….JOEPPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

E I N D E L I J K, is er dan vooruitgang!!! :dance:

FF een vraagje,…jij had ’t daarboven ergens erover dat je meer bagage mag meenemen wanneer je emigreert.
Hoeveel meer bagage is dat dan? :huh:

Ennuuh,....zien we jou hier in VJ nog terug wanneer je over 9 dagen :dance: :dance: :dance: E I N D E L I J K naar je geliefde toevliegt?


MarkTexasNot Telling02006-07-08 05:14:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands

Hey Em!!!!! :D
How are you doing? Getting excited, I bet. :D

Just posting quickly to say

THE RFE CAME IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance:
It arrived at 1230 pm today and after calling Mark and filling it in, it was back in the mail by 130pm!!!!

Shouldn't be MUCH longer now for us now! :dance:

Hope all is well with you.

...Catch you on later

Michele (F)

Whooooooooooooop Whoooooooop
YES, YES, YES,Posted Image YES, YES, YES
Whooooooooooop Whoooooooooooop :D :D :D

We werden allebij een beetje Posted Image GEK van al dat wachten ZONDER vooruitgang!
Maar gelukkig, zitten we weer in de spreekwoordelijke "molen"! :D :D :D

Edited by MarkTexas, 01 July 2006 - 12:08 PM.

MarkTexasNot Telling02006-07-01 12:06:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
Hoi Em,

Mede doordat voorheen de “looptijden” wat korter waren dan nu met de nieuwe IMBRA wet, had ik AL mijn eigendommen al verkocht!
Ook mede doordat de verwachting was dat in Oktober ofzow de Visa eindelijk door zou komen,…heb ik ook geen “eigen” huisje meer!

En ik moet toegeven; wanneer je AL je eigendommen verkoopt, dat DAT inderdaad een heel vreemd gevoel met zich meebrengt! :huh:
Spullen waar je KEIHARD voor hebt moeten werken om ze te kunnen kopen en AL die herinneringen,….en nu verkopen voor (in verhouding) een prikkie,…doet inderdaad zeer ja,.WEG herinneringen! :crying:

De enige spulletjes die ik nog als “eigendommen” heb (in afwachting van m’n Visa) zijn m’n kleding en toebehoren, deze computer, en mijn auto (omdat m’n werk 80Km van huis is!) thats it! :help:

Ennuuh thanks dat je, je vingers gekruist houd voor ons,..don’t stop now! :thumbs:


MarkTexasNot Telling02006-06-25 12:01:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
Hoi Em,

Hellaas heb ik alleen in de weekenden genoeg vrijetijd om ff naar vj te surfen!
Dus daarvoor vast mijn excuses als ik niet direct antwoord!

In de eerste plaats alvast heel hartelijk bedankt voor ALLE informatie tot dusver!!!
Voor wat betreft nog meer vragen; die komen er wellicht nog wel,….echter kom jij nog terug op deze website wanneer je dan E I N D E L I J K in Amerika bent aangekomen?

En om jou vraag te beantwoorden;
Tot op heden hebben Michele & ik hellaas nog helemaal NIETS vernomen van de RFE of de NOA2.
Het is zomaar stilletjes op de “USCIS” website,….VEEL TE STIL als je het mij vraagt!

Ik persoonlijk vind het ronduit belachelijk, schandalig en een erg kwalijke zaak hoe dat “UCSIS” alle “mensen” in ONWETENHEID laat zitten wachten!!!

Zodra er weer wat vragen te binnen schieten laat ik je dat wel even weten! ;)

In iedergeval alvast HEEL VEEL SUCCES met alle zaken die nog geregeld moeten worden voor je definitieve vertrek!


MarkTexasNot Telling02006-06-25 05:42:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
:dance: :dance: :dance: VAN HARTE GEFELICITEERD MET JE VISA EM!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Ennnnnnnn hoe is het gegaan?
-Hoe is het gegaan met je interview?
-Wat hebben ze je allemaal gevraagd?
-Wat moest je allemaal overleggen alszijnde “bewijs” van een serieuze relatie?
-Wat hebben ze precies in het ziekenhuis met je gedaan?
-Heb je lang moeten wachten in het ziekenhuis?
-Gingen ze “normaal” met je om,…of meer alsof je maar een “nummer” ben?
-Hoe lang heeft de totale interview ongeveer geduurd?
-Heb je lang moeten wachten voordat je aan de beurt was?
-Wat zijn ongeveer de totale kosten vanm docters / xray's/interview/ enzovoorts?

Ennuuh, gaat ons toch nog niet AL verlaten he? :crying:

many thanks in advance!

Groetjes Mark.
MarkTexasNot Telling02006-06-18 13:49:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
Hoi Em,

Ten eerste mijn excusses voor het wat “laat” schrijven / vragen.
Tjah,…je weet hoe ’t gaat hé,…druk,. druk, druk, werken, werken, werken, ennn wanneer je dan weer online wil gaan heb je opeens :angry: geen internet juice?!?!? :angry:
Maargoed,…probleem is opgelost, en ben er weer! :D

-Hoe is het gegaan met je interview?
-Wat hebben ze je allemaal gevraagd?
-Wat moest je allemaal overleggen alszijnde “bewijs” van een serieuze relatie?
-Wat hebben ze precies in het ziekenhuis met je gedaan?
-Heb je lang moeten wachten in het ziekenhuis?
-Gingen ze “normaal” met je om,…of meer alsof je maar een “nummer” ben?
-Hoe lang heeft de totale interview ongeveer geduurd?
-Heb je lang moeten wachten voordat je aan de beurt was?
-Moest je nog iets doen misschien?-(national anthem zingen misschien?) :lol: LOL :lol:

Mijn excuses voor de vele vragen! :blush:
En,…indien alle vragen beantwoorden je misschien iets te ver gaat op ’t openbare wwweb,….dan wil ik je ook mijn e-mail adres wel geven hoor. (llat maar ff weten hoe of wat)

Voor wat betreft “ONZE” zaak; is er hellaas weer /nog steeds :dead: geen nieuws. :crying:
De Amerikaanse overheid heeft zelfs alle “time-lines” op hun website ook al verwijderd, ofwel,…nu weten we helemaal niet meer wanneer er een eind aan onze “visa journey” zit komen! Zuuuuuuuuuuuuuucht! :(

Maargoed,…we blijven P O S I T I E F denken!! :D

Tot de volgende keer maar weer. :thumbs:

Heyyy een nieuwe Nederlander,

Jackybeertje, welkom op deze fantastische site, en heel veel succes met jullie zaak!!!
MarkTexasNot Telling02006-06-11 16:02:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands

Another BUMP :devil: :whistle: :devil:

Any news on your case Michele and Mark?

Tomorrow I've got to go through the medical part.....oh joy :lol: :whistle: (did I mention that I don't like doctors?) I will be leaving later on today to stay at the house of a friend of my sister's so we don't have to get up at like 4 am to be in Amsterdam on time by 9 am. Now we can at least sleep till 6.30 am -_- -_- :lol:

Hoi Em

Hellaas is er nog geen nieuws aan onze zijde :crying: :angry: :crying: :angry: :crying:
Maar het positieve is,....dat 't nu niet "lang" meer zal duren................HOOP IK!!!

Ennuuh Em, bent echt niet de enige hoor die het niet zo op "docters" heeft :blush:

Alvast HEEEEEEEEEEEL VEEEEEEEEEEEEEL succes toegewenst van ons tweetjes voor morgen!!! :thumbs:

Ennuuh,......wil je alstublieft hier even laten weten hoe het is gegaan?
Of als je het te genant vind om je bevindingen hier op het openbare world wide web te plaatsen, dan wil ik je in een "PM" ook mijn e-mail adres wel geven hoor.
Indien je, je bevindingen liever in een "PM" kwijt wilt, dan moet ik nog wel uitzoeken hoe dat "PM" dingetje werkt :lol: :blink: :wacko: :help:

Hoe dan ook,...HEEEEEL VEEEEEEEEL SUCCES VOOR MORGEN :thumbs: ,.....en laat maar wat van je horen!

mazzel Mark.

Edited by MarkTexas, 05 June 2006 - 04:04 PM.

MarkTexasNot Telling02006-06-05 16:00:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
Hoi Em,

Over paspoorten gesproken.
De mijne verloopt pas in 2008,….echter ben ik dan waarschijnlijk al een jaar of wat in the USA.
Echter was ik toch van plan om net voor mijn definitief vertrek vooralsnog een nieuw Nederlands paspoort te laten maken.

Weet jij toevallig of dat het mogelijk is om de oude stempels van de USA bezoekjes/vakanties over te laten zetten in een nieuw NL paspoort?
Of is het eventueel mogelijk om je oude paspoort (met stempels) terug te verkrijgen?

Of misschien maar gewoon ff mijn gemeentehuis contacteren over deze kwestie?

Met de vriendelijke groeten,
MarkTexasNot Telling02006-05-27 15:02:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands

Ik zal even beginnen met de medische keuring, want die heb ik de dag na pinksteren. Ik kreeg in package 4 naast de uitnodiging voor het interview een rits formulieren die voor de medische keuring nodig zijn. Daar moet je alleen je persoonsgegevens op invullen, de rest zal wel door de dokter gedaan worden neem ik aan. Tevens zat daar een formulier met daarop de naam, adres en telnr van de dokter en idem dito voor de kliniek waar je terecht moet voor de xray bij (de dokter en de kliniek zitten twee straten van elkaar vandaan). Nou zat er bij mij een extra note bij dat ik voor een bepaalde datum een afspraak moest maken i.v.m. vakantie van de doker geloof ik (3 weken afwezig, lijkt mij dat dat vakantie is). De hele medische molen moet inderdaad in Amsterdam plaats vinden. Ik kom zelf uit de provincie Groningen en moet om stipt 9.00 uur bij de kliniek zijn voor mijn xray, dus heb een leuk reisje voor de boeg. De formulieren die je van het Consulaat hebt ontvangen moet je dan bij de kliniek en de dokter inleveren en zij zullen er voor zorg dragen dat die dan na je keuring weer bij het Consulaat terrecht komen.

Wat betreft je politie rapport. Daar hoef je inderdaad niet zelf achteraan te gaan, dat doet het Consulaat. Dat staat ook in de checklist die je met package 3 krijgt en ik heb dat ook wel tig keer gelezen, maar goed je gaat een beetje surfen en je ziet wat staan en ineens slaat bij jezelf de twijfel toe. Na ja, in mijn geval dan..... :lol: (ik geef gewoon lekker de zenuwen de schuld ;) )

Inentingen.....volgens mij heb ik hier ooit eens gelezen dat als je niet meer over een inentingsboekje beschikt je beter al je inentingen opnieuw bij je huisarts zou kunnen laten doen, omdat die dan gewoon vergoed worden door je zorgverzekeraar (al zou ik er wel even je polis op na slaan of informatie over op vragen). Als je namelijk je inentingen moet krijgen tijdens je medische keuring kan dat aardig in de euro's gaan lopen (30-50 euro per inenting). Als ik jouw was zou ik nu gewoon achter je inentingen aan gaan, heb je die in ieder geval gehad en kan je tijdens je keuring gewoon een bewijs van inenting overleggen. Trouwens, die 2 maanden 'aanvraagtijd' geldt dat alleen voor de GGD of ook voor de huisarts? Heb je trouwens nog geprobeerd of de entadministratie in jouw regio eventueel jouw gegevens nog heeft?

Mijn ervaringen wat betreft het interview en de medische keuring laat ik je hier natuurlijk wel weten (zodat je weet wat er je staat te wachten :lol: ) Absolutely no problem! Nog zo'n twee weekjes en dan is het zover, ben nu al supernerveus, dus dat wordt nog wat de komende weken :P :P (zal allen maar erger worden :lol: ).

Ik geloof dat ik nu alles wel zo'n beetje gehad heb? Na ja, mocht ik iets vergeten zijn dan hoor ik het wel. In ieder geval blijf ik voor jouw en Michele duimen dat jullie ook heel snel je NOA2 krijgen :)


0900AM in Amsterdam?
Das een mooie klote tijd zeg,...precies midden in de spits!
Van Groningen vandaan is het wellicht niet onverstandig om vroeg te vertrekken, om de ochtend spits voor te zijn!
Ik zit in 't zuiden van NL voor mij is Amsterdam (zonder files) dik 2 uur rijden.
Echter middels mijn werk zit ik regelmatig in de omgeving Hoek van Holland, midden NL & Schiphol en weet dus als geen ander dat je voor 0600AM voorbij de drukste punten moet zijn in de ochtend.
Doe je dat niet,...dan kun je aansluiten, A9 & A10-ring Amsterdam staan meestal rond 0700AM potdicht.

Wellicht kun je met deze "routeplanner" de beste en snelste route plannen! ;)

De GGD moet ongeveer een maand vantevoren weten welke inentingen je moet hebben.
De twee maanden "aanvraagtijd" geld voor mijn huisarts.
Hellaas kon zowel de GGD als mijn huisarts mijn inentingen verleden niet meer opvragen, omdat de "bewaar" periode ongeveer 5 jaar geleden is verlopen :wacko: :blink: :unsure:
Echter konden ze wel garanderen (gezien mijn leeftijd) dat ik bepaalde inentingen die je voor Amerika ook moet hebben, in mijn jeugd al wel gehad heb, echter zijn die nu wel uitgewerkt.

Dus zit ik er inderdaad aan te denken, om alvast met de GGD maar een afspraak te maken.
En ze de gehele lijst met inentingen alvast kunnen aanbrengen, zodat ik inderdaad voor de keuring gewoon een bewijs van inenting overleggen. ;)

Plus wat al gedaan is, kan vast afgevinkt worden op de lijst van alle andere dingen die nog gedaan moeten worden ;)

Zeg Em,
Zijn die documenten die ze opvragen in die lijsten/pakketten alleen te verkrijgen tijdens kantoor uren of ook anders?

Indien ze alleen op te vragen zijn tijdens kantoor uren,…moet ik denk ik een week ofzo vrijaf nemen.

En WIJ blijven natuurlijk voor JULLIE duimen.

In iedergeval alvast heel veel succes/ toy, toy, toy met je interview!!! :thumbs:

MarkTexasNot Telling02006-05-27 04:27:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands

just popped on this thread to say that out of the blue, Tobe got his letter from the dept of homeland security with an interview date for this july... we were quite pleasantly surprised... the website shows them working on applications from over a year ago, and we filed in dec


Everyone knows that their website is wayyyyy behind the real deal!

CONGRADS to both of you!!!

MarkTexasNot Telling02006-05-27 03:31:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
Hoi Em,

Hoe (naast alle frustraties) istiii?

Ik zie dat jullie emigratie zaak nu in een relatief hogere versnelling gaat dan voorheen!
met datte! :thumbs:

Voor wat betreft mijn inentingen?
Ik heb contact gehad met de “GGD”, zij vertelden mij aan de telefoon dat er eigelijk maar twee manieren zijn om je inentingen te krijgen, namelijk bij hun of via je huisarts.

Echter dien je ruimschoots twee maanden :huh: vooraf aan te geven welke inentingen je moet hebben en wanneer.
Nu reist de vraag; “heb je wel zoveel tijd, voordat je naar je interview moet?”

Ook “het” politie rapport blijkt vreemd te zijn voor de politie korpsen.
‘kheb er namelijk een aantal malen om gevraagd bij verschillende politie bureaus
echter zonder resultaat?!?!?

Nu lees ik net hier^^^boven^^^ dat het consulaat daar voor zorgt?!?

Dat hoop ik dan maar, want de politie korpsen zelf kijken je net aan alsof ze water zien branden :blink: :huh: :unsure: , wanneer je erom vraagt!

Nu heb ik ergens in deze “thread” gelezen dat je, je medische keuring alleen in Amsterdam kan ondergaan, in welk ziekenhuis moet je dan wezen?
Moet je dan ook je medische historie meenemen naar die ziekenhuis afspraak, of moet je dat alleen meenemen naar het consulaat???

Of staan de “hoe, wat & waar’s” allemaal in de opgestuurde documenten?

Je interview komt eraan YIPPIIIII!! "Go Em,.. :dance: Go Em,... :dance: Go Em,.. :dance: Go Em... :thumbs:

Ik ben ERRUG benieuwd hoe het is gegaan,
-hoe je, je voelde,
-en (als ik zo brutaal mag zijn?) wat “ze” je nou precies gevraagd hebben?!?!?!?

Mijn excuses voor de vele vragen,…en ZOOOO weinig tijd om “online” te zijn! :blush:

Met de vriendelijke groeten,
MarkTexasNot Telling02006-05-26 15:11:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands

BUMP! :devil:

Hoi Michele.....I can imagine you must be :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: now Mark's back online again :D

the phone is great-but so expensive!

This week has been great so far-

-First your news with the med/interview :D
- :D (L) Mark back online :D
--AND our I 129F has been touched TWICE ( 16th and 17th May) this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's a great sign, it means they are working, they haven't lost our file and we should be hearing something very soon :D :dance: I can't help but be excited! :dance: :D
Things might actually start to get moving for us now!
Fingers crossed!!!!!


X2:D ;)

I L (L) (L) (L) VE YOUUUU extreme very much alot honeyyyyyyyyyy!!!
MarkTexasNot Telling02006-05-17 15:03:00