IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresare medical problems restricted by law ?

Nope, there are lots of different stereotypical Brits...the toff, the chav, the middle-class whiner, the benefit scrounger, etc.

and that's just the women... I will miss the Eurythmics though


You think you know just what you want
But you have used that weapon against me.
Did I tell you I was lying by the way
When I said I wanted a new mink coat.
I was just thinking about
Something sleek
To wrap around my tender throat
I was dreaming like a Texan girl
A girl who thinks she's got the right to everything.
A girl who thinks she should have
Something extreme.

I love to listen to Beethoven...
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-16 08:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresare medical problems restricted by law ?
We are still in the UK too ....

Dallas ? I heard of somebody saying they were going to Dallas -- called him JACK ? or JOHN ?

Holy grassy knolls !

Shooting someone in the back of the bonce just because they are jealous of him sleeping with Marilyn is quite a cynical thing to do, so don't think you have escaped all the cynics when you return !

just raggin' - I am sure it's a nice town and alligator free for the most part -

and I am glad to know that the Brits are not culturally identical any more than the yankees
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-16 07:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresare medical problems restricted by law ?

Some sarcasm and cynicism is necessary to get through life, but here it seems (to me, at least) to be constant. It's very hard for me to tell if someone's being serious with me or not, and I find that sort of draining.

People like me are never serious- even when they are being serious. My first wife left me when I wasn't serious at the funeral of her guinea pig - graham
I put him down the hole head first , patted his botty down and offered her the spade to throw the first bit of earth - but my eyes sparkled - she packed in the morning and said I could never be serious.

Keith Richards (Rolling Stones?) was said to have joked that he snorted his dad's ashes - so it's either a cocaine induced thing or it's an ethnic thing. As I have never done drugs so it must be a Brit thing..

If you haven't twigged the Brit thing after 6 years (I know my wife would never get it), then think of it like eternity - you have heard about it but it's too much to envisage (envision) and therefore the most sensible thing is to think about something else and give your nut a break. I do.

We are off to Tampa by the way so don't feel you are far enough away - my tortured brainwaves might reach that far !
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-16 07:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresare medical problems restricted by law ?

It could have been because you're wrong. Some European countries are very secular, while some are still very some cases more so than the United States, at least in terms of letting the church make laws. Just look at Ireland. Look at Poland. Look at Italy.

I'm not fretting; we're going to Texas, not Wisconsin, so we won't have to put up with you anyway. :lol:

Italy has the lowest birth rate in Europe - a country where the only pill that's allowed is the one you hold between your knees- somebody is not practicing what they preach or not much is going on there wink wink....

Texas ain't far - Crawford ? Waco ? my pal lives in Georgia and I am driving there to get my green card from him (If I pass the medical - hee hee ha ha)

If he is out I will make my own - would you like a spare one for hubby ? tell me his 'A' number when it's assigned and I will do one with an Oprah watermark so they know it's genuine......

Seriously - you are right of course and the UK ragging can be a bit wearing -when you are an earnest person - but you will be horrified to know that you will actually miss it sometimes when you are Texas roping them thar dogies - something will have rubbed off on you as Bill was fond of saying..
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-16 06:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresare medical problems restricted by law ?

Nope, I'm not being hostile at all...I just find you a bit strange.

WHAT !!!!! Only a BIT strange - now that is offensive !

I have spend decades working on getting this loony for you - and you say 'A BIT ' !!!!!

This is what I mean about many Americans - they are so charmingly unwordly when it comes to playfull banter and can be easily mislead by it... so earnest ! You will have noticed that the UK is cynic banter central and I was brought up in it - it's just a different style that's all and people are people.

I still haven't trained my American wife and I have 3 bread knives sticking out of my back and no front teeth to prove it !

My brother in law asked me about my church and I said 'Well you have to realise that Europe is basically a post-religious society'

I can still see the look on his face as he grappled with that one - it was like beelzebub had won but the world was still turning - and how could that be ?

My dad was the same - when the jehovah's knocked on our door and
said 'We are Jehovah's witnesses' - he said 'why what has he done ' ?

This is just our style - I am sure you will have noticed - so dont fret I will be a model American apart from drinking beer out of a cooler on the beach -- !

I might even not evade taxes if they stop torturing
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-16 05:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresare medical problems restricted by law ?
I detect some hostility now to our merry prance, so in the interests of maintaining peace, I should exit stage left before the B52's appear over my house in the time honoured style
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-16 05:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresare medical problems restricted by law ?

P.S. People with special children usually don't like it when their kids are referred to as 'retards'.

No George Bush Senior hates it...
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-16 05:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresare medical problems restricted by law ?

Well...if you think we're all stupid, naive, and you really think putting up with such irritating morons is worth having a cheaper house or a boat? :hehe:

YES !!! I LOURVE my toys and I would even move to France if I could get em for the US didn't think I was moving to the US so I could buy a 9mm pistol in Walmart or have more churches to choose from did you ?

I can say without doubt that all the yanquis are not morons (my wife might read this and my chips would be cut off)

Actually I found wonderful, intelligent, caring, knowledgeable , sensitive people in Wisconsin and Wisconsin radio is better than UK radio and I listen to it on the net most days - I know there are many aspects to America and Americans - and some are repulsive (eg torture)and some are lovely (Donna Summer's botty) - but I love to provoke blind patriots and blind religious folk - they need to be made to THINK - and it's my mission - I hear voices telling me so (I won't mention that at the medical either)
I will do great in America and if I survive assassination attempts for 3 years, I will naturalize and then vote to throw all the green-carders out -
oh dear back to the emergency room....

Actually we are getting a bit off subject and need to be in the 'other ' forum, but no, If I can conceal my ebola virus and the voices, I am going to love living in the US - and with their simple approach to how things are 'proved' with bits of paper, it means that with adobe photoshop and a decent printer I can get away with anything there (joking)
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-16 05:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresare medical problems restricted by law ?
and what about (animal like a donkey)-purgers disease ? any un-obese American is likely to be one of those...

Edited by saywhat, 16 May 2007 - 04:37 AM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-16 04:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresare medical problems restricted by law ?

It sounds to me like you sort of have a chip on your shoulder about the USA; are you sure you actually want to live there? I can't wait to leave the UK, but I didn't have a bad attitude about it when I first got here. :blink: It took a few years for me to start to dislike it.

I paid AT LEAST £24k tax plus NI per year for many decades so I think I am morally entitled to come back to the UK and get my wart zapped for free - so you won't be paying for it really and I know I should be resident again strictly
Yes I see bad things about most aspects of government in the USA and UK - but I can get a cheaper house/gas/car/speedboat/motorbike in the US so that's where I need to be - as long as some freaky church doesn't start tithing me I will be up on the deal.
(got to add that those are secondary to my US spouse's desire - she can't parallel park in England and the pretzel packs aren't big enough - so she wants to go back)

The biggest problem about the US is the average American's refusal to hear anything bad about America without clutching their left breast and closing their eyes and singing the star spangled banner - I find it quite nieve and childlike and I really don't mind it or even notice it now having spent 18 months in Wisconsin.....many Americans are still turning on the telly to see if the WMD's have been found yet. I am not going to change the mind of anyone who was brainwashed at kindergarten so I don't even try to ask them to take an unbiased world view.
I am not anti-American just anti bad things - but that doesn't matter as many Americans (or Brits) can't make that distinction and I will probably get shot like John Lennon or Kennedy or Martin or even Abe if I say I don't like something
I reckon my mouth is the most dangerous health hazard in the land of free speech and the most likely to land me in the emergency room - so I will try and zip it during the medical...
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-16 04:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresare medical problems restricted by law ?

That's really interesting ! - if that is a consideration, then fatties and motorbike riders and jay walkers and provocative big mouths would be high risk on the US health provisions also..... (I am all of those)

They're high risk anywhere. :whistle:

hum - think i will keep quiet if they ask me about high risk stuff....

No, you have to tell the truth. I've never heard of someone being rejected for being overweight or a biker. They do a bunch of blood tests anyway, so they'll find out if you have HIV/Hep C. I'm not sure they do routine drug screenings, but if you're taking drugs now would be an excellent time to stop.

I will take some cialis the night before - that drops blood pressure 30 points - but taking it can be detected without even a blood test unfortunately


I wouldn't do that if I were you. If you have high blood pressure and it's not being treated, I recommend seeing your doctor who may prescribe medication to control it. In the USA doctors are sometimes very aggressive in treating hypertension and once someone gets to about 130/90, they start really pushing lifestyle change/medication. In the UK your systolic has to hit 140 before they start to get worried, according to my GP. Taking pills for hypertension isn't the end of the world. If you have high blood pressure but it's normal when you're on meds, you'd probably be OK.

Never done any drugs/never smoked/ never had any health condition not caused by indian curries. I have enough dosh to pay my own way forever without food stamps or hand outs...
I think the health industry in the US (and coming to the UK)is quite happy to dope people down to keep em living in a zombified style while costing peanuts to the insurance companies so they can rake in the insurance premiums for an extra 20 years.. the whole ethos is different in the US and based on profit margins and rich life styles for doctors who are regarded as gods.... it's all about money and I can't see much ethics or genuine patient interest - so I reckon I will make my own decisions in my own health interests which has kept me problem free for 60 years come november... I have worked with men on beta blockers who live miserable dull lives, repeat themselves and have vacant smiles and hydraulics problems, so economics based blood pressure standards are not for me...and the other 2 newer angio drug groups are not side effect free and will probably lead to problems in 10 years - wait and see !
I can always nip back the UK (best country in the world said Tony Blair this week) and get patched up for nothing...
Anyway, 3 score years and 10 (plus tax) will do me and I can do without being a 90 year old medicare dependant drug pickle
ok going to lay down in a dark room and prepare for the medical...
ps doctors have the highest illegal drug use and suicide rate of any profession so lets hope he/she is not high when they do it
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-16 03:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresare medical problems restricted by law ?
Summary - Basically they have lots of stuff they can refuse you on if they think you will infect the herd or cost em money - or they can use these excuses if they don't like your politics just like they put al capone in alcatraz for tax evasion....

It's amazing that the UK let my USC wife into the UK as a resident with a 10 minute interview in chicago and no health check, even though the UK is a haven of healthy people compared to the US with it's AIDS problems and millions in jail....

Anyway, isn't it all irrelevant when foreigners can enter the USA (and it's citizens) as visitors for months at a time and do all the infecting and mental rampaging they want without any prior health checks...(and become a public charge if they have no insurance or money)

I suppose these regulations were drawn up before the jet age when people didn't pop in and out on visits...

ok so the answer is that they can stop you if you are infectious and they can stop you if you are dangerously nuts and they can stop you if have a health condition unless you are very rich and can afford to be sick without becoming a public charge - and then they can't.
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-16 02:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresare medical problems restricted by law ?
Good one kitty !

so really you have to be infectious or barking mad

so being a likely burden on the public hospitals is not a factor ! excellent data well done.

I wonder if the untreated blood pressure case was an urban myth or whether it was high cos he didnt want his wife to know they had found the you know what !
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-15 11:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresare medical problems restricted by law ?

I heard of a case where untreated high blood pressure prevented someone from getting a visa initially, so it's probably a bigger deal than you think.

I think the reason they do so many health checks is because they don't want American taxpayers to have to fund healthcare for an unhealthy immigrant. The US does have a public healthcare system and in some areas (usually those with high rates of poverty and/or illegal immigration) it is so cripplingly expensive to run that some hospitals may actually have to be shut down.

This is just my guess as to why they do it.

That's really interesting ! - if that is a consideration, then fatties and motorbike riders and jay walkers and provocative big mouths would be high risk on the US health provisions also..... (I am all of those)

hum - think i will keep quiet if they ask me about high risk stuff....

I will take some cialis the night before - that drops blood pressure 30 points - but taking it can be detected without even a blood test unfortunately

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-15 10:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresare medical problems restricted by law ?
I have already done a medical in Glasgow when I did my K1 a couple of years ago - and it was ok.

Am I right in thinking that immigration law is only interested in infectious stuff like AIDS and tuberculosis and the various kinds of religious fundamentalism (joke) drug use of course...

For instance, everyone has their blood pressure taken and all the other stuff which is part of a general health check but not likely to infect the pure bred human stock in the US with foreign germs, and I assume this is just to run the bill up and is not anything that could be taken into account under US immigration law.

It always made me laugh when they check that your bits and bobs are ok for K1 - I wonder how many USC fiancé's have not already done it with their foreign fiancés and therefore have all the bio creepy crawlies already - happily running round their bodies in the US !!! ? Apart from those based in Colorado, I reckon it's - well - the minority ? We will never know but it does seem daft..

and as for K3/cr1 - the US spouse must already share 100% of their spouses bio load and therefore the alien demon germs have already landed in the US...

I hear the sound of stable doors shutting after the horse has bolted

Back to the question - has anyone ever been rejected for smoking or high blood pressure or indeed un-dangerous mental illnesses (why are you looking at me)

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-15 03:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresThis brought tears to my eyes and is so true. Please read !

Well it was the Cubans trying to get ride of the Chicago mafia that put us in communism. We wanted them out and thats the excuess that fidel used to gane power. I do think that Cuba will Be better in ten years and trust me it will never be like south central LA. And what do you mean when you say "I like big new cars and plenty of gasoline too." because if your trying to say that thats why Cubans come to the US then you are far from the truth its not about cars and gasoline its about being able to leave a repressed regime that doesn't allow you to be at peace in your own home. and those doctors would of been great weather in Cuba or the US. and what good does it do a country to have Great Doctors when Castro sends them all to Pakistan and Venezuela and leaves the hospitals in cuba full of resident interns and premed students that dint know what there doing.

I have to bow to your superior knowledge of what people's motive's are to get out of Cuba. In Eastern Europe under communism it was 100% economic - most people didn't care about 'liberty' and wanted the goodies that the west had. Many East Germans wanted communism back when they didn't get the goodiesand had to pay for everything. I agree that freedom from repression comes before economics - but I wish the US had been a positive influence before the revolution instead of giving the gangsters a free hand - and then it's involvement now in promoting freedom for Cuba would be more credible and not just to regain it's confiscated real estate.. Similarly, the war in Iraq is a shame because the history of the US was always such a positive light for the world and the goodwill has been squandered. I look forward to the US living up to it's principles and getting away from all the seedy stuff - and if the NVC ever let me get there, I will eventually vote for politicians who want to get the US back on it's original agenda and restore it's standing in the world. Although the UK banned slavery before the US, and had votes for women before the US, the US was doing really well in promoting truth and light and had some great presidents up to the end of the second world war and needs to return to it's original founding principles. Good luck to the Cubans and I look forward to seeing them have the chance to return to their homeland when communism will be interesting to see if economics becomes more important at that time..

If I was a Cuban in the US, I would stay in the States at that time and just go home for holidays...just like I plan to do....but you were talking about Cubans in Cuba and I wish them good fortune and liberty and soon...

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-18 13:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresThis brought tears to my eyes and is so true. Please read !
I agree - it should be off topic- we all have our political/religious/sexist/culturalist axes to grind and that's the best place to do it...
I got sidetracked into a long off topic thing in a regular forum the other day and I wished I hadn't - it was fun but the wrong place to do it .
Anyway, was Havana such a wonderful place before the revolution when it was run by the Chicago mafia ?
In twenty years time when it is absorbed into the West like Rumania, do you think things will improve all that much at the bottom of the heap ? or will it be like south central LA ?
Don't get me wrong, I am no commie and I saw Eastern Europe in 1989 - and if Cuba is anything like that , then West is infinitely better - despite it's obvious flaws. If I was a Cuban, I too would be playing chicken with the sharks in the Gulf while paddling my blow up doll. I like big new cars and plenty of gasoline too.

Cuba produces some great doctors and athletes though - so there must be some things worth learning there before it is re-absorbed into the West

ok off topic is best.
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-18 03:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresblue logo on ds-230 coversheet

The cover sheet is nothing more then just that, a cover sheet.
It is the same as fax and other forms of remittance, and in all cases are sent with cover sheets in black and white.
Color is nothing more then a cosmetic affect, and does look nice, but it does not matter. Myself, like all or most others that I know of remitted mine in black and white , and there was not, and I do not know of any cases on this site that I can recall as having had problems with the black and white version that have posted.
This the the same, and true with all documents remitted via James short cuts.
Hope that helps, and hope it relieves your anxieties about the process.
Good luck, and best wishes.

Dear Randynose- many thanks for your reassurance ! I am just checking my barcodes backwards in the mirror with a magnifying glass while standing on my head and then measuring them with a microscope - it has to be perfect ! So I am beyond salvation as far as reassurance is concerned ! However, it's good to know you had the new form and submitted it like that and it worked - so thank you for contributing - what would I do without the VJ army !!!


Edited by saywhat, 20 May 2007 - 10:39 AM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-20 10:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresblue logo on ds-230 coversheet
I am doing James shortcuts and the new DS-230 coversheet has a blue logo on it...James wasnt really sure at the time of doing his write-up, whether doing the form in black and white would be a problem though he recommended having it colour printed at kinkos

Kinkos in the UK means a sex shop so it's plan B time !!!

The more I think about it, the more I reckon I should somehow get it printed in colour
Has anyone sent it in without colour and not had a problem ?


Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-20 07:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIs the NVC giving Brits a longer wait

The radio division is much harder-hitting and incisive, with truly though-provoking and original content. I'm a big Radio 4 fan, especially From Our Own Correspondent and Crossing Continents. I tend to shy away from the BBC website for any type of news beyond what Girls Aloud are up to .

But on a happier note...congrat on getting to the NVC! :thumbs:

I agree that BBC TV isn't a shadow of what it was and I too am addicted to BBC 4 radio.. I like public radio in the US too and it was a real eye opener to hear how many intelligent, quiet , thoughtful , knowledgeable and moral Americans there are.

Many people in the world are not aware that very many Americans are not the crude, torturing, militaristic, uncaring empire builders that has become the image recently ......

HA says my 18 months in Wisconsin was not enough to learn anything about America, but I hope she won't deny that part of what I learned.

All Americans refer to the lower rear part of the human body too readily though- as translated by basil fawlty 'Manuel, I will break your bottom'

But I have the right to sprinkle my compliments with criticisms and many Americans can't take that from a would be immigrant - and it's that blind, patriotism induced intolerance which is the most un-American of all.

I digress and get off topic

Yes thanks for your congrats - knowing someone personally who's file was lost twixt USCIS and NVC really got me worried - I got the number this morning so i am busy with my bar codes !

I do try to wind HA up I know - and I shouldn't - it's not good being homesick- it's an anxiety just like waiting for a file number and I hope she finishes all her selling up and stuff and doesn't think too badly of what Tony Blair calls 'The best country in the world'

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-19 05:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIs the NVC giving Brits a longer wait

I really hate when unsubstantiated rumor becomes absolute fact just because the f*cking BBC covers it.

How crude ! - anyway the BBC covered your Mr Bush's WMD's - and they didn't become fact...
The rumour that foreigners (aliens) would be fingerprinted and photographed at points of entry became fact
etc etc

If you need to get the facts as the story unfolds, you can still get the BBC on line when you are back in Dallas - just because you couldn't hack it here in the UK doesn't mean you have to be vitriolic about the UK in general and the BBC - one of the word's finest institutions.

When I am in Florida and living it up on half priced dollars, I will still tune in regularly to see what is really happening on the grassy knolls around the world

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-19 03:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIs the NVC giving Brits a longer wait
hally - chuffin' -looyah !

just got an email from NVC >>>>

Good Afternoon,

The National Visa Center (NVC) recently received this petition. We are
in the process of entering the petition information into the computer
system and assigning a case number. Upon completion of this process, the
appropriate agent (applicant, petitioner, or attorney) will receive
instructions for the further processing of this petition.

National Visa Center

yabberdabberdo!!!!!!!!!!1 I needed this for a friday night - the beer will go down well now and I might even smile serenely at screaming kids...
by sunday I will be fretting about 'generation' of forms but I will give that 2 weeks or so before coming out in an anxiety rash...

onwards and upwards !

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-18 13:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIs the NVC giving Brits a longer wait
Finally got through to an operator...told her CIS approval was 2 weeks last wednesday - she gave me the standard 90 day answer and I said thank you and that was that...
I will try again next week just in case it isn't lost or into review
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-18 11:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIs the NVC giving Brits a longer wait

My wife is a UKC and we got thru the NVC in less than 2 months for the I-130 and the I-129F from NVC to her letter fom the embassy in about 3 weeks. I don't think they are slowing anything down it is just that there really isn't any "normal" time for this process and no way to predict? It is frustrating, all you can do is use James's shortcuts for the I-130 and call the NVC a lot to keep track of where things are. The voice response message is often way behind so don't hesitate to call an operator. Good luck and a safe journey! Ray

Hi Ray - you were 16 days from NOA2 to NVC number which is about what we are - so that's reassuring
I wondered about the auto thing and whether it updates overnight or real time .

I called twice today and the human is overloaded and they bounced me out to the auto system- so I will try tonight before I go for my Timothy Taylor's Landlord liquid nerve tonic !
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-18 10:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIs the NVC giving Brits a longer wait
You are right... and with Carolyn back in Milwaukee for a week, I am sat looking at the wall figuring out what happens if we get a 2 year administrative review as some do...

YesterdayI gave my daughter my anti-ice spray so I am comitted to go before 5 november now...
Ok time to think positive

Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof !

I see you guys were a couple of days under 2 weeks and I am a couple of days over so far........

It's a good job the call charge is only 1 p per minute... I use 0844 861 2121 in the UK if anyone wants to call for that price....

ok back into the lotus position

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-18 09:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIs the NVC giving Brits a longer wait
Most of the NVC crowd are K1 so I will try a post here...

We got NOA2 two weeks last Wednesday.

Everyone else from Columbia etc etc got their NVC number within a few days - we are still drawing a blank despite /autoline/speaking to the operator/emailing

I know the US govt is having extra security problems with the UK and wants to impose visas on Brits with Pakistani backgrounds - with this change pending, do you reckon ALL Brits are having extra checks and hence the delay ?

how many days is normal at the moment for I-130 victims ?

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-18 08:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSend Choice Agent and AOS bill before its actually generated?

I know guys you say dont worry but im constantly worrying because I'm pregnant and due to give birth in September. I praying that my husband is the in the room with me when our daughter is born. I haven't seen him since I left Pakistan in January...its unbearable especially now being pregnant and all.

Yes September would seem to be a bit soon - but don't take my word for it - just look around people's timelines and know that you can only do what you can do - and then you have to somehow relax as it's a waste of your nerves when you have done all you can.

Our case was approved at CIS on may 1st and the number was allocated may 18 and I am hoping we might get the agent form generation next tuesday - then trying James' shortcuts to try and get finished at NVC by the end of July. I reckon my interview will be early October if I am lucky - your embassy will have different schedules which I don't know - so all we can do is study the shorcuts and do everything perfectly - and then distract ourselves with other things..thats what I do and it seems to pass the time better -

Does anyone know of any humanitarian type 'speed ups' at this stage in the process ? I don't.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-01 13:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSend Choice Agent and AOS bill before its actually generated?

Thanks for all the info you guys. This site has really been helpful. Sadly I checked today and still no case number assigned. If its taking this long to assign a case number...imagine how long it will take them to generate things. :crying:

Yes we got NOA2 on 1st May - it then took over 2 weeks to get a NVC number and now it is June and we are waiting for the agent form generation. Maybe next Tuesday or the Tuesday after that...

I often wonder whether this process is deliberately long-winded to ensure that a % drop out for one reason or another..

The actual admin system cannot have been set up as something that made sense and looked efficient surely ?

I mean - sending a bill out for a check to be sent and then a few weeks later sending the form ?

That is a month delay when they could just say 'Here is a form, pin a banker's check to the front when you send it in'.

So it has to be the case that this process has been engineered to be long and arduous for a reason

I don't know what that reason is, but I think our frustration can be lessened by knowing that the NVC want it this way, and it is not just outrageous inefficiency - it can't be can it ?


Edited by saywhat, 01 June 2007 - 02:51 AM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-06-01 02:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSend Choice Agent and AOS bill before its actually generated?

Can I send choice of agent via email?

yes but ONLY when the ds-303 choice of agent form has been 'generated'

you can tell this by phoning NVC - it is usually tuesday morning -early

please open this link and read it very carefully


Edited by saywhat, 31 May 2007 - 08:22 AM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-31 08:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSend Choice Agent and AOS bill before its actually generated?

Here's my question if you know the case number and using James shortcuts: Can you actually send the DS3032 and AOS bill fee before its actually generated. Because I have seen in some cases the Case number is assigned on one day and then 2 to 3 weeks later the DS3032 and AOS bill is generated. So can I actually send this out before they generate it. Is the NVC aware of these shortcuts and do they mind it?

I had my email all set up and ready to go - it was in my draft email folder...
I accidently sent it - they politely sent it back...
We got our nvc number 18th May but no agent form generated yet

So I will wait-- they do say on their site that nothing should be sent until it is asked for , so I will try and follow James' short cuts exactly.....

Fingers crossed for next Tuesday !

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-05-31 02:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhat happens once you get your visa and you enter the US??

IR-1 visa is issued to spouses who have been married 2 years or more. Once they enter the USA a 10 year permanent green-card is automatically generated, only thing you may have to do is apply for a SSN a few weeks after entry to the USA.

3 years after entry if still married to the US citizen the green-card holder would be eligible to apply for citizenship.

Only other paper work may be for a driver's license, perhaps add to medical insurance.

Basically not much to do after entry on an IR-visa

I found that getting ss number/bank account/driver's license was quite easy.
Hardest part is getting a credit card - I had a GM visa card in the UK and asked US GM to give me a card based on my record in the UK. They are totally different banks but i got a $500 limit card based on my $20,000 limit card in the UK. I was very grateful for it. Every time you apply and fail you get MINUS points- so most people end up in the hands of these 'secured card' sharks who charge a fortune and not all of em end up with a credit card anyway - getting a card with your spouses account is the easiest way - its not yours alone but it will lead to it one day..

Nobody else would touch me with a barge pole.

Also getting a tin of beer is impossible in many places without photo ID - I saw a 90 year old refused a tin of beer as he had his driver's license taken off him because he was blind with age

car insurance will be very expensive and get that US license quickly -it makes a big difference and you might even be refused without it

medical is via your spouse's job usually- failing which i would buy a policy with a huge deductible- its losing your house that is the risk - not getting stuck with a $5k bill.

apart from that, the rest is a piece of cake - much easier than a USC coming to UK now...

Edited by saywhat, 01 July 2007 - 01:43 PM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-01 13:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCASE COMPLETE in just 9 days!!, THANKS TO GOD

hope so. Praise the god thats all i have to say belive in god thats all.

Let's hope god helps you with your health insurance too...

look under your pillow for the check...I found one there from the tooth fairy
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-20 08:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSo at the end which one is better just the I-130 or K3?
As someone has already said, everyone's circumstances are different.
My USC wife is with me here in the UK and has a good job - so we don't need a K3 - also we will have been married 2 years on november 4, so I want to enter November 5 and get an unconditional 10 year green card - so again no rush before then...

I am no spring chicken- I am knocking on 60 - so if I sell up in the UK and move to the US and spend all my money on car/house etc and then my wife runs of with Jose the muscle man gardener, where would that leave me if I had a conditional green card ? Exactly.

So I am an extreme example of who should go for the full visa and not go near K3 - and a US citizen who is alone and bringing a beautiful young, but poor, wife from abroad would be the opposite end of the spectrum and wants em there as soon as possible ...

Everyone else is somewhere in between and needs to weigh up which is best...

Edited by saywhat, 10 July 2007 - 11:31 AM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-07-10 11:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJust laid off last friday, I-864 generated yesterday HELP!!!
QUOTE (MargotDarko @ Sep 11 2007, 02:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Unfortunately, reporting it as your current income would be lying and you can't do that. In my opinion, you should wait until you have a new job, your first pay stub from the new job, and a letter from the new employer. That is not your only option, but I would think it's the best option. You could rely on the joint sponsor, but you are probably likely to get a new job before your spouse's interview, right?

Yes I agree with MargotDarko

I don't mind being economical with the truth sometimes when it's a grey area and I can't be pinned ( They call it 'slippery') - but this one is too easily checked and there is no wriggle room, and the consequences are NOT worth it. You have a joint sponsor too so no don't try it - you will be fine with the sponsor you have and you will have another job by interview date to nail it on at that time.....
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-09-11 11:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWTF is up with our "lawyer"
All lawyers are bio-degradable and that's the good bit said.

When we did K1, we hired one who was having a family crisis and forgot to mail our completed petition for weeks !!!!

I forgave him coz I am soft and we paid him up front anyway !

We went back to him for AOS and I argued that we needed a certain form (I had read it on VJ) - he said no..

3 weeks later we got an RFE for that form!!!

never again !

VJ is worth tens of thousands in lawyer fees....
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-09-11 11:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion on case complete
we got case complete on the auto system as soon as it happened.. august 17th

then you get a letter confirming that

then they stick you in a black hole at the embassy and refuse to talk to you

we have heard nothing except a chirpy chappy at the DOS in washington says we are 'all set'

I wish their monthly salaries were'all set' to the same extent
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-09-12 13:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC CASE COMPLETED
QUOTE (khanshahid @ Sep 12 2007, 05:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Vjs,

Thank GOD my case was completed and
I would like to thanks Vjs as well, I do reallly appreciate each one of you!!!
I called NVC last night and the auto message stated that the case was completed on Sep 11 2007 and wait 8 week......etc.
Hope I will get my medical ang interview in London soon!! INSHA ALLAH


09/01/06 - I-130 sent.
09/05/06 - NOA1
05/24/07 - NOA2


06/13/07 - NVC receives petition and case # assigned.
06/25/07 - Form DS-3032 (Choice of Agent) & AoS bill generated.
06/27/07 - E-mailed choice of agent using James' shortcut.
07/03/07 - Mailed AOS bill via overnight mail using James' shortcut.
07/11/07 - NVC e-mails back accepting Choice of Agent
07/13/07 - IV bill generated.
07/16/07 - Received IV bill via snail mail
07/18/07 - Mailed IV bill back via overnight mail.
07/20/07 - I-864 received via snail mail
07/23/07 - Mailed I-864 via overnight mail.
07/28/07 - Payment for IV bill entered into the system
08/06/07 - DS-230 generated.
08/15/07 - Received DS-230 coversheet via snail mail.
08/24/07 - Mailed DS-230 packet to NVC via overnight mail (didn't use James' shortcuts).
08/29/07 - DS-230 info entered in NVC's system.

Weird thing about this process is that every time we pass a milestone - NOA1, NOA2 or 'arrived NVC' or 'case completed', we think we have done the tricky bit - only to find out there is another horrible swamp to cross.

I got my NVC case completed august 17 and have not heard a peep out of London.

Don't want to rain on your parade, just to urge caution as there are frustrations ahead !

however, I didn't have God on my side; he was possibly busy with your 'case complete ' - so you might go quicker than me !

best wishes


Edited by saywhat, 12 September 2007 - 01:52 PM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-09-12 13:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJames Shortcut v2 for DS-230
used it last month successfully

but do be careful with the barcodes and check em all ways up and compare to the specimen on the website


don't use a junky inkjet printer as the codes are FUZZY - I threw mine away

I got mine printed at prontaprint or kinko's in the US... put the finished file on a cd

about £1(2 dollars) and worth it for a really sharp colour laser print

yep no probs at all with it... probs with EVERYTHING else but the 230 was fine..

Edited by saywhat, 11 September 2007 - 11:47 AM.

Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-09-11 11:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIf enter US after two year anniversary
pushbrk is right - the visa does not change - all you can do at POE is ask if they can note that you were married 2 years on the forms...



I am going in after the 4th november which is when our 2 year anniversary is.

I will ask the Officer to note this fact on the file but I will be surprised if he does...

The 10 year green card should be issued nevertheless



Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-09-14 14:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresdelivery of packet 4
In the UK they wait until the next royal mail strike and then send it second class when they can be bothered..after the strike it takes 10 days to get back to normal...
Captain OatesMaleEngland2007-09-12 13:55:00