Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS EN VISA K1
This is great! I think the spanish is an excellant opportunity for all the Fiance's & Wives in Columbia to follow the forum! My Fiance speaks limited english (yes she needs to learn)! However at this time going thru the process this is very good for her and I am sure others as well !

I will now attempt to translate, forgive me if I am incorrect in some of the words!

¡Esto es gran! ¡Pienso que el español es una oportunidad de excellant para todo el Novia & Esposas en Columbia para seguir el foro! ¡Mi Novia habla inglés limitado (sí ella necesita aprender)! ¡Sin embargo yendo en este momento thru el proceso que esto es muy bueno para ella y yo! Muchos Gracias mi amigo!
SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2007-07-19 07:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFiance's Baby needs Permission?

To bring the child in you will need a birth certificate notorized and translated to english.
I suggest you go ahead and get that birth certificate to see whos names are on it.

If the fathers name is on it, then you will need either 1) his approval, or 2) a court to declare you wife has sole custody of the child.

All these things are going to have to be resolved anyway, so might as well get the answers now.

Thanks! I believe you are correct. Yes the fathers name is on it so we need to act quickly to resolve this matter !
SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2007-07-05 18:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFiance's Baby needs Permission?
I am new here so please bear with me! First off this website is great! loads of information. Hopefully I can get some answers that make sense. I filed the K1 petition through my attorney, it was recieved June 18th, check cashed June 21rst. My question is, my fiance (Barranquilla Colombia) never was married and has a 10 month old daughter. My attorney is telling me that because she was never married and the father is not supporting the child in any way, that she will not need permission from the father. Yet I am reading some postings that are somewhat contradictory to that. If my visa is approved here in Vermont, is it possible that the Bogota Embassy will require the Fathers permission prior to allowing the child to travel on the K1? I am confuesed over this! Yes I will speak more to my attorney as well regarding this topic. Just curios if anyone has been down this road yet! Thank you.
SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2007-07-05 15:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (Ken y Onelis @ Jun 27 2008, 05:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (parkpapa @ Jun 25 2008, 07:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Here's a cleaned up copy of what we used. You just need to enter the correct names and document numbers, and enter them as if the father was writing the letter. He will also need to have this notarized. Your wife will need to present this letter to DAS at the airport, and she will need an updated letter each time she goes back to Colombia and then returns to the States. There is no such thing as a blanket letter that is good from now on - she will need a different one each time.

Hope this helps!

Bogotá, Junio 23 de 2008


XXXXX XXX XXXXX, mayor de edad, identificado con la cedula de ciudadanía numero 11’111.111 expedida en Bogotá, por medio del presente documento, concedo permiso a mis menores hijo XXXX XXXX XXXX identificada con Registro Civil No. 111111 de Bogotá y el Pasaporte No. RN 11111111, para que puede salir del país de American Airlines y entrar a los EE.UU. por (ciudad y estado aquí), en compañía de su madre XXXX XXX XXXX, identificada con la cedula de ciudadanía No. 11’111.111 de Bogotá. Este viaje se espera el 25 de junio de 2008, y este permiso y la autorización son efectivos de la fecha del viaje.


CC 11’111.111 de Bogotá

Muchisimas Gracias, Amigo! Of course, this is a big help. I will make sure I keep this information in my file. Thanks again,


Be aware the "permission" document from the father is only valid for 60 days!!!! This nearly caused us a major problem in the Bogota airport. For whatever the reason, we cleared, I believe 3 checkpoints till we got to the final one at the gate area. Here the DAS person informed us that the document was no longer valid, and made Sandy go too a room and contact the father via phone! Eventually Sandy and her daughter where granted permission to travel. So play it safe, and have him notorize it closer to your expected travel date.
Also remember that depending on the circumstances, you may need a new document from the father each time you travel to Colombia.

SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2008-06-29 07:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
You will do fine. I stressed tremendously over the interview as well, was over prepared. The information provided here in this forum by those who have lived the experiance is priceless. Good luck!
SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2008-06-14 16:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (snoopy @ Mar 26 2008, 11:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (SteveSandyHill @ Mar 25 2008, 06:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I apologise for the duplicate post (Colombia Club AOS)!!!!
Hi all, I have a question and am hoping that perhaps someone here has been in a similar situation. Sandy and I would like to travel to her hometown of Barranquilla, later this year. We had a difficult time exiting Bogota airport with her daughter as the document from the child's father was beyond the 60 day allowance (or so we where told). Sandy and I are both very nervous about traveling back to Colombia with the child, for fear of further complications at the airport when we exit Colombia again. Assuming she and her daughter both receive there AP document, my question is this:

We are now married and all AOS documents for Sandy and her daughter have been filed. Will we need another document from the father again to leave the country? Furthermore will this be a requirement every time we travel there???

The child is only 17 months old and the father has never been part of her life. We where able to get him to sign the initial removal document based on relieving him of his financial responsibility to the child, (had to get a lawyer for this).

Any clarification here would be greatly appreciated!

Hi Steve and Sandy

Yes, you will need a document from her dad every time the baby will leave Colombia, she's Colombian and will always have to deal with this, I got divorced when my daughter was just 3, my daughter was born here, we went back to Colombia after my divorce for 8 yrs, she has dual citizenship, her dad NEVER paid child support, I fell your frustration, it's very disappointing having to ask someone who had never care for your baby to sign a permit, BUT..... I learned that carrying an American passport you don't need this document from the parents at all, so what I did when I came back to live here in the US is that every time my daughter went to Colombia I sent her just with the American passport, and never again I had to deal with this issue again, unless she would stay for more than 3 months (that's another issue) when your wife becomes an US citizen, the baby will have an US passport at the same time and if things don't change, you guys won't have to deal with this anymore.

Good luck.... Ana

Thanks for this information. We have applied for AOS, so hopefully we are on our way! We may be waiting a couple of years to travel back to Barranquilla till Sandy and her daughter can recieve there citizenship & USA passports.
SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2008-03-26 14:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
I apologise for the duplicate post (Colombia Club AOS)!!!!
Hi all, I have a question and am hoping that perhaps someone here has been in a similar situation. Sandy and I would like to travel to her hometown of Barranquilla, later this year. We had a difficult time exiting Bogota airport with her daughter as the document from the child's father was beyond the 60 day allowance (or so we where told). Sandy and I are both very nervous about traveling back to Colombia with the child, for fear of further complications at the airport when we exit Colombia again. Assuming she and her daughter both receive there AP document, my question is this:

We are now married and all AOS documents for Sandy and her daughter have been filed. Will we need another document from the father again to leave the country? Furthermore will this be a requirement every time we travel there???

The child is only 17 months old and the father has never been part of her life. We where able to get him to sign the initial removal document based on relieving him of his financial responsibility to the child, (had to get a lawyer for this).

Any clarification here would be greatly appreciated!
SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2008-03-25 09:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (Bill y Bella @ Mar 5 2008, 11:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Domesa delivered the visas today at the apartment in Bogota. She interviewed last Friday so that is 4 business days including the day of the interview.

Can someone please describe to me what is actually delivered by Domesa? She tells me that everything is inside an envelope that cannot be opened until she enters the US. But since she will need her passport to get through the airport in Bogota I am thinking that perhaps there is some confusion somewhere.


Just going through this on January 18th, here is how the package was delivered. First off it was a Domesa Employee as well as an armed security person. ID had to be shown (by whomever you have chosen to receive your visa's. Then Sandy was given two large clear envelopes, one was hers and one her daughters. Inside the clear envelope was the "brown package" with the Passport / visa stapled to the outside. The brown envelope has a paper taped to the front, advising not to be open! This envelope will be opened by Officer at your POE to USA. The visa is actually inserted in the passport book, similier to your passport page. You can see the visa in the passport, and will be needed at the airport. Just do not open the brown envelope under anu circumstances! Hope this helps you!
SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2008-03-05 12:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (margara&john @ Mar 4 2008, 10:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Bill y Bella @ Mar 4 2008, 10:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Scott n Yenifer @ Mar 4 2008, 08:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
HEY BILL!!!!!!!!!!!
We can finally put faces to the family...well 3 of them anyway (the important ones laughing.gif )
Bella and the kids look soooooooo happy. Yenifer and I want to congratulate you again and wish your family a lifetime of happiness. good.gif

QUOTE (Mononoke28 @ Mar 4 2008, 11:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks Bill! Beautiful family, btw.


Thanks so much! smile.gif

Hi everyone,
When you have traveled to Colombia in the past, how and where do you exchange currency? I normally send money to Margara Western Union. I don't want her to travel with such a large ammount of money on her. This trip will require much more money than previous trips, what with the doctor and visas and vaccinations. I would prefer to bring it myself. On previous trips, I noticed a currency exchange at the airport in Miami. Is anyone familiar with these airport currency exchanges? I have a feeling they might charge large fees. Worst case I will just send her the money and we can pick it up together in Bogota.



I suggest using an ATM machine in Bogota. The exchange rate is best here. The airport will not give you the current exchange rate, they make money on every transaction. The atm's are very convienent. Just be aware, your bank will most likely charge an "international transaction fee". Check with your bank ahead of time. Also it is best to inform them where you are traveling to and timeframe. Some credit / debit cards get shut off when used in other countries, as a security measure!!!!
SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2008-03-05 07:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
I also agree, with staying away from showing any $$$ transferred to your S/O other than perhaps special ocassions. The attorney I was using told me that at one time this was viewed very negatively by the Embassy officials.

Documentation to show ongoing realionship, though seemingly so very important, was not asked for at our interview, nor several others I know that interviewed around the same time as Sandy and I. A few photo's where looked at, from my trips to Colombia, I was asked to name the people in the photo's (Sandy's relatives).

Yes it is best to be over prepared for any curve ball that may be thrown your way, but rest assured, that the best preperation is following the advise of the many here in this forum, who have had success at the Embassy recently!

Good luck to all with upcoming interviews!
SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2008-02-18 06:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (margara&john @ Jan 29 2008, 10:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Bill y Bella @ Jan 29 2008, 07:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (SteveSandyHill @ Jan 29 2008, 07:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Bill, Not sure where you are traveling from, yet here is the way I just did it and it was fairly inexpensive. I booked round trip flight to be in Bogota 5 days before the interview (help Sandy prepare, medical, etc.) and scheduled my return flight one week after the interview. Then I also booked one way tickets for Sandy and her daughter on the same flight I was returning to USA on.
My ticket was JFK to Bogota / Bogota to FLL $ 645.00 (all taxes included)
Sandy's Bogota to FLL $ 343.00 (all taxes included)
Her Daughter Vania (under 2 years) of age $117.00

I checked in case I would need to change my reservation (Avianca) Change fee $ 100.00 + differance in airfare from time of purchase for my round trip ticket, and $ 35.00 for Sandy's ticket.

Thanks Steve, that is very helpful! I usually fly from Philadelphia through Miami or Ft Lauderdale via Delta, US Air/Avianca or American. American is my preferred carrier although there are certain times of year when their fares go through the roof. I have most of my frequent flyer miles with them.

Steve, thanks for the tip. I understand how to fax packet 3 to the embassy, but I don't know if I should fax ONLY Margarita's DS230, or her daughter's also. The woman on the phone told me that I only need to send Margarita's ds230, but she also told me that Daniela (the 8 year old daughter) needs to attend the interview. I read on the embassy site that a child under 14 years of age that is listed under his/her parent on the same petition is not required to attend the interview. I don't trust what the woman on the phone told me.

I faxed both Sandy' & her daughters DS-230 (part 1)
Additionally I did not see any young children at the Embassy last Friday.
I assume the child is riding her mothers K1 visa? Her's is then a K2.
Good luck!
SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2008-01-29 15:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
quote name='margara&john' date='Jan 28 2008, 05:08 PM' post='1531440']
Congratulations Steve and Sandy! Packet 3 has been sent from Bogota to Margarita! smile.gif I made the $16 phone call today, and I am more confused now than I was before. Margarita's 8 year old daughter, Daniela, is listed on the same petition as Margarita. From what I understand from the Embassy website, Daniela does not need to go to the interview. During the phone conversation with the Emassy, I asked if I need to send Daniela's DS230 and passport copy when we send in packet 3. The woman told me that we only need to send Margarita's ds230 but that Daniela needs to go to the interview. I am really confused. I asked the woman again and told her that Daniela is only 8 and that she is listed on the same petition as Margarita. The woman told me that all children must attend the interview. Does an 8 year old really need to go to the interview if she is listed on her mother's petition? I don't mind bringing her with, but I thought she is not required to go.

Thanks for the congrats!
If you check back through this thread you will fond directions on what and how to fax packet #3 to the Embassy. Most of us here fax the required documents once we know we are in the system, no need to wait for packet #3 to arrive. In fact the Embassy never even sent packet #3 to Sandy as we faxed them the documents the same day we where entered into the system in Bogota. It was a Wednesday (free call from 2 -4 PM) the woman said: Yes, we have recieved your fax, so there is no need to send packet #3.


After confirming that the embassy has your package follow these steps. You do NOT need to wait until you receive package 3.
A. Prepare your package 3 response. It should include the following items only. There should be a total of 5 pages including your one page cover letter.

1. Cover letter
2. Copy of fiancée's passport (biographical data page)
3. DS-230 Part 1 (pages 1 & 2 only)
4. OF-169 (page 5 of packet 3 instructions)

The cover letter should include the petitioner's and beneficiary's names and the BGT case number. State that the beneficiary has all the required documentation ready and request the earliest available appointment.

B. Fax your response to Package 3 to the embassy at 011-57-1-(315-4155.
SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2008-01-29 08:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (Bill y Bella @ Jan 28 2008, 01:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well we finally have an interview appointment. dancin5hr.gif The embassy told me at 4:00 on Jan 23rd that there was no way we would have a February appointment, and we are not on the February appintment list that was recently posted on the embassy website. However, DOS tells me this morning that our appointment is February 29th and Package 4 was mailed on Jan 23rd. I called DOS twice and I received the same information each time. Maybe the embassy had a change of heart after I hung up the phone. laughing.gif

Does anyone have any tips regarding strategy on booking flights? I'll do some research of course but I thought maybe someone might have some ideas I should consider.
  • What options do I have if I book the flights and then we are not approved on the 29th? Can the flights be changed? What is the fee?
  • I don't have enough frequent flyer miles to buy 3 tickets. Can I use the miles I have and pay the balance with a credit card?
  • Unless the fares are very high at the end of March (Easter week) that is when Bella and the kids will probably travel to the US.
  • I will go down for the interview at the end of February and then return to accompany them home at the end of March. That means an extra ticket but I can't spare the time to go for the interview and then wait around for the visa unless I book the flights very close to the interview. That means if there is a snag in the visa delivery we have a problem.

Bill, Not sure where you are traveling from, yet here is the way I just did it and it was fairly inexpensive. I booked round trip flight to be in Bogota 5 days before the interview (help Sandy prepare, medical, etc.) and scheduled my return flight one week after the interview. Then I also booked one way tickets for Sandy and her daughter on the same flight I was returning to USA on.
My ticket was JFK to Bogota / Bogota to FLL $ 645.00 (all taxes included)
Sandy's Bogota to FLL $ 343.00 (all taxes included)
Her Daughter Vania (under 2 years) of age $117.00

I checked in case I would need to change my reservation (Avianca) Change fee $ 100.00 + differance in airfare from time of purchase for my round trip ticket, and $ 35.00 for Sandy's ticket.
SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2008-01-29 07:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
!!!!Heads up on traveling with Fiance's with children thru Bogota Airport!!!!
Not sure if any others have had this problem: We nearly did not get through the DOS checkpoint at El Dorado Airport with Sandy's daughter! Reason being much to my surprise and Attorney never advising us, the document signed and notorized by the father to remove the child from Colombia, was done in October and apparently only good for 60 days! When I saw Sandy start to cry, I knew something bad was going down. They told me to go through and sent her off with some DOS woman who tryed to contact the father's cell phone, to see if he was still okay with her leaving, do you believe that? They where unable to contact him (cell phone off) and eventually allowed her through, this was the only problem we encountered and almost a major one!
As for Ft. Lauderdale as POE. This was a breeze, maybe it was timing, not sure. We entered the imagration line for the USA citizens, and the officer was fine with that. After quickly reviewing Sandy and her daughters documents, off to the interview room we went. There where several people waiting to be cleared, we where second one's called! Sandy was asked one question: When will you and Steve be getting married? Easy and promptly she replied "St. Valentines Day" February 14th. Thank you very much, from the time we deboarded till clearing imagrations, 35 minutes.
SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2008-01-28 07:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
Scott & Yenifer ...... Congrats Again!!!!!

Bill, thanks for the "heads up" on Ft. Lauderdale. We have three hours between flights, I hope we are okay!
SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2008-01-24 18:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
Luis and Wendy congratulations on your AOS approval!

On another note, for all those with upcoming interviews, something very important to keep in mind when booking flights back to USA after interviews. USA Embassy in Bogota observes all USA holidays, and Domesa observes all Colombian holidays! I cut it abit to close, mainly for failing to consider that this past Monday was Martin Luther King holiday and the Embassy was closed. We where approved last Friday, yet Domesa just recieved our package today at 1:00pm! They will deliver it tomorrow and we will make our flight on Friday! Thank you my God! POE Fort Lauderdale Florida!
SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2008-01-23 14:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
Good luck Luis & Wendy tomorrow with AOS! There are many of us right behind you in this process, and we will all benifit from your success and feedback!!

Scott & Yenifer, Big day tomorrow for you as well!!! The best to both of you and thank you for all your help!

Sandy and I are waiting for Domesa and hoping to recieve the visa's for her and our baby by Thursday as our flight is schedulued for Friday. I am optimistic because we where approved last Friday, however Monday was holiday in USA and obseerved by the Embassy here in Bogota as well. I really do not want to reschedule ( and pay additional fee's) but will do so if we do not recieve by Thursday!
SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2008-01-22 11:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club

The interview was very easy! Sandy was asked 3 questions.
My birthdate
How we met
Then she was asked why she did not marry the father of her 18 month old daughter.

Then it was my turn:
First the woman was very pleasent, and thanked me for attending the interviw.
Then asked me to describe how I met Sandy, and to describe a couple of photo's, who was in them and what was the ocassion?

Next she said, your visa ia approved!!! Get out of here and go celebrate!

Thank you all for the support! Colombia Club is the best! Party time c ya all later !!!!!!

SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2008-01-18 12:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
Here we are sitting in the office at Bob's place in Bogota, and going thru the list of possible questions that might be asked to Sandy. One thing I have noticed, that even though many S/O have attended the interview, seems that none of them are being questioned??? I am trying to prepare for possibly being cross questioned. Any advise????
Other than being there, for support with loads of photo's, e-mails, telephone call history (excel spread sheet 1300 calls) reciept's from trips to Colombia, bank statements, tax returns, new I-134, my passport am I missing anything??????
Please tell me we are prepared!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JAJAJAJAJAJA

SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2008-01-17 08:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (bundy_138 @ Jan 16 2008, 03:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (bundy_138 @ Jan 11 2008, 03:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello everyone! Haven't posted in a while. Great to see so many approvals! Paola's interview is next Wednesday and she flys out Sunday for Bogota. Medical on Monday, shopping on Tuesday, cita on Wednesday! She went yesterday to buy a jacket for herself and daughter because living in Cali, they never really needed one. She is so nervous about the interview. We have waited so long for this moment and we just want the visa so bad! Congratulations on all who received their visas and good luck in all your future endeavors! Hopefully I will have some good news to post next week!!!! innocent.gif


kicking.gif kicking.gif APPROVED!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif

Today was our interview and everything went great! Paola arrived at 5:30 this morning and was finished around 11:30. Get this..........the interviewing officer (a lady) did not ask any questions and did not ask to see any infomration Paola brought with her (pictures, emails, letters, etc). Paola said all she did was look over her packet, checked to make sure she had everything, and said your approved! YES!!! YES!!! YES!!! YES!!! Very easy and I expected it to be much harder, but it was pretty quick and painless. Hope to have Paola here Feb 1 and POE will be Miami!

On a sad note, Paola told me that 5 women before her were denied! She was very nervous when she went to the window because of all the denials that were being handed out. She was also nervous that I didn't attend the interview because everyone else brought their novio or husband. She was the only female there without her significant other. So, it seems that it is not necessary for the petitioner to attend the visa interview and having them there has not bearing on the outcome.

Thanks to all that helped me get thru the rough times, those that shared valuable information, and those that kept me in check! I owe a ton to Visa Journey and it's valuable members! Godspeed on your journey!


Bundy Congratulations!!!

I can only hope that Sandy's interview this Friday goes as well and fast as yours went today. Since arriving here in Bogota Sunday, Sandy and I have been rehersing and checking documents! I am very excited as well as nervous, and am putting it all in the hands of God. Man, this is enough stress to make a person crazy!
We have all the confidence in the world, thanks again to all the great supprt provided here, yet nerves are still on edge.
SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2008-01-16 17:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
Congratulations on all the approvals! Here we are in Bogota! Bob's place is great, a little more hot water would be great!
Thank you all for your help and support through this grueling process, it is almost over! Drove by the Embassy today at 9:00 still a line! Wow!
Bob, says hello to all and continued good luck!

Again Thank you all
SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2008-01-15 16:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (erika731 @ Jan 11 2008, 06:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hello everyone...congratulations to everyone who has been approved or has made it to the next step in this long process!!! I am posting because we have our interview on the 14th and maybe can give some information that could help others out who are in the same or similar place as my fiance and i...if you plan on going to the lab exam with your boy/girl friend bring a book an ipod or something that can keep you occuppied for more than an will not be allowed to enter the waiting room with him/her and therefore have to wait outside for who knows how long...we got there at around 730 am and i have to wait a good two hours outside...also bring a jacket!! Again if you plan to go to the phsical appointment with him/her you will be allowed in the waiting room which is both could be in for another long wait...just so everyone knows...lets see what else can i offer for advice...know that the day after you have your physical you will have to return to that doctors office to pick up the results from both the physical and the xray blood test...that is all i can offer for advice for the time being i think...i will make sure to post what happens at the interview as soon as possible...hope this helps some of you who are so eagerly awaiting the next step!! Also, if you are looking for a place to stay in bogota as posted is a wonderful site...i am staying in a guest house for 20 dollars a night the room is clean and perfect for a quick few days in bogota..there is free internet and free calls to the us and hot water!!! It is close to the airport and to the docters and embassy...we went to doctor gonzalez and it was less than a 10.000 cab ride from the hotel..i didnt think that was too bad...let me know if there is anything else at all that i can help you with or answer for you...good luck to everyone!!!!

Erika, Good luck on Monday! We are arriving on Sunday to the same apartments, our interview is on Friday! We are nervous, after such along wait Good luck to all of us as I know there are several interviews coming up this week!
SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2008-01-12 08:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (Bill y Bella @ Jan 7 2008, 03:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We are still waiting for our interview appointment. sad.gif We faxed the package 3 response on Dec 27. We also sent it by courier the same day. DOS is givng me conflicting information. On Friday they said the DS-230 had been received and it was being reviewed. Today they said there was no record of receiving anything from us.

I would call the Embassy directly as well this Wednesday. I actually got them to verify they recieved the fax, by doing the shortcuts, we where not ever even sent packet #3. Two days later DOS had our interview date! Good luck.
SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2008-01-07 15:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (MV-JR @ Jan 3 2008, 10:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I thought it will be interesting for those of you who are having the interview soon that I also got a visit from Domesa today for the visa delivery (to bad I wasn’t in) after my Monday interview, it took them only 2 business days!!!

Great news! Our interview is Friday the 18th, and we have reservations to leave on Friday the 25th. Can you tell me, did they deliver to a specified by you location in Bogota? Or did you pick it up at a Domesa Office? Thank you.
SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2008-01-04 07:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
Byron & Leidy Congratulations!

This is great news, and further proof as to how wonderful and helpful this forum is! I have one question Byron, did they make you show the document with the fathers permission? Sandy and I have one, just not sure if we should bring it with us to the Embassy!
SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2008-01-01 08:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
Good Luck to all the Interviewees today! Let's end the year with all approvals!!!
SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2007-12-31 09:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (Bill y Bella @ Dec 26 2007, 11:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi folks. I am in Bogota and just stopped in to VJCC to catch up.

First of all, a belated Happy Holidays to everyone!

Next, good luck to Byron & Leidy and MV & JR! With all the information available here in the Colombia Club I know you must be better prepared than 99% of other couples so try to relax.

Our petition arrived at the embassy today (14 days after the NOA2) and we will be faxing in our package 3 response tomorrow.

Has anyone who has been through the interview had to deal with a less than ideal situation in regards to a common language? Bella speaks very little English and my Spanish is adequate for us to communicate because she goes slowly and is patient with me while I try to figure out what she is saying. On the other hand, if someone hits me with some rapid fire Spanish I can get lost very quickly.

This is the one area that worries me. I think we are very strong on everything else. I keeping seeing a scenario in my head where I get called into the interview and the CO makes no effort to help me understand the questions and my Spanish is judged to be inadequate. My biggest fear is that we are denied on the basis of a lack of a common language.

And finally, Bella already has her Certificado Judicial and it is dated June 21, 2007. Will this be acceptable for a February interview? I think I read several times that it is good for one year, but I can´t find confirmation that the embassy will accept one that old.


Hello Bill,
Sandy and I share the language problem as well. In my opinion our case is also very solid (thanks in part to this forum)!
Yet I also have in the back of my head, being called upon to answer some questions in Spanish or her in English. We are learning eachothers languages and using translation software along the way! I have in fact created a tabbed section in our "additional evidence of a solid relationship" folder, with a copied link to the software website as well as some sample translations! But yes it would be nice to know how others have handled this, if in fact it has been an issue or not!
Steve & Sandy

SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2007-12-27 06:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (Scott n Yenifer @ Dec 26 2007, 09:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (SteveSandyHill @ Dec 26 2007, 08:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Byron & Leidy and MV & JR may your New Years Eve celebrations start early in the day with your APPROVALS!
I hope this question isn't to crazy! Yet I read on the Bogota interview page here is Visa Journey, below:
These documents and items are needed for the interview:
*Appointment letter
*DS-156 Non Immigrant Visa Application.(2 copies for the beneficiary and 2 copies for each accompanying child.)
Will Sandy need to have 2 DS-156 forms completed at the bank?
Thank you for all your help! Steve & Sandy.

She will need 1 each of the DS-156 for the bank...1 for her and 1 for the baby. Those will accompany her to the embassy along with 1 additional copy each of the DS-156 for a total of 2 each and only 1 each of the DS-156K.

Scott , Thanks AGAIN buddy.
SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2007-12-26 10:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
Byron & Leidy and MV & JR may your New Years Eve celebrations start early in the day with your APPROVALS!

I hope this question isn't to crazy! Yet I read on the Bogota interview page here is Visa Journey, below:
These documents and items are needed for the interview:
*Appointment letter
*DS-156 Non Immigrant Visa Application.(2 copies for the beneficiary and 2 copies for each accompanying child.)

Will Sandy need to have 2 DS-156 forms completed at the bank?
Thank you for all your help! Steve & Sandy.
SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2007-12-26 08:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
Welcome back Scott & Yenifer!

Scott, I was just reviewing your earlier post about the bank and the 156 needing to be done in spanish? I have all these forms completed in type from my PC, will we need to redo them in the bank? Or perhaps prior to going to the bank?

I also see that the fee is going up after Jan. 1 2008, Sandy will not be arriving in Bogota for the interview until the 7th. We have recieved packet 4, (not sure if you need to show the letter in the bank, I am assuming not). My question is can she go to the bank in Barranquilla with the DS-156 next week and prepay for this prior to the increase?

Thank you every one in this forum for all the great advise in this seemingly never ending process!
SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2007-12-22 06:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (BYRON-LEIDY @ Dec 19 2007, 04:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Scott Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My nerves are starting to kill me the closer the interview date gets!!!! unsure.gif unsure.gif

I do have one quick question, God willing everything goes OK with the interview and we get the visa, being that i am coming back on the first and Leidy has to wait for the visa, does she have to go through Miami or can I book a direct flight to New York??

Hey Byron,
I had the same question regarding POE, for Sandy, and her daughter. When I spoke to the people at Avianca Airlines, they informed me that any airport they Service from Colombia to USA is valid as a POE. I hope that they gave me the correct information, and it makes sense I guess. I actually found the best priced flight into FLL (Fort Lauderdale) and then connecting 4 hours later on Airtran to upstate New York. Believe it or not, this was actually $140.00 cheaper, including the Airtran flights. It's crazy how they price the airfare at times. Now I am flying with Sandy, if she where flying solo, I would probably paid the additional cost to get her directly into JFK. Good Luck to both of you!
SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2007-12-19 08:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (Scott n Yenifer @ Dec 18 2007, 11:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey everybody!!!!!!

Just a quick note to say that Yenifer received her visa packet today and we will be in Miami tomorrow!!!!!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Congratulations Scott & Yennifer!
SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2007-12-18 12:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (M&J @ Dec 14 2007, 07:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congratulations Scott!!

Just a little update...
we got NOA 2 november 26 by mail. Then on the 27 got a letter from NVC saying they received the application. We called NVC and they said our case was sent to bogota. We used the shortcut, I faxed and mailed packet 3 on december 4. I got packet 3 by mail in bogota on the 11. Called DOS and they said interview January 18!!! and today i got packet 4!!! I`m so exited. I will be calling on Monday to doctor's office to schedule appointment.

Since the interview is on a Friday should I get the doctor's app. on wednesday and the Lab on Monday?? What if I need to get all the shoots? can someone help me??



Hello Marcella
Sandy and I also have our interview on January 18th. Sandy has already scheduled her appointment with Dra. Gonzalez for Monday the 14th of January. So yes you schedule asap, for that week. Also I posted earlier about the shots. Sandy is getting hers at the Red Cross in Barranquilla prior to arriving in Bogota.
SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2007-12-15 06:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (bundy_138 @ Dec 14 2007, 09:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (SteveSandyHill @ Dec 14 2007, 07:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We are not until the 18th of January, we are very well prepared, yet I find myself going to sleep at night wondering what I am forgetting???? Sandy and I are arriving in Bogota on Sunday the 13th, lab and medical on Monday the 14th (Dr Gonzalez). Sandy's 18 month old daughter is not required to have lab work, yet has to have a medical exam (of course additional fee). Dr Gonzalez informed Sandy she could have her vaccinations done at the Red Cross in Barranquilla prior to arriving in Bogota no problem.

In reading Scott's note after his interview (thank you again Scott!) He stated that the bank required the DS-156 in spanish? This is not what the Embassy told me on Wednesday when I called? My forms have all been completed in english including the N/A in all fields not applicable. I guess I will make an additional copy in Spanish, no problem.

I do not speak alot of spanish, and Sandy speaks little English, is this a potential problem in the interview? We have loads of photo's together, from my trips to Colombia, including the Baptism of her daughter Barranquilla, vacations together in Cartagena, Isles Rosario and Santa Marta. Many e-mails in spanish as I have translation software on my laptop. Phone records, money tranfer reciepts etc.

So in short, I am hoping that there is no major red flag here due to the language barrier that we are working rapidly on to improve!

I do not think the language will be a problem. My novia and I speak Spanglish. We speak to each other in a huge mash of the two languages, me focusing on Spanish, her English. We communicate very well together. I have met many people that speak NO SPanish and their spouse speaks NO English. They got their visa ok. I'd try not to worry about it.

Did you alrady set your appointment with Dr. Gonzalez? We have our interview date on Jan 16 and we were told they were not making medical appointments for January yet?! Was I given bad info? Since our interview is on Wednesday, we are trying to get the medical for Monday. However, we were told to wait untill after the holidays for making the appointment. I have not booked the flight yet since we do not know when the medical is! This whole process is a domino effect! Can't book the flight without the medical, can't book the hotel without booking the flight! I'm going INSANE!!!!

Oh yeah.............Congrats Scott


I believe you received some bad info. Sandy had no problem sceduling her appointment with Dr. Gonzalez. She called her on Monday, and as well was informed directly by the Dr. that she could receive her shots in Barranquilla. You should schedule your flights soon as possible. We should meet in Bogota!

SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2007-12-14 09:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
We are not until the 18th of January, we are very well prepared, yet I find myself going to sleep at night wondering what I am forgetting???? Sandy and I are arriving in Bogota on Sunday the 13th, lab and medical on Monday the 14th (Dr Gonzalez). Sandy's 18 month old daughter is not required to have lab work, yet has to have a medical exam (of course additional fee). Dr Gonzalez informed Sandy she could have her vaccinations done at the Red Cross in Barranquilla prior to arriving in Bogota no problem.

In reading Scott's note after his interview (thank you again Scott!) He stated that the bank required the DS-156 in spanish? This is not what the Embassy told me on Wednesday when I called? My forms have all been completed in english including the N/A in all fields not applicable. I guess I will make an additional copy in Spanish, no problem.

I do not speak alot of spanish, and Sandy speaks little English, is this a potential problem in the interview? We have loads of photo's together, from my trips to Colombia, including the Baptism of her daughter Barranquilla, vacations together in Cartagena, Isles Rosario and Santa Marta. Many e-mails in spanish as I have translation software on my laptop. Phone records, money tranfer reciepts etc.

So in short, I am hoping that there is no major red flag here due to the language barrier that we are working rapidly on to improve!

SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2007-12-14 07:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
Congratulations Scott, great report, very helpful to say the least!
SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2007-12-12 14:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (Brian and Yenys @ Dec 11 2007, 11:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (BYRON-LEIDY @ Dec 11 2007, 10:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> do I get it notarized here or in Colombia???

and what is it that they do , have me sign it in front of the notary public and just stamp it??

Yes, You most Notarized the I-134 here in The USA, usually if you do it by your BANK, they will do it for free.

heart.gif Brian and Yenys heart.gif

Thanks for all your advise! That being said, I have another question, hopefully you can answer.
I submitted a notorized I-134 with my 129 Application. Will I need another one for the interview? Will the Packet 4 information Sandy receives advise to additional documentation I am required to provide? I used an attorney who demanded I provide all of that prior to submission of the 129. Additionally I provided 3 years tax returns as well.
SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2007-12-11 11:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (BYRON-LEIDY @ Dec 11 2007, 02:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (BYRON-LEIDY @ Dec 10 2007, 10:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Brian and Yenys @ Dec 10 2007, 08:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (BYRON-LEIDY @ Dec 8 2007, 03:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
..I have gone to see her 6 times in Colombia and i will be going to the interview, I flew her to Panama and met her there for a vacation...i have receipts for restaurants in Colombia, money transfers to her (about 15 for the last 9 months ranging from $100 to $350)....of course the stamps on my passport from the 6 times i have been there to see her...over 400 emails...over 170 pictures from different trips to her...Over 300 calling cards with the access numbers for the calling card highlighted on the house phone and the cell phone bills....letter from employer....3 years tax transcripts and w2's....




you seem to be well prepared with everything....You and Leidy will do fine.... star_smile.gif
Relax, breath and just be patient now, Good things will come for you.
You will be successful !!! good.gif
Best of Luck and our prayers are with you !!! innocent.gif
Keep the Faith my brother and soon , Leidy will be here with you !!! yes.gif

heart.gif Brian and Yenys heart.gif

Brian and Yenys ...Thank you very much!!!!!!!!! I hope you are right and everything goes smooth!!

Juan Carlos....I got approved at day 181....Im sure you have to be hearing something soon!!! Good Luck !!!!!!

SteveandSandyHill...I too think you should make the appointment AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!

Leidy just got the letter 2 days ago but we already had the appointment set 3 days before! good.gif

One more the embassy info page here on VJ it says that the i134 has to be notarized....Is this accurate?? Do i have to get it notarized???

Bottom of page 2 (I-134) Yes this document needs to be notorized.
As well, is the medical exam required within so many days prior to the interview?

SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2007-12-11 06:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
I am so excited! Today I called the DOS and they have our interview scheduled!
January 18th, 7:00am.
The next question I have is should I have Sandy call Dr. Gonzalaz now and schedule her medical for 2 days prior, now? Or do we need to wait until she receives her letter ?

SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2007-12-10 11:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
Congratulations and thanks for all the information! I am preparing for our interview hopefully in January. I believe that I am very prepared as well. What I am lacking and I believe I can obtain are all my Western Union reciepts! I have used this service for about eight months now to send Sandy $$$ as needed. The Attorney that I wasted lots of money on, originally told me that I would not need them as it would show I was more or less supporting Sandy, and that would be frowned upon at the Embassy.
My question is did they even look or ask for this information? In any event I will contact Western Union today, I believe they will have records, they can forward to me.
SteveSandyHillMaleColombia2007-12-10 06:39:00