K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNon-legal ceremony prior to leaving the UK...
Hi folks

I got approved for my K1 visa on Thursday (yay :)) and our wedding is on November 27th.

Unfortunately at the weekend I had a change of circumstances. My dad is due to give me away at the wedding but at the weekend he collapsed at his 80th birthday party. He has a history of fainting and TIA (mini-stroke), so now I feel that I can't ask him to put his health at risk going on a 13 hour journey to Florida. I'm obviously devastated, but if something happened while he were in the US or on the plane I'd never forgive myself, and I want his health more than anything.

Therefore I've been rapidly putting together Plan B, which is for us to have a non-legally binding ceremony here in the UK in August, so my dad can still walk me down the aisle. Just close family and friends, in my dad's garden - nothing that will cause us to be legally binding but just a blessing or commitment ceremony of sorts. We always wanted to do that anyway but finances prohibited - now it's too important not to bite the bullet and pay for it.

However, there is one thing I need to check and that is - will having a non-legal ceremony interfere with my visa. I know it shouldn't technically, I just wondered if anyone's gotten into any trouble having had a blessing or commitment ceremony before using their K1.

Thanks for any advice :)
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-13 15:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfused
Here you go:


They've clearly just redone the website - not a bad thing, cos personally I thought it was a bit pants - but not updated their letters to applicants. Doesn't really surprise me - I got the hard copy of my P4/interview letter a week after my interview date :bonk:

'Packet 3' isn't really a packet anymore (although in the days before the internet revolution it was) - to save on postage (and to make sure YOU pay for all the printing ;)) they just send you a letter with a link to where to download all the forms. This does have its advantages though, as it means you can fill out most of the forms electronically.

Good luck!!
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-12 02:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp Needed!! Urgent!
I went to visit my other half between my NOA2 and interview, and went armed with the similar stuff - return ticket, reference from my company's HR saying I was still employed, and letter from my line manager stating when she was expecting me back.

On previous trips I'd just said I was visiting friends, that time around I specifically stated I was visiting my fiance and actually had an easier ride. When did I last visit, when was I leaving? That was it. If you have a good departure record, which it sounds like you do, you shouldn't have a problem.

Best of luck - me and my fiance have hit a couple of rocky patches along the way, long distance is hard work. Hope it works out :)
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-06 08:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting the US whilst our Visa application is being processed?
Yes you can, but just bring proof that you intend to return to the UK. It is a bit of a grey area, so if your arrival and departure record smacks of intending immigrant (lots of stays close to the 90-day limit within a short period of time, for example), it will be harder to prove that you intend to leave. Letter from your employer (if you have one), credit card bills, bank statements, and/or a lease are all good evidence.

Not that I am recommending this, but for the first 2 years me and my fiance were apart I just said I was visiting friends when I went through immigration. That said, once my K1 application was actually filed I felt it was better to tell the truth - and got much less hassle for it too.
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-18 22:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespolice clearance

Hello everyone .

i have lived in two different cities from the age 16 . i was wondering if anyone could tell me that do i have to get police clearance certificate from both the places ? and what about passport clearance certificate ? do i have to get 2 passport clearance certificates from local passport offices of both the places ? or just from the passport office from where my passport was issued ?

thank you .

This depends on what country/countries the cities were in and how long you lived there. According to the New Delhi embassy website, you need to get a police certificate for your local district and also each country you lived in for a period of 12 months or longer - so, if you have lived in 2 cities within India, or you lived in a city outside India for less than 12 months, then you only need to provide a police certificate for when you currently reside in India. If you lived in a city outside India for longer than 12 months, then you will need to get a police certificate from the authorities in that country.

You only need one passport office certificate from India, or rather from your local passport office.

All this information available here: http://newdelhi.usem...rtificates.html

Hope this helps! :)
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-01 09:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinancial worries for K1
Hi Sabrina!

I'm in a pretty similar situation. I've just finished a Fulbright grant in Peru, I met my fiancee 4 years ago while studying abroad and went back to live after graduating college. I've just recently gotten back to the US about a month ago and am looking for work, our plan now is to use a co sponsor. From what I understand all you need to do is bring two 134s one for yourself and one for your parents. I do agree with what a few other people said on here though that it may not come through by Aug. My fiancee and I filed in November and were hoping he'll be able to travel by July but realistically are not sure weather that will happen. We debated weather I should stay in Peru with him until he gets his visa but ultimately agreed it was best for me to go back to the US first to hopefully find a job before the interview because it would look better. I would recommend you go back to the US after finishing your time with the Peace Corps and start working to hopefully be able to have that to back your 134. It sucks being away from someone you love for a long amount of time, but my fiancee and I figured that it would be easier for me to go back first and start working to be established once he came than for both of us to be coming back at the same time and both be unemployed at the same time.

I hope this helps!! Enjoy the rest of your time with the Peace Corps!! where are you placed?? I was in Piura and was the only Fulbrighter there, I heard rumors that there were Peace Corps Volunteers around but never managed to get in contact with any of them!

jenni17FemalePeru2013-02-21 01:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffadivit of Support

A conservative suggestion would be to bring paperwork for a joint sponsor to the interview just in case the VO thinks it's needed.


Thanks for the help, guys!!  This is what i was thinking of doing just to cover all bases.. just didnt know if i was overdoing it... i guess it's always best to play it safe though!

jenni17FemalePeru2013-05-05 18:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffadivit of Support
HI Everyone,

I saw someone else on here posting about the affidavit of support and the responses mentioned that you must provide 3 months of pay stubs plus W2s. After graduating from college I moved to Peru to be with my fiance while on a Fulbright grant. Afterwards i stayed for a few months to volunteer and recently returned to the US in Feb. The plan was that rather than staying in Peru with him until our K-1 was approved I would move back to the US ahead of him to look for work in order to qualify to sponsor him. I worked part time for the past 3 months while applying for jobs and I finally have a job offer for a position, the salary of which will put me well over the 125% poverty qualifications. My concern is that, since it's a new job I definitely won't yet have a W2 that states my yearly income. I can ask for a letter from my employer and bring my pay stubs up until the interview, but depending on when we get our NOA2 that may be a little short of 3 months. My question is do you think that a letter from my employer and as many check stubs as I have plus bank account statements will suffice? Or should I ask my mother to co-sponsor just in case? Would it help to bring my W2s from previous years even though at that time, since I was a student, I wasn't making above the 125% poverty line?

Any help would be appreciated!! And congrats to everyone at CSC who has been included in this flood of NOA2's!! Your excitement is contagious!! I hope that VSC gets to November filers soon!!

jenni17FemalePeru2013-04-24 11:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo we need a lawyer, special needs and will probably need a sponsor

Hi, we are starting this journey and were wondering if having this uncommon situations will make us have to  hire a lawyer instead of doing it ourselves.

I am from Peru, and have a son with autism, he is 15 years old. And my future husband has been unemployed as he quit his job last year to take care of his mom who was very sick. He is starting a new life now that his mom passed but he will have to start again so probably wont meet the requirements to file without a sponsor. He is receiving some money to buy a house soon (his moms house just got sold) so he is planning to buy a house but dont know if that will count as his tax returns will be very low.

1)Anyway, do you think we can try doing everything by ourselves or will it be better to hire a lawyer?

2) Does anyone from Lima, Peru know if the Embassy  here accept a sponsor for the I 134?

3) My sister is a medical doctor , she got married with an american and she is already an american citizen, can she be my sponsor?


Thank you very much for all your help



I believe the embassy in peru does accept co-sponsors. I was evaluating the necessity of having to use one but thankfully I found a new job that will allow me to meet the requirements. i couldn't fine anyone on here who could answer the question about weather lima accepts them or not, but I did find a review in the embassy pages on here that mentioned using a co-sponsor and being approved and I also called the embassy in Lima to ask. The women on the phone was kind of curt and didn't really understand my question at first, she just kept telling me she couldn't answer questions about my case until it was forwarded from NVC. Once i explained for about the 5th time that I wasn't trying to get specific info about my case, just had a general question she told me that they do accept them in certain situations

jenni17FemalePeru2013-05-09 18:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresnot available

that's strange about the status not being available... it may be a glitch and the system is just down but if it doesn't come back up soon  I'd call back again... but the bright side is that it looks like your close to an approval! I've seen a few this week around your NOA1 date!! my fingers are crossed for you!

Edited by jenni17, 15 May 2013 - 08:39 PM.

jenni17FemalePeru2013-05-15 20:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresco-sponsor

i have a question, can somebody tell me if co-sponsor should fill out the same I-134 for as a sponsor, or is there a different form for a co-sponsor?


It's the same form but you will need to both fill it out, one for you and one for the co-sponsor

jenni17FemalePeru2013-05-25 17:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI need help with my fiancee visa application

I believe if you're using a co-sponsor you will need to submit two I-134s one for you and one for them in addition to the supporting evidence of course... either way it can't hurt to be prepared with both just in case they ask.

jenni17FemalePeru2013-05-25 17:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support.

If you have no children or dependents then you would  to meet the 125% poverty guidelines for a household of 2 to sponsor him. If you have other dependents then you would have to meet the guidelines for the number in your household. As for the evidence to support the I-134 the only things listed on the form as required are the letter from your employer and a statement from your bank detailing your account balances and yearly deposit activity. That being said, the pay stubs are highly recommended as additional support and I plan on bringing tax transcripts also. 


A co-sponsor can be used at most embassy (check your embassy's guidelines specifically to be sure) if you do not meet the requirements. They would have to fill out the same documentation as you do and bring the same evidence. However you BOTH have to fill out the I-134 with documentation if using a co-sponsor. 


The AOS document is a bit different, I'm not as familiar with that process since I'm not there yet but from what I understand if you qualify to sponsor with I-134 you will also qualify with the AOS but the document you fill out and sign has more legal weight

jenni17FemalePeru2013-05-30 17:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresForm 1040, Form W-2s, I-864 for K1

Thanks for the response! I do have the letter from the company stating his position, effective date of employment, and salary. I also have his previous year's taxes and his bank statements. I guess the only thing lacking now is his paystubs. Thanks for the info!


As for the co-sponsorhip, I have his mom's bank statements and her tax info, and a I-134 for her. Though I'm still debating on asking them for a I-864 form. I'll do it your way too and only show it if the need arises.


Yep, just get the pay stubs and you should be fine! good luck!

jenni17FemalePeru2013-06-02 11:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresForm 1040, Form W-2s, I-864 for K1

This is a kind of an update from my previous thread.


My fiance is still waiting to hear from some of his job applications, but due to the K1 petition, his dad employed him under his small business. My question is: Would we still need to have a co-sponsor and have a I-1864 form? Or will it suffice that he is currently employed for the meantime till he gets the job he's waiting on? And since he just started, does he still need to provide a Form 1040 and Form W-2s?




It's not enough to simply be employed... he needs a letter from his dad's company stating his salary and tenure with the company as well as recent pay stubs to prove how much he makes. I've just recently begun with the company I'm working for also so I won't have the tax transcripts or W-2s to support my income. I'm bringing the letter, pay stubs and statements from my bank as well as previous years taxes. But i also plan on bringing documents for co-sponsorship from my mom just in case the embassy has an issue with the fact that I've only been with my company a few months. I think if I were you I would do the same. Especially if he's working for his dad's company. If the embassy notices that they may question the fact that he's only just started working there while you are in the process of applying for the visa. I would want to play it safe. I don't plan on presenting the document for co-sponsorship unless they question the fact that my tenure with the company has only been a few months... I just want to have it there just in case to avoid any possible issues. 

jenni17FemalePeru2013-06-02 08:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa criminal issues

Technically, couldn't you meet in a third country?  Canada, Mexico, etc?

 I agree... meet in another country if he can't get into the UK. It will strengthen your application significantly that you can prove that you have met in person. Even if you do get the waiver approved you still have to convince the embassy that you're in a committed relationship and never having met in person will be a red flag.

jenni17FemalePeru2013-06-02 21:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust talked to NVC, and now I'm confused, please help

Hi Everyone, First off thank you for taking time out to read this So a couple weeks back, i received noa from USCIS that my case has been sent to NVC. yay! i was ecstatic!! so i waited 2 weeks..called NVC, and they did acknowledge that they received it and that it has been or will be forwarded to the embassy in Kabul. and here is where the confusion came in. I still have to fill out more forms..i know this. but I want to know specifically what i need to do. and the lady from NVC said that the embassy in kabul will get a hold of my fiance and inform her of what to do. but the thing is, in afghanistan, mail is hardly not confident she'll get the mail. i was under the impression that anything that is sent to my fiance, would be sent to me as well? is that not so? the lady from NVC said that NVC will "get in contact with the applicant". but if they are unable to get a hold of my fiance, how would i know what to have her do? im sorry if i made it more confusing. I just want to be in the clear of what i need to do. the lady from NVC wasn't too helpful so I really appreciate any help i can get. Thanks again!!


Get in contact with the embassy directly... there are way to many countries in the world for NVC to provide information about each embassy's policies. I know that in my fiance's country many times the packet never arrives by mail and if you call they will let you pick it up in person at the embassy.

jenni17FemalePeru2013-06-04 18:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow old the police report has to be?

Hi guys, how old the police report has to be? Would it raise a red flag if the police report obtained before packet 3 received? Does it matter if is already 2 months old by the time of the interview? Any input would be appreciated.



My embassy (Peru) advised not to get the police reports until packet 3 has been received. That being said it doesn't take more than a day to get the reports there. I would call your embassy before going to get them to ask if it would be a problem. 

jenni17FemalePeru2013-06-03 19:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Prep Questions - Flight Reservation = OK?


Hello everyone!
First time post here and I first wanted to say you folks have a wonderful site and community and I really grateful for all the information you have provided.  I'm beginning to assemble the I-129F packed and I have a couple questions regarding primary evidence for meeting in the past two years.
First of all, like a doofus I have already thrown out my boarding passes when I went to meet my fiance in her home country(japan.)  I do have a digital copy of my flight reservation though.  Will that suffice instead?  I also have my passport stamped.  Would I need to make a color copy of the whole passport or just the reservation page.  I am also planning on making a copy of my bank statement with transactions in Japan once it's available next week.
Many thanks!



What the above poster said about "holding their hand" is crucial. The digital reservation plus the stamp should be just as good as a boarding pass as long as the date is legible. Circle the entry and exit stamp on the copy of the passport and put a post-it with the info specifying that it corresponds to the attached flight itinerary. If they see you entered the country on the day your itinerary says you should be fine. This is especially important if you have multiple trips that you want to prove, make sure you add post-its detailing the specific exits and entries to make it as easy as possible for them to make the connection between the stamps and the flight itinerarys. And be sure to make a copy of every page of the passport in color.

jenni17FemalePeru2013-06-08 22:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChanging jobs before the k1 interview

Right now we are at the NVC step. My fiancé got a better job proposal and he is switching jobs. He will end this friday and he will start his other job on the right next monday in his dad company. I am very worried this will affect our case at the interview. Does the employer letter needs to match the W2 form or the pay stubs he has been receiving from his ex employer? Do we need to present more documentation? Do we need to let someone know? We are extremely worried since we are not consulting with anyone. Please, we would really appreciate an answer from any of you. 


I agree, you should be fine, tell him to make sure he gets a formal offer letter (original signature on company letterhead) and bring his first pay stubs from the new job as well as his documentation from his old job.

jenni17FemalePeru2013-06-12 20:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI got scammed the biggest scam of my life


As long as it's nothing legally related and just a ceremony/party, I don't see anything wrong with it. And to the OP: I suggest trying to communicate better with her. My fiancee and I also have stressful miscummunication like this. Good luck


If you end up having a non-legal ceremony in her country first make sure she is aware that at the point of entry if they have suspicion of you two already being married they will not let her in despite having the K-1 visa. Be sure that if you exchange rings at the ceremony in her country she does not have it on her hand when she is going through customs and that she is aware that if they ask her about you you are not her husband until you have the civil wedding. If she refers to you as her husband rather than fiance or if they have reason to suspect you are already married at the point of entry she will have problems and may be denied entry.

jenni17FemalePeru2013-06-12 04:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAfter Point of Entry

So I've been taking a break from research recently while I've been waiting for my interview. (It got to the point where I was getting dizzy from looking at a computer screen for too long dead.gif )
But now I feel better and ready to get back into it again I've been wondering, what happens exactly after point of entry? What are the basic steps for what I need to do?

This is what I have sussed out so far:

1. Apply for SSN as soon as possible.
2. Apply for a marriage certificate/get married

3. Change name

But then what? Do I go straight ahead and apply for Adjustment of Status? Can anyone present to me in baby language what exactly it is that I do first as soon as we're married?

(Yeah I know I should know this already- I kinda do but you guys are so good at helping me understand innocent.gif )

Are there any good web pages that explain the process thoroughly? I find this one really helpful but I feel it lacks the important details:

Thanks Guysstar_smile.gif


File for AOS as soon as possible after getting married... here are the instructions



jenni17FemalePeru2013-06-11 18:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPros and cons of congressman

contacting your congressman will in no way negatively affect your case. It may not help it.... but it will not hurt it.

jenni17FemalePeru2013-06-13 19:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is the second copy of K1 complete package for?

Just wondering why I made a second copy. I think I read it somewhere but cannot recall why I did this step.


Is it to bring to my fiance's interview in her country? Any help would be appreciated.


Thanks, Will dancin5hr.gif


Mostly for your own reference... when you go to the interview the embassy will have your original package. But you need to bring all the original evidence that you photocopied along with additional evidence. If you have your own copy it helps you remember what you included as photocopied evidence to collect the originals. 


Also just in case something gets lost at some point along the way you have a backup copy yourself. 

jenni17FemalePeru2013-06-13 20:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBest way to proof your relationship

Would it seem odd that I only include one boarding pass from my returning flight from my last visit? We honestly never thought to keep any of our boarding passes. We will include our past itinerarys even if they do not count as proof.

 I don't think only having the return flight would be strange, you must have had a flight to get there in the first place. I would think that that plus an itinerary and a passport stamp with corresponding dates would be sufficient. 


Also, my fiance and I traveled a lot together and couldn't find all of our physical boarding passes printed at the airport, but since now a lot of domestic flights let you print your eboarding pass we were able to find all of those in email... that could be another option if you've lost the actual paper copy.. and it would show seats together

jenni17FemalePeru2013-05-15 20:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence of engagement

Hey! That is a good bunch of information , do you kow were i can get that info for the embassy in Lima, Peru?
Thanks in advance

Lima does not send a packet via email but below is a link to scans that someone posted of the complete packet lima sends in the mail upon receipt of your petition:



jenni17FemalePeru2013-06-15 23:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresproblem about bank statements. needed help

here's my problem my fiancee dont have bank statements cause he get paid directly thru his debit card so we dont have no bank statements or whatsoever to show to the USEM. What will i tell them?


A lot of people get direct deposit but your employer is still required to provide you with the pay stub detailing tax deductions, net pay, pay period, etc... he may not get a hard copy, my company sends them as a pdf document via email to save trees, all you would have to do is print the pay stub

jenni17FemalePeru2013-06-13 19:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 ???

i need some info on this. i asked about the I-134 and what i needed to send to my fiance in the Philippines. as iread through the instructions about this form it says noing about sending tax transcripts. however it does say you need to send in bank statements and proof of deposits and or proof of employment abong with pay stubs. why is it that some people say i need to send in tax transcripts. would bank statements and w-2's be enough???


Your tax transcripts are only required if you are self employed, however many people prefer to send them anyway to be safe. I recommend getting a letter from your employer in addition to your bank statements and w-2s as well as copies of your most recent pay stubs. The tax transcripts are up to you as to weather you would like to provide them.

jenni17FemalePeru2013-06-16 12:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I have to be in the USA to file the I-129F?

I was on your same position I was living abroad with my fiance and went to see a attorney and was told that 1) the visa is very clear when is says its a visa to "come and marry your fiance here in the USA". 2) you need to be generating money in other to support you future spouse, so you will need to be IN the USA in other to brinf that other person here to marry.


So maybe to file you could be still living abroad but at the moment of the interview I believe you need to be here and prove you are currently working and able to support your spouse.


So in my case I moved back to the US filed and started working. We are still waiting for our NOA2.


While many people, including myself, do/did move back to be working in the US by the time of the interview and thus able to sponsor it's not impossible to do the whole process from abroad. You would need to find a cosponsor to fill out the affidavit of support if you do not hold a job in the US. Or you would need to have enough in assets to satisfy the affidavit requirements.

jenni17FemalePeru2013-06-17 17:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I have to be in the USA to file the I-129F?


Thanks  so much Jenni for your information! Can I ask where did you send your I-129F? Was it to the lockbox in texas or should I send it to the USCIS Office for my American residency which is in NYC? 


You have to send it to the texas lockbox and from there they forward it to the corresponding USCIS office. What the above poster said about the spousal visa and DCF though is a good option also. If you get married in Italy you may qualify to apply through the italian embassy which is a quicker process. My fiance and I decided against this since I had been living in peru for a while and already spent a lot of time with his family we decided we wanted to get married in the US so that my family could share the moment with us since many of them had never met him. So we went with the K-1 instead of spousal and DCF


Here is the info about DCF filing though if you want to investigate... check to make sure italy offers it, but i'm sure they do

jenni17FemalePeru2013-06-16 11:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I have to be in the USA to file the I-129F?



I apologize if this has been asked before. I attempted to search the topics, but I have not found it. 


I am an American currently living in Italy with my Fiancé. I met him here while I was studying abroad and after graduation I stayed (I am here legally with a permit of stay) and we have an apartment together. We want to get started on his Fiance visa so that we can move to the USA together. 


           ***Additional information. My Fiance's citizenship is with Albania (his place of birth), but is a permanent resident in Italy.***


I have contacted a lawyer who told me I have to be living in the USA in order to file the I-129F, but on the website it does say if I am living abroad to send it to the lockbox in Texas. However, the information makes me confused because it does indicate that even for citizens currently living in the USA to send it to the Texas lockbox. When my research has shown that where you petition the I-129F depends on your state of residency. So, it's safe to say I have no idea what is correct. 


- here is the link to .gov website 


1. Does anyone have any information on this or have done this themselves? Experiences?


2. Can I in fact file the I-129F while I am still living in Italy or do I need to move back (or just go back for a visit) to the US? 


3. If I can send it while living abroad should I put my Italian or American address on the I-129F? 


4. Also, this is a little different, but I figured I would ask here in case anyone knows. My boyfriend and I mainly communicate in Italian. His english is very beginner. For his signed statement that I have to mail in with the I-129F can it be in english or would he have to write it in Italian and we would have to send an official english translation along with it? 


I appreciate any help! Thanks! 




You do not have to be in the US to file, I filed from abroad also. In my case I used my address in the US as the permanent address so that they would send correspondence there because I figured it would arrive quicker and there was less chance of it getting lost in the mail than if it were going to Peru. However, I explained on the I129 (in the question asking you to explain how you met) that I was currently living in Peru with my fiance so that there was no confusion.


As for the signed statement, write it in English and have him sign it (make sure he understands what it says of course)

jenni17FemalePeru2013-06-16 10:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support? Does part time work help?

I am a returned Peace Corps volunteer who has been working part time and recently began a full time job while waiting for my NOA2. With only my full time position, I make over $26,000 with the hourly wage I earn. In addition, I earn nearly $9,000 with my part time position. As a result I will earn a little over $35,000 with both positions combined. My tax returns have been below the poverty line because I was in Peace Corps but I will be able to show pay stubs and my current income. Will my past tax returns hurt me? I know the embassy is clearly familiar with the Peace Corps Volunteers and know that I am reentering into work.  Although I want to make sure that I make the requirements. I don't want a co-sponsor so I am trying to make sure I can be the sole sponsor. 


Thanks for your help in advance!


You should be fine with the pay stubs but also make sure you ask for a letter from your full time employer stating your salary, position, etc.


I'm in a very similar situation, I just returned to the US after doing a Fulbright grant in Peru and have only been with my company for 2 months now. I'm bringing my pay stubs, a letter from the employer and bank statements. I'm also planning on bringing co-sponsor documents from my mother just in case they do have a problem. But i don't plan to present them unless they question the fact that I've only been working full time for a short period of time. From what others have told me on this site the cosponsor won't be necessary but I want to be prepared just in case.

jenni17FemalePeru2013-06-17 20:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConsulate fee vs Visa fee

i have the same question my fiance just asked me the same thing... did we pay that fee when we filed our application ?


You have to pay two separate fees

jenni17FemalePeru2013-06-01 18:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMRV Fee Receipt


Ok thanks for clearing that up smile.png

Now to get some sleep as I have to be up and out the door at 4.20am to catch the coach to London dead.gif


Good luck!!! Everything will go great tomorrow : )

jenni17FemalePeru2013-06-23 14:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMRV Fee Receipt

The K-1 is technically a Non-immigrant visa since AOS is required and receipt of the green card is conditional upon getting married within 3 months of entry to the US.

jenni17FemalePeru2013-06-23 14:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDocuments needed with form I-134 (merged)

Hi guys, just wondering what documents do I need to send my fiancé with the I-134? Thank you

You need a letter from your employer on company stationary stating your salary, position, how long you've been with the company etc (there's a template in the guides section) as well as the pay stubs the above poster mentioned. It is also recommended to bring a statement from your bank detailing you account balances and yearly deposits... if you call your bank they should know what it is you are asking for, my bank said they get requests all the time from people dealing with the immigration process. 


The taxes and W-2s are optional but can't hurt. However, if you are self employed and cannot provide letter from employer and pay stubs then you must bring your tax documents. 

jenni17FemalePeru2013-06-06 20:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPrimary evidences


Vietnam doesn't stamp my passport. They stamp my visa but I never kept my visa for those trips. Only Korea stamped my passport because Korea is my layover. In combination with my flight information, that should prove I did board the plane right? Yes the arline wrote me a letter confirming that. I might have boarding pass laying around back in Seattle. Hopefully I can find it. I should have kept all the information but I never think that proving is so difficult. Thanks!


In that case then yes, you should be fine. Give them both the itinerary with the flight info and the letter from the airline. If you can find the boarding pass send that too but if not you should be good with the combination you listed.

jenni17FemalePeru2013-07-02 17:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPrimary evidences


What about letter from the Airline certifying that I flew with them? Does that count as primary evidence?



If the airline confirms that you actually boarded the plane then it should count. I've never seen a case of this being used so I can't be positive. Do you have the stamp from the visit in your passport? If you can show the stamp in addition to the letter that would be best. In my case I had lost most of the boarding passes so I provided the flight receipt along with the exit/entry stamps corresponding to the dates on the itinerary.

jenni17FemalePeru2013-07-02 17:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPrimary evidences

Primary evidence is something concrete which is not easily fabricated. For example if we are talking about primary evidence that you have met in person, boarding passes, passport stamps, and bank statements showing ATM/Credit card transactions in your fiance's country. Secondary evidence would be flight itineraries (They don't actually prove you were on the plane, just that you purchased the ticket) and photos (due to photoshop they can't be considered primary evidence of meeting). 



jenni17FemalePeru2013-07-02 17:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust starting I-129f - Questions for assembling

Another question that may be odd:


My fiance tried getting a tourist visa twice, once in January then once in February of this year and got denied because of the lack of evidence that he would return to Peru. I'm not sure if that will hinder us, but it is obvious that the USCIS will see that correct? The reason he tried for it was to visit me and get to know me. That is why I then decided I should go to him and when he proposed. So it plays apart in our relationship but I'm not sure if it would be wise to include his rejections in the proof packet as a sign that he attempted to see me? Plus they are going to see that in his records anyways.




Hi! What a coincidence to find another Peru-DC area couple! 


It looks like others have answered some of the more basic questions but having done a lot of research about the Lima embassy's preferences and spoken to various VJ couples who have gone through the interview already I figured I'd throw my two cents in.


As for the chat transcripts... if you're sending them to USCIS they need to be translated. It's not really necessary to send them though since they fall under proof of relationship. Do bring them to the interview at the embassy. Evidence that's brought to the embassy does not need to be translated from spanish to english.


In the I-129F packet, front load as much as you can! When you arrive to the interview the CO will already have an idea as to the "validity" of your relationship from what he sees in that packet. If you only send proof of having met in the past 2 years, the petition will be approved by USCIS but you'll have more work convincing to do when you get to the embassy. Put as much as you can in the initial packet. My fiance and I sent copies of my itineraries from each trip I made to Peru to see him as well as passport stamp scans. Plus lots of boarding passes/bus tickets from places we've traveled together along with pictures through out our relationship. We sent scans of post cards we'd sent to each other, pro-flowers receipts. My theory is to include as much as you can from the beginning, it can only help.


The tourist visa denial won't hurt his chances of getting this visa, however I wouldn't flaunt it as a proof of relationship. I see where you say it's proof that he tried to meet you but I think it's best to leave it out of the I-129F. When you go to fill out papers for the interview you will need to state that he's been rejected, but it shouldn't be an issue. Most people I've talked to say that in their interview at the embassy in Lima it wasn't even brought up.


Feel free to PM me if you have any questions! Our interview is next month and I'm flying down to Peru to attend with my fiance, so I'll be sure to let you guys know how it went!

jenni17FemalePeru2013-07-07 20:02:00