PhilippinesCalling all approved Filipinas! Your Transition... Foods
QUOTE (itzallgood @ Mar 29 2009, 01:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kevin & Maria @ Mar 29 2009, 08:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, as you all know my fiancee was approved recently, and she will be coming to the States soon.

I am assuming that a transition between the Philippines and the United States took a little getting used to.

I know that the food will be different, because when I was there I was introduced to a lot of new food in the Philippines.

I want to make it easy for her, and want to have some foods here that she is used too prior to her arrival, before we will have a chance to do some grocery shopping.

I keep asking her, but she says it will be OK... I guess it will more of a surprise than anything.

So the question is... What foods would you have liked in the U.S. upon your arrival. Let's say for your first week in the United States.

Yes I know: Rice & Fruits

Thanks ladies!

Is there a substantial filipino population up there in oregon? Any filipino food stores? Here in SoCal, we have the largest population of pinoys, so we have Seafood City stores that have all the favorite filipino food items. We also have Jollibee and Chowking restaurants here, hehe.

I love the Asian diet, and think it is so delicious, nutritious and healthy. Of course, I want to keep my pinay slim and sexy, so we will primarily eat an Asian diet. Ive seen some pinays gain 20 Lbs in 6 months of hitting the states. Curse you ronald mcdonald, hehe.

Fresh rice, chicken, fish and veggies can be prepared in so many delicious ways.

Good luck to you and your new woman here!

cheers star_smile.gif

flickerMalePhilippines2009-03-29 19:11:00
PhilippinesIlocano vs Visayas Where most bar girls come from?
QUOTE (DEDixon @ Apr 5 2009, 10:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
attack the idea, not the person .... throwing out insults only makes you as bad as him really.


on another note, i doubt "Mykuls Merry Ann" is as unaffected emotional about what people think of black people in America was he pretends. this makes me think he posted this just for the reaction.... bored on a sunday afternoon "Mykuls Merry Ann?"

flickerMalePhilippines2009-04-05 21:58:00
PhilippinesIlocano vs Visayas Where most bar girls come from?
QUOTE (jan_hunt @ Apr 5 2009, 09:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Mykuls Merry Ann @ Apr 5 2009, 07:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I had a talk with some filipinas and I found out that most of the girls that you see in the bars working as bargirls are usually Visayan. I also now see what they mean. In fact while I was stationed and visit the Phiippines I noticed the U.S. bases are near more people who have Ilocano culture, and that you have to travel very far to Visayas. So most of the girls who leave the province and work as bar girls are usually from Visayas regions. Because Ilocano live so close and interact more with military and foreigners they are more likely to know the good and bad of western culture and how it affects pilipino culture.

It seems also true that most of the Visayan girls try to act like they have more class and culture than their Ilocano counterparts.

But what I see happening is that the Ilocana seems to know more about foreigners (especially military) and the Visayan do not see what they are getting themselves into dealing with American military and all the foreign men who visit the Philippines just to meet poor Asian women. So its probably that the Ilocana has seen the bad experiences that western culture brings to pilipino culture. And they know how some military and foreigners can be. So they are more likely to stay away and try to hold on to their pilipino cultural heritage. But this education is not as good or as strong for the Visayan women. They are more likely to think that meeting an American or a foreigner is a dream lifestyle. Education is needed here.

Which is probably why more Visayan are working in clubs in higher numbers.

I am from cebu and very much educated...maybe ur wife was or is working from the bar....

flickerMalePhilippines2009-04-05 21:50:00
PhilippinesKeeping the PEACE in Philippine Forum is it possible?
QUOTE (Bituin @ Apr 5 2009, 10:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I noticed that there are so many controversies here in our very own Philippine forum lately and I'm saddened by it seriously. Please let us keep the PEACE here brothers and sisters instead of attacking each other and fighting for nonsense things .We are all here to help and support each other especially those who are still in limbo and desperate to be united with their loved ones here in the US. Let's be careful if we want to post something and see if it's offensive or not. If it will only provoke anger and hatred then refrain from posting such topic so we can keep the peace. smile.gif rose.gif rose.gif rose.gif

flickerMalePhilippines2009-04-05 22:22:00
PhilippinesTrue Love Story
QUOTE (shang @ Apr 8 2009, 06:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (armywife @ Apr 8 2009, 05:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i was about to post this one hehehe biggrin.gif i admire lolo here good.gif

si lolo talaga hehehehehe

very good story!!!i liked it alot .. good.gif
flickerMalePhilippines2009-04-08 13:07:00
PhilippinesFive Faith
QUOTE (shang @ Apr 8 2009, 07:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
1. Endure: Don't lose heart. Keep praising God for His goodness. (James 1:1-4)

James encourages us to "consider it all joy" when we encounter trials that test our faith. That may sound difficult. But as we endure these trials, pressing on in faith and believing God has our best interests at heart, we will emerge from the experience "perfect and complete, lacking in nothing." Often, God allows us to go through difficult challenges because those very experiences shape us to receive the answer He has already prepared. Even in the midst of pain, if we can press on -- praying, standing on His Word, believing His promises -- we will see His goodness bring us to a better place.

2. Stop worrying: Ask God for wisdom concerning your situation. (James 1:5)

God gives wisdom to everyone who asks Him. He gives it generously. He doesn't think any less of us for asking. In fact, He loves it when we come to Him with our concerns. But the catch is, we have to ask for wisdom to get it. Too many of us reason out problems and come up with solutions on our own -- coming to God only as a last resort. God tells us in Jeremiah 33:3, "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know." If we come to Him as soon as we encounter difficulties, He promises to give us His perspective on our situation. He can show us ways to deal with our trials that may never have occurred to us.

3. Deal with doubt: Come to God in faith -- and expect an answer! (James 1:6-8)

When you ask God for help, remember that He is faithful. When Jesus invited Peter to walk with Him on the water, Peter was able to do it -- as long as he kept his eyes on Jesus and focused on his circumstances -- looking at the waves around him and the water beneath him, he sank. When you ask God for help, focus on His Word and what He is speaking to your heart to believe for, rather than letting your faith be determined by your situation.

4 Remember: God is not limited by your circumstances. (James 1:9-11)

By the world's standards, wealthy people have the greatest range of opportunities because they have the resources to make their dreams come true. They can afford the best the world has to offer, and can gain power and influence through their wealth. In contrast, God is not impressed by a person's wealth, but rather by our willingness to believe Him and by obedience in what He has told us to do. If we are rich in faith, there are no limits to what God can accomplish through us!

5 Persevere: Keep your eyes on God, and thank Him for the victory! (James 1:12)

Through persevering in prayer in each trying situation, praising God and believing in His goodness, we will build the character we need in order to receive all that God has for us without being overwhelmed. And each situation we emerge from in triumph is a small picture of the victory that awaits all believers someday when we receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him!

God Bless everyone.......Hope that we will always remember how God love us so much.

good.gif good.gif
flickerMalePhilippines2009-04-08 16:38:00
PhilippinesUnited States Portal Service
QUOTE (nervouswreck @ Apr 8 2009, 05:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So, my lazy fiance finally sent the stuff (proofs, forms, affidavit etc...) that i need from him for my interview on the 20th. YEP, the 20th! It is already April 9th, he said USPS guaranteed a delivery date of April 13 5pm the latest.

Are they really accurate with their guaranteed delivery? Anyone had experience on this?

should I start freaking out or maybe call USEM to reschedule? (dammit, my tix to manila are non-refundable, non-rebookable!)

flickerMalePhilippines2009-04-08 16:24:00
PhilippinesBIBLE VERSE
QUOTE (peacefulpaul @ Apr 5 2009, 11:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (peacefulpaul @ Apr 5 2009, 08:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
He who corrects an arrogant man earns insult; and he who reproves a wicked man incurs opprobrium. Reprove not an arrogant man, let he hate you; reprove a wise man, and he will love you. Instruct a wise man, and he becomes still wiser; teach a just man, and he advances in learning.
-- Proverbs 9:7-9

The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord, and knowledge of the Holy One is undertanding.
-- Proverbs 9:10

If you are wise, it is to your own advantage; and if you are arrogant, you alone shall bear it.
-- Proverbs 9:12

When pride comes, disgrace comes; but with the humble is wisdom.
-- Proverbs 11:2

Wealth is useless on the day of wrath, but virtue saves from death.
-- Proverbs 11:4

The virtue of the upright saves them, but the faitless are caught in their own intrigue.
-- Proverbs 11:6

With his mouth the impious man woudl ruin his neighbor, but through their knowledge the just make their escape.
-- Proverbs 11:9

A newsmonger revealss secrets, but a trustworthy man keeps a confidence.
-- Proverbs 11:13

Truly the evil man shall not go unpunished, but those who are just shall escape.
-- Proverbs 11:21

He who seeks the good commands favor, but he who pursues evil will have evil befall him.
-- Proverbs 11:27
Proverbs 12

He who loves correction loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid.
-- Proverbs 12:1

A worthy wife is the crown of her husband, but a disgraceful one is like rot in his bones.
-- Proverbs 12:4

The plans of the just are legitimate; the designs of the wicked are deceitful.
-- Proverbs 12:5

Better a lowly man who supports himself than one of assumed importance who lacks bread.
-- Proverbs 12:9

The way of the fool seems right in his own eyes, but he who listens to advice is wise.
-- Proverbs 12:15

Truthful lips endure forever, the lying tongue, for only a moment.
-- Proverbs 12:19

A shrewd man conceals his knowledge, but the hearts of fools gush forth folly.
-- Proverbs 12:23

The diligent hand will govern, but the slothful will be enslaved.
-- Proverbs 12:24
Proverbs 13

He who guards his mouth protects his life; to open wide one's lips brings downfall.
-- Proverbs 13:3

One man pretends to be rich, yet has nothing; another pretends to be poor, yet has great wealth.
-- Proverbs 13:7

Wealth quickly gotten dwindles away, but amassed little by little, it grows.
-- Proverbs 13:11

He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him takes care to chastise him.
-- Proverbs 13:24
Proverbs 14

Guilt lodges in the tents of the arrogant, but favor in the house of the just.
-- Proverbs 14:9

Even by his neighbor the poor man is hated, but the friends of the rich are many.
-- Proverbs 14:20

He who oppresses the poor blasphemes his Maker, but he who is kind to the needy glorifies him.
-- Proverbs 14:31

The king favors the intelligent servant, but the worthless one incurs his wrath.
-- Proverbs 14:35
Proverbs 15

A mild answer calms wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
-- Proverbs 15:1

Every day is miserable for the depressed, but a lighthearted man has a continual feast.
-- Proverbs 15:15

He who is greedy of gain brings ruin on his own house, but he who hates bribes will live.
-- Proverbs 15:27
Proverbs 16

Better a little with virtue, than a large income with injustice.
-- Proverbs 16:8

The king's lips are an oracle; no judgment he pronounces is false.
-- Proverbs 16:10

A scoundrel is a furnace of evil, and on his lips there is a scorching fire.
-- Proverbs 16:27

Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained by virtuous living.
-- Proverbs 16:31

A patient man is better than a warrior, and he who rules his temper, than he who takes a city.
-- Proverbs 16:32
Proverbs 17

Better a dry crust with peace than a house full of feasting with strife.
-- Proverbs 17:1

Grandchildren are the crown of old men, and the glory of children is their parentage.
-- Proverbs 17:6

He who covers up a misdeed fosters friendship, but he who gossips about it separates friends.
-- Proverbs 17:9

He who is a friend is always a friend, and a brother is born for the time of stress.
-- Proverbs 17:17
Proverbs 18

The fool takes no delight in understanding, but rather in displaying what he thinks.
-- Proverbs 18:2

A brother is a better defense than a strong city, and a friend is like the bars of a castle.
-- Proverbs 18:19

Death and life are in the power of the tongue; those who make it a friend shall eat its fruit.
-- Proverbs 18:21

He who finds a wife find happiness; it is a favor he receives from the Lord.
-- Proverbs 18:22

Some friends bring ruin on us, but a true friend is more loyal than a brother.
-- Proverbs 18:24
Proverbs 19

The false witness will not go unpunished, and he who utters lies will not escape.
-- Proverbs 19:5

He who gains intelligence is his own best friend; he who keeps understanding will be successful.
-- Proverbs 19:8

The foolish son is ruin to his father, and the nagging of a wife is a persistent leak.
-- Proverbs 19:13

He who mistreats his father, or drives away his mother, is a worthless and disgraceful son.
-- Proverbs 19:26
Proverbs 20

When a man walks in integrity and justice, happy are his children after him!
-- Proverbs 20:7

Even by his manners the child betrays whether his conduct is innocent and right.
-- Proverbs 20:11

A newsmonger reveals secrets; so have nothing to do with a babbler!
-- Proverbs 20:19

The glory of young men is their strength, and the dignity of old men is gray hair.
-- Proverbs 20:29

flickerMalePhilippines2009-04-05 22:37:00
PhilippinesNEED YOUR 2 CENTS (maybe more)
youre so should have full access to anything on youre computer ,,if they dont then youre leading a secret life that will eventually catch up to u!!!!
flickerMalePhilippines2009-04-08 13:17:00
Philippinesvisa approved k-1 in manila
congrats!!!! good.gif
flickerMalePhilippines2009-04-11 19:03:00
PhilippinesA Mothers Plea...
ill pray but remember what we want is not always what we recieve ,,no matter what happens dont lose faith and it will all be ok in the end,,DONT GIVE UP!! good.gif
flickerMalePhilippines2009-04-18 17:01:00
PhilippinesGet SATAN out of your Way...No visa what?? We can still take this wait
QUOTE (Rocky_nBullwinkle @ Apr 10 2009, 09:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (*Len* @ Apr 10 2009, 02:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Visas are granted by USCIS. Not by god. Seriously, why do you cheapen your faith like this?

Actually, in this case, her husband's fate is in the hands of the US State Department Resident Visa Section at the US Embassy in Manila, Philippines.

However, it doesn't hurt if we ask God for strength and perseverance.

good.gif without god nothing is possible except the road to hell
flickerMalePhilippines2009-04-18 16:31:00
PhilippinesSo before you say "I Do"
QUOTE (rheanick @ Apr 29 2009, 04:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Who cleans the toilet and the house! Its the Cleaning lady!

Holidays.. He has to work hard so he could afford 5 stars hotel for our trips...

Money.... No Money! No Honey!

headbonk.gif headbonk.gif headbonk.gif

flickerMalePhilippines2009-04-30 12:33:00
PhilippinesAge difference between Filipinas and americans (Poll)
QUOTE (Peil @ Mar 30 2007, 12:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just curious to see the age differences as i hear there are some big age gaps...I will start.

I am 32
She is 30.

Age difference 2 years 6 mo.

i am 37 she is 32
flickerMalePhilippines2009-01-04 23:17:00
PhilippinesGot my mind set on you
QUOTE (Rocky_nBullwinkle @ May 31 2009, 09:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey girls, this is just for fun. I found this video on another Filipino site. PM me if you want to know. star_smile.gif star_smile.gif star_smile.gif

flickerMalePhilippines2009-06-03 17:32:00
PhilippinesVery poor communication
QUOTE (charles! @ Apr 21 2009, 02:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (T_and_A @ Apr 21 2009, 02:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have done things I have never done and/or never willing to do before when i was single that I am doing right now not because my husband asks of it but because i wanted to make him happy and please him.

i still wanna hear more about this.

flickerMalePhilippines2009-04-21 17:31:00
PhilippinesVery poor communication
no spouse should hide anything from the other ,its that simple ,no way around it ,if someone is hideing something then there relationship will definitely fall apart ,its just a matter of time
flickerMalePhilippines2009-04-21 11:31:00
asain women ,filipinas, are the most attractive for starters but the main reason is most american women are very spoiled and very difficult to ever please,,they seem to never be satisfied and expect you to do everything but at the same time want to say there powerfull american women , most filipinas i know are very honest,hard working,gratefull and trustworthy women who are also very beautifull. to find an american women like that is almost impossible
flickerMalePhilippines2009-01-17 18:21:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
QUOTE (jego ryu @ Apr 19 2009, 04:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hebrews 10:36

You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God,
you will receive what he has promised.

Isaiah 40:31

Those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.

flickerMalePhilippines2009-04-19 07:00:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
QUOTE (chris-lei @ Jan 26 2009, 12:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
“And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand.”

– Mark 3:25
flickerMalePhilippines2009-01-26 12:23:00
PhilippinesOngoing Relationship
i just sent a couple from when we first chatted and a couple for in btween and a few rescent ones
flickerMalePhilippines2010-07-05 05:32:00
Philippinesengagement ring K1
we did not have one at the time of interview and i dont think it will help any,,anyone can get a ring ,,even a ten dollar fake one and put it on for interview,,for us they were looking at facts,,evidence of our relationship that they could verify such as letters,chats,emails and when we met,,pictures,,good luck!!!
flickerMalePhilippines2010-07-10 07:47:00
PhilippinesThank goodness!
flickerMalePhilippines2011-01-14 13:33:00
PhilippinesSending a SIM card to Philippines

My mother-in-law is leaving the Philippines in a week and a half for the US on an immigrant visa. I want her to be able to call us once she reaches LAX on her way to Denver. I was thinking of adding another line to my wireless family plan and sending her a SIM via FedEx. When I called FedEx, they told me I have to get a permit from the Philippines' telecommunications agency in order to import a SIM card there. This seems a bit strange to me as I'm not trying to sell anything to anyone there but would be providing it to the recipient for her personal use.

Has anyone tried sending a SIM card from the US to their beneficiary in the Philippines? If so, how did it go?

go to walmart or most targets and you can get a prepaid cell phone with a certain amount of minutes on it,, before sending it activate everything for her so that when she gets to the usa all she has to do is turn it on,,add your nomber to the memory and she doesnt even have to worry about remembering youre #,,just a suggestion,,phones in the airports here in usa are a little confuseing for newcomers and without a ccard almost impossible to use good luck
flickerMalePhilippines2011-01-16 08:26:00
PhilippinesShipping liquids from Ph to US?
have u tried just buying them from ebay or one of the philippine sites online?
flickerMalePhilippines2011-11-30 19:52:00
PhilippinesReporting marriage to philippines
go to the embassy website and you will find <report of marriage> follow the instructions there,,we did it and it was very simple to do,,it came in handy when we updated her past port and was more evidence we had to send in for her 10 year card,,good luck
flickerMalePhilippines2011-12-08 19:47:00
Philippinesnew passport

Did you supply your own photos, or did the Embassy provide a photo service at their outreach? they told us not to bring photos,,they took them there

flickerMalePhilippines2011-12-23 06:27:00
Philippinesnew passport
needed new passport before going home on vacation,had the green one with my maiden name in it, we did the report of marriage and then we made an appt with the consular outreach when they came near our place and within a couple weeks we had the new one with my married name in it and its good for 5 more years,,so blessed
flickerMalePhilippines2011-12-22 20:30:00
PhilippinesHow to report marriage in the Philippines
we used the washing dc embassy website to get the info on reporting marriage ,followed there instructions and sent it in within a couple of weeks we had the document back and stamped by the embassy,,register with the embassy for email updates,,when the do an outreach near youre area you can request an appointment and get the passport changed ,,we just did both and it was very easy,,got the new passport in just a couple weeks after going to tampa to one of the outreach programs,,good luck
flickerMalePhilippines2011-12-28 20:32:00
PhilippinesBringing Mother-in-law to USA for long visit?
i have friends here who have alot of money try to bring nanay over but untill they became citizens they were all denied because the mom didnt have alot of money,house, the philippines to prove she would go back but after they were citizens they were able to bring her over,,good luck!!!!!wooohoooo!!!!
flickerMalePhilippines2011-11-01 18:50:00
PhilippinesDivorced american man now married to filipina
no!!! it is not normall !!!! it is disrespectfull to you and just plain rude for anyone who is married to someone else to show more attention to the ex instead of them,,not once did you say the kids called ,,it was always the ex,,useing the kids as an excuse is sickening and for anyone else to say its normal or youre being insecure,,well i dont think they are liveing in the real world,,sure it would be great if we all loved each other but thats not the case and with the divorce rate being over 50% in the usa WHERE WE LOVE TO PREACH GOD AND COUNTRY i think you deserve a little more respect and attention
flickerMalePhilippines2012-05-25 19:06:00
Philippines~Say Anything Thread~
QUOTE (sunandmoon @ Jan 19 2009, 07:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ad of the year...

flickerMalePhilippines2009-01-19 19:24:00
PhilippinesBISAYA ISPISYAL: Join in!
flickerMalePhilippines2009-03-28 17:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F sent in today!!!
read as much as u can here and good luck!!!!! good.gif
flickerMalePhilippines2009-01-11 23:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWE GOT IT!
great job!! good luck!!! good.gif
flickerMalePhilippines2009-01-16 19:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsReceived NOA2
great job !!!!!!!! good luck!!!!!
flickerMalePhilippines2009-01-18 08:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! My heart is going to explode!
great job!!! good.gif
flickerMalePhilippines2009-01-16 19:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA 2 APPROVED!!!!!!!! September VSC Filer
great job!!! good luck!!!
flickerMalePhilippines2009-01-20 17:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC? Any news? PLEASE
QUOTE (Ken1 @ Jan 20 2009, 04:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
K-1 visa approved today at VSC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOA1 Sept. 4th, NOA 2 Jan. 20th!!!!

Read my post: http://www.visajourn...howtopic=173369

Good luck and speedy processiong to all!!!

great job!! good luck!!
flickerMalePhilippines2009-01-22 18:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCase number??
hang in there ,u should recieve the hardcopy very soon then u can register online at uscis with youre #
flickerMalePhilippines2009-01-21 18:27:00