CanadaHere's a question for ya

Taking my car to the US...

How does that work?


I'm assuming i'm going to have to get a US Driver's License... and get US plates...and US insurance?


What order... how... and how long do I have to do these things?

And how much does it cost to make all these changes? Anyone know?



Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-03-25 12:02:00
CanadaHelp with Police Record

They're valid for 1 year at both consulates. 


wooowhoo- thanks for the info!!!

Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-07-06 11:05:00
CanadaHelp with Police Record


~~moved to Canada forum from IR1/CR1 process and procedures as question is regionally specific~~


You get them to check CPIC, a Canada wide name check (or get the fingerprinted if you've ever been convicted of a crime.)  Yes it's the same regular criminal record check for employers etc...




ok thank you so much for clarifying- do you know how recent the CPIC needs to be for the interview- like is this something I could get now while I'm waitting to hear from the consulate?

Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-07-06 10:46:00
CanadaHelp with Police Record

Hey Sparkles- I think I'm a little confused here.

I'm similar to you.. I generally just keep my address with my Mom's address.. however have lived a few places all within 2 hours of eachother.

When I went to the police dept where I'm living now.. and asked them about it.. They said that they have some kind of connection with the police dept in the other main place I lived and will be able to print a criminal record check showing anything on file in both places?

Is this not going to be enough for the interview? They need a country wide check? I always assumed just the regular criminal record check that you get at the police station for employers etc would be sufficient?????


oops, i think i answered my own question. My local police service does not offer the appropriate check for Visas. From them, i obtained the name of a company that can do a country wide search.

If you're in Canada, here is a list
And here is a RCMP list http://www.rcmp-grc..../vulner-eng.htm


Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-07-06 09:31:00
Canadaconsulate letter for medical exam
  1. Can I add a question onto all of this- since I can't figure out for the life of me how to post in just the Canada Portal. I just did the DS-160 online- i'm going to be going to the montreal consulate... do I have to wait to receive something before I schedule the interview online? Or can I do that now?


    My fiance has her medical exam next week with Dr. Cheema in Vancouver. We're doing a double-check to make sure she has all of her paperwork and whatnot, and a question came up. This is what's written on Dr. Cheema's website under the things she needs to bring to the medical exam:


    2. L E T T E R: The letter that shows your NAME and CASE NUMBER and APPOINTMENT/INTERVIEW DATE. We are unable to examine you without the letter showing both your NAME and CASE NUMBER AND INTERVIEW DATE as per the regulations. Please make sure that you bring the Consulate letter that shows your NAME and CASE NUMBER on exam day along with a copy of the email confirmation of your interview.


    What letter are they talking about? My fiance has a letter from the consulate with her case number saying to go ahead and download packet 3. She also has a confirmation email that has her interview date on it, but it doesn't have her case number. She never recieved any sort of packet 4..we just booked the interview when she got her DS-160 confirmation. What letter are they looking for exactly? Has anyone been through this recently? She's planning to bring the packet 3 letter (which has the case number) and a printout of the confirmation email that has her interview date on it (but no case number.) Does that sound okay? 





    Her Interview Confirmation when the Interview was scheduled


Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-07-21 09:52:00
PhilippinesIntent to marry proof at embassy interview

Won't just like a receipt for the ring- and a letter of intent to marry signed by you be enough?

I would think it would be.




My fiance has her K1/k2 visa interview March 11th. I hear so many other couples say as examples of proof that they do intend to marry once the fiance is in the petitioners country they provide a reciept of a planned reception, church wedding, guest invitation list..... Due to my being married a few times in the past we plan to be married at the local courthouse by the probate judge. So my question to those on this forum is do you have any ideas on what she could say or present  at the interview to support the fact that we do intend to marry?


Thanks in advance!



Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-01-16 19:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 Approval!!


Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-01-28 12:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDon't overthink! Don't over worry!


I was just thinking that I really need to stop checking everyday.



Thank you for verifying my craziness.




Yes, patience is key.  Don't need to check every day, get a hobby and relax and let the process do its thing. 


Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-02-18 14:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIS THE USCIS CASE STATUS PAGE DOWN?

LOL wow.. didn't know this would turn into such a crazy convo!!


Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-02-23 10:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIS THE USCIS CASE STATUS PAGE DOWN?

Is this happening for anyone else out there?

Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-02-22 17:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsprocessing time between NOA1 and NOA2

wow.. that is really unfortunate.. it definitely isn't unheard of to take that long.. But it still sucks when it does.. the USCIS has listed a time frame of 5 months... once it's been 5 months.. you can call and inquire about the hold up...

One question though.. how did you receive the NOA the very next day? that seems incredibly fast since they need time to receive the application and then send out the NOA1?

Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-02-28 10:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsvisa issued

Congrats... So happy for you... praying I'm in your position soon :)

Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-03-26 16:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWords of Encouragement...

What a great looking couple you guys are :)


I know an approval is in your future for you ( not that the process is based on good looks ;)




I know what you mean i got put into AP 12 days ago and its the hardest part of this the not knowing wether they will grant the visa or not i feel helpless


Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-03-31 14:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWords of Encouragement...

This is such a wonderful idea for a thread! This process is absolutely challenging and can be hard to appreciate the things we are learning while it's going on. It's really easy to get bogged down by the frustration. I know for me and my husband it has really made our relationship stronger and it's really amazing to know you can make a great team and get through some tough stuff together.

There are have been good days and bad days and totally hopeless days.... But I am finally getting close to the end. We just passed our 1 year since we started this process. We have been apart for almost two years. We have made it work and have gotten to have some really fun trips to see each other. Things we maybe wouldn't have done if we weren't in the middle of this.

The paperwork I can handle, it's the unknown and not being able to make plans. Also all the details like health insurance, importing the car, filing taxes, him getting a job when he is here, how will he adjust. And the questions from people - can't he just move here? When is he gonna get here? Haha.

One thing I try to remember when I get really discouraged is that there are people who have had a longer wait and more hardships than I have. It helps put it in perspective for me and help me not focus so much on how frustrated I am. I am very lucky to have such an amazing man in my life and by the time he gets here, I know I can appreciate it that much more :)

Thanks- I thought it was a good idea too! From the sounds of it... your man is lucky to have you too! Best of luck with everything!


I have to agree this process is not for the faint of heart and those ready to give up easily. I have cried many nights out of frustration just because I have no control over my life and what to expect. I felt lost at times because no one understood my pain. I havent had much of a support except in visa journey. I am so happy today my I130 was approved today and I can smile and laugh without worry creeping in my thoughts. Today I am celebrating!!! I hope soon to be with my husband finally since a year and almost four months now being apart.... I hope we have this process completed before the two year mark. I hope everyone finds their reasons to celebrate throughout this process.

Yes ... Visa journey has been a good support system for me too. You definitely deserve to celebrate! But take more than a day to celebrate... you deserve it for how long you have waited. it's hopefully all down hill from here!



Yep. It's really been hard over this year to explain to our family and friends why the heck it's taking so long (because even we can't fathom this).  They've asked some funny questions:  "Why won't his country let him out?" (like he's in prison or something! LOL)  and "Why won't the U.S. let you in?" and "Why don't you just pay them extra for express service?"  (I laughed out loud at that one!) 


I've explained so many times I'm sick of talking about it when I get together with friends. And midway through, over and over having someone ask all perky-like: "Well...any news?" made me want to just tear my hair.


Unless you're going through the process, it's hard to explain to people who aren't going through it too.  But hang in there, because it WILL get done, and one day you'll be with your sweeties and all will be fine. :)

The number of times I get asked "heard anything? or any news?'... I tell ya... I know people are trying to just show concern... but it's frustrating because once I do hear something... that is all I'll be telling people... so I want to say to people... If I don't say anything.. I haven't heard anything lol..

But you are right.. it is a matter of time.. It will happen... In time.. for all of us that show patience.. and dedication to getting all this done.


"I've explained so many times I'm sick of talking about it when I get together with friends. And midway through, over and over having someone ask all perky-like: "Well...any news?" made me want to just tear my hair."  <<<---- TOTALLY!! Ha ha haaa!


My fiance and I have known each other since 2010 and started this journey in July of 2013. The longest part for us was AFTER receiving our NOA2...52-days for NOA2, 188-days from NOA2 to approval. Grrrr.  We were in AP for 71-days after our interview and were finally approved yesterday! :joy: Whew!  Even through the not-knowing and how the black-hole of AP gnawed at us daily, we knew this journey wouldn't be easy but vowed to each other that our commitment to each other would carry us through without question.  And it has. Not once did we want to throw in the towel and walk away. Not once did we argue and yell at each other. We have talked every single day since we've met without fail. We are closer than ever (even though we are countries away, for now) and know without a doubt we are here for each other for the long haul.  We speak openly about our feelings every step of the way.  After our approval, we both were talking about how happy but NERVOUS we are because it's actually happening, like for real, no "waiting for approval".  I describe it as a delicious nervousness, :) we know our lives will change and soon now. He is traveling far from all he has known, family, country, etc. to start a new life here with his daughter and I. We expect a  period of adjusting into our new schedules and life and honestly welcome every last bit of it with open arms.  No government, no red tape, no borders will keep us apart.


This site has been such a blessing and will continue to be one. The comfort of knowing we are/were not alone in the struggle is indescribable.  The highs and lows are tremendous but it is worth every single last minute of this to know, soon, we conquered it and will be together.


(L) (L) (L) (L) (L)

CONGRATS ON YOUR APPROVAL! So So So happy for you. You two will be stronger because you made it through this process together. And you are right... this site provides a lot of comfort in not being alone in this... And I will trust you that it is worth every minute.. since I have a lot more minutes to go ;)


sniffles :cry: i haven't seen my husband in person for 443 days and its so hard to live the life without him. :(

Oh Dreamers..I'm so so so sorry. That sounds absolutely awful.

But you know what... I truly believe that everything happens for a reason... and that the Universe will reward you for your patience. Look forward to the day that you can look back on this process and ALMOST laugh.. because you'll be on the other side. In the mean time.. keep you head up.. and know my heart goes out to you and how you are feeling. Stay strong.



Texas center better move their #### and not just ask for money but speed the process... They play with our life and our relationship and our family!!!

Just this!

Hey Laspo.. I've read a few of your posts on the December Filers page.. I know you are having a rough time...

I know this process absolutely sucks.. I'm at TSC too.. As I said before... maybe this is taking longer because.. God or the Universe or whatever you choose to believe in...wants everything perfect for when you two are united. Trust the timing... and know that this process no matter how hard it is.. I know... beings couples closer together and makes them stronger... Going through something this difficult in a relationship is a testimony of your love and devotion to each other. I also HATE everything that you listed you are going through with you.. I'm sorry that this part of your journey is so difficult. Thinking of you. 

Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-03-31 14:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWords of Encouragement...

Oh rshree- yes please keep your sanity!!! I will hope for the best for you.

Keep your chin up!

Thank you very much. We need all of those encouraging words.

We have been in this process since July 2013.... now in AP in Montreal since 2 weeks. When in AP, there is nothing much we can do but to patiently wait. We are at that phase where these kind of encouraging words keep us sane.


Lol- I actually did laugh out loud at this... So true.


I tell my Fiancee very frequently that this time apart is actually making me want a life with her even more. Not to mention the fact that we both have things we have to situate before we'll be ready. This is just allowing us time to do that. I know I'm only barely into the process but I am finding that it's easier to pass time if you stay busy, set goals & stay focused on them, have hobbies, don't spend all day obsessing over the process, and drink some alcohol occasionally.


Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-03-27 16:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWords of Encouragement...

Thanks M&B- I had to double check to.. I had a moment of thinking maybe my math was wrong... either way- I'm not in horrible circumstances since my fiance is only 50 minutes away.. I'm friends with most of the people at the border because I cross so much- I go every week once or twice.. So at least I get to see him.. I know a lot of people are much worse off than me.... What sucks for me is being at a job I despise in the mean time.. But you are right- USCIS better prepare for my wrath if I reach 5 months ;)

However, you have been waiting longer than some I've seen on here. You're only about 3 weeks away from 5 months & if you don't hear something by then, I'm sure you'll be calling in for a Service Request or Infopass.


Edit: My math is off. You're about 7 weeks away.



I think it is doing the same for us... Nathan is much better at rolling with the punches than me.. so I'm trying to get better at that versus crying everytime I have to leave there lol like a big puss puss.

Congrats on your next chapter.. sounds like you are very happy.. best of luck!


The K1 process only strengthened my relationship with my then fiance and now husband. We didn't have a perfect relationship and being away from each other didn't help. Patience is truly a virtue in this journey and understanding each other's nature took time.


I am very happy and thankful we are over that stage and now, living a happy married life here. Cheers and wishing everybody all the best! Let me assure you that all those waiting is definitely worth it!  :)


Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-03-27 15:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWords of Encouragement...

Just wanted to say that as someone going through this immigration struggle.. as many of you are.. and although I haven't been waiting nearly as long as a lot of you have. I really feel for every single one of you.


Being away from the person you want to be with most is so difficult.

If you need some words of encouragement.. feel free to post in here.


The best is yet to come for all of you :)

Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-03-27 14:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F sent with standard mail, no delivery conformation now. Is this a big mistake?

Don't worry too much - I'm sure it will come.. I sent mine standard mail with a receipt.. and it took about a week...a week and a half for me to receive :)

Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-03-25 15:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsReceived NOA2? Prove it!

Does the N in NYC2014 stand for Negative-Nancy... lol

You really need to calm the heck down. And not concern yourself with the actions of others so much. Conduct yourself honestly... that's all you can do.. you can't control the choices of others. I have no idea how lying about receiving an NOA2 would feed someones ego. lol My ego... which is Would not be increased by telling people lies about my status in the immigration process? lol Ridiculous.. Any even if.. say someone did lie... for some reason unknown.. or for their "ego"... WHO CARES... it doesn't impact you any... Go out in the street and start demanding to see everyone's drivers license that you think is lying about their age.. or who they are.. see how that goes for you buddy... It's gonna go the same as it is going to go on here... A big N-O. I think you are a troll because your logic is missing exactly that..logic.



Why on earth would people lie?  Are you serious?  What world are you living in??  Probably one where you get deceived alot if you believe everyone is honest.  By the way, thanks for taking the time to contribute to this "Silly Thread" which is now a "Hot" topic overnight for a reason.  Perhaps, we're not all as gullible as others would like us to be.


Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-05-17 11:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-1 Visa.....

Argh... I feel for you.. I'm just about 5 months in... and It's really tough... And my fiance only lives 50 minutes away so I see him every week.. and it is STILL hard.. so I can't imagine what a lot of other people are going through. I just think.. you know everything happens... when it happens for a reason... and you will get your visa when you are meant to.. Use this time to... see friends and family... work on yourself ... concentrate on you a bit... prepare for the move. Don't come on here everyday...or check your status of your case everyday... it just gets depressing... Try to stay occupied :) It will be over before you know it.  5 months has flown by for me for the most part. Keep your chin up.

Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-05-16 17:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsReally need to stop clicking on people's timelines...

:) THanks!

Yay, CONGRATS Emily and Nathan, that's exciting!


Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-06-25 17:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsReally need to stop clicking on people's timelines...

You can still complain ;)

This sucks for all of us...

Just sucks a bit more for those of us at TSC...

I just got NOA2... 6 months wait.. But thrilled to finally be one step closer!


I am so excited to fall under CSC but then when I see people at TSC I feel so bad:( Ugh. Frustrating. I have no right complaining how much I miss my love an how much i want her to come here FAST.

I am sorry guys:(

I wish they sorted applications by reasons. Like some people still have stuff to do before they can move so they are not in a hurry but others can't do anything in their life. can't start the job or hobby or anything. just sit there and wait:( I know that terrible feeling:(


Hold on there everyone and think Positive!!!!!!!! :energy:


Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-06-23 08:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsReally need to stop clicking on people's timelines...

lol omg.. I feel you girl.... Hang in there... You are not alone in your manic laughter... I am righttttttt there with you.

I shouldn't even be on this site right now.. lol


I read a lot of threads on here and, sometimes, I click on people's timelines just to see where they are in their journey, to try and make a bit more sense of their question etc.


I really need to stop doing this.


9 times out of 10 it turns out to be a CSC filer. I've just clicked on one and it says "your I129f was approved in 23 days. 23 DAYS? Are you kidding me?!


<wanders off laughing manically>


Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-06-10 09:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI'm so freaking confused

lol I'm obviously no expert here... but if you go to that link.. you have a drop down to choose your consulate.. and once I chose my consulate.. it said packet 4 instuctions... so whatever. I did it.. fingers crossed.




I'm soooooo tempted, but it says not to schedule until you receive P4, or if P4 has at least been sent out.


Here's P4, if you're curious :content: relevant info for K1 is on pages 7-12.

Just saw your second response, so if I'm able to click that link my fiance can schedule it?


Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-07-28 15:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI'm so freaking confused

Hey Sorry- so I figured this

So the "ready" message I pasted from this morning... where it says it was ready for me to schedule interview.. the hyperlink brought me to instructions for packet 4...

So the answer is I sent everything for packet 3 on friday... and I got the packet 4 instructions when I logged in this morning..


I feel like I'm stalking you :rofl:


So I assume you received packet 4? How long did that take after sending P3 the email to Montreal?


Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-07-28 14:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI'm so freaking confused

I didn't receive packet four.. however it said online that it was ready for me to schedule my interview.. So I did :)


I feel like I'm stalking you :rofl:


So I assume you received packet 4? How long did that take after sending P3 the email to Montreal?


Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-07-28 14:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI'm so freaking confused


Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-07-28 12:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI'm so freaking confused

Were you able to get the CSC profile set up?


oh- I didn't think I could do that til packet 4?

Edited by Emily and Nathan, 23 July 2014 - 01:16 PM.

Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-07-23 13:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI'm so freaking confused

Oh oops there was a random extra period at the end of the link lol:




Should work now.


And yeah this whole process makes my brain hurt lol.  Much wine has been consumed over the last year!




lol yes wine = essential..

Thanks again for your help!!!

Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-07-23 11:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI'm so freaking confused

omg- thank you both so much- this is such a huge help- and not gonna lie...a big relief since these forms  made my brain hurt...

THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPS- Meilissa- that montreaql consulate link wouldn't work for me for some reason? Said page not found.


Ignore that stuff you pasted above and just use the checklist, looks like you may have stumbled upon an outdated page prob through a search engine.  If you maneuver through the Montreal consulate website you should end up here http://montreal.usco...isas/steps.html.


The only online form you need to fill out is the DS-160, and then print out the confirmation page which has your barcode #.  Save it.  Ignore all those other forms (230, 156), they are not needed anymore.


Then go through the checklist and put a check beside the things you have (or are in the process of getting), and write N/A beside things that don't apply (ex: divorce certif if you have never been married).  I didn't physically have my fiances I-134 in hand when I was filling out the checklist, but I checked it anyways because I knew I would have it before the interview.  Sign and scan the checklist and send it back (along with DS-160 confirmation page and passport scan) via email to the consulate.


When I emailed in my packet 3 requirements I asked for packet 4 instructions to be sent to me by email, so I got the next set of info right away.  Not sure if Montreal does that too, as I went through Vancouver.


Good luck lady! 




I know it can be really confusing!


Go here https://usvisa-info....country_welcome


You need to register here to be able to get to the interview stage, and you can register for courier services too. You have to pay the $240 before you can see any slots.


Edited by Emily and Nathan, 23 July 2014 - 11:37 AM.

Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-07-23 11:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI'm so freaking confused

wow- that really simplifies things- sorry to doubt you.. I'm just having a hard time believing they have gone down from like 5 forms to just the ds-160.. especially when the site for the ds-230 is still up and running... that is so weird?!

when do we pay the visa fee then.. since we don't with the ds-160?



See this topic: http://www.visajourn...0-inwhats-next/


Apparently Montreal forgot to update their website!


On the form I linked it has all the info on the bottom half of page 1, the items you need to email to the consulate and where/how to send it.

So you need:


x 1 DS-160 Receipt with Barcode.

x 1 Scanned page of checklist with everything you need that applies to you checked off and signed.

x 1 Scanned copy of your bio info in your passport


And you just email that straight to the consulate.


Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-07-23 10:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI'm so freaking confused


No more DS-156k...


Here's the updated Packet 3 stuff, I linked it earlier: Montreal Packet 3

ya that is the checklist- I have that.. but that doesn't say anything about what forms you need...?

And the Montreal Consulate website still says you need DS-156k?


Packet 3 - Instruction Materials for Fiancé (K-1) Applicants

Packet 3 provides instruction materials for immigrant visa applicants once the case file has been received at the Consulate, but before an interview can be scheduled. If you have received a "Packet 3" letter from the U.S. Consulate General in Montreal, please follow the instructions below to send to the Consulate the required forms and checklist.

NOTE: You are NOT authorized to make an interview appointment at this time. All unauthorized appointments will be cancelled without notice.

If you are a Fiancé (K-1) applicant:

You may send the documents to the U.S. Consulate General in Montreal using courier services that are offered at no extra cost for the applicant. Please visit the Visa Services website and follow instructions for "IV Applicant Needing to Register for DHL" and "Sending Document to the Consular Section". If you have any further inquiries about the courier services, please visit the U.S. Visa Services website.

  1. DS-230, Part I only ? one copy per each applicant, including children.
  2. DS-156 ? 2 copies.
  3. DS-156K (292KB PDF) ? 1 copy.
  4. Confirmation receipt regarding Form DS-160 - one copy, available online at
  5. Checklist of documents to gather for the interview ? one copy per family is sufficient.
  6. 2 color photographs (Photograph Requirements)
  7. Photocopy of the biographic data page of the applicant's passport.

Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-07-23 10:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI'm so freaking confused

Hey thanks for your help- that guide is really helpful- I'm starting to work on all these forms- a bit confused by form ds 156k- it says I need to attached my birth certificate and evidence of engagement to my fiance when sending it back?

I don't actually send my original birth cert back with this form do I..just a copy? And what is considered evidence of engagement?



You are waiting for packet 3 and 4. You can actually start working on the stuff now. Every thing you need (instructions for compiling packet 3 and 4 etc) can be found on the Montreal consulate's website. You can download the instructions and get everything together and send it away even before you actually receive the mail notification. This guide is really helpful, although some of the forms have changed slightly. :D


I just went through the whole process as a Canadian, so if you have an specific questions, feel free to PM me. :D


Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-07-23 10:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI'm so freaking confused

So we got approved (NOA2) on June 16th- I called 2 weeks later and the NVC said that our case was received and will be forwarded to the consulate in the next few days. This past week, my fiance received a letter saying that the NVC had forwarded our case tot he consulate and in the mean time the beneficiary (me) could fill out form DS-160 online... Which I did a few days ago. I'm just confused as far as what I'm waiting for at this point... I'm assuming I'm waitting to receive something from the consulate via mail? Any idea of how long that usually takes? I'm just looking to find a bit more clarification on what to expect between now and when i'll be able to schedule an interview-plus when I pay the Visa Fee? I've already read the guides and stuff... just looking for some personal experiences to give me a bit more context. Thanks.



Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-07-22 09:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCan I schedule my interview?

Hey Melissa :)

I actually booked my medical yesterday for Aug 5th.. NEXT WEEK! and interview is Aug 20th!?

Crazy soon... WOOOWHOO



"Packet 4" isn't really anything besides the consulate providing the link to book the interview and approved doctors for the medical.   I think the medicals out east take a lot more time to put the package together so make sure you look into booking the medical asap. 


Here is the medical info I received with packet 4:


Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-07-29 14:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCan I schedule my interview?

ok- it said it was ready for me to schedule it.. so I went ahead and schedule it.. lol

I didn't get packet 4 yet though.. but is said the message I posted earlier.. So confusing.

Actually you know what- the message that says it is "ready for em to schedule" the link goes to Packet 4... I seeeeeeeee

Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-07-28 14:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCan I schedule my interview?

Hey- does this message mean I can schedule my own interview online- or that I should wait until it is scheduled for me.. Confused again lol


U.S. Department of State


Immigrant Visa Case Number: MTL*************  MTL Case Creation Date: 01-Jul-2014 Status Updated Date: 17-Jul-2014    
Your case is ready for you to schedule an interview at the U.S. Consulate General in Montreal. If you have already scheduled an interview appointment, please prepare your documents as directed in your appointment letter and appear at the Consulate on the appointed date and time. Otherwise, please wait until you have been notified of your interview appointment. Additional information about how Immigrant Visa interview appointments are scheduled can be found at: http://travel.state..../info_3731.html

For more information, please visit TRAVEL.STATE.GOV.


Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-07-28 09:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers



Congrats and I'm happy for you both, Emily & Nathan.


Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-08-22 14:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers

Hey Guys.... WE ARE APPROVED APPROVE APPROVED- I posted my consulate review if you want more details!


I want to get sappy for a moment.. lol

We drove up to Montreal the night before our interview.. but with all the stuff we had to do during the day and my crappy out dated gps.. we didn't get there until about 11:00pm-11:30pm.. I was EXHAUSTED.. from the stress... from the drive.. fromw orking all day etc.. I was CRANKY.. lol Nathan wanted to grab some food/ see Montreal a bit. All I wanted to do was sleep lol. But I got changed and we walked down the street to try and find him some food.. We got turned away by about 6-7 places.. turns out everywhere closed at 11... With every person that turned us away... I got crankier and crankier.. I was so tired.. my feet hurt from my shoes...not my best moment. We were walking down to try one last place.. and Nathan looked at my eyes.. in all my crankiness and said "Hey.... we are here together." And it was like he just reached out and smacked the cranky right off my heart... He was right. It is so important to enjoy the experience. He is by far the most amazing man I have ever met.. and my person.


Now that we are approved.. I find myself sitting at work.. thinking about my husband to be.. and my heart starts to beat a little faster.. and my eyes just fill with the happiest of tears,, I feel so unbelievably blessed.


The wait was hell.. but so worth it. I can't wait to start our next chapt... Best of luck everyone. Sorry for the cheese. ;)

Edited by Emily and Nathan, 22 August 2014 - 10:20 AM.

Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-08-22 10:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2013 filers


Emily and NathanFemaleCanada2014-08-18 09:50:00