Asia: East and PacificKorean help?
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Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-04-06 21:15:00
US Citizenship General Discussionquestion
How long does it take to get interview set up after finger printing. I am in Washington DC area, CHantilly VA, and I got my fingerprinted on 3/22.
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-04-06 21:52:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionInterview Question
ohhhh that stinks.. try ur best and try to get license ASAP or you can forfit your permit and get state ID
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-04-18 13:49:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionInterview Question
yea basically the same concept. I believe you can take your permit, unless your state does thoese paper permit.
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-04-18 13:43:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionInterview Question
I know in state of VA that you can get an State ID and if you have State ID and get license you have to forfit the state ID
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-04-18 12:44:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionInterview Question
Ok!! THANK YOU!!!!
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-04-18 12:34:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionInterview Question
I just received yellow paper from USCIS and the subject follows as pre-interview case file review. this says "This is not an interview notice" and states that i need to provide following items, state-issued driver's license and pasport and travel documents. Does this mean I am in line to schedule me for interview, and how do i provide the documents?? Do I take it to the interview or take it to the office where i took my fingerprint? and for the travel documents what are they looking for??? Thank you!!
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-04-18 11:43:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionI am unemployed: can I apply for the fee waiver?
i applied my N-400 with I-912, the process is delayed a bit becaue they have to decide to apporve you or not, and when filling out the form make sure to be detailed and provide for them all the necessary documentation such as tax form.
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-04-22 16:01:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionMY INTERVIEW EXPERIENCE
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-04-22 16:03:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionGreen Card update for Teen?

When we got our green cards in 2004 I stopped thinking about and dealing with INS because I was in no hurry to become a citizen (mostly because I didn't have the money to pay for the applications) and the green cards did not expire until 2014. I stopped thinking about it and went on with daughter was 9 years old in 2004. At no point did I get information or notification that she would need to have her fingerprints done when she turned 14...I found out that information only this year after reading through other immigration posts. We travelled last summer to Canada for a month and used our cards, again, no one said anything to us about her card and fingerprints because her card says valid until 2014. I want to apply for citizenship before she is 18 but once again I cannot afford it....also now she is planning on joining her class in 2012 on a European tour. This is why I have started looking into it again. My plan was for her to travel to Europe with her Canadian passport and return to the US with her Green I am wondering if I am setting her up for problems....why did we not have any issues coming into the US last summer with the card??
Sorry...I am just venting because I just can't afford to pay more fees especially since I plan on applying for citizenship a few months before she leaves on her trip...

If I may suggest, you can try the form I-912 fee wavier.
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-05-05 19:53:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionGreen Card update for Teen?

So you're telling me that I have to file the I90 with a fee of $450 ??? Her green card won't expire until 2014, it was issued to her when she was 9 years old and she is now 16 years. Why would I pay another $450 to have her fingerprints done? Is there something I am missing here? There has to be something else.....there better be

Well that is the law and that is what our immigration lawyer told us so my brother and I had to go through it.

Is there any reason why she can't file for citizenship? To my understanding, If her immigrant parent naturilizes, then she becomes a citizen automatically.

Yes, but I do not believe they are citizens.
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-05-05 14:28:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionGreen Card update for Teen?
yes, that is true, when they turn 14 you need to resubmit your I-90 to get his/her fingerprint done. On their current Green card they will not have prints on them, but the law requires when they turn 14 to get fingerprints done. They can submit their I-90 90 days before they turn 14. That is what I had to do few years back and my brother had to do a year ago.
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-05-05 10:44:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionSelective Service
go to then click 26 or older and press Request for Status Information Letter
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-05-11 15:43:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionUnder 18 can filed N400
I called USCIS up for this and they said if i didn't provide the selective service number within 30 days of requesting then my case will be dropped and my money will go to waste lol even though i applied with I-912 but w/e so I had to wait lol.
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-05-15 16:07:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionUnder 18 can filed N400
well i couldn't do that because you have to apply to Selective Service before I can file for the N-400 and that took about month or two. and Selective Service didn't process it until after I turned 18.
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-05-13 16:04:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionGreen card and Fafsa
if you have green card you are eligiable for FAFSA
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-06-09 17:52:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN 400 February Fillers

Yes...where are those three? Aren't you happy that you are finally done? (Except for that other thing you have to take care of) :blush:

Hahaha thanks :) Long 9 month journey is over :) well almost atleast XP

Congrats, Yong!
I guess you're gonna have to grow 8 inches :rofl: but that shouldn't be a problem, you're still young :lol:

hahah growing 8 inches in progress...... lol
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-10-22 18:48:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN 400 February Fillers
I think it is safe to say I was the 1st one to start and last one from feburary to finish that is actually around!! Congrtz to everyone!! :)
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-10-21 14:14:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN 400 February Fillers
I called USCIS and I spoke with level two officer, and they told me to make a infopass and see if they can swap to make it ocrrect
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-10-21 12:42:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN 400 February Fillers
WUZZ UP~~ I am a US CITIZEN NOW!! so I went to court at 8am and had a long process of waiting and checking in and at 10 our ceremony started and it ended at 12. I just found a problem On my naturalization certificate it says i am 6ft 7in.... and I am lik 5ft 11in.. I don't know what to do....
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-10-21 10:38:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN 400 February Fillers

1.5 days left, Yong! You'll have a great time. :dance:

Called the BMV today and asked if I needed to update my new status with them, which I do. It will have to wait another month or so since I sent off the naturalization certificate with my passport application today. The BMV only accepts original documents.

well now it's lik T-8hrs... I am suppose to be acourt by 8am lol sooo Im soo excited!!
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-10-19 23:04:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN 400 February Fillers
hahahha what frustruation?? Bye mae~
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-10-18 11:00:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN 400 February Fillers
hahah thanks okflyboy~ :)
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-10-17 10:32:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN 400 February Fillers
Oath is lik 3 days away.. now i am worrying about what to wear.. what do i wear?
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-10-16 22:51:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN 400 February Fillers


Lol...drink alcohol..guaranteed sleep

lol, I am only 18...... not legal man... i don't want to get caught and lose my eligibility XP

NyQuill is safer:)

HAHAHAH probly, or just sleep meds XD
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-10-15 23:39:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN 400 February Fillers

All done!! My oath was a 1pm CST today in northern Indiana. There were 48 of us from 20 different countries. Half from Mexico and the rest from the Middle East and Asia. I was the only Swede and the only blonde. lol The judge who presided over the ceremony was wonderful. He kept cracking jokes and was very encouraging and welcoming, He said he loved hosting Naturalization ceremonies. I registered to vote and updated my records with the Social Security Administration. I'm glad I could take care of it there instead of dragging my 2-year-old down to the SSA office here in town. My husband is throwing me a party tomorrow to celebrate with friends and family.

Can someone update me to US citizen, please? I can't get the chart to post correctly.

:star: :star:

Congrtz~~ I have 5 days~~ I can't sleep! ARGGG~
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-10-15 02:54:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN 400 February Fillers
Have fun at oath winterpassing :)
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-10-13 16:39:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN 400 February Fillers

Thus commences the longest week in the history of mankind. Come on Friday!! Hurry up!!

My oath is in a different time zone than my house. Way to make me nervous, USCIS, that I'm going to mess the time up and arrive too early or too late.

You're fine~~ one 2 more days for you~~ 8 for me?? are we the final two??
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-10-12 10:35:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN 400 February Fillers

OH.EM.GEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance:


Your Case Status: Oath Ceremony

On October 4, 2011, we scheduled you for your oath ceremony and sent a notice providing the date, time, and location. If you move prior to the scheduled ceremony, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address or call our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283.

I seriously did a crazy, happy dance when I read it. lol Cannot believe it!!!

yayyyyyy congrtzzz~
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-10-05 20:31:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN 400 February Fillers

Yong, try not to loose any sleep! YAY!

hahaha I am already loosing sleep XD

Movin' on!

I'm glad I only had 6 days of anticipation :lol:

Soo jelous.... waiting for a whole month is pain...
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-10-02 22:50:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN 400 February Fillers
18 more daysss!! :)
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-10-02 13:47:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN 400 February Fillers
YAY one by one we are all finishing STRONG!! :)
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-09-23 13:50:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN 400 February Fillers

My landlord got a piece of mail for me yesterday, which I picked up this morning. It was my CON - the mail carrier didn't try to stuff it into the mailbox (YAY).

Grtzz~~ :)
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-09-22 09:28:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN 400 February Fillers
hahahah thanks all!! they had 2 days before i called them down adn start yelling at them hahahah~~ it took me 2 months and 28 days for my oath to actually get scheduled XD!! Almost at the end of journey :)

lol i am one of the first to start and one of last to finish XD
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-09-20 22:59:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN 400 February Fillers
Thanks N400~~ :)

Finalyy!! Congrats!

Thanks Deppeler :)
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-09-20 11:11:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN 400 February Fillers
OATH 10/20!! :)
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-09-20 11:00:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN 400 February Fillers
My status just changed to Oath Ceremony Scheduled!! SOOOOOO EXCITED!! I am calling USCIS to find out what date it will be so I can take date off of work :)
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-09-20 10:58:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN 400 February Fillers

Passport applied for at the passport agency in Manhattan. Didn't pay for expedite service or overnight delivery but was told I should have it in 5 business days. Surprisingly there was no line there, I don't think people know that it's passport day today.

GRTZZZ~ 4 more days til I get to call USCIS again and start bugging them because it's been 90 days since the interview...
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-09-18 22:13:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN 400 February Fillers

Young Kwon i am in the same office with u and 1 week deference from our interviews so please let me know when u get your Oath letter and date. My Interview date was 06/30 on name change and still waiting to hear from them. Thank u

Larry, Heyyyy~~ I haven't heard anything yet, I have like 6 more days til I call USCIS and tell them and report a w/e it is after 90 days after interview. I am thinking of writing to my senator to see if he can do anything from his end for me, or even my House of Rep. We'll c what happens :)
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-09-16 08:56:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN 400 February Fillers
thanks mae~~ <3
Yong KwonMaleSouth Korea2011-09-13 15:05:00