US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPapers Needed for Application to Consulate

Does anyone know the forms that are needed to be sent back with the application you send to the consulate itself after NOA2 (the beneficiary sends). I know that birth certificate, various papers about children and divorces, police certificates, and financial support evidence are listed. However, I've heard that many of these are not sent back with the packet, but actually brought later to the interview. Does anyone have a good list of what is normally sent back with the application and what needs to be collected by the interview? Or is this specific to the consulate? In the latter case, does anyone know the situation for Hong Kong? Thanks!!

Florence and TimNot TellingHong Kong2007-05-30 22:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Question for Interview (K-1)


I think it would be prudent for you to have your own sponsorship package available in the event that it is asked for. The consular officer may ask to see it, since you are the petitioner, and determine for themself that you are not a suitable sponsor before moving on to someone else.

Use of I-134 is optional at the discression of the consular officer. They seem to exercise their discression to require it 100% of the time when a sponsor is involved. But that's not my point - my point is that I-134 is only 1 of many documents that can make up the sponsorship package.

Good question as to how to use one I-134 when two people whose finances are co-mingled are involved. I would say yes, fill in both names where a name is asked for, and provide a combined total where numbers are asked for. Use an attachment to show the makeup of the total when necessary or desireable to promote understanding. All numbers provided will have to be supported with appropriate documentation.


Thanks a lot for your help. Aside from squeezing in two names on all the blanks, I think this gives a good idea of how to complete the I-134 for my parents. I'll also provide my own so that they have it for reference. One last question my dad asked me was about assets in the form of funds my parents have through their jobs. My mom and dad both have assets through work that have cash value if they wanted to cash them in, and they can provide the documentation stating the value, but there's only one blank on the form. If they put the total of theirs combined and then write on an attachment how this total is divided up and provide the documentation, would this be clear enough? Though I have my own apartment, they also wish to put that they'd be willing to offer room and board at my house - even though we won't really need it, is it still good that they put this down? We won't need to use it, but they do have the space here.

Also, I'm kind of in transition from being a dependent to a non-dependent of my parents (by their next tax filing, I'll no longer be a dependent, but I was on the last one). I do live at my own place and I am pretty much entirely supported by student loans and scholarships. i do go home from time to time and sleep on the couch and eat their food. Would it be smart for me to be a partial dependent on their sheet just to be safe? I know that their income will cover both myself, my fiance, and them, so it shouldn't cause a problem with the money part. Just not sure the right way of declaring myself.

Heh, it feels sort of strange because actually, when I go to HK, my fiance supports me (she graduated a year earlier than I will and has already been working for a while). I feel more like she should be able to prove that she can come and take care of me to make sure I don't become dependent on the state =/

Thanks again for all your help!

Florence and TimNot TellingHong Kong2007-05-31 11:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Question for Interview (K-1)


A couple of important points:
- It's current, sustainable, income that is most important. Expressed on an annualized basis.
- Income history is often an indication of sustainability, but sometimes (as in your case) not.
- Future income is not a certainty. You may like your odds for getting a future job, the government wants more certainty in the form of a job in hand.
- Income (or assets that can be readily turned into cash) is what is under consideration, expenses are not under consideration.
- I-134 is not the document for demonstrating financial ability to sponsor, it is a document for demonstrating financial ability to sponsor - one of many documents that can be submitted. Submit whatever is necessary and appropriate to accurately depict the proposed sponsor's financial situation.

From the information that you have presented in your post it appears that you are not going to be your fiancee's sponsor for her visa - you do not have the means. Your parents may be suitable sponsors.


So then should I consider not filling out an I-134 at all for myself? I was under the impression that the I-134 was required on a list of papers to bring in packet 3 for the interview. My other question still is for my parents, since they are married, how do they go about filling out at I-134 jointly? Fill in both names on each blank? They share bank accounts, but they each have a separate substantial income. My dad's alone is probably enough, but I think that having my mom's present would also be helpful since their relation to my fiance is more distant than mine. I read in the pinned post that the relation of the sponsor is important as well as their financial ability. Is future father/mother in law a good relation?

Thanks for your help so far!

Florence and TimNot TellingHong Kong2007-05-31 09:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Question for Interview (K-1)

I've read a lot of threads on the I-134 and perhaps after reading so many I start to feel even more nervous about what is right and what is wrong. I wanted to sort of run through everything to see if I'm on the right track. First here's my situation:

I'm a full time student graduating in December. My fiance hopes to come to U.S. in August (we've had NOA2 already and the packet 3 should be arriving for her soon). I do not have much of a yearly income. I will be starting a summer internship that pays well, but in only 12 weeks, I will not make 125% of the poverty line for a year (close though, so I still want to offer this information to the consulate). After December I will be starting a full time job that is not known at the time, but going by salary averages for my major from my school and my past experience, I am confident we won't have any problems. My parents are offering to co-sponser, but they're not sure how to go about filling out the I-134 jointly since it has blanks for one person who has one job. Their income and value in their house and bank accounts should be enough to cover the requirement, and since their relation is going to be parents in law to my fiance when she comes, we think their sponsorship will be looked on favorably. We hope anyway.

So my questions are:

Is the fact that my co-sponser is the only one that matters going to hurt me? I will include information from my internship once it starts, but it is a temporary job. Should I try to put a letter explaining I'm graduating in December? Also, should I explain that I already have the rent for my apartment which is of considerable size for two people paid? To be honest, its hard to buy food for one person as it is, and I usually have trouble not wasting it when I shop, so I don't see us being in any kind of trouble just living off my student loans (my fiance also has some savings since she can't work right away). How else can I explain this to the immigration officials, or should I even try?

How do my parents file a I-134 jointly since there's only blanks for one name? Should they just try to squeeze everything in with a "and" in between it? I'm sure an attached letter explaining the situation would be helpful. Is this the route we should go?

Last question is, is my situation likely to get denied since even though my co-sponsers can cover it, my situation won't really be looked at as stable?

Thanks a lot for any answers you can give me. This has been really hard for me to figure out, so any help from other's experiences I can get helps to make me worry less and will get me on the right path in gathering all this information. Thanks!!!

Florence and TimNot TellingHong Kong2007-05-31 08:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Question 11

Before I thought I should put down that I will be sure to give my fiancee at least X dollars a month, and whatever else she needs beyond that for as long as she wants or needs anything from me (or something from that nature). It just sounds weird though. I really don't understand what they're asking for in question 11. I mean, we're getting married, we're not setting up payment plans. We both promise to take care of each other however we can.

Also, my parents are co-sponsors since I'm a student. Should they put something down for question 11? They don't plan to make a specific contribution, but they will offer room and board if needed (for that matter, I'm ALSO offering room and board, so its double covered).

What is this question really asking? Have other people in a similar situation filled this out with anything useful? It seems like a really strange question. Thanks!!!!


Click yes !
And write!
Whatever it takes to support her like the queen/king he/ she is "until death do us part". :innocent:

They ask for a specific amount though. I feel like no matter what I say, either they'll say - that's insane, you can't afford it. Or, that's not enough, she'll starve! Hmm...

Florence and TimNot TellingHong Kong2007-06-16 02:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Question 11
Before I thought I should put down that I will be sure to give my fiancee at least X dollars a month, and whatever else she needs beyond that for as long as she wants or needs anything from me (or something from that nature). It just sounds weird though. I really don't understand what they're asking for in question 11. I mean, we're getting married, we're not setting up payment plans. We both promise to take care of each other however we can.

Also, my parents are co-sponsors since I'm a student. Should they put something down for question 11? They don't plan to make a specific contribution, but they will offer room and board if needed (for that matter, I'm ALSO offering room and board, so its double covered).

What is this question really asking? Have other people in a similar situation filled this out with anything useful? It seems like a really strange question. Thanks!!!!

Florence and TimNot TellingHong Kong2007-06-16 00:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionSuccessful Interview at Hong Kong Consulate!
Florence had her interview today in Hong Kong. It went well and only took a while because they could not read my hand writing on our hand written letters very easily. We're hoping that she gets the visa in the mail soon and then she plans on buying her ticket to come ASAP :)
Florence and TimNot TellingHong Kong2007-07-12 07:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA1!!!
Actually, one other thing, I was wondering how USCIS got time machines before the rest of the world? I didn't send my application till January 18, it didn't get there till January 19, but they received it (according to NOA1) on January 17. I also mailed mine to Nebraska and it got sent to California, where the NOA1 came from. I guess California is just a strange place (some sort of time altering black hole?). I dunno - never been there :)


(I think about it more, and most likely, someone didn't know what day it was at work that day so they just kept guessing - some applications received on the 16, 17, 18, 19th depending on what they currently thought - I've done this sort of thing before when filling out dates when it doesn't really matter).
Florence and TimNot TellingHong Kong2007-01-28 11:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA1!!!

Aww!! Ive checked your timeline dude and it made me worry about our petition..

We passed our I-129F too this month.. Last Jan. 17 to Nebraska CS too but up to now, we havent heard anything from them.. Its confusing..

I wouldn't worry. It could just be your local post office is slower, or they were slower mailing it, or something like that. Most likely it is on its way if nothing is wrong with it. I have stuff mailed to my "home address" which isn't where I actually live just because I know the postal system is faster there than my residence (student away at school). I suspect if I had put my address as being at school, I would not receive the NOA1 for at least 5 more days.

Florence and TimNot TellingHong Kong2007-01-28 11:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA1!!!

2) Since you are now at the CSC, you must look at the people who filed at the VSC with contempt....their NOA2 is approved in about 30 days.

You know the logical thing to do would be to distribute the cases more uniformly so that the service centers had closer processing times. I mean, if one service center is overloaded, you'd think they'd try sending more to the one finishing applications in 30 days. I wonder why this hasn't been done.

Florence and TimNot TellingHong Kong2007-01-27 22:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA1!!!
By the way, for people who file in Nebraska who get sent to California, should we keep Nebraska as our service center or should we change it to California? What is more useful for getting statistics up on the time lines that are accurate?
Florence and TimNot TellingHong Kong2007-01-27 16:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA1!!!
Well, I mean, it is something isn't it???!


Florence and TimNot TellingHong Kong2007-01-27 16:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSC\NSC\TSC Case update
I don't mean to make anyone feel bad, but the posting from 4/22 is not very encouraging at all. The average number of days to NOA2 is still not rising that much when you look at the last couple month or even perhaps the first half of this month. But look down the list of January filers and see that there is quite a large block at 90+ days. This will push back everyone unfortunately. I'm a little disappointed that they hit a real hang up in the weeks before we would have gotten approved, but there's not a lot we can do about it but wait. Hopefully for those filing now, they can "catch up" and get back to a 78-80 day approval time as they were doing in the past months for many.
Florence and TimNot TellingHong Kong2007-04-25 11:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSC\NSC\TSC Status updates

I think every day that passes increases the probability of such a jump.

Call me a pessimist, but I don't think queues are probabilistic. The further behind we get here in January, the further behind everyone gets for eternity. To be honest, I'd much, much, much rather go to my fiancee's country - especially since that government moves fast. They just have more strict rules about working when you're not a citizen :(

Edited by Florence and Tim, 30 April 2007 - 07:14 PM.

Florence and TimNot TellingHong Kong2007-04-30 19:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSC\NSC\TSC Status updates

Why am I never surprised??? Nothing happening as usual....Thank God are tax dollars are doing something...Oh wait I'm sorry , it could be could be waiting in line at the DMV.... What a shame the people who choose to do it legally get screwed...yet the ones who are not legal....get unemployment and social security.

Don't forget free college in some states.

And I don't think it could be worse. I wouldn't mind waiting in the DMV for years if it was with my fiancee.

Florence and TimNot TellingHong Kong2007-04-29 19:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers
How do you find out when NVC gets your stuff after you get NOA2? Will it give you another notice?
Florence and TimNot TellingHong Kong2007-05-05 00:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers
Thanks for the congrats earlier in the day. It is strange though, I saw my first touch late last night, then very early this morning the thing changed to approved, but it said approved May 1. So they obviously update the online thing at a different time than they actually make the approval. It might be a good idea in that case to make a call.

I hope the rest of you get approvals soon. I was feeling bad because it does set us back a total of 10 or so days longer than we had planned on for being approved (we'd hoped for at least the average). I wanted to have a couple more weeks while I'm still working in Chicago to spend with my fiancee when she gets here, because after that we'll be somewhere boring for a while (she's used to a bigger city).

I think it helps a lot if you have travel plans to go see your fiance/fiancee during this wait. We're hoping that at this point, we have no more than 3 months left in the entire process before she gets her visa, and I'm going this month to visit - the 2 months after that will be the shortest time we've been apart since we first had to be apart. It helps a lot to have some approximate date. When things just seem like they're taking an unknown amount of time, its never fun.

I wish those waiting the best of luck in getting their approvals.
Florence and TimNot TellingHong Kong2007-05-02 17:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers
Got another touch and I think NOA2 this morning. It says our application has been approved on the status. Is that NOA2?

Florence and TimNot TellingHong Kong2007-05-02 09:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers
Came home from a rough day to find that someone obviously read my post earlier today - we got touched.

Florence and TimNot TellingHong Kong2007-05-01 23:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers

I wish at least I'd get a touch. I'm worried I'll go to see my fiancee on May 13 still with no NOA2 :(

Florence and TimNot TellingHong Kong2007-05-01 16:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers
You know, you'd at least like to be hopeful and think that since you're already half a month behind in number of days when compared to the people from last month, things will go faster when it gets to the embassy because they don't have a backlog. But the truth is, when people don't have mountains of work to do, they get really, really slow. :(
Florence and TimNot TellingHong Kong2007-04-30 15:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember filers....
We should have a competition - January filers vs. December filers - to see who can get the majority approved first. I know the January filers seem like underdogs in the situation, but you know, you never know! :) We can even have t-shirts and those little foam hand waving things to cheer on our team.

Anyway, good luck to people who filed in December. Is it my imagination or are those curves for processing times starting to drop at the beginning of the year? (hopefully that is what's happening)


(If the majority of filers in January sent to Vermont, actually, it could very well be possible for the January filers to win! I doubt that's likely though)
Florence and TimNot TellingHong Kong2007-01-28 11:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresScanning/printing vs. Photocopying

I'm just getting ready to send out the I129-F packet for my fiance who is in Hong Kong. For a lot of our supporting documents showing that we've met, I scanned them, and over on the side, far from the actual scanned content, I made type written notes of what the scanned image is. Then I saved these as PDF's for printing on a laser printer. This seemed like a good route to go for me because it would be nice, neat, clean, readable, and I wouldn't have to worry about sticky notes falling off papers.

My concern now is that since I scanned and then did digital editing (but not to the portion actually scanned) they would suspect that I did do some sort of digital editing. Would it be better for me just to throw out all this work and photocopy the stuff instead? My concern with photocopying, in the case of boarding passes, is that the toner has really faded on the boarding passes (some of the trips we took together are over a year ago). I have new boarding passes from my visit to Hong Kong I returned from a few days ago, but I wanted to show more evidence from the past two years than just that (reaching back to September 2005).

Any advice on what I should include, and how I should go about doing it? Does anyone think they'd be concerned with scanning and printing as opposed to using a regular photocopier (and in any case, the photocopier I have access to is just a laser printer with a scanner sitting on top of it...).

Thanks a lot for any help or advice!

Florence and TimNot TellingHong Kong2007-01-16 08:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance Has Dual Citizenship Already
I talked to someone at USCIS a few minutes ago. They said putting two citizenships would slow down the process and probably isn't recommended. They also said putting China would be better than UK. Though I worry that not putting both citizenships is concealing information. Going to call again later and ask someone else.
Florence and TimNot TellingHong Kong2007-01-17 10:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance Has Dual Citizenship Already
I already had her send me the G325A with just "China" under citizenship/nationality. Do we need to redo it with "China, UK" as citizenship/nationality? I think the form is sort of misleading because it never asks to list multiple. It is also expensive and delays our application a lot to have her print off these three extra characters and sign and send everything again. Just getting the I129-F together including the fee has cost me over $300 USD and her nearly $100 USD so far. Seems like it is never even going to get send :(

Florence and TimNot TellingHong Kong2007-01-17 09:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance Has Dual Citizenship Already

My fiance is from Hong Kong. She is a Chinese citizen since she was born in Hong Kong (she has also resided there here whole life). When she was young, she also became a full British citizen through her father who worked in civil service. The UK offered full British citizenship to families working in civil service in Hong Kong at the time (pre 1997).

So my question is, does it matter what I file her as? Chinese or British? I have Chinese down now as nationality because all of our trips together were taken on her Chinese passport (so the passport stamps are there). She only recently had her lost British passport replaced. Though I wonder if it would make it any faster or if it makes any difference at all if she files as a citizen of a country that is in the visa waiver program? I really never found anything about this anywhere. Heh, anyone have a guess at least (in any case, I'll probably leave it Chinese, since I'm mailing soon). Thanks a lot for any help you can give!!!!

Florence and TimNot TellingHong Kong2007-01-17 02:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust Filed, What Now?

They recieved ours on october 24th 2006, right now they are processing cases they recieved on july 15th 2006. They usually update the chart every 2-3 weeks. If you filed for a k-1 visa(I-129F), the application will be in california.

The instructions told me to send it to Nebraska. Is that still correct, or was I supposed to send to California?

Also, are they really only working on cases up to July 15, or is that the last received case they are working on? I seem to read timelines that show I-129F's getting to NOA2 that were after that date.


Florence and TimNot TellingHong Kong2007-01-18 21:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust Filed, What Now?
I sort of fear after filing that I'm too happy to have gotten all of the rather large I129-F packet done (maybe I'm paranoid and sent too much proof and added too many explanatory notes). It does feel good to finally have sent it after preparing for so many days.

But now, what things should I do to prepare for my fiance's interview someday in the future?

I know that I will not see her again before her interview. Assuming it takes 9-12 months for her to get to the interview, it isn't possible for me because of school and an internship (though if I could afford to both in time and money, I would definately make the long flight to spend some weeks with her again). What are the best ways to gather evidence for people who cannot see each other between filing and the interview? So far I know of these ways:

Phone cards
Hand written letters
Online chat texts
MSN video chat records (start and stop video chats)
Signed statements from family members that they see us speaking (will this count for anything?)

What else might be good for us to present as evidence of our ongoing relationship (she already has a ring, as I asked her to marry me BEFORE filing the forms).

Also, after you file, how do you find out about how to track your application on the web? Does that come with the NOA1?

Thanks for any suggestions!

Florence and TimNot TellingHong Kong2007-01-18 18:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting Shots Before Interview

I was wondering if I were to find out which shots my fiance would need to get in order to come to the United States, and she were to go on her own far before the interview and get them, and also get records and that yellow international vaccination certificate thing (I have one of these from traveling that I got some years ago), would she be able to bring that to her appointed medical exam in order to make things easier later? I'm not sure if any of the immunizations required need booster shots or anything, and if so, it would delay things by some time for her to wait for the second shot. If she had them done sooner, and just brought the records to the medical exam, I would think things should be fine. Is there any reason to avoid doing this and to do the shots at the appointed medical examination instead?

Heh, and also, finding a doctor who can give that information and certification for her and give all the required shots gives us something else to work on while we wait! (makes the time go faster).

Florence and TimNot TellingHong Kong2007-01-18 18:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPossibly a stupid question...but I shall ask!
Would anyone say, when the time comes, it is a good idea to give other supplementary information about your situation just to sort of show them that you're going to be okay? I mean, our plan is really that my fiance (soon wife after she arrives) will live with me in my apartment, which is already paid for either by my company or by student loans (depending on the approval time). So we don't need to pay rent. Also, I can't see our cost of living being that much higher - as far as food goes, its hard to eat for one person without things spoiling. If anything, living with her will make things more efficient for me, and my food is also covered by student loans/internship money - so its sort of like hers will be too. Four months after she comes, I'll start working full time with hopefully a good salary (at least, it will definitely be able to support 2 people at 125% of the poverty scale). Until then, I will have earned enough in the summer to get by (my summer job, if it were annual, would also definitely put us in the green for money). My fiance also will have saved up quite a bit. And while I'm in school I work enough to pay electricity, internet, and...well...and more food than one person can ever eat without throwing out (I really feel sad to see my food go to waste all the time - I start resorting to all frozen vegetables for this reason - and frozen vegetables make me even more sad).

I know that the most important thing is to show its all good with the sponsors/co-sponsors. But would that information be helpful to them as well? Heh, I guess we will need some extra money for her to buy more shoes and stuff...or something...because she buys lots of shoes. But is that a concern of USCIS? I feel strange. I think I live extremely well, yet far below 125% of the poverty level for one person in what I actually spend (minus tuition for university). I think the poverty level may be too high! Maybe I'm crazy.

One more question - who is the BEST person to ask about this? Should I make an appointment to see someone from USCIS in person and ask them? Or are they not really helpful?


Florence and TimNot TellingHong Kong2007-01-28 19:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPossibly a stupid question...but I shall ask!
Does anyone know how this works in regards to co-sponsors? I'm a student and my yearly income is...not much (actually I don't know if I'll have tax returns this year). I'll be working soon, but not soon enough for the K-1. Anyway, my parents plan on co-sponsoring. I have two parents with no dependents. Then there's me. And then there's my fiance. Does that mean for them, when they file as co-sponsors, they need to be able to support a family of four at 125%? Likewise, when I file my assets (yes...funny huh?) would I be aiming to support a family of four or a family of two, since I won't really contribute to my parents (it sounds mean doesn't it - actually they don't plan on contributing to me much either - its just that I'm not working yet - I will be later). I also so on the I-134 things about providing housing and such. If you provide housing for someone (for example, myself and my fiance are always welcome at my parents house in worst case, but I'm also going to be renting an apartment at my school and I have a free apartment that's packaged with my summer job - so I can provide housing as well) does that take your amount down? Or is that statement of providing just extra support?

Thanks a lot!

Florence and TimNot TellingHong Kong2007-01-28 16:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance and Fiancee
So I had no idea what the extra e was for. I?????????????????????????????????????

If in my I-129F I referred to my fiancee as my fiance, but I always made sure to use her full name to clarify things, will they be confused on the gender of my fiancee and send me an RFE? Actually my fiancee asked me last night what the extra "e" was for on the NOA1. I said, "It must have something to do with the French." It probably does, but, I'm just scared that USCIS won't get my lack of knowledge about the "genderedness" of this word. I really have no excuse I guess. English is my native language. Wow. This one is...yeah...

Florence and TimNot TellingHong Kong2007-01-28 20:14:00