VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Our Consulate experiences. Sorry this is so long I cut a lot of detail out. 268days of AP

First, I want to thank all of you again for being here sharing your experiences, advice and entertainment. For many of us this is a time of frustration. We don’t do this everyday of or lives.

I wanted to share my experiences with the consulate and why I did what I did. Dao asked me to wait until she was here to tell on VisaJourney but with the recent news I think now it is needed.

When Dao went for the interview January 6, 2009 we thought it would be a done deal. All of my paperwork was completed by an experienced immigration attorney. We had given all the information that we needed. My income is high. Dao is an independent mother that owns her own house. We both had proper divorce papers. A notarized letter from her Ex-spouse with his current address giving permission to allow their sons to immigrate to USA with Dao. We had a notarized statement of how we met and describing our ongoing relationship (timeline). We met in person 5 times before the interview. We had an engagement party about 7 months before the interview on my 4th visit.

On the interview day Dao was asked to speak vietnamese. We think this was a mistake. The translator may not have made a favorable translation. They did not keep any of the evidence presented. They gave Dao a blue paper that reads, “The Consulate General is unable to issue a visa to you because you have been found ineligible…..” “Section 221g of the Act prohibits the issuance of a visa to anyone that fails to provide documents Required in the connection of a visa application or …..” They ask for ex-spouse information about me. They ask for ex-spouse information about Dao. They ask for updated timeline. I am sure that this is not news to people on VJ. We have all read some of these words. But what does it really mean?

We hurried to get these documents together. I sent them to my lawyer for approval and Dao submitted them on January 20, 2009. We then received a white paper with some of the same words from the blue one and “Your case requires additional processing in our office……”

I contacted my Attorney and he said, “Be patient” About this time I started looking for answers online and found you guys. VisaJourney, a haven for those on this stupid government ride. I just read and comment from time to time. But mostly I started to read the information on the UCIS website, HCMC consulate website and on the papers we received.

After a few months of "canned" answers to emails and against my lawyers advice I decided to go back to the Consulate myself and bang on the window. I did not want our case sent back to the USA without a fight. I followed the rules and went on a Tuesday May 19 at 3:45. After getting about 20 minutes of BS I asked to speak to a supervisor. I told the supervisor (Consulate Chief ?) my concerns of sending our case back to the USA. I asked him to get out the file and lets see what we can do to solve any problem that may exist. He said, “ he can’t and won’t“. I then asked, “Can I at least see the file and all the notes“. He said, “no you cannot see the notes but you can remove or add any information that you provide“. I said, “ok then I want to add something about my trip here, I will come back tomorrow“. I returned the next day Wednesday May 20 at 3:45. I submitted my current plane ticket stubs and a photo of Dao and me on our engagement day with the date in the background. When I returned to the USA I sent an email and had my attorney inquire. I received a response about a week before my attorney did that acknowledged my visit to the consulate. The same canned response about cases in the order they are received. My attorney said the same thing, “Be Patient”.

I contacted attorney Marc Ellis in the middle of July to get another point of view. He interviewed Dao and Reviewed our case. He asked if my ex-spouse and I had any joint assets. He told me to do a self search. The search showed that my ex-spouse had never changed the name on utility bills or the house that I gave her into her name. I didn’t care before because this is the house my sons live in. After a few calls to the Ex she changed the utilities to her name. I asked my first attorney to allow Marc Ellis to join my case as Co-council. I wanted someone to help me push a little at the embassy. Attorneys don’t like to share cases. I then hired Marc Ellis and dumped the old attorney.

I met Marc Ellis in his office on September 29, Tuesday morning. We spent a while talking and he wrote a letter stating the concerns of my case to the Consulate. I went to the Consulate the next day Sept. 30 at 10am. I knew I could get into the American services area then I turned right into the Immigration section. I waited for the widow person that told me I have to come back at 1pm. I told her that I could not come back and would wait until she can get someone to take my information. I told her, “go in the back and tell them that there is a very angry American wanting to speak to a CO“. The CO (White woman, Shoulder length dark hair) Came to the window and told me I had to come back at 1pm to submit anything. I told her I did not come half-way around the world to be told to come back. You should take my Submission of new Council and new evidence. She told me she would take this time only. I left but, I had forgotten to give them the pictures and chat logs that they did not keep at the interview.

I went to the Consulate again that afternoon Wednesday about 4pm and asked to see a CO and submit more evidence. The CO was a young thin white man with short dark hair. There were 2 others behind him waiting for him to finish so they could leave work together. I talked to him a few minutes and asked about my case while submitting the photos. When he realized I wasn’t going to let him just close our conversation quickly he started to quote the canned answers we have all read. I gave him our pictures. I forgot to give him the 2 inch thick chat logs.

The next day I thought we would try something different. This time Dao would submit the chat log evidence. We arrived at 1pm and approached the guard with the white paper in hand. The guard said only one can go in. I told Dao to go in and try. I went to the outside window and made a request to go in. I was denied at first but insisted the VN woman contact a supervisor. After a few minutes I was given permission to go in but was told I could not talk to the person while waiting with Dao. Suddenly Dao appeared at my side. “All done”, she said. The woman at the outside window said, “See no need to go in“. I said, “I still want to go in“. Dao had given the white paper to the VN clerk with the chat logs. I wanted the white paper so Dao could go in again another day. We went inside to the first window. The clerk there told us we had to go back to the window that Dao had been to. We went to window 15. We stood at the window for about 10 minutes trying to get someone’s attention. Finally I had enough! I tapped on the window and then on the counter. They are solid and hard. Then I tapped on the pass tray at the bottom of the window it was hollow. I waited until someone walked in line with the window and banged on the tray about 5 times. I made everyone jump. I startled about 30 VN people in the waiting room. The people inside at the desks all looked up but none came to the window. Then a VN man came to the window. I apologized and informed him I wanted to speak to a supervisor. A few minutes later a man (supervisor, medium height and weight, gray blond hair) came to the window. I apologized for taking his busy time and started to explain that I wanted the white paper back and told him my strategy was to have Dao submit more evidence every week since the Consulate fails to give use information about the case. I explained, the file must not have enough information about us. He then apologized because he saw that our case had been a long time. He explained it was already a “priority” case and he would make it a “High priority” case. He told us more evidence is not needed and he promised something would happen next week. I told him my concern of having our case sent back for something that could easily be explained. HE told me they had not finished investigating. I asked what are they investigating and offered to help. he told me if he told me then it would not be an investigation.

About a week later Dao received a phone call to pick up a blue paper requesting updated medical (medicals expire at 6 months). When Dao returned with the Medicals they asked for the passports and the Pink paper was issued. The recent evidence that we submitted was returned. The pictures and chat logs that they did not need were out of order and obviously examined. Dao returned days later to pick up passports with visas for her and her sons.

I became aggressive because I figured we had nothing to loose. We have the burden of proof. The consulate must except the evidence. The consulate must consider all evidence presented. I think I was finally lucky talking to a supervisor and had someone look at our case that pushed it through.

In my opinion I think because Dao has 2 teenage sons they may have been looking harder for a fraud case than most. Add in my divorce and they have more to examine. I believe my visits to the Consulate showed them I cared enough to make extra effort. Even though I can be a pain I always kept my composure. I only hope they will be at my desk someday.

To Marc Ellis’s credit. He helped me find some things and answer some questions of concern. He wrote a letter to the consulate to help explain our case. He inspired me to take extra chances I would not have tried. He says it was all me but, I would not have tried so hard if I had not met him. I found him to be very knowledgeable about the visa process.

Just a few thing I didn’t know. K1 visa expires at 6 months. Even if you have one active you can apply again. Essentially you can try and try again with a new application. K-1 only. CR1 and K3 you have to appeal in the USA. Be aware of age limits for children. I had considered the CR1 and K3 but that would have held Dao’s oldest son out.

My biggest complaints is the Consulate keeps us in the dark and one persons "opinion" has too much weight. As long as we allow them to continue this secretive practice it will always be this way. Additional Processing? If they need more processing and they don’t take the evidence provided at the interview. How can they do more processing? Obviously they are trying to be spy type investigators to come up with their own conclusions. You or your fiance/spouse can submit more evidence at any time by certified mail or in person at the consulate. They must take it. They can extend the time of an application up to 90 days or more by rule to examine the evidence you supply. Use the tools they give you. They must submit a reason with a denial, don't let them have a reason.

Educate yourself. Read and listen to what they tell you. I honestly don’t know what they were looking for or trying to do. I will go to the consulate again and voice my concerns. One common thing I have noticed is some that have been successful in AP have gone to the consulate and did more than inquire. they did something to get a note in the file.

Good luck to all.

fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2009-10-30 20:07:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Oct 29 2009, 06:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Here are the reasons for our denial. Mark Ellis thinks it has something to do with my end and my ex wife history with her being in prison for such a serious crime. he also said our time line was great and the mock interview that he had with binh went well. She was slightly confusing when she talks about my job, but my job is hard to explain to anyone. This is also the feed back from Mark Ellis about my case, if anyone has questions about anything here, pm me, and i can give you answers, or if you need help i will share our experiences with you.

supposedly we had 5 days worth of photos showing we were together.----we had hundreds of photos at the interview and hundreds more now

communication not creditable, our phone records show only short calls, 1 to 3 minutes in length.------we only use phone when INTERNET is down, and to save money we usually simply keep it short and just wait to the next day to chat

I only visited her once and has not been there since December.----------- 3 provable trips total now

we submitted only evidence of a small inconsequential engagement ceremony no American guests.-------there were close to 100 guests, and in photos there were white people, CO never asked her if any of my family came there or not, and never commented on the white people in the photo's

I proposed in a short time of meeting her and had a engagement ceremony shortly after.-----in time line we mentioned that we talked about marriage, but wanted to meet in person to make sure, when I went first time we knew then we were going to be engaged, so we started to plan for Dam Hoi

binh said 3 relatives living in Texas, California, and Ohio, then she submitted evidence of California and Kansas
and supposedly public records show that I live in Kansas-----Old public records show I live in Kansas, never Kansas City where her aunt lives, the relative in Texas would never send any thing to her to show he lived there so we left that one out

unable to prove facts about our wedding, she did not know about estimated costs, or guests---------I did not even know this answer as we only had the date figured out, I have no idea who would come because they say not to plan anything until we have the visa.

they investigated where I live and it shows that I do not live where I live. my passport records from 2007 show I live in Salem Indiana, not campbellsburg, which I did live in Salem when I filed for my passport, They also say that I have a record showing that I lived at my work address, this was because when they sent my passport back someone had to sign for it and I was working 5 days per week so I had them send it to work so I could sign for it.


Free background check on petitioner. The consulate is obviously looking at something on his end. The background check might show us something.
File new K-1 with IMBRA waiver request & full explanation of P’s ex-wife’s incarceration, criminal & marital history. This a K-1 with CSC. There will be no review of this K1. It’s expired, dead, finished.
Another option, if he can get the time off, he can go the marriage route & file an I-130. But the disclosure of information about this K1 application & his ex-wife’s problems is absolutely necessary


Chief has signed off on petition return. No turning case around this time at the consulate.
P’s ex-wife is incarcerated. She began her incarceration in February, 1999. She could possibly be released in 2013.
If P has a criminal history, this needs to be disclosed in the new petition package. The conoff focused on the period from 2006. I’m not sure what he was referring to. Apparently P moved from Kansas or Missouri to Indiana.
P submitted a very good time line & his application is pretty well-prepared also. I think problems arose because of he did not disclose his ex-wife’s problems. I don’t know if P has any criminal history. If so, it needs to be disclosed also in the new application.
B speaks excellent English. She was extremely well-prepared for the interviewer’s questions. The only incorrect answer involved the move in 2006.
The couple presented a good case. The consulate was looking at something else. The evidence was not even considered.
B is unclear about his occupation. She says he inspects wood for barrels. But the explanation doesn’t make a lot of sense. Apparently, he is a QC inspector for a company that constructs wooden barrels.
They met on line at on 23 May, 2008.
P has made 3 trips as of late October, 2009. (1st trip 18 Dec 2008 – 17 days, 2nd trip – 1 week, 2 August, 2009, 8 October 2009- 20 days.)
P proposed second day after his arrival on 1st trip.
B has family in the US, 2 cousins in California and an aunt in Kansas City.
Despite the proximity, P had never met B’s aunt in KC. Consulate may not believe that they actually met on-line. As of late October, 2009, P has still never met her aunt.
Consulate may also think B would not want to marry a man who has such a dangerous ex-wife.
P raises boxers in his kennel.


I feel your pain. What happened to you and Binh is what I was affraid of happening to us. I don't mean to poor salt in your wounds but I want to point out so others may learn. From what I understand you visited Binh In Vietnam 2 times that were not in the case record after the interview.

For those reading this, you or your fiance/wife may introduce more evidence/information at anytime through certified mail or in person at the embassy between 1 and 2 everyday or USA petitioners only at 4 to 5pm Tuesday and Wednesday. IF you submit more Information the Consulate must review it and that can extend your time in AP. This can be anything you think is relavent to your case. Chat Logs, Pictures, An explanation letter, Airline tickets, Copy of passport, updated timeline.... If they tell you they don't need it. Tell them you insist it goes into the file for review.

Re- apply for K1. You are more educated now and should be able to overcome the obsticles. If you go CR1 or K3 and fail it will take a very long time to get it back to VN for a second chance. You could go ahead with the marraige requirements and planning if you want while a new K1 application is going through.

Good luck,

fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2009-10-29 20:38:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

VJ Members currently in AP at HCMC:
Vi&Art__________________8/5/2009 K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline
JeromeBinh______________8/20/2009 K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Ex-wife's living situation, Timeline, List of Beneficiary Relatives in the US
ToanTien________________8/20/2009 CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline
Ly Trinh _________________8/21/2009 CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Timeline (no decision as of 10/22)
Huong and Phung _________9/8/2009 CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline
Frank And Duyen (effjaye)___10/20/2009 CR1 Visa - First Blue RFE: Timeline

VJ Members who made it out of AP & results:

Ituan __________________8/10/2009 - 09/15/2009 - 36 days in AP - Denied
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline
Lindal24 ________________7/8/2009 - 10/7/2009 - 91 days in AP - APPROVED
CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & List of Beneficiary Relatives in the US
FrednDaoHoney____1/20/2009 - 10/15/2009 - 268 days in AP - APPROVED
K1 Visa-First blue RFE Ex-spouse info for Dao, Ex-spouse info for Fred, Timeline
JohnCali9 _______________8/6/2009 - 10/21/2009 - 76 days in AP - APPROVED
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Ex-wife's living situation, Timeline
MichaelAndKha___________8/15/2009 - 10/21/2009 - 67 days in AP - Denied
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Timeline
Andy (not a VJ member)____8/17/2009 - 10/23/2009 - 67 days in AP - Denied
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline

Please add yourself if you are currently in Administrative Processing "AP" (2nd blue slip).

LindaL24 has a copy of the Blue AP slip, Pink Approval Slip, and US Visa issued by HCMC Consulate under "My Photos"
fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2009-10-25 08:25:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

VJ Members currently in AP at HCMC:

Vi&Art ____________8/5/2009 K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline
JeromeBinh________8/20/2009 K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Ex-wife's living situation, Timeline, List of Beneficiary Relatives in US
ToanTien__________8/20/2009 CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline
Ly Trinh ___________8/21/2009 CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Timeline (Got the call from investigator and awaiting decision.. as of 10/22 CO said no decision at this time)
Huong and Phung ___9/8/2009 CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline

VJ Members who made it out of AP & results:

Ituan ____________8/10/2009 - 09/15/2009 - 36 days in AP - Denied
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline
Lindal24 __________7/8/2009 - 10/7/2009 - 91 days in AP - APPROVED
CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline
FrednDaoHoney____1/20/2009 - 10/15/2009 - 268 days in AP - APPROVED
K1 Visa-First blue RFE Ex-spouse info for Dao, Ex-spouse info for Fred, Timeline
JohnCali9 _________8/6/2009 - 10/21/2009 - 76 days in AP - APPROVED
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Ex-wife's living situation, Timeline
MichaelAndKha_____8/15/2009 - 10/21/2009 - 67 days in AP - Denied
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Timeline
Andy (not a VJ member)_____8/17/2009 - 10/23/2009 - 67 days in AP - Denied
K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline

Please add yourself if you are currently in Administrative Processing "AP" (2nd blue slip).

LindaL24 has a copy of the Blue AP slip, Pink Approval Slip, and US Visa issued by HCMC Consulate under "My Photos"

Just updated for some info. Dao and sons recieved K1 visa yesturday and will buy tickets today. I think it is 550usd each to Pittsburgh through Chicago purchasing tickets in Siagon. Much less than purchasing here.

Good luck to all.
fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2009-10-22 19:20:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Oct 17 2009, 10:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am still amazed that they had you wait so long....

What can I say they were Additionally Processing us. I think it had a lot to do with the VN translator and our lack of knowledge of the process. We will never know the entire reason. Maybe they lost the file for a while.

fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2009-10-17 21:55:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (lindal24 @ Oct 17 2009, 09:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have to disagree w/ you Fred. I do believe that they are doing additional processing, and I am glad that they are. Yes, it affects many of us, but think about all the cases that are fraudulent. We see alot of cases get by, but never hear of those that don't.

This additional time should not affect our relationship with our loved ones, they should make it stronger. People entering into relationship with other individuals from different countries are and should be aware of the commitment they are entering. People in AP need to realize that it isn't personal, there are just things on paper that seem out of place. Those people who entered into fraudulent engagements/marriages did the right things and covered all their bases--they fooled the system--but that will catch up with them sooner than later!

After I was placed into AP, I went and visited the embassy to find out the status of our case. The woman at the window said that our case is pending and left it at that. I was the one that initiated wanting to speak with the CO in charge of our case. If I hadn't asked, I probably would still be in AP. The reason I said this is because when I did come back to speak to the CO, he did ask me to clarify some things for him. Call that additional processing or investigating, I'm glad that my case was picked. It just goes to prove that the COs are doing their jobs to the best of their abilities.

To all those that are in AP or find themselves in AP, hang in there. Be patient, be persistent! Goodluck and all the best!!

Ok if you want to call it Additional Processing you can. The man told me investigation.

Maybe for you it is not personal but, when in an interview they ask about a Wedding date knowing they are not going to give the visa I take that personal. When Dao's two sons come here and go to school it will be hard enough to start in a foriegn school, now because the Consulate drag their feet they have to start late in the year without summer english tutoring. I take that personal. When I have to figure out when and how to get attention from a government employee that is too busy for me. I take that personal. I laid all my information out for the Visa process expecting to be treated fair and with respect, the Consulate did niether. I take that personal.

I agree with you. If I hadn't spent the time to go to the Consulate and bang on window 15 I think we would still be in AP. Also agree that our commitment to or relationship is stronger but I think it would be the same without AP/investigating.

The consulate wasted my time. I take that personal too. Does anyone else take it personal?

Linda, Please don't take this personal, I am just having fun stirring the pot.
fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2009-10-17 21:49:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (lindal24 @ Oct 17 2009, 09:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (fred n Dao Honey @ Oct 17 2009, 12:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I submited more evidence of relationship in May. It wasn't anything big. ticket stubs,pictures. I don't know if it changed the AP wait time but, I wanted to be sure they had the option not to send it back to USA. I read what you have here and below.

All was copied from HCMC consulate website

Section 221(g) of the U.S. Immigration and Nationality Act states that visa applications lacking required documents must be denied until such time as those documents are submitted and found to be sufficient. If, for any reason, the applicant is not eligible for a visa at the time of the interview, the applicant will receive an explanation in writing and a request for the specific documents still required, if any.

Applicants refused under Section 221(g) who are specifically requested to submit more documents may submit the additional information either via registered mail or in person at the Consulate between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays. The applicant should include the blue or green refusal sheet asking for additional information.

Don't give them the blue paper! it is your pass to get inside!!! "lacking Required documents must be denied" , "May submit additional Information"

Good luck,

Maybe they're referring to specifically the 1st blue slip...they probably want to know what they asked for in the first place! hahaha...

No, In May I wanted to get something in the file to show I was there banging on the window. Asking questions.

fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2009-10-17 21:03:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Oct 17 2009, 04:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So in a nutshell they are using section 221G that was cited in the first blue slip as the basis for them being able to issue the second one and send the file to AP... It appears that they are riding the 221G as long as they feel like....

They asked for additional info at the interview.. regardless of if it was present at the interview or not and required the applicant to return with the documents later only to be handed another blue slip citing the same section 221G... The only thing is, at the second visit the CO now has the docs ("lacking required documents "), but does not feel like reviewing them.
It appears that they are hiding under an umbrella that was not intended to be used in the manner exhibited.

It think they are using it to gain time to run an investigation on the applicants. I honestly don't think they "WANT' to turn anyone down. I think they are trying to do their job to the best of their ability and training. They are trained to find mistakes or "RED FLAGS" and act on them. I am sure all of us on here know of at least one fraud case from Vietnam. The consulate has to find good reason to send an application back. What is a good reason? Lack of evidence?

I wish I could have found Visajourney sooner and read more before applying. I am sure most of us were very ignorant and naive of the process before we started. I would have front loaded the application with more about Dao's and my previous spouses residences and living arrangements. It is very frustraiting for all of us to try to find out what is wrong with our applications when they won't communicate. I quote a supervisor at the Consulate, "how can we investigate if I tell you what we are investigating". This was after I said, "Tell me what need more information about, I will get you the answer". So, they are not doing ADDITIONAL PROCESSING. They are investigating you and your loved one and families and relitives and job and more.

Is all this the right way to do their business? I don't think it is wrong but, they could do a better job of helping us understand instead of trying to keep us in the dark.

We the people have failed to educate ourselves. What we are doing now is a good start.
Good luck to all,

fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2009-10-17 19:26:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Oct 17 2009, 12:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
****IMPORTANT NOTE: Processing wait time DOES NOT include the time required for administrative processing. These procedures require additional time. Most administrative processing is resolved within 60 days of application. When administrative processing is required, the timing will vary based on individual circumstances of each case. Therefore, before making inquiries about status of administrative processing, applicants or their representatives will need to wait at least 90 days from the date of interview or submission of supplemental documents, whichever is later. Processing wait time also does not include the time required to return the passport to applicants, by either courier services or the local mail system.


Linda's was 91 days... The site says wait 90 days before you inquire about the status of the case in AP.... one must wonder if they have a new goal of 90 days or less... there have been others in for a long time.. Fred, Kevin... and others waited twice as long as Linda or longer to get out of AP....

I submited more evidence of relationship in May. It wasn't anything big. ticket stubs,pictures. I don't know if it changed the AP wait time but, I wanted to be sure they had the option not to send it back to USA. I read what you have here and below.

All was copied from HCMC consulate website

Section 221(g) of the U.S. Immigration and Nationality Act states that visa applications lacking required documents must be denied until such time as those documents are submitted and found to be sufficient. If, for any reason, the applicant is not eligible for a visa at the time of the interview, the applicant will receive an explanation in writing and a request for the specific documents still required, if any.

Applicants refused under Section 221(g) who are specifically requested to submit more documents may submit the additional information either via registered mail or in person at the Consulate between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays. The applicant should include the blue or green refusal sheet asking for additional information.

Don't give them the blue paper! it is your pass to get inside!!! "lacking Required documents must be denied" , "May submit additional Information"

Good luck,
fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2009-10-17 12:28:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
Take us off the list. Today in HCMC we got pink!!!

After several visits to the Consulate. The Supervisor promised something in a week. We recieved a request for new medical (blue paper). Dao took the new information in today 1pm VN time. She turned in the material and took a number to wait. Number was called and pink issued.

Dao was really worried that they would interview again and has been pumping me for answers about the house, city and extended family.

Good luck to all.

My advise, If you have an attorney that says be patient after 2 months of waiting. Get ride of the attorney. If you are in AP. Flood them with evidence of your relationship they have to except it. You have to proove a bonified relationship and eligability. They have to qualify a denial. Fill their file box with all your junk!!! The more times you go inside the Consulate the more you learn and become familiar with it.


fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2009-10-15 05:48:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Oct 9 2009, 07:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Oct 9 2009, 12:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Great news Linda!! Congrats!! I am going there Tuesday, had a 2 hour delay in USA because of typhoon in Tokyo, then got delayed again in Tokyo, Finally got out of the airport at about 2 am should have been out at about 11:30 pm. Visa on arrival worked like a charm again, wont do it any other way any more.
I have never heard of any CO calling and acting like they are someone else, if they did that and it got proved, I would almost guarantee they could be up poop creek without a paddle if you know what I mean. I would tell John to look into it and if he can prove that is what they are doing file a complaint. It is not only unethical, but more than not it is probably illegal as well.

There are several people on VJ that have posted about the same thing happening.. One very recently in Pakistan. All using the same tactic, mislead the person on the other end of the line to get them to sy something that will give cause to deny.

Just to add on to this. Someone had called Dao over a month ago asking about her "job at the bank" and other dumb questions. Dao is a seamstress. I have also heard of the CO asking interview questions for a k-3 about intimate moments including and not limited to, "Did you have sex last night?", "Did you use contraception?". There is a reason they don't record interviews or want couples interviewed together.
fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2009-10-09 22:35:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
I made several visits to the Consulate 9/30, 10/1, 10/2. Yesturday the Consulate called Dao to get a Blue Paper RFE for obtaining updated medical. The medical info expired at six months. We are hoping this is all they will need and a Visa will be issued. We are still in AP 10 months since January 17,2009. At this time I am holding my mouth shut.

Good luck to all

fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2009-10-08 03:36:00
Asia: East and PacificEx Wife information????
QUOTE (Doug and Jessie @ Jul 24 2009, 02:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What will be asked in the interview in HCMC about my Ex wife? What will Jessie need to provide the CO to prove I am not married or living with my Ex? I have my devorce paperwork that i turned in with my fist batch of requested paperwork. Is that enough? We are only at the NOA 1 stage so we have so much to learn, and allot of time to prepare, any information anyone can share with us would be greatly appreciated.



Hi Doug and good luck,

I wanted to get this on here as an original post but I just can't figure out how to post it. Responding to yours seems to fit. We are in a K-1 waiting review since Jan 2009. After waiting and even taking a trip to the embassy in May (no help from them). Finally I contacted Mr. Ellis in HCM city this week. After a brief look at the White paper that told us to wait for contact from the Consulate. He asked a few questioned that sparked some concern.

Do you own any investments or assets with your ex-spouse?

I did some research and found my Ex never changed the name on the house, the power bill, nor the phone. I gave her the house, no mortgage and signed over but she never filed the paper in the courthouse. I called the power and telephone and they have record of permission to remove me but she never called to arrange changing the billing. (anyone wonder why i divorsed?) Just throwing this in, she paid the last 5 years property taxes late.

I never even thought about it. So, check and make sure you have nothing that would show up on a search that would link you to your ex. If you do have joint assets or lingering joint accounts. Explain it before they ask.

Good luck

fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2009-07-26 16:39:00
Asia: East and Pacificblue slip at hcmc over time line
QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Aug 17 2009, 07:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello all,
I have been reading countless tails of people at HCMC getting a blue slip requesting either a Chronological Time Line, Proof of ex wife for Sponsor, and List of relatives living in the country of the sponsor. This is a trend that we need to band together to stop. I feel that if everyone that gets a blue slip for one or more of these reasons should contact their us congressman or their senator. I also feel we should all complain to the us consulate as well. When we complain we should all mention the benefit to the system if they were to simply tell us to provide this information. It would A. speed up the process, less blue slips=more interviews B. Less paperwork=less expense and C. Less people wanting to kill the Co's rofl.gif If enough of us complain about this maybe they will do something. There are thousands of people that do not use Visa Journey, and they have no idea that these things need to be sent in. I was one of those many people. I also know that many of you might be scared of reprisals from the co, so I would not do anything until after your partner is with you. Lets all band together and help get the pink's rolling again!!! Stop the crying and start the celebrating

I agree with you about banding together. Also agree about "scared of reprisals". The problem with the whole visa system is it does not follow through with all three parts of our government. The checks and balance of law include the judicary system. If you were able to apeal a CO decision to a judge or jury of common sense. Many of these cases would be overturned in a court of law. As more get overturned there would be less personal opinion of fraud by the CO. Now for the later post of getting the fraud to stop. IF our government agressively prosecuted the fraud cases and started deporting the strings of fraud participants even after they get citizenship and jail those that were born here they would stop. The truth is, No very few go to jail for VISA fraud.
I have not figured the answer yet but, you are correct about banding together.
Good luck to all
fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2009-08-17 23:48:00
Asia: East and PacificOk, back from vietnam but need some help
QUOTE (Josephs @ Aug 24 2009, 11:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ok, so i am back in USA va nho phi rat nhieu (and miss Phi very much) now that the interview part is over and now we are just waiting for her TB test results, and maybe waiting treatment for TB. I was wondering about calling cards. We dont need evidence anymore. my cellphone bill this month was soooooo high. it almost made me sick(400+USD). we talked alot and we sent MANY MANY SMS to eachother.

Anyone know of a good calling card, and maybe a program other than Skype for SMS? I sometimes use yahoo to send her SMS. that is free for me and costs her less. but she needs to be signed on yahoo on her yahoo account for her phone for her to get my SMS.

My Phone contract is up, so I can also look for a new company if it has better SMS rates. I am with Verizon Wireless.

SMS send =$.25 USD
SMS Rcv'd =$.20 USD
International Long Distance - Mobil = $0.56 / min

TXT Messaging-Int'l Sent messages -- 301 301 75.25
TXT Messaging-Int'l Rcv'd messages -- 235 235 47.00

International Long Distance - Mobil 165.76

I took Majic jack to VN using a local area code. It is very easy to use. Quality is ok cost is cheap. The only hard part is getting the little box to Vietnam.

Good luck
fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2009-08-25 21:22:00
Asia: East and Pacificwebsite to learn English.
QUOTE (hniHnitsuJ @ Jul 28 2009, 11:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Is anyone knows a good website to learn English for grammar, spelling, sentences, and Vietnamese/English dictionary. Please share with me. Thank you.

I found this site to learn basic Vietnamese it has many other languages including English in a basic form. You can get the beginer package for free.

chuc may man
fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2009-07-28 19:32:00
Asia: East and PacificGoing to HCM city sept 25, 8 months additional processing
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Sep 12 2009, 11:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey Fred... Ralph is the one you are thinking about with the cafe'. http://www.visajourn...h...200094&st=0
He was going to travel some, but should be back by the time you get there... try to PM or email him...
All of the letters I have sent made it, with the exception of a couple at the beginning that were not quite addressed as needed to get there... I think if its an envelope, it will likely not make it as someone will likely trash it looking for money along the way. Post cards are a sure thing to get there in my book... aside from that I do what you are offering and send what I can with friends....

I will try to make a stop to his shop.
fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2009-09-13 08:38:00
Asia: East and PacificGoing to HCM city sept 25, 8 months additional processing
Hi to all,

I want to thank everone that posts on here. I have learned a lot about the process. I am not happy to learn but I am relieved to learn that we are not the only ones waiting.

On the 14th of September Dao and I will have waited on AP for 8 months. I went to the Consulate on my last trip in May. I will go to the Consulate again this trip. Sept 25 to Oct 5 . I have hired Marc Ellis to represent us. I will meet him in person.

I have been looking back in the posts for information about an American guy that decided to go to Siagon and open a coffee shop so he could be with his sweetie. Can anyone can help me find their shop? I would like to show them some support and visit their cafe.

I have had about a 50% sucess rate with sending things(cards and letters) in the regular mail. The cost of sending anything except documents is well over 50usd using courier services. If any of you would like something transported for free to your sweetheart in saigon I have room. It must be legal to transport and I must be able to see what it is. You can send me a phone number on here to make arrangments. I have one 70lb bag of space available. I am hoping I can find others that can do the same for me someday.

One more thing since I have your attention. Ever since my first trip I have taken 3 Wheel Chairs to Vietnam to gift to a person in need. The airline will allow you to take it with no questions as long as you tell them it is yours. I get them free on Craigslist. Make someone cry and take a Wheelchair to Vietnam. You will never regret it.

fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2009-09-12 20:16:00
Asia: East and PacificWhat's a massage cost in Saigon these days?
QUOTE (Matt_Stevens @ Sep 25 2009, 06:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So I will have to fly economy to Saigon, God help me, which means I'll be a mess when I get there. A good massage can work wonders for a bad back, but where in Saigon to go? I have no interest in going to a western style spa where they charge western prices. Anh sent me that way when I went to Saigon the first time because she was so scared the lower class places would offer me a rub & tug.

Well I don't care about a rub & tug. You can just say no. What I do care about is a massage. I get one once a month in Chinatown and would do it once a week if I could afford to. My back thanks me each time.

Friends of mine have been to Saigon in years past and paid $10 to $15 for an hour and I am wondering if that kind of pricing still exists? I hear everything in Saigon is getting to be crazy expensive.

A bowl of Pho for $5? Is that true? It's $7 in New York City! When I was in Saigon three years ago it was $1 to $2.


This whole post makes me laugh. I am here in Hong Kong Airport killing time. This reminds me of my first trip. I was sore beyond words and Dao was doing her best to keep me away from "Those" massage parlors. She actually found a blind man massues to try to help. What I relly needed was a chiropractor. I found an american one behind the old presidential palace. I don't recall the name but you can him find online if you need one. They are a little pricy for Vietnam 75 US. After a couple trips Dao took me too Kim Salon on Tran hung Dao Street. The two girls took me up and down the pain and pleasure scale, NO TUG. LOL , Dao was on security watch at the next table. I get a shampoo and upper back massage about every other day 25,000vnd. Straight blade shave for 15,000vnd. Haircut 25,000 vnd. Pho in the local resturant is 35,000vnd. Mom-inlaw Always has some soup on. She sells in front of the house.

If anyone knows of a VN chiropractor with VN prices I would like the info. I found most VN don't understand Chiropractory.

Plane is boarding, They gave me free upgrade!! it pays to get miles! And United stopped charging for coctails in coach accross the ocean.

Gotta go

fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2009-09-26 06:59:00
Asia: East and PacificTime Line, Relative List, Letter of Intent
QUOTE (WeatherEmperor @ Sep 21 2009, 10:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

That sounds excellent. The more I reading I do at VJ, the more I realize that Thu and I need more time. I am starting to think that right now is not the time to begin filing for the K-1. Thu and I just need to be patient. We need more research and more time. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that I am abandoning the K-1 Visa. I just think that we need more time. Scott, I met Thu in Singapore while we were both on vacation. So while we put the K-1 Visa on hold, would you recommend that I go visit her in Vietnam or if she visits me in Florida? Would that be ok for now is that bad?


Do not file for a Visitors Visa if you are intending to to file for a K-1 Visa. When you apply for K-1 Visa the denied Visitor Visa will be a "RED FLAG". It seems the consulate looks apon any attempt to come to the USA as an attempt to commit fraud. The K-1 filing immediatly after a denied Visitor Visa attempt will not look good. They have the thought of, (you tried to trick us once with visitor visa and failed now you try to tick us again with k-1 visa)

Don't make the same naive mistake I did in thinking these people in the consulate have any idea how a "Normal" couple act. I thought, I came to your house and met your mom now you should come to my house and meet my mom. It doesn't work that way.

8 Months in AP, Fred
fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2009-09-22 03:20:00
Asia: East and PacificDetails of Timeline
QUOTE (shy1akaanh @ Aug 29 2009, 09:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I been reading a lot on how time line are becoming a norm at HCMC. I have begun creating one myself. Although I am months away from the interview, I would like to start early. Please give me opinions of this entry. please tell me what else I need to include as well as things that need to be taken away. Thanks a lot for the feedback.

April xx, 2009
-After almost three months with my wife, it was time for me to go back to states. We been through a lot in this short amount of time. I felt that I love her more then ever. This trip was not lonely for me since I have my parents and my sister in law with her kids there on the same flight. However, I felt so alone. I was leaving the love of my life behind. It would be months before I can see her again. Although, I wanted to cry so bad because the thought alone was painful enough, pride did not allow me to. Instead I stood there acting normal when my heart was aching. She did not cry but you can see that she was holding it in her tears. She later told me that she cried on the taxi back. Her crying made her mom cry too which cause her dad to be very sad. On the flight back, the memory of happy times between me and her made me miss her even more. All the hardships we endured, obtaining the marriage certificate in Vietnam and even the wedding itself, was worth it because in the end, we were officially married, in the eyes of the law, God, and our closest friends and relatives. And we loved each other so much more.

Do i need include such things as my flight info such as airline and departure time? Thanks

Date how and when you met.
Dates how you corrispond
Date when you met in person. pics
how much you miss her.
Date when you see her second time., pics
When and how you proposed. telling parents.
Date of each trip. where you went. with supporting documents and pics.
Date of engagement party. how many attended. pics
Date of wedding. how many attended, pics

To summerize you are preparing a case for them to look at. You have to proove you have a "Bonified Relationship". Make sure your spouse agrees with timeline. Some of her interview questions may come from it.

Yes you can put airline and hotel info on it but, make sure she can answer questions about it at interview.

Question in interview; Which airline did he travel on? Which Hotel did he stay in? What day did you go to the ....? If you put it in timeline she should know the answer.

Good luck,

fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2009-08-30 08:57:00
Asia: East and PacificUpdate after trip to VN and AP
QUOTE (fred n Dao Honey @ Oct 12 2009, 10:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Dau Que @ Oct 10 2009, 12:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (fred n Dao Honey @ Oct 8 2009, 03:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just some notes. I will post my entire Consulate experiance after the Visa is in hand.

I made several visits to the Consulate 9/30, 10/1, 10/2. Yesturday the Consulate called Dao to get a Blue Paper RFE for obtaining updated medical. The medical info expired at six months. We are hoping this is all they will need and a Visa will be issued. We are still in AP 10 months since January 17,2009. At this time I am holding my mouth shut.

As I stated I will eventually post my entire experiance. Anyone that is in VN or making a trip to VN soon and has a need to get inside, contact me, we can talk on phone or chat yahoo. I will post my info for all to review at a later time but, at this time I know they read this site.

In addition, When I was there I invited every american I saw inside and outside the Consulate to join VJ. There must have been about 30 people I met having problems. We only have strength in numbers and knowledge.

Pizza at the THE BIG GRILL was great. Thanks Ralph and Hahn.

Marc Ellis is a very knowledgable Attorney. If we had to do over, We would start with him. He knows the process.

Good luck to all

You made this post because you know the CO might read this forum and your entry will somewhat create an impression to them that you're in VN with your loved one and that you care enough to spend time over there. Most people pass with pink never bother to post/share their experience so others can learn or even care to come in to say thanks.

In other thought, a plug for any specific attorney is lame, regardless of the reason. Just my thoughts. Why? sound like that attorney is shaking hands with the CO to fail people so he can make $$.


I believe you are wrong, there are several people that are still here long after getting visas.

Have no doubt the HCMC Consulate CO knows I was there banging on the windows inside for 3 days. I Talked to a Supervisor.

I have had good Attorneys and bad Attorneys. I believe this one is good. He is the second one I hired for advise on a K-1 Visa. Commenting of my "lame" act and accusations of Mr Ellis's integrity is an insult and you should oppologise. You don't know me. You don't know Mr Ellis. You don't know our integrity level. I am sure Mr Ellis could get more positive than negative comments from VJ members than I could ever give him.

You Assume.

Good luck, PS. As my son says, "don't be hatin!"

To all,

My oppologies to b_weeks the comments above were not for you. I cut and pasted the wrong name. My comments above are for Dau Que.


fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2009-10-12 22:10:00
Asia: East and PacificUpdate after trip to VN and AP
QUOTE (Dau Que @ Oct 10 2009, 12:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (fred n Dao Honey @ Oct 8 2009, 03:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just some notes. I will post my entire Consulate experiance after the Visa is in hand.

I made several visits to the Consulate 9/30, 10/1, 10/2. Yesturday the Consulate called Dao to get a Blue Paper RFE for obtaining updated medical. The medical info expired at six months. We are hoping this is all they will need and a Visa will be issued. We are still in AP 10 months since January 17,2009. At this time I am holding my mouth shut.

As I stated I will eventually post my entire experiance. Anyone that is in VN or making a trip to VN soon and has a need to get inside, contact me, we can talk on phone or chat yahoo. I will post my info for all to review at a later time but, at this time I know they read this site.

In addition, When I was there I invited every american I saw inside and outside the Consulate to join VJ. There must have been about 30 people I met having problems. We only have strength in numbers and knowledge.

Pizza at the THE BIG GRILL was great. Thanks Ralph and Hahn.

Marc Ellis is a very knowledgable Attorney. If we had to do over, We would start with him. He knows the process.

Good luck to all

You made this post because you know the CO might read this forum and your entry will somewhat create an impression to them that you're in VN with your loved one and that you care enough to spend time over there. Most people pass with pink never bother to post/share their experience so others can learn or even care to come in to say thanks.

In other thought, a plug for any specific attorney is lame, regardless of the reason. Just my thoughts. Why? sound like that attorney is shaking hands with the CO to fail people so he can make $$.


I believe you are wrong, there are several people that are still here long after getting visas.

Have no doubt the HCMC Consulate CO knows I was there banging on the windows inside for 3 days. I Talked to a Supervisor.

I have had good Attorneys and bad Attorneys. I believe this one is good. He is the second one I hired for advise on a K-1 Visa. Commenting of my "lame" act and accusations of Mr Ellis's integrity is an insult and you should oppologise. You don't know me. You don't know Mr Ellis. You don't know our integrity level. I am sure Mr Ellis could get more positive than negative comments from VJ members than I could ever give him.

You Assume.

Good luck, PS. As my son says, "don't be hatin!"

fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2009-10-12 21:46:00
Asia: East and PacificUpdate after trip to VN and AP
Just some notes. I will post my entire Consulate experiance after the Visa is in hand.

I made several visits to the Consulate 9/30, 10/1, 10/2. Yesturday the Consulate called Dao to get a Blue Paper RFE for obtaining updated medical. The medical info expired at six months. We are hoping this is all they will need and a Visa will be issued. We are still in AP 10 months since January 17,2009. At this time I am holding my mouth shut.

As I stated I will eventually post my entire experiance. Anyone that is in VN or making a trip to VN soon and has a need to get inside, contact me, we can talk on phone or chat yahoo. I will post my info for all to review at a later time but, at this time I know they read this site.

In addition, When I was there I invited every american I saw inside and outside the Consulate to join VJ. There must have been about 30 people I met having problems. We only have strength in numbers and knowledge.

Pizza at the THE BIG GRILL was great. Thanks Ralph and Hahn.

Marc Ellis is a very knowledgable Attorney. If we had to do over, We would start with him. He knows the process.

Good luck to all
fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2009-10-08 03:23:00
Asia: East and PacificDecision
you are a very wise man
fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2009-11-03 03:47:00
Asia: East and PacificNeed some advice
QUOTE (bryonm4 @ Nov 16 2009, 06:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
When I went home for lunch trying to buy a ticket on cheaptickets the price jumped from 2,200 to 3,600 in a matter of minutes so I caved in on my return date I selected the 28 instead of returning the 30th so I was able to purchase the ticket for 1900. I was very stupid I didn't know they had night flights I could have come back to the USA the 29th at 11pm and it would have been cheaper. However for me to change my ticket now would cost me about 500$ more.

Should I change my ticket? The reason it's important is because they have the consular hour between 4 and 5 pm Tuesday and Wendsday of every week. My wife will interview on Wendsday the 23rd so if she doesnt get her pink I can go in that day between 4 and 5 to check on our case (as long as they are open and don't close early). However If I left on the 29th at 11PM I could also go in that day to check on the case as well. Do you think this will be important to take it off?

Is it possible if she doesnt get her visa if I could go into the airport and ask for a later return date by a day or two? And if so how much would it costs on average and has anybody ever done it? Also I could probibly take another week off at a future date and get a ticket for 1,000 and fly there another time might help out more.

Most airlines will allow you to cancel within 24 hours of booking your resevation. Cheaptickets has the same policy. You can call them at (888)922-8849.

fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2009-11-16 20:46:00
Asia: East and PacificBlue Slip 11/18 HCM
I know it’s not on your blue slip list and you will probably include it in your timeline. Knowing it is a question of concern I think you should punctuate your trip to VN by submitting current Airline Ticket Stubs.
fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2009-11-18 04:10:00
Asia: East and PacificVisa failed
[quote name='BN010809' date='Oct 28 2009, 10:35 AM' post='3444681']


i will be in vietnam that time (nov 25-resummite date) should i come in with my fiance to summit?
do you think they will let me go in with him??
If they dont; let me in with my fiance, should i go in for my fiance?
please give me advise of what to do...


The guard in front will not let you enter together. If you want to join your fiance inside do not let the guard see you together. Fiance can enter with the blue paper in hand. You enter a few minutes later using only passport and some ducumanets in hand. Tell the guard you came to submit documents. Between 1 and 2pm is common time to submit additional evidence. Once you are inside only one of you may aproach the window when your number is called. They like not having witnesses. At least you won't have to sit outside wondering and worrying.

You can request to go inside from the girl at the outside window but she will have to call and get approval from a supervisor. Usually the answer will be no, cannot go in together.

Try to keep the blue paper. It can be used as a pass for your fiance to get inside again if you want to submit more evidence at a later time.

Good luck

fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2009-10-29 02:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat should I do?
After reading all i could understand I would suggest you re-schedule. You only get one chance at a first interview and from what I read and know something like 80 to 90% get a blue slip. I would rather have resceduled then go through the unknown waiting i am enduring now (interview was 1/1/09). From what I understand once a blue slip is issued another person past the interviewer is involved in signing off on tha visa application. More people to ask more questions. If you can Reschedule I strongly recomend it. if you don't re-schedule make sure she speaks english at the inteview.

For fast courier use DHL 1(800) Call-DHL . They have a large facility in HCM city and Hanoi. my last package was 46.32 from Pittsburgh, PA to HCM city 2 days.

For fast VN visa use ( ) it is much faster and cheaper than any VN visa issued in the usa. You will get a letter emailed to you and then present it in the VN airport. It takes about 15 to 30 minutes at the airport. This is the only way I get my visa anymore. It takes a little patients and trust to go through the process but it does work.

United Airlines will hold your reservation without a financial commitment for 3 days.

More tips... join united airlines mileage program. When my Fiance and her 2 sons come here they will fly for free. There are more free travel dates comming from VN to the USA than the other way around.

Good luck!!
fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2009-04-18 16:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFiance' Visa Denied!
QUOTE (MichaelAndKha @ Oct 20 2009, 10:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My fiance just got a letter from the US Consulate in Vietnam. It's a blue document and they denied her a visa.

Several reasons they stated:

- Photographs submitted as evidence of the relationship indicates that we only spent one or two days together.
This is not true, we actually spent 5 days together out of the 7 days I was in Vietnam during my first trip.

- Beneficiary and petitioner submitted no evidence of any engagement celebration. This contradicts social and cultural norms in which many family members and friends, including those in the US, are invited to engagement celebrations numbering in the hundreds of guest for families of even modest means. Together with other factors, this has been established as one of the key elements of a sham relationship to evade US immigration laws.
We did in fact have the Dam Hoi (engagement ceremony) last month, but it was too late to submit this as evidence since the case was already under review. I even went to the US Consular office in Vietnam and spoke to the officer several days before our Dam Hoi was to take place. I told him about our upcoming celebration and he made a note of it. I asked him if there is anything else I can provide as evidence. He said "No, there is nothing else we need from you. We will notify you and your fiance when the case has been processed." That was basically it.

- Beneficiary is unable to provide basic facts (such as ceremony, manner of celebration, venue, guests or approximate costs) regarding the claimed planned marriage in the US. It appears that the relationship is a sham or that Beneficiary has no actual intent to marry within 90 days of admission to the US. Furthermore, Beneficiary stated that she and petitioner have no planned Honeymoon.
I did already give some facts about our wedding ceremony that would take place even though it wasn't specific. I didn't know they were so picky about this, jeez.

This whole thing makes me upset and frustrated. I'm going to make a rebuttal claim with USCIS as soon as a I hear from them.

Has anybody here gone through the same thing or similar?

My fiance gave me this link to an article which can give more insight about visa denials.

I'm still in a state of confusion blink.gif


Sorry to hear your news and welcome to VJ. We just recieved approval (pink slip) a few days ago after a long wait. 9 months.

The original K-1 Visa application expires at 6 months from the date it was approved by UCIS. You should have a letter stating this. You can refile a K-1 and get all your things in order. You can even refile while you are appealing the first one. I have learned you will be sucessful if all your information is in order. I am sure many of us were very naive about the process when we first started. You must educate yourself. Come online here often and you will get some good information. Some good laughs too!

It is never to late to add more evidence of a relationship. I have done it and they did look at it. Anyone in AP or anytime during the processing in HCMC can add evidence by Certified mail or in person between 1 and 3pm at the consulate. The fiance can add more evidence at the outside window or as long as she keeps the blue or white paper she can enter between 1 and 3. (do not give them the blue or white paper after entering it is here pass to enter again, place it out of site and have case number with birthdates available). I have added more evidence in the morning and during the evening. They say they don't need because they want to close the case. Any time more evidence is added they MUST consider it. Also it gives them the ability to justify not making a decision and make you wait more. They must take it. It is your case and if you read the bottom of the Consulate request for more information sheets it actually warns you about not taking action.

When Dao took in more evidence they said they don't need it. She told them "My Fred said you have to it's the law". They took it. 2 inches of chat logs. Each piece of evidence we submited, after they did not need more, was not in the original condition that we submited.

Good luck to all

fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2009-10-21 05:32:00
PhilippinesPort of entry

international travel to the USA always collects luggage first then go through immigrations. If your lucky it will be the same as a passport check with a couple of questions.


When my wife first arrived they asked her and her sons to step aside for an interview. took over 3 hours. I had flown to Chicago POE to meet them. I was burning mad and had to miss many flights back home. Then sat in the airport for another four hours waiting for four open seats. If it had not been for my airline milage status we would have stayed in the airport overnight. 


In my case my wife looks very young. I think they did not believe she was the same person on the passport. They checked her fingerprints a couple times.She was 38 at the time and was asked when she was going to start school by a student when we registered her son at the high school a week later.


The last time we entered we had an expired 3 year green card with extension letter. they asked us to step aside. The new 10 year green card was in the mail at home and must have raised a little flag.

fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2013-10-02 22:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNot Divorced from Ex when we met....
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Jul 4 2009, 02:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was still married to my Ex-wife when I first met my current fiance'. Divorce had been discussed for some time, but I had not yet thrown in the towel. I initiated the proceedings shortly therafter, but it took some time to get it completed and may appear as if I was married while carrying on with my fiance' ....Not the case... I read an article by Mark Ellis an immigration atty. that mentioned this as a "red flag". Has anyone recently divorced prior to the new relationship and been denied as a result? Anyone done same and had no issue?
I would hate to see this be an issue for us.... IF USCIS/DHS has no problem with it and sends us on to the consulate it should be no issue right?

fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2009-07-06 22:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof
QUOTE (WeatherEmperor @ Sep 21 2009, 10:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am so sorry guys. I realize I have a similar topic over at the Asia: East Pacific forum. I was basically saying that the more I read articles at VJ and the more I talk with you guys, the more I realize that Thu and I need to take more time. Now may not be the right time to file for the K-1. Right now I just want to focus on our relationship like visiting each other in each the US and Vietnam. While that is going on, Im just gonna keep adding and adding more documentation and evidence and learning more and more. Scott, you can also email me if you like. I think you are a great help to me.


I copied this over from my other coments for you to make sure you get it. Read the list for RED FLAGS above.
Do not file for a Visitors Visa if you are intending to to file for a K-1 Visa. When you apply for K-1 Visa the denied Visitor Visa will be a "RED FLAG". It seems the consulate looks apon any attempt to come to the USA as an attempt to commit fraud. The K-1 filing immediatly after a denied Visitor Visa attempt will not look good. They have the thought of, (you tried to trick us once with visitor visa and failed now you try to tick us again with k-1 visa)

Don't make the same naive mistake I did in thinking these people in the consulate have any idea how a "Normal" couple act. I thought, I came to your house and met your mom now you should come to my house and meet my mom. It doesn't work that way.

8 Months in AP, Fred
fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2009-09-22 05:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLife is good / Chicago POE is bad
Dao and her sons arrived via Chicago ORD 11-18-09. I had arranged to meet them outside immigrations and fly on to Pittsburgh with them. The immigrations people felt the need to justify their jobs and interview Dao again. This caused us to miss our flight and spend 7+ hours in ORD. We were due to arrive about 3pm and finally in PIT at 11pm. (Next time through I will get some of my time back from an immigration supervisor or two)

Dao and sons have looked at the new world with some amazement. Nice people helping them, Nice clean school, First snow, Geese flying in formation, Wild turkeys and Deer, Roads with and without lights, wood stove for heat, Pizza so good and cheap, Everyday is an adventure.

We plan to have a municiple wedding next week if all works out. Her sons and mine get along well.

For those that are reading this and don't know our story. Dao and I both are divorsed and were in "Additional Processing" with the HCMC Consulate for 168 days after replying to the blue paper. I went to HCMC counsulate two times since the interview. I don't believe they would have issued a VISA if I had not become agressive. I read their rules and jambed them with their own rules. Many say, "be careful, Don't anger them". I say, You have rights as a US citizen to pursue your happiness and anyone that wants to tread on those rights should be held accountable. I am not finished with the Consulate in HCMC. I will return and I will find out what was so important that they had to make us wait so long. I will also be lobying for more open interviews with wittnesses (Lawyer, Petitioner). As long as they keep these interviews closed they can do whatever they feel. They are not to do as they feel but do as the law requires. They know well before the interview they are going to give a blue slip. Why don't they make the request before the interview? I will finish here quoting a Counsulate supervisor, "If we told you what we are investigating it wouldn't be an investigation"

Life is good now. Hugs and kisses everyday! I pray for all of you to live your dreams and knock down the walls that stand in your way.
fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2009-12-08 23:01:00
CanadaHonk Kong police report/certificate for Montreal Consulate
I forgot here are the main links from the Hong Kong Police web site, for the request and downloadble forms. In case anyone else might need this information in the future and hopefully it will save you a lot of time and frustration as it did me initially, don't count on the U.S GOV to set you straight, as they sometimes cause more confusion in their attempt to help - but most of you already know that - LOL. GOOD LUCK TO ALL MY FELLOW VJ'ERS !!!!!

waitingformylove1MaleCanada2011-10-05 22:53:00
CanadaHonk Kong police report/certificate for Montreal Consulate
Hi everyone, thanks for all of your replies, suggestions and for your help. I have already used the search feature and fully agree it does help a lot. I wanted to make sure that since some of those posts were a couple of years old that the procedure hasn't changed.I have read over over those links that were sent previously as well. I am posting the responce that I got directly from the Montreal consulate today and here is their reply to my previous questions the "official document" or "checklist" of packet # 3 requesting the Police inform (concerning the Hong Kong police certificate request) I asked above.The proof of Canadian residency was already sent and they have it.I want to expedite the Hong kong police certificate request part of it, if at all possible, but according to them I shouldn't start until packet# 3 arrives ????? I have been given different answers from the DOS, Montreal consulate, the USCIS etc. which is why I asked my fellow VJ'ERS for help or actual experiences. Once again thank you everyone for all your help, we'll see what happens in the near future with this "headache" of paperwork. - LOL :bonk:

Good day,
You cannot start proceeding with the packet 3, we are waiting for you to send proof of Canadian Citizenship or legal immigration status in Canada.
Consular Correspondent | Immigrant Visa Unit
waitingformylove1MaleCanada2011-10-05 22:42:00
CanadaHonk Kong police report/certificate for Montreal Consulate
Hi everyone, does anyone know the answers to any the above questions? Has no one else here from Cananda had to obtain their police report from Hong Kong?

Maybe one of you VJ er's out there with your previous experience can help us with our current problem or delay. Does the Montreal Consulate send you a SPECIFIC REQUEST form for a police clearance in another country (Hong Kong) or can you use the exact same form that you can download directly from the Montreal Consulate web site ? - (specifically in the packet # 3 link)

What I am referreing specifically to is the "checklist" or "The day of your interview sheet" found in the packet# 3 section. It indicates needing the police certificates from other countries of residence etc. I emailed the Montreal consulate, they replied with a link to the Hong Kong section, BUT it didn't answer my specific questions above. I don't know why the consulate simply couldn't tell me if I can use the sheet that I can download directly myself or IF THEY SEND a different one in the packet # 3. i.e. (a different letter head OR official letterhead) one with our combined information such as MTL #, our names, EAC #.

I hope someone here can help us because this is really the biggest obstacle right now(besides trying to set up for an interview in near the future). Hong Kong takes a long time as it is to process and I don't want to find out 2 or 3 months later that out paperwork or forms sent to them weren't the right ones "official" to be sent to them "

Thank you all for your help. I have learned a lot of very valuable information on here from all of you,that I can use later when we FINALLY get to the Visa Issued stage.
waitingformylove1MaleCanada2011-10-04 23:52:00
CanadaHonk Kong police report/certificate for Montreal Consulate
Hi everyone, I just discovered this web site a few days ago. You guys are great and offer both help & hope in this frustrating process !!! I could have saved myself weeks of reading a lot of extra material,that was covered on several of these sticky threads very well. Your firsthand experiences through you own personal Visa process has also been a great help to us both.

My questions are SPECIFICALLY in regards to obtaining a police report /certificate from Hong Kong for the K1 Visa. I have already read older threads from several years ago. I was hoping to find out any current information from people who have firsthand knowledge with this. My Finacee currently lives in Toronto. We already have NAO2 and are getting ready for packet #3 etc. She was told by the Hong Kong police, they WILL NOT send her police certificate directly to her. So,these are my questions then.

1. If she can't receive the police reports directly (mailed to her) will they automatically send then directly to the U.S. Montreal Consulate? or does Montreal request them from Hong Kong?
2. If they do send them directly to the U.S. Montreal Consulate what happens if they would loose them in their mailroom, processing etc? what proof will she have for the Visa interview?
3. Can she start to apply for the Police reports now or does she need a specific form or documentation to send to Hong Kong for the police report requests? I have been given different
answers each time I called the DOS, US Consulate etc. - lol

I already sent her photocopies of the documents I have received for the K1 Visa NAO1, NOA2, the NVC letter with the MTL case # etc.

Thank you all in advance for your help. Like everyone else here just trying to move things along as best as we can. Then the final challenge to TRY to schedule the interview (that never seems available) :help:
waitingformylove1MaleCanada2011-10-01 19:32:00
CanadaDecember or January interviews for K-1 Montreal
Thank you all for all of your support and for those of you who are at the same phase of the Visa process or just behind us, I hope that we all will have a "VERY SPECIAL" holiday season & reason to celebrate as our loved ones get their approvals. We can truly begin our lives together and then also(for those that it applies too) can then get ready for the next "ROUND" of paperwork AOS,EAD GC,SSN -lol
waitingformylove1MaleCanada2011-11-05 19:35:00
CanadaDecember or January interviews for K-1 Montreal
Hi to all of my fellow VJ's out there !! I am starting this thread for all those who have just recently gotten to the packet #4 /ready to schedule interview phase. I thought that it would be nice to keep each other informed if any openings occur and to possibly help each other out,when any openings are posted. Like many of our fellow VJ's from the previous months have done, specifically for the Montreal Consulate.

I want to personally thank all of you for your input & experiences regarding your visa journey. You helped us -( My Finacee and I) save at least a month of waiting already. She received packet #4 /letter in the mail today EVEN though packet #3 was supposed to have been mailed out about 4- 5 weeks ago - (still never received it as of today). We took you advise & experiences and filled them out ourselves and sent them in,like many of you suggested to do. We actually sent them in the copies of the required forms DS 156,156K etc. and not just the checklist & DS 160 confirmation page as others have done, in case anyone was wondering. We did this because we have read on here that some of you were being delayed or even requested to actualy provide copies those other forms with the packet 3.

Now comes the "FUN PART" trying to actually schedule the interview. When I hear of any openings, I will post here as soon as I can. For some of my fellow May or June filers, let's hope that they don't slow down to much during the next couple of months to focus on the other visa types, which I know that they do, but keep those k-1 & k-3's going. For those who are in between NAO2 & packet 3 , keep the faith & be positive it will happen for you soon enough. Good luck to all !!!!
waitingformylove1MaleCanada2011-11-04 22:59:00