United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

That's great, I'm really hoping that's what happens!

Honestly Rachael,they wouldn't make the effort to tell your fiance that if they had no intentions of doing it. Many times it goes from AP to issued andddddddd the update change means there is movement in your case which very often leads to being issued. :) So happy and excited for you because I know you have been waiting a long time. :)

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-09-12 14:33:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

Hey Rachael,if it's been updated it sometimes goes to AP then straight to issued a day or two later so he should by rights get it Monday/Tuesday like they say :D

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-09-12 14:08:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??


I think you are the most positive person I have ever "met"!!smile.png


I really hope that you are right!  I don't mind waiting for the passport, I just want to know that they have it in hand! 


I will keep my fingers crossed for tomorrowstar_smile.gif

 I'm feeling really positive about your visa coming through tomorrow to the couriers,i think by just what i have observed with other people's. :):) Yes it's definately the not knowing that i don't like,i dont mind waiting if i know whats going on with it. :D


Fingers crossed! goofy.gif <<<<<<<<<< How cool is that smiley btw! hahaha

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-09-11 11:33:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

I think it means it's in the transition from getting from the Embassy to the courier service,they throw yours in with a whole bunch of others being delivered to the courier service and i bet it will be in tomorrow's. :) I think i would put money on it getting to the couriers tomorrow :P I'm so sure Chris,haha.

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-09-11 11:20:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??


That is great news, congratulations!!!  


Yes, I recall that the system was down in the early part of the day too!  As of yet, I have not had any form of notification from DX secure that they have my passport.  I am starting to wonder if maybe I should call them just in case they have screwed up and sent it to a depot.


I was I002!!! 

Hey Chris,give DX call before it closes at 5.30 and ask if anything has been delivered. If not then it should come tomorrow. :)

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-09-11 11:03:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

I tell you what i would do Rachael, Look on google for "Check DS-260 status" and see what comes up about it then call the DoS and ask them to check your status of the case and if they mention anything about the ds-260 ask them what its all about. When is your wedding? The embassy in london is terrible at helping to do with anything,i think you would be wasting your time calling them..

I also think had there been a problem with your ds-260 they would have contacted you by now.

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-09-11 01:35:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

My fiancé and I don't know what to do. We've never heard of this "Check DS-260 status" as our status and my fiancé called the embassy and they said they can't help us. He sent an email but right now we don't know what to do. Is this instructions to fill out the DS-260 form because they have recently changed one of their forms to this one? We don't know who to contact or what to do but this is getting very close to our wedding.

I tell you what i would do Rachael, Look on google for "Check DS-260 status" and see what comes up about it then call the DoS and ask them to check your status of the case and if they mention anything about the ds-260 ask them what its all about. When is your wedding? The embassy in london is terrible at helping to do with anything,i think you would be wasting your time calling them..

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-09-11 01:15:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??


Well at least you know it is waiting for you in Southampton!!  You have been so patient so I am really happy for you that you will finally get it this week!!


Sadly I did not hear anything from the courier company today.  I am really hoping to hear tomorrow or latest Thursday.  I have still got my flights in place for the end of next week, but it is looking more and more likely that I will need to change them sad.png


Who knows, maybe tomorrow will be the day!?  I think it has been something like 292 days since I received my initial receipt, so a few more days won't hurt I suppose! smile.png

Thankyou :) I feel like i have been waiting forever for this and i'm on the last hurdle for now. :) I'm just wary of something going wrong such as the name being wrong on the visa info or whatever,i am excited about it all though. :):)


I honestly think you have nothing to worry about and i would put money on you hearing from the courier service by the end of the week,don't cancel/change your flights,not just yet :) 

Are you from the U.K and your fiancee from which part of the U.S? :) Yes,thats the way you have to think of it,you have waited this long so a few extra days won't hurt. :):)

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-09-10 14:47:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??




I was just wondering if you have gotten your passport now!?


Hopefully you have it in hand!!

Hey Chris!


Gosh I wish I did. :) I have to pick it up from Southampton and I can't get to it until Thursday so i've another couple of days to go. How about you? Did you hear anything from the courier service? :)

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-09-10 14:37:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??


This is an email I received from DX Secure.  From reading, it does not 100% answer as to how those in the non transtitional group are dealt with, but I would imagine that you will receive a text or call much in the same way.


Dear Mr Sayers

Thank you for your Email.

The reason why you are not able to track this item on our website is that your visa is being processed by the US Embassy at this time.  Until we receive it from the US Embassy you will not be able to track it.

Please be advised it can take between 5 to 15 working days for a visa to be processed.

If the business allows us we will send you a text the day before the delivery takes place, this will allow you time to arrange for you or someone else to be at the address to take the delivery, or for you to upgrade the delivery time slot.

The tracking number will be your invoice number.


If it makes you feel any more less confused about what to expect,I actually was emailed by the DX company in the afternoon/evening of the second working day after my visa was issued. The told me that my passport was ready for collection. If you were issued yours on Friday then contact DX to find out if they have received your passport,i'm sure it will come today and they get deliveries from the embassy after 3.30pm so if it's in today's delivery then call after 3.30pm to find out. :)

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-09-10 08:01:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??


Thank you!!  Yes, I am really getting excited now, but these past few days waiting for the passport to come back seem to have taken forever! ClockWatch2.gif

I love your optimism that it will come this week smile.png  I will try to keep that mindset!  


Will keep you posted



haha,I think the time you wait to have your visa issued and to receive it is the most tense time of the whole experience. 

Oh yes i'm completely optimistic you will get it this week! :D You should get the notice of the courier service having it 2 working days after your visa was issued then you can book for next day delivery but make sure you do it before 6pm. :)

yay! so glad you finally got some good news and it's on it's've been so patient. smile.png


hopefully Rachel will hear soon.


Congrats Queen!! so happy for you!! smile.png

Thankyou Jeannie! I'm so happy i am finally getting somewhere at last,I got the notification today that the courier service has the visa and i think i need to pick it up from the collection point because i didnt pay for home delivery,does that sound about right? I don't think i can re-arrange delivery can i? :)

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-09-09 13:04:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??


Sounds like you are getting close!!


My status was changed to "ISSUED" this morning!  I sadly do have flights booked for the end of next week.  I think if I have not heard anything by Wednesday / Thursday, I will re-schedule them.


Please let us know when you have your passport in hand!  


Good Luck!



Hey Chris, Great news about your visa,you must be really excited!! :D It shouldn't take too long now and i think you won't need to reschedule your flights at all,you will probably get your visa before the week is done. :) I will let you know if i hear anything,keep us updated about your visa also. :)

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-09-09 09:00:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

MissyPatrick14, have you gotten your visa and booked your flight yet? Also, were you given any info from the person who phoned London for you as to why it took so long? Just wondering for ours.

Hi Rachael,


I have not yet got the visa,i was issued it Thursday afternoon but haven't heard anything yet. I haven't boked my flight until i have the visa in my hands,i daren't book it until it's all done and dusted. :) I didn't find out why it took so long,I think though that if my Fiance's brother in-law didn't call the embassy and push it along then i think i would still be waiting now for it to be issued. :-/ I think they are being slow with it and taking their time.

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-09-09 06:52:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

So I was told to contact my states district congresswoman and our states senators and they may be able to help. Anyone know anything about this or done this? I'm wondering if they can actually help...

Hi Rachael,


Did you call the DoS and they told you this because they are probably thinking for some strange reason you are from the States unless they want your fance to contact them from the U.S although god knows how. My fiance's brother in-law pushed ours through on wednesday,he works for a senator at the White House and he called the London embassy wednesday and that day my case date changed and yesterday it was issued. My fiance got a call earlier from his brother inlaw saying that the embassy had called him stating we were to get our visa by tomorrow or monday although asfar as i know the embassy or courier service doesn't deliver on weekends.

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-09-06 12:31:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

Is it normal for cases to go into AP after the Case Creation date changes? How long does it normally go AP for before it changes to Issued?

After the creation date changed i had my visa issued the following day

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-09-06 09:42:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

Yes they are so misleading with their info as they told us 2-3 working days too! I think the biggest mistake people make is booking flights before they get the visa because you just never know what will happen. You could try calling again and maybe say you are supposed to be flying out soon and need to know the visa is on it's way because you are concerned about what is happening with it.Personally I think it's a waste of time,I have never got anywhere with the Embassy in London or the DoS. They don't know themselves what on earth is going on it seems. 

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-09-06 01:43:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

I just wonder what could be taking so long? How is it that us the got interviewed in early August are having a long wait but later interviewees are getting it within ten days? What's happening here?

I think what hapened is we all got put in the same pile (if you like) and ended up being pushed to the back bfut ithink we are slowely getting ours seen to now so maybe i think they will for you by the latest next week. Maybe if you gave them a date of when you plan to travel they are doing it by priority date as those travelling mid september are starting to get theirs now. I planned to go on the 23rd and told them that at the interview and they wrote it down so maybe they are doing it by priority. 

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-09-06 00:56:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

That's great!
Our visa is still in administrative processing...starting to get nervous as fiancé needs to be here in 3 weeks for our wedding

It's such a stressful,anxious time waiting for the visa. I think mine was only helped as yesterday my Fiance's brother in-law called the London US Embassy from Washington DC and pushed the visa to be issued. He works for a senator in the White House so had the connections to do so. I think otherwise we may not have go it as today it as issued :)

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-09-05 16:26:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

When was your interview?

Did you have your visa issued? :)

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-09-05 15:14:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

oh god :/ have you tried calling them today? I really hope you hear soon, this waiting is unbearable sad.png

I've given up calling them to be honest,it's a waste of time. :(

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-29 14:30:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

Haven't heard a thing yet,when i try to access my status on the ceac website it says 

Application Error
An unexpected error has occurred while processing your previous request. The error has been reported to the site administrator; no further action is required.

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-29 14:16:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

So my fiancé called DOS and they said they can't help once the Visa is out of the US. Which is confusing to me because I thought you guys said they are usually the helpful ones. He called the embassy too and they didn't help either, telling us we would just have to wait. This is so frustrating. We don't know who has the visa and what's taking so long and it's still in administrative processing and has been since August 6th. Ugh.

I have found the exact same thing,i didnt find the DoS helpful and they tell me the same thing that they dont have the visa info,the embassy in London cant seem to help either,it's a waste of time calling all of them to be honest. The process is so frustrating. I'm still in the "ready" status,last update on the 12th August and my interview was on the 2nd.

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-28 16:13:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

Anybody heard anything today? We haven't sad.png
This is the longest time we have been apart too, being 4 months since we saw each other. But I can't imagine being away from him for a year....

Nope,haven't heard anything today either. Still trying to remain positive that it must be getting processed still. I'm confident we may all hear something this week and i hope so much we do :) 


Last time I saw my Fiance was July 12th,i think i've been very lucky to be able to travel to the states every couple of months,i think now i would really struggle not seeing him for over 3 months so i can only imagine how hard it has been for those who have had to wait so long to see their partners. :( 

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-27 14:51:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??


yup mine was 8.30 too, line was HUGE we must of passed at some point. I was so  nervous, found myself rabbiting on to these two students haha they musta been glad to get away from me going on bout useless nonsense lol

hahaha,mine was at 8.30am on the 2nd and I too founbd myself rabbiting away to whoever was there,must have driven them nuts standing inline but i think it helps to steady the nerves without the need for a drink! haha ;-) I hope all us ladies have some good news this week,I have a feeling we all will :D

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-27 02:03:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

Oh awesome!!!! Hey maybe he can do the same for some of us who have been waiting nearly a month too! Haha smile.png

I did wonder about that :) But i'm not sure how well that would work out because he would be campaigning for couples he didn't know,haha,good idea tho :):)

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-26 16:46:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

Hoping so much to have the visa in my hands by the end of this week! :) My Fiance Scotty called me tonight and his brother in-law told him that if by the end of this week we haven't received anything then to give him a call and he will sort it out for us as he works in Washington DC in the U.S Government. :)

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-26 16:05:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

So the courier just said they will deliver his visa tomorrow between 8am and noon...we're not booking our flight until we have it in hand because they originally said they wouldn't deliver on a Saturday..but keeping our fingers crossed it's done tomorrow and he's on a flight Sunday night or Monday.


Jeff/Emmy- what a PITA but I'm glad you got it at least. smile.png


Good luck to all those still waiting..especially ilovemypants and missypatrick who are waiting so long. hope you hear today too...the courier said yesterday they were expecting a ton of them today so keep checking the site for a tracking number. smile.png

Thank you so much :) Still waiting patiently for any sort of information on the case and constant checking of CEAC site. I'm desperate for some news but i think i cannot do anything but wait now,even speaking to the DoS they say the same thing over and over.

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-23 11:41:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

Thanks soooo much!!!

Hi Rachael, Just to let you know that number you were given is an American number so you have to press 001 before the number so it should be 001 202 663 1225 to reach the U.S. :) I haven't had my visa/passport yet either and had my interview on the 2nd August and I have a friend who had hers on the 5th August and hasnt received hers back also. It seems anyone who had their interview in the first week of August is struggling to get their passport back. I called the DoS yesterday and they said the case is in AP and they cannot give any info on how long it will be but he said the checks are the usual they do while processing. 

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-23 00:51:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??


thanks so much chloe <3 so happy for you and all you lucky peeps getting yours today in hand no more of this agonising waiting!
Mine hasn't changed today so my man called a number for usa calling and got through to someone who said that ceac is often not accurate and mine isn't in 'ready' but is infact in AP and has been since 5th aug (my interview day) so not sure if this is good news or bad :/ Only spoken to 4 people on the same line to find out this info, all others didnt seem to care and just told us to wait..... well, I guess finding this out I am still in that boat but at least I have more accurate info, my man said that it seems all others he spoke to just checked on the ceac site and told him to wait where as this man actually checked elsewhere too and stated that their shouldn't be a problem.  I know there is at least one other has been waiting since 2nd aug with this same problem so lets hope there is an end soon, starting to panic about the wedding now, its on the 14th sept :/
leaving on a plus, I picked up my wedding dress today smile.png

I hear ya! :) Still waiting,my man has also contacted the DoS from the States and he had to leave a message so i hope he hears back from them. My status still says "Ready" on the CEAC website and i think it's not accurate either by what other people are saying,you never know,anyday now it could show up "issued" :) Gotta think positive ;-) x

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-19 15:28:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

Yeah im sure im just worrying too much. Trying to stay calm and be patient. So anxious to get a call from the courier!

I think you will be fine,typically it takes 6 working days. I have been waiting over 2 weeks now for mine but i don't know many others who are experiencing the same problems and most other people get theirs within 10 working days so i'm sure yours will be absolutely fine.

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-19 02:13:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

Gosh mine feels like i've been waiting forever,i had my interview on the 2nd August and it was approved but i'm still waiting for my documents. I am worried it's got lost or something but i think with the recent change-up it's thrown the department somewhat causing a backlog.

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-16 14:52:00
United KingdomAfter the interview....worried I haven't received documents back...

Was just checking to see if there was a chance of AP for the optional security checks. Others in that category have been told approved only to find out later there were extra database checks before the visa could be issued. It comes from the DS-157 usually and If you or your close family were born in or frequently visit India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Eritrea, Lebanon, Morocco, North Korea, Oman, Qatar, Somalia, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Jordan, Kuwait, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, or Syria or have Muslim ties then there may be AP in London. Or having certain scientific training or maybe munitions training or expertise perhaps from the military could require extra checks.

I see what you mean. :) That would make sense that more checks are required before a visa can be issued. I haven't any ties with the middle-east at all and i do wonder whether it's because i told them i plan to leave late September that my case is now not of priority compared to others who have a closer leaving date...i'm unsure.. I really do feel with all the paperwork and evidence i've produced to the Embassy I didn't think they would need further checks to be done but who knows...

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-17 14:49:00
United KingdomAfter the interview....worried I haven't received documents back...

I was born in the U.K,and have no connections in any way to the Middle East. When i had the interview the lady told me i should receive the documents in 2-3 working days. :(

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-17 14:18:00
United KingdomAfter the interview....worried I haven't received documents back...

Hm,I just visited the CEAC webpage and looked at visa update and i got this... 


U.S. Department of State

Immigrant Visa Case Number:   Case Creation Date: 23-Apr-2013 Status Updated Date: 12-Aug-2013

 I don't know what the "status updated date" is referring to. I haven't heard anything since having the interview 2 weeks ago. :-/

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-16 13:38:00
United KingdomAfter the interview....worried I haven't received documents back...

Hello all,


I recently had my K1 visa interview at the US Embassy London to which I was approved to travel to the U.S and marry American Fiance. I had my interview on the 2nd August and it is now the 16th and I haven't received any notice of what is happening with my documents getting back to me. I'm starting to worry they have become lost or something has happened to them as I have been looking at similar timelines of those who had their interview at the same Embassy around the same time as me and they received their documents back within a week. Has anyone else had to wait a long while for their documents and did you receive any contact from DX Secure or the Embassy within the time you waited for it to get back to you. I keep trying to contact the Embassy or the Courier service and they keep passing me onto the next person or onto an automated service...not very helpful, so i'm worrying too much as I can't figure out what is going on with the visa.


Thank you for any advice and help you can offer. :)



missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-16 12:11:00
United KingdomDont have my Passport yet !

I had my interview on the 2nd August and I still havent heard anything,it's been 2 weeks today :(

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-16 14:54:00
United KingdomWaiting on appointment, need help.

Thanks, that's reassuring. I was just hoping to make it out there some time in September so I had time to help out with the wedding plans and not just jump right into the wedding.

Yes I think we all assume it shouldn't take that long we expect it sooner rather than later and the embassy send out such misleading messages. I have my wedding ceremony booked late October but I may contact the embassy to tell them i'm desperate to book my flight and for my family to know what they are doing and everyone else involved as it has a knock-on effect on us all. The plan was for me to join my fiance in September too so i can help with preparations but i think because i stated to them i plan to marry later this year they are taking their time with it.

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-17 02:51:00
United KingdomWaiting on appointment, need help.

You had your interview on the 2nd, but still have not received your visa? I thought it only took a few days. I have my interview on the 9th September, and had hoped to travel two weeks after. looks like I might have to wait a while longer.

Yes I had it on Friday 2nd and still haven't received it but I've noticed most people get it within 6 days. I have no idea why mine is taking so long and they said to me at the interview it would take 2-3 working days and i haven't heard anything. My status on the CEAC website is "Ready" yet i've already had the interview. You might be absolutely fine,as i say mine is taking longer than most others it seems. :(

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-16 15:48:00
United KingdomWaiting on appointment, need help.

Don't worry about the DS-160 form,you don't need that for the K1 visa. I waited about about a month for an interview which i had on the 2nd August,they have a backlog of interviews to organise right now so i think they are just taking a while so i wouldn't worry,i have the same thing but actually waiting for my visa documents to come through,it's taking longer than it should.

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-16 12:20:00
United KingdomEmail to contact DoS or US Embassy London??

They've been really awkward since this whole change thing. I've been trying to contact them for weeks to ask for my fiance's name to be added to my Interview. Heard nothing back after submitting the form, waiting the 5 business days stated, then submitting it again just in case they missed it. Not gotten anywhere from the switchboard either, after being told to call the MRV payment number and being told they have no information, then being transferred to an automated message by the switchboard operator, I was then told to 'just wait for a response' after calling again. With a week to go until my interview, I have no idea if she's going to be able to attend with me.

I know they are terrible at responding,I have sent countless e-mails to them and not heard anything back. It's so frustrating. Just so you know you can take your fiancee to the interview. :)

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-29 14:21:00