USCIS Service CentersUnfair random approvals. What is wrong with you CSC people?

January and February are being processed what happened to first come first serve..... 

Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2013-05-16 03:34:00
USCIS Service CentersVSC, what's their criteria to process cases?HELP!!!!

Dont feel left out Im a November filer and everyone around me is getting theirs also even December filers are getting Noa2....Hang in there it cant be much longer ClockWatch2.gif wait wait wait 

Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2013-05-08 20:24:00
USCIS Service CentersK1 November 2012 status

Im November 28 also but  at CSC ......they are working on January and February now ......I know the feeling everyone around us is being approved Its like we are invisible ......hang in there hopefully its soon


Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2013-05-22 07:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)In Admin Processing at NVC

Thank you Gowan ... we are taking yours and many others advice .... Going to Nigeria and marry in Feb .... Congratulations on having your wife here with you ..... We are determined ....thank you for all your help 

Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2013-11-19 12:21:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)In Admin Processing at NVC

And this is a copy of the email from Lagos Consulate


Dear Ms. XXXXXX, 

Thank you for your email regarding the immigrant visa application of Solomon XXXXXX.                        

This case will be returned through the National Visa Center.  It will take several weeks for DHS/USCIS to receive and determine action on your petition. 

In most cases DHS/USCIS will not contact you upon receipt of the petition because of the short validity period of K-1 petitions.  You are allowed to file a new petition, or marry  Applicant and file for him to immigrate as your spouse.

We advise you contact DHS/USCIS with any additional inquiries as the case is considered closed in Lagos. 




Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2013-11-15 18:46:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)In Admin Processing at NVC

here is a copy of our 221g


Dear Visa Applicant:


This office regrets to inform you that it is unable a visa to you because you have failed to convince the Consular Officer that your relationship with the petitioner is bona fide. Your case will remain pending under section 221(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act while it is returned to the National Visa Center for their review. When their review is complete, they will contact the petitioner, who will have then have the opportunity to respond. If the case is reaffirmed, we will contact you to set up a new appointment date. If the case is not reaffirmed, the petitioner will be notified and the National Visa center will close the case.


I apologize the letter says we are in review and the nvc site says we are in Administrative processing....What ever it is we are in LIMBO....



Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2013-11-15 18:41:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)In Admin Processing at NVC
Thank you for all the input VJ members are the best....
Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2013-11-13 23:04:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)In Admin Processing at NVC
Thank you for the site link its very interesting I will definately check it out tonite when Im off work thanks
Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2013-11-13 15:10:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)In Admin Processing at NVC

Contacted the congressmans office they dont want to be bothered with such issues.....My case status at NVC says administrative processing so I thought that is what AP was and when I contact NVC that is what they told me too ...but they havent always been truthfull about things


Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2013-11-13 12:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)In Admin Processing at NVC

Good Morning VJ

I have searched the internet high and low for the answer....I have made numerous calls for the answer....with no luck so maybe someone on here can shed some light...

After our interview at the Lagos Consulate in Nigeria we were put on adminstrative processing for not being able to prove bonafide relationship...Our petition was sent back to the states to NVC...I understood that all APs were sent to USCIS to be reviewed....and I know of another case same time as mine that has been forwarded to USCIS....I keep calling NVC and get the same answer they have recieved our case ....It was recieved at NVC 4 weeks ago and that it will stay at NVC...and not be forwarded to USCIS....I told them I thought all were sent to USCIS and there answer was who told you that they dont know what they are saying...that AP could be done at USCIS, NVC, or Consulate....

So my question is what is the difference in your case being in AP at USCIS or being in AP at NVC?????? I want to know if this is a good thing or not.... Im so confused....

Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2013-11-13 11:04:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanspousal visa travel

Thank you all for understanding my problem and giving me advice...there are alot of things web sites and other reference places dont tell you.... that is why i believe human experiences are the best....anyone can sit on a computer and look things up and find out later some of the info was outdated and ect....So thanks for being patient and giving me some of your time and experiences because I feel Im learning from the best people that could teach me and that is You here on Visa Journey

Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2013-11-11 23:50:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanspousal visa travel

Thank you Dhwheels you are amazing for all the information...and I will take your advice


Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2013-11-11 17:48:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanspousal visa travel

Thank you again that makes alot more sense to me now....Solomon has been on me to just move to Nigeria while we go thru this process he understands that will be hard for me since I have 2 sons and a granddaughter here...if the granddaughter was older it wouldnt be such an issue for me....We thought about legally getting married in South Africa when we were there but I was told it would be a sign of desperation and we would be denied and this was by a lawyer...So we had a life commitment ceremony which isnt a legal wedding....So while we are waiting admin processing and the FOIA I filed for the COs notes I will go to Nigeria and have a great time to treasure...


oh yeah is there a difference if your file gets sent to NVC for admin processing or USCIS....I was told by NVC my file was staying there and then I read they get sent to USCIS....I havent gotten any notices for anything...just a copy of the 221g...its been 2 months this week



Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2013-11-11 17:22:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanspousal visa travel
It said something like cant issue your visa at this time couldnt prove bonafide
relationship petition being sent back for admin processing due to time limits
on k1 that our options are refile k1 or get married and file spousal.....we
think it was because we met in South Africa instead of me going to Nigeria
to meet his family it was the only thing he said the CO made extra comments
about besides the fact Im a cook/bartender ...she went as far to tell him I
dont make much money even tho i make $30,000 a year which is above there
guidelines so we are lost and dont really know what to do

Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2013-11-11 16:53:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanspousal visa travel
Thanks dhwheels the problem we are having is I Only get 2
Weeks vacation and im using that to go to Nigeria in Feb while we
wait for admin processing ordeal over with which can take forever from what
I have heard

Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2013-11-11 16:12:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanspousal visa travel
Thank you for the replies i was just hoping his ties to nogeria would have been his job
and the fact he would have to go back to do his spousal interview and tie everything up
before moving here if approved thank you

Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2013-11-11 15:14:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanspousal visa travel background is filed fiance visa... denied and put in administrative processing....if we get legally married while im in his country visiting him and come home file spousal visa....cause consulate sent me a letter to refile k1 or get married and file spousal ..... what are the chances of him being able to come here to the US to visit on visitors visa while waiting for the spousal visa.....he is from Nigeria and yes I do know he is from a high fraud country....thank you any answer would be appreciated
Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2013-11-11 14:37:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanLive And Direct @ USEL

Good Luck may all your dreams come true



Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2013-09-18 09:47:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanVerification Information being requested lately in Nigeria

I have rattled cages and confronted and will not be intimidated but insist of fair treatment of our case. Onwards !

If they weren't so ridiculous then there would not be a need for information sites such as VJ members suggesting side loading,

front loading and how to be successful in the first place. It is not about the "not genuine" loners being successful because of web

site advice but it is about the bona fide couples needing this extra advice to be approved having to jump through 100 flaming hoops, obstacles the size of an oak tree and a cross country agility path boobi trapped with all kinds of lalaland excuses that are based on speculation, assumptions

and personal bias. I say we are treated like bat s___.

I agree totally with you, couldnt have said it better myself

Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2014-01-29 23:00:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSpinster affidavit

I was just stating what I needed to have when I got married they wouldnt sign the wedding certificate unless I went to the embassy and had them notarize a statement from me stating I was single or give them a copy of my tax papers which I did but I also crossed out the income and taxes on the tax form I even crossed out my ss number and they accepted it cause it stated that i was filing single not married....So because I needed the wedding certificate signed to make it legal and not have the same problems I had in South Africa I gave them what they wanted.....This is only the experience I had and another american woman that was there at the same time to be married had to do the same..... I luckily had my taxes saved on my laptop so I just printed them out right there at the registry ....sorry for any misleading information Im posting on this site

Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2014-03-30 15:36:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSpinster affidavit

Well I just got married in Lagos and Yes you do need a spinster affidavit ..... take your tax papers with you that show you are single if you filed head of household on the copy you give them you need to check single also they will accept this....Thank god I had mine saved in my computer.... or the other alternative is you go to the Embassy with your tax papers if you dont want to leave your tax papers with the registry and have them notarize a statement from you that you are single this is also accepted....So good luck to all those who are yet to marry in Nigeria......About Nigeria dont believe everything you read on the

Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2014-03-30 03:33:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSpinster affidavit


They always find reasons to deny people. During my Fiancee's K1 Interview, she was asked why I did not go to meet her in the UK since she was in the UK for a long time. So, logically, meeting in SA should not be a reason for the denial.


Regarding your question, if you were married previously, they will need to see your final divorce decree. Good luck.

Thank You neither have been previously married....

Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2014-02-27 20:46:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSpinster affidavit

I would be remiss to not mention this, but I assume since you're on the board here, you might already know this, but here goes.

If you go there, and get married, and come back and file the papers, they're gonna take their "own sweet time" in processing them.  If the K-1 timeframe was painful, then the "I went and got married just to spite you, and here's my K-3" is going to be LONG and agonizing.  


I wish you the best of luck as a fellow Oregonian, but that would make me nervous.

Thank you for your input....Yes, we know it is still going to be a long journey.... we arent going to file K-3 we are just going to file CR1....Yes the waiting is going to be long.....we arent getting married to spite the far as we are concerned we are married under god which is much better than govt.....but for the govt sake we have to do this not just for the visa even tho the Lagos Embassy told us, it was one of two options if we wanted to be together, but we are starting a business together and for business purposes and of course the visa making our marriage legal is the best thing for us to do at this point in our lives....

we have been totally honest about our relationship with the govt.  If they dont want to believe us after this petition I have no problem moving to his country it wont be easy but I will get my man one way or another....Wish you the best in your visa journey also....Its nice to see another Oregonian on here

Thank you everyone you have put my mind at ease. 

Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2014-02-08 00:46:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSpinster affidavit

Ok, pls dont rip on me .... first background ...we were denied K-1 visa we were put in AR in Sept when he had his interview and USCIS sent me a text that our case has been terminated and to wait for a letter.....We got the expiration letter 2 months ago....None of it makes sense to me and Im over trying to find out why, obviously they are never gonna tell us....we believe it was because we met in South Africa instead of going to Nigeria to meet his family was the reason we were terminated....


But now we are moving on Im going to Nigeria to get married to my man and file for CR1 when i main question is DO I NEED A LETTER STATING IM NOT MARRIED FROM A GOVT OFFICE HERE IN THE USA TO TAKE WITH ME IN ORDER TO GET MARRIED IN NIGERIA....if so where do i get this so called paper ....Remember this is Nigeria we are talking about so other countries rules and regulations most likely wont work.... I need to hear from couples married in Nigeria...


The reason we never got legally married when we met in South Africa was due to not having this paper we even went to the embassy and they wrote a paper stating no such paper exists in the United States and it still wasnt good enough for the South African we still had a life commitment ceremony under god which was good enough for us but not for all the govt officials lol


Thank you in advance any advice

Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2014-02-07 19:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe unfairness of it all

No One im sure told her who she could marry but the govt tells you whether or not you can be with your loved one in the US....the only option is wait or go to their country....


Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2013-09-26 10:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 Petitioners: Be heard!



Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2013-11-20 09:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSC STILL NO SIGN
I would be calling, but im very impatient our Noa1 was Nov 28,2013 and im about ready to go crazy your head up it will come.
Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2013-03-08 07:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril - Government Spending Cuts Take Affect
I agree Im really disappointed in the time it takes for approval .... Your not alone ..... wish you luck
Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2013-03-20 20:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA 2!
Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2013-03-27 20:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 APPROVED!!!!! 191 days......
CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2013-03-27 20:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI just want to RANT!!!!! - Don't mind me....
Thank you thank you thank you You have said all this perfectly ....... I for one loved you rant so rant on...... we are all in this together and am also very unhappy about all the illegals getting attended to before us ..... my question is they have been here for years and years and now all of a sudden its very important for them to be legal my question is why why why why????? Sorry i just couldnt wait any longer had to put my 2 cents in
Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2013-04-01 14:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSo happy
Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2013-04-03 08:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFIANCEE MY BENEFICIARY

I have tried to put my fiance on bank accounts and ect.....they wouldnt allow it but they did send me the paperwork for when he gets to the if I may ask how did you get this process done.....Is it because you are her sole support......Cause I have never sent him a single cent in the almost 3 years together....please advise me Im confused thanks


Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2013-05-01 17:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSuper late noa2....nov2012 filer...

November 28 waiting waiting waiting waiting tired of waiting ......just sayin


Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2013-05-08 18:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsINPUT PLEASE

no my RFE was received by CSC and we got approval this week so its coming very soon


Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2013-06-20 18:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsINPUT PLEASE

We have the same problem got an Rfe sent it back and wait I call everyday and bug them get the same answer everyday wait your 60 tired of waiting and not getting any answers....hang in there sorry i couldnt be of help but your not alone.....


Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2013-06-09 07:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny June filers !!!!!!!!!
Sotty November but still waiting
Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2013-05-05 07:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvise on When to Plan the Wedding or Religious Ceremony
Hi, Im new to posting on these forums but I might be able to help with this one

I went to meet my fiance in South Africa....We planned on getting married legally but found out that we had to marry at home affairs to make it legal to be documented...We had planned a religious wedding on the beach that we knew was not legal in the eyes of the United States....So after going to Home affairs and them telling us we needed more proof that we werent married previously (which neither of us had been) and we could have had the paperwork faxed to us which would have been easy ...we went back to the hotel room and we decided it we wanted to get married under god not South Africa , not the US, not Nigeria....We wanted to get married cause we love each other and want to be together we figured we would deal with legalities at a later date cause the bottom line is we love each other and we did what made us happy....we had a beautiful religious beach wedding at 7:30 in the morning by an amazing ordained minister.....we had the dress, the rings, the sunrise, we had the most amazing day of our lives..... But since then we have filed for a K-1 fiance visa...and we wait and wait and wait......In our eyes and gods we are married but in the eyes of the US we are not married ....So we will have to get legally married once we get our K-1 visa approved.....

All we can do is hope and pray that all of our visas are approved soon.....We all want to be with the ones we love.....And by all means we havent been approved as of yet so I do not know if it will hurt you or help you to have the dress rings and all but all i can tell you is what we did ....We did what we felt in our hearts .....hope this helps to let you know your not alone......

First of all, thank you. These forums are an awesome resource and I have been a lurker for a long time. I hope to now finally contribute with questions and the eventual story of my experiences.

So, I filed the k1 for my Canadian fiancee in mid February when we decided job wise and financially we would be better off living in the United States. Prior to that, I the American citizen, was going to university in Canada and have been with her for five years there. I have a work visa and study permit.

Prior to deciding to move to the United States we had a wedding date planned for July of this year. Catering is set, photographer, tent, etc. Money has definitely been spent. However, I think I may have underestimated the time it would take for us to get the K-1 to all come in.

There are two problems here:

  • First, we have a wedding planned and know that we now have to marry in the United States. We have decided we will just make it a religious ceremony, unrecognized by the U.S. Government (as their website states) but, are torn with how to do it. We have all of these services rented, a dress bought, a pastor coming, etc. However some of the advice I have been reading here suggests it cannot resemble any form of wedding, ie - dress, honeymoon, rings, etc. Should we make it a really little celebration or suck up the costs and redo it after we eventually marry in the US?

    I'm not looking for legal advice, just practical advice. It is to be a small gathering of family, mostly those in Canada. However, discovering this it hurts me to admit we may have to reschedule and I know her parents have been planning and spending to get ready. Thankfully, invitations have yet to go out.
  • We may have that celebration and then have to worry about the prospect of doing it and me moving back without her as we continue to wait for the visa to come through. I have a pretty good job so I cannot afford to just stay with her and wait. How do you guys manage that kind of seperation? We have done summers apart (3-4 months at a time) for four years now and it really sucks. Since leaving Canada in December, this is becoming our longest distance apartment. Skype is only so good...

Any theories or ideas we should think about for the wedding? Something I may have missed?

Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2013-04-02 20:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Single Status
In the US I believe you need to go to your county courthouse where they do marriages and you can get the right paper their ...... If you go out of the country its really difficult the embassy will just give you a paper that says there is no such document in the federal system of the United States and they wont do anything else...... The records are at the county court house cause it is state regulated not Federally regulated.....We tried when i was out of the country and I had to get the paper done when I got home to the US.....This is just a personal experience not professional advice
Thank you
Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2013-04-10 17:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi-129F Cover Letter question

Wont speed up the process i had that all in my cover letter and we are at 5 months and dont expect it anytime soon NOA1 was Nov 28, 2012 was hoping to have a may or sept wedding cant depend on the govt


Solomon&AnneFemaleNigeria2013-05-01 17:50:00