K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresis my fiance a fraud?

Ok, fair enough..

just dont want the OP to think she won't have a liabilty.. You're not wrong, just didn't want to leave the possibility of confusion.. AOS comes immidiately after marriage, so it's not really the cart before the horse.. it's inevitible..

:thumbs: :thumbs:
All is ok..

And FYI, AOS does not come immediately after marriage. The only requirement is to get married within 90 days. There is no requirement to file AOS within the 90 days. It is definitely recommended, but not a requirement to adjust status.
KareeMaleThailand2012-08-24 00:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresis my fiance a fraud?

You guys are great! Thank you. I will contact them asap. Another question, will this affect me if in the future for some reason i decide to file another petition? Should i tell my fiance i will withdraw the petition and that he should not go to the interview? Will they tell him when he goes to his interview?

You should google IMBRA. In your case I don't think it applies, since it sounds like the visa wont be granted. There's a question on the I-129F about it.

Personally from what you have mentioned on this thread, I wouldn't tell him anything. Cut your losses and move on.
KareeMaleThailand2012-08-23 23:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresis my fiance a fraud?

First things first, you need to decide how you wish to proceed. Protecting yourself is of primary concern. (emotionally and financially).
here is info for you should you decide to proceed.

American Citizen Services
Tel: 876-702-6000

Use your NOA2 for all references to your case.

Apples and oranges. ACS and the IV unit are two totally different things. If she wants to get some more pages in her passport, or get something notarized while in Kingston, then by all means, contact ACS. In your case contact the IV unit.
KareeMaleThailand2012-08-23 23:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresis my fiance a fraud?

Yes, I agree, but the I864 could apply.. you said it does not apply. If they get to AOS Stage, it will apply...

I don't want to get into it. It's common sense that if he never gets here, and there is no marriage, and there is no adjustment of status, I-864 is a moot point. It's almost like giving her advice on removing conditions or filing for citizenship. Cant put the cart before he horse if you will.

Edited by Karee, 23 August 2012 - 11:44 PM.

KareeMaleThailand2012-08-23 23:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresis my fiance a fraud?

Thanks for all your guys comment and help. How do i contact the consulate, when i was inquiring about the case i wasn't able to contact them by telephone? Do i need to send a letter so they can have it in writing? I don't know what to do. How do i prove that those are his intentions? We also have a child on the way, how will this affect his rights? will i have to take the child to see him? this is all so overwhelming!

I can't speak to the child custody issues, but as far as the visa, I would send them an email followed up by some sort of documentation. Seems like this is their email:

I'm not sure about Jamaica, but Thailand requires the subject line in the email to look like this:

IV Inquiry <case number here>

Then state your concerns in the body of the message. You can find your case number on the letter you received from NVC.
KareeMaleThailand2012-08-23 23:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresis my fiance a fraud?

Be careful about the confusion you are creating... While true the I-134 is submitted for the Visa Interview, if she and her BF gets to the AOS stage, then she will be completing the I864 which commits her to potentially a lifetime..

Have you sent the I-134 yet?

That is exactly what I said. I-864 is legally binding, I-134 is not. Read it again.
KareeMaleThailand2012-08-23 23:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresis my fiance a fraud?

I am so happy i found this site. I filed a petition for my fiance for a k1 visa. Recently i have been having doubts about him being genuine. Now that his interview is coming up, he is acting very strange,he always starts argument with me for no reason. He even made a few comments about he doesn't need me bugging him anymore and he will soon get his visa so he doesn't have to deal with me bugging him. We met february of 2011 and I know that he has applied for about 7 tourists visa,all were denied, is this suspicious?. I don't know what to do, my sister told me i should end things before he commits fraud. What can i do at this stage? How do i know he is planning fraud? Thanks.


First thing is you filed a K-1, so I-864 doesn't apply. Only the I-134 which is not legally binding like the I-864 is. If he get's the K-1 visa it only gives him a single entry visa to the U.S. with the requirement that you marry within 90 days. Afther that you file to adjust status to a conditional permanent resident status (2 year green card)

It's your call, but the fact he has applied for 7 tourist visas, and was denied, sounds like he is more interested in coming to the U.S. than being married to you.

Best bet is to contact the consulate in Kingston, and tell them you are no longer wanting to continue with the process. Better to find out now than later.
KareeMaleThailand2012-08-23 23:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre Bar Girls Disqualified From Getting a Visa?

:pop: PS, watch out here, don't give up your timeline or other information under your current handle. Big Brother is watching...

I hear ya!!
I keep getting PMs from RUB girls. What's up with that? I think they're marriage scammers, but it's hard to tell. You think they are serious? They keep telling me they love me.
KareeMaleThailand2012-09-22 02:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre Bar Girls Disqualified From Getting a Visa?
Yeah the whole "we have to save them" mantra gets old when they are doing it willingly.
KareeMaleThailand2012-09-21 20:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre Bar Girls Disqualified From Getting a Visa?
You clearly stated she did not choose this life. I never stated she did.
KareeMaleThailand2012-09-21 18:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre Bar Girls Disqualified From Getting a Visa?
How do you know she didn't choose tolive this life?
KareeMaleThailand2012-09-21 18:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre Bar Girls Disqualified From Getting a Visa?

How blatantly unsympathetic is that response?

I see too much judgement being cast on the OP's fiance, and none of us knows her. Girls enter prostitution for many reasons. But the primary reason is MONEY, and almost always, the girl is not the main beneficiary of that revenue. Bar girls in SE Asia are no exception. BUT to assume that everyone who enters the sex trade is bad person with no moral fortitude is not fair and completely naive. Greed does not drive these girls, desperation does. I was so saddened by the abject poverty in which many people live in the Philippines. When a girl sees her family starving, with no hope that things will change, and living in conditions that we wouldn't even wish for our family pet, imagine the power of conscience that would drive her to sacrifice her dignity and leave home for that lifestyle. I certainly will not judge a girl who makes that sacrifice, despite everything she was taught to be "right" in a religious upbringing.

I feel badly for the OP and his fiance. The message they are getting here leaves them in a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" scenario. If they tell the truth, she will be denied. If they lie, the truth will come out and she will be denied and banned. Not much hope for their future, is there?

I will assume that the OP has found the love of his life and that is why he wants to marry her, love her and support her...and she feels the same way. Here is what I would say: "I was out with my friends and while we were in a club, I met the most beautiful girl. We talked about life and danced the night away. The rest is history"

I used to think that as well. Three years in Bangkok changed my mind real quick. Maybe the Philippines is different. The girls in Bangkok would send scraps back home and spend the rest on themselves or maybe some brutal Thai bioyfriend or husband that whopped their a$$ on a regular basis. Hardly any of that money flows back up country.
KareeMaleThailand2012-09-21 17:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre Bar Girls Disqualified From Getting a Visa?


It all comes down to this: A wise man once told me, "If it isn't in writing, it didn't happen."

Is there documentation available to show she is / was a bar girl?

Did you make and sign a contract for services, certify it and file it with the state?

The folks at the embassy are pretty good at sniffing them out. At least in Bangkok they are. They don't need to see anything in writing. All they need to do is say "relationship for immigration purposes only" or "Not a bonfide relationship" And that's the end of that. Happens all the time.
KareeMaleThailand2012-09-21 16:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre Bar Girls Disqualified From Getting a Visa?

I agree with Harpa, and guys do not forget that petitioner as well as beneficiary undergoes sophisticated underground check at USCIS, NVC and the American embassies each ground check is different, FBI data base and other enforcement agencies are used for that purpose (search Google for visa ground check and you will be surprised). The killing statement is he exchanged money for services!! it is different from what L & T purpose was, helping fiancée or fiancée family are not exchanging money for service

I seriously doubt this girl will be on the radar of anyone. We're talking Cambodia here, not the E.U.
KareeMaleThailand2012-09-21 14:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre Bar Girls Disqualified From Getting a Visa?

Well that is good but they still ask for her work experience so what would she write if its a cash business?

Gardner, Florist, Nanny, Self Employed.... All kinds of things.
KareeMaleThailand2012-09-21 13:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre Bar Girls Disqualified From Getting a Visa?

:thumbs: Tim/Mav- I agree. I do not believe any male or female working in a bar leasing their services actually wanted to sign up for that type of work. In developing countries it is a means to put food on the table. Then the person's fmaily gets used to the money and wham, before one knows it they have a career they never really wanted to sign up for. Kudos to those that can get away from it and to the OP for trying to make his relationhip work with her...

From my experience, it becomes a lifestyle. Even when there's no financial reason to continue in that line of work. It's never enough $. There's plenty of webistes in Thailand with univversity girls offereng their services. Those Coach handbags can be quite expensive. Not to mention the designer shoes. I'm sure some do it out of necessity, but once you cross that line how much money is enough?

Go to the Beach bar in KL, or Orchard Towers in Singapore. 75% of those girls are from Thailand. The other 25% from Vietnam and the Philippines. They know they can make alot more money there than Bangkok, Manila, or HCMC. I'd like to know how much of that money makes it back to the farm upcountry? I think not much.
KareeMaleThailand2012-09-21 11:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre Bar Girls Disqualified From Getting a Visa?

I'm already looking forward to the inevitable "My bargirl wife walked out on me a week after getting her green card, what do I do?" thread.

The common thing I see in Thailand anyway, is they have the USC keep sending money all the way up until the interview, and then they bail right before the interview and never come.
There was a guy here on VJ a couple years back. He met her in the bar of course. Bought her a house and car in Thailand. Sent her all kinds of money with the usual Thai excuses. My buffalo is sick, my father cracked up the motorbike etc.etc. Turning off her mobile phone all the time (That's a HUGE red flag). Of course she never came.
KareeMaleThailand2012-09-21 10:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre Bar Girls Disqualified From Getting a Visa?

What even *is* a "bar girl"?? Is it a female bartender? I was a bartender here in the US (granted, I'm a USC) and never once slept with a customer. All I did was sling drinks. Isn't that what all "bar girls" do?? :blink:

Not in SE Asia. A bar girl in SE Asia is a prostitute that works in a bar. You pay the "bar fine" to the bar to take one of the girls out for sex. Or 2 or 3 if you're into that.
KareeMaleThailand2012-09-21 09:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre Bar Girls Disqualified From Getting a Visa?
I wont get into all the gory details, but this is what happened to me:

I met a girl at the hotel bar the first night I arrived in Bangkok. She gave me the ol "I've only been doing this for a month" line. She said she was 24, turned out she was 19. We ended up moving in together etc. Fast forward 2 years later and I'm at a Thai police station with knife wound at 2 AM compliments of her sister and the cops telling me that if I don't sign this confession (which was in Thai) they were going to lock me up. All the while the cops are drinking my scotch. I signed the confession and went on with my life. Ended up meeting a decent girl there and got married. My Thai wife has her citizenship interview this Thursday. So it all worked out in the long run.

I suggest you google "stickman bangkok" and "private dancer" Although private dancer is fiction, it rings true.
KareeMaleThailand2012-09-21 09:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre Bar Girls Disqualified From Getting a Visa?

Hello friends,

This is a bit embarrassing, but I hope you can help :help:

I am in the process of applying for a K-1 visa for my Khmer fiance. However, when I met her she was working at a bar and there was an exchange of money for services on two occasions. She had only been working at the bar for 2 weeks and had never left with a man before.

We are trying to decide whether to be honest and disclose this in our cover letters or lie and say we met somewhere else. Does the former disqualify her from getting a visa? It will no doubt raise suspicion, and the embassy there already has a very high denial rate from what I've heard.

I know "just worked there for 2 weeks" sounds like a BS story but it's the truth so if you could please answer under the assumption of so I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks! :)

I don't know about Phnom Penh, but at the Bangkok embassy if you even mention anything about working at a bar period, you can forget it. Doesn't matter if they went with customers or not. I know it's not fair if someone worked at a bar and was never a "bar girl" to get shot down, but that's the way it is.
KareeMaleThailand2012-09-21 09:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLawyer Qustion
If you don't have the time to fill out the forms, than get a lawyer. Other than that it's a waste of money. If you call fill out a tax return, you can do this on your own unless you have something out of the ordinary.
KareeMaleThailand2012-09-26 22:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWHAT IS THE BEST K1 FIANCÉE VISA LAW FIRM OUT THERE??
My lawyer delayed my case for a minimum 3 months. Not only that he made no less than 10 mistakes. All of which I had to correct from information gleaned from this website. That was $1800 down the drain.
KareeMaleThailand2012-09-21 11:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmbassy is ignoring my affidavit of support, any suggestions?

In the cases I was involved with I helped the USC construct a letter indicating there was a plan in place that was spelled out to show exactly how support would be provided until the student graduated and could go to work. This included present income and projected income with sources and related expenses. I had them include info about where they would live in the immediate and future situations. I tried to cover everything a C O would question. Each of the cases were approved.

KareeMaleThailand2012-12-21 20:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmbassy is ignoring my affidavit of support, any suggestions?

Bangkok has accepted co sponsors. It has been done in 3 cases I helped with where the USC was a college student. It has been done in other cases reported here on V J as well.

100% agree with Ning. It's rare, but I have seen co-sponsors allowed when the petitioner is a student when filing I-134 at the BKK consulate. You just need a good reason. Apparently in BKK being a student is a good reason.
KareeMaleThailand2012-12-21 18:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmbassy is ignoring my affidavit of support, any suggestions?

Hey everybody,

I am a full-time college student. I bring in $1300 per month from my military college benefits, and have more than $40,000 in assets. I knew this alone would not be enough, so I had my father fill out an affidavit of support. He makes about $68,000 per year, so I thought that would be more than sufficient to make up for my lack of income.

My fiancée completed the interview in October, but did not get approved because I was missing a tax return for 2011. We sent in a letter explaining that, and she recently received a call from immigration notifying us that we do have sufficient evidence that I will be able to support her financially here in the U.S.

I was going to send immigration an email to get more information, but first I thought I should run it by you guys. Even if I had no income, wouldn't the affidavit of support cover me? If not, then what is the purpose of even having the affidavit? Do you think getting a part-time job would be enough to put me in the clear? I am worried that my only option at this point is to leave school and get a full-time job...

The Bangkok embassy for the most part does not accept co-sponsors for K visas. However, I have seen them make exceptions for university students. The first thing you need to do is send an email to the embassy to clarify your situation. Let them know you are a student etc. and that your father is willing to be a co-sponsor. You will need to send the email to: and also

Make sure in the subject line of the email you put: IV Inquiry BNK2012xxxxxxxx

The BNK2012 number will be your case number that you were assigned from NVC.

Good luck!
KareeMaleThailand2012-12-21 12:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certificate Translation?

No, they do not need to be translated for the interview in Bangkok for K-1. However, you will need to get it translated for Adjustment of Status, so it's easier and cheaper to get it done in Thailand.

From the packet 3 instructions:

All documents not in English or Thai must be accompanied by certified English translations.


Top of page 4.

Let me give you some advice on the birth certificate as well. Make sure it is an official birth certificate. The U.S. embassy (Dept. of State) is pretty lenient on what they will accept as a birth certificate. However when you go to file Adjustment of status to get the green card in the U.S. you will file that with USCIS (Dept. of Homeland Security) Their rules are much stricter for some reason. I know of at least 3 people that went through major headaches with this. The embassy accepted whatever proof of birth they had at the interview, but then it was not accepted for Adjustment of Status. Their relatives had to go to the Amphur where they were born etc. etc.

My advice, get it done there for the Adjustment of Status here.
KareeMaleThailand2012-12-30 20:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certificate Translation?

Do Thai birth certificate and name change document have to be translated to English for the K1 interview?

No, they do not need to be translated for the interview in Bangkok for K-1. However, you will need to get it translated for Adjustment of Status, so it's easier and cheaper to get it done in Thailand.
KareeMaleThailand2012-12-30 20:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDenied Visa
Yeah there's all kinds of info missing here.

1. What visa are you applying for?

2. Who denied you, and was there an interview?
KareeMaleThailand2013-01-14 09:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance doesn't have a birth cert. Thailand/K-1

My fiancé doesn't have her birth Cert. Her parents lost it in a fire and we called the hospital she was born at and they said they don't keep the records going back that far. She was born 1979. She has her ID's, Passport up to date, her college diploma, college transcripts and other documents to show she is who she is. She is from Chiang Mai thailand was born Jomthong Hospital Chiang Mia.. I called the consulate in BKK they are pretty much useless so i emailed them same thing useless information. Does anyone here know if its ok without a birth cert. for her to be approved for K-1 visa. I am asking this question for anyone else that has had this issue in thailand. And also can she do her police clearance before the NOA2 arrives and can she do it in Chiang Mia or does she have to go to BKK and wait for the NOA2.

Any info would be appreciated.

:help: :)

Since you are K-1, you need to get this resolved while she is still in Thailand. The U.S. Dept. of State, and USCIS seem to have diferent standards when it comes to birth certificates. More than likely, whatever she has now will be fine for the embassy interview (Dept. of State.) and wont be an issue with her getting the visa.

The issue you will have is when she goes to adjust status once in the U.S (USCIS) to get the green card. A few people here have gone through this, and it turned into a major pain to get the document since the person was already in the U.S. My wife had this same issue although she wasn't K-1, I had her deal with it while she was stll in Thailand regardless. You don't want to wait until she gets to the U.S. She'll need to go to the local Amphur, preferably the one the covers where she was born, with her mom or dad. The will give her a document in Thai that basically says she was born here on this date to this mother and father. It'll also say something to the effect that no birth certificate is available. Take that document and get it translated to English.

Like I said, probably wont be an issue to not have it for the interview in Bangkok, but will be an issue when she goes to adjust status once in the U.S.

If you need to see what it looks like, PM me and I'll send you a copy of my wife's document and translation.
KareeMaleThailand2013-02-08 08:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of Relationship

Instead of all these photos, plane tickets, direct mailing etc......will they just accept a video taken together and posted on youtube? Several of them

BKK embassy wants photos. They seem to be of high importance there for some reason. At least they were back in 2009 when my wife had her interview.
KareeMaleThailand2013-02-08 08:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresthink I got robbed....

We only did the wedding ceremony we are not legally married our papers say we are engaged. I think he just didn't send the papers in yet...USCIS did not receive my packet yet... :'(

This is very common in Asia, and does not count as being married. You are NOT married in the eyes of USCIS, so don't worry about some of the other posts you have seen here regarding that.
KareeMaleThailand2013-01-31 13:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdisappointed

according to our research Bangkok don't accept any co sponsor so we don't know yet what to do.

While it is true that the Bangkok embassy does not generally accept co-sponsors for K visas, I have seen them accept them in some cases. One of the situations I have seen them accept a co-sponsor, is in the case of university students. Your best bet is to email the embassy and explain your situation. See what they have to say.
KareeMaleThailand2013-02-10 08:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 Expiration Date


I got my NOA2 (I-797) approved back in December 2012. Here it is now Feb. 2013 and me and my fiance are just finishing getting all the required documents together to submit to US Embassy in Bankok to schedule and interview. If my NOA2 expires in mid april, does that mean she must be approved by then or we have to start the process all over again? Are there any extensions?


You'll be fine. This happens all the time. I think the embassy automatically "re-affirms" it. Someone else will punch in with the proper term.
KareeMaleThailand2013-02-14 14:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDomestic Violence

Will having a domestic violence misdemeanor one, knowingly caused or attempted to cause bodily harm on my record with marijuana paraphernalia charge be grounds for denial of 129f petition? Both records are over 3 years old. My fiance the beneficiary has no record. Although I have done a state wide search for a record of the drug charge it does not come up on reports, besides it's only one charge the instuctions on the 129f clearly states 3 or more convictions so if I only have this one conviction with drugs a certified backround check is not required on one charge but three or more is this correct?

The Marijuana charge wont mean anything. It needs to be 3 or more as the I-129F states so you don't need to worry about that. I'm not sure about the domestic violence conviction.
KareeMaleThailand2013-02-24 20:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs a K-1 Fiance Visa Lawyer a waste of time?
My lawyer basically didn't even know IR-1/CR-1 existed. He kept telling me K-3 was my only option. He sat on my paperwork for 1 month minimum before sending the I-130, and then when NVC time rolled around, it took him 3 months to get through that. They ONLY reason he got through that was because I kept pushing him and telling him what needs to happen next with information I got from this website. If it wasn't for this website, my wife might still be sitting in Thailand.

So I basically paid $1800 to delay my wife's visa for 3 months. Doesn't seem like that good of a deal to me. And this from a lawyer that claimed to have 10k plus marriage/fiance visa approvals under his belt.

Basically your just another piece of paper to the lawyer. They get your money up front, so what reason do they have to make sure your paperwork gets done in a timely manner or gets done correctly? Pretty much no incentive. Hiring that lawyer was a HUGE mistake. As someone stated above, all they do is fill out the forms. The petitioner and the beneficiary have to do all the legwork collecting documents etc., not the lawyer.

If there's some issue like a criminal conviction, deportation or ban, then by all means a COMPETENT lawyer is needed. If you don't have anything like that hanging over your head, and as someone stated above, can fill out a job application, I can't see any benefit in hiring a lawyer. Quite frankly it's somewhat comical to even think a lawyer is needed to fill out a few forms. I wish I had found this website before I hired them. The lawyer had me convinced without legal representation I was taking a huge risk trying to go it alone.
KareeMaleThailand2013-03-02 20:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIncome requirements

You may also want to have a co-sponser ready for backup if you are concerned about not reaching the poverty guidelines. Otherwise, your case will go pending longer or get denied all together.

The U.S. embassy in Thailand generally doesn't accept co-sponsors for K visas.
KareeMaleThailand2013-03-02 20:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPregnancy and K-1 Visa - Pls help

Ask Karee his opinion of the quality of the hospitals. My husband was very impressed. Keep in mind many Americans go there on medical holidays these days.

The hospital care in Thailand is 8 times better for1/8th of the cost. I was in the hospital there twice at Samitivej

As far as the birth control pills go, not sure why she would buy them at the hospital. You can buy them over the counter like you can Aspirin there at the pharmacy (kai yaa)
KareeMaleThailand2013-03-25 19:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPregnancy and K-1 Visa - Pls help

I'm lost for words now and don't know what to do. My fiancee had her medical appt today and she met with the doctor who said she needed to take chest xrays, which she refused fearing it would harm our unborn child.

Let me back up a bit. When we first started our I-129F back in July of 2012, she was not pregnant. In fact this was not discovered until months after I visited her again in Nov. 2012. All this time I been telling her to withhold it from anyone, not to let anyone know cuz I didn't swant a delay in getting her visa. Then i changed my mind after reading many posts here about pregnancy. I told her to be honest with everyone and I even sent a letter to the US Embassy in Bangkok stating I am aware of her pregnancy and would still like to proceed. Her interview is 2 days away, but at the Dr's appt today she was met with harsh criticism "it's either take xrays or no visa" "xrays are the only thing you need" "we cannot gaurantee the baby's health if you take xrays". So she left.

I read online that xrays are safe, but thats in U.S. Standards, who knows about Thailand. They are the ones who supposedly sold her birth control pills and look what happen. I don't know what to do now. I told her she must still go to the interview to see if there are other options like take the test later. But will they even let her in without the medical exam.

Do i have to start this process all over agian? I got mad at her for not taking the xrays which I know is wrong. But I really don't know what to tell her either other than sorry.

Which hospital is this? Is it Bumrungrad or BNH?
KareeMaleThailand2013-03-25 08:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresForm I-134 Verbiage very tough on Petitioner
As others have stated, the I-134 is not a legally binding document. It's merely a guide for the C.O. to determine whether or not you can support the beneficiary upon their arrival to the U.S. I-864 is another story though.
KareeMaleThailand2013-04-11 08:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBirthcert really required for Bankok?

Hi Everyone,

I was wondering, does she really need her birth certificate for the Bangkok US Embassy interview? I'd be surprised if she has one. I am trying to determine all that she will need to bring to the interview. This is for a K-1, we are not married now. My NOA1 was December 20, 2012 so I hope that NOA2 will be in about 1 -2 months from Vermont.
I have also read a few things about the benificiary (who will move to the US) needing a Police Check (from Thailand)? Can anyone tell me if this it true for a K-1?0

Also I read something about my birth certificate (from the US). I just copied mine from a scan, it did not come out too well. I would be very reluctant to hand over the original document of my BC, or mail it to Thailand.

I am going from VJ K-1 FAQ which is helpful. How am I supposed to get her the 129-F and other contents of the package to her in Thaialand if I am here? I have it all in files, I can email to her I guess.

I think we have at least 2 months to go until the interview, probably more, but I would like to get ready. Thanks very much - Tango

This is a very common problem with Thailand. Here's the problem. The Bangkok embassy (Dept. of State) will accept just about anything as a birth certificate. And you'll be fine getting the K-1 and having your fiancee come to the U.S. Once here she will need to file adjustment of status with USCIS (Dept. of Homeland Security) to get the green card. This is where the problem arises. USCIS seems to have a much stricter rule concerning what is accepted as a birth certificate.

Here's what she'll need to do. She'll need to go to her local Amphur, (with her mother if possible) and get a letter from them stating that she was born on this date, in this Amphur/Tambon, to these parents. Make sure it has the official Amphur seal. She'll then need to get this translated into English with the translation stamp. You'll need that when you file I-485/I-765/I-131 once she arrives in the U.S.

I've seen more than a few people her get burned by thinking that what the Bangkok embassy accepted as proof of birth, will be good enough for the adjustment of status. Once your fiancee is here in the U.S., it is a major pain for her to get this letter from the Amphur in Thailand without being present in Thailand. You're lucky in this regard. Deal with it NOW.

ETA: if she has a valid birth certificate, then no problem. It seems that they are not very common outside of Bangkok though.

ETA again: Make sure she takes the blue house book and her Thai ID card to the Amphur when she goes to get this. She'll know what you mean when you mention blue book.

Edited by Karee, 17 April 2013 - 11:08 AM.

KareeMaleThailand2013-04-17 11:06:00