Mexico, Latin & South Americasecond interview in usa ebassy lima peru

Unfortunately this is common for the Lima Embassy. Contact jm&mcs. They had a similar experience about 5 years ago. He is about 20 years younger than her and they gave them a terribly hard time at the interview. Lucky she was there with him and they just stuck to their guns and eventually walked away with the visa. As far as I know they are still happily married.

If I was in your shoes I would bring proof my mother's illness. Perhaps a letter from her doctor stating she needs personal care. Letters from family and friends. The fact that you have not seen each other in 18 months compounds the age issue. When you go in there have everything with you to prove your marriage is real: phone records, letters, pictures, affidavits, receipts for sending funds to him. You have to prove that even though you have not seen each other in 18 months that you are still very much a couple. You will both be taken two separate rooms where they will grill you. Make sure your prepared because they will try to break you.


Edited by ShellyO, 16 March 2012 - 05:47 PM.

ShellyOFemalePeru2012-03-16 17:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americasecond interview in usa ebassy lima peru

I wish you and your pareja good things. Society, unfortunately is this way...sin embargo...SIGUE, SIGUE ADELANTE!!!
If the love is true, then you cannot fail.





ShellyOFemalePeru2012-03-16 17:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americasecond interview in usa ebassy lima peru

Oh I understand what they think to be factual but I know that I love my husband. I am also taking care of my dying mother, work full times, go to college fulltime, and yes thank god the internet has cameras like skype, hotmail messnager etc. I know that I love my husband and that is what counts whether I lived with hik or not we have never lost contact. Thank you

I would like to apoligze to you as well. My Attitude was not jelping and now I amgoing to start getting prepare for this next interview. Thanls again for your help.
ShellyOFemalePeru2012-03-15 10:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americasecond interview in usa ebassy lima peru

You have an attitude and that is not going to help you at the interview. People here are asking questions because they are trying to help you, not because they are being judgmental. They are preparing you for cross-examination, for the tough questions.

The fact that you sent money to your husband is good (the other way would have been bad).

Also, I do not know why you keep saying your husband dresses nicely. Are you trying to imply that he has a good socio-economic status and therefore does not need to immigrate to the USA for money? Showing the Embassy that you do not need to come to the USA to succeed financially is always a good thing (because that means you are moving to the USA for love, obviously). But dressing nicely does not do the trick. Bluntly put, Peru is a very "classist" (not racist) country. There are basically 3 questions to determine if you belong to class A or B (it might not be PC but it is reality in Peru, so much, that all polls give their results based on classes): 1) What is your last name, 2) What school/college did you attend, 3) Where do you live (district). Those 3 simple questions are the ones that will give you a tourist visa. The Embassy knows that the people with the right answers are not going to stay in the US illegally.

I know that your application is for a spouse visa. But if your husband ever had a valid tourist visa, then most red flags will turn orange.

You are right. I am sorry for being so defensive I need to reread before I reply to anyone. I dont know about the clothes thing I thought he had made a mistsake by dressing in what he usually doesnt dress in. I wished I had know that our ages would have been a red flag I would have been their for his first interview. Yes I realize that everyone is trying to help, after monday I have been on the defensive with everyone. Not that I can recall did he ever have anything but a pasaporte from Peru.

I was the one who has been sending money for the last 2 yearsa to help when someone in the family gets sick or when my husband needed to hire a lawyer for some legal issues on his moms house. So I can say that I have been sending my husband money each month?? Please forgive my attitude I am feeling like I have done something wrong when I havent.
ShellyOFemalePeru2012-03-15 10:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americasecond interview in usa ebassy lima peru

On your initial post you said that you had to pay all the FINES? What fines? Was your husband illegal at some point? Are you a naturalized US citizen? These may be red flags too.

I do not mean to me rude but you claim you can not see your husband because you need to take care of your ill mother and also you work full time and study full time. Well, who takes care of your mother during all those hours you are working/studying? I am just playing devil’s advocate. Don’t play victim or try to embellish your story with the Embassy because they will ask you questions and you may look foolish (or deceiving) if your answers don’t make sense.

Final question: Has money been exchange between the 2 of you during those 18 months apart?

What I meant is I paid for all his paper work over here for his visa. Yes I was born in the USA. As for my mother I do all my college on line at home. During the 8 hours I gone my uncle comes and sits with my mom. If anything happens I am only 3 minutes away from the house. Play voctime why would I do that?? I will tell it exaclty like it is. Okay let me put it to you this way. I am one of three children, and I am the pne who is paying the bills and taking care od her. all doctors appointmente etc. Yes my mother is dying okay is that plane enough. victum I am not the facts are rthe facts
what I am finding interesting is everyone is making what they believe happened, and that is great, but the fact was my husband was nervious as well. Yes he dresses really nice and is very presentable. Not the norm for men like him right? I believe that for a long time what I feel like I am beiong punished for falling in love with someone i had never expected this. Now I will do what is needede to help my husband. I really hope that after all this time aparte even though we see each other on cam about everyday that we still have that spark. thanks for your adivce as well

Money and if I did send mo0ney to my family in Peru. You know for so many years women stayed home did he cooking cleaning etc. why would you ask about money?? Is it a bad thing if I did help my mother inlaw out?? all my papaer work went thorugh beautifully and I porved to the usa I make enough money to support my husband. Okay so letme say it as plain and simple as possible. Yes I shouldnhave gone down before, but I would have neer forgievn my self if my mother had died while visiting my husband.
ShellyOFemalePeru2012-03-15 09:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americasecond interview in usa ebassy lima peru

With all due respect my comments are in the spirit of being helpful - You are responding emotionally to this experience that your husband had not you, you were not present. You are relating this second hand.

I understand that you are upset but please get the facts so that you can make progress, do you and your husband speak the same language (i.e. Spanish)? Much can and always is lost in the translation. I know as my fiancee speaks Spanish and English is her second language.

Was your husband prepared and maybe more importantly was he WILLING to set aside his "poker face" and be forthright with the interviewer? They are trained to look for exceptions to the general rule and so for some reasons that you may not be aware of or perhaps he is not telling the whole story the interviewer was on hi alert.

18 months is an issue. The age is lesser of an issue but regardless by "hook or crook" you should have visited in between that duration and if not then made plans to be present at the interview. This shows authenticity.

Good luck.

Yes I understand thank you. I am ready now to move forward. The reason we talk on the phone everyday is because as we all know it is easy to misinterpret things. I speak spanish fluently, I understand a lot of the latin life and culture. I know I showed have gone, but once again I ahve my reason and now I am going woth all the bills from both phones, all the pictures, affidavedes signed by family, cards, emails, my will, life insurance, and they knew lisence to my business with bith our names. Maybe even setting up a bank account together in oiura so wqhen my husband is here we can send his mother money. thanks ahgain
ShellyOFemalePeru2012-03-15 03:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americasecond interview in usa ebassy lima peru

No one here is judging you at all. At all.

You came and asked how to prepare for your second interview. We are telling you what the worst case scenario is that the consulate is thinking. If you don't want to hear it, please don't ask for advice.

I reiterate, no one is judging you, your husband, your timeline, your mother, or anyone's age. You don't need to explain yourself or the length of time in which you haven't seen your husband to us. That said, you do have to explain it to the government and that's all that's being said here. No judgement from us. Just help to someone going through the process.

I am sorry if it sounded like I was ungreatful. I am so greatful for all of your advice. I did take somethings personal it was the way it was written, could be interpreted as titando un piedra meaning it has a doubke meaning. Yes I have already started on looking up stokes interview. I will get it into action and make this work. thanks
ShellyOFemalePeru2012-03-15 03:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americasecond interview in usa ebassy lima peru

Do a Google and Visa Journey search for "Stokes interview" and you can find some more information. If they do this, which it sounds like they will, they will be looking to verify (sometimes very) personal information about your relationship in order to sniff out inconsistencies in the story.

It doesn't matter that you know your relationship is real. Get over the emotional part and plan and strategize how you are going to show that your relationship is real to an unemotional, unmovable, third-party bureaucrat.

As I told you when you first came to VJ, show evidence of the co-mingling of your lives in any way you can. This needs to be beyond photos. What evidence of a bona fide marriage did he bring to his first interview?

And for your own sake, stop telling yourself that the age difference doesn't or shouldn't matter. And stop comparing it to older men marrying younger women. An older man and a younger woman IS culturally normal in Peru and the US. The opposite arrangement is just plain and simple not common in either culture. Admit you have a challenge ahead of you partly due to this (unless there are other red flags you are not divulging) and go forward from there with a plan. As long as you're in denial, you're not going to be able to deal with this.

The number one thing is that you find a way to get down to the second interview. If your relationship is bona fide, you should be able to survive whatever questions they have for you. Do not go into the Consulate with an attitude or an offended approach. Be polite and honest and tell your husband to do the same.

I am not saying it doesnt matter about our ages obviously it is and yes I feel that I was discriminated agaisnt but that is over. I am very emotional about all of it. My marriage is Bone Fide and I do not need to hide anything from anybody and to assume my husband is at fault I do not believe that. I AM OVER IT Already. I do not care what people think, it is wrong in this day and age that women are still being disriminated against and it is becoming more the norm here in the USA. Peru I coulodnt say. YES i should have gone back sooner, but that was impossible. Maybe you guys missed that part that may if 2011 my mother became very ill and has been on the couch since. How can I just run to Peru when I have to take care of my mother. Do you really believe it didnt bother me. I am the only one to help my mother. I will explain that to the Embassy and I will not go into the Embassy with an attitude, I am not a stupid women. Project legalization helped me do all my papers and I had my I-130 approved en 3 months. the whole process went well. I will go to this interview armed with all the info they need. Me and my husband talk every might either for webcam or phone or both. Oh I will; be polite and very honet sir I have dealt with the fereda; goverment for years. I speak spanish fluently and my husband does speak spome english. What upsets me is people are trying to malke us look like crimnals for doing not the norm. Oh well I knwo for my part if all this was real and hoenst. I have seen other posting about emails and cards for there proof of relations sowhat is the differen for me?? Nothing obvlously my husband needs to be more real and maybe I am wrong who knows I will find out soon. If I am being punished for not going down sooner, well I will ask the gentlemen what he would have done if he was in my shoes?? would any body here just leave there mother with nobdoy while she is dying??
ShellyOFemalePeru2012-03-15 00:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americasecond interview in usa ebassy lima peru

Also, I want to address your hurt feelings and sense of discrimination. Part of what they look for is whether a relationship is within cultural "norms." In neither Peru nor the US is it common for a woman to be 17 years older than her husband. There's nothing wrong with it of course, it's just not a pattern in our two societies.

Additionally, with your age difference, I assume that you are either at the end of or past your typical childbearing years. Now maybe you still can have children and this is a moot point. Maybe you and your husband do not want children. However, again, in Peru especially it is a cultural norm to have children. They will likely want to ask you about this.

When the visa unit sees relationships outside cultural norms, they get suspicious. It's their job. You just have to be able to respond with actual evidence of a bona fide relationship.

And I am really surprised that no one said to you prior to this that you and Julio would have problems getting a visa. I remember you were working with some kind of NGO to prepare your application -- they should have advised you to anticipate this. Just about anyone with this kind of age difference is going to need extra defense of their case, in any country.

Thank you for all your comments. Yes I know it is not the norm, but I did not ever expect to fall in love with my husband, I fought it for months put him and me through hell with all my doubts. Children my husband already has them. I know the minute the looked at my husband they would be doubtful. He is a very attractive man, dresses nice, very sturn and actually has a poker face. I have told him many times that he needs to let his emotions cvome through when he talks.
My mother in law first husband was 30 years older then her, then just recenlty one of my nieces in peru married a man whom is 27 years older then her. I know me not going down before this makes it look weird, but I did not expect my mother to become terminally ill. I am here care gover work fulltime and go to college fulltime. Also since all this has happended with my mom I couldnt leave her with anyone else. I have started training a friend of mine from school and she is going to help me with my mom.
What is a smock interview? Julio had pictures, phone records, emails what more do they want from me?? I know that I love my husband and have finacially been helping mu family in peru as well.

What do I need to do to prepare fpr this?? I am mad at the way the man laughed about our age differenes and I will be getting a hold of they Project legalization to ask why she never suspected this is the first place. Thank you please give me some more insight in to what I am up against here and how to prepare my stone faced husband to let some of that poker face no emotion stance come out with some feelings.
ShellyOFemalePeru2012-03-14 18:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americasecond interview in usa ebassy lima peru

It is not wrong to marry for you to someone who loves you. I also have similar situation like yours, even had more red flags, but I was questioned, and I answered, they were okay with that. In our case, we were living together 3 yrs, so this really made our case more stronger ( even my wife was not available at the time of interview ).

I understand the flight expenses and alot of commitment in USA, but haven't seen your husband for 18 months is a red flag ( even there is not even age different ).

Oh I understand what they think to be factual but I know that I love my husband. I am also taking care of my dying mother, work full times, go to college fulltime, and yes thank god the internet has cameras like skype, hotmail messnager etc. I know that I love my husband and that is what counts whether I lived with hik or not we have never lost contact. Thank you
ShellyOFemalePeru2012-03-14 18:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americasecond interview in usa ebassy lima peru
I was told by the usa embassy in Peru I didnt need to go to my husbands interview monday the 12 of march 2012. I live in Oregon usa and take care of my terminally ill mother. My husband said all questions went well until the last one, when he was asked doesnt it bother you that your wife is 17 years older than you? My husband Julio told him no that love doesnt have an age the man laughed told him to have me call the embassy. He wants to meet with both if us. Now I have to fly to lima peru in the April.I have done all the paper work here in the states paid all the fines and we had adacute proof of relationship so what the heck is going on?? Can anyone help me with this. I am so confused what is it the embassy wants?? I have been with my husband for 3 years and havent s een him in person in 18 months. Icant just take a plane Peru when ever i want to its very expensive. I know if I had been an USA Man with a younger wife there would be no problems. I ahve seen it many times here on visa journey. What do I do at this interview is it that wrong for me to marry someone who loves me?? HELP ME PLEASE NEED ADVICE
ShellyOFemalePeru2012-03-14 09:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americadoes anybody know whom I can contact about second interview
On the pink slip my husband wass given to call and make a second interview the phone numbers do not work. He went to pay the 7.00 dollares to thr bank and that was all not correct, has anyone else been through this with the embassy in Peru? If you have how do I get this second interview? Have been looking all over the websites and nothing is coming up to make this appt.
ShellyOFemalePeru2012-03-16 13:22:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGetting closer
Hi everyone. Well I started this journey by first sending in my husbands I-130 the end of Febuary, it was approved in 3 months. I have filled pout the G-325a affidavied of support thank god I make enough money, and yesterday the DS-260. In the next 20 days will have to send all orgianl documents and than wait for my hushinds interview date. wow it is so close but seems so far away. I used Project Legalization were I live in the USA. They are a wonderful group of ladies that have made this process so much easier. They question I have for anyone whom can answer this, is I have my family and friends whom knows me and my husband filling out affidavides to give to my husband for his imterview at the embassy in lima peru. Does anyone know were I can get a sample of this?? I want them to look good, also will need them in spqanish for my husbands friends and family to fill ou\t. What else can I send my husband to show the consulate that we have a bnonified marriage???/
ShellyOFemalePeru2011-10-07 10:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFiling for my husband in the USA
I applied for my husband I-130 and I have project legalization doing all the paper work. Project Legalization helps you with all your papers. What I was told if they had any questions to date they would have asked by now.

Conmingling fiances?? Most people in the USA do not do that. why would I start now?? Do you have some suggestions?

Yes I have pics, the orginal marriage certificate, I ahve my phone records that go way back. Letters from freinds and family members easy to do.

Once again most people whom have meant like me and my husband meant do not have comingling ficanes. First why would I put him on my bank account if he isnt here, or why put me on his when IO am not there.

Thanks sorry I did write in my form that applied for the I-130 it is nice to have Project Legalization help me fill out the forms. IF you do it yourself things get missed placed. thnas
ShellyOFemalePeru2011-09-08 10:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFiling for my husband in the USA

Did you really submit an I-129f? Or was it an I-130? If you are filing for a K-1 visa and you were already married in the Municipality, you are going to have trouble getting a K-1 visa.

Either way, it's not absolutely necessary to be at the interview. You will, however, need to send your husband with proof of a bona fide relationship for the interview. The IOs are instructed to assume fraud and the petitioner and beneficiary must overcome that.

For the medical exam, he will have to go to one of the civil surgeons listed on the letter he receives from the Consulate. They tell you not to do your vaccines elsewhere.

Check out the Lima consulate reviews here on VJ, but they will ask questions like where/how you met, how your relationship evolved, why he wants to live in the US, etc. The level of intimacy will depend on how well you've shown the bona fide relationship through things like your passport pages from entering/exiting Peru, photos together, marriage certificate. There are secondary forms of evidence to present as well, such as photos together, letters from family/friends. You need to review the guide here at the top of the page that gives great examples and/or do a search in the forums for "bona fide marriage." As a married couple, it would also be prudent to include evidence of comingling of finances.

First things first, what kind of visa did you apply for? This is key.

ShellyOFemalePeru2011-09-08 10:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFiling for my husband in the USA
Hi my name is Shelly. Last year I fianlly went to lime peru after 2 long years of communcating with my fiance by telephone, internet, and cel phones. wow what beautiful place peru is. So on 17th of sept of 2010 I married my husband Julio at the munciplaidad San Borja in Lima Peru, that was an experience in it self. All the documents I had to send to my husband before we got married. So I spent 10 days in lima at a beautful condo exploring lima and iquitos, I was sad to leave but had no chice in the matter. I had to come back and work, finish my to AA degrees and had planed on going back this June of 2011 to visit my husband but my mother became very ill in March and is still extrememly ill. So I started my husband papers the end of Feb 2011, the I-130 was approved in 3 months. Next I ahd to wait almost a month and a half for the affidavide of support to come. Well first I paid for the application and for my last papers as well up front. I sent my evidence of sponsership about a week ago, and with in 20 days shpuld have the last set of papers. Everything has gone so smoothly it is amazing. I am using Project Legalization were I live in Oregon. They are wondeful and do this on a dalily bases. Anyways so, they have not asked for any proof of our relarionship and was told they would have already asked or told us what my husband needed to bring to his visa appt in lima peru. I was told I do not need to be there for his appt, I hope this is true, becasue I am the caregiver for my mother.

What I am asking is has anyone gone through the process by filing in the USA?? What do I need to expect?? I am so glad I did not have my husband come here and get married first. I know that after I send my last set of papers, they will send a letter to the agency I am using to inform me of the date and time my husband is to go to his appt with the consulate of usa in lima. Medical exam does anyone have any suggestions?? My husband will have to get all the vaccines. Do I ahve him go to a clinica were it is cheaper in ;lima or do I ahve him get them at the time of exam??

What kind of questions will they ask my husband?? I wished I could go. Should I send him our pics??

any advice would be nice thank you
ShellyOFemalePeru2011-09-07 13:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRE: Evidence of a Bonifide Marriage


Hi yes your marriage certificate is a good piece of evidence, but I would start putting other pieces together as well. Having those papers domne can help/ [ictures, cards, emails and what ever else you can provide for the embassy is all in your favor.
ShellyOFemalePeru2012-03-15 10:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americapor favor!!!! necesito su ayuda!!!
hola estoy aqui como 2 horas y la gente q trabaja aqui no sabe q certificado penal necesito. hay dos uno para usarlo en peru y el otro en el exterior. tengo mi entrevista el 3 de oct y me piden este papelito. cual debo llevar? cual llevaron ustedes? ah! mi entrevista es en la embajada americana. gracias gracias
KathyjakeNot Telling02006-09-12 12:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americaperuvian people
Hola a todos los peruanos, este sitio es realmente increible wow! este forum es para hablar los peruanos que han dejado peru por amor :P q cuenten sus historias como se conocieron con sus actuales parejas, como les fue o les va con el tramite de la visa y responder preguntas referentes a ella para ayudarnos entre nosotros a pdoer estar con la persona q mas amamos, para estar con el o ella toda la vida. y tambien para las parejas o esposos de peruanos. q practiquen su español jajaja. q extrañan de peru, q es lo q mas les gusta de peru, sus nuevas experiencias en US, anexdotas etc etc. pero en español si? excelente!!!

Conoci a mi novio por una amiga japonesa. Quede prendida por esa linda sonrisa. q lindo!!!! nos conocimos por primera vez , cara a cara, en Febrero 2006 , estaba super nerviosa. Se quedo 9 días en Chaclacayo y realmente le encantó. la comida. ama la papa a la huancaina, anticuchos, y por supuesto Inka Kola, q con todo combina jajaja. Regresó en Abril 2006 dandome la sorpresa mas maravillosa de toda mi vida, xq yo no sabia nada de nada sobre su regreso a Perú. toda mi familia supo pero yo nada, ni lo sospechaba. y luego me pidio q me case con el. muy romantico ah?

Ahora estamos esperando con ansias el resultado de la visa. Esperemos q sea pronto xq de verdad lo extraño mucho. el ahora esta en ohio. prob viene en setiembre.

Ahora ustedes les toca contar sus historias.

Un beso y saludo a todos los paisanos jajaj

KathyjakeNot Telling02006-07-05 15:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
have fun veroka! We will probably pass on 71 as we are headed down to columbus for the Dublin Irish Festival!!! :)

edit: This is gtigiant who failed to realize this computer is logged in under Kathe's ID :P

Edited by Kathyjake, 02 August 2007 - 07:14 PM.

KathyjakeNot Telling02007-08-02 19:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

Hola Veroka64,

Nosotr@s tambien nos casamos por civil aqui en USA. Luego fuimos al consulado de Chicago para inscribir el matrimonio. Ya que estan casados por civil aca, no es necesario hacerlo en el Peru (ni recomendable, pues ya no son "solteros", verdad?)

Es muy sencillo, el tramite en total toma unos 15 minutos. Con respecto a tu pregunta, hay que hacer la legalizacion aqui en EEUU para que sea valido tu matrimonio en el Peru. Luego el consulado supuestamente lo manda a inscribir en Lima, pero se supone (?) que para facilitar ese paso tu tambien lo puedes inscribir en el ministerio de relaciones exteriores, una vez que este documento haya legalizado por el consulado. Ese documento es lo que muestras a la iglesia para demonstrar que estan casados por civil.

Pasos a seguir:

1. Se envia una copia del certificado a la "Secretary of State" del estado donde se realizo la boda civil para pedir una "apostille" o el equivalente. Normalmente ellos cobran $5 o algo asi para realizar el tramite.

2. Una vez que lluegue el certicado con la apostilla, se traduce al castellano tanto el certificado como la apostilla, anexando una nota del traductor jurando que es una copia exacta (no hay traductores oficiales en EEUU asi que si lo puedes hacer tu, ahorras $$).

3. Llevas el certificado, la apostilla, la traduccion, tu DNI, y tu esposo y su pasaporte, al consulado. El tramite es personal.


Somebody have got marry in Peru but being already married here in USA?
I was looking online what to do, I think that I dont need a civil marriage in Peru because I already had one here but I dont know if I have to subscribe my marriage here( in the peruvian consulate) or wait till be in Lima,Peru.


Inscripción de Matrimonios
La inscripción en los Registros de Estado Civil, Sección Matrimonios de las oficinas consulares, confiere todas las obligaciones de un matrimonio, como si este acto se hubiere realizado dentro del territorio nacional. No existe fecha límite para esta inscripción
Presencia obligatoria de los cónyuges. Uno de ellos, debe ser peruano.
Partida de matrimonio original. Se queda en el archivo del Consulado.
Documentos de identidad originales de ambos cónyuges (DNI / Pasaporte)
Presencia de dos testigos, debidamente identificados.
La Inscripción y la primera Partida son gratuitas.
Cancelar los derechos Consulares de US $ 6.00 (seis con 00/100 dólares), por cualquier copia literal adicional
Este trámite es con CITA. Llamar a consulado para la informacion.
a.- Los matrimonios; y en las mismas actas y como observaciones se registran:
La declaración de nulidad por resolución judicial firme que determina la invalidez del matrimonio.
El divorcio.
La separación de cuerpos.
La reconciliación.
Los acuerdos de separación de patrimonios y su sustitución.
La separación de patrimonios no convencional.
b.- Las medidas de seguridad correspondientes y su cesación.
El connacional que desee inscribir su matrimonio en el Perú, habiéndose casado en el extranjero deberá:
Legalizar su partida de matrimonio en el consulado correspondiente y en el Perú deberá hacerlo luego ante el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, para que surta efectos en el país.
Si la partida está en idioma extranjero, esta deberá ser traducida al castellano por los Traductores Públicos Juramentados, reconocidos por el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores.
El plazo para realizar la inscripción del matrimonio en el municipio de su residencia es de 90 días, desde la fecha de ingreso al país del ciudadano peruano, que se demuestra con el sello de ingreso en el pasaporte.
En caso no poder cumplir este trámite dentro de los noventa (90) días deberán seguir un proceso judicial no contencioso ante la Municipalidad de su residencia.

I want a religious ceremony so I read an oficial webiste from the catholic church in Lima
this article from someone else who wants to do the same

- Actualmente me encuentro en los Estados Unidos y estoy casada por lo civil con un americano. Nuestro deseo es ir a casarnos al Perú el próximo año, pues somos católicos. ¿Qué debemos hacer?
La felicitamos a Ud. y a su esposo por la decisión de contraer matrimonio religioso.
Para que se puedan casar en Lima, deben tener presente básicamente lo siguiente: Iniciar el expediente matrimonial en la parroquia donde Uds. residen, esto es, en los Estados Unidos. Iniciado y completado el expediente matrimonial, éste debe ser trasladado a la parroquia que Uds. han escogido en Lima. El expediente puede ser enviado a Lima a través de otra persona. Cuando lo recibe la parroquia, lo hace visar en el Arzobispado de Lima. Estos trámites hay que hacerlos con tiempo; normalmente unos dos o tres meses antes de la fecha escogida.
Deben reunir los siguientes requisitos: partida actualizada de Bautismo, de Confirmación, haber hecho la Primera Comunión, la partida del matrimonio civil y las charlas prematrimoniales. Las charlas prematrimoniales son importantes porque su finalidad es ayudar a profundizar el sentido del matrimonio católico. En el caso de ustedes sería conveniente que lo hagan en la parroquia donde residen.
En Lima, la ceremonia del Matrimonio la puede presidir un sacerdote norteamericano, de los muchos que trabajan en nuestra Arquidiócesis.

holas pueden decirme por favor q es la apostilla? es un sello o algo asi?
KathyjakeNot Telling02006-10-10 13:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Gracias , si pues me quedan solo unos meses mas, exactamente no se cuanto pero supongo q son 5 o 6. Mi novio es de Ohio, Cleveland. Estamos tramitando la visa de novia ya vamos 3 meses con todo el papeleo. una amiga de Japón nos presentó, lo conoci en setiembre 2005. vino en feb 2006 y en abril me pidio q me casara con el. wow! y me lo dijo en español, el no habla mucho español , realmente es el mejor hombre del mundo. es lo maximo! asi q debo aprovechar el tiempo con mi familia y en degustar la riquisima comida q tenemos en el peru. ARRIBA PERU!!! ;)
KathyjakeNot Telling02006-07-05 15:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
hey everybody wow! i didnt imagine o find a lot of peruvian people. q lindo!!! i'm from chaclacayo, one hour from lima. lo maximo!!! i really love this forum, there are people from arequipa ( they have the best food) trujillo lima everywhere. sorry in spanish. :P
realmente este sitio es increible. y ahora estoy aprovechando mucho el tiempo q me queda en peru. 5 meses. el tiempo pasa muy rapido. se supone q debo bajar de peso para el matri jajaja pero la comida aqui es tan rica q es muy dificil dejar de comer. sinceramente no hay nada como peru. el clima, la gente, las fiestas, la comida ceviche, anticuchos, aji de gallina, papa a la huancaina y INKA KOLA!!!
saludos chicos. llegarà el dìa en q estarè tan lejos como ustedes de mi país :crying:
KathyjakeNot Telling02006-07-03 21:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview!!!!!!!!!
Hey guys! :D i received the pack 3 and 4 last week when my fiancee was in Peru. My interview will be on Oct 3rd at 7.40am. Mi amorcito ( my love) will be in Peru again in 3 weeks :P I'm so excited and a little nervous. i wanted to share this with you.

Katherine & Jacob
Peru & Usa
KathyjakeNot Telling02006-09-11 10:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI GOT THE VISA!!!!!!
Well, yesterday Oct 3rd i was soo nervous. I was there at 6.30 with my fiance, then around 8am a very nice woman called me to window 13 to ask for my passport, pictures,etc.15 minutes later, other woman called me to the same window and she asked me for my certificates, evidence, pictures, emails, everything, my fiance was always next to me. :P they only asked him do you speak spanish? he said a little bit. they asked me everything in spanish. she started to ask me about how we met, how many times he was in Peru, nada mas. 2 or 3 questions. There were 2 couples more waiting for the interview. The first couple got the visa( they went to room 15) the woman is peruvian and her fiance from Miami, USA, she was crying and she was very happy. Then, a man called me to window 9, he was very nice. he asked me how we met, how often we talk by phone, i said everyday :P then i saw a pink card in my passport, i thought: oh oh, the other girl had the same card when she got the visa. I was more nervous!!! Then the man told me you have 90 days to marry him in the USA. Do you have any problem? I said of course not. and then he gave me the pink card. I was so excited!!!!
I GOT THE VISA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cried a lot, the other girl were waiting for us, and we waited for the other couple. they got the visa too. We were so happy and we went to Starbucks to celebrate.

Now i feel so relaxed and very very happy. Wow! i have the visa! I cant believe it!
I wanted to share this with you.
I'm the happiest woman in the world. :dance:
KathyjakeNot Telling02006-10-04 19:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNewb Introduction
holaaaaa ,this is Kathe, from Peru, wow!!! thanks a lot for the help. there are a lot of information !!! gracias bye

Edited by Kathyjake, 22 February 2006 - 09:19 PM.

KathyjakeNot Telling02006-02-22 21:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk-1 VISA RECIEVED
wow!!! Congratulations!!!! My boyfriend is going to start all the paperwork maybe on march or april, so we have to wait 4 or 6 months!!!
Good luck
KathyjakeNot Telling02006-02-22 21:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe got The visa!!!!!!!!!! Woo hoo
wow!!!!!!!!!! congratulations!!!!!! i was thinking about your interview today. Me alegra mucho que ya te hayan dado tu visa y gracias por contarnos todo con detalles. Que les vaya super chevere!!!! Felicitaciones.
KathyjakeNot Telling02006-03-09 23:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved! Wooooot!
:D congratulations!!!!!!!!! :yes:
KathyjakeNot Telling02006-09-06 17:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresplease!!!! i need your help!
thanks, but i didnt find the information i was needing. :(
KathyjakeNot Telling02006-09-12 12:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresplease!!!! i need your help!
hey everybody i'm so confused right now. i paid for a lot of certificates here in Peru ( policiales, penales y judiciales) please, en el caso de antecedentes penales cual necesito? para uso solo en Perù o para uso en el exterior? people who work here dont know, they told that the embassy can ask me for both or only one. what can i do? please help me.
KathyjakeNot Telling02006-09-12 12:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved!!! After 171 days (4104 hrs, 246240 min, etc...)
Congratulations! :dance:
Good luck to you and best wishes
KathyjakeNot Telling02006-09-12 16:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionGot Appointment Letter Yesterday!!!
Good luck!!, u guys look like a very nice couple. Everything is gonna be alright, trust true love and have faith!
My interview is on October 15th, 1 day after yours smile.gif
ComboniFemalePeru2009-09-10 20:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWe got our Noa2 !! woot
Great news, congrats!!
ComboniFemalePeru2009-07-20 21:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEl-Hamdulilah!!! WE FINALLY GOT OUR VISA!!! =oD
Congrats!!! enjoy biggrin.gif
ComboniFemalePeru2009-07-20 09:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsi called USCIS
Relax n try to spend time with friends.
Your noa2 will come very soon don't worry, at least you are in CSC, they are faster than VSC dry.gif
I see CSC may fillers getting their NOA2s and I feel like pulling my hair to death girlwerewolf2xn.gif I know how you are feeling, it realy sucks.
If you don't get your NOA2 in one more month, call USCIS, don't wait for 2 month like the lady said.
Good luck!!

ComboniFemalePeru2009-07-22 12:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMailing off our petition today!
Welcome to this journey and good luck!
ComboniFemalePeru2009-08-03 13:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved!
CONGRATSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! this is great!!!
ComboniFemalePeru2009-08-02 13:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved
woo hoo!!! dancin5hr.gif I'm so so so happy for you guys!! I know this has been a long wait for you, finally got it, you really deserve to be together, I wish you the best with all my heart. Yesterday I told Keila that today was going to be the day yes.gif yay!! enjoy very much, this is awesome!
ComboniFemalePeru2009-09-21 20:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2009 Filers
Middle of October? 3 more months wow! I'm dying right now wow.gif I really hope this is not true.
I've read that the USCIS call center has nothing to do with USCIS itself, they are in another building and they just read the answers from a book or something like that. So I wouldn't trust USCIS call center words.
ComboniFemalePeru2009-07-22 12:33:00