Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)US/Germany best banking option
I double-checked on this with my husband. We don't have any monthly income going into this account. This might have been a requirement in the past, but now, because all of their banking is online, I think they're just happy to have your money to make more money on.

The only thing our income did affect was the credit limit for the credit cards. I am a student also, and therefore unemployed. Plus, I'm American with no real working history here in Germany. Consequently, my credit limit was set at 500 Euros. My husband's credit limit is higher since he has a job. The thing is, it doesn't change how much money I can take out of our account using an ATM. That's limited only by how much cash we have on the credit card accounts themselves.

What we had to do was open one joint savings account, with two credit cards linked to it. We have separate credit card numbers, but they are linked to the same account, so we can move money between them really easily. Does this make sense? I'm headed to the States on Tuesday and will see how it works withdrawing money with my card while I'm there.

Best wishes,

Edited by Mary G., 29 January 2007 - 01:35 AM.

Mary G.FemaleGermany2007-01-29 01:34:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)US/Germany best banking option
Deutsche Kreditbank is a great option for geting money in Euros into dollars in the US. They offer an interest rate of 3.3% on money in a credit card account. First, you open a regular savings account with them, but then you can transfer it into a credit card account with a higher interest rate. They say they have no ATM fees when you then withdraw money in other currency, but rather offer the exchange rate that Mastercard/Visa give. Also, there's no annual fee to have an account with them. Their web address is

Hope this helps!

yes, i would not recommend sparkasse for this kind of thing at all.
they are kind of regional and very unflexible.
in fact, i went to sparkasse before i moved to the us and they recommended me to just close my account with them because it would not be worth it to keep it.

you want to go with a big bank like deutsche bank. (sparkasse just uses these big banks to do its international stuff anyway, which makes it more expensive.)
the annual account fee from sparkasse and deutsche bank are about the same, but the international stuff is for free with deutsche bank.

i hope i made sense.


Mary G.FemaleGermany2007-01-28 14:57:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Roundtrip flight from Frankfurt to Detroit
Another good website to check is But in my experience KLM or are the cheapest. For student travel, you could also try, and Sometimes these are cheaper than regular fares; sometimes not...but it doesn't hurt to check. Good luck!

Here is one of the cheapest I've found...

Summer is more expensive.. I flew to Moldova last year... Idaho to Molova $1075 in April $1425 in Aug. at that time I used Expedia...but Onetravel seems to be about $100 or more cheaper.. then them..

Also leaving on a Friday and coming back on a Sunday is usually cheaper..

It goes from $1080 to $1029 leaving on a Friday and coming back on a Sunday.. using

Mary G.FemaleGermany2007-03-02 15:32:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Filing an IR-1 in Frankfurt--what do the timelines look like?
Hi Walter,
I mailed an I-130 to Frankfurt on behalf of my husband in early December. It took 78 days for it to be approved once they'd received it. It used to be faster to file at the Consulate, but since they passed the Adam Walsh Act, I believe it's taking longer even if you deliver them in person.

Are you living in Germany? If so, then it sounds like you are doing DCF. Even if you mail it, it's still considered DCF if you're filing the I-130 at the USCIS Office in Frankfurt.

If you've got any more questions about Frankfurt, feel free to ask. We've been going through it these past few months and I'm happy to offer you any insight we've gleaned from our experiences.

Best wishes,


So I just mailed my I-130 petition for my wife to Frankfurt yesterday. Anyone have an idea how long it's taking these days? Maybe more importantly, would it have been better to do a DCF?

It seems from the timelines I've been reading that doing a DCF can get your I-130 approved on the same day, i.e., get you to NOA2 immediately. Is this correct, or is a DCF not quite so lucrative?


Freiburg, Germany

Mary G.FemaleGermany2007-03-06 06:11:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Moving to the US
That's good to know about DHL. It's unbelievable to me how expensive Deutschepost can be, but so it goes. We are living together in Essen right now. We tried to plan in that way so that we could file DCF here, to try to speed things up a bit. I've only been here since August. And we'll be leaving at the end of June, if all goes well in Frankfurt at my husband's interview on April 2nd.

How long has it been since you first filed? I'll have to check your timeline and see if I can find out. Just for your information, right now, Iberia Airlines has really cheap tickets to the States, at least to Boston. My in-laws and a lot of our friends here are coming to the States in the summer for a second wedding reception we're having there, and they paid 372 Euros, taxes included, by booking with Iberia. You're limited to certain dates, but you might want to check it out. Even if you're not coming back, it might be worth buying the roundtrip ticket since it's most likely cheaper than a one way ticket.

Best of luck with everything. Let us know when you get Packet 3! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

Best wishes,

Hi Mary,

I am living in Wuppertal right now and Otto is in Austin waiting for me. It sounds like you and your husband are living together in Essen, right? That´s great so you don´t miss each other.

We got our NOA2 last friday. I am still waiting for package 3 and the interview at Frankfurt embassy. Since I am not sure how long it takes to get the visa - I will book my flight directly after the interview - hopefully that will be May.

I decided not to take quirx. I know it is not very expensive, but I can´t spend 1300 Euro on shipping. I send once in a while a package via DHL. The prices are okay - 32 Euro for up to 5 kg, 42 up to 10 kg and 62 up to 20 kg. I won´t take any of my furniture with me, but that´s fine since I want to get rid of them anyway.

Will you take Quirx? When are you leaving for USA?

Best wishes

Mary G.FemaleGermany2007-03-14 03:15:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Moving to the US
Hi Karin,
Thanks for your message. We did end up checking out quirx and got a quote from them. We're in Essen and would be moving from Essen to Vermont (ultimately) by way of New Hampshire. So the port where our things will be sent would be Boston. Quirx was the cheapest one we've found so far. For 7 cubic meters, about 500 kilos, it would cost about 1300 Euros to get to the States. But then we noticed that there's a customs fee on top of that (200 or so dollars) and then 800 dollars to have it delivered to my parents' house in NH (where we'll be for a month before we move to Vermont). Still, I think it is the cheapest company we've found. Too bad that it's so expensive though. Altogether it will be about 2000 Euros (and we're not even bringing very many things!).

When are you planning to move? Are you in Wuppertal right now?

Let me know how it works out and if you decide to go ahead with quirx. I'd love to know how it works out for you.

Best wishes,

Hi Mary,

oh je took me a long time to find this thread again. Sorry for answering so late.

Finally got an answer from quirx, it costs about 1300 Euro to ship 30 boxes (each 20 kg weight) from Wuppertal to Austin, Texas. I think it is not that expensive - just for me right now.

We are still in the K1-process, hopefully I will be in May moving to Austin.

Nice greetings Karin

Mary G.FemaleGermany2007-03-13 15:15:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Moving to the US
Thanks! It's helpful to have the name of a moving company from a real person instead of from an internet search. Good luck with your move! When're you planning to go to the US, and where will you be heading?

Best wishes,

Although my husband and I aren't planning on moving to the US until June, I thought I'd put this question out there to gather information ahead of time: anyone know the best way to move a small amount of things to the US? We thought about renting a container, but we don't have enough to fill a container. We'll most likely just have some books, clothes, pots and pans, one arm chair, another wicker chair, CDs, and a few framed pictures. I'm especially curious whether any of you have used any moving companies here in Germany, and if so, if you know which one's cheapest. We want to make sure we allot enough money to pay for all our moving costs.


Hi Mary,

I am moving to the US too and my friend found quirx international. They ship small amounts too. here is the link . I started a Preisanfrage on sunday, but still waiting for an answer.

Kood luck Karin

Mary G.FemaleGermany2007-02-18 03:18:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Moving to the US
Although my husband and I aren't planning on moving to the US until June, I thought I'd put this question out there to gather information ahead of time: anyone know the best way to move a small amount of things to the US? We thought about renting a container, but we don't have enough to fill a container. We'll most likely just have some books, clothes, pots and pans, one arm chair, another wicker chair, CDs, and a few framed pictures. I'm especially curious whether any of you have used any moving companies here in Germany, and if so, if you know which one's cheapest. We want to make sure we allot enough money to pay for all our moving costs.

Mary G.FemaleGermany2007-01-29 04:43:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)US bank with good exchange rate Euro/Dollar?
You can register with a foreign exchange service such as or Their rates are much better than any banks. They require a little effort up front--you must upload a copy of your passport and a signed application. Then they will call you to ask you a few questions as part of their compliance procedures. But their rates are much, much better than any banks. I personally would recommend ozforex, as their rates seem a little bit better than xetrade. But it depends how much money you're transfering. Ozforex has a minimum of $2000 Australian Dollars requirement, and for amounts under $10,000 Australian Dollars, they charge a $15 fee. They do not charge for wires, however, whereas xetrade seems to charge for sending a wire. What happens is that you send them your money, they do the conversion, and then send it to your bank.

Hope this information helps!

Best wishes,

Hi all,

Does anybody know a US bank (in Caifornia) offering good exchange rates for wire transfers from European banks?

I have no choice, I will receive Euros directly and not dollars but all US banks I checked had a bad echange rate :angry:


All banks charge a 3%+ surcharge on incoming transfers that involve a different currency. The only way to avoid this, is to have someone in the EU locally transfer the cash & send. Otherwise, no luck :(

Mary G.FemaleGermany2007-05-05 02:50:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
in meinem Fall habe ich der Airline nicht vorher Bescheid gegeben. Das Kleid war in einem Kleidersack, an dessen oberen Ende ein Kleiderbuegel rausschaut, so dass man es gut aufhaengen kann. Ich habe dann nur beim Check-In angegeben, dass ich es als Handgepaeck mitnehmen moechte. Beim Security Check lief es dann, wie alles anderen Dinge auch, auf dem Laufband durch die Maschine. An Bord des Flugzeugs habe ich dann der ersten Flugbegleiterin mein "Problem" anvertraut und sie hat das Kleid aufgehaengt. Bevor wir gelandet sind hat sie mir dann das Kleid gebracht.
Trotzdem, vorher bzw. bei der Buchung Bescheid sagen, kann ja nicht schaden.

Good luck,


Hallo Mary,

vielen Dank fuer die Auskunft. Muss ich es beim Check-in angeben, dass ich ein Brautkleid dabei habe oder bereits bei der Buchung?

Mary G.FemaleGermany2007-04-15 15:14:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Hi HappyOne,

ich habe mein Brautkleid damals als Handgepaeck im Flugzeug mit nach Deutschland genommen und es von der Flugbegleiterin mit den Erste-Klasse-Maenteln aufhaengen lassen. Es war gar kein Problem. Lass sie nur wissen, dass du ein Brautkleid dabei hast.

Best wishes,

Hallo zusammen,

ich muss mal wieder eine doofe Frage stellen...sorry :(
Hat jemand von euch mal ein Brautkleid gekauft und ist damit nach Deutschland geflogen?
Ich plane im Juni fuer die Hochzeitsfeier mit der Familie nach Deutschland zu fliegen. Das Kleid hab ich hier gekauft,
aber ich bezweifle dass ich es in ein Koffer kriege, ohne es zu quetschen.
Und als Handgepaeck wird es auch nicht gehen, weil ich es ja nicht in diese Kabinen ueber den sitzen quetschen kann/moechte. :((

Vielen Dank schon mal im Voraus!!!!!



Mary G.FemaleGermany2007-04-15 13:22:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Frankfurt Hotel Across from the American Consulate
For anyone who needs to visit the American Consulate/Embassy in Frankfurt, right now the hotel Friedberger Warte (a four star hotel across from the Consulate) has a special offer. My husband and I will both be staying there the evening of April 1st (before his visa interview on the 2nd), and we paid only 44 Euros (including all taxes) for the two of us with breakfast using the website We actually found the rate by using, searching on the hotel, and then doing a rate search. Some sites advertised a rate of over 100 Euros per night, so needless to say we were quite pleased with the rate found on ebookers. Plus, the hotel looks beautiful and has free overground parking.

Anyhow, I'm not sure anyone on VJ is headed there any time soon, but perhaps in the future, they might also have a reasonable rate and it might help someone.

Best wishes,
Mary G.FemaleGermany2007-03-13 15:54:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I-864- Bank/Assets help
If you are using assets to qualify as a sponsor for the I-864 (in other words, if your employment alone does not meet the minimum income requirements), you DO need to submit evidence of your assets. I had no letter from any banks. I printed out account statements for the last twelve months, and then created a spreadsheet with the current totals in all accounts. When I went my husband's interview with him in Frankfurt, the woman going over the paperwork said we did not need to submit the statements for all twelve months--only the most recent statement from each account. I think it was good we had statements for all twelve months, but it was nice they weren't necessary (maybe because of the spreadsheet?--not sure).

Good luck!

Bank statement is not needed for I-864. Just your recent pay stub plus a letter from employer would suffice it for I-864. You don't need to notarize I-864.

Oh i see! But I am guessing that is NOT necessary for the I-864, correct?

thanks for your help thus far, YuAndDan!

I guess my question is: is it sufficient to just send a copy of a monthly statement stating that you hv X amount in the bank, or does it have to be a formal letter from the bank to say how much it's in the bank?
I think I've read somewhere that you have to do a balance sheet of how much you've spent/ deposited in the past year... and i wasn't sure if that's something i'll have to submit that...


You are referring to the instructions for form I-134 which is used for K-Visa interviews.

The sponsor must submit in duplicate evidence of income and resources, as appropriate:

A. Statement from an officer of the bank or other financial institution where you have deposits, giving the following details regarding your account:

  • Date account opened;
  • Total amount deposited for the past year;
  • Present balance

Mary G.FemaleGermany2007-05-07 00:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHow fast Frankfurt mailed you the visa?
Daniel interviewed on Monday, and had his visa by Thursday.


You are right, people don't update their timeline............

good to hear from you Karin und Otto :thumbs:

Mary G.FemaleGermany2007-05-23 01:13:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGot my new card!!!
Congratulations, Marcel.

That's great news!

Just curious, what did you submit as evidence? I only ask because since you were approved so quickly, it might be helpful for us to present similar evidence when my husband applies to remove his conditions in a few years.

Best wishes,

I just received my new 10 year permanent resident card in the mail and all of this within just under 2 months.
Check out my time line in my signature....AMAZING. This makes up for all the initial insanity 3 years ago, when we began to file for K1.
Good luck to everybody who submitted the application to the California service center.
Next step will be citizenship in June of 2008.

Mary G.FemaleGermany2007-05-15 00:13:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI got 2 years GC after 3 years it mistake?
It depends. Did you just enter the US? I'm not sure how it works if you came in on a fiance visa...but for my husband who will enter the States in June, he will receive a 2 year Green Card because we will have been married for less than two years when he enters the States. Then, he will have to apply for removal of conditions after two years of living in the States.

Can you tell us more about your situation? Then we might be able to give you better feedback.

Best wishes,

I got 2 years GC after 3 years it mistake?should i get infopass ?

Mary G.FemaleGermany2007-06-05 00:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWho do I send the I-130 to?
Have you seen meauxna's post regarding where to file the I-130? I'm living in Germany also, and we filed ours in Frankfurt back in December. I think that if you haven't filed it yet, you have to now send it to the Service Center for your place of residence in the US. Maybe you've already figured that out.

Did you call the Embassy in Germany? Did you get any information from them?

Good luck to you!

OK, I will try to call them.

I am a permanent resident of Germany and have been for over 2.5 years now. My first plan was to start the paperwork here and continue it in the United States. I don't know how doable that still is, but we will see. I will try tomorrow.

Mary G.FemaleGermany2007-01-28 06:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAssets for the I-864
I know for the I-864 that only money that is accessible within a year may be counted as assets. I have a Roth IRA, but I'm not sure whether I can count it or not. I'm 29, so if I withdrew money from the account at this point, it'd be taxed heavily. Anyone know the answer to this question? I'm sure the answer's already here somewhere, but I have been unable to find it in the searches I've done.

Mary G.FemaleGermany2007-01-29 09:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures864EZ
I filed the I-130 in Frankfurt in early December, so according to USCIS in Frankfurt, the new rules "should not affect [me]." I'm hoping they won't.

With the 864-EZ, I guess I was assuming that by income they mean annual income from the proceeding year (as per tax returns). I made enough in both 2005 and 2006 to exceed the minimum requirements for a two person household... Am I wrong, though, in thinking they're referencing annual income this way? I mean, my annual income for 2006 was beyond the 125% of the poverty guidelines required...and 2007 is just starting, and I have applications for teaching jobs submitted to schools in the states.

I'd love to hear any advice you can offer.

Thanks so much for your help!

I don't know if you've been following the threads, but if you have not yet submitted an I-130, I do not think you'll be allowed to file it in Ffurt. Please see the new filing instructions for form I-130.

Regarding the I-864EZ, What income or assets will you use to complete the Affidavit? It reads to me as if it is for current, straight wage income, not assets.

Mary G.FemaleGermany2007-01-29 13:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures864EZ
I forgot to mention that I am a Ph.D. candidate. I took a break last year from dissertation writing and taught high school, but that job ended officially in August. Since then I've been working on my dissertation, and am considered to be on detached study from my university in the States. Does that make a difference?

Can anyone help me?

I worked in the United States from January to August of 2006 and made enough to meet the minimum requirements to support my husband. Since September, however, I've been unemployed and living in Germany with my husband (we're going through DCF in Frankfurt). Can I still use the 864EZ form, since my income for 2006 was sufficient, or do I have to be currently employed to use that form?

Thanks so much,

Mary G.FemaleGermany2007-01-29 13:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures864EZ
Can anyone help me?

I worked in the United States from January to August of 2006 and made enough to meet the minimum requirements to support my husband. Since September, however, I've been unemployed and living in Germany with my husband (we're going through DCF in Frankfurt). Can I still use the 864EZ form, since my income for 2006 was sufficient, or do I have to be currently employed to use that form?

Thanks so much,
Mary G.FemaleGermany2007-01-29 12:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUsing Assets to Meet I-864 Requirements
I'm trying to complete the 864 for my husband and me. Since I am currently unemployed here in Germany, we are trying to qualify solely with our assets. However, since we are waiting for his interview appointment, should I wait longer before printing final bank statements and balances? I'm not sure how recent they have to be with regards to the interview appointment.

Also, my parents gave us some money about a month ago as a gift for our wedding. However, it shows up as a recent deposit. If I have a note in writing from my parents' about the gift, will that alleviate suspicion that we're just borrowing money in order to meet the povery guidelines?

Thanks for any help you might be able to offer!

Mary G.FemaleGermany2007-02-27 04:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864 questions
Per the current 864 instructions, you only need to submit a copy of your tax return from the last year. In your case, since your 2006 income does qualify, you should submit that, along with copies of your W2s from 2006. Also, it might be helpful to show a recent paycheck stub to prove that your income from 2006 is continuing. You can always have copies of your previous tax returns with you in case they ask, but I wouldn't offer them unless they ask.

In the past, they used to ask for tax returns from the last three years. Now, they only ask for one, although everyone still has the option of submitting returns from the last three years.

Best of luck to you!

When I read the forum it says to submit the last 3 years and when I read the I-864 it says to submit the last year. I have all three 2006,05,04 I made enought to make it above 125% poverty level in 06. In 05' I filed jointly as I was married and in 04' I was going to school and only working part time and didnt make it above the 125% poverty level. So would it even help to submit the one I filed jointly and the one I didnt even qualify for or should I just submit 2006 which I actually qualified? Also can I just submit the w-2 for the last 2 years or do I need to sumbit all three years of w-2's as I worked numerous jobs in 04' and hunting down w-2's for all of them might be a challenge.

Mary G.FemaleGermany2007-03-20 02:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview today
Good luck with your interview!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Mary G., 27 March 2007 - 12:58 AM.

Mary G.FemaleGermany2007-03-27 00:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresConditional CR-1 visa. Lifting restrictions.
Whether or not you get a CR-1 or an IR-1 is contingent on how long you've been married to the US citizen when you enter the US with your visa. If you've been married for two years already on your date of entry to the US, you will get the IR-1 without the two year conditional period. If you haven't yet planned to enter the US with your visa before your two year anniversary, you should definitely wait since it will save you a lot of trouble.

Best wishes,

Hi there,

From what I have read, if you have not been married at least two years on the date of your CR-1 interview, you will not be issued with permanent residence status, but instead, you will get two year conditional residence. I have also read that 90 days before your second wedding anniversary, you can apply to have the restriction lifted.

Our two year anniversary will be on August 18th 2007, so 90 days before that will be May 20th. My interview in London is on May 3rd. So, my question is:

Will I receive a conditional visa on May 3rd and then be able to apply to have the conditions removed 17 days later?! Or will the conditions apply for two years, meaning I can't get permanent residence status until 2009?

Thanks in advance for any help...

Mary G.FemaleGermany2007-04-28 11:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence of Marriage question
We submitted copies of emails between us over the last ten years, receipts from phone card purchases, copies of boarding passes, copies of cards from my family to him and his family to me, etc. These things seemed to work just fine. We also had printouts of several photos, a receipt from the purchase of our wedding rings, evidence of planning for a larger wedding reception.

Good luck!

Please read the instructions for the I-130 for yourself and then call USCIS, do not make your final decisions from opinions.
Your marriage certificate is a required item from the 1-4 listing in addition to the following:

NOTE: In addition to the required documentation listed in 1)through 4) above, you should submit one or more of the following types of documentation that may evidence that bonafides of your marriage:
1) Documentation showing joint ownership or property; or
2) A lease showing joint tenancy of a common residence; or
3) Documentation showing co-mingling of financialresources; or
4) Birth certificate(s) of child(ren) born to you, the petitioner, and your spouse together; or
5) Affidavits sworn to or affirmed by third parties havingpersonal knowledge of the bona fides of the maritalrelationship (Each affidavit must contain the full nameand address, date and place of birth of the person makingthe affidavit, his or her relationship to the petitioner ofbeneficiary, if any, and complete information and detailsexplaining how the person acquired his or herknowledge of your marriage); or
6) Any other relevant documentation to establish that thereis an ongoing marital union.

1-6 don't sweat it! yeah right! just sweat it when you get RFE. They only say "should" to use up page space.

I absolutely agree with your advice to read the instructions and do your own due diligence.

Note number 6 above is both wide open and telling. It refers to documenting an ongoing marital union. Pictures, communication proof, boarding passes for visits are all potential items with far more meaning than affidavits about parties and/or banging headboards. By all means, if you want to send affidavits, more power to you. I just don't think they'll have much meaning for most marriages to between people who have never resided in the same country together.

I wonder what the racer would suggest putting in the affidavits that would provide evidence of relationship bona fides over and above a marriage certificate. (within the context described above)

Mary G.FemaleGermany2007-05-12 04:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMilitary Dependant with CR-1 Visa
Just to clarify (and maybe someone already has and I missed it), if the spouse of a US citizen enters the US on a CR-1 visa, he/she can apply for citizenship after three years of residing in the US. It doesn't matter that the visa is a CR-1 and not an IR-1, it still counts towards the three years requirement.

Best wishes to all,

AOS is for K-3, not CR-1. you start counting when you get your green card, 2 year or 10 year. You get your green card when you enter the U.S. wether a CR-1 or IR-1. Mike & Zhen GOOD LUCK ! ! ! ! !

Hey there,

Adjustment of Status does apply to a CR-1, because she will be a conditional resident. At the 2 year mark or before she must adjust her status.

I may be confusing adjusting status and removing conditions. Sorry!!

Mary G.FemaleGermany2007-05-24 02:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHas anyone had this similar situation?
Hi Wendy,
Don't despair. It really sounds like you're going about this the right way. As long as you're honest about him having overstayed his visa--that's the most important thing. A friend of mine married a German man who had overstayed his visa in the US. When they asked him upon his arrival to the US on a trip to visit her (prior to their marriage) whether or not he'd overstayed his visa in the past, he said he didn't know (because he didn't want to get in any trouble). Moments later, they were accusing him of lying to the United States government, which is considered treason, and then a permanent bar was placed on his passport banning him from forever after entering the US. My friend married him anyway, in Canada, and then they hired an immigration attorney and wrote my friend's representative in Congress. It took a few years, but he now has a green card, and I'm not sure the lawyer helped them all that much.

Needless to say, it doesn't sound like your fiance deliberately tried to deceive anyone, and I think that has to count for something. Just submit the application on your own. Be honest about the fact that he overstayed, but also show that he had a job, paid taxes (he might have had an individual taxpayer ID #-ITIN), and therefore was able to support himself. Those are all plusses. And then see what happens. If you have trouble, that's when it seems it would make sense to consult an attorney.

Of course, I am not a lawyer and have no experience with immigration law, so please don't take my advice as any kind of legal advice. But I wish you luck. Let us know what happens.

Best wishes,

Yeah, this sounds like one of those attorney cases - not everyone needs one, in fact most don't, but given the length of his overstay, some consultation at least would be helpful for you.

Make sure you find a qualified immigration attorney with experience in FAMILY BASED visas (and their related petitions and, in your case, waivers, probably). Try calling the state bar for your home state and asking for a referral. Set up a meeting and take with you all the documentation you have. An attorney should chat with you BEFORE asking for any money to see if he/she is qualified and able to take your case. Some lawyers will talk to you over the phone and then ask for a flat rate (a "retainer") to deal with your problems, or they may charge by the amount worked (by the hour, etc). In most states, lawyers are required to tell you exactly what kind of work you will be getting for your money and what is included for the price (ask about things like copies and various misc fees).

Google the attorney's name and see if there's any information out there, good or bad, that can help you make an informed decision.

If you are concerned about cost, first call whomever you think you'd most want and explain the situation and be frank about your ability to pay. Some attorneys can help you pro bono (for free). Otherwise, google up some legal aid services in your area. There are a lot of resources out there for legal help even for those without a huge amount of money to spare on legal services.

Best of luck.

Mary G.FemaleGermany2007-03-24 18:01:00