PhilippinesBel's Airline ticket
Hi everyone,i tried to book Bel's ticket through Globe travel,at a very good price,including taxes at 822.00,they confirmed her booking,which even shows up on the airlines website,then they asked me to fill in an authorization letter,with the front of my license and the front of my debit card which i did along with filled out form!By the way this is for an e-ticket!Then since i still didnt receive an email,which would have the e-ticket along with her itenary,so she could use this to check in and get her ticket and boarding passes,i called them back today and was told that its not possable for them to do this cause the name on the ticket will be differant than on the debit card,what a shock!Then they told me,that if i wire transfer the fare directly into Globes account,they would be able to issue the e-ticket,they were supposed to call back,in a few mins with their routing number,but never did.So i called again,and the excuse this time was it couldnt be done,as Globe was not open here in the US office and they wouldnt be able to check it,and ask me if i could purchase her ticket somewhere else!Shock again!!!! What im asking of my fellow vj's is and im going absoulutely going crazy to find out,is there a online travel agency,that i can contact right now,that will be able to do this,i mean for me to able to purchase Bel's e-ticket online using my debit card,where there wouldnt be any problems and has great cheap fares!i tried majestic travel,they have great cheap fares,even alittle cheaper than Globe and i can book online with them no problem,but there is no ne available to call on the phone right now,to confirm that there wont be a problem,i want to use them,but i need to be able to speak with someone on the phone to be sure!!PLEASE PLEASE HELP LOUIE AND BEL helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif
louiepMalePhilippines2008-10-05 18:18:00
PhilippinesBel has her ticket
My Bel now has her e-ticket YIPPIE, I just wanna thank Rickie n eva and Pink,to their concerns for this!Bel will be leaving friday morning phil time at 9:00am and arriving at JFK in New York at 7:00pm!I WILL LOVE BEL FOR ALL THE REST OF MY DAYS ON EARTH!!!! I would say this also,why is it that here on visajourney,where there are so many people from many many differant laces around our planet earth,who are gathered in here because of Love and concern,not just only for themselfs,and in most cases will never actually meet each other,that they have love and concern other than just for themselfs and their spouses!Maybe some of the rest of the world should log onto this site and see what real love is all about,and the compassion that we have for each others concerns,knowing what we sacrafice,to be with our loved ones and to truly help others to do the same!This quote is for a special person in here Jeqo Ryu because of the thread she started: Where two or more people are gathered in my name(Jesus)there i am also!!! Louie n Bel
louiepMalePhilippines2008-10-05 23:13:00
Bel just told me,that she already has her cfo certificate only thing is that they put the cfo sticker on her passport in her married name.i told just bring a copy of the oringal marriage certificate with her to the airport,but i told i dont think its a problem at all as far as just checking in and getting her boarding passes and eticket.any opinions would be greatly appreciated. louie
louiepMalePhilippines2008-10-06 05:20:00
PhilippinesThe Truth of the Matter,at the NVC,USEM,DELBROS,NSO
Lets star with the NVC:When the NVC tells you your case has been completed true!When the NVC tells you in about two weeks or less that case has been forwarded to the USEM,only partly true!In fact only your electronic file has been forwarded to the USEM!The physical case file is forwarded to the USEM,about 30 to 45 days later!The USEM will only start document verification,until they receive the physical case file!In fact once your told by the NVC that your case has been forwarded to the USEM,it has but only the electronic file has,the physical case files your tracking through DHL are in fact from cases that were completed approx a month ahead of yours!An example:Bels electronic file was forwarded and recieved by the USEM on july the 18th,but her physical case file was not forwarded by the NVC until aug 5 and received by the USEM until aug 29,thus starting verification sept 1!Bel in fact paid for and confirmed payment of from Delbros for her verificationfee,on july 27th metro bank marilo at 11:45am!Now We were both thinking ,that since being told and rest assured,by Shuana in the visa call center,that as soon as your payment to Delbros is confirmed,thats when your verification would begin,We were like great because even if it took two months,from july 18th it would be done before Bels oringinal interview date of sept 23,lol lol how unture that is!!!!!No matter when you pay your doc fee,it wont actually begin until the USEM has your physical case file Lets take Delbros, for instance! Delbros in fact can only confirm that they have received your doc payment,thats about it!The USEM would know in fact before Delbros,when your VRF form has been forwarded to the NSO,why?Ask yourself this after trying to contact Delbros through text after text and emails and sometimes phone calls to see if your VRF has been forwarded to the NSO they dont have an ansewer sometimes and sometimes for awhile ,that in most cases the USEM will know this a few days ahead of that!True!!!!!!!!As far as texting or emailing Delbros to see if your Doc verification is done or has been forwarded to the USEM they wouldnt have a truethful clue in that,because in fact everyones doc verification when done is picked up every friday by a USEM employee who works in the Counsler section of the embassy named Emily!As matter of fact i was told by someone who works in the immigrant visa unit counsler section,that i or anyone else areupon all of my fellow vjs no matter where you are located not supposed to know this!!!Now the NSO,lol huh!!!! and the USEM and the relationship between them.Read my post abot this in the Philippine sub forum,and decide who you can trust to really bring you back together with your loved ones and have hearts touched in the people of all these entitys who are handling your process and in fact your life,so that they may be truthful even when they cannot!We,me and Bel only trust Almighty God through his son Jesus Christ,not the USCIS,NOT THE NVC,NOT THE USEM NOT DELBROS AND CERTAINLY NOT THE NSO Godbless and All prayers my prayers to all my fellow vjs Louie and Bel
louiepMalePhilippines2008-09-22 05:17:00
Philippines***Bible Verses of the Day****
Hi Jego,hope its ok i dont know the exact verses,but i would like to say this if its ok.Jesus once said that with a contrite heart and and the faith of a mustard seed ,if you were say to the mountain move over there,it would move over there!Jesus was once asked on the mount of olives,teach us to pray Lord, Our father who art in Heaven Hallowed be thy name Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven who gives us our daily bread who forgives our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us who leads us not into temptation but delivers us from evil.AMEN Only in a personal relationship with Jesus and Almighty God the Father and his words which are absolute,may we be saved !We are all on this journey because we all seek to share with our spouses,the greatest creation and gift to us from Almighty God which is LOVE! Through your son Jesus i ask you Almighty Father to forgive my sins and to make our visa journeys tollarable for the health of our minds but especially for love in hearts for each other!AMEN
louiepMalePhilippines2008-09-21 04:56:00
Philippinesgoing to the phil to get married

I don't know if there's a difference. I do have one daughter. My husband and I got married here in the Philippines. He filed for CR1 (for me) and CR2 (for my daughter). it took us almost a year before we got aour visa approved (oh well due to some unexpected delays for requirements). We haven't had any problems in our documents as long as I sent to him (husband) all the original and keep another copy to me (all original as well). If you want i can send you our procedure on your email and or you can send sms at xxxxxxxxxxx and ill be the one to call you. Neen no worries with the call as I have my US number. I am still here in Manila and will be leaving next month for US to be with my husband. Oh, we did not hire any lawyer, what we did is just follow procedure for the requirements :)

please email me al my yahoo email address in my profile please i really need to talk to you about this please n the procedure you used thk you in advance louie
louiepMalePhilippines2011-10-01 01:45:00
Philippinesgoing to the phil to get married
ive changed everything in my time line n profile so theres no confusion with anyone that will help me now please!My future wife and i will marry when i go to the phil in this dec!my future wife has two daughters larris 4yrs and dianna 2yrs old okay!who i absolutely adore as my own even though they are not my own!the father of the two girls abanddon them long ago n has been on the run under warrant from the national police for arson.He tried to burn the house down while the girls wwere still in the house,just thought id explain that part okay! my question is when i go to the phil to marry my future wife in dec this year,exactly what papers should i bring with me for the petition process for my future wife and her two girls?my future wife has never been married before and since we will be married,the girls will become my step daughters!so i really need to know exactly what papers i should bring with me so when i return i can file the petitions for them!and exactly how and what kind of petitions do i file for the three of them?also what further paperwork should i bring now for the future filings of their visa applications that will come in the future?Another words i wish to take care of any and all paperwork while im there so not to have to delay the process as much as possable by so many fedex's back n forth!my future wife has her birth certificate n passport and she alsohas birth certificates and passports for the two girls already!so my queston is what other preperations can i have her do now for the petition process,the visa process n future documents n requirements now before i come,so when i return i will have as much as we can put together now so we can can limit anything that will cause any delays as much as possable,PLEASE PLEASE help us A man and a women who love each other and absolutely love the girls n just want to be a family n be together here in the US as soon as time will permit thk you fellow visajourney members godbless n please feel free to contact me . please help thk you

Edited by Kathryn41, 29 September 2011 - 08:27 AM.
to remove sensitive personal information - please use PM function for contact

louiepMalePhilippines2011-09-29 03:02:00
Philippinesgoing to the phil to get married

Please make clear your questions and your situation so would understand,you, said"you are marrying your wife in pi?so it means that you guys haven't married yet?if so why did you call her wife?should be fiancee right?

the women in my profile divorced me after she got her permenent greencard n i found out she was cheating on me from almost the begining when she came here only i found out way to late the women im talking about n the kids are the one in the photo and i am going to marry her this dec when im in the phil thats why and whom im asking what im asking okay please help louie
louiepMalePhilippines2011-09-28 12:44:00
Philippinesgoing to the phil to get married
im marrying my wife in the phil and want to be sure i do things correctly,because i know this process somewhat and i dont wanna make any mistakes! will i file i-130 paperwork seperatlely or all the same paper work for (each) even the two children ryt?or file the i-130 for my wife n just include the childrens names on her i-130? Also exactly what would be all the paperwork should i bring with me there so we save time,even paper work or requirements i could bring now for future things not only for petition but for the future like their visas's and interview?and what paperwork or requirements should i have her assemble now before i go there even as far as not only the petition process but also the visa and embassy interview part of the process? please help godbless louie

Attached Files

louiepMalePhilippines2011-09-28 07:21:00
Philippinesgoing to the phil to get married
i might add im divorced from the women in my profile because as soon as she got her perment green card she left n little did i know after discovering from me fixing her pc she was cheating on me since 2009
louiepMalePhilippines2011-09-12 01:57:00
Philippinesgoing to the phil to get married
im going to the phil this christmas to marry my fiancee n she has two children who are 4 and 2 shes never been married before and the childrens father has abandon them several months question is this for me to bring her here along with the two children at the same time what kind of visa's should i file for them n can someone please tell what exact papers i should bring with me there for her and the two kids,so i can file their petitions myself insted of using a lawyer please any exact and percise information would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!1 i dont want to use a lawyer because its very exspesive if i can find the percise information i need on here i wont,just dont wanna mess this up,,but if i have to some how i will use a lawyer.please please help godbless louie
louiepMalePhilippines2011-09-12 01:54:00
Philippinesgetting married with two children
also since i live in ct usa i will mail the petitions to the vermont service center not the chicago loxbox correct?
louiepMalePhilippines2011-11-20 19:54:00
Philippinesgetting married with two children
hello fellow visa jouners im going to the phil this dec 24 to marry my fiancee n become father or stepfather to both of her little girls i know i have to file three seperate 130 petitions for each correct? also does it mean to also fill out three seperate biografical papers for each of them also correct? my fiancee already has longform birthcerticates for herself n the two girls and also passports for herself and also the two girls.n i already know the these n other documents or certified copies of these along with the certified marriage certificate which she will send me after it comes from the nso so we have no problems with anything except i would just like to exactly understand what paperwork or docments to bring with me as far as filing for their petitions? please help n thk you
louiepMalePhilippines2011-11-20 19:37:00
my wife who is of this moment lives in manila is asking me to let her n my two step daughters travel back home to her province near ozamiz city to wait out our cr-1 process insted of staying in manila i want to agree to do this as she and the girls will stay in the family home there with mom n dad but mu questions are that during our process when it comes time for things like their medical exams and also eventually their embassy interviews,where will these be conducted?and where would they get their medical exams so that their exams would be accepted for the process?would the process be delayed or slowed down alot if her and the girls go back home to ozamiz?'also we have mostly all our documents put together ones there and the ones i have here,but were waiting to retreive the birth certificate for our 2yr old from the nso and also her baptismal certificate ,if she moves back to ozamiz will she be able to get these if she moves back home in ozamiz?i really want to let her move back home with mom n dad for now also as she told me it save exspenses as far as helping her n our girls,but dont want to delay or jepordize our process in any way please help with some info on these things thk you vjrs n godbless louie
louiepMalePhilippines2012-02-06 13:34:00
thk you so far for this info i also have a nother question please would a catholic preist in the phil refuse to my wife to sign an application soley on the basis that shes not an active member of that paticular church where ever the church might be located?what would constitue being an active member?and if so wouldnt they understand that such people as the same as my wife are so very poor that they can hardly afford to even leave the neighboorhood they live in only just to go to an outside market for their daily food! i dont understand the christen reasoning in this,can someone please help to inform me on this matter. thks so much in advance godbless
louiepMalePhilippines2012-02-05 23:22:00
wouldnt dianas birth certificate from the local register be enough as supporting evidence along with her nso birth certicate
louiepMalePhilippines2012-02-05 08:34:00
hi vj friends hope someone can help with this my wife in the phil needs to get a baptismal certificate for diana her 2yr old to go alomg with dianas nso birth certificate to obtain dianas passport is the baptismal certificate a requirement"?i thought all my wife needed was her own passport n photo copy of it along with dianas nso birth certificate i thought that tis is all that is required and if the birth certificate was late registered that it was only required of adults 18 and above to bring supporting documents like this.if not can a baptisam be performed by a church in manila insted of her going all way back to ozamiz city?i dont think she has asked but shes telling me that she thinks the church will not sign her application for dianas baptisam because shes not an active member of the church in manila is this true?by the way diana is my step daughter as her mother was never married n diana is 2yrs old,can someone please please help us thk u in advance
louiepMalePhilippines2012-02-05 08:23:00
Philippinescr-1 and cr2
can some of my vj friends please reply to my question below in my own add on reply please thk you
louiepMalePhilippines2012-03-27 02:41:00
Philippinescr-1 and cr2
thk you both so much for your help if its ok i would like to ask this i know and have checked out uscis site n processesing times there n also all the processing n timlines i could find here but if its ok i would like to ask personal opinions here of all you good people n i understand hope is hope n that its a good thing but if ok i would like to ask this if everything goes smoothly and we do everything correctly in my vj friends personal opinions if i file our case which is cr-1 for my wife n cr-2 for our girls in april what would be the very best estimate for my wife n our girls to have interview n recieve their visa's??? i know this is asked alot please bear with me on asking thk you so very much godbless
louiepMalePhilippines2012-03-26 00:25:00
Philippinescr-1 and cr2
hello my vj friends i would please like to ask i will be filing for my wife n two stepdaughters in april my wife i know will be under cr-1 and my stepdaughters will be under cr-2 these things and all the requirements that go together for them n all documents needed i understand,but what i would like to ask is this since i will be filing their petitions together and at the same time in the same envelope i will send it in my question is this all through the processes the petitions,the approvals the nvc, the embassy,the interviews and eventually the approvals n issuing of their visas will it be done together all at the same time as not to seperate momma n me from the kids any help is well apperciated godbless
louiepMalePhilippines2012-03-25 00:20:00
Philippinescr-1 cr-2 processing
thk you both so much for your help if its ok i would like to ask this i know and have checked out uscis site n processesing times there n also all the processing n timlines i could find here but if its ok i would like to ask personal opinions here of all you good people n i understand hope is hope n that its a good thing but if ok i would like to ask this if everything goes smoothly and we do everything correctly in my vj friends personal opinions if i file our case which is cr-1 for my wife n cr-2 for our girls in april what would be the very best estimate for my wife n our girls to have interview n recieve their visa's??? i know this is asked alot please bear with me on asking thk you so very much godbless

louiepMalePhilippines2012-03-27 02:44:00

Here is the processing time for whichever fee you paid at DFA.

It will take:
Regular Processing: Php 950.00 (15 working days)
Rush Processing: Php 1,200.00 (7 working days)

my wife had already paid for our 2yr old dianas passport but since she only had dianas nso birth certificate n had registered her birth late she had to get dianas baptismal certificate which she now has because when late registered n after 2001 n under 18 they want two forms of id or documents for diana but im wondering how come if she already paid for dianas passport n my wife hasthe other document they need why does she still have to make an appointment?which she is doing today. my wife told me she will go to the dfa to make the appointment n shes estimating it will take a week or more to actually get an appointment?does this sound like a correct estimate or timeframe? thk you so much for responding
louiepMalePhilippines2012-04-01 23:03:00
hi my vj friends can anyone tell me what is the current rease time from your appointment till they release your passport for pickup thk you
louiepMalePhilippines2012-04-01 20:42:00
PhilippinesStep daughters
when i file the i-130 petitions for my step daughters for each one,do i have to also include a biographical form for each one as me n my wife do a g325 i think it is?And if i do do i have to inclue the natural fathers name on the bio form or my own or just moms my daughters are 2 n 4 and my wife was never married to the father n she already has her cenomar i think u call it from the nso of no marriage so we dont have any problems but just wanted to know for the girls i think for their petitions we include the same things n we have all like their nso birth certificates their passports passport photos just not sure about the biographical form? if theres anything someone thinks we forgot for them please advise thk you n godbless
louiepMalePhilippines2012-04-03 03:00:00
PhilippinesSan Jose Village,Bagakay,missamis occidental,
hi my vj friends my wife and step daughters live in quezon city ryt now because there i have a nice place for them to stay while we wait out the process,but my wife is from the place i stated in the title of my post would anyone here on vj know where on the internet i can find pictures or videos of this place it would be well appreciated i have some much much older ones my wife gave me and as it is very hard for my mother inlaw and family there to take pics or videos just wondering if anyone would know where i might find them on the net t thks in advance
louiepMalePhilippines2012-04-09 03:22:00
Philippinesstep daughters passport
can someone please tell me if the info they gave my wife is correct? thk you
louiepMalePhilippines2012-06-11 12:13:00
Philippinesstep daughters passport
my wife recently bought our daughters to the robinson mall in manila to send me the two clear copies of some documents that i need to file our petitions,i directed her to the fedex location on the third level,but as she was getting out of the cab a young street theif grabbed her bag that was around her neck and shoulder causing our 2yr old to drop to the ground thk almighty god that my wife n two step daughters are safe!!!!!!! the only thing is my wife informs is that she hadforgotton that our 2yr old passport was in her bag,which she put there when she was at home to keep it out of reach! my wife went to the dfa the very next day with more copies of our daughters nso birth certificate n baptismal certificate to report the stolen passport n to have it replaced! my wife was told it would like this by the attendent at the dfa that it would take two weeks to process and then she would have to come back to the dfa to have our daughters picture taken again among other things and then 10days after that she was told to come back to the dfa again and on that day of the second time they would release our daughters replacement passport!!! the question im asking is only, does this process for replacing a stolen passport for a child of 2 sound correct n does the time frame for replacing it also sound correct? i love my wife and step daughters very very much n as i informed my wife its just alittle longer of delay to file our petitions which she n the girls are fine with because we love each other very much as a one family!!! because i love my wife and step daughters very much my heart for them will endevor to perciver to bring them with me no matter what it takes!!! sorry for babbling on but can someone help with info and ansewers to my questions? thk you so much vjers godbless
louiepMalePhilippines2012-06-10 22:10:00

thk u ours says its in the intial review stage for my wife and stepdaughters

i guess thats good since i only sent in as of july 5th well here comes the wait like everyone else just wish for my own peace of mind i could actually know how much their actually progressing on it at times and actually what their doing
louiepMalePhilippines2012-07-14 17:30:00

Online at USCIS. But it means nothing. Mine wasn't touched for months, then it was. I wouldn't waste your time even looking at it, because even it it IS touched, you don't know what for or what it means to your case.

thk u ours says its in the intial review stage for my wife and stepdaughters
louiepMalePhilippines2012-07-14 17:25:00

it is my understanding that "touched" means someone in the USCIS picked up your file for whatever reason. They picked up the file to move it to their desk. They picked up the file to review it. They picked up to put in the box. You see the "touch" because your file was scanned. Before employees work on your file, they have to scan your file. This logs the file's location in the system. Depending where you are in the process, you can kind of get a hint why the file is being touched. I choose to ignore it because I feel I will go insane of waiting. I do something else until the time comes. I hope this helps.

thk u that does help but how do i get to see that they are touching the file?by going to the uscis status update site or something else?
louiepMalePhilippines2012-07-14 17:05:00
hello my vj friends, ive seen many times in many differant timelines that it will say,that their file or case has been touched.In some cases their file or case has been touched one day then only 2days later has been touched again!if some of my fellow vjr's in here could specifically explain this to me,how this works and how i can see this for myself in our own case,please specifically tell me how i can get to see this myself in our own case and process!thk you in advance for any help and may the good lord jesus watch out for all of us in our wait!!!!!!!! godbless louie
louiepMalePhilippines2012-07-14 16:53:00
yes thk for your reply i do understand all of that,but what im asking is the noa-1 hard copies say they are now processing our petitions!!!!!!! ive checked the uscis website ever since i recieved the texts first with our eac numbers,the texts themselfs said they received our petitions n gave us eac numbers for all three petitions from the first time i checked the uscis website even until now it says for all three that its in the initial decision stage,that along with the hard copys saying that all three are now being processed! what question is again is this,does that mean by that information,that they are actually already processing our petitions???are we that lucky??? usually they just notify u first that they have accepted your petition n then usually u wait for weeks before they start to process it,so thats why im asking are we lucky in the fact that they have already begun the process stage???? thks louie
louiepMalePhilippines2012-07-22 23:15:00
hello my fellow vjrs question just received our noa-1's for my wife n step daughters notice date of all three is july12 what im curious about,n ive been through this before is,usually the noa-1 will just state that they have receive our petitions and have accepted them,but on here on all three it says the i-130 petition for alien relitive has been recieved by our office for the following beneficiaries and is in process: my question is does this mean that they already have started to process our petitions already? because my understanding of it was that at first they would accept it,and it would just sit there until someone started to actually start processing it!!!also usually when u check on the uscis website for status at first it will just say accepted n recieved but ours jumped as even stated in our noa-1 hardcopys that all three are in process already,my question again is does this really mean that vermont where are petitions are,that they already started to process them? thk you everyone for any indept info into this.
louiepMalePhilippines2012-07-22 02:34:00
PhilippinesUS Divorce to Philippine National
you sure there is absolutely no chance to reconcile youve spend some years together its worth something try and contact her and see if not then so be it that many years there mustve been some love there godbless
louiepMalePhilippines2013-01-28 02:32:00
PhilippinesNeed PHI Lawyer advice on ex boyfriend and families right to take a child
there is no such thing as common law marriage in the phil and if any childern were born between the two parties by phil law the mother has full and unimpeading rights to the children as they are illegimate further if the mother so chooses she can immigrate with the children as long as the children have passports,which can be obtained by the mother easily as she has full custody under the law because she was never at anytime legaly married to the childrens father,my advice would be to have absolutely no contact with the ex or any friend or member of his family!!!!!theres nothing that your ex can do to stop you from immgrating with your children with the one who really loves you!!!just have all your proper paperwork for immigration n for the embbassy interview and passports for you and the children and your good to go,just completly stay away from the ex n his family till you immigrate!its actually illegal what and how the ex's mother is trying to do n how shes trying to draw you into something which yes can be undone its called human bribery on a selfish level,but would take months n alot of court dates in manila please just take my advice!!!!!!!!
louiepMalePhilippines2013-03-02 21:53:00
Philippinesnbi police clearence (green form)
hello fellow vjrs i know these questions have probley been asked before,but as myself,my wife and two step daughters who are 3yrs and 5yrs old are in the begining stage of the NVC part of the process,sorry i must ask for some help of these things. first i would like to ask since my wife lives in Santa Mesa,Manila where would be the closest place or Kiosk where she would be able to obtain her NBI police clearence certificate (green form for travel)and how much would it cost,and how long would it take to recieve?dont know how true,but i have heard n seen where you can go to some of these NBI kiosk's in some of the mall locations and recieve it the same day as long as you go early enough?Also what kind of ID or documents should she bring? Also if im not asking to much can someone please give some detail about the CFO process about what she would need to bring and where to go and would my stepdaughters have to be part of the CFO process which we will do once my wife and stepdaughters are approved after their interview and receive their visa's.thk you so much for any and all help!! godbless louie :help:
louiepMalePhilippines2013-03-10 19:20:00
Philippinesinterview date
:help: does anyone and this is for the manila embassy,does anyone have a good idea,if we have our case closed from the nvc at least by the end of april or before,that we would get not only an interview date from the nvc?but also would we get an interview date to actually have an interview scheduled to attend around 30days after case is closed?im praying for this,but any input would be appreciated!!! thk you
louiepMalePhilippines2013-04-13 22:11:00
Philippinescertified copies

how do you get certified copies of all your nso documents?as far as original marriage and birth certificates?how long would these take to get when we already have the originals but need certified copies?  thk youhelpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif

louiepMalePhilippines2013-05-03 18:29:00
Philippinescivil documents from the nso

thk you so much everyone for all your responses,its very helpful n reassuringsmile.png  yes everything else was already included n already accepted,such as police certificate ,passport bio pages,photos US style,ect,everything else was fine with NVC,thks again everyone!!!!!!!!!! Louie,Bel,Larriz n Diana

louiepMalePhilippines2013-05-11 12:59:00
Philippinescivil documents from the nso

i understand n thks for the responses so far,but what im trying understand n find out is this,what is exactly their interpetation of original?  my wife goes there to the nso and tells them at the nso,that she needs originals of our marriage certificate,her birth certificate,and both my stepdaughters birth certificates,which she has aleady sent me n i have already forwarded them to the nvc with their cover letters,but my question again is this  is that what the NVC and also the NSO  is that what they both consider ORIGINALS?Meaning the ones she got from the NSO?dont wanna get another check list,thats why im trying to make absolutely sure the ones she got directly from the NSO are what the NVC would consider originals?  thk you all for any help

louiepMalePhilippines2013-05-10 17:51:00