Mexico, Latin & South AmericaGoing to Juarez
QUOTE (chinman @ Mar 21 2009, 09:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Eventually my fiancee's appointment will be in Juarez, and I'm curious as to how others have gone to Juarez? Looking at flights, the flight to El Paso is about 1/3 of the flight to Juarez. With all the violence in the cities, what is the best way to get to a hotel near the US Embassy in Juarez?

Fly to El Paso, take a taxi to a hotel near the Embassy.

Here is the phone # of a taxi driver that was very reasonable in price. He charged $35 from El Paso to Juarez. He was very professional and polite and drives a very clean-comfortable van for American Shuttle. His name is Alfredo Delgado (speaks English/Spanish) and can be reached by cell # 915-637-4988 (If he is still there. We used his service about 2 years ago). He is very knowledgeable and trust worthy.

We stayed at the hotel just down the street. Not a fancy hotel, but we liked being close. We never felt in danger, but again, this was 2 years ago.

good luck,
Christine and Armando
mzswingMaleMexico2009-03-22 20:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionARREST RECORD ANYONE?
I am curious to know if there is anyone on here who went through Ciudad Juarez who had a prior arrest record, and how that went in the interview. My husband had a car wreck almost 10 years ago, and has an arrest related to that. He wasn't drunk or anything, just driving a little fast. We have all the records (some pages are hard to read, due to poor quality copies and thin transparent paper, but they bear the official seal, and the most important parts of the expediente are readable, like sentence, fine paid etc...) So, any experience anyone could give me, I would greatly appreciate. It's making me a little nervous.
mzswingMaleMexico2006-03-02 20:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCrimes involving moral turpitude

It may pay to ask an immigration lawyer for peace of mind but the way I read LOOKS like you will be ok in this regard.

Yes, it LOOKS that way to me too, but I wanted a second opinion to make sure I wasn't clouded by wishing it so. Thanks.
mzswingMaleMexico2006-03-14 17:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCrimes involving moral turpitude

It's really sad that your husband had to serve 18 months in a Mexican prison for, what amounts to an accident. I don't think your worry is what the embassy will do, but rather what kind of scars he carries from his internment. This is a horrible shame.
I hate to be the bad guy here but there is a question that must be asked.
Are you sure he is shooting straight with you? I don't know how things work in Mexico so I won't go too far but this story would be fishy in America.


Yes. There is a newspaper clipping and a 500 page court record to describe to me in extreme detail every aspect of this accident. And he didn't have to go to jail, so he is only scarred by the results of this accident...
As for how things work in Mexico... well, you are guilty until proven innocent for starters! Anyone can accuse you for anything, and if you don't have enough money on you to bribe the police from hauling you away, they will haul you away, until your family can come up with the money to bail you out, plus a little "extra" for the jailers who can take as long as they want to process your paperwork.

In car accidents, especially truck accidents, the driver is always guilty when a death results... If a person JUMPS in front of your truck with the intention of commiting suicide, the driver is detained until the situation is worked out... which usually means compensating the family of the person who commited suicide.

Mexico is a very very different place from the US.
mzswingMaleMexico2006-03-14 17:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCrimes involving moral turpitude
Yes, he was convicted of "involuntary manslaughter" not just charged, sorry about that. He was sentenced to I think 18 month in jail, but did not have to serve it...I believe he was released "bajo confiansa" I think I have that right, which is perhaps the same as "on bond"? He had to pay a series of fees, and had to check in every month. Something like parole, I suppose.

And yes, this happened in Mexico. He is Mexican.

He quit driving trucks after that, and started working in the hotel business. He doesn't drink, (never has) he doesn't fight, he's wonderful and sweet and gentle. It was a terrible accident that happened 9 years ago. I hope they take that into consideration.
mzswingMaleMexico2006-03-12 12:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCrimes involving moral turpitude
Could someone please help me understand the language of this? I think it is a little hard to understand in the description of involuntary manslaughter, and I copied it exactly from the publication.

What I would like to hear an opinion about is this: 9 years ago My husband was driving his family's dumptruck (at the age of 19) slightly fast for the weight of the truck (though well within the "speed of traffic") through an area with no posted speed limits (in mexico, I've never seen one), when a woman suddenly changed course without looking and stepped in front of his truck. Given his speed and weight, he could not stop in time. There was no alternative route... oncoming traffic or a drop off. The woman did not make use of an available pedestrian bridge a few yards away. I do not think my husband was driving recklessly, and he made every available effort to stop his truck, but it was impossible. He definitly did not "intend" to do the woman harm.

The woman regretably died as a result of this accident, and my husband is charged with "involuntary manslaughter". What I am trying to understand is the language below...does my husband need to demonstrate that he was not reckless, OR is there some exception with "vehicular manslaughter" either in or against his favor. Thanks anyone who knows something about this, or who can direct me to a site that can.

Copied from the U.S. Department of state Foreign Affairs Manual Volume 9 - Visas

9 FAM 40.21 (A) Notes

9 FAM 40.21 (a) N2.2 Defining "Moral Turpitude"

... The most common elements involving moral turpitude are:
(1) Fraud
(2) Larceny; and
(3) Intent to harm persons or thing.

9 FAM 40.21(a) N2.3 Common Crimes Involving Moral Turpitude

9 FAM 40.21(a) N2.3-3 Crimes Committed Against Person, Family Relationship, and Sexual Morality

a. Crimes committed against the person, family relationship, and sexual morality, which constitute moral turpitude as it relates to visa issuance, include:

(10) Manslaughter:

(B) Involuntary, where the statute requires proof of recklessness, which is defined as the awareness and conscious disregard of a substantial and unjustified risk which constitutes a gross deviation from the standard that a reasonable person would observe in the situation. A conviction for the statutory offense of vehicular homicide or other involuntary manslaughter only requires a showing of negligence will not involve moral turpitude even if it appears the defendant in fact acted recklessly.

b. Crimes committed against the person, family relationship, and sexual morality, which do not involve moral turpitude include:

(6) Involuntary manslaughter (when killing is not the result of recklessness)
mzswingMaleMexico2006-03-11 16:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMilitary records

This might sound like a stupid question but I'll ask anyway...
When they ask for military records on the checklist and that you did not serve in the army, do you have to bring proof of it?One more reason I found to stress out for the interview...

proof of something you never did. I'm only guessing here, but I'm gonna say don't worry about it. Take a deep breath, and good luck. (My husband's interview is on the 3rd of May, so i am nervous too. I totally understand!
mzswingMaleMexico2006-04-19 21:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS & Mexican Couples - K-3/CR-1/IR-1 Group, Juarez experiences, comments
Hey everyone. Our first trip to Ciudad Juarez is over, and sadly, we did not leave there with a visa in our hands. We ended up having to file the waiver I-601 because of Armando's accident 9 years ago, for which he was charged with reckless driving, involuntary manslaughter. We thought that since he wasn't drunk, wasn't going all THAT fast, and he stayed at the scene, and it was 9 years ago that we would be able to convince them to let us in without the waiver, but all cases involving reckless driving are considered crimes of moral turpitude.

The good news is, we were prepared, and we turned in the waiver right there, and now just need to turn in some documentation. Also, my mom is writing to her senator to try to get the case expedited.

Our appointment details are about the same as everyone elses, but I wanted to note, that it doesn't seem to matter what time you get in the line as long as you are there by about 6, because that's when the took up the appointment letters, and they shuffled them around.

Armando went in alone, and I waited in the hotel (we stayed at the Hotel Plaza Consulado, because it was right there, and it was really cheap, 300$ MXP a night. It wasn't gross either). He had to come out at 7:30 to get other pictures (the ones we had were too small). He went back and I waited. At about noon he came out, and I watched from the hotel window as he walked, and he looked up, saw me, and shook he head "no". He had to go back for fingerprints because there was someone with his same name who had done bad things in the US. He had also been told that he would have to file the waiver. I was able to go in with him this time, saying I needed to use the ATM (which was true) to get the money (85$ USD) for the fingerprinting fee.. After I got the money I went to the window with Armando, and tried to convince the man that Armando's crime did not involve moral turpitude. He said that Mexican law does not diferentiate between voluntary and involuntary manslaughter, and that his case uses the term "reckless driving" ("inprudencia") so there was nothing he could do. He really seemed sympathetic, and It seemed he wanted us to be able to get the visa, it just was impossible for him to make that decision based on the court records. We had to come back the next day to get the results of the fingerprints. (he gave us a pass that included permission for me to come in too. I think he took pity on us)

We came back at 6:30, and of course, the fingerprints were fine, then we paid another 265$ USD for the I-601 fee, and were sent to building C. The woman there was also very nice, and she made supportive comments about it being an accident etc. etc. And told me I could contact my congress(wo)man for help.

And then we went looking for cheap flights back to Oaxaca.. there was a Mother's day deal, so we did get cheap flights, but I won't be with my daughter for mother's day. siiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. But, she'll be coming to stay with us in Mexico when she gets out of school in a couple of weeks, while we wait for good news from my Mother's pen-pal the Senator.

Thanks everyone. We'll keep you posted.

Christine and Armando
mzswingMaleMexico2006-05-06 15:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS & Mexican Couples - K-3/CR-1/IR-1 Group, Juarez experiences, comments

They won't accept the email letter, I tried that. They will direct you to the window,

What do you mean by "email letter" because I plan to print a copy that my sister is scanning in for me.. you aren't talking about a scanned copy of the letter, right? You are talking about an email you got that says "hey, you have an appointment" right?

I have a question about the affidavit of support I-864.
On the website there is a list of forms and one of them is about the affidavit. It says we need to bring it in. Well, we already sent it in. We have a copy, and I have a blank of the signature page, but what I want to know is, is it really necessary to RE notarize the form, since we sent it in less than 6 months ago. (Also, I didn't keep, for some strange reason, a copy of my 2004 tax return, I sent them the only copy I had. Do I need to download another copy?)

So.. do we need to completely prepare the I-864 AGAIN, notary and all, or will they just refer to the one they have in our file.

Also, there are two form D-230's on the website, part one and part two. Part two seems to be the same as part one, with two additional pages. Which do we need to turn in?

Thanks everyone! Two weeks and counting!
mzswingMaleMexico2006-04-18 23:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS & Mexican Couples - K-3/CR-1/IR-1 Group, Juarez experiences, comments

So did you email Juarez to confirm that they had your information and then just print out all of the forms before going to the interview? Seems like that would save a lot of time waiting for the packet to actually reach the Mexican fiance (which could be never with mail there) or the USC.

Yes. That is exactly what I did. Good luck.
mzswingMaleMexico2006-04-10 14:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS & Mexican Couples - K-3/CR-1/IR-1 Group, Juarez experiences, comments

In general, how long does it take for packet 3 to be sent out? One month? I'm not sure and wanted to get an idea of others experience with Cuidad Juarez Embassy. In addition, does anyone have contact information for the embassy regarding fiance visas?

Thank you so much!

I think it takes about a month usually. It took them 3 months to send mine, and THEN they sent it only AFTER I emailed them and helped them remember. After that, it never arrived. (I figure it got lost in Mexico's mail system), but since you are having yours sent to a US address you probably won't have the same problem.

What kind of contact information do you need? website? email? phone? I figure you already have their mailing address. is the email address i use, I think it works the same for fiance visas.

Good luck.
Christine and Armando

Congratulations and good luck. If you have any doubts before be sure to post them, we are here to help.

So.. How is your husband liking the US? Is it his first time?
mzswingMaleMexico2006-04-08 12:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS & Mexican Couples - K-3/CR-1/IR-1 Group, Juarez experiences, comments
Hey everyone! I just wanted to share the news that we finally got our appointment date set. It's May 3rd, so now we are going to start going about the business of getting ready to move to the US. I am very excited, and thank everyone here who has shared their experiences.

Our date was moved forward due to a medical emergency. It involved having a doctor fax a letter confirming the situation, then an email from me clarifying that we were asking for the appointment date to be moved forward.

Christine and Armando
mzswingMaleMexico2006-04-01 13:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS & Mexican Couples - K-3/CR-1/IR-1 Group, Juarez experiences, comments
[quote name='gringuitalokita' date='Mar 6 2006, 06:14 PM' post='61519']

My husband just had his medical on friday and he required the following vaccines
1. Tetanus (he actually got the Tetanus-diptheria vaccine in the states prior to interview
2. Varicela
3. MMR (measles, mumps and rubella in one vaccine)

He didnt have any vaccine records from childhood and that didnt seem to be a problem. You only need flu and pneumococcus if you are over a certain age.

These three vaccines were the only ones listed at the consulorio for the ages of 25-38, so if your husband falls into this age group you should be safe with these.

Also, they might require hepatitis b if your husband has any risk factors, but mine did not.

hope this helps!


We got the visa!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

They don't seem to have the mumps or the chicken pox(varicela) vaccines here in stock.. We'll keep looking.
Thanks for the answers and the details.
mzswingMaleMexico2006-03-11 14:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS & Mexican Couples - K-3/CR-1/IR-1 Group, Juarez experiences, comments
I have a question about required vaccinations. We are trying to get them all done ahead of time to avoid high costs at the medical centers, especially since my husband gets them for free through his Seguro Social.
I found a list that says immigrants are required to have:

Paperas (mumps)
Sarampion (measles),
Rubeola (rubella),
toxoide difteria (given with tetanus),
influencia tipo B (HIB),
hepatitis B,
tosferina (whooping cough),
varicela (chicken pox),
neumococus (does anyone know what that translates to?),
and influenza.

IF Armando was vaccinated against polio as a child there is no record of it, and the clinic here says they only give it to kids, and same with whooping cough and mumps. Also they are telling us they only give the flu shot to senior citizens... so I am wondering, WHICH vaccinations do they really require there at the medical centers in CJ?

Thank you to everyone who has been helping us out. It's such a comfort to talk to people who have been through the same thing.

Christine and Armando
mzswingMaleMexico2006-03-06 16:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS & Mexican Couples - K-3/CR-1/IR-1 Group, Juarez experiences, comments
I am curious to know if there is anyone on here who went through Ciudad Juarez who had a prior arrest record, and how that went in the interview. My husband had a car wreck almost 10 years ago, and has an arrest related to that. He wasn't drunk or anything, just driving a little fast. We have all the records (some pages are hard to read, due to poor quality copies and thin transparent paper, but they bear the official seal, and the most important parts of the expediente are readable, like sentence, fine paid etc...) So, any experience anyone could give me, I would greatly appreciate. It's making me a little nervous.

(this is a double post, since I accidently posted first in the wong place and couldn't find a "move post to forum X" option. sorry for the repeat.)
mzswingMaleMexico2006-03-02 20:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS & Mexican Couples - K-3/CR-1/IR-1 Group, Juarez experiences, comments
Thanks for all the details. It really helps me relax about that day. I still have some questions, mostly for Tabta, but for anyone who has recently gone to Ciudad Juarez:

What did your husband wear to the interview? What did it seem like the "dress code" is?

Why didn't you go in with him? The packet 3 asked who would be coming to the interview, and we said I would be there, but I wonder if they have changed policy since then, and they aren't letting spouses in.

So, how much was your hotel? How close is it? and you said it was bad. How bad? Did you feel unsafe? Was it gross?

You guys look so cute in your picture! I'm so happy for you both. You must be very excited about sharing your country with your husband! I know Armando is so looking forward to meeting my family and friends! Only a little while longer!
mzswingMaleMexico2006-02-21 14:45:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHave you EVER include before US entry?
We have a thick court-certified copy of the entire record. It is the only one we have and it was difficult to obtain. It would be even MORE difficult to get another one since it happened in Mexico, and we don't live there anymore. I am nervous about sending the ONLY original we have. Does anyone know if it would suffice to send a notarized copy of the document and then bring the original to the interview?

And about the translation: I hold a B.S.Ed. in Foreign Language Education/ Spanish. The exact wording from the Guide to Naturalization is:

Be sure to send an English
translation with any document
that is not already in English.
The translation must include a
statement from the translator that
he or she is competent to
translate and that the translation
is correct.

So, since I am competent, does that mean I can do the translation as long as I include the required statement?
mzswingMaleMexico2010-08-28 16:14:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHave you EVER include before US entry?
It seems to me the the bold type "ever" on the "have you commited a crime" questions would mean to include your whole life...but I just want to make sure. I mean...we went through the whole waiver process because of the car accident (no alcohol, unsafe pedestrien crossing, but bad lawyer, bad system = manslaughter conviction) and it would be great if we could consider that a closed chapter. It was more than 10 years ago now... And the thing is, they ask for court certified copies, which we have, but we only have ONE copy and it's all in Spanish. Would we have to get a certified translation?

mzswingMaleMexico2010-08-28 15:09:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN 400 September 2010 applications
WEEEE HOOOO! IT IS FINALLY OVER! Armando took his oath last Monday. (We're expecting the jury summons any day now. ;))

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3. Click "Reply" on the most recent/updated posting version of this list.
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6. Red Font="I'm A United States Citizen"!

***Fprints and Int Ltr: Please put the date of those appointments, not the day that you receive the letter.


N-400 September 2010 Applicants

USCIS Arizona Lockbox
UserName...........Sent......ChkCashd..NOA.......Fprints...Int Ltr...Intview...Oath......Office
luckytag...........09/09/10..09/15/10..09/15/10..10/20/10..10/25/10..12/02/10..12/02/10..Seattle, WA
RichardShane.......10/11/10..10/13/10..10/14/10..11/09/10..12/15/10..01/20/11..02/16/10..Sacramento, CA
DOZ................09/11/10..09/22/10..09/24/10..10/26/10..11/04/10..12/07/10..12/07/10..Seattle, WA
Dannyh86...........09/14/10..09/21/10..09/24/10..10/14/10..10/25/10..11/30/10..12/16/10..San Diego, CA
Morrocco4ever......19/15/10..10/06/10..10/04/10..10/28/10................................Salt Lake City, UT
mae................09/23/10..09/29/10..10/04/10..10/20/10..12/01/10..01/04/11..02/25.11..San Bernardino, CA
JeanneVictoria.....09/25/10..10/01/10..09/30/10..10/21/10..11/16/10..01/12/11..04/01/11..Tucson, AZ
canuck_girl........09/16/10..09/24/10..09/27/10..10/14/10..12/08/10..01/20/11............Los Angeles, CA

USCIS Texas Lockbox
UserName...........Sent......ChkCashd..NOA.......Fprints...Int Ltr...Intview...Oath......Office
Way2Go.............09/01/10..09/07/10..09/10/10..09/27/10..10/12/10..11/23/10..01/26/11..Jacksonville, FL
Agnar..............09/01/10..09/07/10..09/07/10..10/07/10..12/03/10..01/06/11..01/06/11..Newark, NJ
mzswing............09/01/10..09/09/10..09/11/10..09/28/10..01/20/11..02/16/11..03/28/11..Atlanta, GA
Almostthere2010....09/10/10..09/17/10..09/14/10..10/06/10..12/18/10..01/19/11..01/21/11..Orlando, FL
PedroH.............09/13/10....n/a.....09/16/10..10/07/10..12/13/10..01/18/11..02/09/11..Charlotte NC
Lace ..............09/15/10..09/22/10..09/27/10..10/15/10..01/26/11..02/24/11..04/21/11..Washington, DC
j_infy.............09/16/10..09/22/10..09/20/10..10/22/10................................Newark, NJ
mainyasha .........09/18/10....n/a.....09/22/10..10/25/10............03/04/11............Dallas, TX
hhN400.............09/20/10..09/24/10..09/27/10..10/25/10..01/26/11..03/01/11..04/18/11..Washington, DC
BL&LC..............09/20/10..09/22/10..09/26/10..10/18/10..03/02/11..04/06/11............NYC, NY
Ja_Tam.............09/21/10..09/24/10..09/29/10..10/15/10..12/03.10..01/06/11..03/09/11..Oakland Park, FL
R&W................09/22/10..09/28/10..09/28/10..11/01/10..11/05/10..12/14/10..12/14/10..Dallas, TX
MJZ................09/25/10..10/01/10..10/04/10..11/04/10................................Newark, NJ
Anh map............09/27/10..10/04/10..10/04/10..11/04/10..12/07/10..01/10/11..03/03/11..Boston, MA
SM&LP..............09/29/10..10/08/10..10/06/10..11/01/10..12/11/10..01/18/11............Oklahoma City, OK

USCIS Lincoln, Nebraska Lockbox (Filing Under 319b, 328, or 329 of the INA)
UserName...........Sent......ChkCashd..NOA.......Fprints...Int Ltr...Intview...Oath......Office
Manohara...........09/20/10..09/27/10..09/28/10..10/25/10..11/03/10..12/03/10............San Diego, CA
Jodee..............09/28/10....n/a.....10/07/10..10/27/10..11/10/10..11/30/10..12/16/10..San Bernardino, CA
Choir001...........09/03/10..09/21/10..09/21/10.(inc cards)03/07/11..03/30/11..03/30/11..Fairfax, VA
Chrissepwoz........09/01/10..09/15/10..09/15/10.(inc cards)..........04/13/11............Fairfax, VA

mzswingMaleMexico2011-04-04 19:21:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN 400 September 2010 applications

Edited by mzswing, 04 April 2011 - 07:19 PM.

mzswingMaleMexico2011-04-04 19:14:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN 400 September 2010 applications
[I am a little confused by this note that appears below the instructions: "***Fprints and Int Ltr: Please put the date of those appointments, not the day that you receive the letter." There are two different columns for "Int Ltr...Intview", so it would seem that "Int Ltr" IS asking for the day you recieve the letter, and "Intview" is asking for the date of your appointment. That's how I did it, anyway. If that note does give incorrect instructions, maybe someone who knows for sure could edit it?)

Anyway...Armando's interview is 11 days from now! :) Congratulations all of you marked in red below! (And good luck everyone else!)

Instructions for adding/updating yourself (or assisting others) to this list:
2. Please make sure you are using Rich Text Editor as your message setting (Settings->Posting Settings->Enable visual (RTE))
3. Click "Reply" on the most recent/updated posting version of this list.
4. Remove top and bottom quote commands around the list.
5. Always use [Courier New] Font.
6. Red Font="I'm A United States Citizen"!

***Fprints and Int Ltr: Please put the date of those appointments, not the day that you receive the letter.


N-400 September 2010 Applicants

USCIS Arizona Lockbox
UserName...........Sent......ChkCashd..NOA.......Fprints...Int Ltr...Intview...Oath......Office
..Seattle, WA
RichardShane.......10/11/10..10/13/10..10/14/10..11/09/10..12/15/10..01/20/11..02/16/10..Sacramento, CA
DOZ................09/11/10..09/22/10..09/24/10..10/26/10..11/04/10..12/07/10..12/07/10..Seattle, WA
Dannyh86...........09/14/10..09/21/10..09/24/10..10/14/10..10/25/10..11/30/10..12/16/10..San Diego, CA
Morrocco4ever......19/15/10..10/06/10..10/04/10..10/28/10................................Salt Lake City, UT
mae................09/23/10..09/29/10..10/04/10..10/20/10..12/01/10..01/04/10............San Bernardino, CA
JeanneVictoria.....09/25/10..10/01/10..09/30/10..10/21/10..11/16/10..01/12/11............Tucson, AZ
canuck_girl........09/16/10..09/24/10..09/27/10..10/14/10..12/08/10..01/20/11............Los Angeles, CA
USCIS Texas Lockbox
UserName...........Sent......ChkCashd..NOA.......Fprints...Int Ltr...Intview...Oath......Office
Way2Go.............09/01/10..09/07/10..09/10/10..09/27/10..10/12/10..11/23/10..01/26/11..Jacksonville, FL
Agnar..............09/01/10..09/07/10..09/07/10..10/07/10..12/03/10..01/06/11..01/06/11..Newark, NJ
mzswing............09/01/10..09/09/10..09/11/10..09/28/10..01/20/11..02/16/11............Atlanta, GA
Almostthere2010....09/10/10..09/17/10..09/14/10..10/06/10..12/18/10..01/19/11..01/21/11..Orlando, FL
PedroH.............09/13/10....n/a.....09/16/10..10/07/10..12/13/10..01/18/11..02/09/11..Charlotte NC
Lace ..............09/15/10..09/22/10..09/27/10..10/15/10..01/26/11..02/24/11............Washington, DC
j_infy.............09/16/10..09/22/10..09/20/10..10/22/10................................Newark, NJ
mainyasha .........09/18/10....n/a.....09/22/10..........................................Dallas, TX
hhN400.............09/20/10..09/24/10..09/27/10..10/25/10..01/26/11..03/01/11............Washington, DC
BL & LC............09/20/10..09/22/10..09/26/10..10/18/10................................NYC, NY
Ja_Tam.............09/21/10..09/24/10..09/29/10..10/15/10..12/03.10..01/06/11............Oakland Park, FL
R&W................09/22/10..09/28/10..09/28/10..11/01/10..11/05/10..12/14/10..12/14/10..Dallas, TX
MJZ................09/25/10..10/01/10..10/04/10..11/04/10................................Newark, NJ
Anh map............09/27/10..10/04/10..10/04/10..11/04/10..12/07/10..01/10/11..03/03/11..Boston, MA
SM&LP..............09/29/10..10/08/10..10/06/10..11/01/10..12/11/10..01/18/11............Oklahoma City, OK

USCIS Lincoln, Nebraska Lockbox (Filing Under 319b, 328, or 329 of the INA)
UserName...........Sent......ChkCashd..NOA.......Fprints...Int Ltr...Intview...Oath......Office
Manohara...........09/20/10..09/27/10..09/28/10..10/25/10..11/03/10..12/03/10............San Diego, CA
Jodee..............09/28/10....n/a.....10/07/10..10/27/10..11/10/10..11/30/10..12/16/10..San Bernardino, CA
Choir001...........09/03/10..09/21/10..09/21/10.(inc cards)..............................Fairfax, VA
Chrissepwoz........09/01/10..09/15/10..09/15/10.(inc cards)..............................Fairfax, VA

mzswingMaleMexico2011-02-05 13:32:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN 400 September 2010 applications
(Sorry for the double post...I hadn't changed to RTE and the fact that the columns didn't line up before did not sit well with me. It's all better now. :))

Instructions for adding/updating yourself (or assisting others) to this list:
2. Please make sure you are using Rich Text Editor as your message setting (Settings->Posting Settings->Enable visual (RTE))
3. Click "Reply" on the most recent/updated posting version of this list.
4. Remove [quote](top and bottom) around the list.
5. Always use [Courier New] Font.
6. Red Font="I'm A United States Citizen"!

***Fprints and Int Ltr: Please put the date of those appointments, not the day that you receive the letter.

N-400 September 2010 Applicants

USCIS Arizona Lockbox
UserName..........Sent.....ChkCashd....NOA....Fprints...Int Ltr...Intview...Oath......Office
EXAMPLE.........--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..City, State

USCIS Texas Lockbox
UserName..........................Sent......ChkCashd....NOA.......Fprints...Int Ltr...Intview...Oath......Office
Agnar................................09/01/10..09/07/10..09/07/10..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--.Newark, NJ
mzswing............................09/01/10..09/09/10..09/11/10..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--.Atlanta, GA
Almostthere2010.................09/10/10..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--.Orlando, FL

Edited by mzswing, 11 September 2010 - 02:32 PM.

mzswingMaleMexico2010-09-11 14:30:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN 400 September 2010 applications
Instructions for adding/updating yourself (or assisting others) to this list:
2. Please make sure you are using Rich Text Editor as your message setting (Settings->Posting Settings->Enable visual (RTE))
3. Click "Reply" on the most recent/updated posting version of this list.
4. Remove [quote](top and bottom) around the list.
5. Always use [Courier New] Font.
6. Red Font="I'm A United States Citizen"!

***Fprints and Int Ltr: Please put the date of those appointments, not the day that you receive the letter.

N-400 September 2010 Applicants

USCIS Arizona Lockbox
UserName..........Sent.....ChkCashd....NOA....Fprints...Int Ltr...Intview...Oath......Office
EXAMPLE.........--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..City, State

USCIS Texas Lockbox
UserName.....................Sent.....ChkCashd....NOA....Fprints...Int Ltr...Intview...Oath......Office
EXAMPLE.....................--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..City, State
Agnar.......................09/01/10..09/07/10..09/07/10..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--.Newark, NJ
mzswing.....................09/01/10..09/09/10..09/11/10..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--.Atlanta, GA
Almostthere2010.............09/10/10..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--..--/--/--.Orlando, FL
mzswingMaleMexico2010-09-11 14:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMexico requirements
Hi! We got our NOA2, and now we are preparing our documents for the interview. Does anyone know about the military documents required from Mexico. My fiance doesn't have his military service document (for the required 1 year of service all males have to do in Mexico) yet and may not get it until December. Does anyone know if this document is absolutely necessary in Ciudad Juarez.

I am also wondering about the fees in Ciudad Juarez. I was confused because one document said we have to pay $383.00 and another said we have to pay $100? Do we have to pay one or the other or both?

Thanks for any help or responses!

newyorktooaxacaNot TellingMexico2006-09-19 23:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAddress

Can't you ask a friend to come to your father's or grandmother's house and collect mail and then forward it for you?

Grandmother's? Stepmother's. Dude, I'm tired...

Well, I'll figure something out! That's good to know that the Vermont center works faster! Thank god I'm sendin it to Texas! Thanks for your advice.

If you need time, Vermont is not your best option...

I meant thank god I am NOT sending it to Texas. I definitely don't need time!
newyorktooaxacaNot TellingMexico2006-08-01 22:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAddress
Well, I'll figure something out! That's good to know that the Vermont center works faster! Thank god I'm sendin it to Texas! Thanks for your advice.
newyorktooaxacaNot TellingMexico2006-08-01 22:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAddress

Well, that answer would seem rather intuitive, no???

Find a "responsible" person that will Fedex your mail to you.

Risk aversion..... That is the ticket!!!!!!

OKay, but I wasn't sure if it would be risky to put an address in the US that isn't my permanent address. Also my best friend (who is very reliable) lives in Texas. Whatever address I put I have to send to that state's center right? Do you think the Texas center or the Vermont center is better?
newyorktooaxacaNot TellingMexico2006-08-01 22:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAddress
Okay thanks! Another question. My father isn't the best mail manager, and my step-mother is suspect for losing the mail too. But their address is on my driver's license and everything else. Should I use that address or should I look for another friend in the same state to help me out?
newyorktooaxacaNot TellingMexico2006-08-01 21:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAddress
Hi! I am filling out my 129 form right now, and I am wondering about the address. I live in Mexico. Should I put my current address here or should I put my permanent address in the States. In a previous thread someone mentioned to me that they have to have an address in the States to send stuff to. Is that right?
newyorktooaxacaNot TellingMexico2006-08-01 21:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinancial Requirements?
Hi again Kitkat,

I just sent in our packet to the Vermont center so we are finally on this journey! I am a little confused about the process in Mexico (maybe I am getting a little ahead of myself here.) Is the embassy in Juarez the only embassy in Mexico that processes K-1 visas? I am also a little confused about the fees. Will my fiance have to pay $383.00 for visa processing plus $135 for the medical examination? Wow, that seems like a lot of money. I would love any advice you have about the process in Mexico!


You actually can file the paperwork from another country and be living there during the processing. The key is you have to have a US permanent address where they will send paperwork - it's not much, just the first Notice of Action, any potential requests for evidence if they need more information from you, and your actual approval notice. Most other communication can be received via email or by checking your status online. So if you have all the paperwork you need available or can have it sent to you (i.e. a copy of your birth certificate, etc) you'll be fine if you use your parent's address. As long as you plan to return to the US within 6 months of his receipt of his visa and as long as you plan to get married within 90 days and continue the adjustment of his status in the US, it's fine.

As for the co-sponser, you'll have to read through the guides to get an understanding of that. You will need all of the financial information in time for his interview in Ciudad Juarez. You can review the "fiance packet" requirements on the CDJ website, specifically form OF-167 which is their equivalent of the affadivit of support (although most people use the standard I-134 form there as well)

Good luck.

newyorktooaxacaNot TellingMexico2006-08-08 22:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinancial Requirements?
Hi again,

Yes, we plan on going to the States when we can get a visa. So I must meet those poverty limits in the US huh? No, I don't even make that much here in Mexico (and I am living the most luxurious life I have ever lived!), and when I go back I plan on finishing my last semester of grad school. Does anybody know if the sponsor has to be a family member? Of can it be a friend? Also how far along in the process do we need to show our finances? Should we start now even though we don't meet that requirement and look for a sponsor?

Thanks again!
newyorktooaxacaNot TellingMexico2006-07-27 20:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinancial Requirements?
Hi everyone,

I am new to this forum, and I have to say that it is rad! I think it will be really helpful as I go through this process. I am a US citizen living in Mexico, and I work for en environmental nonprofit organization here. I earn very little money is US terms, and I have no savings (not to mention a few dents in my credit report more recently). My fiance is also poor having just completed school. He has no savings. We'll have the money for the processing fees, but I am wondering if the immigration authorities ask for any financial requirements for this visa? I read through all the stuff on this site, and I don't see any official forms about finances, but I read on a few other sites that the US citizens must have a minimum income. Is this true?

I look forward to your responses!

newyorktooaxacaNot TellingMexico2006-07-27 19:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAddress Change
Hi! Does anyone know how to do an address change for the K1. I looked into the AR-11 form, but that seems to be for alien residents only. Would you believe it? I took the risk, and I used my permanent address at my father's house that I have been using for 5 years, and my stepmother got ahold of my NOA-1, called immigration to talk to them about my case, and is now threatening to sabotage the case if I don't change the address immediately. Obviously, she doesn't approve of the marriage! I am going to call early morn, but if anyone knows what form I should print out so I can have it ready ASAP it would be great help. Well, the good news is that I got my NO-1 is about 6 days after they received my application. Yayyy!

newyorktooaxacaNot TellingMexico2006-08-28 00:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEverybody should move to Vermont for this process.
Hi everyone,

I recently read the responses to another quick approval from Vermont, and I know people were very frustrated because they have been waiting for months. I thought I would write in anyway about our approval because I was shocked. I also thought people might be interested in the VSC timeline. I received 3 emails today from immigration saying they have approved our case as of September 12th. We got our NOA1 on August 20th so it was a very short turn around!

We are currently living together in Mexico so we weren't dying for the NOA2, and now we are not sure how this process is going to proceed. We need to pull together his paperwork, and we might be missing an important piece. We won't be ready to go for a while, and we don't even have the cash right now to fly to Ciudad Juarez! Ahhh! If there are any other American/Mexican couples in Mexico who have gone through the interview process, I would love to hear from you!

Regarding my subject, if you have a family member or somebody in the Vermont area it might be a good idea to try sending your app through their address....I don't know what is going on in Vermont, but it is something good!

newyorktooaxacaNot TellingMexico2006-09-13 19:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa obtained!
Hello all,

Just wanted to let everyone know that we got our visa! Miguel had his interview yesterday in Ciudad Juarez and everything went very smoothly. I will soon post an embassy review in the review section. We are super happy and relieved. It is so nice to start talking about our dreams now without saying, "okay, let's stop dreaming because maybe we can't realize them yet." I knew we would get the visa one day. I just wasn't sure it would happen the first time around. I think that if you have all your paperwork in order from day 1, the visa is surely obtainable!

I've moved on to the Working and Traveling Forum...geez the paperwork shuffle sure doesn't end with the K1! And neither do the payments to immigration!! Well, at least we know we can be together when we choose. Good luck everyone. Thanks for all the helpful posts. And have a happy holiday season!

newyorktooaxacaNot TellingMexico2006-12-15 18:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa obtained!
Hello all,

Just wanted to let everyone know that we got our visa! Miguel had his interview yesterday in Ciudad Juarez and everything went very smoothly. I will soon post an embassy review in the review section. We are super happy and relieved. It is so nice to start talking about our dreams now without saying, "okay, let's stop dreaming because maybe we can't realize them yet." I knew we would get the visa one day. I just wasn't sure it would happen the first time around. I think that if you have all your paperwork in order from day 1, the visa is surely obtainable!

I've moved on to the Working and Traveling Forum...geez the paperwork shuffle sure doesn't end with the K1! And neither do the payments to immigration!! Well, at least we know we can be together when we choose. Good luck everyone. Thanks for all the helpful posts. And have a happy holiday season!

newyorktooaxacaNot TellingMexico2006-12-15 18:05:00