IndiaProcess at Mumbai Embassy?

hi, I actually have a question.I am an american woman and my fiance is Indian.We are up to the point where we are scheduling  the interview and doing the medical exam ect. for his K-1 visa.I just heard someone tell me that arranged marriages are being approved for k-1 visa and most american women who apply for their indian fiances get rejected because of age difference,culture difference and if the woman was divorced with kids or not.From my understanding this is illegal for them to do.This seems like Indian biases and I dont want to get rejected.Im in this relationship 2 years..we vacationed together and have tons of proof of our relationship.. is there any truth to this rumor?should I be worried?


Each case is different. I know a couple were the woman was 9 years older than her fiance, she white american Christian girl, him Indian Hindu and they are approved. Just have to go all out to prove that you and your fiance has a bonafide relationship. I heard the same thing and its scary since I am a divorced woman, 5 years older with kids, and yet I am full of hope as well as my fiance. Also I think it depends on where he is going for his interview. I heard if the petitioner goes with beneficiary to interview in Delhi is a very good sign and holds alot of weight. Just make sure you have everything, and triple check it.

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-11-15 00:21:00
Indiahow do i obtain the phone logs?????
Well what I did was I set my phone settings, then to display, then screen time out to 10 minutes. Then have your scanner scan you call log. I had the option of going under my fiance contact number and it showed alll calls and text messages I sent him. Then I scanned with my printer. If you need more help in box me and I will try to help you out as much as possible.
Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-12-04 17:29:00
Indiahow do i obtain the phone logs?????
I also have a prepared cell service and what I did was scan my phone, it shows the time and day I called my fiance. I am hoping this works....guess I will find out soon.
Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-12-04 08:38:00
IndiaMumbai or New Delhi consulate if beneficiary is applying from karnataka state???
I know if you go to the Mumbia consulate website, it has a list of states covered under that consulate. Good luck
Mel&LalFemaleIndia2014-01-12 13:06:00
IndiaReceived Case Number From NVC- Get Medical???

Get it done as soon as you have the appointment letter.

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2014-01-08 12:06:00
IndiaArranged marriage in India
I don't think there is a problem. Just be prepared. Maybe somebody will come along with a better answer.
Mel&LalFemaleIndia2014-06-02 10:55:00
IndiaHindu Marriage Act


Ooh I totally get that....I thought he might be younger where a move wouldn't be a huge adjustment. At that age it would be a big deal and if he is not willing its not worth it I think! Although I will say there are amazing schools and facilities available if you can take the time to find them (and pay for them since they aren't cheap) so if he does come around to the idea you can make it a smooth/easy transition for him.


you really are in a tough spot...i feel for you its not easy! I think if you are still worried, you could go to india, get married and have you added to his accounts/bills all in the matter of about 10-14 days if necessary. Then you would have further documentation to submit with the i130.


I will keep thinking about this and if I come up with any other ideas/thoughts I will let you know! best of luck!

Yes and I agree, which is why we are going to try again with CR1 and pray pray pray that this will go our way this time. My son understands that he might have no choice in the matter and he understands but he does not want to leave his school and friends. I just hope the CO would see it like this and not my fiance wanting to immigrant to the USA.


We already planned on adding me to his bank account while I am in India. I want to do the same here in the USA, but I dont think it will be possible to do that with him not being present, but I am going to talk to the bank about it and see if they can give me a letter head stating that I did try to add him to the account. I going to take his last name. Not sure what else I can use as for evidence of marriage since he is not living with me or I with him.


I am still very worried about this, because I feel the odds are against us. I still been trying to figure where he went wrong with his K1 interview. Alot of VJ friends tell me not to worry its just a test and we will get approved this time. I am trying so hard to think positive.

Edited by Mel&Lal, 18 February 2014 - 11:38 PM.

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2014-02-18 23:32:00
IndiaHindu Marriage Act


If you are able to move to India, why not do it now before getting denied? If you move and get married in India ASAP then you can be added to all his bank accounts, rental agreements, health/life insurance even his mobile bill etc as his wife. This will only help your case as it shows that he has taken steps to mingle finances etc with his wife. I think that in the long run it should help alot because if his family is against you but he has taken the measures to add you to his accounts then it shows a strong relationship even in the absence of family support.


Just something to think about if you have the option/ability.

It has crossed out minds, but my 15 year old son does not want to move to India. He loves my fiance like a dad but he does not want to give up his life here and I understand that. My fiance and I are going to at least try for my sons sake.

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2014-02-18 22:02:00
IndiaHindu Marriage Act

With a denied K1, this is going to be an uphill battle for you, to put it quite bluntly. It seems that there's an age gap - how significant is it? How'd you two meet? What consulate are you going through? The Dilli Embassy is quite tough.



There is only a 5 year age being the older. We met online about 3 years ago. He has to go though Mumbai Consulate. I been to India twice last year. One visit just a month from when the interview was set. They denied the K-1 for the CO was not convinced of relationship. My fiance said he got uneasy at the interview when they asked alot of questions about my ex-husband. Unfortunately we both know that me being divorced with kids are most likely red flags. His dad is very unhappy with me becoming a daughter in law, along with alot of friends which he has lost due to this relationship. So its pretty sad that he will have hardly no family members coming to our wedding. His mom and siblings want to be there but they wont come due to dads feelings. If we are denied again, we both discuss that my younger son and I will move to India.

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2014-02-18 21:28:00
IndiaHindu Marriage Act

well i hope it all works out for you! Maybe someone else can come with some more insight too about the HMA. I guess your only plan B would be to get married in the US then if you get all the way over there and they refuse to do HMA.
I will ask my hubby if he knows anything about the gazetted officer since I have never heard of it!

This is also problem, he was denied his k1 visa for not convincing the CO of relationship but most of the questions was about my ex fiance felt uncomfortable. So this has to work :(

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2014-02-10 21:45:00
IndiaHindu Marriage Act

I agree and even if you follow what guidelines and bring all the documents they have listed online they still might not allow you to register under the HMA (just depends) but for SMA there is no reason they can deny registering your marriage. Just something else to think about.
At this point, I think you still need to figure out who this "gazetted officer" is since I have not heard of that either and whats your reliable plan B incase you run into issues with plan A.
I think the last thing you want is to get all the way over there and run into some snag and have to leave without having all the proper papers in order which that means your time was pretty much wasted!

I agree but the problem is I know SMA will not be good for us due to a unique situation which I don't want to discuss on this form. I know there is no true conversion into Hinduism but this is our best bet unfortunately.

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2014-02-10 18:18:00
IndiaHindu Marriage Act



I am sorry to bring disappointing news to you but from a strictly religious perspective you cannot "convert" to Hinduism, either you are a born Hindu or you are not a Hindu. You can "re-convert" to Hinduism if you had given it up for some reason but you cannot "convert" to Hinduism. I am from a family (North Indian Brahmins of highest order) with very strict Hindu values so I know what I am saying on this matter. This has been widely accepted by Hindu scholars since no widely accepted Hindu scripture talks about any formalities to convert to Hinduism. So there is no scripture to specify formalities for the process and hence it is considered not possible. The general belief is that either you are a born Hindu or not a Hindu at all.


However legally there might be some workaround/loophole to get around this because there are also no precedents in the scriptures against the conversion. So you might want to check these laws if any exist or else your "conversion" might be considered invalid. In general it might be better to avoid Hindu Marriage act in your case. Don't go by what a "common" priest says, he might just be trying to make some quick cash, go by what the law says. Consult a good marriage attorney if needed.

Thanks for the reply and I thought the same thing as well, your either born Hindu or not, but after reading the Hindu Marriage Act "


Registration of Marriages which have already been solemnised.

Q1. What is the procedure for Solemnization of marriage / Registration of marriage?

i. Procedure for Registration under HMA.
ii. Procedure for Registration under SMA.
iii. Procedure for Solemnization of marriage under SMA.

Q. Where do I have to go and during which hours?

To the office of Additional Divisional Magistrate in whose jurisdiction any of the husband or wife resides, during 9.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. on any working day. The office is located in the DC office complex on main Mehrauli Badarpur Road and near Anupam Appt. for assistance of public, recption counter is manned during the offical hours for proper guidance. Necessary forms can also be obtained from Reception Counter or can be downloaded from this site.

Q. Which papers/documents/fees, do I have to take with me?

1. Hindhu/Special marriage Application form duly signed by both husband and wife. 2. Hindhu/Special marriage Documentary evidence of date of birth of parties (Matriculation Certificate / Passport / Birth Certificate) Minimum age of both parties is 21 years at the time of registration under the Special Marriage Act. 3.Residential proof of husband and wife . 4.In case of Special Marriage Act, documentary evidence regarding stay in Delhi of the parties for more than 30 days (ration card or report from the concerned SHO). 5. Hindhu marriage Affidavit by both the parties stating place and date of marriage, date of birth, marital status at the time of marriage and nationality. 6.Two Hidhu/Special marriage passport size photographs of both the parties and one marriage photograph. 7.Marriage invitation Hidhu marriage card, if available. 8. Hidhu marriage If marriage was solemnized in a religious place, a certificate from the priest is required who solemnized the marriage. 9.Rs. 10/- in case of Hindu Marriage Act and Rs.15/- in case of Special Marriage Act to be deposited with the cashier of District and the receipt should be attached with the application form. 10.Affirmation that the parties are not related to each other within the prohibited degree of relationship as per Hindu Marriage Act or Special Marriage Act as the case may be. For details of such relationships Click here. 11.Attested copy of divorce decree/order in case of a divorcee and death certificate of spouse in case of widow/widower. 12.In case one of the parties belong to other than Hindu, Budhist, Jain and Sikh religions, a conversion certificate from the priest who solemnized the marriage(in case of Hindu Marriage Act). 13. In case one of the parties is a foreign national, no objection certificate/marital Status certificate from the concerned embassy.


Here is the website I got this from. http://dcsouth.delhi...on_marriage.htm. I read this over and over again as well as my fiance.

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2014-02-10 12:42:00
IndiaHindu Marriage Act fiance contacted this one place in Delhi.......can't think of it right off the top of my head, but there was an article written about inter caste marriage and how a lot of couples are getting at this place. They said they will marry us for 30,000 rupees and mail items required to my fiance and they will also help with registration too.
Mel&LalFemaleIndia2014-02-09 14:53:00
IndiaHindu Marriage Act
Mel&LalFemaleIndia2014-02-08 08:04:00
IndiaHindu Marriage Act

Not sure where to post this at and I figured this would be the best place since here soon we will start the CR-1 process.


I been doing lots of reading about the Special Marriage Act and the Hindu Marriage Act and decided it would be best to go for the Hindu Marriage Act. Now I want to make things clear before I head to India in April. As I was reading and to my understanding and please correct me if I am wrong, that I  can go to the temple convert to Hinduism, get certificate of conversion from the priest who is going to marry us and then we can get married, go and register our marriage and submit our documents to show that we solemnized our marriage. Now it mentions about a gazette officer who witness the marriage ceremony. So do we need to hire this person or can we have affidavit   from witness? Both my fiance and I don't want any kind of mistakes. I would love to hear how others went though this process! idea9dv.gif

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2014-02-08 06:14:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Need help.

Yes it sucks being in this position and feeling completely hopeless

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-12-16 01:50:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Need help.
Ok I will do that. Our original plan was to marry in April in the rocky mountains and we decided to stick to the month of April and maybe go to Jamaica to get married, but I am starting to think that maybe it would be best to get married in India with his friends around and with family that approved. I will address with whatever they send my way. I wish I could afford a lawyer but I low on cash due to the fact I just got back from India in November to be with him. Thanks for the advice. I felt completely lost with this decision and had no sleep.
Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-12-13 16:37:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Need help.

If you do marry and file an I-130, it's important that you respond to any Notice of Intent to Revoke that USCIS send you regarding the I-129F. If they make allegations, for example, that you do not have a bona fide relationship, or are otherwise misrepresenting yourself as a couple, and you fail to respond to these allegations, they then become findings of fact and will likely lead to the rejection of any future applications you file for that beneficiary.


See http://www.visajourn...d/#entry6305860


As I said, an attorney is a good idea at this point.

Ok, so should I wait and see what they send me on how to address this? My fiance told me that the CO said she was not convinced of our relationship, so i am taking they think its not bonafide. They kept all our pictures, letters from  his family and mine and our chat logs.

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-12-13 16:00:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Need help.

Yes it is a denial

Your ex being in prison wouldn;t have hurt your case (unless you never properly divorced?), but your fiance lying about it could.

My ex went to prison after our divorce, but my fiance is embrass about it and i dont know if Mumbai would know that he is in prison my ex that is.

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-12-13 07:09:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Need help.

As stated, his visa has been denied. The embassy will return the petition to USCIS with a recommendation that the petition's prior approval be revoked. USCIS will either (i) agree with the consular officer's decision and revoke the I-129F's approval, (ii) reject the consular office's decision and re-affirm the approval, sending the petition back to the embassy for another interview, or (iii) let the petition expire without making a decision one way or another.


You will have a chance to rebut any potential denial before it comes into effect, if USCIS send you a Notice of Intent to Revoke. You should consult with an experienced immigration attorney urgently.

Well we both decided to get married and if this fails I will be moving to India.

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-12-13 07:00:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Need help.

that is a denial and your case is being returned to the USCIS for further processing
I think your fiancé was asked a question and he gave an answer contrary to what they have
that is a denial,am sorry, I think more knowledgeable people in here should tell you what to do!

They asked alot of questions about my ex husband, like where he lives, does he visit my kids, what he does for a living. My ex husband is in prison now and my fiance was embarrass to tell them this. I wonder if this hurt our visa.

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-12-13 06:47:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Need help.

Today my fiance had his interview at the Mumbai Consulate. He received a white letter but he said there was no 221g on the letter, but he typed what the letter says. I want to know if this is a full out denial of the visa or are we under AP?


baed on the interview and documents submitted to us consulate general mumabi.
we will be returning the petition to us citizen and immigration service (uscis)for review and possible revocation.
if a consular officer receives information during the interview process that was not available to the adjustment immigration officer at the time of petion aproval and that shows the beneficiary of a petition is not intitlled to the accorded status
then the petition must be returned to uscis for re-examination,because of this requirment,consuler officers will return your petition and additional supporting documents to the national visa centre
us consulate general mumbai will return the petion to uscis within few weeks .
once uscis has received it.
your may address further inquiries on the petion to the uscis natinal customer service canter at -1-800-375-5283










I am thinking this is a denial, but I want to make sure and I need to know what I should do from here. 

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-12-13 04:35:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanK-1 Visit (merged)
Well I met my fiance for the first time in March 2013. I was going to India and my whole family was worried sick because they thought I was going to get hurt. I went alone but he had lots of friends with him and I think that was more for my safety because he promised my mom I would return safe. I did contact the embassy in delhi to let them know I was there and I called my mom twice daily.

Now when we did leave the hotel my fiance always had a friend with him, and this was my first time out of the USA. I also did a lot of cultural research to make sure I was respectful to the people also.

Now I do admit it was scary going alone but in the end I felt safe and had a wonderful experiance and can't wait to go back to India when he has his interview!

I wish you luck in whatever you do!

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-06-26 02:56:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPassport
Yes its very exciting when things are coming together for the first visit! When I was approved for my Indian visa I was overwhelmed with joy! Hope you have a safe trip and looking forward to your post on your first visit!
Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-06-29 00:59:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)is this true that the case # is more than 10 to 15 days?

I think this is their "normal" answer to all!

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-07-16 21:18:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I-864A question?
Ok thanks for the help!
Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-07-19 15:15:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I-864A question?

A friend of mine is going to help co-sponsor my fiance, but his brother lives with him at the moment, so my question is does his brother have to fill out this form I-864A or is this form only for a member of my household?

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-07-18 13:57:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)RE: NVC case # from VSC/TSC/CSC Timeframe
Noa2 july 10 csc......I have a feeling its going to be another long wait....hopefully not to bad this time :)
Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-07-13 19:16:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)AOS Package Question
Well I am not close to where you are at in this process but for your single status, I think I can answer. I forgot to change mine as well on my w-4 when I got marrried, but if you look at the small print it says check single if your married to non resident alien (I hate recurring my love one as alien). I hope somebody comes along with better answer for both of your questions.
Mel&LalFemaleIndia2014-07-01 10:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat are the higher fraud countries?Scale from highest to lowest.

I did CR1... as K1 and CR1 takes same time and when your spouse is here on  CR1 its much easier as from day one they can work, have same rights as Perm resident so much easier to get a SSN , DL etc.


Also my case was little different, if you have question feel free to message me.

AP is irrespective of the country.


Country has no bearing if the case goes in AP or not.

Thanks alot.....I wish I knew this before we desided to go thought the K-1 route. Both of us are in fear that we will get denied and it seems its important that the USC goes to the interview too, which I have planned on to do.

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-07-16 12:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat are the higher fraud countries?Scale from highest to lowest.



You could go for CR1, I have not heard much problem at Delhi consulate with CR1s.

Personally I dont think they disciminate for interracial couple or not, its just they wanna make sure the case is not a sham.


Just coz one particular consulate is difficult on a particular visa type does not put it on countries with high fraud list.

Overall from my personal experience getting US visa in India is not that difficult.

Did you go though the K-1 way, or straight to CR-1?

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-07-16 12:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat are the higher fraud countries?Scale from highest to lowest.

Not sure how high India is on the list but mainly K1 are denied from Delhi.


Other than that its very easy to get visa from India.


Which is what we are going for and with us being interracial couple....seems we have a very difficult task ahead for us!

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-07-16 00:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat are the higher fraud countries?Scale from highest to lowest.
India has to up there too....I read a lot of denials from Delhi :(.
Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-07-15 16:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAdditional K-1 Visa Consular Fee?
Ok but do does the fiance, after marriage and files AOS have to pay for this fee then?
Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-07-26 00:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionhow long to get to mumbai consulate

Normally takes anywhere from 30-35 days... the way they schedule interview in Mumbai is they would setup all the application they receive by 15 of the month for next month.
By like 20th of the month they publish the list of all the applicants scheduled for next month.

Ok so should I have him download the forms from the website fill them out and send them in now or do we need to wait till Mumbai recieves the petition? Both of us are trying to be proactive in this but this whole process is just so confussing!

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-07-29 15:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionhow long to get to mumbai consulate

Hi, I remeber talking to u , 
Did u finsh your NVC process this quick, normally it takes more than 1 month, 
just few weeks back u got ur NOA2 and normally NVC process takes 2months, becuase few weeks to get case number and then the process of sending AOS and DS2032, 
so its USCIS, Aprroved, NVC then it goes to Mumbai
hopefully this helps

Well I called the NVC about a week ago and they told me that the petition has been shipped to Mumbai which was a shocker cause both fiance and I thought it would go to Delhi. It seems everything is moving fast now. So should we keep stalking mumbai website to see about his interview date?

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-07-29 14:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionhow long to get to mumbai consulate

Hi, I remeber talking to u , 
Did u finsh your NVC process this quick, normally it takes more than 1 month, 
just few weeks back u got ur NOA2 and normally NVC process takes 2months, becuase few weeks to get case number and then the process of sending AOS and DS2032, 
so its USCIS, Aprroved, NVC then it goes to Mumbai
hopefully this helps

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-07-29 14:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionhow long to get to mumbai consulate
I am sure this has been asked and I can't find the answer, but how long does it take for the petition to get to Mumbai after it has left NVC? our petition left on July 22, so I am a little worried about this? Will they notify me by mail or email? I am afraid my fiance will not receive his packets. I tried calling the consulate but always they tell me they don't understand me and I have writen an email.......still no response. So what should I do?
Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-07-29 11:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionConsular Interview Language

Well I read a few posts were the CO asked if they wanted the interview conducted in that person native language but not sure if that is the case for all interviews.

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-08-03 21:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionProof of relationship
Nope not yet and we never received....not sure if are suppose to send packet 3 in....some say send others say take to interview.
Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-08-10 14:01:00