National Visa Center (Dept of State)Next interview dates
Hi, friends!

For the ones who got case complete at NVC in october and november, I would like to ask when they set up the interview. Then, I can calculate when I will probably get my own...


Days are too long for me at this point.... I just think about the day when I finnaly get a CASE COMPLETE....
Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-11-21 15:19:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Freaking out!!!!
Hi, I was freaking out too, because my case was completed in nov 26th, and I didnt receive any app letter (inrterview) so far, but my husband and my attorney in US already did. So, I communicated with US Consulate in RJ asking about it, especially because NVC told me the interview date was schedduled for januray 9th, and they said that I should not be worry about receiving or not the letter, because It was just an instruction letter and the same info I could get through the embassy´s website.

I guess, first thing you should do is call NVC and get interview date.


Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-12-17 19:39:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Filling up DS-230
hI, I had the same issue, and my attorney asked me to write all of them, and inc ase of not finished, she said, put INCOMPLETE.


Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-12-12 13:09:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMESSAGE OF ATTORNEY
My attorney devil.gif emailed me that below today:

There is nothing new with your case yet. We are still waiting for an approval notice for the I-130 petition. It will be a few more months before we receive that. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services is backlogged with processing of the I-130 petitions.. They are currently processing November 2007 I-130 petitions so it may take a couple more months before they get to your petition. We will let you and your husband know, however, when we receive any news regarding your case.

Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-06-17 17:42:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisa journey through attorneys
Hi, I am new in here. I am a brazilian (where I am right now) and I married an american man in novemeber 2007, in Brazil. Unfortunately, we didnt start the process until march 2008 through a law office.

In april, I got an email from the attorneys informing us that they have received a NOA1, and since then, I don´t have any news about the process.
My question is if is a mith to believe that I needed an attorney to do that or if my husband could get t done own his own.

Is anybody able to help me out?
I´d really appreciate it.

Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-06-17 15:02:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBrazilians, let's share experiences!
Hi, I would like to get information about Spouse visas for brazilians. Is there any difference regarding country or not? Is there any country that shows easier success or it is a mith?

Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-06-20 21:01:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPolice Certificate
Hi, I am brazilian, and I live in RJ. In my case, according to the instrcutions and the Federal Police, internet Certificate is NOT acceptable. sO, I had to go over to the Police Office, and get an original one, with a official signature. Anotehr thing, is this certificate has expiration date of 3 motnhs only.

Good Luck!

Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-10-27 18:44:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI am missing my Husband
I understand you completely. I am so frustrated with so much waiting, and waiting...

But, when I read the posts about VISA APPROVED.. uau! I get happy for them, and I feel so much hope it will end up eventually.

Be well.....find your own way to get stronger and get something positive about this experience.

Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-11-25 09:56:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIs pink slip the good one?
I passed, got my passaport with visa on it already, but, after or during interview, I didn´t get any slip of any color......

I was so nervous that I barely remeMber what the Consul said at the end: " Hi, everything seems fine to me. Go the the consular officer outside arrange the delivery of your passaport." nothing else....

Then, I asked the consular officer why he didnt give me any slip, and she said, "Good, seems your are all good, all set, and there is no docs missing..."

To be honest, I didnt really care about slip afterwards... I knew if something was wrong, consul would say DENIED.


Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2009-01-15 09:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical exam: about medical history and gynecological check
Hi, I am applying for spouse visa, and I am going through the medical exams as well. So far, what I understood is we have to take:
  1. Blood test for checking: HIV and Sifilis
  2. Vacinnnes
  3. Ginecologist report of breast and genital appearence
  4. X ray of lungs

So, then you take the results of all of them to the phisician recommended by the Embassy who will give you his own final report. As far as I know, he won´t do any exam else, only check the veracity of your medical exams. Unless if you want to go through all of them with him at once. My choice was to go with my own doctors , firstly because I would save money (health Insurance), secondly because I do have my own doctors who know me since when I was little girl, which makes me feel much more comfortable.

Regarding HAVE TO BE TRUTHFULL... Of course, I do believe it is better to be always ahead of everything, which means, saying the thruth. However, as I said, you and this doctor must focus on the Embassy requirements, nothing else. if you have another problem, which has nothing to do with the medical exams requested, so there is nothing else to talk about with anybody else.
Good luck!
Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-09-05 08:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFinally, visa received...!
Paul, everything mean to BE!



Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-10-27 18:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportswaiver 1601 ,212 lima peru!! HELLP
oi Edineia

eu não entendo muito de waiver, mas eu tbm fikei ilegal por 3 meses nos EUA sem querer, e minha advogada me disse que, mesmo depois de ter uma carta dizendo que a culpa de eu ter ficado ilegal era da Escola na qual eu estava estudando, seria dificil conseguir um visto de noiva. Assim, eu e meu namorado americano resolvemos nos casar no ano passado e, neste ano, tentar tirar o visto de casada CR1.

Graças a deus estou na reta final, aguardando a data da entrevista.

Bem, o único conselho que posso te dar neste momento é ter um plano B - que seria casar com seu noivo aqui no Brasil.

Um beijo e fica com Deus...

Mantenha contato.

Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-11-25 09:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresjames s shortcuts
Hello vjs!

NVC mail the package to my attorney on aug 6th, however, I know that if I wait for the timing of generating and receving things from NVC, it can last longer than I really want to. So, I was looking for some light, when i read about this James Shortcuts. Is anybody aware if I I can create barcodes and if is it safe, NVC will accept my DS230 made on my own

Looking forward to your help.

Aryadne whistling.gif
Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-08-08 00:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHusband X Attorney X ME: huge crisis
Hello, Vj´s !!

Ok, I ´m facing a huge disagreement with my husband and my attorney: my husband is in CA and I am in RJ. In early january 2008, I mailed my husband with all of docs for starting a I-130. We decided to get an attorney because we were afraid of misunderstand or fail on the filling thing.

In march we got this law office and, even with the filled application on hands, the attorney´s assistant didn´t show herself an assortive person, leading to a whole month of preparing the form, which was alerady prepared by me 2 motnhs before.

Anyways, my case was started in early april and right after we got our NOA1.

In the beggining of june, with the help of all of you, i ´ve found out that, since I am married, I could try to go for 2 differente visas I-130 and I-129. So, immediatlly, I asked the attorney, why I was just filling I-130. She said that it was because she DIDN´T BELIEVE THAT I WAS ABLE TO GET IT. Why she never informed us about all of the option..... Can u believe it!::: headbonk.gif

So, I was so pissed about it, and got so much confused, and time went by so quickly, and at the end of july, we got our NOA2. There was a lot excitement...However, a week later, talking to another friend from VJ, we decided to get a NVC case number calling NVC, since my attorny doesn´t talk or update me very often. Then, what a surprise! We got a case number and along I got so furious with this attorney... no call, no interest, no quick feedback. Gosh, How come that happens!!

So, I emailed the attorney again, asking about the case number, and, surprise, she said there wasn´t yet..... devil.gif I informed her myself about the case number, requesting the list of documents... in order to move faster, including tryied to chat with her about the James Shortcuts.... The answer was: " well, we are not informing you the list of documents, because NVC didn´t send the package yet, and also, we are having problems with our scan , so that we are mailing to your husband the list afterwards."

Ok, I persuade all them (including mu husband) that I was going to gather all of my docs in Brazil in this meanwhile, since I believe it will help a lot, and after giving her a Class of knowledge about this visa procedure, she got pissed and threat to stop working on my case.

All in all, my husband is against me, he said I am irritating the attorney and I must take it easy.

Am I wrong to feel underestimated by the attorney and by my husband.... Wouldnt be a sign of my husband´s personality... Am I wrong to get control of my life like that....

Please, help me.

Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-08-15 08:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresoverstaing in US x Visa denial
Gosh, your posts are making me feel so relief!

If there is anything I can say regarding my experience is THERE IS NOTHING THAT CAN JUSTIFY TO LOSE A 10 YEARS B1 VISA. So, more than ever we have to be carefull with the steps we do and make regarding our own documentation on this Visa process.

So, let´s be conscious about every single detail regarding the process and the next steps!

Thank you VJ´s!
Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-09-15 15:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresoverstaing in US x Visa denial
Yu and Dan, thank you so much for the article:
Acctually was exactly what happened to me.

[i]"A common example of this is a person with a 10-year tourist visa who is allowed by the INS at the Port of Entry (POE) to stay in the U.S. for 6 months. This six-month period is indicated on the I-94 card issued to the tourist at the POE. Suppose our traveler remains in the U.S. beyond the allowed six months and does not file an extension with the INS. Suppose also that the period of overstay is less than 180 days and that the person returns home without incident. (Periods of overstay in excess of 180 days give rise to even more significant problems that are not the subject of this article.) In such a situation, it is often assumed that one can continue to use the multiple-entry tourist visa until it expires. This is not the case. Under section 222(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, the visa of a person who overstays becomes void after the conclusion of the period of authorized stay indicated on the I-94. This cancellation occurs without the individual's knowledge. One cannot reenter the U.S. except with a new visa applied for at the consulate in the home country or if one qualifies for a visa exemption requirement to apply for the visa in another country based on "extraordinary circumstances."[/i]

God Luck to all of you!
Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-09-15 14:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresoverstaing in US x Visa denial
Hi, Guys

Thank you for the replies!

Well, I overstayied 3 months only. And I do have an attorney on my Visa procedure. However, my attorney never told me about any bar time.... I didn´t even know about this possibility. I never tried to be back for the last 3 years because I honestly didn´t feel like. But now, I am married, got done with my job and educational time, so it is time, and I am ready.

my question is if there is any chance if my petiotion could be denial... even with so many proofs for me.

Thank you all!
Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-09-15 14:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresoverstaing in US x Visa denial
Hey Vjs,

I ´ve been in to the US over 7 times, and stayied in for different period of time, since I was engaged, and I wanted to experience a "wedding lifestyle" with my boyfriend (today he is my husband!!).

So, at january 2005, tired of flying back and forth to Brazil, a friend of mine, who is an attorney in US, suggested me to look for a Technical School, which was allowed to change visa status B2 (tourist) for M1 ( vocacional). Then, I could stay legally in US, studying different classes - which was my main concern at that time.

I did that, and I enrolled into this big and well known Technical Career Academy, whose the owners explained to me all of the process, CONFIRMED THEIR ELIGIBILITY TO PROCEED WITH THAT MATTER.. At that time, I was explainned that CHANGING VISA STATUS on -line in this case B2- M1, was a pretty commom PROCEDURE that, usually, takes 3 to 6 motnhs to get done, and many of their students were under that as well. They introduced to me 2 girls from Tokio who had done the same procuedrue and they were fine with the results not only about getting an extra education, but regarding the changing visa procedure too. So, after this, I did all of the bureacratic requirements, paied the fee (5,000) and joined the classes which took 6 months to end up. They also told me that I didn´t need to fly back to RJ while I was taking the classes because my process would be started at the CSV and automatically allowed me to overstay until receiving my M1.

What happened was, I finished the classes, got a diploma, but a M1 Visa wasn´t issued. So, they said that I should wait longer, but I told them that I had to fly to Brazil and only could be back 2 motnhs later, in october 2005.

So, I did that. My surprise was when I flew back to Ca, in october, as I had planned, I had my entrance denied under the alegation of overstaying in CA ilegally for 3 motnhs. That was so shocking to me as all of you can imagine how terrible is to be barred. The officers were very kind to me explanning that I had my B2 (10 years of validity) cancelled and I iwas being barred just because of "paper bureacracy" that I should resolve in my country.

So, I went back to RJ at the same night.... and after so many wonderings, planns... kevin and I decided to sue the school and get married in Brazil. It was in 2005, and we only got married in 2007, since we both got a nice jobs ... and other things happened. the lawsuit against this shcool took almost 3 years to be done and, even not going to trial, the school offered a settlement agreement where they admit their guilt and pay me a indemnity of U$ 30,000.

Today, I am in RJ for 3 years without trying to go back to US desperatley. I only applied for a spouse visa in April 2008, and now we are at the Packgae 3 stage.

So, my question is: even after I "won" the case against the school and so, I proved that it wasn´t my fault overstaing in the US, and also, having this 3 years back in my country, is anybody aware if I could have my petition denied by the embassy?

Why should I be prepared for ? Is there any recommendation? or a bad perspective of all ?

I really appreciate your reply!


Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-09-15 12:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow to deal with this waiting journey?
Hi, Guys...

I lived 2 years in CA with Kevin... then I decided to move back to Brazil to get done with my education ... the thing was I got an opportunnity to work for a great international company, and Kevin, as well in California. .. So, even loving so much each other, we had a feeling of grabbing our own opportunities. So, that decision supposed to last 2 years... however, between getting married, planning and having a bid wedding ceremony and party, and started my Visa process, took another year... and now, I am waiting, without a job (I quit to prepared my trip back to CA), being so much time at home... and even being, probably 2 motnhs of my interview date, I AM WONDERING TOO MANY THINGS....

But, it is good to share it with you. It seems nobody else can undersatnd me...

The thing is, I agree with this full -time working inspiration, but for the ones who is like me at this time, jobless, schooless,.... I suggest you find out or develp new projects while waiting... Go do some extra classes, or fo learn how to cook. I booked a SPA for 15 days and after this, a I am going for short trips with my mom, my brother...

It is sick to be waiting for life to happen.

Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-09-19 13:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow to deal with this waiting journey?
Hi, Guys

Wondering, living in a world where couples have difficult to deal with distant, individuality and long -term relationships... Where people are unable to accept the other´s needs of individuality and, why not, their own space and time to themselves... what make us, who are able to face and fight for this Visa journey, wait so long and believe that after the end of all of it, IT WILL WORKOUT ?

Another questions, my relationship is lasting for over 5 years, 3 years living apart. During this "apart" life... How do you live? do u have a normal life working, going to school... living day by day without thinking in future.... without planning.... avoiding dream too much.... How is the routine for all of you?

In my case, I spend 3 years taking my life normally in Brazil... grabbing opportunities like jobs, school educations,.. working out...exploring new things... but I never felt like going out to clubs, short or long tripps with friends... It was crazy but easy, because I focused on my job and education. My planns were straightly to business and academical schedules and national and international trips with my husband who I saw every other month, for maximum of 10 days each.

Basically, I gave up on pressuring my husband full time attention... his full time space... I honestly set his mind free, projecting a day where, after getting done with my dreams, we could be ready to be together for life, with no fear.

And you? How is to deal with this unusual relationship or lifestyle?

Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-09-19 09:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresinterview date in Brazil
Hi, Vjs!

Have a question: is anybody aware if the Embassy, especially in Brazil, keep booking interviews throughtout the holiday season or in case of they take a break, how long do they usually start arranging interviews...

The reason for my question is because I just about to get my case conclude at the NVC, and according to the timelines, my interview date will probably be schedule for anytime between november and december...

Thanks in advanced fpr any reply!

Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-09-28 11:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230 Police Certificate. Please help!
Here in Brazil, I had to collect 2 different Police records: one from the Province where I live, and the second one, from Brazil - where I got from the federal police (the same where I had my passport issued)


Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-10-01 11:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1 with overstay problem
Hi, I overstayied 3 months, and after 3 motnhs, came back to BR, kept my relationship with no rush to be back in the states.. So, we got married in Br last year, and in april 2008, we started up a CR1 process.

Now, we are getting donne with packet 3, which is basically, the last step in US, before the process move to Br. And, after talking to so many different people in this site, we believe that, we have all of the background needed to get approved:

- 5 years relationship, dream wedding, both of us have career, high education, income

But, above all, what really matters is the letter I have from the school that screw up my Visa Status admiting that wasn´t my fault overstaying in CA for 3 motnhs. Accrtualy, we suit the school in 2005, and couple of months ago, they purpose a settlement agreement , which was really beneficial to me.


Good Luck, think about my case, and take care.

Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-10-25 17:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSent Packet 3 to NVC: Now, what else and how long for the interview...
Hi, VJ´s

JUst sent 3rd packet to NVC. So, how long do I still have to wait for the interview... Is there any other documentation necessary... Am I gonna receive another packet of instruction...

Thanks in advance for your help.

Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-10-28 19:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMedical Appointment
Hi, VJs!

I ´m writting you to share how was my medical interview today, in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
After taking all of the vaccines and exams requested i latest august, today I met Dr. Joaquim Duarte. Just as a remind, here is the docs I had to show him:
  • HIV negative
  • Sifilis negative
  • XRay of chest
  • Complete ginecology report
  • Vaccines

So, I got Dr. Joaquim Duarte´s number on the embassy webpage, and set up an app with him for today morning. He asked me if I want to go through all of the medical exams with him or if I would take them all set just for final validation. I said it would be worth to me, if I could use my own health insurance to go through them, since would be costless, and just meeting him to get the embassy final report. He said O.K.

So, I did all of the exams and took to him this am. He look through carefully, asked me if I had any health problem before, any sexual disease, any surgery, if I smoke, drink.. Then, he proceeded with the medical phisical analisys, which was basically checking my heart conditions, breath, blood pressure, throaht... and nothing else.

I payied total of R$ 270,00 (R$ 220 for him and R$ 50, 00 for one extra vaccine).

So, if anyone needs a reference regarding this medical appointment, I ´d suggest to meet Dr. Joaquim Duarte. His office is in the corner of US Embassy in Downtown, Rio de Jsaneiro.

Any other questions, please, contact me. and good luck to all of us!

Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-11-04 15:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI'm having a hard time
Hello, I am sure all of us understand you very well. I am so sad that I am sick for over 2 days straight with strong pain in my stomach. I feel weak and today it is hurting more and more because it is my 1st wedding anniversary, and I am here in Brazil and he is in US.

However, I do believe all of this will be gone soon ( we are wating for an interfview date), and we HAVE TO hang in there. I do agree the worst part is the end of the process. it seems we are way more vulnerable.

Faith, Faith and Faith. It will get over soon.

Best Luck to you.

Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-11-23 18:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLiterally sick because of too much expectation
Hi, everyone!

It was really terrible to see that NVC is able to not care about documents sometimes... In my opinion, there is no chance to get confuse with my docs since I provided also the translations where were stated " the docs provided were translated by CERTIFIED COPIES..."... the expression was stated on the document...

So, if they want the originals, fine, but be clear about it... dont you think.,..!

Hope they will understaand that...

Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-11-25 09:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLiterally sick because of too much expectation
QUOTE (ScotsMajik @ Nov 24 2008, 01:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
First of all, try to think calming thoughts. Perhaps some reason will help. Why did they decide to review your case? If you provided reasonable and honest documentation, I'm sure you'll be fine.

Hi, guys

Thank you for the nice messages... Vj is really the best of all of it!
well, I did provide NVC with the right documents from Brazil, however, even so, NVC denial marriage, birth certificate and police certificates stating they aren´t proper and correct certified copies, but they were. My lawyer said they made a mistake and requested another review. All of it was because I provided them with authenticated copies and they thought they didnt mean certified copy, but in my country they mean the same...

So, let´s see what happens...

Gosh... I just wanted a date...

Big hug!!!
Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-11-24 16:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLiterally sick because of too much expectation
Hi, my friends

As many of you is following, my case is being reviewed at NVC after a Rfe. So, today I called NVC and they said i have to wait at leats 10 more days until a feedback or case completed.

So, as I read in many treads, this final part is the worst! it is trully amazing how that can be so painful... and I am afraid I can´t hang in there very easly... my body is freaking out... I never had problems with my stomach, but for 3 days straigh, my body is weard... so much pain.. headaches... nauseas... and I am not pregnant... I dont have feaver....

I relax only when I stop thinking about this situation.. and when it comes to my mind again... the pain startssss.....

Gosh, I am afraid of it... and I don´t know how to get well...
Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-11-24 13:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAvoiding risk of Deportation
Ok, I found the answer for my doubt:

Maintaining Permanent Residence
Maintaining Permanent Residence You may lose your permanent residence status if you commit an act that makes you removable from the United States under the law in section 237 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. If you commit such an act, you may be brought before the immigration courts to determine your right to remain a Permanent Resident.

You may be found to have abandoned your permanent resident status if you:

Move to another country intending to live there permanently.
Remain outside of the US for more than one year without obtaining a reentry permit or returning resident visa. However in determining whether your status has been abandoned any length of absence from the US may be considered, even if it is less than one year.
Remain outside of the US for more than two years after issuance of a reentry permit without obtaining a returning resident visa. However in determining whether your status has been abandoned any length of absence from the US may be considered, even if it is less than one year.
Fail to file income tax returns while living outside of the US for any period.
Declare yourself a “nonimmigrant” on your tax returns.
Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-11-26 13:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAvoiding risk of Deportation
Hi, friends

I have been reading topics about immigrants that had problem in US and for some reason lost their status, and were sent back home.

So, What type of concerns and procedures the beneficiary should be aware to be safe on their status after getting IR Visa Approval and Green card?

I am married to a US citizen for a year and so, I am the beneficiary of Cr1 Visa. So, what comes next after I move to US and what should be aware of to not take the risk to fail or make a huge mistake and be send back home?

I am concern about it because, couple of years ago I lost my 10 years B2 Visa for lack of proper information regarding change of staus while I was in the States, and I am really taking care of my business this time.

Thanks for the replies.

Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-11-26 12:10:00




Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-11-27 11:15:00

I got the same EXACT message two weeks ago for my mother's case and my lawyer instructed me to send them the ORIGINAL documents (both of our birth certificates, police certificates, etc.). Within 4 days of mailing the ORIGINAL documents I called the NVC and they let me know that the case has gone to the Embassy in Rio to schedule an interview. What they mean by original or certified copy is obviously the original document or the copy of the document issued by the official agency (ex. the state of NY would have to issue another b-certificate in my case). You can send the original and they'll have it ready for you at the interview. Don't waste your time trying to argue with them. They want the original documents and that's it, granted that they could word it better. They'll process everything very quickly as soon as they get the originals.

Good luck!

(I'm waiting for my mom's interview date - hopefully in Dec!)

Hi, I feel so exausted today, and a little bit down....

Well, my attorney insists in mailing the letter, and I am insisting to mail the originals... So, while I get the Birth and MArriagae certificates, we will be waiting for NVC reply....and since the attorney is mailing tomorrow, NVC feedback about it will be around friday next week... by there, I guess I will get my original docs... and the journey will go on.

Guys, thank you so much.

Ary crying.gif
Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-11-13 18:54:00
Hi, I was waiting for the Embassy point of view regarding this issue, so that I could save time on gathering my birth certificate, which seems to be the problem to me right now- I live in a different state from where I was born. But, since I can´t solve this right away at the Embassy, I am working on get this birth certificate anyways....

And, I will be mailing the original by the end of nex week... I think.

Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-11-13 13:39:00
Hi, guys!

Wanna be more stressed...! So, I went over to the embassy today, and guess what! THEY ARE NOT PROCEDURE CONSULAR SERVICES WITHOUT AN APPOINTMENT.... So, I had to go back home, and schedule an appointment. Now I am waiting for them to tell me WHEN....

I was wondering last night, how come USCIS accepted my authenticated copies of Birth and Marriage Certificates for I-130, and NVC can´t accept them now....

........ innocent.gif blink.gif
Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-11-13 11:22:00
Ok, So, It will be easy to get an original of Marriage Certificate, but as I was born in a different state, I will have trouble to get it. So, as an emergency decision, I will Fedex my originals, plus certified copies from the Embassy altogether....

and so, get over last...
Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-11-12 18:57:00
Well, it seems unbelievable!

This am I called local Notary Public where I authenticated the photocopies of my documents, and explaned the whole situation. They explanned to me that CERTIFIED COPIES means the ones that, besides authenticate by the Notary, were confirmed and stamped by the embassy.

So, I called the embassy and explanned again, and, surprisinly, they said AUTHENTICATED COPIES WERE THE SAME AS CERTIFIED COPIES. So I wasn´t gonna have a problem what the documents at NVC.

Then, I called NVC, explanned the situations, and they remained saying we didn´t subbmited the proper documents... and they need the ORIGINAL OR THE CERTIFIED COPIES...

What the Hell....

So, my attorney insisted on writting a letter to them as I said, but just in case, tomorrow I will go over the US Embassy and get this "special" stamp which seems to be another type of certification or legalization or validation of my docs and then, FedEx them to my attorney.

The only one thing is, I can´t wait one more week until they call me again with this NEW INSTRUCTION which wasn´t in any guideline so far.


Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-11-12 16:56:00
Hey, guys!

I subimmited notorized photocopies which is the same like certified copies, don´t they..If not, let me know.

And, my attorney suggested to mail them back highlighiting the points, especially, because on the oficial translation it is state on each of them " THE DOCUMENT SUBIMMITED FOR TRANSLATION CONSISTS OF A DULY AUTHENTICATED COPY OF THE ORIGINAL..."

And, they do appear to meet the informations, payxibica. I went to the right offices and made sure to get the proper documents for IMMIGRATION VISA.. and they confirmed.

Here is what the NVC letter says:

BIRTH and MARRIAGE Certificates: "the document submmited is not an original or certified copy of an original issued by the appropriate govern authority. The document must be an original, or a certified copy of the original, bearing the original seal or stamp from the issuing authority.

BRAZIL POLICE CERTIFICATE: they basically say I didn´t provide neither from the national police nor State Police.

My attorney believes it was a mistake and guessing whoever reviewed this at the NVC did not look carefully at the docs. She will mail them back point out in a cover letter.

Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-11-11 14:42:00
Ok, VJ´s!

I am pissed. I am in Brazil and my attorney subimmited a certified copy and translation of all of the documents rerquested by packet 3 ( Birth Certificate, Marriage Certificate, Police Records).

Today, my attorney contacted me saying that NVC has denial the above documents stating that they are not ORIGINAL OR CERTIFIED COPIES, BUT THEY ARE!

I tried to call NVC but it is a national holiday and everybody is OFF.

So, I was wondering if anybody has gone through such situation and what was the best way to deal with it: calling and explanning, subimmiting again the same certified copies highlighting the informations or subimmiting THE ORIGINAL ONES....

So, any help is good.

Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-11-11 14:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC CASE COMPLETED- HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
After too much wait, deep stomachaches, and moments of freaking out, my case has been COMPLETED AT NVC!!!


I just don´t know how Am I gonna receive the date of my interview, is it gonna come by mail or should I ask the NVC operator... the thing is today is a Holiday and there is no operator working.... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

But anyways, how long do u guys thing my interview is going to happen!!!!!!

Gosh, god bless all of us!


Aryadne e KevinFemaleBrazil2008-11-27 07:34:00