CanadaCanadian Grocery List....
Pizza Delight pizzerias.... sigh....
I don't think they are out further west than NB
FuzznessMaleCanada2007-03-15 10:25:00
CanadaCanadian Pizza Question
Pizza Delight is the best, but in Halifax, try Tony's Pizza. Almost as good as Pizza Delight and only half the cost.
FuzznessMaleCanada2007-05-16 15:58:00
CanadaWhy no Tim's in the US...
I've been to the one in Parkersburg WV (thank you becca!) and it is just as good as any I've been to.
FuzznessMaleCanada2007-05-31 05:55:00
CanadaWhy did you choose the US?
I moved to Georgia because I love bass fishing. There just ain't no good places in north georgia.
FuzznessMaleCanada2007-06-02 11:28:00
CanadaIs this the REAL candian forum???
I was cheering for Ottawa but it didn't hurt my feelings having the Ducks win. Giguere used to play in Halifax and I believe he has a house there now. Good on Selanne for finally winning a cup. On to next year and the Rangers turn to win.
FuzznessMaleCanada2007-06-07 07:57:00
CanadaAny Atlanta area Canadians
I've got to work tomorrow. bah! but I will have an easy day.
FuzznessMaleCanada2007-06-30 21:40:00
CanadaHow busy is Toronto-Pearson preclearance?
ive never had a bad experience with customs coming to the us but ive never been to toronto either. it is very difficult to find someone with a positive experience over at pearson intl
FuzznessMaleCanada2007-02-13 08:20:00

quote" I've been a fan since the TV Nation days but I won't be going to see Sicko. Basically, the bits about the NHS are lies...pure lies...and sincerely doubt that the rest of the movie would be lie or exaggeration-free."

So, if you haven't seen the movie how are you in a position to know what he says about NHS, let alone that they are lies? It is easy to dismiss something when you don't know what you are talking about. The solution is to become informed - see the movie, then state that the bits about NHS are lies. Your position will have a lot more credibility.

I've read about those segments in the press and have seen various clips, so don't assume that I'm speaking from a position of complete ignorance. I just love it when people make incorrect assumptions. Maybe you should become informed about what *I* have read and seen before calling me ignorant. :rolleyes:

I'm so irritated by the outright lies about the NHS that I refuse to spend my own money to see this film. If someone wants to buy me a ticket, I'll gladly watch it. However, Mr Moore already has enough of my money as I own every book he's ever written and every film/TV show he's done up to this point. He won't be getting any more of my money but feel free to give him YOURS. That's my solution for you.

So are you saying you HAVE seen the movie? It sure sounds like you have to be making such comments about it.

I've seen clips and read articles about how the film regards the NHS and having lived in the UK for six years, I know Moore's claims about the NHS are propaganda at best. I don't pay good money to watch propaganda but like I said, if someone were to give me a free ticket to see 'Sicko' I might go. I don't think US healthcare is perfect, but there's a lot of half-truths floating around and a film like this obscures the truth rather than exposing it. I would never EVER support an NHS system in the USA, but that does not mean that I wouldn't support universal healthcare. However, the NHS sucks. It sucks rocks. Since you're Canadian I assume you have no experience with the NHS and are not in a position to speak either way about Moore's treatment of it in the film, n'est-ce pas?

Essentially, the people going to see 'Sicko' are people who already agree with what Moore has to say. This isn't going to do a thing to address the healthcare crisis in the United States and IMHO it will do more to STIFLE debate rather than to encourage it. Mention you've seen 'Sicko' to a Republican and that's pretty much the end of the convo.

I've not made any comments about the movie, I've not seen it. What I am saying is that you seem to be speaking like you are an authority on this movie and have not even seen it. What is your agenda?
FuzznessMaleCanada2007-07-09 15:41:00

quote" I've been a fan since the TV Nation days but I won't be going to see Sicko. Basically, the bits about the NHS are lies...pure lies...and sincerely doubt that the rest of the movie would be lie or exaggeration-free."

So, if you haven't seen the movie how are you in a position to know what he says about NHS, let alone that they are lies? It is easy to dismiss something when you don't know what you are talking about. The solution is to become informed - see the movie, then state that the bits about NHS are lies. Your position will have a lot more credibility.

I've read about those segments in the press and have seen various clips, so don't assume that I'm speaking from a position of complete ignorance. I just love it when people make incorrect assumptions. Maybe you should become informed about what *I* have read and seen before calling me ignorant. :rolleyes:

I'm so irritated by the outright lies about the NHS that I refuse to spend my own money to see this film. If someone wants to buy me a ticket, I'll gladly watch it. However, Mr Moore already has enough of my money as I own every book he's ever written and every film/TV show he's done up to this point. He won't be getting any more of my money but feel free to give him YOURS. That's my solution for you.

So are you saying you HAVE seen the movie? It sure sounds like you have to be making such comments about it.
FuzznessMaleCanada2007-07-09 11:51:00

Bee just about freaked out when I told him that my vaccinations and my visit to the doctor were free. It was like telling him about milk in a bag.

Not criticizing - but because this thread has been moved, just want to clarify that Canada's health care system is not actually 'free'. We pay for it through our taxes and in Alberta for a family we pay $1056 per year as well to AB health care (or 88 dollars a month as it were).

Don't get me wrong, I 100% support universal health care.

Oh, I know Canada's health care system is not "free". What I meant to say was, I didn't have to pay money up front for my visit or for my shots. I'm quite cognizant of the fact that I pay for it through my taxes and $600-ish to BC MSP for myself. ^_^

Don't forget sales tax. That pays for everything too. Alberta is a wealthy province too so other provinces might pay even more.
FuzznessMaleCanada2007-07-07 08:10:00
CanadaSOOO why leave Canada than???
the love i have for my life is stronger than borders
FuzznessMaleCanada2007-07-17 20:29:00
CanadaSwiss Chalet vs. Boston Market
never been to boston market but i am not crazy for swiss chalet at all.

st hubert was awesome when i went to montreal. real poutine!
FuzznessMaleCanada2007-07-25 20:26:00
CanadaDoes illegal immigration upset you big time too?

karen, you took that way personally. i did not mean to offend you, or anyone else. i was just stating facts. when the "white man" came here it was not a country, it was an unsettled territory. not a country w/ a gov't, social services, an economy etc.(a nation). sorry the "white man" took land from native american tribes. i believe they have been appoligized to & compensated. as well as benifited in many other ways from the "white mans" country they built here. we are talking about illegal immigration into a nation. not taking land from native tribes. noone said it was right for the "white man". to do what they did, but everyone here has benifited.

Curious, Mike...why did you bold "white man"? The subject of Native Americans was brought up by someone else...I simply expressed an opinion. You can't seem to let this go for some reason so since you can't seem to let go, I'll play along with you. I can assure you that some apology has been extended and the benefits (as you seem to call them) are miniscule. Those that choose to live off the reservations do not benefit from the existence offered to them through the government...their attempt at offering "compensation". Do you call living on a reservation a benefit? I'm not so sure I do. However, you won't hear many Native Americans in the news griping about things aren't fair to them...not like you hear the current illegals complaining and protesting here in the States today.

BTW...I am not offended in any I have learned long ago not to let things of this nature upset me. I shall, of course, express an opinion. I have no issue with whether or not you or anyone else feels the same. Now, can you let this go?

yes the subject of native americans was brought up by someone else. but the subject of the white man taking land was brought up by you. and it was brought up very politely either. just pointing it out to you. & benefits lets try very little taxes on tribal gaming for starters, free medical as well. like i said i wasn't trying to offend anyone & i'm truely sorry if i did. but, don't point a finger if you don't want it pointed back.

no hard feelings i hope

I feel like I have to say something here. When the white man came here, these lands were actually several countries. The dictionary (forget which one) defines a country as a state or nation. A country does not need any kind of official govt or social security system to exist. The native americans did have countries and that is actually a well established fact. They also had govt systems, at the local and national level. The white man did come over here and took those lands away. Were this done today it would be considered illegal. I suppose that there were no police here at the time or any form of law enforcement means it wasn't illegal immigration (at the time) but it certainly wasn't legal.

The compensation offered to the native americans is a joke. They were given a bit of land to live off of. The native americans lived off great expanses of lands, so to put them on such small pieces of land is more like putting them in jail. Sure they don't pay taxes (if they live on reservations) but is that really a big compensation? Native americans were not just removed off their land but their game has been overhunted and their fish have been overfished. Their trees have been clear cut and their way of life pretty much lost forever. Their spirituality is nearly all gone as well thanks to "missionaries" converting them to their way.

I think native americans have had it pretty crappy back then. But today you don't hear many complaining.
FuzznessMaleCanada2007-06-15 15:16:00
Good luck! Montreal was a very interesting experience for me. But I'd do it again!
FuzznessMaleCanada2007-08-07 21:01:00
CanadaI had an Iced Cappucino yesterday....
damn you! :crying:
FuzznessMaleCanada2007-08-16 20:54:00
CanadaWe are under contract! We're buying a house!
Lovely house. Congrats. October 12 will be here before you know it. Not a single dent in the garage, I guess no one's been playing road hockey.

Not yet laughing.gif
FuzznessMaleCanada2007-09-03 20:10:00
CanadaSo Canadians - tell us about yourselves
I KNEW someone would say they met on World of Warcraft!
FuzznessMaleCanada2007-10-04 17:09:00
CanadaCanadian Birth Certificate Question
It definately is the frame certificate.
FuzznessMaleCanada2006-03-01 13:21:00
Canadacurling on
curling is a great sport, most people don't realize the degree of difficulty involved
FuzznessMaleCanada2008-03-16 05:52:00
CanadaCanadian Names (English Language Names)
I think of all the names mentioned, Gordon and Grant are the only ones I see more in Canada. All the other names seem to be quite plentiful in the south.
FuzznessMaleCanada2008-03-19 20:18:00
CanadaAny canadians here have info about getting a US driver's license?
wish i had this information 2 years ago! thanks though, interesting to know
FuzznessMaleCanada2008-03-23 20:35:00
CanadaAny canadians here have info about getting a US driver's license?
QUOTE (penn-kd @ Mar 23 2008, 06:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
As a canadian you can get an international drivers license that is good for one year. You have don't give up your original DL. Then when what ever state you live in you could give that one up and keep your other one.

Where did you find this out? I even asked them at the DMV about this and they said there is no such thing as an international drivers license for the US.

Also, just be aware, in any state, if you are required to give up your canadian license and you refuse to, they CAN refuse to issue you a new license for that state.

Edited by Fuzzness, 23 March 2008 - 07:48 PM.

FuzznessMaleCanada2008-03-23 19:47:00
CanadaCan anyone explain to me how Air Canada prices flights
I flew AC to my interview. They were 1c cheaper than Canjet. Their service wasn't even that good, but if you don't expect good service then it's not that bad.
FuzznessMaleCanada2008-04-06 06:42:00
CanadaNHL Play off time!!!!
So far I've only got Detroit and the Rangers right in our office bracket pool
FuzznessMaleCanada2008-04-21 06:47:00
CanadaNHL Play off time!!!!
My Rangers will have to put up or shut up. I think they can go far though. If they don't then I don't care as long as it's not Montreal.
FuzznessMaleCanada2008-04-07 18:56:00
CanadaThe other side of the fence...
OMG I remember Dixie Lee chicken! It was even better than KFC! I don't think I would miss anything down here except maybe the bad drivers, those are fun to play with.
FuzznessMaleCanada2008-06-07 08:05:00
CanadaMusic from your part of Canada
Farewell to Nova Scotia fer sure
also as Kathryn said, anything by Stan Rogers
also, anything by stompin tom
FuzznessMaleCanada2008-07-02 16:42:00
CanadaThe Canuck Clearinghouse Thread
I'm using UPS. as far as i know, all they need is form 3299 (i think) and a copy of my visa and i-94
FuzznessMaleCanada2006-05-15 12:26:00
CanadaThe Canuck Clearinghouse Thread
Just a quick note.... POE in Boston at 7am (DL 5045 from Halifax, or the one from Fredericton) is easy and simple.
FuzznessMaleCanada2006-05-15 08:53:00
CanadaGetting injured in the states...
If I get insurance through my employer, but I'm paying for it, how exactly am i getting insurance through my employer when they arent paying for it? ive often wondered how that works
FuzznessMaleCanada2008-07-21 15:27:00
CanadaGetting injured in the states...
the american healthcare system is so seriously effed up, i cant believe how people just take it.
FuzznessMaleCanada2008-07-21 09:50:00
CanadaPrime Minister Stephen Harper pulled the plug on his own minority government on Sunday, setting off a national election campaign
If I were back in Canada I would vote for anyone except the conservatives. Even the BQ is better than them.
FuzznessMaleCanada2008-09-07 15:12:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (charlesandnessa @ Mar 15 2008, 03:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
me finally here, flew back to kansas today. atlanta airport sucked today! 2 hours late! ranting33va.gif

You are a complete moron if you think those planes could fly safely with a bunch of damn tornadoes around
FuzznessMaleCanada2008-03-15 17:46:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
trailmix is right... it is sold in the toy department. it is made by a toy company. it is a toy, nothing more. i think people get out of it what they want to. the power of suggestion is very interesting indeed.
FuzznessMaleCanada2007-11-18 17:19:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner?
QUOTE (Kathryn41 @ Apr 13 2008, 08:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sounds good to us - maybe we can get a sample from that new grill of yours!

absolutely! the grillmaster is only happy to serve!
FuzznessMaleCanada2008-04-14 05:59:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner?
We had a great time, can't wait to meet up again, maybe up here?
FuzznessMaleCanada2008-04-13 18:38:00
CanadaCanadian/U.S words & pronounciations
I'm with you americans... it's 'check'
FuzznessMaleCanada2008-02-26 18:15:00
CanadaCanadian/U.S words & pronounciations
I've never heard any canadian say aboot. mostly sounds like a-bowt. not even ricky from tpb says aboot

and it IS zed!
FuzznessMaleCanada2008-02-25 21:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaPatience with your S/O

Fuzzness--"I've been reading this thread with great interest. maybe i missed a few things on the way.
what exactly is the purpose of the hijab? to hide a woman's beauty so men won't lust at her? what does that say for the man, that he can't control her or if the woman is sexually assaulted it's her fault?

and what about wearing a hijab for the purpose of wanting people to think shes a good girl? is that not the wrong reason for wearing it?"

The reason for wearing it is simple... because it is commanded by God in our religion. His reasons for commanding this may very well be to protect us from the lusts of men but could also have other reasons as well... how about from jealousy? or skin cancer? It is not for us to question WHY we are commanded to do certain things but for us to trust that it is in our best interest and follow the command. And no one is saying if a woman is assaulted that it is her fault... how about avoiding the action in the first place instead of waiting until after the action has occured and then placing blame? :star:

Thank you for your explanation :)
It makes sense to me now
FuzznessMaleCanada2006-04-23 14:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaPatience with your S/O
I've been reading this thread with great interest. maybe i missed a few things on the way.
what exactly is the purpose of the hijab? to hide a woman's beauty so men won't lust at her? what does that say for the man, that he can't control her or if the woman is sexually assaulted it's her fault?

and what about wearing a hijab for the purpose of wanting people to think shes a good girl? is that not the wrong reason for wearing it?

i hope i dont seem like i'm knocking islam. i am just trying to inform myself :)
thank you
FuzznessMaleCanada2006-04-23 14:20:00