Middle East and North AfricaCo-sponsor
Just to let everyone know a friend of mine agreed to co-sponsor for us!!!!!! We are so excited. For a few days there I felt like there was no hope. Anyway for those of you who have or will go through finding a co sponsor, there's hope even when family won't help!!!!! :yes:
AshkiAFemaleEgypt2006-08-24 06:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaCo-sponsor
I was just surprised that they would go ahead and ask for finger prints and fee's before I sent co sponsor papers. I figured that we would be completely frozen until then. Ahhhhgggggg I'm on edge LOL.
AshkiAFemaleEgypt2006-08-21 10:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaCo-sponsor
Thank you guys for the welcome :) I've been lurking around for a while then lost the site and found it again lol. You know, I would think that I would be able to find someoneeee. I've always been the friend or family memeber that people can trust. The one friend that everyone lets drive his/her car, the one who watches their kids, the one who will run to them in the middle of night. I do have a question though. Today we recieved a call from the Cairo Embassy asking Hossam to call a number to make an appointment to get his finger prints done and bring $85 for fees to get his VISA. Now, he was already finger printed at the embassy..........hmmmmmm. So, I'm sure it's for the back ground checks, am I right??? And would this mean a good thing that they called this soon????? Thank you so much for all ur answers guys, hugzzzzzzzz
AshkiAFemaleEgypt2006-08-21 09:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaCo-sponsor
Ok, so this has probably been asked before, but i don't see any recient topics. We had our interview Aug. 17th at Cairo Embassy, just a few days ago, and we were told that he's approved and took his finger prints and passport BUT we need a co sponsor. So.......I'm in Egypt still with my husband and I've started to have my father call relatives to see if they would help out. NO ONE seems to care!!!! My father even recived a few terrorist comments from others (not family). Grrrrrrrr makes me so angry. I currently have a friend of mine that has asked about the requirements etc. and I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I don't know.......I just feel akward asking friends if they will co sponsor with me. Did anyone have to go through this, and how did you go about asking etc.???????
I have two daughters who are sooooooo excited to have their step father come home finally and I'm currently 3 months pregnant, we just want to get this thing over with!!!!! I feel like I would get a sponsor more easy if I am still over seas lol I just feel like it would look better if I'm asking for him to return back with me and people will be more sympathetic maybe????? I dunno. I'll probably end up going home alone in a couple of weeks and NOT talking to those who made hateful comments. I'm sooooo frustrated.

AshkiAFemaleEgypt2006-08-20 21:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaTrying to go home

First I wanna say Maubrook on the baby, and I hope you and your honey can get home safely with less problems compared to the ones you've written about.

I just gotta a few questions, not to be taken personal or anything, but how are you going to work if you have a weakened cervix? Isn't that dangerous, just asking? Im not a nurse yet, but I've been in healthcare for almost 8 years and I know quite a few people that have had to quit working and were put on bed rest for the duration of the pregnancy. On of my friends actually had to have her cervix sewed closed to hold the baby in....... How far along are you? Why did you stay so long? Girl, you know you can't trust everything people say, as far as "we will help you get home." That kinda struck a nerve, I moved to Las Vegas and ended up in a shelter. I think I should mention that I have more family in Las Vegas than Chicago. I just hope you can get home safely! Another question, when is your honey supposed to be coming home? You dont need a co-sponsor or have you already finished that part of the visa process? I mean since you arent working and nobody even wants to help you get home. I certainly hope not... either that or you know the secret to "growing new friends". If you do, pass it on.......

Like I said, I just hope you can get home, that was my main reason for responding. I don't like to hear that and I feel bad for you. I hope you get to a doctor soon, too.

take care!

:oops: :blush: :lol:

Thank you for the reply you sound so sweet :) Well they are as I am typing buying my ticket home for next Wednesday I believe. At least that part is over. You're right about the weakened cervix, I will have to take my OBGYN's advice on that when I get home. I'm a medical secretary so I don't do much moving around durring my shift but I don't know if that is still acceptable or not. If stress is a factor too, I KNOW I won't be able to the hospital to work. I'll have to look for another secretarial job. Last night we got bad news from out co-sponsor :( She's about 4 months pregnant with twins and went to the notery with her father. Her father found out what she was dong and completely flipped out. So he basically threatened her, saying that he wouldn't help her with the babies if she co-sponsored. I'm up the creek with no paddle now. I didn't think that I would get pregnant so easy because of previous surgery and was told by my GYN at the time I would have to get help if I wanted another one. So it's just becoming one big sob story and my tears are endless right now. I know in one way or another things will work out, I'm just so scared. There are a few friends that I haven't asked yet, I will check with them when I get home. I just don't know though......

Thanx for all replies!!!!!

AshkiAFemaleEgypt2006-09-13 07:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaTrying to go home
Well the airline said I could reinstate my ticket BUT unfortunately that expires tomorrow. lol my luck right? It would cost me $700 to do so anyway. I think what we are planning on doing is going ahead and telling someone the money is for his ticket and when i get back I can get his ticket in return. I have a job in line etc. so I know I can at least come up with the money in a month. That's just incase no one will loan money for his ticket. So it sounded like a fair trade off to me. Right now everyone is asking for money back that was borrowed since Ramadan is coming. I have SO much to do when i get back home lol I'll probably wish i stayed here!!!!! :P I did find a ticket through a brittish travel agiency with Air Italia that was only about $600, thats half of what others are asking.

Edited by AshkiA, 10 September 2006 - 08:43 AM.

AshkiAFemaleEgypt2006-09-10 08:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaTrying to go home
Yeah I was wondering myself how no one has any money. I personally couldn't get a credit card (i've already tried) due to a recent repossesion of a vehicle. I turned it in but it's still counted against my credit :blink: *SIGH* Anyway, I was just curious to see if anyone had any experience and/or advice. Thank you for you two who posted. I'm usually a lurker more than a poster around here :whistle: I'm sure something will turn out soon.

Edited by AshkiA, 09 September 2006 - 12:55 PM.

AshkiAFemaleEgypt2006-09-09 12:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaTrying to go home
Ok guys :star:
It's not an absolute emergency unless ur in my shoes lol. What's going on is, i have been in Alexandria,Egypt for 6 months now and it's just time for me to go home. Hubby's visa is on it's way very soon but I need to go home asap. Well, it seems when the time came to ask for money, those who said they will loan us the money either are MIA or have no money. I'm desperate to see a doctor for my pregnancy since I have a weakend cervix and other complications and haven't been to a GYN yet. Hubby and family currently have no money what so ever, in fact they owe money that they can't pay back at the moment. No one I seem to know is able to help me either. So I'm wondering, how in the WORLD am I going to get home. I have heard in the past of Gov help but it's leading to dead ends when I search online and my father is calling from the states to further check up on it. Ok so if the gov can help, would that affect hubby's incoming visa????? I'm not wanting to get us in trouble I just need to start seeing my regular doc and taking medicine that I can't afford here in egypt. Any advice??

Edited by AshkiA, 09 September 2006 - 11:34 AM.

AshkiAFemaleEgypt2006-09-09 11:32:00
Middle East and North Africapick-me-up thread

Ya Allah

Today, Upon a bus,
I saw a girl with golden hair,
and wished I was as fair.
When suddenly she rose to leave
I saw her hobble down the aisle.
She had one leg and wore a crutch,
but as she passed, a smile.
Ya Allah, forgive me when I whine,
I have two legs, the world is mine.

I stopped to buy some candy.
The lad who sold it had such charm.
I spoke with him, he seemed so glad.
If I were late, It'd do no harm.
As I left, he said to me,
"I thank you, You've been so kind,
It's nice to talk with folks like you,
You see," he said, "I am blind"
Ya Allah, forgive me when I whine,
I have two eyes the world is mine.

Later while walking down the street,
I saw a child when eyes of blue.
She stood and watched the others play,
she did not know what to do.
I stopped a moment and then I said,
"Why don't you join the others, dear?"
She looked ahead without a word.
Ya Allah, forgive me when I whine,
I have two ears, the world is mine.

With feet to take me where I'd go,
with eyes to see the sunset's glow,
With ears to hear what I'd know.
Ya Allah, forgive me when I whine,
I've been blessed indeed, the world is mine.

~Author Unknown

AshkiAFemaleEgypt2006-09-14 16:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaU.S. Embassy in Cairo
Well, we filed a CR-1 but we also recieved the letter from the Embassy in Cairo stateing thank you blah blah blah, you will recieve your interivew date within 10 business days. It took 2 months to get our date and had to wait another month for the actual date. We never even recieved notice by TNT, we got the news by checking the interview schedule online. We did call also, and no it was not delayed because of this, I personally knew a few other people who filed at the same time and recived their interview date at the same time as us. By the way (hint) you will get a better response from the Embassy by contacting them by E-mail than by phone. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!

Here's a link to the Interview schedule:

Here's the Consular's E-mail:

AshkiAFemaleEgypt2006-09-30 06:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaLifestyle Changes
I'm still waiting for my husband to come to the states. :( I've only been back myself for a week lol. But, I was in a previous (he was eygptian) relationship, although we met in the states he had only been in the states for a year. There wasn't much change other than any other relationship. We shared chores equally, he worked more than me so I did a little more around the house. The only difference that I can think of was going to cafe's for some tea or nescafe' and sheesha lol. Oh and making sure that our other friends had tea or coffee when over for a visit ;)
AshkiAFemaleEgypt2006-09-30 06:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaNot exactly sure...
I've written the embassy, and got a different reply saying that they are looking into our case and will let me know what's going on. Usually I get the whole deal... 6-60 days.... next month... blah blah blah. Anyway, when or IF i find anything out I'll let everyone know incase YOU ever go through this. :) Aggghhhhh I think I'm losing my mind. LOL Thanx again for the comments guys. Big hugz!!!
AshkiAFemaleEgypt2007-03-21 21:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaNot exactly sure...
Awwww Thanx everyone for the good wishes. I honestly have given up hope, until I actually get the call that he has his one way in hands. :huh:

Meet Tareq lol The little prince :D
Posted Image
AshkiAFemaleEgypt2007-03-15 21:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaNot exactly sure...
Ok nevermind, I got what the movement thing is. In our situation, visa was approved in Aug. we just needed a co sponsor. First co sponsor we apparently needed it noterized, so we sent in the corrected papers Jan. 19th. MIL called Embassy and was told all the papers were correct and he would recieve Visa in 6-60 days. So the week before the 60 days are up is when we recieve this address confirmation. Box checked was "admistrative proccess". We were thinking that maybe it was something done before the send the passport. Anyway, sorry for babbeling. lol Thought I would find out if someone had anything simular. Thanx guys.

Edited by AshkiA, 14 March 2007 - 10:17 PM.

AshkiAFemaleEgypt2007-03-14 22:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaNot exactly sure...

Could it be this new movement certificate thingy? They were sent out last week.

I've read some of the posts here, but I still have no clue what this movement certificate is. Can someone clue me in on that? LOL Man, I just want to get all of this DONE. Our one year anniversary is the 18th of this month and I left Egypt in Sept, had our baby *alone* last week. I'm tireddddddddddd. :wacko:
Thanx for your responses though.

AshkiAFemaleEgypt2007-03-14 21:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaNot exactly sure...
OK, all of our papers are correct (so they say). We were told 6 to 60 days and he will recieve his Visa. Sooo.... last week he recieved a kind of letter confirming his name and address, the only thing it said on this 'letter' was Administrative Processing. Ok I know all about AP, but what was this letter??? In 5 days it will be 60 days since they have recieved our final papers (co sponsor papers). Is this address confirmation part of the process for recieving the visa???? Anyone know? lol I'm taking it as good news, but who knows. :whistle:
AshkiAFemaleEgypt2007-03-14 03:02:00
Middle East and North Africacalling the embassy in Cairo .. please share your experience
Yeah, e-mail is def the better way to go but not that much of an approvement. lol
I have been misinformed so many times it's not even funny.
I always wonder how much these customer service people get paid,
whatever it is it's too much!!!!
AshkiAFemaleEgypt2007-07-09 04:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaI'm leavin....on a jet plane...........
Hey Doodle
I didn't know you were going!!!!! I wish I could do the same. Hope you have a safe trip hon. Let us know how it goes!!!
AshkiAFemaleEgypt2007-07-21 02:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt AP list....
Hey guys
It's meeeeeeeee lol No unfortunately no visa yet :angry:
We have about one week left and it will be 6 months since we have been waiting in AP.
I seriously think that the time will never come!!!!!!
Lil tareq (baby) is growing so fast and has already started teething!!!!
He's 4 months old now. At times this waiting thing is all so overwhelming and begins
to feel like a fantacy instead of reality. But all we can do is wait huh? lol
I'm around, haven't forgotten about VJ. :innocent:
Good luck to all of you!!!! It's great to see that there are others to relate with.

AshkiAFemaleEgypt2007-07-07 06:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaPrinted Visa
Thanks a lot guys. rose.gif
I think I've managed to talk some sense into hubby. He's already made his appointments for the doctor. It's been 2 years, it's almost over. I'm so relieved!!!!

AshkiAFemaleEgypt2008-02-19 11:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaPrinted Visa
Hi everyone smile.gif
I was curious if anyone has any knowledge on this?
My husband recieved a call today from the embassy saying that they needed updated medical and police records because his has expired. When he asked why, they said because they have his visa printed. Now, as far as I know the medical and police records are included in an envelope with the passport for other officals when he is traveling. Am I right on this? Does this mean the visa is complete??? helpsmilie.gif

My son and I will be going to egypt in a couple of weeks and would love if hubby could return with us. biggrin.gif

AshkiAFemaleEgypt2008-02-18 14:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDo you think we still have a chance?

OK I feel we did it wrong, But we really wanted very much to be together we had our I-130 approved before I-129f but once we had our I-129F approved we stopped the CR1 since we thought the k3 will make me there with my husband faster but now I sent package 3 bakc at the end of may and we contacted the embassy by emails and they said thay have July already full "although they told us before my interview will be in July" and when we emailed them again they said will be in August ..

so my question now if we continued our I-130 ." look to my timeline"

when do you think we will have my interview and my case forwarded to the embassy??? :huh:

I don't believe it would have made a difference. We filled the CR1 from the beggining and was told the exact same thing. That our interview would be in July then we recived another e-mail saying July was full and we would recive it in Aug. Good Luck
AshkiAFemaleEgypt2006-07-02 18:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSponsorship I-864!

I have a few questions. Maybe some of you that went through this may help me.

I have a job I earn about 20,000 but last year I only made 13,000 because I visited my wife for 4 months. Now I have one joint sponsor, my father who makes 40,000 and his household is 3 persons. I know there is no problem with the income but.....

Do I still have to complete an I-864? In the packet it says yes but just trying to make sure.

If I do,,, do I still have to include my 1040, the letter and stubs? I only have my W2 from 2005.

For the JOINT SPONSOR I have everything, 1040, W2s (Last 3 years just in case), letter and stubs.

Is it ok to just have the I864 and the W2 for me? Would that be enough since my Joint Sponsor I-864 has everything?

You can get your 1040's for 2005 by calling the IRS. They mail it to you within 10 business days. I would advise that you do that. Other wise you sound good to go!!!!
AshkiAFemaleEgypt2006-08-19 11:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresreschedule

hi all
my case is cr1 visa
i rescheduled my interview date by email.
the question is: i dont know if they should send me another new letter showing new appointment date or i can go to embassy with the first letter showing the old interview date?
please help me

They should have it updated on their interview list as well. I'm not sure about other embassy's but here in cairo they have an online list of dates with case numbers. You might want to check that out also.
AshkiAFemaleEgypt2006-09-02 07:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNotery
I'm not sure if this has been asked before. Our co-sponsor is getting all the papers ready and I wasn't exactly sure where you can find a notery. I remember I have went to a bank before, but I'm not sure if that is everywhere or just where I was living at the time. She said something about the court house, but the hours are so difficult there that it would take her forever due to work, college, etc. She's living in northern virginia if that makes a difference. Does anyone have an idea?????? Thanks in advance!!!!!
AshkiAFemaleEgypt2006-09-02 07:16:00