Middle East and North AfricaCan we all take them to court?
QUOTE (LaL @ Dec 29 2007, 11:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (HannahP @ Dec 29 2007, 06:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (E & M @ Dec 29 2007, 11:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Also, I left my job, my studies, my family, to come here and take my husband home with me and I was under the impression that it wouldn't take as long as applying from the US. If you had done the same, maybe you would understand why it means so much to me. I didn't do all of that to just to find out that my husband and I have to wait just as long as everyone who applied from the US.

Maybe it should take you longer because you get the privilege of being with your husband while you go through the process.

I really took E & M's post to mean they decided to do DCF which does result in a shorter timeline often and not to mean that she feels entitled to a short wait. I guess I am not understanding your comment HannahP.

Oh, I read it as she feels entitled to skip the line because she dropped everything to move to Egypt. My bad. :er:
HannahPFemaleCanada2007-12-29 22:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaCan we all take them to court?
QUOTE (E & M @ Dec 29 2007, 11:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Also, I left my job, my studies, my family, to come here and take my husband home with me and I was under the impression that it wouldn't take as long as applying from the US. If you had done the same, maybe you would understand why it means so much to me. I didn't do all of that to just to find out that my husband and I have to wait just as long as everyone who applied from the US.

Maybe it should take you longer because you get the privilege of being with your husband while you go through the process.
HannahPFemaleCanada2007-12-29 19:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow much do you really know about your MENA man?
QUOTE (tammy sue kay @ Mar 16 2008, 01:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am not really bitter, that is the funny part. I knew the risk I was taking, I went into this with my eyes wide open to what could happen, and I wanted to take the risk. To do it and know, is far better than not ever taking the risk and wondering my whole life what could have been. What if I hadn't done this and missed out on a lifetime of happiness? Shame on me for being scared.

These are strong words.

Certainly, I can't imagine what it's like to fall in love with a MENA man. My husband and I have this conversation all the time. Him: "Can't they see that they're being used?" Me: "I don't know."

I still don't understand Internet Love.
I can't comprehend why someone would fall in love with a man who is so far away; someone who may or may not be using you for a greencard and you probably have no clue.

But I have so much respect for the women that take a risk and put their hearts out there.
HannahPFemaleCanada2008-03-16 01:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaDouble Standards
Weirdness. I eat at a Middle Eastern restaurant quite frequently and have gotten to know the men that work there. They're off-the-boat types. I always wondered why they would talk to me but avert their eyes and seem kind of...flat? dispassionate? with their tone of speech. No smiling or anything like that. From a Western perspective, it's just *odd* to have someone who seems genuinely interested in you (I'm always fielding questions about my job, my studies, and my family) but their body language just doesn't match their words.

Except for this one younger guy WHO IS ALWAYS HITTING ON ME. I swear to god, he was hitting on me right in front of my husband! I wonder if it's because I assumed that his behavior was due to shy-ness and thus tried to get him to open up a bit more by being more "open" with my body language?

The more you know!
HannahPFemaleCanada2008-03-27 07:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaPets and middle eastern spouses
QUOTE (S and S @ Apr 14 2008, 11:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How do you go about keeping doves? That sounds like it could be a nice thing to try.

Doves require a bit more care than, say, a finch would. You need to keep them in pairs (either female/male or female/female) and, preferably, in the largest cage that you can afford. To be happy, they really need free-flight time out of the cage at least once a day. Um...they're also kind of dumb (I preferred raising pigeons and one day I will get a crow or a cowbird!) but can be very sweet and affectionate if you work with them. Not an ideal pet if you have young children around because they tend to startle easily. smile.gif
HannahPFemaleCanada2008-04-15 09:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaNon-Muslims married to Muslim MENA
Muslim women can't marry non-Muslim men, can they?
HannahPFemaleCanada2008-04-16 00:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaDealing with SO's opinions about future children
QUOTE (Virtual wife @ May 17 2008, 01:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (HannahP @ May 16 2008, 11:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So, uh, totally Western question here.

Dating has NEVER meant sex to me or anyone that I knew. Dating was always holding hands, an awkward kiss or two, etc. "Group dates" were very popular, with several of us going to see a movie. (And I'm twenty-two, hardly old.) I have quite a few male friends. Purely friends.

How do you date after marriage?
How do you decide whom to marry without dating? WHY would you want to do this?
Do arranged marriages "work" outside of a culture where divorce is taboo?

Hi, Hannah. Western dating = sex is what our movie, tv, music, and entertainment industries export each and every day. It's a common belief overseas that this is the way Americans conduct themselves. I can't tell you how many times I've had MENA men tell me that they prefer western women because they will sleep with them easier than MENA women will. That stereotype is hard to live down when this lifestyle is transmitted as the norm.

My husband arrived in the US on May 1. We've been married and apart for 3 years. Now we're dating as part of getting more in sync with each other.

Most of the world doesn't serial date. It's not done because marriage is considered to be a union between families, not just between the couples, and to maintain a sense of continuity and familiarity. Random dating doesn't support such norms.

Arranged marriages work and don't work, just as "love" marriages work and don't work.

Well, no, but shouldn't Westernized relationships be considered part of the acculturation? Why is this being passed down to /your children/ when it's simply not true?
I realize that in Islamic relationships, a boy and girl are constantly chaperoned by an older adult. Yes? I guess that is still dating to me.
HannahPFemaleCanada2008-05-17 02:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaDealing with SO's opinions about future children
QUOTE (wahrania @ May 17 2008, 12:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Now please leave me alone with this. I Am sorry I EVER STATED ANY OPINION ON ANY OF THIS..If I wasnt hurt as horrifically as I was , I wouldnt be so pissed.... Thats for sure

And you decided to marry...? Your "pity me" story only makes me cringe because of the next moron that you decided to marry. People who marry abusive jerks tend to later marry abusive jerks.
HannahPFemaleCanada2008-05-17 00:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaDealing with SO's opinions about future children
So, uh, totally Western question here.

Dating has NEVER meant sex to me or anyone that I knew. Dating was always holding hands, an awkward kiss or two, etc. "Group dates" were very popular, with several of us going to see a movie. (And I'm twenty-two, hardly old.) I have quite a few male friends. Purely friends.

How do you date after marriage?
How do you decide whom to marry without dating? WHY would you want to do this?
Do arranged marriages "work" outside of a culture where divorce is taboo?
HannahPFemaleCanada2008-05-17 00:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaBroken MENA families
Ah, wahrania the expert on all relationships, after being with her husband for how many days now?

/mine's /Canadian/ and we've had our issues, no online chattyness to set aside
HannahPFemaleCanada2008-06-11 23:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaWondering what other sites he/she is on??
QUOTE (wahrania @ Jun 23 2008, 09:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (khengool @ Jun 23 2008, 07:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Typical MENA female nonsense. Many of you are crazy and misguided. Repeatedly digging up reasons NOT to trust your mate is grounds for him not to trust you.

Listen nimwit... I don't mind you hanging out on our board..but bash us and i kindly ask you to stfu

Ah, yes, before or after you've spent five whole days with your husband?
HannahPFemaleCanada2008-06-23 21:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow is your spouse adjusting
QUOTE (morocco4ever @ Jul 17 2008, 10:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wahrania is very real, that is not in question. The problem I see is that we have a select few that think that what has happened to her is because she hasn't been a good enough wife. For God's sake what more can she do? Anyone who believes that it is a wifes fault because the man is acting like an A$$ is really sick. Wahrania is well known for being drama, I give you that, but to blame her for his ####### is going too far. I would have shipped his A$$ back a long time ago. A wife is a man's treasure, not his doormat.

Sorry, I will get back off my soap box

I guess what I think:

gary probably has a few points, but he keeps messing up with his chauvinism.
1) People with a history of abusive relationships tend to get into abusive relationships.
2a) wahrenia's stereotypes or not, her /description/ of him & his culture leads me to believe that she's chosen a very, very conservative man to marry
2b) so it's of no particular surprise (to me) that it happened...the way it's happened
2c) but wahrenia's naive-ness of her current situation - "gee, how did I get here?!" - totally turns me off
HannahPFemaleCanada2008-07-17 22:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow is your spouse adjusting
^ Maybe I'm not on the "in" with how most people perceive wahrenia. Actually, I'm probably not. But some of the reactions...yeah. They seem both naive and earnest. *shrugs*
HannahPFemaleCanada2008-07-17 22:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow is your spouse adjusting
QUOTE (morocco4ever @ Jul 17 2008, 09:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (HannahP @ Jul 17 2008, 10:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ganja_Girl @ Jul 17 2008, 08:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Selfless in what sense? To allow a husband to chat on the internet with single women, to allow them to break expensive gifts,to allow them to walk on us and disrespect us? Is that what would "fix" this marriage?

I am there with you on that one, also living off a women is pretty low good.gif

I'm sorry. Maybe it's because I'm not a MENA woman. Or whatever.

BUT SMASHING HER LAPTOP? When she confronted him over something that *he* may have done wrong? And then not talking to her, as if it's /her/ fault that he's chatting up women on the internet and, uh, smashing her laptop?

From the perspective of a total outsider...something just isn't right here. And I think it goes way beyond adjustment issues or self-fulfilling prophecies. Seriously. I wonder where the outrage is, but I've never been in an abusive relationship before, so..

I think you missed the sarcasm.

lol - yes, I did.

Also, I don't totally believe it myself. To me, the reactions of some posters on here bother me more...than whether wahrenia is a really person or not.
HannahPFemaleCanada2008-07-17 22:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow is your spouse adjusting
QUOTE (Ganja_Girl @ Jul 17 2008, 08:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Selfless in what sense? To allow a husband to chat on the internet with single women, to allow them to break expensive gifts,to allow them to walk on us and disrespect us? Is that what would "fix" this marriage?

I am there with you on that one, also living off a women is pretty low good.gif

I'm sorry. Maybe it's because I'm not a MENA woman. Or whatever.

BUT SMASHING HER LAPTOP? When she confronted him over something that *he* may have done wrong? And then not talking to her, as if it's /her/ fault that he's chatting up women on the internet and, uh, smashing her laptop?

From the perspective of a total outsider...something just isn't right here. And I think it goes way beyond adjustment issues or self-fulfilling prophecies. Seriously. I wonder where the outrage is, but I've never been in an abusive relationship before, so..
HannahPFemaleCanada2008-07-17 21:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt Septuplets Stir Debate On Fertility Drugs
QUOTE (bridget @ Aug 26 2008, 06:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That's some super sperm!!! blink.gif blink.gif I mean he didn't take any drugs, right? Just her? It's hard enough for 1 out of 40 to 60 million sperm to get to just one egg.........................these were 9 that aimed shooted and scored!!!!

Errr, it doesn't /quite/ work like that but...
HannahPFemaleCanada2008-08-26 20:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaDouble lives of visa journey petitioners ( what we dont really want to post)
QUOTE (Hanging in there @ Nov 25 2008, 03:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hug your baby. I am missing mine today...I can visit him in the cemetary for thanksgiving but Ill never hold him again

So a thread didn't turn out the way you wanted it to & now you're being blatantly manipulative with the very people who have supported you through this whole mess? Gee.
HannahPFemaleCanada2008-11-25 14:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaLinks between Islam and Terrorism
QUOTE (Shal @ Dec 3 2008, 12:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My SO and our Indian friend talked a lot but after the first 15-20 minutes I let them to their man talk while entertained my other other guests.

Good for you!
Unlike what wahrenia has to say, the most fascinating conversations are between people like your friend and your SO. I mean...on an intellectual level, we are capable of understanding just about anything. I can read about the tensions between Hindus and Muslims but I can't really experience it, so. I'm afraid if I were in your situation, I'd be all over them demanding answers. ohmy.gif
HannahPFemaleCanada2008-12-02 23:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaLinks between Islam and Terrorism
QUOTE (notime4haterz @ Dec 2 2008, 11:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ganja_Girl @ Dec 2 2008, 09:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
AMSTERDAM is my dream home, you are soooooooooooooo lucky to be able to go there and visit. They would have to kick me out of the country, I would never leave. lol devil.gif

Let me guess, you just wouldn't get enough of canals and tulips, right? whistling.gif

That or she smokes a lot of ganja. wink.gif
HannahPFemaleCanada2008-12-02 22:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaLinks between Islam and Terrorism
QUOTE (notime4haterz @ Dec 2 2008, 11:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (HannahP @ Dec 2 2008, 09:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (notime4haterz @ Dec 2 2008, 10:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ganja_Girl @ Dec 2 2008, 08:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Speaking of profiling I get pulled all the time when I travel for extra searches. One time in Paris I thought I was on my way to prison, I got surrounded by 7 undercover cops, speaking French, which I don’t speak, and telling me I had to go with them, I was in line getting ready to board the plane to home. I had early problems, but for some reason they always give me a hard time. Must look like a mule or something. Lol

wacko.gif I know exactly what you mean!

laughing.gif Try going to Amsterdam 10 times a year LOL laughing.gif

Everytime I go they ask me, "Do you live here? What makes you come here so often?"

Holy #######, what is that pic in your sig?!!

It's a program that transposed my pic and my hubby's pic into one.

We did that once at a museum to see "what our children would look like." Anyway, I hope they don't look like that. (Not you, me.) Because then I'd have ugly kids.
HannahPFemaleCanada2008-12-02 22:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaLinks between Islam and Terrorism
QUOTE (notime4haterz @ Dec 2 2008, 10:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ganja_Girl @ Dec 2 2008, 08:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Speaking of profiling I get pulled all the time when I travel for extra searches. One time in Paris I thought I was on my way to prison, I got surrounded by 7 undercover cops, speaking French, which I don’t speak, and telling me I had to go with them, I was in line getting ready to board the plane to home. I had early problems, but for some reason they always give me a hard time. Must look like a mule or something. Lol

wacko.gif I know exactly what you mean!

laughing.gif Try going to Amsterdam 10 times a year LOL laughing.gif

Everytime I go they ask me, "Do you live here? What makes you come here so often?"

Holy #######, what is that pic in your sig?!!
HannahPFemaleCanada2008-12-02 22:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat Normal Is Now
QUOTE (Staashi @ Dec 8 2008, 08:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Gemmie @ Dec 8 2008, 06:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I sent it to my old friend who lost her twin daughters last year. She has another baby now, a little boy, but is still so very torn apart over losing her daughters.

She hates when people are afraid to bring them up, she likes it when people acknowledge that they existed. smile.gif

Gemmie, I have a good friend that she always introduces her family as introducing the daughters who are living and then she states she has two, a daughter and son, who are with the Lord. I always liked that. It kind of caught me off guard at first, but I thought it was a great way to acknowledge that they were here at one time.

My mother lost my baby brother to SIDS a little over eighteen years ago. This was before a lot was known about SIDS and how to prevent it - sleeping the baby on his back, etc. She still blames herself and grieves quite a bit on his birthday. I think she mentioned him (w/the rest of us) for over a decade. Now, she tends to mention him when prompted but it's mostly internalized now.

So sad. sad.gif
HannahPFemaleCanada2008-12-08 16:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow long have you and your SO been together
Married for 1.5 years.
Living together for 4 years.
Going out for 8 years.
HannahPFemaleCanada2008-12-20 01:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaMorocco, cheap?
Okay, so, my hubby and I were given $4,000 to spend on a honeymoon. I think we can save up another $1g, easily. So that's $5,000.

Flights would take up 3/4s the budget until I checked, which I got from this forum. So we're looking at roughly $850 x2 for plane tickets.

I've /heard/ that Morocco can be cheap. We looked at apartments to rent (around the big cities) and were getting 50-100 euros for a week.

Would we make it make it on 5k, you think? Anyone with experience? tongue.gif
HannahPFemaleCanada2009-01-09 23:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA FOOD
QUOTE (chemaatah @ Jan 23 2009, 07:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (UmmSqueakster @ Jan 23 2009, 12:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (HannahP @ Jan 22 2009, 07:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MrsAmera @ Jan 22 2009, 03:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If it's kosher gelatin it's fine.

Kosher gelatin can be made from the skin/hooves of cows, as well as from fish bones. It's not Halal if it's not slaughtered properly, is it?

Do the skin/hooves come from cows that are slaughtered in the kosher manner? Muslims can eat meat that is slaughtered according to kosher guidelines.

I know there are different opinions within the kosher certifying community as to what is considered kosher re: gelatin. I think it's probably best to email the companies and ask about the source of the ingredients of the gelatin.

says who?

They are slaughtered in the kosher manner.

I was curious as to whether Muslims could eat kosher so I looked it up, actually. Needless to say, there are a LOT of different opinions on the subject.

/neither Jewish nor Muslim
HannahPFemaleCanada2009-01-23 19:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA FOOD
QUOTE (MrsAmera @ Jan 22 2009, 03:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If it's kosher gelatin it's fine.

Kosher gelatin can be made from the skin/hooves of cows, as well as from fish bones. It's not Halal if it's not slaughtered properly, is it?
HannahPFemaleCanada2009-01-22 20:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaStopped cooking for my husband!
In my husband's case, I think it was more of where he came in the line of children...he was first. Mom did EVERYTHING. By the time the last two were born, she needed helpers. (Boy and girl.) I think it's just something that doesn't come naturally because mom/dad thought that their education came "naturally." I can't remember anyone teaching me to boil a pot of water, but I can do it! Unlike a certain hubby when we first lived together... tongue.gif
HannahPFemaleCanada2009-01-31 02:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaStopped cooking for my husband!
Meh, not surprised at all and my husband is a very westernized, pro-woman type of guy.

We choose to have separate bank accounts because we were both raised this way. (And he is by far the bread winner of the family; the ten hours a week I work only cover my expenses, really.) However, he simply doesn't understand what shopping for food and cleaning supplies entails.

He is very good at shopping for himself. His big thing right now is Lean Cuisine. But he totally cannot comprehend what I spend money on. Paper towels? Toilet paper? Non ready-made foods like beans, chicken cutlets, pasta, etc? I could be buying computer games instead! tongue.gif He is painfully short-sighted, to the point where I have to remind him that we need a week's worth of dogfood because the dog has to eat every day.

I sum it all up to immaturity. My husband never had to grow up making his own meals, cleaning up after himself, or doing his own laundry/dishes (and I think this is just as prevalent amongst Western men and many women as it is amongst MENA men).

He bitches about the money I spend on a week's worth of shopping, yet that week's worth of groceries is cheaper in the long run than his habit of buying a few ready-made meals at a time. He just doesn't get it. Even simple ideas like, oh, making a batch of something and freezing it to save money...he just doesn't understand. It's like the long-term consequences of spending fly right over his head.
HannahPFemaleCanada2009-01-31 01:47:00
Middle East and North Africapregnant, and complicated- need advice abt K-1
QUOTE (Barza Woman @ Mar 31 2009, 09:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Let's face it, most of us would wince if a friend in the states slept with a man she'd never seen before and got pregnant before they really knew each other well. Love may feel good, but it's not enough to sustain a budding relationship through pregnancy, separation and developing a rapport. The kind of advice we would give our friend going thru this would not be "well, they do it in Morocco, too, but just hide it better." That's not the point. There are red flags involved. Some of us ignored them, some pointed them out. I'll be darned if I'm going to feel bad about pointing them out. I'm not an enabler. The enablers can do that just fine.

Well, since you want shame but --- hey, shame doesn't work.

Funny that you have funny feelings, etc.

I just hope that shame kept you from ###### your obviously older mate? for how many years?
HannahPFemaleCanada2009-04-02 23:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaSafe amount of time
QUOTE (Nawal @ Jul 14 2009, 02:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Y's_habibitk @ Jul 14 2009, 12:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (HannahP @ Jul 14 2009, 03:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Mostly just interesting because women who get into bad relationships tend to, statistically anyway, get into bad relationships afterwards.

Very true. I dont think its just women though...although probably more often than men.


@ HannahP...most of the time in those statistics, they need to see it before anyone can assist. People need to ask for help to stop things (addictions, bad relationships, etc.) It's the way life is...we can see things clearly when we are outside a situation. rose.gif

Oh no, I agree completely with both of you. Simply stating a fact which might help to explain the behavior of some people (not necc. the OP even, just that frustrating question of /why/.) My sister is in a similar position, so yeah.
HannahPFemaleCanada2009-07-14 19:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaSafe amount of time
Mostly just interesting because women who get into bad relationships tend to, statistically anyway, get into bad relationships afterwards.
HannahPFemaleCanada2009-07-14 14:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaDo the Research... and whatever else!
Does she still speak for all Muslims?
HannahPFemaleCanada2009-09-06 21:04:00
Middle East and North Africafood discussion for non-Muslim spouses of Muslims
Kosher gelatin actually means gelatin derived from fish products, usually. But it can also be made with beef skins. In my (looooong) experience as a vegetarian, vegetarian gelatin tends to be labeled as such or as agar-agar (a seaweed.)
HannahPFemaleCanada2009-09-29 19:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaLET'S TALK ABOUT YOUR RED FLAGS
QUOTE (just_Jackie @ Nov 15 2007, 09:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
#1 I knew Mohammed 3 days when he typed 'Will you marry me?'

Not meaning to be snarky or anything -- but what went through your mind when this happened?
HannahPFemaleCanada2007-11-15 20:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaLET'S TALK ABOUT YOUR RED FLAGS

This probably makes me totally abnormal, but it freaks me out even more than someone would want to marry some guy (from another country!) that randomly IM'd her one day. If I were to put myself in the shoes of an interviewer -- yes, I can conceptualize of a couple meeting in a chatroom or on a message-board or on a dating site, but if someone actually told me that the love of his/her life randomly IM'd him/her one day...big red flag right there.
HannahPFemaleCanada2007-10-18 23:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaAre you using me for a greencard?
QUOTE (Sofiyya @ Dec 10 2009, 09:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Hanging in there @ Dec 10 2009, 06:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sofiyya @ Dec 10 2009, 07:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It tiresome to read and watch some of these Americans blaming themselves entirely when the person they were involved with never loved them to begin with.

You've been there. Did you realize it then?

No I did not. I did not see alot of things coming and excused alot as culture

Ok, I'm going to remember what you're still in denial about, and as long as you won't own your behavior, you'll do it again. You did see the the bad things coming, and you told us you saw them coming. They were huge, red flags and you waved them in front of you. What we could not understand is why you just wouldn't get out of the way.

Ahh, but people who get into abusive relationships tend to fall into them time and time again. History repeats itself, despite the fact that the woman may be in denial of everything.
HannahPFemaleCanada2009-12-10 21:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaAre you using me for a greencard?
QUOTE (Hanging in there @ Dec 9 2009, 06:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Len, I really do not know you. You are extremely witty and funny and always have something to say. But I completely disagree with you about really the similarities of what we go through versus someone going DCF somewhere. Yes you had to jump through hoops but I have never heard of 12 aps out of Canada like some of the mena people have to go through. You have your opinion, you must find this board entertaining being that you dont have a mena spouse and of course we are happy to have a funny addition to the boards

I'm sorry. I'm sure this has been said to you before but...those of us who actually lived through your petition process witnessed YOUR harping on many, many MENA women about how their husbands were using them for a greencard. You still have not apologized for this.

WE (myself and Len included, yes, people outside of MENA!!1) could see the disaster that was your marriage, yet you refused to listen to reason/advice/whatever. It still cracks me up every time I think that you were so absolutely shocked that your then-husband sucked. We'd been telling you this for months but all you could focus on was the fact that your grandma married some younger guy or whatever.

I'm sorry...but you failed on so many levels. We warned you about your bad partner choices in the past (tends to be a pattern), warned you about your bad husband choice in the now. I have limited sympathy for people who continue to fail at relationships despite advice after advice.
HannahPFemaleCanada2009-12-09 17:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaFAMILY ACCEPTANCE
Totally OT but any other oldtimers find this topic nostalgic? I originally joined VJ back when MENA was the active forum and I'd guess that the majority of women there were older women marrying much younger men. See also: she who should not be named.

Five years ago? The OP would have received responses such as:
"It's a red flag that can be overcome! Just ask me!" /AP for years on end
"We overcame this red flag and our marriage is doing great! He's been here for 1 day - couple of weeks and I can't believe anyone ever doubted us!"
Plus the proto-Muslima who always insists that since the Prophet Mohammad took a much older bride, it's all good.
HannahPFemaleCanada2011-01-25 22:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow come lots of MENA members don't have Pics posted

She is like beetlejuice, say her names 3x and she will come back and be difficult to get rid of.

HannahPFemaleCanada2011-03-04 23:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow come lots of MENA members don't have Pics posted
Who was that poster who harassed/stalked everyone and finally got banned? The only clear thing that I can recall is when she remarked that someone's husband looked like Hermann Munster.
HannahPFemaleCanada2011-03-04 23:21:00