Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNo receipt after two months

"Was given the receipt number verbally, but "don't bother trying to get automated info from web site or phone system, none is ever posted for I-751s"."
Who says so? Why do you think this is true? Our receipt number shows they have received our application to remove condtions and will let us know their decision....

The quotes are verbatim what I was told on the phone- but, no, I don't believe a word that anyone in the US Government says.

The receipt number I was given to this day comes back as invalid.

Still have not received anything ...
hchoateNot TellingPhilippines2007-01-28 16:41:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNo receipt after two months
The $205 check for our I-751 was cashed on 11/20/06 but nothing received to date so called the 800-375-5283 number:
NOA1 Receipt (with I-555 stamp good for one year) had been sent, but never arrived so they will send another. In the course of the conversation was told-

Full name of recipient must be on mailbox or carrier "is under no obligation to deliver" (we have surname only on box).

Was given the receipt number verbally, but "don't bother trying to get automated info from web site or phone system, none is ever posted for I-751s".

Replacement receipt should arrive in 30 "well, maybe 45" days; Green Card expires in 30 but "don't bother going to District Office, they can't do anything.".
hchoateNot TellingPhilippines2007-01-10 20:15:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNo NOA for my I-751

What I was told ...
hchoateNot TellingPhilippines2007-01-28 16:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStarting Over

All that said....NEVER let her think she isn't the most beautiful and desireable woman on earth!

Hey thanks Gary.

I only went to VS (not a thong, btw, just something nice that she'll like and wear) because of the direction things have gone with us lately. I will be packing some usefull things that will be used and loved. I'll have a much better idea of things to bring the next time after I get there.

I don't normally buy clothes for people, especially if they aren't there to try stuff on, but some gloves and a cute hat would go over very well with her (if I knew her sizes). Maybe for New Years when I'm better prepared. This trip is a little too shoe string for a lot of gifts.

Didn't think about the flash drives, I'll have to grab some. Her job has her chained to the PC all day.

If all goes well I'm thinking about a new laptop when I get back, but I don't know what shape her home PC is in, it could be fairly new for all I know. She works at home too.

And I don't plan to ever let her forget that she IS the most beautiful and desirable woman in my world.

Right now I'm looking at about a 90 day rotation and I have to plan around our major holidays here for my job, which I might be leaving in the Spring anyway. Anything longer than 3 months will just be too unbearable.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-08-21 09:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStarting Over
My family just asks how's everything going. Only 2 years difference for us.

And I'll bet money I'll be returning (reluctantly) very firmly attached.

In the meantime I'm enjoying (for a change) doing a bit of gift shopping. The nice young lady at VS was very helpful and I found a set of Rosetta Stone English level 1 & 2 for a good price today so another little gift out of the way.

Edited by Tnic, 20 August 2010 - 09:09 PM.

TnicMaleUkraine2010-08-20 21:07:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStarting Over

you need to get in shape. and remember, round is a shape. :innocent:

Well, I'm good to go then. I do my best workouts at the table.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-08-20 12:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStarting Over

Especially in the RUB forum! FSU women prefer old, fat, bald men. :lol:

Well I'm not bald YET. Just old and jolly. :yes:
TnicMaleUkraine2010-08-20 08:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStarting Over
Hey Slim, don't beat yourself up too much. We all do stupid things in relationships and I probably head the list boneheaded stunts. But I like to think I learned from it and now I'm not going to settle for anything less than the right match.

And I'm looking forward to finding out if this is going to BE a go-round. It's looking good so far.

You know I have six-pack-abs myself. A six pack of giant marshmallows that it is. She says she likes it too!
TnicMaleUkraine2010-08-20 03:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStarting Over

slim is still alive because the kitchen knives don't have laser sights. :hehe:

I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
TnicMaleUkraine2010-08-19 15:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStarting Over

Have fun!

Thanks Slim!

I see she hasn't killed you yet. Hows life treating you?
TnicMaleUkraine2010-08-19 13:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStarting Over

Nice. Simferopol is my hometown. I haven't been there for 10 years, of course, but it's a nice city. What neighborhood does she live in, do you know?
I'm sure she'll show you the city. And take a trip to the Black Sea, preferably Alushta-Yalta-Sevastopol region.

I don't know much about Simferopol, but she lives toward the southern end of Sevastapolskaya St.

She's booking an apartment in Alupka (I think) where we'll spend 4 or 5 days seeing as many of the sites as we can take in. After that we're talking about another apartment or room for a few days in some quiet out of the way place to just relax and enjoy each other. Then its just relax and go where ever we can on some 3 and 4 day weekends because she only has two weeks off and we won't have a car this time. So we have a chance to see how life could be like in a normal work-a-day life for the last half of my stay. Yes, I'm staying at her apartment.

Being semi-retired I could actually stay longer if I wanted, but didn't want to push things too far when I bought the tickets a month ago. But now that we've gotten better acquainted I strongly suspect getting back on the plane is going to be heart breaking to say the least. I'm already thinking about changing my return date if I can. We'll see how things go.

And, yeah. I'm pretty partial to one Ukrainian woman in particular myself. She's a great gal.

I'll have to check out the pic posting here, but if I don't put em here I will absolutely be posting them with my TR at RMP where I mod. I promise to take lots of pics of Simferopol for you but, you may have to look around a certain Green eyed Redhead and some old fart grinning like an idiot. :D

Attached Files

Edited by Tnic, 19 August 2010 - 01:52 PM.

TnicMaleUkraine2010-08-19 13:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStarting Over
Ok, can't add or edit for some reason.

I wanted to mention that Mila and I decided mutually to go exclusive about 2 weeks into it and we've been writing, skyping, SMSing and talking almost nonstop since then. Pending the actual meeting, we seem to be a very good match in personality and sense of humor and even the way we think about things. Very close in values and morals too which is huge for me.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-08-19 06:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStarting Over
Hey gang,

Its been awhile since I stopped by here. A lot has happened since then too.

Earlier this Summer I broke up with my Russian lady Irina. It was tough, but when it isn't right, its time to move on.

In the meantime, I have met a very nice lady in Simferopol and will be hopping on a plane Sep. 1 to go spend 5 weeks with her.

Hope everyone is doing well,
TnicMaleUkraine2010-08-19 05:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPlease help! Med exam told my fiancee she could not go to interview because she did not have her adolescent vaccination records!!!!! She never went
That's great news! Thanks Phil.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-11-09 09:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPlease help! Med exam told my fiancee she could not go to interview because she did not have her adolescent vaccination records!!!!! She never went
He said all was good in his last post and they were going to try to reschedule everything. The jury is still out on whether or not she's legit though.

I was as concerned by her lack of communication as everyone else here. Even my ex (who freezes like a rabbit under stress) would have called me that day.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-11-09 08:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPlease help! Med exam told my fiancee she could not go to interview because she did not have her adolescent vaccination records!!!!! She never went
Again, I opened an acct in my name and sent the card to my now ex MIL two years ago. She used it every month to draw the money I transferred into it for her with no issues at all. I don't think I even informed the bank about it either. Course it was never more than $100 at a time so probably never got flagged.

I anticipate no issues with my own money either. I'll just make sure the Bank has a suitable time period to keep it open and I really won't need it that much anyway. A couple hundred a month for incidentals and the rest is for travel when we take our holidays.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-10-31 14:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPlease help! Med exam told my fiancee she could not go to interview because she did not have her adolescent vaccination records!!!!! She never went
Thanks for the info Brad. Very good stuff.

I wish I COULD just buddy up with the branch personnel, but they always refer me to the 800 number to set up the travel use.

Its Banknorth if that tells you anything. And I have to give them credit too. About a year ago I was home and suddenly my debit card wouldn't work and of course the branch was already closed for the day. It turned out that their fraud protection system flagged a suspicious transaction and froze the card. Apparently some Travel Agency in the Caribbean tried to buy a plane ticket with my card number. Got a new card the next day and was good to go ever since.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-10-30 13:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPlease help! Med exam told my fiancee she could not go to interview because she did not have her adolescent vaccination records!!!!! She never went

I'm not sure what those forms are or what the OFAC list is, and you may be right. But the post I was responding to was about leaving the US and maintaining a bank account here (as in, you don't have a US address). Insofar as you're talking about having something sent to your US address, I'm not sure if we're talking about the same thing. My point is, if you don't have a US address, it becomes much more complicated.

Oh, I'll still have a US address, I'll just be spending, umm "a great deal of time" in Ukraine is all.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-10-29 15:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPlease help! Med exam told my fiancee she could not go to interview because she did not have her adolescent vaccination records!!!!! She never went

You'll still get wired for fraud, though, if you take out a large sum of money in Ukraine at once, like to pay rent or whatever. I end up calling Fraud Services every month.

Actually the plan is (at Mila's suggestion) to save the bulk of my money and live on hers. I'd only be drawing $100-$200 every few weeks from my acct. I'll see just how long they'll accept for the end date. If they'll go for the card's expiration then I'd be all set.

Chris! Glad to hear things are getting sorted out. And I agree, go to the medical & interview with her just so they don't try pulling another fast one on her.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-10-29 15:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPlease help! Med exam told my fiancee she could not go to interview because she did not have her adolescent vaccination records!!!!! She never went

See I am really trying to give here the benefit of the doubt too. I don't want to be all investigative on her, but at the same time I need to ask her, but also do the leg work myself. She is 11 hours ahead of me here in PA, so when she was leaving for the airport we talked for 10 minutes at 4 in the afternoon here, 0300 her time. She was going to the airport. It is about an hour train ride, and her plane was leaving early. I can ask her for her ticket, but this could tick her off a little. I think it would tick me off as well.

I mean she arrived Wednesday sometime and then had to find the medical building and do a physical, then be ready for an interview the next day and find the embassy. The problem with calling the clinic is I do not speak Russian. so might be a little useless. ha ha. I would have much rather went a day or two in advance as well, but she works hard, and I know she got to Kemerovo late last night, then went to work today.

I think the biggest thing now is not to question her trust, but to question what we need to do now. Of course I have questions of why this and why that, but what's done is done and we both have to work through this and get to the next step. So tonight I will call the embassy and try to get her interview rescheduled, not worry about the vaccination record, or maybe even ask them about this, maybe think about going to Moscow to meet up with her, and just try to work through this. I think I am getting warped with thinking she is not being true when I know she is. I do not have ALL the facts just yet, so I think I need to get these first and move from there.

Well as far as I can see THIS is the last post by Chris about all this. It's on page 3 of what is now a 7 page thread.

Did I miss something? Are you still trying to sort this out Chris?
TnicMaleUkraine2010-10-29 07:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPlease help! Med exam told my fiancee she could not go to interview because she did not have her adolescent vaccination records!!!!! She never went

Next time, just call your bank when that happens. There's even a special collect number on the back for when you're outside of the US.

Next time I'm telling them the end date is the "End of Days" when Gabriel blows his trumpet. I'll be there permanently in Dec.

I had plenty to get through the last weekend in my back up acct. I was just a bit flustered til I figured out the problem.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-10-29 05:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPlease help! Med exam told my fiancee she could not go to interview because she did not have her adolescent vaccination records!!!!! She never went
Well I'm late to the party (as usual), but I can confirm the Debit card is THE way to go. I had sent one to my (now ex's) mother and she used it without issue for 2 years. And yes I sent the card then gave her the PIN when she had it. Actually her granddaughter always went with her to the bankomat. Mama is like 75 and has no clue about bankomats and dochka is a banker.

Russia DID charge a small fee.

I just got back from 6 weeks in Simferopol though and now that someone mentioned it, I don't recall seeing any fees on my withdrawals while I was there. The only issue I had was that my bank insisted on start and stop dates for my holiday and then I extended the trip by a week. Yep, you guessed it, I couldn't get any cash from that acct after the end date arrived. Thankfully I had some cash in another bank and I had enough to get me through, buy some rubles for the 15 hour layover in SVO and still had 400 or 500 UAH to hand over to Mila at the airport.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-10-28 16:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow New T erminal
I just flew through there in Sep and returned in October with Aeroflot. I had no problems. Aeroflot was awesome at getting everyone to the next terminal in their shuttle.

Going to Simferopol (a 4 hour stop) they herded everyone together and walked us downstairs to the waiting bus. On the way back to JFK (a 15 hour layover) they directed us to the transfer counter and issued a shuttle pass with instructions to be at the bus by 8 am the next morning. Kicked back at some Pub for the night and met the bus (marshutka) in the morning, no problems. Total exposure the the elements was under a minute. We were in terminals D & F IIRC, but I don't recall which one on which leg.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-11-08 19:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian (RUB) Mother in laws
Well, I'm still looking forward to meeting mine. We (Mila & I) hope to go to Kiev over the Orthodox holidays and get acquainted. But she always asked how I am doing and sometimes even calls me her son so its' a good start.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-11-10 07:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI am superstar from Ukraine
I Remember back in 2008 when I went to Yoshkar Ola from Moscow and back.

My (now ex) GF was traveling with me (we both live in the US) and it was a very pleasant experience I wouldn't hesitate to do again. The Mari El train is actually pretty nice compared to some I've heard about. And thankfully we had good roomies both ways too.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-11-09 08:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHotel close to Moscow embassy or medical exam?

Alla was telling me tonight that much of Europe is buried in snow and Moscow has record cold temps.

Well aren't you the ray of sunshine there Phil! :rofl: I think Chris' "pucker factor" just shot through the roof.

Just the same, Hope all goes on schedule for you two.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-12-02 08:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHotel close to Moscow embassy or medical exam?

Try Russian Girl Friday. (Google search her.) She'll let your fiancee stay with her for like $40/night. She can even pick her up from the airport/train station, etc., and set up transportation around town for appts.

I highly recommend her services. Well worth it and a lot easier than going to a hotel.

This the one?

She'll arrange transport and accommodation at a very fair rate.

Good luck!
TnicMaleUkraine2010-11-30 22:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRemember Chris M and Tanya?
Well, CONGRATS to Chris and Tanya!

I use Priceline most of the time. They're usually a little under the other guys like Expedia and such. I booked through OneTravel this time becasue of the posted crazy low prices, only to find out they didn't include the taxes and fees so it was only about $30 less than Pline after it was all said and done.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-12-09 19:48:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI'm outta here!!!!

Hey man, if you take some pictures in the city, drop me a link to them :)
Have been almost 11 years since I left Simferopol. I know it's changed a lot, but still, curious to see.
I used to live in what's called "the old city". All the way up the street where the Lenin monument is (Sergeeva-Tsenskogo 70)

How's this?

I'll carry the cam with me and get some more (if I remember) when we go into City center again. We live in Central District not far from Rainford's, maybe a 30 minute walk from the big Central Market at the rotary at the beginning/end of Sevastopolskaya.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-12-17 01:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI'm outta here!!!!

It's pretty warm in Crimea. Warmer than in Philly, that's for damn sure

BINGO! The jackets/coats are still at about popa length and the high heeled boots are, well high heels. :whistle:

As I recall, the average mean winter temp is right around 32-35 F, which gives plenty of "warmer" days mixed with a few colder ones. But, certainly not the frozen tundra here. Though convincing Mila that I don't have look like the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man to go to the Rinok (right beside the apartment building) is an on-going battle. :bonk:
TnicMaleUkraine2010-12-15 00:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI'm outta here!!!!
Thanks GUYS!!

I made it in one piece (I think). This was a 4 legged trip this time and as luck would have it, the ONLY leg that left and arrived on time was the drive from Bangor to Portland Jetport.

Once at PWM I discovered my 11.35 to JFK had been canceled for high winds (at JFK), but the next flight at 2.15 was able to get me there in just enough time to grab my checked bag, hoof it to Term 4 (quicker than the All terminal train) and check in at the Aerosvit counter. I almost kissed the lady there when she told me that Aerosvit allows TWO checked bags and I would only have to lug my laptop bag (also stuffed with clothes and "stuff"). Grabbed a great burger at the Irish Pub next to the gate and boarded on time and we were pushed back into engine start position. I was feeling great that I would have over three hours at Borispil until they announced that we would be sitting in place for an hour. Arrived in Kyiv still with enough time to clear PP Control and the Xray machines and hoof it over to Term A to check in at the domestic counter. Made it to the gate with time to spare waiting for the boarding call at 1.45, 2.00, 2.15 (scheduled launch time) 2.30, 2.45 (BINGO!), bussed out to the plane (seemed we went clear across Kyiv) and finally went wheels up a little after 3 pm. We landed in Simferopol about 4.15 and the bags came around the carousel in record time. BTW, the domestic arrivals? All outside! Pray you don't arrive here in the rain. Soon I was dragging everything to the gate and running the cabbie gauntlet and met my Baby who was shoving cabbies aside to get to me. Huggy, huggy, kissy, kissy, a 30 minute taxi home and I was grabbing fresh clothes and climbing into the shower. We popped out to the market where I got a big hug and kiss from my lopatka (ham) girl, bought some lopatka, bread and popped across the street for supper at our favorite cafe. We were in bed and nodding off in each other's arms by 8 pm.

I came to the conclusion that it doesn't matter which airline or country. They all seem to view schedules as if they were an Italian stop light. It's just a suggestion.

GOD! It's good to be home!

OK, As Brad said, I'm retired so I decided to live here;
1) because I can,
2) because she's here with a good job,
3) it's way cheaper to live here,
4) it's Krim
5) the scenery is magnificent year round and
6) because I can.

Now for those of you who don't know this, when getting in line at Passport Control you can get in ANY line, even the UA Citizen lines. THEY won't say a word about it and stamp your PP and off you go. I was tempted to use the Diplomat line but didn't. For some reason (its Ukraine you know) there was NO Non-visa booth open, only 2 visa lines but, all the Citizen lines were working. There was one guy there who had 20 minutes to connect, I would have gone straight to the Diplomat booth if it were me. The girl who was directing traffic told him to ask the others in line and try to move to the front of the Visa line. She could have told him to relax as NO planes actually leave on time anyway. :rofl:

Right now Mila is at work and I'll be heading out to the market (and supermarket) for a few things and hopefully have a nice supper waiting for her when she gets home.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-12-14 07:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI'm outta here!!!!
No I'm not bailing on VJ.

This will be my last post as a full-time US resident.

I head for the Airport early tomorrow and will rollin in my sweet baby's arms Monday evening (local time). It's gonna be great to be back home again.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-12-11 22:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMIL visa application

Have any of you managed to bring your MIL's to the states for a visit? If Yes I would like to know what route you took to accomplish this.

I'd recommend flying, the Greenland/Iceland route seems the best choice. :rofl:

Sorry the bases have pretty much been covered already. Couldn't resist.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-12-03 16:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian out Ukrainian in

Anybody heard anything about Uadreams, good, bad, scam?

Well you gotta pay to write each letter. Same as a few others most folks steer clear of. If you just HAVE to use a pay site then use one with a flat monthly rate with unlimited emails and info exchange, like Fiance. I used them when I first started. EM is another on the recommended list at RMP. Or go the free route with freepersonals and some others. I met my Bride to be on allsinglerussiangirls. They have a free gallery with unlimited contacts or you can pay to write to the Silver or Gold gallery girls.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-12-09 19:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian out Ukrainian in

Well, I have news for all of you at this blog. Russian or Ukrainian - we all were made in the USSR.


I forgot to add that I think its an FSU thing rather than a Russian or Ukrainian, etc. thing, since both ladies are pretty similar. With one big difference. And I just thought of it. The cognac was clouding things a bit last night.

The Russian girl had very different personal hygiene standards from my Mila. For whatever reason she would not shampoo AND shower at the same time. She would stand outside the tub and shampoo 1-2 times a week and would only take a shower 1-2 times as well and never the 2 procedures on the same day. I never could get an explanation for that either. Her apartment in Russia had water (and hot) everyday all day.

Mila spends an hour every single morning in the loo and she never smells so whatever she's doing it's fine with me.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-12-01 08:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian out Ukrainian in
Ok, the ON TOPIC part is

Yes, WAY easier to go to Ukraine. Grab yer passport and head for the airport.

After having lived with a Russian woman for nearly two years and then spending all of 6 weeks with Mila, I can say that they actually are pretty similar in the house keeping dept. Neither keep a "Showroom", but they aren't freaks about clean floors and such. BOTH will leave the pans and dishes in the sink til I get tired of looking at em (or most likely NEED something) and me wash em myself. Course I was the one that greased em up anyway and neither like "pans with fat". :blush:

Now Irina (the Russian) was sweet and all, but she had the quicker trigger. My Bride to be is pretty laid back like me and I don't have to be "in motion" until she's ready to do something and that works for me. I get on the Honey do list while she's at work anyway. In a one room flat it's just easier that way. And my possessive Ukrainian hottie is by far the most appreciative of my DYI efforts of any woman I've ever known. :help:
TnicMaleUkraine2010-11-30 22:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian out Ukrainian in

My wife is also a fanatic about washing hands. I just don't understand how someone who washes hands so much can get sick so often.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Mila - my Bride to be - is an absolute MANIAC for hand washing! She is always on my case about washing my hands when I get sick. She got a whopper of a cold a week ago and wasn't feeling too hot again over the weekend. "So Milochka, did you wash your hands?" "FOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Ah, just 13 days til huggy kissy time again. Forget the socks. :help:
TnicMaleUkraine2010-11-30 21:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian out Ukrainian in

WOW a possessive supermodel, I guess I can live with that, YEEHAW!!!

And if your handy around the house, well hang on to yer socks laddie! It's gonna be a loooooooooooonngg night!
TnicMaleUkraine2010-11-30 20:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAirline baggage weight limits for Russia to USA
Oh yeah, every time we talk about getting a stand alone house or dacha with some ground around it Mila gets a little dreamy eyed.

She's going to be shocked when she comes home one day this Spring and sees the home made "topsy-turvey" planters with tomato and cuke plants in em. They work, btw. My first attempt at it only produced one tomato, but then there wasn't enough sun on that side of the house for it. Here we get a good 8-10 hours on our south facing balkone.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-12-30 03:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAirline baggage weight limits for Russia to USA

My wife flew coach with two bags, no extra fees. This was about four years ago so things may've changed.

Yup a few things have changed since then.
-When I went to Y O in July 2008 Delta allowed two 50# bags.
-In '09 it was down to 1 50#er.
-I flew Aeroflot in Sept/Oct and they were using the now standard, 20kg limit.
-Now most airlines cut it off at 20 KG (44#), but for some reason Aerosvit allows 23 kg (50#) still and 2 bags.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-12-15 22:23:00