United KingdomCEAC Status "Case Created" Date changed?


That's crazy, you're the one who's fiance is also from Sheffield right? I'm checking CEAC every hour!


How many people on here are from Sheffield? Me too, btw! Congrats guys, you're likely getting your visas this week. (Yesterday was a holiday in the US btw, so the embassy was likely closed - it's likely it might be a day later than planned, but just the one day!)

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-18 07:23:00
United KingdomAdmittance to embassy?

Yeah get there early. My appt. time was at 9:30, I was finished in the embassy at 9am. The earlier you get there, the earlier you'll be celebrating :)

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-17 03:38:00
United KingdomWhat Septic Grub Have You Found That You Really Like?

Damian! Your recommendation for Jack Stack... we went for our pre-nuptial meal with my father in law, and HOLY COW, that's some good food. Could barely move after - I had the burnt ends and I genuinely can't wait to get back there!!


Thanks sir - we'll be visiting again!


Now I'm out here I don't really miss British food as much as I thought I would... I've even had fish and chips, and while not as good as back home, certainly it was good enough. The waitress even brought me vinegar before I'd even asked - not her first British customer, I'd wager! (Fish and chips without vinegar is all kinds of wrong, surely something we can all agree on?)

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-23 09:24:00
United KingdomWhat Septic Grub Have You Found That You Really Like?

Bottomless fries gets a big thumbs up from me too. I don't doubt there are better burgers, I've even eaten them, but I still really like the place!

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-14 07:35:00
United KingdomWhat Septic Grub Have You Found That You Really Like?

Can I just give a +1 to the almighty Red Robin? I even have a loyalty card, and I'm not even in the US yet!!


The burgers in the US are so, so far ahead of their British counterparts it makes me hungry just thinking about them...

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-14 03:57:00
United KingdomK1 Visa Sealed Envelope

Lately they've been incredibly quick. Most people have waited a maximum of 5 business days.


I was staggered, to be honest!!

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-05 07:27:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

Interview on 7th February, visa in hand on 14th February. One week total biggrin.png


Natonstan, the CEAC site isn't down, I've just checked it - have another look, but I imagine you'll have your visa on Thursday judging on your timeline - you'll get an email when it's sent.


Edit: Sorry, I see, it's when you put your number in. Apologies!!

Edited by scottym27, 17 February 2014 - 04:25 AM.

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-17 04:15:00
United KingdomInterview letters not making it to beneficiaries

What is the approximate wait time to hear back from them? We filled out the readiness form in mid December, when should I be calling DoS to make sure the letter isn't lost in the mail?


I sent mine on Christmas Eve and they already have my appointment. I'd call them ASAP!!

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-17 10:39:00
United KingdomFiance's interview tomorrow/tonight
I read it three times Wheatley ;-) and it was excellent. We were approved in 70 minutes! (I'm the beneficiary to FrozenGlitter's petitioner)

Thanks to you and Nich-Nick for the work on that guide and beyond. Can I direct you to my post on this board about the updated mobile phone rules at the embassy that went into effect today, by all accounts? In case it is useful for the guide, it might be best if someone else confirms what I was told first, of course!

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-07 08:35:00
United KingdomInterview tomorrow - final checks and jitters!

Looks good to me! I had roughly the same - they won't ask for photos but take them anyway (I did!)


Get there as early as you can. I was at Starbucks nearby at 6:45, and in the queue shortly after Gould's opened at 7:15. (Though, if my experience on Friday was anything to go by, you'll not need to go there!!)


Good luck, I'm sure you won't need it! :-)

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-10 09:02:00
United KingdomVisa approved!!! (And yes, you can now take mobile phones into the embassy)

Congrats!! And having this forum is really useful. Thanks also for confirming about mobile phones, I first reported it on Friday but I wanted to make sure I hadn't imagined things ;-)


Well done and start counting the days!!

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-11 06:21:00
United KingdomEarly for interview?

My interview was at 9:30. I got there at 7:15 and was out before 9 - it's more of a 'suggestion', the earlier you get there the better.

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-14 04:48:00
United KingdomApproved! (And updated cellphone embassy rule?!)

Visa in hand today, Valentine's Day. It's perfect - I keep having to check my passport to make sure it's still there, almost as if I can't quite believe it still. Three years is an awful, awful long time to wait.


But we're one arrival at customs away from K-1 being complete. Hurrah!

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-14 09:43:00
United KingdomApproved! (And updated cellphone embassy rule?!)
Yes, the US Embassy in London. I was staggered, but people were using them in the building, I'm as surprised as you are!
scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-07 06:51:00
United KingdomApproved! (And updated cellphone embassy rule?!)
Hi all,

We got approved this morning, in and out in just over an hour and it was as easy as you'd all said!! Celebrating now :-)

But I also wanted to start this topic to let people know that, apparently, as of today (or this week) you are now able to take mobile phones and iPads into the embassy provided they are turned off at the interview windows and not used to take pictures. We were told this in the queue - minutes after I'd dropped mine off at Gould's! By all means, email and check, but this is what I was told by security and there were people in the embassy using these devices and instructions on each window telling you to switch phones off.

Anyway, I'm off to the Hard Rock Cafe in a little while to have my first American burger post-visa. Counting the minutes until I can get to my fiancée now :-) :-)

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-07 05:01:00
United KingdomAPPROVED!!!!! :-)

Hurrah, congrats to you both! :D

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-18 10:07:00
United KingdomCriminal Convictions - K1 Visa

Agreed with everyone else above mate. Buck up - the idea that you're doomed before you even get there is silly. If there is no mention of intent, or drunkenness, then I don't see how this falls into 'moral turpitude' territory. Also - your fiancee should be supportive. It sounds like you're scared to talk to her, but that's not the kind of relationship that lasts. If she doesn't want to talk about your fears, or worries, then with all due respect to your intended, I think it's you that needs to consider what the future holds for this relationship and whether you can do better. But I'm not going to cast aspersions on someone I don't know. I personally think it may be more that you're worried about her reaction, rather than this being the case. Talk to her, no bad can come for this in either sense. Either she supports you, understands, makes you feel better and shows you affection, or she doesn't care, and you have your answer either way.


Most importantly: you're not worthless and you will always have something to go at in life. You need to recognise that :-)

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-18 04:50:00
United KingdomVisa Approved

Yep will be issued tomorrow more than likely. AP first, then issued a few hours after that.


Congrats Rhirhi as well! :D :D

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-27 05:54:00
United KingdomVisa Approved

This made me laugh. I've quit saying "I told you so" pretty much by now. EVERYBODY waiting freaks out. Then they become the ones saying "relax it will be fine" to the next lot. But nobody waiting ever believes it and chills. It amuses me when the super worriers start posting..."no problem...easy...will be fine." How easy it is to be on the other side of the Interview. :P

Ha, how true, the benefit of hindsight :-)

His post last week really made me feel for him and I'm so happy he got approved, though :-)

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-27 00:05:00
United KingdomVisa Approved
I'd been waiting for this post, so I could say I told you so sir. See? Worried over nothing, and now you can look forward rather than worry about failing :) Congratulations! Now go get your flights booked and enjoy your new life :-)
scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-26 16:34:00
United KingdomWhat airline do you guys fly with?

I flew United until it took me 2 hours to clear customs in Houston and they were absolutely terrible at getting me to my destination (not my fault, either, the line was just insanely long - the actual customs part took about 90 seconds!!). Would fly with them again if necessary, as the actual on-board experience is fine, but the customer service was terrible.


I've flown US Airways the last three times and they've been spot on, even assisting me twice with delays on the way back to make sure I a) got home and b) didn't have to pay anything extra! It looks like I'll be flying Air Canada for my one-way flight - they've been great when I flew with them in the past.


I haven't flown to see J on Virgin but I've flown with them in the past and they are a cut above. I guess you get what you pay for - but everything on Virgin seems to be just that little bit better.

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-10 04:56:00
United KingdomWill a return flight affect my Immigration process

Because the airlines can get away with it. Apparently it's to encourage you to take the return flight as it saves the airlines money. Which it doesn't.


It's the same on every airline too. I went through the full list!!

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-05 09:53:00
United KingdomWill a return flight affect my Immigration process

As long as you cancel it, it won't be a problem. Customs officer won't care, or even need to know - but do make sure you cancel, as others have said on here that it can cause problems at AOS stage (not sure how likely that is!) if the airline doesn't update their manifest.


As an aside VVV, it's not illegal. The airlines don't like you doing it because they want to rip you off for the full fare, but it's not illegal. It is against the terms and conditions of the ticket, but likely all you'll actually lose is the ticket. I haven't seen any cases where the airline has banned people from flying with them in future, or anything of the sort. It might well happen, but it's probably extremely rare for a first "offence."

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-05 07:26:00
United KingdomWhat parts of English culture will you/do you miss?
Srvman - that's the one I was on about! They're not bad actually, I quite like them.

Still not milky ways though...

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-06 11:30:00
United KingdomWhat parts of English culture will you/do you miss?

Milky Ways? In the States they are vastly inferior. It's barely even a Milky Way. I forget what the chocolate bars are that are actually like Milky Ways, but the Milky Ways I've eaten there are more like Mars bars. Not even light or fluffy at all.


Oh I didn't even think about crumpets. Of course, the quintessential British breakfast food - I can't get along in my own country without them being Warburton's and I can't imagine what the American variant is like. Good job I like pancakes I guess...


Pooky - Marmite is great! ;)

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-06 03:26:00
United KingdomWhat parts of English culture will you/do you miss?

Which part of the city do you live in? I'm having a concurrent conversation with her via email!!!!!!!!!

For the next 26 days, Chapeltown! It's seems like there's an exodus from the steel city lately!
scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-05 14:21:00
United KingdomWhat parts of English culture will you/do you miss?

I was just saying this to another VJ member the other day, also from Sheffield, whose final timeline, interview etc, almost mirrored mine. It's really odd how these things crop up. Nice part of the City is Dore, too.


It's odd that this city has been my home for nearly 20 years now, yet soon I'll be half the world away starting life over again. Sobering - but genuinely can't wait. I think that's what caused my "melancholia" for fish and chips and curry before I've even left the UK!!

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-05 10:18:00
United KingdomWhat parts of English culture will you/do you miss?

Way north sir, been in Sheffield since I started high school but my family are from here since, as my Sheffielder boss would put it, "since God were a lad".


Will have to give it a try, for sure! I'm not over there until the end of the month, so will plan accordingly!

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-05 09:51:00
United KingdomWhat parts of English culture will you/do you miss?

Oh no Damian, absolutely, I agree. I have no complaints at all and I'm looking forward to my new cuisine in BBQ Country, I just know where the first place I'll be going whenever I go back to Blighty will be!! ;)


We've tried on two occasions to go to Oklahoma Joe's; the queue out of the door is very off putting when you're hungry but I'm determined to get in there one day! I've heard nothing but the highest of praise for it.


Missing things from home is infinitely better than being at home and missing America yes.gif A whole new list of things to enjoy that I can't wait for. But damn it if I won't crave a fishcake butty on occasion, my friend ;)

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-05 08:13:00
United KingdomWhat parts of English culture will you/do you miss?

I was happy to find Marmite over there.


I was not happy that none of my US family liked it. Sigh. Still, all the more for me!


Reading this thread made me think of all the things I'm going to miss - The chippy, for one and Indian takeaway definitely. I've not found a single place in KC that does that. We've had "fish and chips", but store-bought, so I'm going to have to learn to cook while I wait to be able to work!! My fiancee can cook pretty well, but I'm useless at it, so I'm making this a project now :D


I will also miss the proper BBC. BBC with adverts just feels wrong! Oh, and by extension, David Attenborough. I know the Discovery Channel changes the voiceovers on his documentaries to other people, and that's a crime if you ask me... Not that I can't get them from iPlayer of course, it's just more difficult.

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-05 04:16:00
United KingdomHow long does the POE normally take?


Which airline was that with? A girl I met on a flight to Newark didn't leave enough time between connections, so they just booked her on to the next flight (my flight!) to Cleveland, no hassle, no stress, no extra charge.


United. They booked me on a flight the following MORNING (this was at 3pm in the afternoon, with at least 3-4 flights to follow that day), despite having seats available on the next flights. They didn't give me any information, or anything at all. It took some world class kicking off from J to get me there that evening. But the complete lack of customer care that day left me vowing to never fly with them again.


(And I haven't!)

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-25 05:04:00
United KingdomHow long does the POE normally take?


Well I looked at Manchester and Heathrow and nowhere could I find a decent layover, so just randomly I thought i'd try Birmingham and there it was! Never flown from Birmingham before but it's only about an hour away.


Ah no, I was meaning how you got someone to get you to the front at customs. At Houston I missed my flight as a result of customs, nothing of the sort for me!!

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-24 05:05:00
United KingdomHow long does the POE normally take?

How did you get that luxury Stan?! I just got left at Houston. They didn't even want to put me on the next flight...

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-24 03:58:00
United KingdomCEAC Status "Case Created" Date changed?
Congrats all :D 1pm must be their collection time!

Safe flights to you and enjoy your time with your loves :D :D

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-21 10:11:00
United KingdomCEAC Status "Case Created" Date changed?

My email arrived at 1pm, but two days after it changed to issued. Obviously can't say for certain yours will match that, but just posting what I know :)

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-20 07:16:00
United KingdomCEAC Status "Case Created" Date changed?

Re dispatch, mine took two days following the change to "Issued" to be posted. However, I wouldn't say this was a definite timescale; but if it follows mine, you should all (Wow! Four all on the same day!!) receive them by Monday, I'd wager. Congrats everyone!!


What a glorious day for it as well. It's actually sunny up here!

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-19 07:57:00
United KingdomCEAC Status "Case Created" Date changed?

This is useful for Otter as well:


The guide on this forum says 1 day. I'd expected that, but mine was in AP for one morning and had changed to issued the same day. Otter - if yours has changed to AP as well, you'll probably receive your passport Friday or Monday (the 24th - just in time, by all accounts!!), if that helps put your mind at ease? No guarantees, obviously, but that's how mine went.

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-19 03:52:00
United KingdomCEAC Status "Case Created" Date changed?


That's crazy, you're the one who's fiance is also from Sheffield right? I'm checking CEAC every hour!


How many people on here are from Sheffield? Me too, btw! Congrats guys, you're likely getting your visas this week. (Yesterday was a holiday in the US btw, so the embassy was likely closed - it's likely it might be a day later than planned, but just the one day!)

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-18 07:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2013 Filers

Congratulations Scott!!!!

I have my interview at London on Tuesday at 8:30am. How long was the actual process for you? Where you in the morning?


70 minutes - I was there at 7.20, was given my ticket number (i902) at 7.47 and got my 'yes' at 8.55! My interview was supposed to be at 9.30 - so I'd recommend you get there as early as possible in the morning.

Also you should be able to take your mobile in now provided you don't use it at the windows. Security told me this and people were definitely taking them inside - apparently the rule changed today and electronics were no longer on the 'banned items' poster at the entrance. Email ahead to check if you want to be sure. I was annoyed because I'd already taken it to Gould's!!

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-07 09:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2013 Filers

I posted my review already, but it was a breeze in London, so much so that it makes me feel silly for worrying!! Now counting the days til I can be with my sweetie, it can't come soon enough!!

Good luck to those still waiting!!

scottym27MaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-07 08:39:00