United KingdomFor those doing this with kids...
Well my son (who is my third child too) was 3 and last summer just after he finished school for the summer holidays and before his 4th birthday, he got chicken pox but didn't think it was necessary to have him checked out at the doctors cause I already knew what it was. But there was some other kids in his nursery class that just had it so it was his turn.

As for vaccinations, the Principal of the school that Claire's going to, well her secretary told me in an email that Claire had to have them all, she's having her last Hep B injection before we leave. As for the varicella one, she said that Claire was waived from having the vaccine cause I told her that Claire would be 10 in July and she had chicken pox when she was 3. So looks like Claire's okay with that one :)

AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-07 02:34:00
United KingdomFor those doing this with kids...
Well as for the Michigan schools, I haven't asked about the vaccinations but I do know we have to have the Varicella ones although my two have had chicken pox. So far, as they are attending special needs schools. Dominic's school is just up the road from where we will be staying and they have nursery/pre-school which is just perfect and Claire's school is the car job, so Scott's mom will take me there with Claire and I walk Dom to nursery. I've sent their Special Needs paperwork to what they can do and their targets their achieving to the Principals so that they know what programmes they will have done for them when we arrive. These schools too don't wear uniforms and starts early too which I think is a little early.

AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-06 11:47:00
United KingdomI'm Here!!!!!
So good to hear you arrived safely. :) Perhaps that officer doesn't like doing his job or something. Not all of them smile do they, grumpy gits, oh well. :D

Anyway, hope you have a wonderful wedding and a very happy ever after. :)


Edited by Alison, 03 April 2006 - 08:33 AM.

AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-04-03 08:32:00
United KingdomIsn't there a wedding this week...?
I wish you too if it is your day a wonderful happy day and that everything goes to plan. Hope you both have a wonderful life together, you deserve it. :D

AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-05-08 09:40:00
United KingdomBritish wedding favor ideas

Rebecca here....*using Wes' PC*....

Well, we did tea cups....LOL....I know how trite.....they were the demitasse variety...

We purchased little bottles of soap bubbles that look like champagne bottles, and put one of those in each cup. We had hershey's kisses in the cup too....I KNOW YOU BRITS HATE HERSHEYS BUT HEY THE WEDDING WAS IN AMERICA!!...and we had some foil wrapped chocolate coins that we laid on the saucer.

Everybody thought it was adorable.

I love Hershey's Kisses and using them in these fabric little things with these saucer things that sit inside the fabric thing, there are names but can't think of them. :) How about Cadbury's chocolate eclairs, the small ones in the wrapped paper, or Love Hearts, you can get them from here.

I've got most of my wedding stuff from here. :D

AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-05-10 09:48:00
United KingdomThis is where we start again
Janice, I've checked out this website and it has your favourite, Heinz Baked Beans and also the Robinson's Orange and Pineapple squash. :)

AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-05-02 01:50:00
United KingdomReactions to you accent!

I really don't want to lose my English accent and refuse to 'adapt' so people can understand me. I speak perfectly clearly. Something foreign throws them off and they forget to listen ;)

I usually get "You're not from around here, are you?" and my answer is a firm "No" which makes them laugh nervously :diablo:

If anyone else asks about my accent I usually say "My parents gave it to me". That shuts them up.

MY OH would be gutted if I started to sound American. He said it would be terms for divorce :lol:

I know how you exactly feel about not wanting to lose our english accents, well mine has welsh in too but I too certainly don't want to lose it. Some ladies say in stores, oh I love your accent in their giggly american accents and it does sometimes get on my nerves but don't show them that. :)

I want to stay British but I enjoy living here if you know what I mean.

AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-24 21:05:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Congratulations Purple, hope it goes well. I agree with TracyTN too, I don't like that date because of the tragic event here ( I saw the clips of the movie based on it at the cinema earlier this month and boy I had tears in my eyes, just glad no one saw me crying) and also it's my ex partner's birthday. Hope you pass your interview anyway.

Well I finally got married on the 15th of July, everything well well except for one minor hiccup from me and no I wasn't late getting to the church :D I make my own jewellery and I made pieces for myself, the bridesmaids etc, placed them on the table, went into the bathroom to get my hair washed and so on and came out and saw the bag that had my jewellery pieces in missing. I was so annoyed with myself that I couldn't get married with it on. In a way I was glad because I had chosen that date on a very hot day, I got blamed for that because the weekend before and after was much cooler :wacko: :blink: :D Anyway, rest of the day went very smoothly, meeting friends here and both sides of the family was nice. Sunday morning, my new lovely mother in law was clearing up the table and saw this bag with some Thomas the tank engine videos for the kids, there was also a smaller bag in there, it was my wedding jewellery pieces at last. :) So we went outside, had our dresses and suits on and had photo's taken.

I'd show you some on here but I'm a little confused on how to get pictures up on here :( Help would be great.

AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-29 10:06:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread

Hope you hear very soon from your interview rebeccajo, hang on in there. Glad to hear your Biometrics went alright Huffy except for having difficult fingers. :D

This month is very busy for us. We collect our marriage licence tomorrow, My daughter's birthday is on Sunday, our wedding is on the 15th (yay) and my birthday is on the 19th. :) As soon as we are married, we will be sending off the AOS and Biometrics paperwork, we just want to get it all out the way as it's driving us crazy.

Happy belated 4th of July to you all too.


Congrats Alison on what i'm sure is a hectic but happy time. I'm here in Michigan as well - Midland to be exact. And while it's supposed to be hot hot hot this weekend - it's also supposed to be beautiful. Best of luck and good wishes your way!

Hi Joey. Good to see another Michigander here. Yeah we know how hot it's going to be and not looking forward to it. Yes it is a very hectic moment, finishing the dresses at the moment. :) Hope the interview goes well for you on the 24th. :) Good Luck.

AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-13 12:14:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Hope you hear very soon from your interview rebeccajo, hang on in there. Glad to hear your Biometrics went alright Huffy except for having difficult fingers. :D

This month is very busy for us. We collect our marriage licence tomorrow, My daughter's birthday is on Sunday, our wedding is on the 15th (yay) and my birthday is on the 19th. :) As soon as we are married, we will be sending off the AOS and Biometrics paperwork, we just want to get it all out the way as it's driving us crazy.

Happy belated 4th of July to you all too.

AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-05 08:04:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
My container arrived yesterday, it's 4 weeks on Sunday that we would been here for but I can't believe it's gone that quick, the container left on the 17th, everything turned up okay and in excellent condition. We're not sending my forms off for my social security number until I'm married and then send it the same time as when the AOS forms gets sent too.

Well we're settled down now and of course miss the rest of the family but I'm not feeling homesick or nothing, I think we've got ourselves into a routine now that fits in with the kids and Scott going to work and so on but I will be glad of being in our own proper house where we'd have more privacy, Scott's mom telling me things that I shouldn't do this and do that and then trying to take over to what I want at my wedding, that's a whole long story. :angry:

AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-13 10:25:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Hello Everyone,

Sorry I haven't been online lately and yes everything is fine :) Well it's been a week now since I've been here, my brain seems to think or tell me that I'm just here for a week or two weeks when I'm not as you all know we're all here in the States for good. :)

Okay where do I start. Wednesday was the day I was mostly concentrating on really and not Thursday. My shipping container arrived at 7.15am where I had booked it for 9.30am which made things a lot easier. So my ex partner, his step brother and friend helped me to load the container which we got things done quicker. My daughter was at school and my son was with a neighbour. Anyway, the container left at 11.50am and my heart began to hurt a little seeing my things being taken away, so after that, I cleaned up the house, tried to pack things quicker and it just wasn't going right. I was rushing around so much trying to get so much done, then had to go out and do things and say goodbyes and so on. Moving to the hotel was fine and so on but we was all hot, I was trying to arrange my suitcases and bags again and the kids started to annoy me. I was just glad to get that day over and done with.

As for Thursday, we got to the airport alright, had to pay $25 for an overweight suitcase but we got all tha tpart sorted okay. Claire was alright with the lifts/elevators, she calls them the silly doors and went through security okay. We got on the plane alright and the ride was okay, some woman in the front of me was being a pain because all the way she had her chair/seat layed back in front of me and I was struggling to open my small suitcase to get to things. She and some other woman had a go at me because my son's feet was on the chair, he has special needs and trying to tell him to put his feet down was a bit hard, she said well try harder and I was about to deck her one but kept my temper. I was just glad to arrive at the airport loaded up with bags. I was nearly upset though because I needed my pushchair and couldn't handle the bags and Dominic to the Immigration room, Claire had her bag too but I got my pushchair. Went through immigration part, one officer passed my papers and passports on to another officer, then to another one and so on and I thought, what was the heck with this, it was like pass the parcel game. But we had to go into the lifts/elevators and Claire hates them and also the escalators. We had a lot of the immigration officers go with her which was fine but I had all these bags and suitcases and so on and thought, okay I need help here. Anyway we just waited on the other side of the building ready to be called and I asked one of the officers to help me with my suitcases and so on which they did. I was just glad to get to my other Gate, I was so hot and fed up, the kids getting on my nerves and so on. I was just glad to get the whole lot done. Everything went fine besides the kids playing up. :)

Claire started her school yesterday and loves it and gets on ever so well with everyone. One girl in the autistic class called Kelsey is very happy to see there's another girl so they've been getting on well with each other. :)

I shall be sending my social security form off sometime next week, hope this isn't too early to do this.

AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-05-25 08:28:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Well 3 more days till my container arrives, 4 till I fly out. :)

AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-05-14 09:59:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread

I was never taken to the dreaded back room *insert sinister music*. I feel as though I've missed out somehow.

Probably because you were a K3.

Well i think it all depends on POE & POE philly for my K3 i went to secondary, but in Chicago for CR1 i just got moved to another desk!!

Congratulations Amanda, bet you're glad it's over and done with for now :) Well 1 week and 4 days for me to go. Soon go quickly when the school days are here. :)


Alison, the weather is realy picking up now, you chose a great time to move here hahaha un like me(winter) :huh:

Yes Scott's told me, I've already bought nice new summery clothes here and packed them in the suitcase :D
AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-05-08 01:39:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Congratulations Amanda, bet you're glad it's over and done with for now :) Well 1 week and 4 days for me to go. Soon go quickly when the school days are here. :)

AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-05-07 02:58:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Thanks Ewen, you've eased my mind a little, it's now a little less stressful :) I was worried what I had to do, whether I had to see someone else etc. Just less than two weeks for me to go now.

Thanks again Ewen and glad to see you arrived safely with Pax. :)

AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-05-05 10:47:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Glad to hear Ewen got there alright and is settling down okay. I hope he can let me know what he had to do when he got to the Immigration room at Newark, I mean, did he had to go somewhere different as he was emigrating etc? I would like to know cause I arrive there from Birmingham International on the 18th of May, yep two weeks today. :D

Oh here's a link for some Walker's crisps :D


It's about $4 something.

AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-05-04 15:34:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Well two weeks and 4 days to go :D I had a wonderful time yesterday in Birmingham shopping nearly all day with my sisters and our kids and it was great fun. Unfortunately one sister couldn't make it but hopefully she can see me before I leave. My foster mom is coming down from North Wales on the 12th of May :)

Hope all of you are doing okay.

AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-04-30 10:21:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Well I will go back and visit but it would have to be next year cause of saving for a house and getting that sorted etc. Staying with his mom and dad for a year and get a house and then save to visit. :)

AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-04-26 08:30:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
I won't be applying for AP cause it will be a struggle to get money together as it is to get a ticket for us all to go back to England, so I will have to wait until after Christmas to see my family and my daughter. However, I will see her on webcam. :) Thanks for info rebeccajo, I know you've helped me out with it but sure does come in handy although I'm reading through it over and over again. :D


Edited by Alison, 21 April 2006 - 12:24 PM.

AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-04-21 12:23:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread

Alison, it'll be here before you know it! :yes: Enjoy your last few weeks in England! :P

I hope Ewen and Pax are doing fine :yes: ....and has anyone heard from Estella and Adam? I was just thinking of them today....

I intend to KikiDoug. :) I spent a day out with my sister last Thursday after not being in contact with her for 3 years due to personal things. I thought, what the heck, forget the past and look to the future and made up with her. Then I have two other sisters, the youngest who lives in Gloucester, England who I've lost contact for years and she's got back in contact with me, my eldest sister lives in Anglesey and keep in contact but haven't seen her for ages. So we're all doing a sister meet up in Birmingham on the 29th for the day :) Then my foster parents are suppose to be coming up sometime this month or before we leave. Last time I saw them was about 2 years ago but do keep in contact with them. :)

I've mostly finished packing boxes, the rooms are very hollow and echoey :D

AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-04-19 09:08:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
I too hope you've arrived safely there Ewen and that you're with your beloved Pax :) Hope all went through the Newark POE too.

Well 4 weeks and 3 days and I leave and I can't wait. :)

AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-04-17 15:07:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Euro, I hope this link will help you get a choccie easter egg and this also goes for anyone else who either wants to get some too :)


AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-04-14 04:04:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Bet you're getting excited now Pax :)

AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-04-10 12:33:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread

Less than 2 weeks now! :wacko:

The 17th of April that your beloved comes to you is my beloved Scott's 40th birthday :D


Edited by Alison, 04 April 2006 - 09:24 AM.

AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-04-04 09:24:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
When I've visited Scott and went through Newark's POE, I had no problems at all. Just make sure you get into the queue quickly. I hope it goes smoothly for Ewen, Pax. I have to lumber two children, a pushchair and our carry on bags with us and get my medical papers and so on ready when I enter. :)

AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-03-31 03:36:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
I have a question to ask, I should know it but no harm in asking again surely. Do I need to take my X-ray results with me through the Immigration Port of Entry, I know the medical papers do in those brown envelopes at Newark in May? I know you have to show them at the AOS interview. Thanks.


Edited by Alison, 29 March 2006 - 04:25 AM.

AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-03-29 04:24:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
You look absolutely beautiful with a lovely husband :) Your pictures are great. I can't wait for July to hurry up for my wedding :)

AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-03-26 08:24:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Well 8 weeks up to the 11th of May from yesterday I emigrate to Michigan. I'm only counting that many cause the last week will go quickly and I will be very busy getting stuff done, hope everything goes to plan as I expect it to be. :)

AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-03-24 13:48:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Congratulations rebeccajo and Wes, bet your glad to get it over and done with :)

AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-03-12 04:50:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
obgyn? I have had three caesareans with my children and yes there's lot of paperwork with all that (I think). But I thought getting copies of these records would be important etc. As for injections, we're not worried about them.


Edited by Alison, 08 March 2006 - 02:54 PM.

AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-03-08 14:53:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread

Bleh, poor guy. He HATES needles.

Anyone have any other suggestions?

Get titre tests to prove he has immunity. It would be foolish to have the jabs all over again. I got them done at a private clinic in the UK for a reasonbale price so call around and compare UK and US prices for them. That is appalling what the clinic has done, but not very surprising either.

Hi. Okay, me and my two kiddo's are having our last Hepatitis B injections beginning of May just before we leave but I have a few questions. Well I don't know if I've had the chicken pox injection and the kids have had chicken pox, Claire when she was 3 and Dominic last August. Do we need to get the varicella injections done but where do we go because Scott and his family have never had the doctor in their lives and don't even know where the nearest one is and who is the cheapest? Other question is, I'd like to have my hospital records of when I had the kids but I don't want to pay a huge fee to have them photocopied? What do I do???


Alison, you haven't had the vaccination as it's not available in the UK. You could either wait and have it done in the US or prove immunity by a titre test. Most doctors in the US will provide that service, you don't need a civil surgeon to do it. You should have records of your kids having chicken pox from your doctor? If not, get hold of it! As for the birthing records, I'm not sure if you have already contacted the NHS for your records and they will charge you a fee? Unless there is a specific reason to get them, I wouldn't worry too much about them.

I know that the UK don't supply it. I was just saying that I don't even know if I have had it when I was younger. What's a titre test? I remember seeing the doctor when Claire had chicken pox but never took Dominic to the doctor when he had them last August because there had been a few kids off with chicken pox and he just caught it as they were starting their summer holidays. I have contacted the hospital and I do have to pay a fee. Well if Scott and I would like to have a baby, I don't fancy going through more paperwork with doctors and midwives and so on.

AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-03-08 14:18:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Hi. Okay, me and my two kiddo's are having our last Hepatitis B injections beginning of May just before we leave but I have a few questions. Well I don't know if I've had the chicken pox injection and the kids have had chicken pox, Claire when she was 3 and Dominic last August. Do we need to get the varicella injections done but where do we go because Scott and his family have never had the doctor in their lives and don't even know where the nearest one is and who is the cheapest? Other question is, I'd like to have my hospital records of when I had the kids but I don't want to pay a huge fee to have them photocopied? What do I do???

AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-03-08 13:14:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't been on here much lately, my mind is playing up to all sorts of things that are going to be changing and giving me second thoughts about so much stuff. Keep crying on and off when I start to think things especially certain people like my daughter, my foster parents and so on. I too wish Scott was here to help me and get things sorted out cause I'm pretty scared, worried, nervous, excited etc. I have 10 weeks from today left to go and at the moment I try not to think about it. I am just going day by day as they go quicker when the kids are at school. My sister can't make to the wedding, none of my family can attend but she's coming up on the 29th for the day with her daughters who I haven't seen for ages for the day and hopefuly take some pictures too. Then in the Easter holdiays, my other sister, her girls, my daughter Fiona and my other two are going out for the day hopefully and April my foster parents are suppose to be visiting, when I don't know. Me and Scott are having rows now and then and all of this waiting is getting on my nerves, his too. People who I see every week keep reminding me, saying ooh it's not long now is it and in a way it is getting on my nerves cause I just want to get it over and done with, do you know what I mean.

Thanks for putting up with me and this.

AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-03-02 12:14:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
I'm not even counting the days no more, I'm just going day by day, the more you count the days, weeks or even months, 1. it's boring and 2. it's taking forever. So every school day except for next week, I go by one at a time, the hours in the day go quicker too.

AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-10 02:34:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread

Well, here I am, in sunny LA! Actually this afternoon is fog bound but hey!

Anyway, the trip over was wonderfully stress free and POE was totally painless and didn't take very long at all.

One very happy and contended new comer to the USA.

One thing re children.

I went to enroll my son at school today. Unfortunately, despite all my best laid plans to have him fully vaccinated and ready to go when I arrived, the TB test that I had done in the UK had no date on it, so was not admissable, and infact they were fairly certain that he would have had to have another one done anyway and also he had to have a vaccine against chicken pox. So, that was an unexpected $105 bill.

The good news is, the walk in clinic I went to were really nice and are open on Sunday to get the TB test read, so he is all set to start at 8.00 am Monday.

That's another thing, it's going to be odd getting used to the new hours, 8.00 to 1.50!

Still, the school looks lovely so fingers crossed he'll be making lots of friends really soon.

I have already got my children's schools sorted out, they have their places which are just up the road as we're staying with Scott's mom and dad for a year until we get a house properly but we will be fine cause I get on well with his family especially his mom :) So we're going to meet the principals when I get there.

AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-04 16:01:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread

Just one more sleep, and I am on that plane! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!

Hope you have a wonderful trip and arrive safely in your new country. :)

AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-02 09:56:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread

Alison...I'm a little bit confused. AP=Advance Parole. Many people file for AP with their AOS package, using form I-131. The result is a permit that you carry with your passport when you travel, after you use your K-1 but before your AOS is complete, which allows you to re-enter the U.S. after you leave for a period of time. It has nothing to do with returning to the UK to live. In fact, if you planned on returning to the UK to live, the AP would be of no use to you.

Don't mean to bug ya, dear, but are you telling me you've come this far in the process and know nothing about AOS/AP? ;)

You're not bugging me at all dear :D I've only looked at the actual form and have printed it out so I know what to fill in. But as for the rest, no I don't know much, sorry.
AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-01-30 12:00:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
I wouldn't be coming back to the UK, US will be my new home and that's where I belong. But may I ask what a AP is?

My other daughter who is coming with me was diagnosed as severley autistic. When my other daughter Fiona comes to spends some time with us, I have tried to explain it to her but now I know that we can still visit as long as we come back, then I am sure she will be over the moon :)
AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-01-30 11:42:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread

Alison, you have got to tell your daughter the truth! How is she going to feel when you're not back "in a few weeks" and she realizes you lied to her? She is most certainly going to expect to see you back in a few weeks, I would think. :(

You say she's your eldest; how old is she? No matter her age, she needs to prepare herself for the reality that she might not see you for a number of months, and be ready to cope with that. Please talk to her father about how best to level with her. If I were her, I would be absolutely devastated, knowing that my mother lied to me about something so major.

It was my ex partner's fault who suggested it that I should lie to her. He told me this yesterday that she kept thinking that she wouldn't see us again but she will. I don't want to lie to her, I couldn't do such a thing. But he's the awkward one and tries to make things more difficult. She's 11, she has special needs and one of her problems with special needs is understanding. I can cope to not seeing her, I mean, I'll have tears we all will but how am I suppose to say goodbye to her when she knows we are emigrating and that she will get very emotional, this is the hardest part of it all. Sorry I have tears now. We will be coming back for sure cause of my foster parents and my sisters too, we have the webcam and will have a routine that we all see her and vice versa at 4pm Scott's time where it will be 9pm UK time.

Pax is right, Alison. Also why would it be 2 years before you could go back? Once you have AP, you can go right then and there for a visit.

But I thought you have to wait until the 2 year period is up before you can visit? Sorry for double posting.
AlisonNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-01-30 11:21:00