Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
QUOTE (katiushka @ Jul 9 2008, 04:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i dont have even a week here and already feel that i want a cebiche!!!!!!! i understand you oly, i had a maid all my life.... i worked since i was 17 and i dont know how to cook!!!!!! i wont starve to dead, i mean..... i wont burn water but dont aske me to do a lomo saltado or arroz con pollo or a cebiche..... but i used to do very good pisco sours.. hhhmmmm...... thanks god my honey cooks.... ja,ja,ja,ja yes i know it is funny but he spent the whole weekedn cooking so i will have food for the week when he is at work... that is so sweet....

i just arrived to texas, in a place autside austin, i was already 4 times here before this last time that is when i am getting married and i also wonder if i can get a place with peruvian food so if somebody knows about one.... i will be very happy smile.gif

my best wishes to everybody!!!

Bienvenida a USA!

I feel you girl, a few of us had a maid in Peru a never had to "move a finger" o mover un dedo" as we say in Spanish. I was in the same situation, when I first move here I had to learn to do do everythig around the house, hubby helps but honestly I really enjoy to take care of my home sweet home. A maid here, specially in NYC where we live will charge us about $100 a day so no way we will hire one.
Before I moved here I got this awesome book named"QUE COCINARE HOY? by Nicolini I'm sure you heard about it and I'll recommend it a 100%.
There is a cool website with peruvian recipes in english and spansih
Hope it helps.

MandyR, how was the cruise??

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-07-10 20:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Oh My God guys book your flights as soon as you can don't make the mistake we made. We found the perfect tkts for Christmas Dec19-Jan03 via COPA we hate to flight with stops but this was a very short stop in Panama (less than hour) the price $838 and we said, LET'S WAIT ONE MORE WEEK, big mistake the next week the price went up to $1650 and the following week $2060, I'm sure the price went down a little bit but not under $1000.

Another tip, we booked our flights through LAN.COM but as if we were booking from Lima (NY-LIM-NY) and we got a very good price, much better than all the other websites.
Good luck amigos!

Martin be prepared, a friend of mine came to NY VIa Spirit an told us thta the service is horrible! and I herad the same thing from other people.

Vi star_smile.gif
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-06-27 18:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Hi there!

Just check if you are going to be able to use that specific tkts for that date, Christmas time is very busy, I'm saying this because Sil got a free tkt but couldn't use it on those dates, he went to visit me during Thanks giving.

$600 OR $700 for Chritmas is an awesome price, go for it, ours is not going down ($2000). Today Sil told me that he is getting 2 full weeks off in December so we might go back to Peru for Christmas if the prices go down but I doubt it.

take care people
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-06-26 18:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
They offered us a very good deal for a direct flight if we leave from Newark but is a little too far from our house. We are very happy with the price we got.

We are the pther peruvians??? manifiestense!!

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-06-21 17:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
We are arriving in Lima on August 20th and we are coming back on the 31st, just one weekd and a hald but is somenthing, we are already planning what to do during our visit.

Sil says the same thing, he thinks that the prices for Christmas will go down, right not the tkts we are looking for is @ $2090, and I"m checking everyday, we don think that the price will go down so much.

I'm planning to back by myself for my mom's b-day in January for 10 days!

Take care people

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-06-20 22:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Hi everybody

Haven't been here for a while, as some of you know we were planning to go to Peru for Christamas but the tkts are extremely expensive and we don't think the prices will go down, so we just purchased our tkts to Peru for August, we are paying $808.30, not bad at all right?? we called a our travel agency, and we checked different websites but couldn't match the price that was giving.
I'm so happy, I'll be there for my b-day!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-06-19 20:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Dani and Enrique, good luck on your interview!!

MandyR, I agree with you the prices are very expensive right now, I might have to wait and go in January by myself unsure.gif .

Enjoy the day Off EVERYBODY!
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-05-26 12:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

How's everybody??? well here I'm a little nervous because we are planning to go to Peru for Christmas and the tkts are extremely expensive.
In the beginning of April I found tkts via COPA for $838 RT an unbelievable price but didn't buy them (don't ask)a week later we checked again and the same tkts were $1650 and now $2070. Do you think the tkts will go down?? or I should start looking of tkts for January???

cuidense todos y manifiestense!!!
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-05-22 21:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Yes, we have alot of poor people in Peru, Sil got a glance of it during his first trip, he went to visit some schools and give some donations from catholics schools from NYC,he got to visit the shanty towns and poor towns from Chimbote Trujillo and Chiclayo, so he got a clear understanding of the situation in Peru. He got robbed twice but he understands that because of the poverty people need to survive and feed their families.

He was a little surprised when he saw the nice areas of Lima, to be honest we spend alot of time in those areas, he felt safer there.

I was a little surprise too when I saw homeless people in NY, in Peru we have another idea of how life is in the States. I have to take the train to Grand Central everyday and I see people asking for money walking through the train, or sleeping in the train stations, I would never imagine in a million times that I will see something like that here but I guess that there are poor peole everywhere right? unsure.gif

Take care people.
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-03-31 20:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
I'm cooking right, I'll be here late.
Martin, my family is from Chepen too!!!! how funny star_smile.gif

SeeYa later guys

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-03-28 19:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Hi Everybody!!

Athena, yes Sil knows the exact location of your school, he lived there for two years. You know how to make ceviche??? good.gif , to be honest I never try to make it, I prefer to go to a peruvian restaurant.
What about Mirko? does he like soccer?? It's so funny, when I met Sil he didn't know anything about soccer but know he is worst than a peruvian (right now he is watching on tv argentinian soccer) he watches soccer all the freaking time, on the weekends we have soccer for breakfast, lunch and dinner, he doesn't even watch baseball anymore!!! wacko.gif

Angela is great that you know how to cook and if it's peruvian food even better, I agree with you when you say that our food is delicious, I was a tour guide in Peru and always brought my tourists to try our food and they always fell in love with it. Before I moved here my mom gave me the book "Que cocinare Hoy??? by Nicolini, and you have no idea of how much it helped me.
You live in San Miguel right? I'm familiar with that area, specially with el club del BCR, right next to IPAE, my dad works in the BCR and I spent all my childhood there.

It's very funny but the first time I went back to Peru after moving here I felt a little weird, the traffic drove me crazy, the noise in the streets and the insecurity. I love Lima but I have to say that I feel so much safe here. Here you see people with their lap tops in the train or their listening music on their Ipods walking in the streets, you can't do that in Lima, here people they respect you and you don't have to hide anything.

Martin, Congratulations!!! your wifey is finally coming home!!!!!!!!!!! star_smile.gif .

Guys I gotta go, tomorrow is friday kicking.gif I need to relax!
Take care
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-03-27 20:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Athena (by the way, is that your real name???), I think you told me in the past that you are from Albany, Sil went to the U.of Albany he promised that he will take me there sometime, I think that he has a few friends that still living there.

About $$$, yeah, you know how expensive NYC could be, at first we thougt about moving to Manhattan but after Sil checked the prices we decided to stay away, a Studio could go for $1800!!! can you believe that ?????????????????? I have a friend that lives in the Upeer East Side and she pays for a 2 BDR apartment $5800 a month, that's ridiculous.
People definitely earn less money in Peru than here, when I mention salaries of $60,000 a year the get very surprised what they don't know is how much Uncle Sam gets from it. Over there we never mention how much we make a year but how much we make a month and usually we get pay once a month.

In our last trip we visited a cousin that just got married and bought a nice apartment in San Borja (are we talking about the same couple??) they live in a 2 BDR with a small patio where they can have BBQ's, a nice kitchen, big living living room and dining room, family room and a small room for the maid, they paid $65,000 for it and we Sil heard that he wanted to move to Lima. Something like that heere will be around $450,000 according to Sil.

Another thing that I don't see here are the girls that help around the house or as we say in Peru "empleadas" or maids, here a girl will charge about $80 a day to clean the apartment. In Peru I was ussed to have a maid but here? forget it!!! so I have to do everything with a very little help from hubby but I don't mind I love to clean my house. I try to cook peruvian food almost everyday and Sil loves it, I'm very lucky, he says that he is "peruano" and of course loves the Pisco Sour and Chicha morada good.gif .

I think the american society is more materialistic and in Peru we are more family oriented, that's one of the things that Sil loves about my culture. I miss the big family reunions , the parties (you are so right, in our last trip, all my aunts and uncles invited us to their houses for special dinners it was a little too overwhelming). He is italian so every celebration goes around the food, in Peru is the alcohol!!!! and we love it!!!!!!!!!!!! kicking.gif hahahaha. Oh before I forget, I miss the campings in the beach too.

Time to go!
good night again

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-03-26 21:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Hey Guys!!

If you don't mind I would like to join this conversation. I'm peruvian too and came to this country about three years ago. I never thought about moving to this country, I felt that my life was complete in Lima, I have an awesome family, great career and great friends but when I met Sil (my hubby) he turned my life upside down. He proposed to me, we got married in Lima and after 6 months I got the Visa and came to NYC.
This is a huge city with a large hispanic comunity, now I can say that I have friends from all over the world.
I was very lucky because I got a job right away, not in my field that is tourism but something related, so don't worry Angela, I think that if you have your papers in order and speak english you will find plenty of oportunities here.

There are plenty of peruvian restaurants and bodegas here, not so close to my house but close enough. There are not taxis where I live, I take the train everyday to go to work, I work in Manhattan (or THE CITY) kind of a huge Miraflores, I like it alot because when I get bored I come back to the peace and quite of my home. I'm sure that in the beginning you will be a little surprise with the difference in the cost of living, here you can make alot of money but you spend alot too. Rent is pretty expensive comparing to the prices in Peru, I was in shock in the beginning but then you get used to that (1 BDR apartment could cost $1100a month)

Oh well, hope it helps. Hubby is calling me adn then we watch Magaly together.

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-03-26 20:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Congrats Martin!! Your wifey si going to be here very very soon, just tell her to bring plenty of peruvian products.

We do get Inc Kola at our local supermarket -PATHMARK- and we pay about $2.00 per bottle. My mom sends me chocolates and PRODUCTOS PROVENZAl too, in Peru I paid about $1.20 per bag and here I have to pay $3.50 not fair at all but what else can I do???

Angela If you still in Peru enjoy as much as you can, spend alot of time with your family and friends.

Gotta go guys
Good night!

QUOTE (Martin11581 @ Mar 25 2008, 07:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-03-25 20:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Hi Everybody!!

Welcome Angela, I'm sure that you will find alot of good advice and good friends on this site, Bienvenida a Visa Journey!!!!!!

Athena, yes, peruvian people like to party alot!!! ok, maybe not everybody most of the people love to celebarte kicking.gif .
We are getting ready to go for dinner to my in laws, they are having an special dinner and I'm making "canchita" plus "chicha morada" to bring there, they love them there.

Time to, Happy Easter to everybody!!!

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-03-23 14:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Aura is my favotite club in Lima, another good one but is not really a club is Mama Batata in Larcomar too. I can't wait to goo back to Peru and party!!! kicking.gif
We just came back from a peruvian restaurant, we had a ceviche mixto to share, Sil ordered anticuchos with choclo peruano and I ordered "camarons empanizados" yummy yummy good.gif .

Good night!
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-03-22 20:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
I was talking about AURA!!! HAHAHAHAHA.
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-03-22 13:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Felices Pascuas everybody!!

Yeah, Cusco is so much fun, I lived there after I finished school, it was an awesome experience and Athena I agree with you, whenever they saw Sil they chased him but when they saw me they run blink.gif . Everytime I tried to buy some sourvenir I had to tell Sil to stay away from me.
The same thing happened to us is Lima but not at any indian market but in Miraflores or in some club, just to think about it makes me laugh. Girls trying to flirt with my hubby (I COULDN'T LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!!! not even if I had to go to the bathroom) mad.gif , of course they dissapeared as soon as they saw my angry face.

Take care people!!
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-03-21 16:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

What about the languages???? Is the baby learning both???
Are you having any problem with that? I don't have babies but I'm prepared with my "Yola" and 'Nubeluz" Cd's jajajaja.
Did Chris like Cusco?

take care
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-03-20 20:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Pictures!!!!! Please!!!
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-03-18 19:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Welcome Back Melissa!!
How's the litle one doing???

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-03-17 19:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
QUOTE (Martin11581 @ Mar 14 2008, 03:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

BUENA SUERTE!!!!! kicking.gif

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-03-16 20:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Hola Peru!!

Veroka nice picture from your last trip!. It might sound crazy but I'm already looking for tkts for Christmas, Sil thinks that I'm crazy and we should wait a little bit 'cause the prices are little bit to high ($1800) and I agree with him. We had a little dilema beacuse my parents want to come to visit us in August but I already promised Sil that we are going on vacation ( our second honey moon), so I had to tell them that next year because I can't take so much time off from job.

Yes, Patterson is full of peruvian restaurants and NYC too. I'm happy 'cause I just found out that they are selling Inca Kola in my super market.

MandyR, how's the baby doing??? and how was the trip to Peru?? we want to see pictures!!

Take care everybody!
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-03-11 16:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Congratulations for the new house Veroka!!!!

We miss you here and lucky you that can go back to Peru next month, I was planning to go soon but because of my new job I can't, we are already planning to go to Peru for next Christmas and as you can imagine I'm already counting the days, jajajaja.

No pictures???? we posted a bunch a few weeks ago.

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-01-05 00:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Feliz Navidad

Unas muy felices fiestas para mis amigos del VJ, que la pasen lindo en compania de sus seres queridos. Nosotros ya cenamos la tipica cena italiana, ahora falta solo esperar a las 12 y manana nos toca una pequena reunion con toda la familia Mazzella.

Merry Christmas for all my friends from VJ, have a great time next to the ones you love. We already had a tipycal italian dinner, now we are just waiting for midnight and tomorrow we will have a little party with all the Mazzella family

Feliz Navidad!!
Merry Christmas!!
Buon Natale!!!!

Sil & Vi Mazzella
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2007-12-24 23:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

Congratualions for the Happy Family and as Melissa said, can't wait to see pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kicking.gif

BTW, Dec 19th is my daddy's b'day and he is a real Angel.

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2007-12-22 14:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Yep, we sent lots of pictures,,,, wacko.gif
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2007-12-09 00:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Melissa: It's funny that you mention that, I told Sil about your green card to we both imagine that your little boy makes a big difference, I keep teasing him, if we have a baby by now we won't be dealing with this GC fiasco. We sent a bunch of documents but didnt't make them happy, so we are gathering more documents.

MandyR: Imagine how happy, and excited your wifey is, her mommy is coming to the States!! and is going to be a great help.

It seems that this is the year of the boys, Melissa had a boy (Little Christopher), you are having a boy and Tracy is having a boy too.

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2007-12-07 19:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Melissa : Lucky, you, we are having some "technical" problems with my Permanent Green card, they gave us a RFE and now we have to send them more proofs, can you believe that???, Oh well, we will be sending more documents maybe the next week, this time I'm planning to send at leats 10 affidavits.

MandyR: How's your wifey doing? getting ready for the little one???.

Take care
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2007-12-06 20:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
I forgot....

I asked Santa if he can send me a baby this Christmas, he said, MAYBE....

And I'm currently looking for another job... I'm not so happy with my new job, not what I expected.

Take care
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2007-11-26 20:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Hello everybody!!!

Congratulations Tracy, a little boy, but are you sure is just one? I imagine how happy Luis and his family are.

We had a great dinner, but honesly to see the turkey and the family reunited made me think about my family and that made me a bit emotional .
I still full from yesterday and today we went shopping, we left the house at 6am and almost finish with our Christmas list, we got some amazing deals and we are very happy about that.

That's about it.

Have a good night!
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2007-11-23 22:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Hi Guys!

Getting ready for turkey??? me too, I'm not going to cook this year, we are invited to Sil's parents house and on friday we will try to go shopping very early in the morning, I'm pretty excited because is the first "Black Friday" when I don't have to work.

I finally got a credit card about a month ago, I've been very responsible about it, thank you for your advice Melissa!!, be sure thta I will be calling my bank to check on my credit, they told me thta in about 6 motnhs I can apply for a "Real" Credit card and I can get my money back.

I still waiting for my Green card, 6 months and nothing!!!

Happy Thanksgiving para todos!!!
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2007-11-21 20:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Good morning everybody

Good news, I opened a new checking account at Washington Mutual and got approved for a Secured Credit card, I think that's the easiest way. I put down $300 and in about 10 days I'll be getting a new Master Card credit card. I thought that they were going to keep my $300 but they explained me that after a few months I can show the records of all the payments I make and they can approve me for a real credit card.

Thanks everybody for sharing your experiences with me

Have a great day
VI good.gif
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2007-10-24 05:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Well, yesterday I went to Commerce bank and they were giving me some problems because my Green Card expired and I'm waiting for the new one, I brought my extension letter but that didn't help, so I got annoyed and went to Washington Mutual and opened a new checking account, I asked for a Credit car and they offered me the Secured card MandyR mentioned, I'm willing to do that, I'm thinking in going today and apply for one. Question, If I put down $500 am I going to get my money back sometime in the future? I know I should asked this yesterday at the bank.


I came to this country 2 years and 3 months ago, July 3rd 2005 to be exact. I still missing my family but my job, new friends, new activities are filling than emptiness in my life. I love to spend time with my hubby, work out (alot) cook and read!

I have to continue working...
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2007-10-23 07:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
This is my last week waking up at 4.30am to go to work, did I tell you that I have to leave my house at 4.50am? no more walking at night by myself!!!!!!!!!
Finally a job with regular hours!!!!!!!!! Sorry I'm just venting.. kicking.gif

By the way a little question for the peruvians:::, I'm trying to build some credit in this country, I used to have a credit card with my name but was really my hubby' s credit card, so for two years we thought that I was building some credit here and then we found out that not, what a waste of time and money... what are you doing to build your credit line in the States???

Where are you working no?????

Gotta go... I don't know what to cook, any advice???

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2007-10-22 17:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Thanks MandyR, I'm really happy about that too, I'm a little sad because I'm going to leave good friends but is time to move on.
How is your wifey doing??? How is everybody doing???

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2007-10-19 16:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Erika's HUSBAND:

Well to be honest I used to say that to my hubby too, that everything was going to be alright but the 1st year was very hard for me, I come from a a very big, close family and I miss every moment with them but my husband was EXTREMELY patient with me. As Veroka said, wasn't until I got a new job, made new friends and started making my own money that I started feeling much better.

Good luck in your journey.

By the way, VEROKA how's everything?? we haven't heard from you for a long time, how was the trip tp Canada?

Hugs for everybody

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2007-10-19 06:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

Just want to share some good news, NO, I'm not pregnant yet. I decided to stay and and go on vacaction to Peru next year, well I was job hunting too and recently (last monday) got a new job!!!!! With regular hours, all the benefits, 3 weeks of vacation all the holidays, I'm so happpy and my hubby is very happy for me too.

Well havea great day amigos good.gif

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2007-10-18 16:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
kicking.gif Felicidades TracyLuis

I'm so feliz for you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your good news made my day.

I'm a little bit sad 'cause my little sister left last saturday, you know how sad is to say good bye, I cried all saturday, we really miss her at home I got so used to have her here with me. She had a great time in NYC but she said that she can't see herself moving to the States, it's too diferent to Peru.
My hubby sees me really depressed and he says that I should go back to visit my family for a month so I can recharge my batteries, I found an awesome price $463!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! round trip and all the fees included via Lacsa, with a few stops but I don't care, I need some family time wacko.gif the only problem is that my green card expired on July 3rd and I still waiting for my 10 year green card, it can take up to a year crying.gif, of course I can't leave without being sure that I can come back to the States.

That's it
have a great day amigos!!!!

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2007-09-17 08:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Thanks MandyR

As I said before I'm very close to my sister and we look alot alike, she's my little sister (23) and I feel that since I moved to this country we became even closer. I know that I can go to visit her and my family whenever I want but it's not really that easy, I have some responsabilities now, a husband to take care of and a job plus next year he wants to go on a 'REAL VACATION" as he says, I undestand that he had been to my country 13 times (too many??) but family is family and I won't change that for 1 year travelling the world (exagerating a lil' bit)

I'm sure you will have plenty of help during the cruise, my in laws are going on a cruise to Canada next week (I can't wait whistling.gif )


Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2007-09-06 06:36:00