Canada? re: passport as evidence, but need to renew
That's great. Thanks for the info!
beachgirlFemaleCanada2012-01-23 17:50:00
Canada? re: passport as evidence, but need to renew
Okay, now that I know NOA2 is coming and the packet, I need to figure out what to do regarding my passport. It expires Sept this year. I'm hoping to be in Vancouver for the medical and Interview beginning of May. I am going to hopefully enter the states twice before this. I've been twice since filing and had no problems. Anyway, I need my passport til April, but need the visa issued in the new passport. Once I apply to renew, do I need the old one for evidence at the interview? We included photo copies of all the pages with the petition. Would these still work at interview (with new copies of recent stamps) Or do I need the old passport in hand. I'm pretty sure you have to surrender the old one to get a new one. Not sure how to go about this. Anyone done something similar? Have advise? Thanks in advance.

I'm still shaking with excitement to have put the 5 month wait to rest. :) Hope everyone else close gets good news soon!
beachgirlFemaleCanada2012-01-23 15:34:00
Canadapre-interview questions
Thanks! I guess I'm just wondering if there is any reason I SHOULD have an official custody doc. more for after the move. Hope the letter is enough, I trust it is if thats what they said.

My son does have a passport with 4 years left before expiration. I want to send the stuff to Vancouver this week so I can book and schedule my medical and interview for the time I want ( mid May) So I don't want to wait too long. I also plan to go to the states end of April so I need the new one before then, but want the old one back in time as well. I have a ton of stamps from the last 2 years for proof :)
beachgirlFemaleCanada2012-02-28 14:08:00
Canadapre-interview questions
Hi everyone! Just getting all my info together to send in to Vancouver. I'm concerned about my passport. I have to renew it before my interview (hoping for May) If I send in all the info now with my current passport, is there going to be problems having a new one at interview time?

One other question, I am bringing my son with me to the states. I have a notarized letter of permission from his dad. We don't have any court documents for custody etc. We were never legally married. Has anyone been in similar situation? Any problems? I emailed Van. Consulate and they said the letter should be enough. Just wanted to hear if anyone had problems.

beachgirlFemaleCanada2012-02-28 13:10:00
CanadaPolice Check.. can someone put my mind at ease?
Ty for the responses. Hopefully it's not a big deal. I showed her the checklist, and she said the wording of the search results are the same, it's just how it's titled so I guess it should be okay.

beachgirlFemaleCanada2012-03-06 00:23:00
CanadaPolice Check.. can someone put my mind at ease?
So In Edmonton I went to the main headquarters police station. I tell them I need a police check, criminal record check blah blah. The lady notices that I selected " for visa for work/travel " She says are you moving there? I say yes. Then she says well you need an immigration one right? I said I'm not sure. It's for a VISA. I enter the states with a visa, I have 90 days to meet the requirements and then AOS. I'm not entering the states with status or as a spouse and the Visa application clearly states NONIMMIGRANT. So we pondered, she asked a few other people there and decided to put FOR VISA for TRAVEL. Basically, the information is exactly the same, just how it's titled at the top. Does anyone know if this is okay? Did anyone have the same thing happen? I just hope I didn't pay for it, take it there and find out I have to do it all over again. I am going insane trying to make sense of all this stuff. UGh..

beachgirlFemaleCanada2012-03-05 21:12:00
CanadaVancouver interview, confused about loomis
Sounds easy lol.. Thanks for the replies. I'll try to get into that site again.

beachgirlFemaleCanada2012-05-14 09:32:00
CanadaVancouver interview, confused about loomis
Just getting all my ducks in a row before my interview in a week and a bit and I'm a bit confused now. I have my email/receipt showing payment and interview booking info. Says passport will be sent to location entered above, fine.. Says to log in to get waybill. Log into where? I remember doing something online to book the appointment, but now it's slipped my memory and I have no idea if I have an account or where to go. Am I supposed to make an account with Loomis? Is there a consulate related site I'm supposed to log in to?

Any help appreciated! TIA!!
beachgirlFemaleCanada2012-05-12 14:52:00
CanadaLast and final question about interview.. Hopefully..
So, I have all my ducks, but the row isn't looking so great at the moment. I'm curious about bringing paperwork to the interview. My fiance gave me a binder of a copy of the exact I-129 package with everything in it. Should I bring it to the interview? I'm thinking they will have it there.. I have extra stuff as well, flight tickets, photos etc. since the original package was sent, I plan to bring it as well. I have the rest of the stuff listed in order I think. Should i have photocopies of the birth certs? Anything else I should photocopy? I will need some sort if ID to get on the plane home and i'm hoping the give me the birth certs back..

If anyone knows of something that might not be mentioned in checklists etc. please share :)



oh ps... My son will be with me, at the interview is there somewhere he can sit and wait? I know cause of his age he probably wont be questioned, but I can't leave him either.
beachgirlFemaleCanada2012-05-14 09:37:00
CanadaFiance Letter of intent
Uh oh... Do we need an updated letter of intent for the interview? I thought I read somewhere we just have to verbally swear it or something. Guess my fiance will have to sign and pdf me one if so.. ugh i hate all these details I just know I'm gonna forget something.

Good luck on your interview!!
beachgirlFemaleCanada2012-05-14 21:26:00
CanadaVaccines.. ugh
Test results came back, I am fully immune to chicken pox :) YAY! I never got sick or had a mark so guess I'm one of the lucky ones. So now, as long as I have one dose of MMR I should be good hopefully. No more needles.. this week anyway..
beachgirlFemaleCanada2012-05-15 10:46:00
CanadaVaccines.. ugh
Thanks for the replies everyone! I'll find out about Varicella next week and get the first round if needed. I will bring a copy of the email saying I don't require a second MMR as well. I am 39 now, got MMR when I was 11. It could be the age thing just like I don't need a mennigicocal ? But my 11 year old son does. I can get the second Varicella and MMR before I leave this summer here in Alberta if needed, so hopefully everything goes smooth.
beachgirlFemaleCanada2012-05-10 08:36:00
CanadaVaccines.. ugh
Just got an email. As long as I have proof of the first MMR, I don't need a second.. Phew.. I still need the Varicella if I'm not immune, but there is no conflict now getting both so I'm good either way. Such a relief.. To go this far without screwing up and then blow the medical would suck..

Thanks for the info, good luck with your journeys!!

oh, ps.. I am one of the few I guess that has all my records of vaccinations from birth on. My dad was very meticulous and kept everything :) Even my card and bracelet from birth :)

Edited by beachgirl, 09 May 2012 - 02:29 PM.

beachgirlFemaleCanada2012-05-09 14:27:00
CanadaVaccines.. ugh
ah darnit.. I was afraid of that.. If I need both, apparantly I can only get one before the interview They wont do both within a month.. Arg.. I really hope I get a surprise and I'm immune to chicken pox.. I wonder if I need a second MMR, and CP if I do round one of CP and HAVE round one of MMR will that do for now.. Guess I'll wait and see what they say. I just can't go back to Vancouver after this trip.. Stupid me.. I thought I was all good lol.

Thanks for the response :)
beachgirlFemaleCanada2012-05-08 23:05:00
CanadaVaccines.. ugh
Okay.. My medical is the third week of May.. I have to travel to Vancouver and I'm freaking out now. I had an appointment today to get my vaccines updated. Tdap and Varricella I thought. I decided to be honest and admit that I haven't had chicken pox and therefore need a vaccine. Thinking that the bloodwork in Vancouver will show I've never had it. I'm not quite 40, but older than 30 lol :D the nurse says " No way at your age you haven't had it " I say way, no memory of it by me or my mom.. So, she says I need the test to find out. Fair enough, I get that done tomorrow and find out. Meanwhile, looking at my records they see I had MMR when I was 11, just one round. Apparantly, that is normal and I don't NEED the second, but it wouldn't hurt either. Problem is this. IF I need both, I have to wait a month between them so at my medical my vaccines will be incomplete.

Best possible outcome, I AM immune to chicken pox, only need MMR and I'm fine. Worse case, I need CP vaccine and maybe just the one round of MMR 20 some years ago is good enough..

Anyone my age range find out if MMR once is enough? Do they require two rounds if your say 35? Seems like Woking medical will send you to get any shots you need, but the nurse today says you can't bunch some of them together.

Just looking for piece of mind or solid advise. I've emailed Woking to see what they say, but I'm in panic mode now and would love to sleep tonight lol..

beachgirlFemaleCanada2012-05-08 22:17:00
CanadaAnyone doing medical this Wed. and interview Thursay in Vancouver?
Will be there this week. Hoping I have everything I need. Of this whole process, this last week has been the most stressful lol. Anyway, if anyone here is going to be in Vancouver Wed and Thurs, say hi. I'll be the ragged looking 30 something with a miserable kid who will be disconnected from his xbox.
beachgirlFemaleCanada2012-05-21 21:11:00
CanadaDS-160 Confusion
If the DS-160 is the form that you have to do online and add the photo, no you don't. I just interviewed there last week. I had the DS-156 and 156k ( two of one of them) and I think that was it. I'm really bad at remembering what forms are what. I also started with the 160 but asked via email something and they said no, don't need it. I think it was that form. For support, I had an original 134 that my fiance gave me in Feb. and 3 years of tax forms. W2 I think? That was all I needed. I did have new letter of intent, but they did not ask for it. Interview times were quite long. We got there early, about 9:30 for a 10:00 appointment, they took us in right away but we didn't get out of there til aout 11:30. I'll do a review soon.
beachgirlFemaleCanada2012-05-28 21:26:00
CanadaLast check and signing off from Canada for the last time!
Thank you for the replies. I have everything in check. Just curious though about the customs form.. I have done the 3299 for the movers, have the 2 forms for the car. Is the customs form something I do when I get there?

Hope it goes smoothly and the movers show up quick after. They said it could be 3 - 12 days! ugh.. lol
beachgirlFemaleCanada2012-08-01 12:11:00
CanadaLast check and signing off from Canada for the last time!
So I'm POEing this Thursday. Driving through Sumas K1 & K2 visa. Just want to double check anything required before I pack up my computer and printer.
I have the obvious, sealed envelopes, passports with visa's, Hs7 for car, the moving co. has what they need I think. Anyone have a summary of the must have's or dont's etc.? Much appreciated and a big shout out to all of you for being around and sharing all the info that got me to this point! Couldn't have done it without this forum :)
beachgirlFemaleCanada2012-07-31 22:57:00
CanadaWoking Medical is CLOSING
Wow that sucks. Glad I was there at the end of May. I feel like I kind of owe most of my life to Woking as my medical resulted in emergency surgery 2 weeks later to have a massive tumor removed :( Luckily it was all good and exactly 6 weeks later my dr. gave me the clear to travel so I POE this Thursday! :) Hope the new dr. works out well for all the west side people.
beachgirlFemaleCanada2012-07-31 22:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 from CSC Approved!!
Thank you all! Very relieved.. I checked status online on Friday and it was still in review, then today it all changed and I almost threw my laptop on the floor in excitement :)
beachgirlFemaleCanada2012-01-23 15:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 from CSC Approved!!
Finally.. Okay, I have been a slacker here and haven't done a timeline but I will try to figure it out today. Just wanted everyone dealing with waiting for NOA2 from CSC to know they are on it. Our file date was August 25 and they mailed out the approval notice Jan 19.. YAHOOOOOOOOO!!

Now the fun part. Hang in there, we were just 3 days under 5 months wait. Hopefully this shows they are speeding up.
beachgirlFemaleCanada2012-01-23 14:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-1 Visa Approved!!
Congratulations!! I interview Thursday in Vancouver. So nice to see the end is near and so many people getting approved :)
beachgirlFemaleCanada2012-05-22 10:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa Approved!!
Just wanted to share, my interview went great and Visa approved :) Thank you sooo much to everyone on this forum for all the questions answered and constant support and encouragement.
I will probably do a review soon, just got home. A few things were different from what is currently mentioned so I'll share that soon. One thing, for Woking Medical you now only need 1 passport photo. The update hasn't been posted, but that is what they said last week and sent me out of there with the two remaining photos.
beachgirlFemaleCanada2012-05-28 21:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting K1 ready, G325A form ?
Great, thanks everyone!
beachgirlFemaleCanada2011-07-27 22:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting K1 ready, G325A form ?
Hi everyone, just wondering about the G325A form, the one I see to download shows it expires 06/30/11 Just wondering if there is a hidden new form or is this one acceptable? I've tried searching, but under a crunch time and need it ASAP lol. Thanks! Looking forward to sharing the journey with you all soon :)
beachgirlFemaleCanada2011-07-27 22:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRec'd instructions from Vancouver Consulate, few ?s
Hi Everyone, wow things move fast after NOA2 :) I rec'd a letter from the VAN Consulate, have gone online and am trying to make sure I get this right.

First off, I fill out BOTH DS-156 and DS-156K forms? Online, not online.. Think I get all that. I have a question though about question Ug.. Can't get to it now, stupid software and I'm all Mac's here. I did see it though before, it's the question about " Has anyone filed a petition for a visa for you before?" something like that. What do you put here? Obviously, getting a K1 application means someone filed a petition, but I saw an example where it was filled in as NO. Is this right? What do I put there?

Second, on the instructions, about support, it just says that the Affidavit is required, don't see anything about tax transcripts. Anyone gone through Vancouver confirm this? I thought I need 3 years of his tax stuff.

I think that's all for now, once I dive in and actually start filling it out, I may be back lol.

Thanks in adavance!
beachgirlFemaleCanada2012-02-09 20:30:00